blob: 0715e0e7830998fbf4fd316a876068c5889f0aca [file] [log] [blame]
* arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/puddy-common.dtsi
* Copyright (C) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
/ {
model = "Amlogic";
compatible = "amlogic, g12b";
interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
aliases {
serial0 = &uart_AO;
serial1 = &uart_A;
serial2 = &uart_B;
serial3 = &uart_C;
serial4 = &uart_AO_B;
i2c0 = &i2c0;
i2c1 = &i2c1;
i2c2 = &i2c2;
i2c3 = &i2c3;
i2c4 = &i2c_AO;
tsensor0 = &p_tsensor;
tsensor1 = &d_tsensor;
memory@00000000 {
device_type = "memory";
linux,usable-memory = <0x0 0x100000 0x0 0x7ff00000>;
reserved-memory {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
/* global autoconfigured region for contiguous allocations */
ramoops@0x20000000 {
compatible = "ramoops";
reg = <0x0 0x20000000 0x0 0x00100000>;
record-size = <0x8000>;
console-size = <0x8000>;
ftrace-size = <0x0>;
pmsg-size = <0x8000>;
secmon_reserved:linux,secmon {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0x2400000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x05000000 0x0 0x2400000>;
secos_reserved:linux,secos {
status = "disable";
compatible = "amlogic, aml_secos_memory";
reg = <0x0 0x05300000 0x0 0x2000000>;
logo_reserved:linux,meson-fb {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0x800000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
alloc-ranges = <0x0 0x76800000 0x0 0x800000>;
ion_cma_reserved:linux,ion-dev {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0x8000000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
//di_reserved:linux,di {
//compatible = "amlogic, di-mem";
/* buffer_size = 3621952(yuv422 8bit) */
/* 4179008(yuv422 10bit full pack mode) */
/** 10x3621952=34.6M(0x23) support 8bit **/
/** 10x4736064=45.2M(0x2e) support 12bit **/
/** 10x4179008=40M(0x28) support 10bit **/
//size = <0x0 0x2800000>;
/*di CMA pool */
//di_cma_reserved:linux,di_cma {
// compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
// reusable;
/* buffer_size = 3621952(yuv422 8bit)
* | 4736064(yuv422 10bit)
* | 4074560(yuv422 10bit full pack mode)
* 10x3621952=34.6M(0x23) support 8bit
* 10x4736064=45.2M(0x2e) support 12bit
* 10x4074560=40M(0x28) support 10bit
// size = <0x0 0x02800000>;
// alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
ppmgr_reserved:linux,ppmgr {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0x0>;
codec_mm_cma:linux,codec_mm_cma {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0x10800000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
/* codec shared reserved */
codec_mm_reserved:linux,codec_mm_reserved {
compatible = "amlogic, codec-mm-reserved";
size = <0x0 0x0>;
alignment = <0x0 0x100000>;
/* YUV decoder V4L2 CMA */
codec_yuvdecoder_cma:linux,yuvdecoder_cma {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
size = <0x0 0xc00000>;
/* vdin0 CMA pool */
//vdin0_cma_reserved:linux,vdin0_cma {
// compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
// reusable;
/* 1920x1080x2x4 =16+4 M */
// size = <0x0 0x04000000>;
// alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
/* vdin1 CMA pool */
//vdin1_cma_reserved:linux,vdin1_cma {
// compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
// reusable;
/* 1920x1080x2x4 =16 M */
// size = <0x0 0x04000000>;
// alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
status = "okay";
size = <0x0 0x8C00000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x40000>;
adapt_cma_reserved:linux,adapt_cma {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
status = "okay";
size = <0x0 0x01000000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
gdc_cma_reserved:linux,gdc_cma {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
