| #liblouis Irish Grade 2 Contracted Braille code |
| # Version: INBAF May 2019 |
| # Copyright (C) 2019 Ronan McGuirk, <ronan.p.mcguirk@gmail.com>. |
| # |
| #-index-name: Irish, contracted |
| #-display-name: Irish contracted braille |
| # |
| #+locale:ga |
| #+type:literary |
| #+contraction:full |
| #+grade:2 |
| #+system:INBAF |
| # |
| # Updated Irish Braille (UIB) version 2019 by INBAF (ratified May 27 2019): |
| # http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/irish/#updated-irish-braille-2019 |
| # |
| # This file is part of liblouis. |
| # |
| # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the |
| # License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| # |
| # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| # Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| # License along with liblouis. If not, see |
| # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| # www.inbaf.ie Irish Grade 2 Braille Version 2.0 June 2019 |
| |
| # Maintained by Ronan McGuirk, <ronan.p.mcguirk@gmail.com> |
| |
| include ga-g1.utb |
| contraction c |
| contraction e |
| contraction f |
| contraction g |
| contraction h |
| contraction l |
| contraction o |
| contraction p |
| contraction r |
| contraction u |
| contraction v |
| contraction agn |
| contraction st |
| contraction bh |
| contraction ch |
| contraction dh |
| contraction fh |
| contraction gh |
| contraction mh |
| contraction ph |
| contraction sh |
| contraction th |
| contraction tht |
| contraction mb |
| contraction bhm |
| contraction gc |
| contraction chmar |
| contraction nd |
| contraction ng |
| contraction ghmar |
| contraction lm |
| contraction nr |
| contraction bp |
| contraction rmar |
| contraction tt |
| contraction dt |
| contraction thmar |
| contraction brl |
| |
| contraction C |
| contraction E |
| contraction F |
| contraction G |
| contraction H |
| contraction L |
| contraction P |
| contraction R |
| contraction U |
| contraction V |
| contraction BH |
| contraction CH |
| contraction DH |
| contraction FH |
| contraction GH |
| contraction MH |
| contraction PH |
| contraction SH |
| contraction TH |
| contraction MB |
| contraction BHM |
| contraction GC |
| contraction CHMAR |
| contraction ND |
| contraction NG |
| contraction GHMAR |
| contraction LM |
| contraction NR |
| contraction BP |
| contraction RMAR |
| contraction TT |
| contraction DT |
| contraction THMAR |
| contraction BRL |
| |
| |
| |
| always ar 345 |
| always ch 16 |
| begword con 25 |
| begword dis 256 |
| midword ea 2 |
| midendword ear 15-345 |
| always ed 1246 |
| always er 12456 |
| always en 26 |
| always gh 126 |
| always in 35 |
| midendword ing 346 |
| always ou 1256 |
| always ow 246 |
| always sh 146 |
| always st 34 |
| always th 1456 |
| always wh 156 |
| # Words |
| |
| word againn 1-1245-1345 |
| word bíonn 12 |
| word cathain 14 |
| word déanamh 145 |
| word eile 15 |
| word féidir 124 |
| word gach 1245 |
| word halla 125 |
| word leis 123 |
| word maith 134 |
| word nuair 1345 |
| word oíche 135 |
| word píosa 1234 |
| word raibh 1235 |
| word agus 234 |
| word staighre 34 |
| word tabhair 2345 |
| word thabhairt 1456-2345 |
| word uaireanta 136 |
| word véarsa 1236 |
| word bhíonn 12-125 |
| word chuaigh 16 |
| word dhéanamh 145-125 |
| word fhéidir 124-125 |
| word gheobhaidh 126 |
| word mhaith 134-125 |
| word phíosa 1234-125 |
| word shampla 146 |
| word tháinig 1456 |
| word mbíonn 134-12 |
| word bhíomar 12-125-134 |
| word gcathain 1245-14 |
| word chuamar 16-134-345 |
| word ndéanamh 1345-145 |
| word ngach 1345-1245 |
| word gheobhamar 126-134-345 |
| word liom 123-134 |
| word níor 1345-1235 |
| word bpíosa 12-1234 |
| word rabhamar 1235-134-345 |
| word tabhairt 2345-2345 |
| word dtabhairt 145-2345 |
| word thángamar 1456-134-345 |
| word braille 12-1235-123 |
| |
| |
| # exceptions where contractions are not to be used |
| begword aingh 1-35-126 |
| always liaingh 123-24-1-35-126 |
| begword coing 14-135-35-1245 |
| always cráing 14-1235-12346-35-1245 |
| always éacs 123456-1-14-234 |
| always téacs 2345-123456-1-14-234 |
| always féing 124-123456-35-1245 |
| always féingh 124-123456-35-126 |
| always saing 234-1-35-1245 |
| begword uaingh 136-1-35-126 |
| always cearting 14-15-345-2345-35-1245 |
| always chearting 16-15-345-2345-35-1245 |
| always cluastuisc 14-123-136-1-234-2345-136-24-234-14 |
| begword chluastuisc 16-123-136-1-234-2345-136-24-234-14 |
| always crostagairt 14-1235-135-234-2345-1-1245-1-24-1235-2345 |
| begword chrostagairt 16-1235-135-234-2345-1-1245-1-24-1235-2345 |
| begword físt 124-12356-234-2345 |
| begword fhíst 124-125-12356-234-2345 |
| begword bhfíst 12-125-124-12356-234-2345 |
| begword íost 12356-135-234-2345 |
| begword luast 123-136-1-234-2345 |
| begword spástaist 234-1234-12346-234-2345-1-24-34 |
| always tinedh 2345-35-15-145-125 |
| begword trast 2345-1235-1-234-2345 |
| begword dtrast 145-2345-1235-1-234-2345 |
| begword thrast 1456-1235-1-234-2345 |
| begword uast 136-1-234-2345 |
| begword uisce 136-24-234-14-15 |
| always uisceadá 136-25-234-14-2-145-12346 |