| .TH HFSC 8 "31 October 2011" iproute2 Linux |
| . |
| .SH NAME |
| HFSC \- Hierarchical Fair Service Curve's control under linux |
| . |
| .nf |
| tc qdisc add ... hfsc [ \fBdefault\fR CLASSID ] |
| |
| tc class add ... hfsc [ [ \fBrt\fR SC ] [ \fBls\fR SC ] | [ \fBsc\fR SC ] ] [ \fBul\fR SC ] |
| |
| \fBrt\fR : realtime service curve |
| \fBls\fR : linkshare service curve |
| \fBsc\fR : rt+ls service curve |
| \fBul\fR : upperlimit service curve |
| |
| \(bu at least one of \fBrt\fR, \fBls\fR or \fBsc\fR must be specified |
| \(bu \fBul\fR can only be specified with \fBls\fR or \fBsc\fR |
| . |
| .IP "SC := [ [ \fBm1\fR BPS ] \fBd\fR SEC ] \fBm2\fR BPS" |
| \fBm1\fR : slope of the first segment |
| \fBd\fR : x\-coordinate of intersection |
| \fBm2\fR : slope of the second segment |
| .PP |
| .IP "SC := [ [ \fBumax\fR BYTE ] \fBdmax\fR SEC ] \fBrate\fR BPS" |
| \fBumax\fR : maximum unit of work |
| \fBdmax\fR : maximum delay |
| \fBrate\fR : rate |
| .PP |
| .fi |
| For description of BYTE, BPS and SEC \- please see \fBUNITS\fR |
| section of \fBtc\fR(8). |
| . |
| .SH DESCRIPTION (qdisc) |
| HFSC qdisc has only one optional parameter \- \fBdefault\fR. CLASSID specifies |
| the minor part of the default classid, where packets not classified by other |
| means (e.g. u32 filter, CLASSIFY target of iptables) will be enqueued. If |
| \fBdefault\fR is not specified, unclassified packets will be dropped. |
| . |
| .SH DESCRIPTION (class) |
| HFSC class is used to create a class hierarchy for HFSC scheduler. For |
| explanation of the algorithm, and the meaning behind \fBrt\fR, \fBls\fR, |
| \fBsc\fR and \fBul\fR service curves \- please refer to \fBtc\-hfsc\fR(7). |
| |
| As you can see in \fBSYNOPSIS\fR, service curve (SC) can be specified in two |
| ways. Either as maximum delay for certain amount of work, or as a bandwidth |
| assigned for certain amount of time. Obviously, \fBm1\fR is simply |
| \fBumax\fR/\fBdmax\fR. |
| |
| Both \fBm2\fR and \fBrate\fR are mandatory. If you omit other |
| parameters, you will specify linear service curve. |
| . |
| .SH "SEE ALSO" |
| . |
| \fBtc\fR(8), \fBtc\-hfsc\fR(7), \fBtc\-stab\fR(8) |
| |
| Please direct bugreports and patches to: <netdev@vger.kernel.org> |
| . |
| .SH "AUTHOR" |
| . |
| Manpage created by Michal Soltys (soltys@ziu.info) |