status = "okay";
size = <0x0 0x04000000>;
alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
galcore {
compatible = "amlogic, galcore";
dev_name = "galcore";
status = "okay";
interrupts = <0 147 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
interrupt-names = "galcore";
reg = <0x0 0xff100000 0x0 0x800>;
gpio_key {
compatible = "amlogic, gpio_keypad";
status = "okay";
scan_period = <20>;
key_num = <2>;
key_name = "vol_up", "vol_down";
key_code = <115 114>;
key-gpios = <&gpio GPIOC_5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH
detect_mode = <0>;/*0:polling mode, 1:irq mode*/
cvbsout {
compatible = "amlogic, cvbsout-g12a";
dev_name = "cvbsout";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clkc CLKID_VCLK2_ENCI
clock-names = "venci_top_gate",
/* performance: reg_address, reg_value */
/* s905x */
performance = <0x1bf0 0x9
0x1b56 0x343
0x1b12 0x8080
0x1b05 0xfd
0x1c59 0xf752
0xffff 0x0>; /* ending flag */
compatible = "amlogic, bt-dev";
dev_name = "bt-dev";
status = "okay";
gpio_reset = <&gpio GPIOX_17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
gpio_hostwake = <&gpio GPIOX_19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
compatible = "amlogic, aml_wifi";
dev_name = "aml_wifi";
status = "okay";
interrupt_pin = <&gpio GPIOX_7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
irq_trigger_type = "GPIO_IRQ_LOW";
power_on_pin = <&gpio GPIOX_6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
dhd_static_buf; //if use bcm wifi, config dhd_static_buf
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_e_pins>;
pwm_config = <&wifi_pwm_conf>;
pwm_channel1_conf {
pwms = <&pwm_ef MESON_PWM_0 30040 0>;
duty-cycle = <15020>;
times = <10>;
pwm_channel2_conf {
pwms = <&pwm_ef MESON_PWM_2 30030 0>;
duty-cycle = <15015>;
times = <12>;
codec_mm {
compatible = "amlogic, codec, mm";
memory-region = <&codec_mm_cma &codec_mm_reserved>;
dev_name = "codec_mm";
status = "okay";
amvenc_avc {
compatible = "amlogic, amvenc_avc";
dev_name = "amvenc_avc";
status = "okay";
interrupts = <0 45 1>;
interrupt-names = "mailbox_2";
ppmgr {
compatible = "amlogic, ppmgr";
memory-region = <&ppmgr_reserved>;
dev_name = "ppmgr";
status = "okay";
//deinterlace {
// compatible = "amlogic, deinterlace";
// status = "disabled";
/* 0:use reserved; 1:use cma; 2:use cma as reserved */
// flag_cma = <1>;
//memory-region = <&di_reserved>;
// memory-region = <&di_cma_reserved>;
// interrupts = <0 46 1
// 0 40 1>;
// interrupt-names = "pre_irq", "post_irq";
// clocks = <&clkc CLKID_VPU_CLKB_TMP_COMP>,
// clock-names = "vpu_clkb_tmp_composite",
// "vpu_clkb_composite";
// clock-range = <334 667>;
/* buffer-size = <3621952>;(yuv422 8bit) */
// buffer-size = <4074560>;/*yuv422 fullpack*/
/* reserve-iomap = "true"; */
/* if enable nr10bit, set nr10bit-support to 1 */
// post-wr-support = <1>;
// nr10bit-support = <1>;
// nrds-enable = <1>;
// pps-enable = <1>;
ionvideo {
compatible = "amlogic, ionvideo";
dev_name = "ionvideo";
status = "okay";
rng {
compatible = "amlogic,meson-rng";
status = "okay";
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
reg = <0x0 0xff630218 0x0 0x4>;
amlvecm {
compatible = "amlogic, vecm";
dev_name = "aml_vecm";
status = "okay";
gamma_en = <0>;/*1:enabel ;0:disable*/
wb_en = <0>;/*1:enabel ;0:disable*/
cm_en = <0>;/*1:enabel ;0:disable*/
vlock_en = <0>;
vlock_mode = <0x4>;
vlock_pll_m_limit = <1>;
vlock_line_limit = <3>;
amvdec_yuv {
compatible = "amlogic, amvdec_yuv";
memory-region = <&codec_yuvdecoder_cma>;
status = "okay";
amdolby_vision {
compatible = "amlogic, dolby_vision_g12a";
dev_name = "aml_amdolby_vision_driver";
status = "disabled";
tv_mode = <0>;/*1:enabel ;0:disable*/
/* Audio Related start */
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
