blob: 51ab50530082760568d06c9168ee404d0e4f8b37 [file] [log] [blame]
* drivers/amlogic/mmc/aml_sd_emmc_v3.c
* Copyright (C) 2017 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/mmc/host.h>
#include <linux/mmc/mmc.h>
#include <linux/mmc/sdio.h>
#include <linux/mmc/sd.h>
#include <linux/mmc/slot-gpio.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/clk-provider.h>
#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
#include <linux/highmem.h>
#include <linux/amlogic/sd.h>
#include <linux/amlogic/cpu_version.h>
#include <linux/mmc/emmc_partitions.h>
#include <linux/amlogic/amlsd.h>
#include <linux/amlogic/aml_sd_emmc_internal.h>
int aml_fixdiv_calc(unsigned int *fixdiv, struct clock_lay_t *clk)
int ret = 0;
unsigned int full_div = 0, source_cycle = 0; /* in ns*/
unsigned int sdclk_idx = 0, todly_idx_max = 0, todly_idx_min = 0;
unsigned int inv_idx_min = 0, inv_idx_max = 0;
unsigned int val_idx_min = 0, val_idx_max = 0;
unsigned int val_idx_win = 0, val_idx_sta = 0;
if (!fixdiv || !clk)
return -EPERM;
if (clk->core == clk->old_core)
return 1;
clk->old_core = clk->core;
pr_debug(">>>%s source clk %d, core clk %d\n",
__func__, clk->source, clk->core);
full_div = clk->source / clk->core;
sdclk_idx = full_div / 2;
sdclk_idx -= full_div % 2 ? 0 : 1;
pr_debug("full_div %d, sdclk_idx %d\n", full_div, sdclk_idx);
/* ns */
source_cycle = 1000000000 / clk->source;
pr_debug("cycle of source clock is %d\n", source_cycle);
if (source_cycle < TODLY_MAX_NS) {
= (TODLY_MAX_NS + source_cycle - 1) / source_cycle;
todly_idx_min = TODLY_MIN_NS / source_cycle;
pr_debug("todly_idx_min %d, todly_idx_max %d\n",
todly_idx_min, todly_idx_max);
inv_idx_min = todly_idx_min + sdclk_idx;
inv_idx_max = todly_idx_max + sdclk_idx;
pr_debug("inv_idx_min %d, inv_idx_max %d\n",
inv_idx_min, inv_idx_max);
inv_idx_min = inv_idx_min % full_div;
inv_idx_max = inv_idx_max % full_div;
pr_debug("ROUND: inv_idx_min %d, inv_idx_max %d\n",
inv_idx_min, inv_idx_max);
if (inv_idx_min > inv_idx_max) {
val_idx_min = inv_idx_max + 1;
val_idx_max = inv_idx_min - 1;
val_idx_sta = val_idx_min;
val_idx_win = val_idx_max - val_idx_min;
} else if (inv_idx_min <= inv_idx_max) {
val_idx_max = inv_idx_max + 1;
val_idx_min = inv_idx_min - 1;
val_idx_sta = val_idx_max;
val_idx_win = (full_div + val_idx_min) - val_idx_max;
} else {
val_idx_max = sdclk_idx + 1;
val_idx_min = sdclk_idx - 1;
val_idx_sta = val_idx_max;
val_idx_win = full_div / 2;
pr_debug("val_idx_sta %d, val_idx_win %d\n", val_idx_sta, val_idx_win);
*fixdiv = val_idx_sta + (val_idx_win >> 1);
pr_debug("fixdiv = %d\n", *fixdiv);
return ret;
int meson_mmc_clk_init_v3(struct amlsd_host *host)
int ret = 0;
u32 vclkc = 0;
struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *pclkc = (struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *)&vclkc;
u32 vconf = 0;
struct sd_emmc_config *pconf = (struct sd_emmc_config *)&vconf;
struct mmc_phase *init = &(host->data->sdmmc.init);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
ret = aml_emmc_clktree_init(host);
if (ret)
return ret;
/* init SD_EMMC_CLOCK to sane defaults w/min clock rate */
vclkc = 0;
pclkc->div = 60; /* 400KHz */
pclkc->src = 0; /* 0: Crystal 24MHz */
pclkc->core_phase = init->core_phase; /* 2: 180 phase */
pclkc->rx_phase = init->rx_phase;
pclkc->tx_phase = init->tx_phase;
pclkc->always_on = 1; /* Keep clock always on */
writel(vclkc, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
vconf = 0;
/* 1bit mode */
pconf->bus_width = 0;
/* 512byte block length */
pconf->bl_len = 9;
/* 64 CLK cycle, here 2^8 = 256 clk cycles */
pconf->resp_timeout = 8;
/* 1024 CLK cycle, Max. 100mS. */
pconf->rc_cc = 4;
pconf->err_abort = 0;
pconf->auto_clk = 1;
writel(vconf, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
writel(0xffff, host->base + SD_EMMC_STATUS);
writel(SD_EMMC_IRQ_ALL, host->base + SD_EMMC_IRQ_EN);
return ret;
static int meson_mmc_clk_set_rate_v3(struct mmc_host *mmc,
unsigned long clk_ios)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
int ret = 0;
u32 clk_rate, clk_div, clk_src_sel;
struct clk *src0_clk = NULL;
u32 vcfg = 0;
struct sd_emmc_config *conf = (struct sd_emmc_config *)&vcfg;
u32 vclkc = 0;
struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *clkc = (struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *)&vclkc;
if (clk_ios == 0) {
return ret;
clk_src_sel = SD_EMMC_CLOCK_SRC_OSC;
if (clk_ios < 20000000)
clk_src_sel = SD_EMMC_CLOCK_SRC_OSC;
clk_src_sel = SD_EMMC_CLOCK_SRC_FCLK_DIV2;
if (clk_ios) {
if (WARN_ON(clk_ios > mmc->f_max))
clk_ios = mmc->f_max;
else if (WARN_ON(clk_ios < mmc->f_min))
clk_ios = mmc->f_min;
switch (clk_src_sel) {
clk_rate = 24000000;
clk_rate = 1000000000;
pr_err("%s: clock source error: %d\n",
