| # Finnish 6-dot braille based on the official specification document |
| # |
| # ----------- |
| #-index-name: Finnish |
| #-display-name: Finnish braille |
| # |
| #+locale:fi |
| #+type:literary |
| #+contraction:no |
| #+dots:6 |
| # |
| # TODO: Please correct the metadata above. It is not meant to be |
| # accurate nor complete. It hasn't been verified by the table |
| # author yet. It is merely an attempt by the liblouis maintainers |
| # to get some sensible initial values in place. |
| # |
| # TODO: Please add a reference to official documentation about |
| # the implemented braille code. Preferably submit the documents |
| # to https://github.com/liblouis/braille-specs. |
| # ----------- |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Celia Library https://www.celia.fi |
| # |
| # This file is part of liblouis. |
| # |
| # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the |
| # License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| # |
| # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| # Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| # License along with liblouis. If not, see |
| # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| # Created by Jukka Eerikäinen |
| |
| # Based on official specification document available on |
| # https://github.com/liblouis/liblouis/tree/formal_braille_spec#pistekirjoituksen-perusteet |
| |
| # Includes |
| space \x00a0 a |
| include spaces.uti |
| include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| include digits6Dots.uti |
| include litdigits6Dots.uti |
| include braille-patterns.cti |
| |
| # Finnish-specific letters |
| uplow \x00C5\x00E5 16 Åå |
| uplow \x00C4\x00E4 345 Ää |
| uplow \x00D6\x00F6 246 Öö |
| |
| # Common foreign-language letters that have single sign |
| uplow \x00C9\x00E9 123456 Éé |
| uplow \x1E9E\x00DF 2346 ẞß |
| uplow \x00DC\x00FC 1256 Üü |
| uplow \x0152\x0153 246 Œœ |
| uplow \x00C6\x00E6 345 Ææ |
| |
| # Other foreign letters with double sign |
| # From UTF-8 table. Does not include every possible letter-diacritic-combination. |
| # For foreign letters with no single specified sign, a generic "foreign letter" sign is used before the braille sign for the base letter. |
| uplow \x00C0\x00E0 45-1 Àà |
| uplow \x00C1\x00E1 45-1 Áá |
| uplow \x00C2\x00E2 45-1 Ââ |
| uplow \x00C3\x00E3 45-1 Ãã |
| uplow \x00C7\x00E7 45-14 Çç |
| uplow \x00C8\x00E8 45-15 Èè |
| uplow \x00CA\x00EA 45-15 Êê |
| uplow \x00CB\x00EB 45-15 Ëë |
| uplow \x00CC\x00EC 45-24 Ìì |
| uplow \x00CD\x00ED 45-24 Íí |
| uplow \x00CE\x00EE 45-24 Îî |
| uplow \x00CF\x00EF 45-24 Ïï |
| uplow \x00D0\x00F0 45-145 Ðð |
| uplow \x00D1\x00F1 45-1345 Ññ |
| uplow \x00D2\x00F2 45-135 Òò |
| uplow \x00D3\x00F3 45-135 Óó |
| uplow \x00D4\x00F4 45-135 Ôô |
| uplow \x00D5\x00F5 45-135 Õõ |
| uplow \x00D8\x00F8 45-135 Øø |
| uplow \x00D9\x00F9 45-136 Ùù |
| uplow \x00DA\x00FA 45-136 Úú |
| uplow \x00DB\x00FB 45-136 Ûû |
| uplow \x00DD\x00FD 45-13456 Ýý |
| uplow \x00DE\x00FE 45-145 Þþ |
| lowercase \x00FF 45-13456 ÿ |
| |
| # Punctuation |
| # For purposes of this table intended for general literary texts, some mathematical symbols and operators, such as < and > are considered as general punctuation. For reasoning, see section "General symbols" below. |
| punctuation . 3 |
| punctuation , 2 |
| punctuation : 25 |
| punctuation ; 23 |
| punctuation ! 256 |
| punctuation ? 26 |
| punctuation ' 5 |
| punctuation " 56 |
| punctuation ! 256 |
| punctuation ? 26 |
| punctuation \x0027 5 ' |
| punctuation \x0022 56 " |
| punctuation ( 236 |
| punctuation ) 356 |
| punctuation [ 12356 |
| punctuation ] 23456 |
| punctuation { 1246 |
| punctuation } 12456 |
| punctuation < 126 |
| punctuation > 156 |
| punctuation / 34 |
| |
| # General symbols |
| # For purposes of this table intended for general literary texts, some mathematical symbols and operators, such as + and % are considered as general symbols. |
| # This is because in Finnish braille, mathematical symbols are always preceded with space. Hence, if "+" was considered a mathematical symbol, expressions such as "my grade from the exam was B+" would be incorrectly translated to "B +". In table intended for mathematical textbooks, the preference would lean towards mathematical way of writing, and "+" would be considered a math symbol. |