compatible = "amlogic, pdm_dummy_codec";
status = "okay";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
compatible = "amlogic, aml_dummy_codec";
status = "okay";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
compatible = "amlogic, aml_codec_T9015";
reg = <0x0 0xFF632000 0x0 0x2000>;
is_auge_used = <1>; /* meson or auge chipset used */
tdmout_index = <1>;
status = "okay";
/*eq_enable = <1>;*/
/*drc_enable = <1>;*/
* 0:tdmout_a
* 1:tdmout_b
* 2:tdmout_c
* 3:spdifout
* 4:spdifout_b
eqdrc_module = <1>;
/* max 0xf, each bit for one lane, usually one lane */
lane_mask = <0x1>;
/* max 0xff, each bit for one channel */
channel_mask = <0x3>;
auge_sound {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-sound-card";
aml-audio-card,name = "AML-AUGESOUND";
//aml-audio-card,loopback = <&aml_loopback>;
//aml-audio-card,aux-devs = <&amlogic_codec>;
/*avout mute gpio*/
//avout_mute-gpios = <&gpio_ao GPIOAO_2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
/*for audio effect ,eqdrc */
aml-audio-card,effect = <&audio_effect>;
aml-audio-card,dai-link@0 {
format = "dsp_a";
mclk-fs = <256>;
//bitclock-master = <&tdmacodec>;
//frame-master = <&tdmacodec>;
/* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
* what's the dai link used for
suffix-name = "alsaPORT-pcm";
tdmacpu: cpu {
sound-dai = <&aml_tdma>;
dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <1>;
dai-tdm-slot-rx-mask = <1>;
dai-tdm-slot-num = <1>;
dai-tdm-slot-width = <16>;
system-clock-frequency = <24576000>;
tdmacodec: codec {
sound-dai = <&dummy_codec>;
aml-audio-card,dai-link@2 {
format = "i2s";
mclk-fs = <256>;
bitclock-master = <&aml_tdmc>;
frame-master = <&aml_tdmc>;
/* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
* what's the dai link used for
suffix-name = "alsaPORT-i2s";
cpu {
sound-dai = <&aml_tdmc>;
dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <1 1>;
dai-tdm-slot-rx-mask = <1 1>;
dai-tdm-slot-num = <2>;
dai-tdm-slot-width = <32>;
system-clock-frequency = <12288000>;
tdmccodec: codec {
prefix-names = "max98373";
sound-dai = <&max98373>;
aml-audio-card,dai-link@3 {
mclk-fs = <64>;
/* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
* what's the dai link used for
suffix-name = "alsaPORT-pdm";
cpu {
sound-dai = <&aml_pdm>;
codec {
sound-dai = <&pdm_codec>;
//aml-audio-card,dai-link@4 {
// mclk-fs = <128>;
// /* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
// * what's the dai link used for
// */
// suffix-name = "alsaPORT-spdif";
// cpu {
// sound-dai = <&aml_spdif>;
// system-clock-frequency = <6144000>;
// };
// codec {
// sound-dai = <&dummy_codec>;
// };
//aml-audio-card,dai-link@5 {
// mclk-fs = <128>;
// /* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
// * what's the dai link used for
// */
// suffix-name = "alsaPORT-hdmi";
// cpu {
// sound-dai = <&aml_spdif_b>;
// system-clock-frequency = <6144000>;
// };
// codec {
// sound-dai = <&dummy_codec>;
// };
* dai link for i2s to hdmix,
* Notice to select a tdm lane not used by hw
//aml-audio-card,dai-link@6 {
// format = "i2s";
// mclk-fs = <256>;
// bitclock-master = <&aml_i2s2hdmi>;
// frame-master = <&aml_i2s2hdmi>;
/* suffix-name, sync with android audio hal
* what's the dai link used for
// suffix-name = "alsaPORT-i2s2hdmi";
// cpu {
// sound-dai = <&aml_i2s2hdmi>;
// dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <1 1>;
// dai-tdm-slot-num = <2>;
// dai-tdm-slot-width = <32>;
// system-clock-frequency = <12288000>;
// };
// codec {
// sound-dai = <&dummy_codec>;
// };
audiolocker: locker {
compatible = "amlogic, audiolocker";
clocks = <&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_LOCKER_OUT
&clkc CLKID_MPLL2>;
clock-names = "lock_out", "lock_in", "out_src",
