| # liblouis: Hungarian Grade 1 Braille input subtable |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Attila Hammer from IT Foundation for the Visually Impaired - Hungary. www.infoalap.hu |
| # |
| # This file is part of liblouis. |
| # |
| # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the |
| # License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| # |
| # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| # Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| # License along with liblouis. If not, see |
| # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| # |
| # Maintained by Attila Hammer hammer.attila@infoalap.hu |
| # |
| # If you found bugs with hungarian grade1 table, report it with following address: |
| # Attila Hammer <hammer.attila@infoalap.hu |
| #If you have a Launchpad account, report table related requests with following bug tracker address: https://bugs.launchpad.net/belin |
| |
| #Hungarian Braille input related rules |
| #Exceptions for two simple equals special letter rules related (for example two literary cscs letter, two literary gygy letter, etc) |
| #cscs letter related input rules |
| nofor always cscs 146-5-146 |
| noback always cscs 146-5-146 |
| noback pass2 @146-5-146 @146-146 |
| |
| #gygy letter related input rules |
| nofor always gygy 1456-5-1456 |
| noback always gygy 1456-5-1456 |
| noback pass2 @1456-5-1456 @1456-1456 |
| |
| #nyny related input rules |
| nofor always nyny 1246-5-1246 |
| noback always nyny 1246-5-1246 |
| noback pass2 @1246-5-1246 @1246-1246 |
| |
| #Exceptions for lyly letter related input rules |
| nofor always lyly 456-5-456 |
| noback always lyly 456-5-456 |
| noback pass2 @456-5-456 @456-456 |
| |
| #Exceptions for tyty lrelated rules |
| nofor always tyty 1256-5-1256 |
| noback always tyty 1256-5-1256 |
| noback pass2 @1256-5-1256 @1256-1256 |
| |
| #Exception for szsz related input |
| nofor always szsz 156-5-156 |
| noback always szsz 156-5-156 |
| noback pass2 @156-5-156 @156-156 |
| |
| #Exception rules for zszs input related |
| nofor always zszs 345-5-345 |
| noback always zszs 345-5-345 |
| noback pass2 @345-5-345 @345-345 |
| |
| #punctuation related exceptions |
| nofor always – 5-36 |
| nofor context @8 "\n" |
| nofor context @235-8 "!\n" |
| nofor context @235-0 "! " |
| |
| #for plus sign related rule |
| nofor context @5-235 "+" |
| noback context $a["+"] @5-235 |
| noback pass2 @5-235 @235 |
| |
| #for [ and ] character input related old dot combinations related rules, need keeping this rules with compatibility purposes |
| nofor always [ 5-12356 |
| noback always [ 5-12356 |
| noback pass2 @5-12356 @46-2346 |
| nofor always ] 5-23456 |
| noback always ] 5-23456 |
| noback pass2 @5-23456 @46-1356 |
| |
| #\ character related rule related exception |
| nofor always \\ 5-16 |
| noback always \\ 5-16 |
| noback pass2 @5-16 @16 |
| |
| #for ` related exception rules |
| nofor always ` 5-4 |
| noback always ` 5-4 |
| noback pass2 @5-4 @4 |
| |
| #for { and } related old rules, need keeping this rules with compatibility purposes: |
| nofor always { 5-12345 |
| noback always { 5-12345 |
| noback pass2 @5-12345 @5-2345 |
| nofor always } 5-12456 |
| noback always } 5-12456 |
| noback pass2 @5-12456 @5-1356 |
| |
| #For | punctuation character related input rule related exception |
| nofor always | 5-45 |
| noback always | 5-45 |
| noback pass2 @5-45 @45 |