blob: 885e9bcc1465855e16a6b833b7656d0df9581e0b [file] [log] [blame]
# liblouis: English (Unified) character definitions table
# Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY
# Copyright (C) 1999-2006 by The BRLTTY Team
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 JJB Software, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2016 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
# This file is part of liblouis.
# liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with liblouis. If not, see
# <>.
# Maintained by Mike Gray <>
space \t 9 tab
space \x001b 1b escape character for html back-translation
space \x00A0 a NO-BREAK SPACE <noBreak> 0020 NON-BREAKING SPACE
include spaces.uti
noback correct "\x200b" "\s"
include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
# Numeric Symbols
display 0 356
display 1 2
display 2 23
display 3 25
display 4 256
display 5 26
display 6 235
display 7 2356
display 8 236
display 9 35
digit 0 245
digit 1 1
digit 2 12
digit 3 14
digit 4 145
digit 5 15
digit 6 124
digit 7 1245
digit 8 125
digit 9 24
# this is a bad work-around for doing numeric mode backwards
litdigit 0 245
litdigit 1 1
litdigit 2 12
litdigit 3 14
litdigit 4 145
litdigit 5 15
litdigit 6 124
litdigit 7 1245
litdigit 8 125
litdigit 9 24
# Modifiers
# acute accent
sign \x00b4 45-34 ´
sign \x0301 45-34 ́
noback correct [$l]"́" "́"*
# circumflex/carot
display \x005e 457 ^
sign \x005e 4-26 ^
sign \x0302 45-146 ̂
noback correct [$l]"̂" "̂"*
# grave accent
sign \x0060 46-16 `
noback punctuation ` 4
sign \x0300 45-16 ̀̀
noback correct [$l]"̀" "̀"*
# tilde
display \x007e 45 ~
math \x007e 4-35 ~
sign \x0303 45-12456 ̃
noback correct [$l]"̃" "̃"*
noback pass2 @45-12456-6 @6-45-12456 move after capital sign
# macron
sign \x00af 4-36 ¯
sign \x0304 45-4-36 ̄
noback correct [$l]"̄" "̄"*
# cedilla
sign \x00b8 45-12346 ¸
sign \x0327 45-12346 ̧
noback correct [$l]"̧" "̧"*
# diaeresis/umlat
sign \x00a8 45-25 ¨
sign \x0308 45-25 ̈
noback correct [$l]"̈" "̈"*
# caron
sign \x02c7 45-345 ˇ
sign \x030c 45-346 ̌
noback correct [$l]"̌" "̌"*
# breve
sign \x02d8 4-346 ˘
sign \x0306 4-346 ̆
noback correct [$l]"̆" "̆"*
# ring/circle
sign \x02da 45-1246 ˚
sign \x030a 45-1246 ̊
noback correct [$l]"̊" "̊"*
##### Start of Unicode
# Unicode: Basic Latin
display ! 2346
punctuation ! 235
nofor postpunc ! 235
match %a ! %a 56-235
display " 5
punctuation " 6-2356
# The "?" symbol is mostly handled below,
# but the pattern needs to be defined before prepunc and postpunc can be used.
display ? 1456
nofor punctuation ? 236
nofor punctuation " 356
nofor prepunc " 236
nofor postpunc " 356
match %[^_~]%<* " %[_.$]*%[a#] 236
match %[a#]%[_.$]* " %>*%[^_~] 356
display # 3456
sign # 456-1456
display $ 1246
sign $ 4-234
display % 146
sign % 46-356
display & 12346
sign & 4-12346
display ' 3
punctuation ' 3
display ( 12356
punctuation ( 5-126
display ) 23456
punctuation ) 5-345
display * 16