"in_src", "out_calc", "in_ref";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 1 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
interrupt-names = "irq";
frequency = <49000000>; /* pll */
dividor = <49>; /* locker's parent */
status = "disabled";
/* Audio Related end */
cpufreq-meson {
compatible = "amlogic, cpufreq-meson";
status = "okay";
* last opp-hz
* 0xffffffff:adjust cpufreq according to efuse info
* others:do not adjust
cpu_opp_table0: cpu_opp_table0 {
compatible = "operating-points-v2";
opp00 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <100000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp01 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <250000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp02 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <500000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp03 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <667000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp04 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp05 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
opp-microvolt = <731000>;
opp06 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1398000000>;
opp-microvolt = <761000>;
opp07 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1512000000>;
opp-microvolt = <791000>;
opp08 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1608000000>;
opp-microvolt = <831000>;
opp09 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1704000000>;
opp-microvolt = <861000>;
opp10 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1896000000>;
opp-microvolt = <1011000>;
cpu_opp_table1: cpu_opp_table1 {
compatible = "operating-points-v2";
opp00 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <100000000>;
opp-microvolt = <751000>;
opp01 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <250000000>;
opp-microvolt = <751000>;
opp02 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <500000000>;
opp-microvolt = <751000>;
opp03 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <667000000>;
opp-microvolt = <751000>;
opp04 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
opp-microvolt = <771000>;
opp05 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
opp-microvolt = <771000>;
opp06 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1398000000>;
opp-microvolt = <791000>;
opp07 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1512000000>;
opp-microvolt = <821000>;
opp08 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1608000000>;
opp-microvolt = <861000>;
opp09 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1704000000>;
opp-microvolt = <891000>;
opp10 {
opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <0xffffffff>;
opp-microvolt = <1011000>;
sensor: sensor {
compatible = "soc, sensor";
status = "okay";
clocks = <&clkc CLKID_24M>;
clock-names = "g12a_24m";
reset = <&gpio GPIOC_6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
vana-enable = <&gpio GPIOA_6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
vdig-enable = <&gpio GPIOH_7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
amber_led {
compatible = "pwm-leds";
status = "okay";
amber_led {
label = "amber_led_pwm";
pwms = <&pwm_AO_ab MESON_PWM_0 500000 0>;
max-brightness = <4095>;
green_led {
compatible = "pwm-leds";
status = "okay";
green_led {
label = "green_led_pwm";
pwms = <&pwm_ef MESON_PWM_1 500000 0>;
max-brightness = <4095>;
thermistor-ch1 {
compatible = "murata,ncp03wf104";
pullup-uv = <1800000>;
pullup-ohm = <47000>;
pulldown-ohm = <0>;
io-channels = <&saradc SARADC_CH1>;
thermistor-ch2 {
compatible = "murata,ncp03wf104";
pullup-uv = <1800000>;
pullup-ohm = <47000>;
pulldown-ohm = <0>;
io-channels = <&saradc SARADC_CH2>;
thermistor-ch3 {
compatible = "murata,ncp03wf104";
