| # liblouis: German Grade 2 Braille |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 2018 SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte |
| # |
| # This file is part of liblouis. |
| # |
| # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the |
| # License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| # |
| # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| # Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| # License along with liblouis. If not, see |
| # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| # |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| |
| letsign 6 |
| |
| noletsignbefore ' |
| noletsignafter .' |
| |
| noletsign cCqQxXyY\x250A |
| noletsign ÀàÁáÂâÃãÅåÆæÇçÈèÉéÊê |
| noletsign ËëÌìÍíÎîÏïÐðÑñÒòÓóÔô |
| noletsign ÕõØøÙùÚúÛûÝýÞþŸÿŒœĀā |
| noletsign Ă㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĖė |
| noletsign ĘęĚěĞğĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĮįİı |
| |
| # fehlender Pt.6 (Apo) bei Wort-Zahl-Ausdrücken |
| noback correct $l[]$d "\x256C" |
| |
| # fehlender Pt.6 (Apo) bei Ausrufe-/Fragezeichen in Klammern |
| always (!) 2356-6-235-2356 |
| always (?) 2356-6-26-2356 |
| |
| # fehlender Pt.6 (Apo) bei alleinstehendem Ausrufe- oder Fragezeichen in Klammern |
| always \s(? 0-2356-6-26 |
| always \s[? 0-6-2356-6-26 |
| always \s(! 0-2356-6-235 |
| always \s[! 0-6-2356-6-235 |
| |
| include de-g2-core-patterns.dic |
| |
| word aber 1 # A # |
| nocross aber 2-1 # ,A # |
| sufword ach 1-1456 # A4 # |
| nocross ach 56 # < # |
| prfword al 1-123 # AL # |
| nocross al 25 # : # |
| nocross al' 25-6 # :' # |
| prfword all 1-12345 # AQ # |
| nocross all 1 # A # |
| word als 146 # 3 # |
| nocross also 1-135 # AO # |
| endword an 1-1345 # AN # |
| nocross an 235 # + # |
| nocross an' 235-6 # +' # |
| nocross ander 2-12456 # ,7 # |
| prfword ar 1-1235 # AR # |
| nocross ar 356 # ) # |
| nocross ar' 356-6 # )' # |
| nocross arbeit 356-12 # )B # |
| nocross ation 5-1345 # !N # |
| nocross ativ 5-1236 # !V # |
| word au 6-16 # '1 # |
| nocross au 16 # 1 # |
| word auch 34 # \ # |
| word auf 16 # 1 # |
| nocross auf 2-16 # ,1 # |
| prfword be 12-15 # BE # |
| nocross be 23 # ; # |
| nocross be' 23-6 # ;' # |
| word bei 12 # B # |
| nocross bei 2-12 # ,B # |
| nocross beid 12-145 # BD # |
| word beim 12-134 # BM # |
| nocross besonder 23 # ; # |
| nocross besser 234-234 # SS # |
| nocross bis 12-234 # BS # |
| nocross bist 12-23456 # B] # |
| nocross bleib 12-12 # BB # |
| nocross brauch 2-34 # ,\ # |
| nocross brief 12-124 # BF # |
| nocross bring 12-1245 # BG # |
| nocross bräuch 5-34 # !\ # |
| always c 6-14 # 'C # |
| always C 6-14 # 'C # |
| word ch 6-1456 # '4 # |
| nocross ch 1456 # 4 # |
| nocross charakter 1456-13 # 4K # |
| word ck 6-14-13 # 'CK # |
| nocross ck 46 # $ # |
| nocross dabei 145-12 # DB # |
| word dadurch 145-145 # DD # |
| nocross dafür 145-124 # DF # |
| nocross dagegen 145-1245 # DG # |
| nocross daher 145-125 # DH # |
| nocross damit 145-134 # DM # |
| nocross dank 145-13 # DK # |
| nocross darauf 145-16 # D1 # |
| nocross darüber 145-1256 # D8 # |
| word das 145 # D # |
| word dass 2346 # ^ # |
| nocross davon 145-1236 # DV # |
| nocross dazu 145-1356 # DZ # |