| sign \\ 146 |
| sign | 456 |
| sign / 34 |
| sign + 235 |
| sign % 1456 |
| sign = 2356 |
| sign ~ 45 |
| sign @ 4 |
| sign & 12346 |
| sign \x00A3 123 £ |
| sign $ 2346 |
| sign \x20AC 4-15 € |
| sign \x00A2 4-14 ¢ |
| sign * 35 |
| sign \x00A7 3456 § |
| sign _ 346 |
| sign # 3456 |
| sign ^ 346 |
| sign \x2022 3 • Bullet sign |
| sign \x00B7 3 · Interpunct |
| sign - 36 Hyphen, not a dash. Hyphens are spaced as in print text. |
| sign \x2013 36 – En-dash, not a hyphen. |
| sign \x2014 36 – Em-dash, not a hyphen. |
| |
| # Additional general symbols |
| # These are not covered by the specification document, but reflect the conventions. |
| sign \x00A9 236-14-356 © Copyright symbol |
| sign \x00AE 236-1235-356 ® Registered trademark symbol |
| sign \x2122 2345-134 ™ Trademark symbol |
| noback sign \x25CF 35 # 9679 black circle |
| |
| # Undefined characters |
| # Not covered by the specification document, but conventionally replaced with an asterisk. |
| undefined 35 |
| |
| # Mathematical symbols - these are ONLY used in mathematical context |
| # Thus, these may have special rules |
| math \x2212 36 − Minus sign, not a hyphen |
| math \x2030 25-1456 ‰ Per mille sign |
| math \x221E 123456 ∞ Infinity sign |
| math \x221A 146 √ Root sign |
| math \x00B0 356 ° Degree symbol |
| math \x2219 3 ∙ Bullet operator |
| math \x22C5 3 ⋅ Dot operator |
| math \x00D7 3 × Multiplication sign |
| math \x00F7 25 ÷ Division sign; Obelus |
| decpoint , 2 Decimal comma |
| |
| # Vulgar fractions |
| # This is not the mathematically correct notation for fractions; rather, the fractions are converted to division-like notation to ease reading of literary texts, cookbooks et cetera. For _mathematical_ texts, another table must be written. |
| math \x00BC 3456-1-0-34-3456-145 ¼ |
| math \x00BD 3456-1-0-34-3456-12 ½ |
| math \x00BE 3456-14-0-34-3456-145 ¾ |
| math \x2153 3456-1-0-34-3456-14 ⅓ |
| math \x2154 3456-12-0-34-3456-14 ⅔ |
| math \x2155 3456-1-0-34-3456-15 ⅕ |
| math \x2156 3456-12-0-34-3456-15 ⅖ |
| math \x2157 3456-14-0-34-3456-15 ⅗ |
| math \x2158 3456-145-0-34-3456-15 ⅘ |
| math \x2159 3456-1-0-34-3456-124 ⅙ |
| math \x215A 3456-15-0-34-3456-124 ⅚ |
| math \x215B 3456-1-0-34-3456-125 ⅛ |
| math \x215C 3456-14-0-34-3456-125 ⅜ |
| math \x215D 3456-15-0-34-3456-125 ⅝ |
| math \x215E 3456-1245-0-34-3456-125 ⅞ |
| |
| |
| # Braille indicators |
| numsign 3456 |
| capsletter 6 |
| begcapsword 6-6 |
| endcapsword 56 |
| |
| # Emphasis |
| emphclass italic |
| emphclass underline |
| emphclass bold |
| |
| begemphphrase underline 346-346 |
| endemphphrase underline before 346 |
| begemphword underline 346 |
| endemphword underline 346 |
| lenemphphrase underline 3 |
| |
| begemphphrase bold 346-346 |
| endemphphrase bold before 346 |
| begemphword bold 346 |
| endemphword bold 346 |
| lenemphphrase bold 3 |
| |
| begemphphrase italic 46-46 |
| endemphphrase italic before 46 |
| begemphword italic 46 |
| endemphword italic 46 |
| lenemphphrase italic 3 |
| |
| # Longer number expressions |
| midnum . 3 |
| midnum : 25 |
| |
| # Context rules for transition from digits to letters |
| class digitletter abcdefhjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz\x00E5\x00E4\x00F6 |
| noback context $d[]%digitletter @56 |
| |
| # Second power |
| # Powers are generally marked using power sign. However, if the power is two, the number is omitted. |
| noback context ["^2\s"] @346-0 |
| noback context ["^2"]$p @346 |
| |
| # Numbers and mathematical symbols |
| # Slash is always preceded by space within number expressions. |
| noback context $d[]"/" @0 |
| # Degree sign is always preceded by space, even when it's adjacent to preceding digit in print text. |
| noback context $d[]"\x00B0" @0 Degree sign |
| # Mathematical symbols and operators are always preceded by space. |
| noback context $d[]$m @0 |
| # Dashes, not a hyphen. Dashes always have spaces around them. |
| noback context !$s["\x2013"]!$s @0-36-0 |
| noback context !$s["\x2014"]!$s @0-36-0 |