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), clk_src_sel);
ret = -1;
clk_div = (clk_rate / clk_ios) + (!!(clk_rate % clk_ios));
aml_mmc_clk_switch(host, clk_div, clk_src_sel);
pdata->clkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
mmc->actual_clock = clk_rate / clk_div;
if (clk_ios == mmc->actual_clock) {
pr_debug("[%s] clk_ios: %lu, return .............. clock: 0x%x\n",
pdata->pinname, clk_ios,
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
return 0;
pr_debug("[%s] clk_ios: %lu,before clock: 0x%x\n",
__func__, clk_ios, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
/* stop clock */
vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
if (!conf->stop_clk) {
conf->stop_clk = 1;
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
pdata->stop_clk = 1;
if (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata)) {
if ((clk_ios >= 200000000) && conf->ddr) {
src0_clk = devm_clk_get(host->dev, "clkin2");
if (ret)
pr_warn("not get clkin2\n");
ret = clk_set_parent(host->mux_parent[0], src0_clk);
if (ret)
pr_warn("set src0 as comp0 parent error\n");
ret = clk_set_parent(host->mux_clk,
if (ret)
pr_warn("set comp0 as mux_clk parent error\n");
} else if (((host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TL1)
|| (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_G12B))
&& (clk_ios >= 166000000)) {
src0_clk = devm_clk_get(host->dev, "clkin2");
if (ret)
pr_warn("not get clkin2\n");
if ((host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TL1)
&& (clk_ios <= 198000000)) {
ret = clk_set_rate(src0_clk, 792000000);
if (ret)
pr_warn("not set tl1-gp0\n");
pr_warn("set rate clkin2>>>>>>>>clk:%lu\n",
ret = clk_set_parent(host->mux_parent[0],
if (ret)
pr_warn("set src0 as comp0 parent error\n");
ret = clk_set_parent(host->mux_clk,
if (ret)
pr_warn("set comp0 as mux_clk parent error\n");
} else if (clk_get_rate(host->mux_parent[0]) > 200000000) {
pr_info("%s %d\n", __func__, __LINE__);
src0_clk = devm_clk_get(host->dev, "xtal");
ret = clk_set_parent(host->mux_parent[0], src0_clk);
if (ret)
pr_warn("set src0: xtal as comp0 parent error\n");
dev_dbg(host->dev, "change clock rate %u -> %lu\n",
mmc->actual_clock, clk_ios);
ret = clk_set_rate(host->cfg_div_clk, clk_ios);
if (clk_ios && clk_ios != clk_get_rate(host->cfg_div_clk)) {
dev_warn(host->dev, "divider requested rate %lu != actual rate %lu: ret=%d\n",
clk_ios, clk_get_rate(host->cfg_div_clk), ret);
mmc->actual_clock = clk_get_rate(host->cfg_div_clk);
} else
mmc->actual_clock = clk_ios;
/* (re)start clock, if non-zero */
if (clk_ios) {
if (pdata->calc_f) {
vclkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
= clk_get_rate(host->cfg_div_clk) * clkc->div;
pdata->clk_lay.core = clk_get_rate(host->cfg_div_clk);
vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
conf->stop_clk = 0;
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
pdata->clkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pdata->stop_clk = 0;
pr_info("actual_clock :%u, HHI_nand: 0x%x\n",
readl(host->clksrc_base + (HHI_NAND_CLK_CNTL << 2)));
pr_info("[%s] after clock: 0x%x\n",
__func__, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
return ret;
static void aml_sd_emmc_set_timing_v3(struct amlsd_platform *pdata,
u32 timing)
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 vctrl;
struct sd_emmc_config *ctrl = (struct sd_emmc_config *)&vctrl;
u32 vclkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *clkc = (struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *)&vclkc;
u32 adjust = 0;
struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *gadjust = (struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *)&adjust;
u8 clk_div = 0;
struct para_e *para = &(host->data->sdmmc);
unsigned int fixdiv = 0, ret = 0;
u32 irq_en = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_IRQ_EN);
vctrl = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
if ((timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_HS400) ||
(timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_DDR52) ||
(timing == MMC_TIMING_UHS_DDR50)) {
if (timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_DDR52) {
if (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata)) {
clkc->core_phase = para->ddr.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->ddr.tx_phase;
pr_info("%s: try set sd/emmc to DDR mode\n",
if (timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_HS400) {
/*ctrl->chk_ds = 1;*/
if (host->data->chip_type >= MMC_CHIP_TXLX) {
adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
gadjust->ds_enable = 1;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
clkc->tx_delay = para->hs4.tx_delay;
pdata->adj = adjust;
/*TODO: double check!