sign * 5-35
display + 346
math + 5-235
display , 6
punctuation , 2
match %a , %a 56-2
display - 36
punctuation - 36
hyphen - 36
display . 46
punctuation . 256
decpoint . 256
display / 34
math / 456-34
# 0-9 see Numeric Symbols
display : 156
punctuation : 25
postpunc : 25
match %a : %a 56-25
#TODO: this is unnecessarily necessary
display ; 56
punctuation ; 23
noback punctuation ; 56
match %a ; %a 56-23
display < 126
math < 4-126
display = 123456
math = 5-2356
display > 345
punctuation > 4-345
# requires grade one indicator when by itself
punctuation ? 56-236
postpunc ? 236
display @ 47
sign @ 4-1
# A-Z see latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
display [ 2467
punctuation [ 46-126
display \\ 12567
sign \\ 456-16
display ] 124567
punctuation ] 46-345
# \x005e ^ see Modifiers
display _ 456
sign _ 46-36
# /x0060 ` see Modifiers
# a-z see latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
display { 246
punctuation { 456-126
display | 1256
sign | 456-1256
display } 12456
punctuation } 456-345
# \x007e ~ see Modifiers
# Unicode: Latin-1 Supplement
#punctuation \x0093 236
#punctuation \x0094 356
#punctuation \x0096 36
space \x00a0 a non-breaking space
sign \x00a1 45-56-235 ¡
punctuation \x00a1 235 ¡
sign \x00a2 4-14 ¢ cent
sign \x00a3 4-123 £ pound
sign \x00a4 1246 ¤ curency
sign \x00a5 4-13456 ¥ yen
sign \x00a6 46-1256 ¦ broken bar
punctuation \x00a6 456-1256 ¦ broken bar
sign \x00a7 45-234 § section
# \x00a8 ¨ see Modifiers
sign \x00a9 45-14 © copyright
#sign \x00aa ª
punctuation \x00ab 456-236 «
sign \x00ac 4-1456 ¬
punctuation \x00ad 36 - soft hyphen
sign \x00ae 45-1235 ® registered
# \x00af ¯ see Modifiers
sign \x00b0 45-245 °
math \x00b1 456-235 ±
# fake grade 1 and superscipt indicator
math \x00b2 56-35-3456-12 ²
math \x00b3 56-35-3456-14 ³
# \x00b4 ´ see Modifiers
sign \x00b5 46-134 µ
math \x00b7 4-16 ·
# fake numeric indicator
math \x00bc 3456-1-34-145 ¼
math \x00bd 3456-1-34-12 ½
math \x00be 3456-14-34-145 ¾
#sign \x00ba 0 º
sign \x00b6 45-1234 pilcrow
# \x00b8 ¸ see Modifiers
punctuation \x00bb 456-356 »
punctuation \x00bf 45-56-236 ¿
uplow \x00c0\x00e0 45-16-1 Àà
uplow \x00c1\x00e1 45-34-1 Áá
uplow \x00c2\x00e2 45-146-1 Ââ
uplow \x00c3\x00e3 45-12456-1 Ãã
uplow \x00c4\x00e4 45-25-1 Ää
uplow \x00c5\x00e5 45-1246-1 Åå
uppercase \x00c6 1-6-45-235-15 Æ
uplow \x00c7\x00e7 45-12346-14 Çç
uplow \x00c8\x00e8 45-16-15 Èè
uplow \x00c9\x00e9 45-34-15 Éé
uplow \x00ca\x00ea 45-146-15 Êê
uplow \x00cb\x00eb 45-25-15 Ëë
uplow \x00cc\x00ec 45-16-24 Ìì
uplow \x00cd\x00ed 45-34-24 Íí
uplow \x00ce\x00ee 45-146-24 Îî
uplow \x00cf\x00ef 45-25-24 Ïï
uplow \x00d0\x00f0 3456-1246 Ðð
uplow \x00d1\x00f1 45-12456-1345 Ññ
uplow \x00d2\x00f2 45-16-135 Òò
uplow \x00d3\x00f3 45-34-135 Óó
uplow \x00d4\x00f4 45-146-135 Ôô
uplow \x00d5\x00f5 45-12456-135 Õõ
uplow \x00d6\x00f6 45-25-135 Öö
math \x00d7 5-236 ×
uplow \x00d8\x00f8 4-16-135 Øø
uplow \x00d9\x00f9 45-16-136 Ùù