pullup-uv = <1800000>;
pullup-ohm = <47000>;
pulldown-ohm = <0>;
io-channels = <&saradc SARADC_CH3>;
}; /* end of / */
&pwm_AO_ab {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_ao_a_pins>;
&i2c0 {
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = <400000>;
ftxx@38 {
compatible = "focaltech,fts";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x38>;
focaltech,irq-gpio = <&gpio GPIOZ_15 0x00>;
focaltech,reset-gpio = <&gpio GPIOZ_9 0x00>;
focaltech,display-coords = <0 0 799 1279>;
focaltech,max-touch-number = <5>;
&i2c3 {
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = <100000>; /* default 100k */
sensor-i2c@36 {
compatible = "arm, i2c-sensor";
reg = <0x36>;
reg-names = "i2c-sensor";
slave-addr = <0x6c>;
reg-type = <2>;
reg-data-type = <1>;
link-device = <&phycsi>;
bl: backlight@2c {
compatible = "ti,lp8556";
reg = <0x2c>;
bl-name = "lcd-bl";
// only read eeprom on initial power-up, brightness register
// control only, backlight enabled
dev-ctrl = /bits/ 8 <0x85>;
// Enable undervoltage protection at 2.5 V, "disable"
// backlight (i2c only), disable set resistors
rom_a2h {
rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xa2>;
rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0x20>;
// 6-phase, 6 drivers
// 9.6kHz PWM rate
rom_a5h {
rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xa5>;
rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0x04>;
// EN_DRV3, EN_DRV2, boost inductor current limit = 1.6 A
rom_a7h {
rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xa7>;
rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0xf4>;
// VBOOST_MAX = 25 V, JUMP_EN = 0
rom_a9h {
rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xa9>;
rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0x60>;
// STEP_UP = 105 mV, STEP_DN = 105 mV, LED_FAULT_TH = 3 V,
rom_aeh {
rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xae>;
rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0x09>;
temp_mlb: tmp112@49 {
compatible = "national,lm75";
reg = <0x49>;
temp_humidity: shtc1@70 {
compatible = "sensirion,shtc1";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x70>;
max98373: max98373@31 {
compatible = "maxim,max98373";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x31>;
maxim,reset-gpio = <&gpio GPIOZ_12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
// maxim,imon-slot-no = <1>;
// maxim,vmon-slot-no = <0>;
maxim,interleave-mode = <0>;
&i2c_AO {
status = "okay";
accel: bma456@18 {
compatible = "bma4xy_acc";
reg = <0x18>;
status = "okay";
interrupt_gpio = <&gpio GPIOH_4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
rgbc: tcs3472@39 {
compatible = "tcs3472";
reg = <0x39>;
status = "okay";
//interrupt_gpio = <&gpio GPIOZ_14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
temp_lmic: tmp112@48 {
compatible = "national,lm75";
reg = <0x48>;
temp_wifi: tmp112@49 {
compatible = "national,lm75";
reg = <0x49>;
temp_audio: tmp112@4A {
compatible = "national,lm75";
reg = <0x4A>;
temp_soc: tmp112@4B {
compatible = "national,lm75";
reg = <0x4B>;
&isp {
status = "okay";
memory-region = <&isp_cma_reserved>;
&adapter {
status = "okay";
memory-region = <&adapt_cma_reserved>;
&secmon {
reserve_mem_size = <0x02300000>;
&gdc {
status = "okay";
memory-region = <&gdc_cma_reserved>;
&phycsi {
status = "okay";
aphy-ctrl3-cfg = <0xc002>; /*A: 0x02, B: 0xc002*/
dphy0-ctrl0-cfg = <0x123ff>; /*A: 0x123, B: 0x123ff*/
dphy0-ctrl1-cfg = <0x1ff01>; /*A: 0x123, B: 0x1ff01*/
&meson_fb {
status = "disabled";
display_size_default = <1920 1080 1920 2160 32>;
mem_size = <0x00800000 0x1980000 0x100000 0x100000 0x800000>;
logo_addr = "0x7f800000";
mem_alloc = <1>;
pxp_mode = <0>; /** 0:normal mode 1:pxp mode */
&pwm_ab {
status = "okay";