* overide tx-delay by dts configs
if (pdata->tx_delay != 0)
clkc->tx_delay = pdata->tx_delay;
if (((host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TL1)
|| (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_G12B))
&& aml_card_type_mmc(pdata)) {
clkc->core_phase = para->hs4.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->hs4.tx_phase;
irq_en |= (1<<17);
host->base + SD_EMMC_IRQ_EN);
/*improve CMD setup time by half SD_CLK cycle*/
pr_info("%s: try set sd/emmc to HS400 mode\n",
ctrl->ddr = 1;
clk_div = clkc->div;
if (clk_div & 0x01)
clkc->div = clk_div / 2;
} else if (timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_HS) {
clkc->core_phase = para->hs.core_phase;
/* overide co-phase by dts */
if (pdata->co_phase)
clkc->core_phase = pdata->co_phase;
if (pdata->calc_f) {
clkc->core_phase = para->calc.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->calc.tx_phase;
} else if (timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_HS200) {
clkc->core_phase = para->hs2.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->hs2.tx_phase;
} else if (timing == MMC_TIMING_SD_HS) {
if (aml_card_type_non_sdio(pdata)
|| (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TXLX)
|| (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_G12A))
clkc->core_phase = para->sd_hs.core_phase;
if (pdata->calc_f) {
clkc->core_phase = para->calc.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->calc.tx_phase;
} else if (timing == MMC_TIMING_UHS_SDR104) {
clkc->core_phase = para->sdr104.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->sdr104.tx_phase;
} else {
ctrl->ddr = 0;
/* timing == MMC_TIMING_LEGACY */
if (pdata->calc_f) {
clkc->core_phase = para->calc.core_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->calc.tx_phase;
if (pdata->calc_f) {
if (timing <= MMC_TIMING_SD_HS) {
ret = aml_fixdiv_calc(&fixdiv, &pdata->clk_lay);
if (!ret) {
adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
gadjust->adj_delay = fixdiv;
gadjust->adj_enable = 1;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
pr_info("%s: fixdiv calc done: adj = %x\n",
pdata->pinname, adjust);
} else if ((timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_DDR52)
|| (timing == MMC_TIMING_UHS_DDR50)) {
adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
gadjust->adj_delay = 0;
gadjust->adj_enable = 0;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
pr_debug("%s: ddr52 close calc: adj = %x\n",
pdata->pinname, adjust);
writel(vclkc, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pdata->clkc = vclkc;
writel(vctrl, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
pr_debug("sd emmc is %s\n",
ctrl->ddr?"DDR mode":"SDR mode");
/*call by mmc, power on, power off ...*/
static void aml_sd_emmc_set_power_v3(struct amlsd_platform *pdata,
u32 power_mode)
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
switch (power_mode) {
if (pdata->pwr_pre)
if (pdata->pwr_on)
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
if (pdata->pwr_pre)
if (pdata->pwr_off)
void meson_mmc_set_ios_v3(struct mmc_host *mmc,
struct mmc_ios *ios)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f
&& (host->init_volt == 0))
if (!pdata->is_in) {
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f
&& (host->init_volt == 0))
/*Set Power*/
aml_sd_emmc_set_power_v3(pdata, ios->power_mode);
/*Set Clock*/
meson_mmc_clk_set_rate_v3(mmc, ios->clock);
/*Set Bus Width*/
aml_sd_emmc_set_buswidth(pdata, ios->bus_width);
/* Set Date Mode */
aml_sd_emmc_set_timing_v3(pdata, ios->timing);
if (ios->chip_select == MMC_CS_HIGH)
else if (ios->chip_select == MMC_CS_DONTCARE)
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f
&& (host->init_volt == 0))
irqreturn_t meson_mmc_irq_thread_v3(int irq, void *dev_id)
struct amlsd_host *host = dev_id;
struct amlsd_platform *pdata;
struct mmc_request *mrq;
unsigned long flags;
enum aml_mmc_waitfor xfer_step;
u32 status, xfer_bytes = 0;
spin_lock_irqsave(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
pdata = mmc_priv(host->mmc);
mrq = host->mrq;
xfer_step = host->xfer_step;
status = host->status;
if ((xfer_step == XFER_FINISHED) || (xfer_step == XFER_TIMER_TIMEOUT)) {
pr_err("Warning: %s xfer_step=%d, host->status=%d\n",
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), xfer_step, status);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
WARN_ON((host->xfer_step != XFER_IRQ_OCCUR)
&& (host->xfer_step != XFER_IRQ_TASKLET_BUSY));
if (!mrq) {
pr_err("%s: !mrq xfer_step %d\n",
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), xfer_step);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
/* aml_sd_emmc_print_err(host); */
/* process stop cmd we sent on porpos */
if (host->cmd_is_stop) {
/* --new irq enter, */
host->cmd_is_stop = 0;
mrq->cmd->error = host->error_bak;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
meson_mmc_request_done(host->mmc, host->mrq);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
switch (status) {
/* WARN_ON(aml_sd_emmc_desc_check(host)); */
pr_debug("%s %d cmd:%d\n",
__func__, __LINE__, mrq->cmd->opcode);
host->error_flag = 0;
if (mrq->cmd->data && mrq->cmd->opcode) {
xfer_bytes = mrq->data->blksz*mrq->data->blocks;
/* copy buffer from dma to data->sg in read cmd*/
WARN_ON(host->post_cmd_op(host, mrq));
if (host->mrq->data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ) {
mrq->data->sg_len, host->bn_buf,
xfer_bytes, 0);
mrq->data->bytes_xfered = xfer_bytes;
host->xfer_step = XFER_TASKLET_DATA;
} else {
host->xfer_step = XFER_TASKLET_CMD;
spin_lock_irqsave(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
mrq->cmd->error = 0;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
meson_mmc_read_resp(host->mmc, mrq->cmd);
meson_mmc_request_done(host->mmc, mrq);
if (host->is_tunning == 0)
pr_info("%s %d %s: cmd:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__,
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), mrq->cmd->opcode);
if (mrq->cmd->data) {
dma_unmap_sg(mmc_dev(host->mmc), mrq->cmd->data->sg,
(mrq->cmd->data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ) ?
