blob: 4f0648c6d9bc31fb32840991d23b21d1359e4c40 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Simple program for storing data to I2C EEPROM.
This program is deprecated, please use eeprog instead.
The EEPROM must be a large EEPROM which uses a 2-byte address
field (24C32 or larger). It will NOT WORK on small EEPROMs
(24C01 - 24C16) such as those used on SDRAM DIMMs.
Tested only on 24C256.
This program is intended for use on eeproms using external busses such as
Do not use this on your SDRAM DIMM EEPROMS, it won't work!!!!!!!!!
Doing so will render your SDRAM USELESS and leave your system UNBOOTABLE!!!
-r read
-w write
-e erase
-p print "super block of EEPROM" (date and size stored data)
Daniel Smolik