uplow \x00da\x00fa 45-34-136 Úú
uplow \x00db\x00fb 45-146-136 Ûû
uplow \x00dc\x00fc 45-25-136 Üü
uplow \x00dd\x00fd 45-34-13456 Ýý
uplow \x00de\x00fe 3456-2346 Þþ
lowercase \x00e6 1-45-235-15 æ
math \x00f7 5-34 ÷
# Unicode: Latin Extended-A
uplow \x0100\x0101 4-36-1 Āā
uplow \x0102\x0103 4-346-1 Ăă
uplow \x0106\x0107 45-34-14 Ćć
uplow \x0108\x0109 45-146-14 Ĉĉ
uplow \x010e\x010f 45-346-145 Ďď
uplow \x0110\x0111 4-25-145 Đđ
uplow \x0112\x0113 4-36-15 Ēē
uplow \x0114\x0115 4-346-15 Ĕĕ
uplow \x011c\x011d 45-146-1245 Ĝĝ
uplow \x011e\x011f 4-346-1245 Ğğ
uplow \x0122\x0123 45-12346-1245 Ģģ
uplow \x0124\x0125 45-146-125 Ĥĥ
uplow \x0126\x0127 4-25-125 Ħħ
uplow \x0128\x0129 45-12456-24 Ĩĩ
uplow \x012a\x012b 4-36-24 Īī
uplow \x012c\x012d 4-346-24 Ĭĭ
uppercase \x0132 24-6-45-235-245 IJ
lowercase \x0133 24-45-235-245 ij
uplow \x0134\x0135 45-146-245 Ĵĵ
uplow \x0136\x0137 45-12346-13 Ķķ
uplow \x0139\x013a 45-34-123 Ĺĺ
uplow \x013b\x013c 45-12346-123 Ļļ
uplow \x013d\x013e 45-346-123 Ľľ
uplow \x0141\x0142 4-16-123 Łł
uplow \x0141\x0142 4-25-123 Łł
uplow \x0143\x0144 45-34-1345 Ńń
uplow \x0145\x0146 45-12346-1345 Ņņ
uplow \x0147\x0148 45-346-1345 Ňň
uplow \x014a\x014b 45-1345 Ŋŋ
uplow \x014c\x014d 4-36-135 Ōō
uplow \x014e\x014f 4-346-135 Ŏŏ
uppercase \x0152 135-6-45-235-15 Œ
lowercase \x0153 135-45-235-15 œ
uplow \x0154\x0155 45-34-1235 Ŕŕ
uplow \x0156\x0157 45-12346-1235 Ŗŗ
uplow \x0158\x0159 45-346-1235 Řř
uplow \x015a\x015b 45-34-234 Śś
uplow \x015c\x015d 45-146-234 Ŝŝ
uplow \x015e\x015f 45-12346-234 Şş
uplow \x0160\x0161 45-346-234 Šš
uplow \x0162\x0163 45-12346-2345 Ţţ
uplow \x0164\x0165 45-346-2345 Ťť
uplow \x0166\x0167 4-25-2345 Ŧŧ
uplow \x0168\x0169 45-12456-136 Ũũ
uplow \x016a\x016b 4-36-136 Ūū
uplow \x016c\x016d 4-346-136 Ŭŭ
uplow \x016e\x016f 45-1246-136 Ůů
uplow \x0174\x0175 45-146-2456 Ŵŵ
uplow \x0176\x0177 45-146-13456 Ŷŷ
uplow \x0178\x00ff 45-25-13456 Ÿÿ
uplow \x0179\x017a 45-34-1356 Źź
uplow \x017d\x017e 45-346-1356 Žž
# Unicode: Latin Extended-B
uplow \x018f\x0259 456-26 Əə schwa e must be before \x018e and \x04d8
uplow \x018e\x01dd 456-26 Ǝǝ turned e
uplow \x0197\x0268 4-25-24 Ɨɨ
uplow \x01b5\x01b6 4-25-1356 Ƶƶ
uplow \x01cd\x01ce 45-346-1 Ǎǎ
uplow \x01cf\x01d0 45-346-123 Ǐǐ
uplow \x01cf\x01d0 45-346-24 Ǐǐ
uplow \x01d1\x01d2 45-346-135 Ǒǒ
uplow \x01d3\x01d4 45-346-136 Ǔǔ
uplow \x01e4\x01e5 4-25-1245 Ǥǥ
uplow \x01e6\x01e7 45-346-1245 Ǧǧ
uplow \x01e8\x01e9 45-346-13 Ǩǩ
uplow \x01f4\x01f5 45-34-1245 Ǵǵ
uplow \x01f7\x01bf 3456-2456 Ƿƿ wynn
uplow \x01f8\x01f9 45-16-1345 Ǹǹ
uplow \x021c\x021d 3456-13456 Ȝȝ yogh
uplow \x021e\x021f 45-346-125 Ȟȟ
uplow \x0228\x0229 45-12346-15 Ȩȩ
uplow \x0232\x0233 4-36-13456 Ȳȳ
uplow \x023a\x2c65 4-16-1 Ⱥⱥ
uplow \x023b\x023c 4-16-14 Ȼȼ
uplow \x023e\x2c66 4-16-2345 Ⱦⱦ
uplow \x0243\x0180 4-25-12 Ƀƀ
uplow \x0246\x0247 4-16-15 Ɇɇ
uplow \x0248\x0249 4-25-245 Ɉɉ
uplow \x0248\x0249 4-25-245 Ɉɉ
uplow \x024c\x024d 4-25-1235 Ɍɍ
uplow \x024e\x024f 4-25-13456 Ɏɏ