meson_mmc_read_resp(host->mmc, host->mrq->cmd);
/* set retry @ 1st error happens! */
if ((host->error_flag == 0)
&& (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata)
|| aml_card_type_non_sdio(pdata))
&& (host->is_tunning == 0)) {
pr_err("%s() %d: set 1st retry!\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
host->error_flag |= (1<<0);
spin_lock_irqsave(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
mrq->cmd->retries = 3;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
if (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata) &&
(host->error_flag & (1<<0)) && mrq->cmd->retries) {
pr_err("retry cmd %d the %d-th time(s)\n",
mrq->cmd->opcode, mrq->cmd->retries);
/* chage configs on current host */
/* last retry effort! */
if ((aml_card_type_mmc(pdata) || aml_card_type_non_sdio(pdata))
&& host->error_flag && (mrq->cmd->retries == 0)) {
host->error_flag |= (1<<30);
pr_err("Command retried failed line:%d, cmd:%d\n",
__LINE__, mrq->cmd->opcode);
/* retry need send a stop 2 emmc... */
/* do not send stop for sdio wifi case */
if (host->mrq->stop
&& (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata)
|| aml_card_type_non_sdio(pdata))
&& pdata->is_in
&& (host->mrq->cmd->opcode != MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)
&& (host->mrq->cmd->opcode !=
meson_mmc_request_done(host->mmc, mrq);
pr_err("BUG %s: xfer_step=%d, host->status=%d\n",
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), xfer_step, status);
/* aml_sd_emmc_print_err(host); */
static int aml_sd_emmc_cali_v3(struct mmc_host *mmc,
u8 opcode, u8 *blk_test, u32 blksz, u32 blocks, u8 *pattern)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
struct mmc_request mrq = {NULL};
struct mmc_command cmd = {0};
struct mmc_command stop = {0};
struct mmc_data data = {0};
struct scatterlist sg;
cmd.opcode = opcode;
if (!strcmp(pattern, MMC_PATTERN_NAME))
else if (!strcmp(pattern, MMC_MAGIC_NAME))
else if (!strcmp(pattern, MMC_RANDOM_NAME))
else if (!strcmp(pattern, MMC_DTB_NAME))
cmd.arg = MMC_DTB_OFFSET;
cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_ADTC;
stop.arg = 0;
stop.flags = MMC_RSP_R1B | MMC_CMD_AC;
data.blksz = blksz;
data.blocks = blocks;
data.flags = MMC_DATA_READ; = &sg;
data.sg_len = 1;
memset(blk_test, 0, blksz * data.blocks);
sg_init_one(&sg, blk_test, blksz * data.blocks);
mrq.cmd = &cmd;
mrq.stop = &stop; = &data;
host->mrq = &mrq;
mmc_wait_for_req(mmc, &mrq);
return data.error | cmd.error;
static int emmc_test_bus(struct mmc_host *mmc)
int err = 0;
u32 blksz = 512;
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
err = aml_sd_emmc_cali_v3(mmc, MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK,
host->blk_test, blksz, 40, MMC_PATTERN_NAME);
if (err)
return err;
err = aml_sd_emmc_cali_v3(mmc, MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK,
host->blk_test, blksz, 80, MMC_RANDOM_NAME);
if (err)
return err;
err = aml_sd_emmc_cali_v3(mmc, MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK,
host->blk_test, blksz, 40, MMC_MAGIC_NAME);
if (err)
return err;
return err;
static int emmc_send_cmd(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 opcode,
u32 arg, unsigned int flags)
struct mmc_command cmd = {0};
u32 err = 0;
cmd.opcode = opcode;
cmd.arg = arg;
cmd.flags = flags;
err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(mmc, &cmd, 3);
if (err) {
pr_debug("[%s][%d] cmd:0x%x send error\n",
__func__, __LINE__, cmd.opcode);
return err;
return err;
static int aml_sd_emmc_cmd_v3(struct mmc_host *mmc)
int i;
emmc_send_cmd(mmc, MMC_SEND_STATUS,
1<<16, MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_AC);
emmc_send_cmd(mmc, MMC_SELECT_CARD,
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
emmc_send_cmd(mmc, MMC_SEND_CID,
1 << 16, MMC_RSP_R2 | MMC_CMD_BCR);
emmc_send_cmd(mmc, MMC_SELECT_CARD,
1<<16, MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_AC);
return 0;
static int emmc_eyetest_log(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 line_x)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *gadjust =
(struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *)&adjust;
u32 eyetest_log = 0;
struct eyetest_log *geyetest_log = (struct eyetest_log *)&(eyetest_log);
u32 eyetest_out0 = 0, eyetest_out1 = 0;
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
int retry = 3;
u64 tmp = 0;
u32 blksz = 512;
pr_debug("delay1: 0x%x , delay2: 0x%x, line_x: %d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3), line_x);
gadjust->cali_enable = 1;
gadjust->cali_sel = line_x;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
if (line_x < 9)
gintf3->eyetest_exp = 7;
gintf3->eyetest_exp = 3;
gintf3->eyetest_on = 1;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
/*****test start*************/
host->is_tunning = 1;
if (line_x < 9)
host->blk_test, blksz, 40, MMC_PATTERN_NAME);
host->is_tunning = 0;
eyetest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_LOG);
if (!(geyetest_log->eyetest_done & 0x1)) {
pr_warn("testing eyetest times:0x%x,out:0x%x,0x%x,line:%d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_LOG),
eyetest_out0, eyetest_out1, line_x);
gintf3->eyetest_on = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
if (retry == 0) {
pr_debug("[%s][%d] retry eyetest failed-line:%d\n",
__func__, __LINE__, line_x);
return 1;
goto RETRY;
eyetest_out0 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_OUT0);
eyetest_out1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_OUT1);
gintf3->eyetest_on = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
pdata->align[line_x] = ((tmp | eyetest_out1) << 32) | eyetest_out0;
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3),
pdata->align[line_x], line_x);
return 0;
static int fbinary(u64 x)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if ((x >> i) & 0x1)
return i;
return -1;
static int emmc_detect_base_line(u64 *arr)
u32 i = 0, first[10] = {0};
u32 max = 0, l_max = 0xff;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
first[i] = fbinary(arr[i]);
if (first[i] > max) {
l_max = i;
max = first[i];
pr_debug("%s detect line:%d, max: %u\n",
__func__, l_max, max);
return max;
/**************** start all data align ********************/
static int emmc_all_data_line_alignment(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = 0, delay2 = 0;
int result;
int temp = 0, base_line = 0, line_x = 0;
pdata->base_line = emmc_detect_base_line(pdata->align);
base_line = pdata->base_line;
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 9; line_x++) {
if (line_x == 8)
temp = fbinary(pdata->align[line_x]);
if (temp <= 4)
result = base_line - temp;
pr_debug("line_x: %d, result: %d\n",
line_x, result);
if (line_x < 5)
delay1 |= result << (6 * line_x);
delay2 |= result << (6 * (line_x - 5));
pr_debug("delay1: 0x%x, delay2: 0x%x\n",
delay1, delay2);
delay1 += readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
delay2 += readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pdata->dly1 = delay1;
