| Name: libexif |
| Summary: EXIF tag library |
| Version: 0.6.21 |
| Release: 1 |
| Source: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libexif/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 |
| Url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libexif/ |
| Group: System Environment/Libraries |
| License: LGPL |
| # replaced Packager: header, as most people making packages will be somebody |
| # else. original spec file author is Mark Pulford <mark@kyne.com.au> |
| BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root |
| Prefix: %{_prefix} |
| |
| %description |
| libexif is a library for parsing, editing, and saving EXIF data. It is |
| intended to replace lots of redundant implementations in command-line |
| utilities and programs with GUIs. |
| |
| %package devel |
| Summary: The files needed for libexif application development |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Requires: %{name} = %{version} |
| |
| %description devel |
| The libexif-devel package contains the libraries and include files |
| that you can use to develop libexif applications. |
| |
| %prep |
| %setup |
| |
| %build |
| %configure |
| make |
| |
| %install |
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
| %makeinstall |
| |
| %clean |
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr(-,root,root) |
| %{_libdir}/libexif.so.* |
| %{_datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo |
| |
| %files devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root) |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libexif.pc |
| %{_includedir}/libexif |
| %{_libdir}/libexif.la |
| %{_libdir}/libexif.a |
| %{_libdir}/libexif.so |