# Unicode: IPA Extensions
# \x0259 ə see \x018f
# Unicode: Spacing Modifier Letters
sign \x02e6 45-46-14 ˦ high tone
sign \x02e7 45-46-25 ˧ mid tone
sign \x02e8 45-46-36 ˨ low tone
# Unicode: Greek and Coptic
uplow \x0391\x03b1 46-1 Αα Alpha
uplow \x0392\x03b2 46-12 Ββ Beta
uplow \x0393\x03b3 46-1245 Γγ Gamma
uplow \x0394\x03b4 46-145 Δδ Delta
uplow \x0395\x03b5 46-15 Εε Epsilon
uplow \x0396\x03b6 46-1356 Ζζ Zeta
uplow \x0397\x03b7 46-156 Ηη Eta
uplow \x0398\x03b8 46-1456 Θθ Theta
uplow \x0399\x03b9 46-24 Ιι Iota
uplow \x039a\x03ba 46-13 Κκ Kappa
uplow \x039b\x03bb 46-123 Λλ Lamda
uplow \x039c\x03bc 46-134 Μμ Mu
uplow \x039d\x03bd 46-1345 Νν Nu
uplow \x039e\x03be 46-1346 Ξξ Xi
uplow \x039f\x03bf 46-135 Οο Omicron
uplow \x03a0\x03c0 46-1234 Ππ Pi
uplow \x03a1\x03c1 46-1235 Ρρ Rho
uplow \x03a3\x03c3 46-234 Σσ Sigma
uplow \x03a4\x03c4 46-2345 Ττ Tau
uplow \x03a5\x03c5 46-136 Υυ Upsilon
uplow \x03a6\x03c6 46-124 Φφ Phi
uplow \x03a7\x03c7 46-12346 Χχ Chi
uplow \x03a8\x03c8 46-13456 Ψψ Psi
uplow \x03a9\x03c9 46-2456 Ωω Omega
noback lowercase \x03c2 46-234 ς Small Letter Sigma
# Unicode: Cyrillic
# similar cryrillic characters must be after latin characters
# to ensure proper backward translation
# Unicode: Latin Extended Additional
uplow \x1e20\x1e21 4-36-1245 Ḡḡ
uplow \x1e26\x1e27 45-25-125 Ḧḧ
uplow \x1e30\x1e31 45-34-13 Ḱḱ
uplow \x1e3e\x1e3f 45-34-134 Ḿḿ
uplow \x1e54\x1e55 45-34-1234 Ṕṕ
uplow \x1e7c\x1e7d 45-12456-1236 Ṽṽ
uplow \x1e82\x1e83 45-34-2456 Ẃẃ
uplow \x1e84\x1e85 45-25-2456 Ẅẅ
uplow \x1e8c\x1e8d 45-25-1346 Ẍẍ
lowercase \x1e97 45-25-2345
lowercase \x1e98 45-1246-2456
lowercase \x1e99 45-1246-13456
uplow \x1ebc\x1ebd 45-12456-15 Ẽẽ
uplow \x1ef8\x1ef9 45-12456-13456 Ỹỹ
# Unicode: General Punctuation
space \x2000 0
space \x2001 0
space \x2002 0
space \x2003 0
space \x2004 0
space \x2005 0
space \x2006 0
space \x2007 0
space \x2008 0
space \x2009 0
space \x200a 0
space \x200b 0
punctuation \x2010 36
punctuation \x2011 36
punctuation \x2013 6-36
punctuation \x2014 5-6-36 Rules of UEB, page 15
punctuation \x2015 5-6-36
noback punctuation \x2018 6-236
noback punctuation \x2019 6-356
punctuation \x201c 236
punctuation \x201d 356
sign \x2020 4-6-1456 dagger
sign \x2021 4-6-12456 double dagger
sign \x2022 456-256 bullet
punctuation \x2026 256-256-256 ellipse
space \x202f 0 narrow no-break space
sign \x2032 2356 prime (derivative)
sign \x2033 2356-2356 double prime (second derivative)
# Unicode: Superscripts and Subscripts
# fake indicators and numeric indicator
#math \x2070 35-3456-245 ⁰
# Unicode: Currency Symbols
sign \x20a3 4-124 franc
sign \x20a6 4-1345 naira
sign \x20ac 4-15 euro
# Unicode: Letterlike Symbols
sign \x2122 45-2345
# Unicode: Number Forms
# fake numerical indicator for simple fractions
math \x2150 3456-1-34-1245
math \x2151 3456-1-34-24
math \x2152 3456-1-34-1-245
math \x2153 3456-1-34-14
math \x2154 3456-12-34-14
math \x2155 3456-1-34-15