pdata->dly2 = delay2;
pr_debug("gdelay1: 0x%x, gdelay2: 0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
return 0;
static int emmc_ds_data_alignment(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
u32 delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
int i, line_x, temp = 0;
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 8; line_x++) {
temp = fbinary(pdata->align[line_x]);
if (temp <= 4)
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
pr_debug("i = %d, delay1: 0x%x, delay2: 0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
if (line_x < 5)
delay1 += 1 << (6 * line_x);
delay2 += 1 << (6 * (line_x - 5));
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pdata->dly1 = delay1;
pdata->dly2 = delay2;
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, line_x);
if (pdata->align[line_x] & 0xf0)
if (i == 64) {
pr_warn("%s [%d] Don't find line delay which aligned with DS\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
return 1;
return 0;
static void update_all_line_eyetest(struct mmc_host *mmc)
int line_x;
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 10; line_x++) {
if ((line_x == 8) && !(pdata->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_HS400))
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, line_x);
static unsigned int tl1_emmc_line_timing(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = 0, delay2 = 0, count = 12;
delay1 = (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12)
delay2 = (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12)
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pr_info("[%s], delay1: 0x%x, delay2: 0x%x\n",
__func__, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
return 0;
static unsigned int get_emmc_cmd_win(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
u32 max = 0, i, temp;
u32 str[64] = {0};
int best_start = -1, best_size = -1;
int cur_start = -1, cur_size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
delay2 &= ~(0x3f << 24);
delay2 |= (i << 24);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, 9);
temp = fbinary(pdata->align[9]);
str[i] = temp;
if (max < temp)
max = temp;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (str[i] >= 4) {
if (cur_start < 0)
cur_start = i;
} else {
if (cur_start >= 0) {
if (best_start < 0) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
} else {
if (best_size < cur_size) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
cur_start = -1;
cur_size = 0;
if (cur_start >= 0) {
if (best_start < 0) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
} else if (best_size < cur_size) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
cur_start = -1;
cur_size = -1;
delay2 &= ~(0x3f << 24);
delay2 |= ((best_start + best_size / 4) << 24);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, 9);
return max;
/* first step*/
static int emmc_ds_core_align(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
u32 delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
u32 delay2_bak = delay2;
u32 count = 0, ds_count = 0, cmd_count = 0;
ds_count = fbinary(pdata->align[8]);
if (ds_count == 0)
if ((pdata->align[8] & 0x1e0) == 0)
goto out_cmd;
ds_count, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
if (ds_count < 20) {
delay2 += ((20 - ds_count) << 18);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
} else {
delay2 += (1<<18);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, 8);
while (!(pdata->align[8] & 0xf)) {
delay2 += (1<<18);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, 8);
delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
count = ((delay2>>18) & 0x3f) - ((delay2_bak>>18) & 0x3f);
delay1 += (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12)|(count<<18)|(count<<24);
delay2 += (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12);
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
cmd_count = get_emmc_cmd_win(mmc);
pdata->dly1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pdata->dly2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pr_info("ds_count:%u,count:%d, cmd_count:%u\n",
ds_count, count, cmd_count);
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
return 0;
#if 1
static int emmc_ds_manual_sht(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
int i, err = 0;
int match[64];
int best_start = -1, best_size = -1;
int cur_start = -1, cur_size = 0;
host->is_tunning = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
err = emmc_test_bus(mmc);
pr_debug("intf3: 0x%x, err[%d]: %d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3), i, err);
if (!err)
match[i] = 0;
match[i] = -1;
gintf3->ds_sht_m += 1;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (match[i] == 0) {
if (cur_start < 0)
cur_start = i;
} else {
if (cur_start >= 0) {
if (best_start < 0) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
} else {
if (best_size < cur_size) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
cur_start = -1;
cur_size = 0;
if (cur_start >= 0) {
if (best_start < 0) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
} else if (best_size < cur_size) {
best_start = cur_start;
best_size = cur_size;
cur_start = -1;
cur_size = -1;
gintf3->ds_sht_m = best_start + best_size / 2;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
pdata->win_start = best_start;
pr_info("ds_sht:%u, window:%d, intf3:0x%x, clock:0x%x",
gintf3->ds_sht_m, best_size,
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
pr_info("adjust:0x%x\n", readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3));
host->is_tunning = 0;
return 0;
static void aml_emmc_hs400_general(struct mmc_host *mmc)
static void aml_emmc_hs400_tl1(struct mmc_host *mmc)
static int emmc_data_alignment(struct mmc_host *mmc, int best_size)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
u32 delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
u32 delay1_bak = delay1;
u32 delay2_bak = delay2;
u32 intf3_bak = intf3;
int line_x, i, err = 0, win_new, blksz = 512;
u32 d[8];
host->is_tunning = 1;
gintf3->ds_sht_m = pdata->win_start + 4;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 8; line_x++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (line_x < 5) {
delay1 += (1 << 6*line_x);
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
} else {
delay2 += (1 << 6*(line_x - 5));
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
err = aml_sd_emmc_cali_v3(mmc, MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK,
host->blk_test, blksz, 40, MMC_RANDOM_NAME);
if (err) {
pr_info("[%s]adjust line_x[%d]:%d\n",
__func__, line_x, i);
d[line_x] = i;
delay1 = delay1_bak;
delay2 = delay2_bak;
host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
if (i == 20) {
pr_info("[%s][%d] return set default value",
__func__, __LINE__);
writel(delay1_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(intf3_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
host->is_tunning = 0;
return -1;
delay1 += (d[0]<<0)|(d[1]<<6)|(d[2]<<12)|(d[3]<<18)|(d[4]<<24);