&pwm_ef {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_f_pins2>;
&pwm_AO_cd {
status = "okay";
&audiobus {
aml_tdma: tdma {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-tdma";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-in = <0 1>;
dai-tdm-lane-oe-slot-mask-out = <1 0>;
dai-tdm-clk-sel = <0>;
clocks = <&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_MCLK_A
&clkc CLKID_MPLL0>;
clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
pinctrl-names = "tdm_pins";
pinctrl-0 = <&tdmout_a &tdmin_a>;
aml_tdmc: tdmc {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-tdmc";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-in = <0 1 0 0>;
dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-out = <1 0 0 0>;
dai-tdm-clk-sel = <2>;
dai-tdm-mclk-sel = <0 2>; /* mclk select */
clocks = <&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_MCLK_C
&clkc CLKID_MPLL2>;
clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
pinctrl-names = "tdm_pins";
pinctrl-0 = <&tdmb_mclk &tdmout_c &tdmin_c>;
/* copy a useless tdm to output for hdmi, no pinmux */
//aml_i2s2hdmi: i2s2hdmi {
// compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-tdmc";
// #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
// dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-out = <1 1 1 1>;
// dai-tdm-clk-sel = <2>;
// clocks = <&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_MCLK_C
// &clkc CLKID_MPLL2>;
// clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
// i2s2hdmi = <1>;
// status = "okay";
//aml_spdif: spdif {
// compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-spdif-a";
// #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
// clocks = <&clkc CLKID_MPLL0
// &clkc CLKID_FCLK_DIV4
// clock-names = "sysclk", "fixed_clk", "gate_spdifin",
// "gate_spdifout", "clk_spdifin", "clk_spdifout";
// interrupts =
// interrupt-names = "irq_spdifin";
// pinctrl-names = "spdif_pins";
// pinctrl-0 = <&spdifout &spdifin>;
// status = "disabled";
//aml_spdif_b: spdif_b {
// compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-spdif-b";
// #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
// clocks = <&clkc CLKID_MPLL0 /*CLKID_HIFI_PLL*/
// clock-names = "sysclk",
// "gate_spdifout", "clk_spdifout";
// //pinctrl-names = "spdif_pins";
// //pinctrl-0 = <&spdifout>;
// status = "disabled";
aml_pdm: pdm {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-snd-pdm";
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
clocks = <&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_PDM
&clkaudio CLKID_AUDIO_PDMIN1>;
clock-names = "gate",
pinctrl-names = "pdm_pins";
pinctrl-0 = <&pdmin>;
filter_mode = <1>; /* mode 0~4, defalut:1 */
status = "okay";
aml_loopback: loopback {
compatible = "amlogic, snd-loopback";
* 0: out rate = in data rate;
* 1: out rate = loopback data rate;
lb_mode = <0>;
/* datain src
* 0: tdmin_a;
* 1: tdmin_b;
* 2: tdmin_c;
* 3: spdifin;
* 4: pdmin;
datain_src = <4>;
datain_chnum = <8>;
datain_chmask = <0x3f>;
/* tdmin_lb src
* 0: tdmoutA
* 1: tdmoutB
* 2: tdmoutC
* 3: PAD_tdminA
* 4: PAD_tdminB
* 5: PAD_tdminC
datalb_src = <2>;
datalb_chnum = <8>;
datalb_chmask = <0x3>;
status = "disabled";
audioresample: resample {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-resample";
clocks = <&clkc CLKID_MPLL3
clock-names = "resample_pll", "resample_src", "resample_clk";
/*same with toddr_src
* TDMIN_A, 0
* TDMIN_B, 1
* TDMIN_C, 2
* PDMIN, 4
resample_module = <4>;
status = "disabled";
aml_pwrdet: pwrdet {
compatible = "amlogic, g12a-power-detect";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 155 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
interrupt-names = "pwrdet_irq";
/* pwrdet source sel
* 7: loopback;
* 6: tdmin_lb;
* 5: reserved;