| word dem 12356 # [ # |
| nocross dem 2-12356 # ,[ # |
| nocross demokrat 145-2345 # DT # |
| word den 15 # E # |
| word denen 15-14 # EC # |
| nocross denn 145-1345 # DN # |
| word der 1235 # R # |
| word des 3 # . # |
| nocross dessen 145-2346 # D^ # |
| nocross deutsch 145-156 # D5 # |
| word die 346 # 0 # |
| nocross dies 346 # 0 # |
| word dir 145-1235 # DR # |
| word doch 145-1456 # D4 # |
| nocross druck 145-46 # D$ # |
| nocross drück 5-145-46 # !D$ # |
| word durch 1456 # 4 # |
| nocross durch 2-1456 # ,4 # |
| nocross dürf 2-145 # ,D # |
| nocross ebenso 15-135 # EO # |
| nocross eh 2356 # = # |
| word ei 6-146 # '3 # |
| nocross ei 146 # 3 # |
| nocross ein 1246 # 6 # |
| nocross einander 2-1246 # ,6 # |
| nocross el 13456 # Y # |
| nocross em 12356 # [ # |
| nocross en 14 # C # |
| nocross ent 2346 # ^ # |
| begword ┊ent abcdef-14-2345 # xCT # |
| word eo 6-15-135 # 'EO # |
| nocross er 12456 # 7 # |
| nocross es 123456 # % # |
| nocross etwa 15-1 # EA # |
| nocross etwas 2345-2456 # TW # |
| word eu 6-126 # '2 # |
| nocross eu 126 # 2 # |
| begword ex 1346 # X # |
| nocross 'ex 6-15-6-1346 # 'E'X # |
| nocross fall 124-12345 # FQ # |
| nocross fahr 2-1235 # ,R # |
| word falls 124-12345-234 # FQS # |
| nocross falls 124 # F # |
| nocross fertig 124-45 # F> # |
| nocross folg 124-1245 # FG # |
| nocross freund 124-145 # FD # |
| nocross fäll 5-124-12345 # !FQ # |
| nocross fähr 5-1235 # !R # |
| nocross führ 124-125 # FH # |
| word für 124 # F # |
| nocross für 2-124 # ,F # |
| nocross ganz 1245-1356 # GZ # |
| nocross ge 12346 # & # |
| word gegen 1245 # G # |
| nocross gegen 2-1245 # ,G # |
| nocross gegenwart 1245-2456 # GW # |
| nocross gegenwärt 5-1245-2456 # !GW # |
| nocross gegenüber 1245-1256 # G8 # |
| nocross gelegen 1245-1245 # GG # |
| nocross geschäft 1245-124 # GF # |
| nocross gesellschaft 1245-156 # G5 # |
| word gewesen 12346 # & # |
| nocross gewesen 2-12346 # ,& # |
| nocross geworden 12346-2456 # &W # |
| nocross gibt 1245-12 # GB # |
| nocross gleich 1245-1456 # G4 # |
| nocross glück 1245-46 # G$ # |
| nocross gross 1245-2346 # G^ # |
| nocross groß 1245-2346 # G^ # |
| nocross grund 1245-145 # GD # |
| nocross gröss 5-1245-2346 # !G^ # |
| nocross größ 5-1245-2346 # !G^ # |
| nocross gründ 5-1245-145 # !GD # |
| nocross gänz 5-1245-1356 # !GZ # |
| nocross hab 2-125 # ,H # |
| nocross haft 125-124 # HF # |
| nocross hand 125-145 # HD # |
| nocross hast 125-23456 # H] # |
| nocross hat 125-2345 # HT # |
| nocross hatt 125 # H # |
| nocross haupt 125-1234 # HP # |
| word he 6-125-15 # 'HE # |
| word het 6-125-15-2345 # 'HET # |
| nocross heit 125 # H # |
| nocross herr 1235-1235 # RR # |
| nocross hier 125-1235 # HR # |
| nocross hoff 124-124 # FF # |
| nocross häft 5-125-124 # !HF # |
| nocross händ 5-125-145 # !HD # |
| nocross hätt 345 # @ # |
| nocross häupt 5-125-1234 # !HP # |
| nocross ich 3456 # # # |
| word ich, 24-1456-2 # I4, # |
| word ich; 24-1456-23 # I4; # |
| word ich: 24-1456-25 # I4: # |
| word ich? 24-1456-26 # I4? # |
| word ich! 24-1456-235 # I4+ # |
| word ich) 24-1456-2356 # I4= # |
| word ich" 24-1456-356 # I4) # |
| word ich« 24-1456-356 # I4) # |
| word ich» 24-1456-356 # I4) # |