delay2 += (d[5]<<0)|(d[6]<<6)|(d[7]<<12);
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pr_info("delay1:0x%x, delay2:0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
gintf3->ds_sht_m = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
win_new = emmc_ds_manual_sht(mmc);
if (win_new < best_size) {
pr_info("[%s][%d] win_new:%d < win_old:%d,set default!",
__func__, __LINE__, win_new, best_size);
writel(delay1_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay2_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(intf3_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pr_info("intf3:0x%x, delay1:0x%x, delay2:0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
host->is_tunning = 0;
return 0;
static void aml_emmc_hs400_Revb(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay2 = 0;
int win_size = 0;
delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
delay2 += (pdata->cmd_c<<24);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pr_info("[%s], delay1: 0x%x, delay2: 0x%x\n",
__func__, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
win_size = emmc_ds_manual_sht(mmc);
emmc_data_alignment(mmc, win_size);
/* test clock, return delay cells for one cycle
static unsigned int aml_sd_emmc_clktest(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
u32 clktest = 0, delay_cell = 0, clktest_log = 0, count = 0;
u32 vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
int i = 0;
unsigned int cycle = 0;
writel(0, (host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3));
/* one cycle = xxx(ps) */
cycle = (1000000000 / mmc->actual_clock) * 1000;
vcfg &= ~(1 << 23);
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
pdata->dly1 = 0;
pdata->dly2 = 0;
gintf3->clktest_exp = 8;
gintf3->clktest_on_m = 1;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
clktest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_LOG);
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
while (!(clktest_log & 0x80000000)) {
clktest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_LOG);
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
if (i > 4) {
pr_warn("[%s] [%d] emmc clktest error\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
if (clktest_log & 0x80000000) {
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
count = clktest / (1 << 8);
if (vcfg & 0x4)
delay_cell = ((cycle / 2) / count);
delay_cell = (cycle / count);
pr_info("%s [%d] clktest : %u, delay_cell: %d, count: %u\n",
__func__, __LINE__, clktest, delay_cell, count);
intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
gintf3->clktest_on_m = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
vcfg |= (1 << 23);
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
pdata->count = count;
pdata->delay_cell = delay_cell;
return count;
static int _aml_sd_emmc_execute_tuning(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 opcode,
struct aml_tuning_data *tuning_data,
u32 adj_win_start)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 vclk;
struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *clkc = (struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *)&(vclk);
u32 adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *gadjust =
(struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *)&adjust;
const u8 *blk_pattern = tuning_data->blk_pattern;
unsigned int blksz = tuning_data->blksz;
unsigned long flags;
int ret = 0;
u32 nmatch = 0;
int adj_delay = 0;
u8 tuning_num = 0;
u32 clk_div;
u32 adj_delay_find;
int wrap_win_start, wrap_win_size;
int best_win_start, best_win_size;
int curr_win_start, curr_win_size;
u32 old_dly, d1_dly, dly;
struct para_e *para = &(host->data->sdmmc);
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f)
old_dly = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
d1_dly = (old_dly >> 0x6) & 0x3F;
pr_info("Data 1 aligned delay is %d\n", d1_dly);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
/* renew */
wrap_win_start = -1;
wrap_win_size = 0;
best_win_start = -1;
best_win_size = 0;
curr_win_start = -1;
curr_win_size = 0;
spin_lock_irqsave(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
pdata->need_retuning = false;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->mrq_lock, flags);
vclk = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
clk_div = clkc->div;
host->is_tunning = 1;
pr_info("%s: clk %d tuning start\n",
mmc_hostname(mmc), mmc->actual_clock);
/*retry adj[clk_div-1] tuning result*/
if ((clk_div == 5) && (aml_card_type_mmc(pdata))) {
gadjust->adj_delay = clk_div-1;
gadjust->adj_enable = 1;
gadjust->cali_enable = 0;
gadjust->cali_rise = 0;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
nmatch = aml_sd_emmc_tuning_transfer(mmc, opcode,
blk_pattern, host->blk_test, blksz);
if (nmatch != TUNING_NUM_PER_POINT) {
if (host->data->chip_type != MMC_CHIP_SM1) {
clkc->core_phase = para->hs2.tx_phase;
clkc->tx_phase = para->hs2.core_phase;
writel(vclk, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pr_info("%s:try clock:0x%x>>>rx_tuning[%d] = %d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3),
gadjust->adj_delay, nmatch);
for (adj_delay = 0; adj_delay < clk_div; adj_delay++) {
gadjust->adj_delay = adj_delay;
gadjust->adj_enable = 1;
gadjust->cali_enable = 0;
gadjust->cali_rise = 0;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
nmatch = aml_sd_emmc_tuning_transfer(mmc, opcode,
blk_pattern, host->blk_test, blksz);
/*get a ok adjust point!*/
if (nmatch == TUNING_NUM_PER_POINT) {
if (adj_delay == 0)
wrap_win_start = adj_delay;
if (wrap_win_start >= 0)
if (curr_win_start < 0)
curr_win_start = adj_delay;
pr_info("%s: rx_tuning_result[%d] = %d\n",
mmc_hostname(host->mmc), adj_delay, nmatch);
} else {
if (curr_win_start >= 0) {
if (best_win_start < 0) {
best_win_start = curr_win_start;
best_win_size = curr_win_size;
} else {
if (best_win_size < curr_win_size) {
best_win_start = curr_win_start;
best_win_size = curr_win_size;
wrap_win_start = -1;
curr_win_start = -1;
curr_win_size = 0;
/* last point is ok! */
if (curr_win_start >= 0) {
if (best_win_start < 0) {
best_win_start = curr_win_start;
best_win_size = curr_win_size;
} else if (wrap_win_size > 0) {
/* Wrap around case */
if (curr_win_size + wrap_win_size > best_win_size) {
best_win_start = curr_win_start;
best_win_size = curr_win_size + wrap_win_size;
} else if (best_win_size < curr_win_size) {
best_win_start = curr_win_start;
best_win_size = curr_win_size;
curr_win_start = -1;
curr_win_size = 0;
if (best_win_size <= 0) {
if ((tuning_num++ > MAX_TUNING_RETRY)
|| (clkc->div >= 10)) {
pr_info("%s: final result of tuning failed\n",
host->is_tunning = 0;
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f)
return -1;
clkc->div += 1;
writel(vclk, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pdata->clkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pr_info("%s: tuning failed, reduce freq and retuning\n",
goto tunning;
} else if (best_win_size == clk_div) {
dly = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