* 4: pdmin;
* 3: spdifin;
* 2: tdmin_c;
* 1: tdmin_b;
* 0: tdmin_a;
pwrdet_src = <4>;
hi_th = <0x70000>;
lo_th = <0x16000>;
status = "disabled";
}; /* end of audiobus */
&pinctrl_aobus {
clk12_24_ao_pins:clk12_24_ao_pins {
mux {
groups = "clk12_24_ao";
function = "clk12_24_ao";
drive-strength = <3>;
&pinctrl_periphs {
tdmout_a: tdmout_a {
mux { /* GPIOX_11, GPIOX_10, GPIOX_9 */
groups = "tdma_sclk",
function = "tdma_out";
tdmin_a: tdmin_a {
mux { /* GPIOX_8 */
groups = "tdma_din1";
function = "tdma_in";
tdmout_c:tdmout_c {
mux { /* GPIOZ_2, GPIOZ_6, GPIOZ_7*/
groups = "tdmc_sclk_z",
function = "tdmc_out";
drive-strength = <2>;
tdmin_c:tdmin_c {
mux { /* GPIOZ_3*/
groups = "tdmc_din1_z";
function = "tdmc_in";
drive-strength = <2>;
//spdifin: spdifin {
// mux {/* GPIOH_5 */
// groups = "spdif_in_h";
// function = "spdif_in";
// };
/* GPIOH_4 */
* spdifout: spdifout {
* mux {
* groups = "spdif_out_h";
* function = "spdif_out";
* };
pdmin: pdmin {
mux { /* gpioa_6, gpioa_7, gpioa_8, gpioa_9*/
groups = "pdm_din1_a", //gpioa_9
"pdm_din0_a", //gpioa_8
// "pdm_din2_a", //gpioa_6
/*"pdm_din3_a",*/ //gpioa_5
"pdm_dclk_a"; //gpioa_7
function = "pdm";
}; /* end of pinctrl_periphs */
&pinctrl_aobus {
tdmb_mclk: tdmb_mclk {
mux {
groups = "mclk0_ao";
function = "mclk0_ao";
drive-strength = <2>;
// tdmout_b: tdmout_b {
// mux { /* GPIOAO_6, GPIOAO_7, GPIOAO_8*/
// groups = "tdmb_sclk_ao",
// "tdmb_fs_ao",
// "tdmb_dout2_ao";
// function = "tdmb_out_ao";
// drive-strength = <2>;
// };
// };
spdifout: spdifout {
mux { /* gpiao_10 */
groups = "spdif_out_ao";
function = "spdif_out_ao";
}; /* end of pinctrl_aobus */
/* Audio Related End */
&spicc0 {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&spicc0_pins_c>;
cs-gpios = <&gpio GPIOC_2 0>;
num_chipselect = <1>;
spidev@0x0 {
compatible = "nordic,nrf52840";
status = "okay";
reg = <0>;
spi-max-frequency = <100000>;
&irblaster {
status = "disabled";
&audio_data {
status = "okay";
/*if you want to use vdin just modify status to "ok"*/
//&vdin0 {
// memory-region = <&vdin0_cma_reserved>;
// status = "disabled";
/*vdin write mem color depth support:
*bit0:support 8bit
*bit1:support 9bit
*bit2:support 10bit
*bit3:support 12bit
*bit4:support yuv422 10bit full pack mode (from txl new add)
// tv_bit_mode = <0x15>;
//&vdin1 {
// memory-region = <&vdin1_cma_reserved>;
// status = "disabled";
/*vdin write mem color depth support:
// *bit0:support 8bit
// *bit1:support 9bit
// *bit2:support 10bit
// *bit3:support 12bit
// */
// tv_bit_mode = <1>;
&sd_emmc_c {
status = "okay";
emmc {
caps = "MMC_CAP_8_BIT_DATA",
/* "MMC_CAP_1_8V_DDR", */
caps2 = "MMC_CAP2_HS200";
/* "MMC_CAP2_HS400";*/
f_min = <400000>;
f_max = <166666666>;
&sd_emmc_b {
status = "disabled";
sd {
caps = "MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA",
f_min = <400000>;
f_max = <50000000>;
&sd_emmc_a {
status = "okay";
sdio {
caps = "MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA",
f_min = <400000>;
f_max = <200000000>;
&dwc3 {
status = "okay";
&usb2_phy_v2 {
status = "okay";
portnum = <2>;
&usb3_phy_v2 {
status = "okay";
portnum = <0>;
otg = <1>;
//gpio-vbus-power = "GPIOH_6";
gpios = <&gpio GPIOH_6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
&dwc2_a {
status = "okay";
/* 1: host only, 2: device only, 3: OTG */
controller-type = <3>;
&ethmac {
status = "disabled";
pinctrl-names = "internal_eth_pins";
pinctrl-0 = <&internal_eth_pins>;
mc_val = <0x4be04>;
&uart_A {
status = "okay";
&pcie_A {
reset-gpio = <&gpio GPIOX_7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
status = "okay";
&gpu {
tbl = <&dvfs285_cfg
&amhdmitx {
status= "disabled";
&aocec {
status = "disabled";
&drm_vpu {
status = "okay";
logo_addr = "0x7f800000";
&drm_lcd {
status = "okay";