| word ich┊ 24-1456-abcdef # I4x # |
| nocross ie 346 # 0 # |
| nocross ig 45 # > # |
| word ihm 236 # ( # |
| nocross ihn 24-125 # IH # |
| nocross ihr 24 # I # |
| word im 36a # - # |
| word immer 1346 # X # |
| nocross immer 2-1346 # ,X # |
| nocross in 35 # * # |
| nocross interess 2-35 # ,* # |
| nocross irgend 24-1245 # IG # |
| nocross ismus 5-24 # !I # |
| word ist 23456 # ] # |
| nocross istisch 5-156 # !5 # |
| nocross ität 5-345 # !@ # |
| nocross jahr 245-1235 # JR # |
| nocross jahrhundert 245-125 # JH # |
| nocross jahrtausend 245-2345 # JT # |
| nocross jahrzehnt 245-1356 # JZ # |
| nocross jed 245-145 # JD # |
| word jedoch 245-1456 # J4 # |
| nocross jetzig 245-45 # J> # |
| word jetzt 245 # J # |
| nocross jetzt 2-245 # ,J # |
| nocross jähr 5-245-1235 # !JR # |
| word kann 13 # K # |
| nocross kannst 13-23456 # K] # |
| nocross kapital 13-1234 # KP # |
| nocross keit 13 # K # |
| nocross komm 13-1346 # KX # |
| nocross konnt 13-2345 # KT # |
| nocross kraft 13-124 # KF # |
| nocross kräft 5-13-124 # !KF # |
| nocross kurz 13-1356 # KZ # |
| nocross kömm 5-13-1346 # !KX # |
| nocross könn 2-13 # ,K # |
| nocross kürz 5-13-1356 # !KZ # |
| nocross lang 123-1245 # LG # |
| nocross lass 2-123 # ,L # |
| nocross leb 123-12 # LB # |
| nocross leicht 123-1456 # L4 # |
| nocross letzt 123-2345 # LT # |
| nocross lich 456 # _ # |
| sufword ll 123-123 # LL # |
| nocross ll 12345 # Q # |
| nocross läng 5-123-1245 # !LG # |
| nocross läss 5-123 # !L # |
| word lässt 123 # L # |
| word mal 134-1-123 # MAL # |
| nocross mal 134 # M # |
| word man 134 # M # |
| nocross maschin 134-156 # M5 # |
| nocross material 134-123 # ML # |
| nocross materiell 134-12345 # MQ # |
| word mehr 2356 # = # |
| nocross mehr 2-2356 # ,= # |
| nocross mir 134-1235 # MR # |
| word mit 2345 # T # |
| nocross mit 2-2345 # ,T # |
| nocross mittel 134-2345 # MT # |
| sufword mm 134-134 # MM # |
| nocross mm 1346 # X # |
| word mr 6-134-1235 # 'MR # |
| always mr. 134-1235-3 # MR. # |
| word mrs 6-134-1235-234 # 'MRS # |
| always mrs. 134-1235-234-3 # MRS. # |
| nocross musik 134-13 # MK # |
| nocross muss 134-2346 # M^ # |
| word möcht 134-246-1456-2345 # M94T # |
| nocross möcht 1456 # 4 # |
| nocross mög 2-246 # ,9 # |
| nocross möglich 134-456 # M_ # |
| nocross müss 2-134 # ,M # |
| nocross nachdem 1345-145 # ND # |
| nocross nahm 1345-134 # NM # |
| nocross natur 1345-2345 # NT # |
| nocross natürlich 1345-456 # N_ # |
| nocross neben 1345-12 # NB # |
| nocross nehm 1345-125 # NH # |
| word nicht 1345 # N # |
| nocross nicht 2-1345 # ,N # |
| nocross nichts 1345-234 # NS # |
| nocross nis 1346 # X # |
| nocross noch 1345-1456 # N4 # |
| nocross nommen 1345-1346 # NX # |
| nocross notwendig 1345-2456 # NW # |
| nocross nur 1345-1235 # NR # |
| nocross nutz 1345-1356 # NZ # |
| nocross nächst 1345-23456 # N] # |
| nocross nähm 5-1345-134 # !NM # |
| nocross nütz 5-1345-1356 # !NZ # |
| word oder 135 # O # |
| nocross ohne 135-15 # OE # |
| prfword or 135-1235 # OR # |
| nocross or 26 # ? # |
| nocross or' 26-6 # ?' # |
| nocross paragraf 1234-1245 # PG # |
| nocross person 1234-1345 # PN # |
| nocross persön 5-1234-1345 # !PN # |
| nocross platz 1234-1356 # PZ # |
| nocross plätz 5-1234-1356 # !PZ # |