d1_dly = (dly >> 0x6) & 0x3F;
pr_warn("%s() d1_dly %d, window start %d, size %d\n",
__func__, d1_dly, best_win_start, best_win_size);
if (++d1_dly > 0x3F) {
pr_err("%s: tuning failed\n",
host->is_tunning = 0;
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f)
return -1;
dly &= ~(0x3F << 6);
dly |= d1_dly << 6;
pdata->dly1 = dly;
writel(dly, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
goto tunning;
} else
pr_info("%s: best_win_start =%d, best_win_size =%d\n",
best_win_start, best_win_size);
adj_delay_find = best_win_start + (best_win_size - 1) / 2
+ (best_win_size - 1) % 2;
adj_delay_find = adj_delay_find % clk_div;
gadjust->adj_delay = adj_delay_find;
gadjust->adj_enable = 1;
gadjust->cali_enable = 0;
gadjust->cali_rise = 0;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
pdata->dly1 = old_dly;
writel(old_dly, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pr_info("%s: sd_emmc_regs->gclock=0x%x,sd_emmc_regs->gadjust=0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3));
host->is_tunning = 0;
if ((host->mem->start == host->data->port_b_base)
&& host->data->tdma_f)
return ret;
int aml_get_data_eyetest(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
u32 delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
int ret = 0, retry = 10, line_x;
host->is_timming = 1;
host->is_tunning = 1;
pr_info("[%s] 2018-4-18 emmc HS200 Timming\n", __func__);
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 10; line_x++) {
if (line_x == 8)
ret = emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, line_x);
if (ret && retry) {
pr_info("add dly [%d],retry%d...\n",
line_x, retry);
if (line_x < 5) {
delay1 += (2<<(6*line_x));
(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3));
} else {
delay2 += (2<<(6*(line_x-5)));
(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
pr_debug("gdelay1: 0x%x, gdelay2: 0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
goto RETRY;
} else if (ret && !retry) {
pr_info("retry failed,line:%d\n",
return 1;
retry = 10;
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3));
pr_info("gdelay1: 0x%x, gdelay2: 0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
host->is_timming = 0;
host->is_tunning = 0;
return 0;
int aml_emmc_hs200_tl1(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 vclkc = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *clkc = (struct sd_emmc_clock_v3 *)&vclkc;
struct para_e *para = &(host->data->sdmmc);
u32 clk_bak = 0;
u32 delay2 = 0, count = 0;
int i, err = 0;
clk_bak = vclkc;
clkc->tx_phase = para->hs4.tx_phase;
clkc->core_phase = para->hs4.core_phase;
clkc->tx_delay = para->hs4.tx_delay;
if (pdata->tx_delay != 0)
clkc->tx_delay = pdata->tx_delay;
writel(vclkc, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pr_info("[%s][%d] clk config:0x%x\n",
__func__, __LINE__, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
for (i = 0; i < 63; i++) {
delay2 += (1 << 24);
writel(delay2, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
err = emmc_eyetest_log(mmc, 9);
if (err)
count = fbinary(pdata->align[9]);
if (((count >= 10) && (count <= 22))
|| ((count >= 45) && (count <= 56)))
if (i == 63)
pr_err("[%s]no find cmd timing\n", __func__);
pdata->cmd_c = (delay2 >> 24);
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
writel(clk_bak, host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3);
pr_info("[%s][%d] clk config:0x%x\n",
__func__, __LINE__, readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
return 0;
int __attribute__((unused)) aml_emmc_hs200_timming(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 count = 0, delay1 = 0, delay2 = 0, line_x = 0;
u32 dat = host->data->latest_dat;
int ret = 0, add = 0, base, temp, result;
ret = aml_get_data_eyetest(mmc);
if (ret) {
pr_info("[%s]hs200 timing err!\n",
return 1;
delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
if (pdata->latest_dat != 0)
dat = pdata->latest_dat;
if (dat < 5)
add = (delay1 >> (dat * 6)) & 0x3f;
add = (delay2 >> (dat * 6)) & 0x3f;
count = fbinary(pdata->align[dat]);
if (count <= pdata->count/3) {
count = pdata->count/3 - count;
if (add)
count += add;
} else if (count <= (pdata->count*2)/3)
count = 0;
count = (pdata->count - count) + pdata->count/3;
delay1 = (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12)
writel(delay1, (host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3));
delay2 = (count<<0)|(count<<6)|(count<<12);
writel(delay2, (host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
pr_info("delay1: 0x%x, delay2: 0x%x, add:%d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3), add);
/* align all data */
base = fbinary(pdata->align[dat]);
delay1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
delay2 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3);
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 8; line_x++) {
temp = fbinary(pdata->align[line_x]);
result = base - temp;
pr_debug("*****line_x: %d, result: %d\n",
line_x, result);
if (result < 0)
if (line_x < 5)
delay1 += result << (6 * line_x);
delay2 += result << (6 * (line_x - 5));
writel(delay1, (host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3));
writel(delay2, (host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
/* end */
count = fbinary(pdata->align[9]);
if (count <= pdata->count/4)
count = pdata->count/4 - count;
else if (count <= pdata->count*3/4)
count = 0;
count = (64 - count) + pdata->count/4;
delay2 += (count<<24);
writel(delay2, (host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3));
pr_info("delay1: 0x%x , delay2: 0x%x, latest_dat:%d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3), dat);
return 0;
static int sdio_eyetest_log(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 line_x, u32 opcode,
struct aml_tuning_data *tuning_data)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 adjust = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *gadjust =
(struct sd_emmc_adjust_v3 *)&adjust;
u32 eyetest_log = 0;
struct eyetest_log *geyetest_log = (struct eyetest_log *)&(eyetest_log);
u32 eyetest_out0 = 0, eyetest_out1 = 0;
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
int retry = 3, i;
u64 tmp = 0;
const u8 *blk_pattern = tuning_data->blk_pattern;
unsigned int blksz = tuning_data->blksz;
/****** calculate line_x ***************************/
/******* init eyetest register ************************/
pr_debug("delay1: 0x%x , delay2: 0x%x, line_x: %d\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3), line_x);
gadjust->cali_enable = 1;
gadjust->cali_sel = line_x;
writel(adjust, host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3);
pdata->adj = adjust;
gintf3->eyetest_exp = 4;
gintf3->eyetest_on = 1;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
host->is_tunning = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
aml_sd_emmc_tuning_transfer(mmc, opcode,
blk_pattern, host->blk_test, blksz);
host->is_tunning = 0;
eyetest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_LOG);
