| # Copyright © 2017, 2019 by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc> |
| # |
| # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, |
| # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright |
| # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, |
| # without any warranty. |
| |
| display: unicode-without-blank.dis |
| table: |
| locale: el |
| __assert-match: el.ctb |
| flags: {testmode: backward} |
| tests: |
| |
| - # lowercase Greek alphabet |
| - ⠁⠃⠛⠙⠑⠵⠜⠹⠊⠅⠇⠍⠝⠭⠕⠏⠗⠎⠞⠽⠋⠓⠯⠚⠎ |
| - αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψως |
| |
| - # lowercase English alphabet |
| - ⠰⠁⠃⠉⠙⠑⠋⠛⠓⠊⠚⠅⠇⠍⠝⠕⠏⠟⠗⠎⠞⠥⠧⠺⠭⠽⠵ |
| - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
| |
| - # uppercase English alphabet |
| - ⠰⠠⠁⠠⠃⠠⠉⠠⠙⠠⠑⠠⠋⠠⠛⠠⠓⠠⠊⠠⠚⠠⠅⠠⠇⠠⠍⠠⠝⠠⠕⠠⠏⠠⠟⠠⠗⠠⠎⠠⠞⠠⠥⠠⠧⠠⠺⠠⠭⠠⠽⠠⠵ |
| |
| - # a mixture of lowercase Greek and English letters |
| - ⠁⠃⠛⠰⠙⠑⠵⠜⠹⠊⠅⠰⠇⠍⠝ ⠭⠕⠏ |
| - αβγdezηθικlmn ξοπ |
| |
| - # unaccented diphthongs |
| - ⠥ ⠡ ⠣ ⠩ ⠱ ⠻ ⠳ ⠪ |
| - ου αυ αι ει ευ υι ηυ οι |
| |
| - # diphthongs with Dasia |
| - ⠧⠥ ⠧⠡ ⠧⠣ ⠧⠩ ⠧⠱ ⠧⠻ ⠧⠳ ⠧⠪ |
| - οὑ αὑ αἱ εἱ εὑ υἱ ηὑ οἱ |
| |
| - # diphthongs with Dasia,Psili and Varia,Oxia,Perispomeni |
| - ⠷⠥ ⠢⠥ ⠖⠥ ⠾⠥ ⠴⠥ ⠲⠥ |
| - οὓ οὕ οὗ οὒ οὔ οὖ |
| |
| - # diphthongs with Tonos,Varia,Perispomeni |
| - ⠐⠥ ⠈⠥ ⠠⠥ |
| - ού οὺ οῦ |
| |