math \x2156 3456-12-34-15
math \x2157 3456-14-34-15
math \x2158 3456-145-34-15
math \x2159 3456-1-34-124
math \x215a 3456-15-34-124
math \x215b 3456-1-34-125
math \x215c 3456-14-34-125
math \x215d 3456-15-34-125
math \x215e 3456-1245-34-125
math \x2189 3456-245-34-14
# Unicode: Arrows
sign \x2190 56-1256-246
sign \x2191 56-1256-346
sign \x2192 56-1256-135
sign \x2193 56-1256-146
sign \x2196 56-1256-156
sign \x2197 56-1256-234
sign \x2198 56-1256-126
sign \x2199 56-1256-345
sign \x21a6 56-1256-1256
sign \x21b2 56-1256-256
sign \x21b3 56-1256-356
sign \x21b5 56-1256-256-146 Rules of UEB, page 21
sign \x21c0 56-1256-4-1235
sign \x21c1 56-1256-6-1235
sign \x21cc 45-456-2356 equilibrium arrow (harpoons)
sign \x21d2 56-1256-2356-2356
# Unicode: Mathematical Operators
sign \x2200 45-1 for all
sign \x2202 4-145 partial derivative
sign \x2203 45-26 there exists
sign \x2204 45-26-4-156 there does not exist
sign \x2205 4-245 empty set
sign \x2207 45-145 nabla
sign \x2208 45-15 element of
sign \x220b 4-45-15 contains (such that)
sign \x2211 6-46-234 sum (capitol sigma)
sign \x2212 5-36 minus sign (not hyphen)
sign \x2213 456-36 minus or plus
sign \x2218 5-356 hollow dot (ring operator)
sign \x221a 5-146 square root
sign \x221d 456-5-2356 proportional to
sign \x221e 3456-123456 infinity
sign \x2220 456-246 angle
sign \x2221 46-456-246 measured angle
sign \x2225 3456-123 parallel to
sign \x2227 4-236 logical and
sign \x2228 4-235 logical or
sign \x2229 46-236 set intersection
sign \x222a 46-235 set union
sign \x222b 2346 integral
sign \x222e 4-2346 contour integral
noback sign \x2234 6-16 therefore # using noback to avoid conflict with Child
sign \x2235 4-34 because
noback sign \x2236 25 ratio # using noback to avoid conflict with :
sign \x2237 25-25 proportion
sign \x2243 456-35 asymptotically equal to
sign \x2245 5-456-35 approximately equal to
sign \x2248 45-35 almost equal to
sign \x224f 45-5-2356 difference between
sign \x2251 46-5-2356 geometrically equal
sign \x2260 5-2356-4-156 not equal
sign \x2261 456-123456 identical (equivalent) to
sign \x2264 456-4-126 less than or equal to
sign \x2265 456-4-345 greater than or equal to
sign \x226a 46-4-126 much less than
sign \x226b 46-4-345 much greater than
sign \x2282 45-126 subset of
sign \x2283 45-345 superset of
sign \x2286 456-45-126 subset or equal to
sign \x2287 456-45-345 superset or equal to
sign \x228a 46-45-126 proper subset
sign \x228b 46-45-345 proper superset
sign \x22a3 4-456-25 left tack
sign \x22a5 3456-36 up tack
sign \x22a6 456-25 assertion
sign \x22a8 45-456-25 valid
sign \x22b2 4-456-126 normal subgroup
sign \x22b3 4-456-345 contains as normal subgroup
sign \x22b4 456-456-126 normal subgroup or equal
sign \x22b5 456-456-345 contains as normal subgroup or equal
sign \x22be 3456-456-246 right angle with arc
sign \x22c5 5-256 dot operator
# Unicode: Miscellaneous Technical
math \x2329 4-126
math \x232A 4-345