eyetest_out0 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_OUT0);
eyetest_out1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_EYETEST_OUT1);
if (!(geyetest_log->eyetest_done & 0x1)) {
pr_warn("testing eyetest times: 0x%x, out: 0x%x, 0x%x\n",
eyetest_out0, eyetest_out1);
gintf3->eyetest_on = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
if (retry == 0) {
pr_warn("[%s][%d] retry eyetest failed\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
return 1;
goto RETRY;
pr_debug("test done! eyetest times: 0x%x, out: 0x%x, 0x%x\n",
eyetest_out0, eyetest_out1);
gintf3->eyetest_on = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
pdata->align[line_x] = ((tmp | eyetest_out1) << 32) | eyetest_out0;
pr_debug("u64 eyetestout 0x%llx\n", pdata->align[line_x]);
return 0;
static int aml_sdio_timing(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 opcode,
struct aml_tuning_data *tuning_data,
u32 adj_win_start)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
u32 line_x = 0, delay1 = 0, retry = 1, temp;
int ret;
delay1 = 0;
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 4; line_x++) {
writel(0, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pdata->dly1 = 0;
retry = 1;
ret = sdio_eyetest_log(mmc, line_x, opcode, tuning_data);
if (ret && retry) {
pr_info("[%s][%d] add delay for data, retry...\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
writel(5 << (6 * line_x),
host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pdata->dly1 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
delay1 |= (5 << (6 * line_x));
goto RETRY;
} else if (ret && !retry) {
pr_info("[%s][%d] retry failed...\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
return 1;
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pdata->dly1 = delay1;
delay1 = 0;
for (line_x = 0; line_x < 4; line_x++) {
temp = fbinary(pdata->align[line_x]);
if (temp < 31)
temp = 31 - temp;
temp = 0;
pr_debug("line_x: %d, result: %d\n",
line_x, temp);
delay1 |= temp << (6 * line_x);
delay1 += readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
writel(delay1, host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3);
pdata->dly1 = delay1;
pr_info("%s: gadjust=0x%x, gdelay1=0x%x, gclock=0x%x\n",
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3));
return 0;
int aml_mmc_execute_tuning_v3(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 opcode)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
struct aml_tuning_data tuning_data;
int err = -EINVAL;
u32 adj_win_start = 100;
u32 intf3;
if (opcode == MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK_HS200) {
if (mmc->ios.bus_width == MMC_BUS_WIDTH_8) {
tuning_data.blk_pattern = tuning_blk_pattern_8bit;
tuning_data.blksz = sizeof(tuning_blk_pattern_8bit);
} else if (mmc->ios.bus_width == MMC_BUS_WIDTH_4) {
tuning_data.blk_pattern = tuning_blk_pattern_4bit;
tuning_data.blksz = sizeof(tuning_blk_pattern_4bit);
} else {
return -EINVAL;
} else if (opcode == MMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK) {
tuning_data.blk_pattern = tuning_blk_pattern_4bit;
tuning_data.blksz = sizeof(tuning_blk_pattern_4bit);
} else {
pr_err("Undefined command(%d) for tuning\n", opcode);
return -EINVAL;
if (aml_card_type_sdio(pdata)) {
if (host->data->chip_type >= MMC_CHIP_TXLX)
err = _aml_sd_emmc_execute_tuning(mmc, opcode,
&tuning_data, adj_win_start);
else {
intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
intf3 |= (1<<22);
writel(intf3, (host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3));
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
err = aml_sdio_timing(mmc, opcode,
&tuning_data, adj_win_start);
} else if (!(pdata->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_HS400)) {
/*if (mmc->actual_clock >= 200000000) {
* intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
* intf3 |= (1<<22);
* writel(intf3, (host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3));
* pdata->intf3 = intf3;
* err = aml_emmc_hs200_timming(mmc);
*} else
err = _aml_sd_emmc_execute_tuning(mmc, opcode,
&tuning_data, adj_win_start);
} else {
intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
intf3 |= (1<<22);
writel(intf3, (host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3));
pdata->intf3 = intf3;
if ((host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TL1)
|| (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_G12B))
err = 0;
pr_debug("%s: gclock=0x%x, gdelay1=0x%x, gdelay2=0x%x,intf3=0x%x\n",
mmc_hostname(mmc), readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLOCK_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY1_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_DELAY2_V3),
readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3));
return err;
int aml_post_hs400_timming(struct mmc_host *mmc)
struct amlsd_platform *pdata = mmc_priv(mmc);
struct amlsd_host *host = pdata->host;
if (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_TL1)
else if (host->data->chip_type == MMC_CHIP_G12B)
return 0;
ssize_t emmc_eyetest_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
struct amlsd_host *host = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
struct mmc_host *mmc = host->mmc;
return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", "Emmc all lines eyetest.\n");
ssize_t emmc_clktest_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
struct amlsd_host *host = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
struct mmc_host *mmc = host->mmc;
u32 intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
struct intf3 *gintf3 = (struct intf3 *)&(intf3);
u32 clktest = 0, delay_cell = 0, clktest_log = 0, count = 0;
u32 vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
int i = 0;
unsigned int cycle = 0;
writel(0, (host->base + SD_EMMC_ADJUST_V3));
/* one cycle = xxx(ps) */
cycle = (1000000000 / mmc->actual_clock) * 1000;
vcfg &= ~(1 << 23);
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
gintf3->clktest_exp = 8;
gintf3->clktest_on_m = 1;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
clktest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_LOG);
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
while (!(clktest_log & 0x80000000)) {
clktest_log = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_LOG);
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
if (i > 4000) {
pr_warn("[%s] [%d] emmc clktest error\n",
__func__, __LINE__);
if (clktest_log & 0x80000000) {
clktest = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CLKTEST_OUT);
count = clktest / (1 << 8);
if (vcfg & 0x4)
delay_cell = ((cycle / 2) / count);
delay_cell = (cycle / count);
pr_info("%s [%d] clktest : %u, delay_cell: %d, count: %u\n",
__func__, __LINE__, clktest, delay_cell, count);
intf3 = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
gintf3->clktest_on_m = 0;
writel(intf3, host->base + SD_EMMC_INTF3);
vcfg = readl(host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
vcfg |= (1 << 23);
writel(vcfg, host->base + SD_EMMC_CFG);
return count;