| nocross plötzlich 1234-456 # P_ # |
| nocross politik 1234-13 # PK # |
| nocross politisch 1234-156 # P5 # |
| begword pro 12345 # Q # |
| nocross prou 1234-1235-135-136 # PROU # |
| nocross punkt 1234-2345 # PT # |
| nocross pünkt 5-1234-2345 # !PT # |
| always q 6-12345 # 'Q # |
| always Q 6-12345 # 'Q # |
| nocross recht 1235-2345 # RT # |
| nocross regier 1235-1245 # RG # |
| nocross rehabilit 1235-12 # RB # |
| nocross republik 1235-13 # RK # |
| nocross richt 2-3456 # ,# # |
| nocross rück 1235-46 # R$ # |
| nocross sag 234-1245 # SG # |
| nocross sam 2346 # ^ # |
| nocross satz 234-1356 # SZ # |
| word sch 6-156 # '5 # |
| nocross sch 156 # 5 # |
| sufword schaft 156-1-124-2345 # 5AFT # |
| nocross schaft 156 # 5 # |
| nocross schlag 156-1245 # 5G # |
| nocross schliess 156-2346 # 5^ # |
| nocross schließ 156-2346 # 5^ # |
| nocross schläg 5-156-1245 # !5G # |
| word schon 156 # 5 # |
| nocross schreib 156-12 # 5B # |
| nocross schrieb 2-156 # ,5 # |
| nocross schrift 156-2345 # 5T # |
| nocross schwierig 156-45 # 5> # |
| nocross sehr 234-1235 # SR # |
| nocross sein 246 # 9 # |
| nocross selbst 234-23456 # S] # |
| nocross setz 2-15 # ,E # |
| word sich 14 # C # |
| word sie 234 # S # |
| nocross sind 234-145 # SD # |
| nocross sitz 2-24 # ,I # |
| word so 1234 # P # |
| nocross so 2-1234 # ,P # |
| nocross solch 234-1456 # S4 # |
| nocross soll 2-234 # ,S # |
| nocross sondern 234-1345 # SN # |
| nocross sozial 234-123 # SL # |
| nocross spiel 2-346 # ,0 # |
| nocross sprech 2-2346 # ,^ # |
| word ss 6-234-234 # 'SS # |
| nocross ss 2346 # ^ # |
| word st 234-2345 # ST # |
| nocross st 23456 # ] # |
| nocross staat 23456-2345 # ]T # |
| nocross stand 2-23456 # ,] # |
| nocross stell 2-13456 # ,Y # |
| nocross stets 23456-234 # ]S # |
| nocross ständ 5-23456 # !] # |
| nocross säg 5-234-1245 # !SG # |
| nocross sätz 5-234-1356 # !SZ # |
| nocross te 236 # ( # |
| nocross technik 2345-13 # TK # |
| nocross technisch 2345-156 # T5 # |
| nocross trag 2345-1245 # TG # |
| nocross treff 2345-124 # TF # |
| nocross trotz 2345-1356 # TZ # |
| nocross träg 5-2345-1245 # !TG # |
| word tz 6-2345-1356 # 'TZ # |
| word un 136-1345 # UN # |
| nocross un 256 # / # |
| word und 136 # U # |
| nocross und 2-136 # ,U # |
| nocross ung 136 # U # |
| word unter 256 # / # |
| nocross unter 2-256 # ,/ # |
| nocross ver 36a # - # |
| begword ┊ver abcdef-1236-12456 # xV7 # |
| nocross verhältnis 1236-125 # VH # |
| nocross viel 1236-123 # VL # |
| nocross vielleicht 1236-2345 # VT # |
| nocross volk 1236-13 # VK # |
| word voll 12345 # Q # |
| nocross voll 2-12345 # ,Q # |
| nocross vom 1236-134 # VM # |
| word von 1236 # V # |
| nocross von 2-1236 # ,V # |
| word vor 26 # ? # |
| nocross vor 2-26 # ,? # |
| nocross völk 5-1236-13 # !VK # |
| nocross völl 5-12345 # !Q # |
| nocross wahr 2456-125 # WH # |
| nocross war 356 # ) # |
| word was 2456 # W # |
| nocross weg 2456-1245 # WG # |
| nocross weit 2456-2345 # WT # |
| nocross weis 2-146 # ,3 # |
| nocross welch 13456 # Y # |
| nocross wenig 2456-45 # W> # |
| nocross wenn 2456-1345 # WN # |
| nocross werd 2-2456 # ,W # |
| nocross wesentlich 2456-456 # W_ # |
| nocross wiss 2456-2346 # W^ # |
| word wie 126 # 2 # |