# Unicode: Box Drawing
noback sign \x2502 456 tally mark - vertical single solid line segment
noback sign \x250a 45 first variant vertical line segment
noback sign \x2551 6-456 second variant vertical line segment
noback sign \x2571 345 right-leaning single solid diagonal line segment # using noback to avoid conflict with "ar" contraction
noback sign \x2572 126 left-leaning single solid diagonal line segment # using noback to avoid conflict with "gh" contraction
# Unicode: Geometric Shapes
sign \x25a0 456-1246-3456-145 filled (solid) square
sign \x25a1 1246-3456-145 square
sign \x25a7 46-1246-3456-145 shaded square (upper left to lower right)
sign \x25b2 456-1246-3456-14 filled (solid) (equilateral) triangle
sign \x25b3 1246-3456-14 regular (equilateral) triangle
sign \x25cb 1246-123456 circle
sign \x25cd 46-1246-123456 shaded circle
sign \x25aa 456-256
noback sign \x25cf 5-35 black circle # not representing filled circle shape as it is mostly used in password fields to represent hidden characters
# Unicode: Miscellaneous Symbols
sign \x2640 45-1346
sign \x2642 45-13456
sign \x266D 3456-126
sign \x266E 3456-16
sign \x266F 3456-146
# Unicode: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
sign \x29b5 46-245 'normal' (superscript circle crossed by horizontal line)
# Unicode: Supplemental Mathemetical Operators
math \x2a23 45-146-5-235
math \x2a24 45-12456-5-235
# Unicode: Supplemental Mathematical Operators
sign \x2a23 45-146-5-235
sign \x2a24 45-12456-5-235
sign \x2ae4 46-456-25 reverse 'is valid' sign
# Unicode: Latin Extended-C
uplow \x2c63\x1d7d 4-25-1234 Ᵽᵽ
# Unicode: CJK Symbols and Punctuation
sign \x3003 5-2 ditto mark
math \x3008 4-126
math \x3009 4-345
# Unicode: Latin Extended-D
uplow \xa740\xa741 4-25-13 Ꝁꝁ
uplow \xa742\xa743 4-16-13 Ꝃꝃ
uplow \xa750\xa751 4-25-1234 Ꝑꝑ
uplow \xa756\xa757 4-25-12345 Ꝗꝗ
uplow \xa758\xa759 4-16-12345 Ꝙꝙ
uplow \xa75e\xa75f 4-16-1236 Ꝟꝟ
uplow \xa798\xa798 4-25-124 Ꞙꞙ
# Unicode: Latin Extended-D
lowercase \xfb00 124-45-235-124
lowercase \xfb01 124-45-235-24
#\xfb02 ffi
#\xfb03 ffl
lowercase \xfb05 124-45-235-2345
lowercase \xfb06 234-45-235-2345
# Unicode: Cyrillic
# see above as to why these are here
uplow \x0400\x0450 45-16-15 Ѐѐ
uplow \x0401\x0451 45-25-15 Ёё
uplow \x0407\x0457 45-25-24 Її
uplow \x040c\x045c 45-34-13 Ќќ
uplow \x040e\x04e5 45-346-13456 Ўў
uplow \x04aa\x04ab 45-12346-14 Ҫҫ
uplow \x04b0\x04b1 4-25-13456 Ұұ
uplow \x04d0\x04d1 4-346-1 Ӑӑ
uplow \x04d2\x04d3 45-25-1 Ӓӓ
uppercase \x04d4 1-6-45-235-15 Ӕ
lowercase \x04d5 1-45-235-15 ӕ
uplow \x04d6\x04d7 45-346-15 Ӗӗ
uplow \x04d8\x04d9 456-26 Әә
uplow \x04ee\x04ef 4-36-13456 Ӯӯ
uplow \x04f0\x04f1 45-25-13456 Ӱӱ
##### End of Unicode
# Unicode prefers \x2019 for apostrophe instead of \x0027
endword \x2019d 3-145
endword \x2019m 3-134
endword \x2019re 3-1235-15
endword \x2019ve 3-1236-15
endword \x2019ll 3-123-123
endword \x2019s 3-234
endword s\x2019 234-3
endword \x2019t 3-2345