| nocross wie 2-126 # ,2 # |
| nocross wieder 346-145 # 0D # |
| nocross will 2456-12345 # WQ # |
| nocross wir 2456-1235 # WR # |
| nocross wird 2456-145 # WD # |
| nocross wirk 2456-13 # WK # |
| nocross wirst 2456-23456 # W] # |
| nocross wirtschaft 2456-156 # W5 # |
| nocross wohl 2456-123 # WL # |
| nocross woll 2-135 # ,O # |
| nocross worden 135-14 # OC # |
| word wurd 2456-136-1235-145 # WURD # |
| nocross wurd 136 # U # |
| nocross währ 5-2456-125 # !WH # |
| nocross während 345-145 # @D # |
| nocross wär 5-356 # !) # |
| endword wärts 2456 # W # |
| word würd 2456-1256-1235-145 # W8RD # |
| nocross würd 1256 # 8 # |
| always x 6-1346 # 'X # |
| always X 6-1346 # 'X # |
| always y 6-13456 # 'Y # |
| always Y 6-13456 # 'Y # |
| nocross zahl 1356-123 # ZL # |
| nocross zeit 1356-2345 # ZT # |
| word zu 1356 # Z # |
| nocross zu 2-1356 # ,Z # |
| nocross zum 1356-134 # ZM # |
| nocross zunächst 1356-1345 # ZN # |
| nocross zur 1356-1235 # ZR # |
| nocross zurück 1356-46 # Z$ # |
| nocross zusammen 1356-234 # ZS # |
| nocross zwischen 1356-2456 # ZW # |
| nocross zähl 5-1356-123 # !ZL # |
| always ß 6-2346 # '^ # |
| nocross ähnlich 345-456 # @_ # |
| nocross änder 5-12456 # !7 # |
| nocross äu 34 # \ # |
| nocross öffentlich 246-456 # 9_ # |
| word über 1256 # 8 # |
| nocross über 2-1256 # ,8 # |
| word überhaupt 1256-125 # 8H # |
| nocross übrig 1256-45 # 8> # |
| endword 'st 6-23456 # '] # |
| |
| # Ausnahmen: |
| word 'e 6-6-15 # ''E # |
| word 'l 6-6-123 # ''L # |
| word 'm 6-6-134 # ''M # |
| word 'n 6-6-1345 # ''N # |
| word 'n' 6-1345-6 # 'N' # |
| word 's 6-6-234 # ''S # |
| word 't 6-6-2345 # ''T # |
| word 'tsch 6-6-2345-156 # ''T5 # |
| word 'u 6-6-136 # ''U # |
| word ao 6-1-135 # 'AO # |
| word aos 6-1-135-234 # 'AOS # |
| word che 6-1456-15 # '4E # |
| word chen 6-1456-14 # '4C # |
| word chens 6-1456-14-234 # '4CS # |
| word chet 6-1456-15-2345 # '4ET # |
| word chets 6-1456-15-2345-234 # '4ETS # |
| word dau 6-145-16 # 'D1 # |
| word dirs 145-1235-234 # DRS # |
| word dr 6-145-1235 # 'DR # |
| always dr. 145-1235-3 # DR. # |
| word dschem 6-145-156-12356 # 'D5[ # |
| word dü 6-145-1256 # 'D8 # |
| word gsch 6-1245-156 # 'G5 # |
| word he'd 125-15-6-145 # HE'D # |
| word he's 125-15-6-234 # HE'S # |
| word ih 6-24-125 # 'IH # |
| word ihm's 24-125-134-6-234 # IHM'S # |
| word mal'ach 134-25-6-1-1456 # M:'A4 # |
| word mal'n 134-25-6-1345 # M:'N # |
| word mlle 6-134-12345-15 # 'MQE # |
| word nta 6-1345-2345-1 # 'NTA # |
| word nu'man 1345-136-6-134-1-1345 # NU'MAN # |
| word pnin 6-1234-1345-35 # 'PN* # |
| word psch 6-1234-156 # 'P5 # |
| word pschscht 6-1234-156-156-2345 # 'P55T # |
| word pscht 6-1234-156-2345 # 'P5T # |
| word qa'im 6-12345-1-6-24-134 # 'QA'IM # |
| word rrm 6-1235-1235-134 # 'RRM # |
| word s' 6-234-6 # 'S' # |
| word sch'chinah 156-6-1456-35-1-125 # 5'4*AH # |
| word scht 6-156-2345 # '5T # |
| word sgt 6-234-1245-2345 # 'SGT # |
| word tsch 6-2345-156 # 'T5 # |
| word tschk 6-2345-156-13 # 'T5K # |
| word un'ora 256-6-135-1235-1 # /'ORA # |
| word when 2456-125-14-1345 # 'WHC # |
| word where 6-2456-125-12456-15 # 'WH7E # |
| word whu 6-2456-125-136 # 'WHU # |
| word über'aupt 2-1256-6-16-1234-2345 # ,8'1PT # |