| table: |
| locale: en |
| grade: 2 |
| system: ueb |
| __assert-match: en-ueb-g2.ctb |
| tests: |
| # 9.2.1 page 93 |
| - - pneumonia |
| - .2pneumonia |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '+ ' |
| |
| - - 8 chickens! |
| - .2#h *ick5s6 |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '+ ' |
| |
| - - story stories |
| - /or_2y /or_2ies |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' + + ' |
| |
| - - 24 should be 34 |
| - '#bd %d 2 _2#cd' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' + ' |
| |
| - - bright blue ball |
| - ~2b"r ~2blue ~2ball |
| - typeform: |
| bold: "+ + + " |
| |
| - - '27.9' |
| - '#bg_24#i' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' + ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - Stop! May I help? |
| - ',/op~26 ,may ,i help~28' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' + +' |
| |
| - - 83% |
| - '#hc_2.0' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' +' |
| |
| - - It will cost $45 not €45. |
| - ',x w co/ ~2`s#de n ~2`e#de4' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' + + ' |
| |
| - - For help, click the ? icon. |
| - ',= help1 click ! ~2;8 icon4' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' + ' |
| |
| - - change y to i |
| - '*ange .2;y to .2i' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' + +' |
| |
| - - 55 not 56 |
| - '#e~2#e n #e~2#f' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' + +' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| # 9.2.2 page 94 |
| |
| - - I have enough knowledge. |
| - _2,i _2h _25 _2k4 |
| - typeform: |
| underline: '+ + + + ' |
| |
| - - ("Beyond belief!") |
| - '"<8.2,2y .22lief60">' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' + + ' |
| |
| - - Which bowl is broken? |
| - ~2,:i~2* b~2{l is brok~258 |
| - typeform: |
| bold: '+ + + + ' |
| |
| - - M is for Mother |
| - ;,m is = .2,"m |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' + ' |
| |
| # 9.2.3 page 94 |
| - - mother mother mother mother |
| - mo!~2r mo~2!r mo?~2} mot~2h} |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' + + + + ' |
| |
| # 9.3.2 page 94 |
| - - Who is for the people? |
| - ',:o is _1= ! p8' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' +++ ' |
| |
| - - She was right. |
| - ',%e ~10 "r4' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' +++ ' |
| |
| - - R.S.V.P. |
| - .1,r4,s4,v4,p4 |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ++++++++ |
| |
| - - 'l''oeil-de-boeuf (Fr.: bull''s eye)' |
| - .1l'oeil-de-boeuf "<;,fr43 bull's eye"> |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '+++++++++++++++ ' |
| |
| - - one two–three |
| - .1"o .1two,-?ree |
| - typeform: |
| italic: +++++++++++++ |
| |
| - - '##1,500,000 1 500 000' |
| - _1#a1ejj1jjj _1#a"ejj"jjj |
| - typeform: |
| underline: '+++++++++ +++++++++ ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - 1939-1945 |
| - .1#aici-#aide |
| - typeform: |
| italic: +++++++++ |
| |
| - - briefly |
| - brief.1ly |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++' |
| |
| - - daytime |
| - '"d_1"t' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' ++++' |
| |
| - - 13.86666... |
| - '#ac4h~1#ffff444' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' +++++++' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - Go to http://www.wikipedia.org for general information. |
| - ',g to .1http3_/_/www4wikip$ia4org = g5}al 9=ma;n4' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' |
| |
| - - the ionogenic (ion-forming) form |
| - '! .1ionog5ic "<ion-=m+"> .1=m' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' +++++++++ ++++' |
| |
| - - '... referred to as sea waves or (from the Japanese) tsunami.' |
| - 444 ref}r$ to z ~1sea ~1waves or "<f ! ,japanese"> ~1.1tsunami4 |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' +++++++++ ++++++++' |
| italic: ' ++++++++' |
| |
| - - HarperCollinsPublishers |
| - ',h>p},coll9s.1,publi%}s' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++++' |
| |
| - - N(S) is called the empty set or null set. |
| - ~1,n"<.2,s"> is call$ ! ~1empty ~1set or ~1null ~1set4 |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ |
| italic: ' + ' |
| |
| # 9.4.4 page 96 |
| - - Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. |
| - ',*>les ,dick5s wrote .7,oliv} ,twi/1 ,grt ,expecta;ns.'' & .7,a ,tale ( ,two |
| ,cities4.''' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++' |
| |
| - - 'Maybe as an adverb is one word: Maybe it will rain tomorrow. May be as a verb phrase is two words: He may be home soon.' |
| - ~1,maybe z an adv}b is "o ~w3 .7,maybe x w ra9 tm4.' ~1,may ~12 z a v}b phrase is two ~ws3 .7,he may 2 home soon4.' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: '+++++ ++++++ ' |
| italic: ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++' |
| |
| - - Click the Up One Level button. |
| - ',click ! ~7,up ,"o ,level~'' button4' |
| - typeform: |
| bold: ' ++++++++++++ ' |
| |
| - - When using the typewriter, words were underlined but, when using a word processor, the italic font is preferred. |
| - ',:5 us+ ! typewrit}1 _7~ws 7 "ul9$_'' b1 :5 us+ a ~w processor1 .7! italic font |
| is pref}r$4.''' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' +++++++++++++++++++++ ' |
| italic: ' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' |
| |
| - - In C:\\My Documents\\letter to dad 041023.doc, the underlined part is the filename. |
| - ',9 ,c3_*,my ,docu;ts_*_7lett}"" to dad #jdajbc_''4doc1 ! "ul9$ "p is ! file"n4' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' ++++++++++++++++++++ ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - textbook |
| - ~1text~'book |
| - typeform: |
| bold: '++++ ' |
| |
| - - and/or |
| - _1&_'_/or |
| - typeform: |
| underline: '+++ ' |
| |
| - - syllable emphasis |
| - _1syl_'lable _1em_'phasis |
| - typeform: |
| underline: '+++ ++ ' |
| |
| - - Radar is from radio detecting and ranging. |
| - .1,rad> is f .1ra.'dio .2detect+ .2& .2rang+4 |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '+++++ ++ + + + ' |
| |
| - - HarperFlamingoCanada |
| - ',h>p}.1,flam+o.'',canada' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++ ' |
| |
| - - the Globe's business section |
| - '! .1,globe.''''s busi;s sec;n' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' +++++ ' |
| |
| # 9.7.1 page 99 |
| |
| # 9.7.2 page 99 |
| |
| - - Hänsel und Gretel, a fairy tale |
| - .7,h~3ansel und ,gretel1.' a fairy tale |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '++++++++++++++++++ ' |
| |
| - - out-of-the-way |
| - '|-.1(-!.''-way' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++ ' |
| |
| - - Brevity is the soul of wit.–Shakespeare |
| - .7,brev;y is ! s|l ( wit4.',,%akespe>e |
| - typeform: |
| italic: '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - Remember Do unto others ... |
| - ',rememb} .7,d unto o!rs.'' 444' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++++++++ ' |
| |
| # 9.7.3 page 100 |
| |
| - - Did you read Hamlet? |
| - ',did y r1d _1,hamlet8' |
| - typeform: |
| underline: ' ++++++ ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| - - '"Help! I''m falling."' |
| - 8.1,help6 ,i'm .1fall+40 |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' +++++ +++++++ ' |
| xfail: true |
| |
| # 9.8.1 page 101 |
| |
| - - 'The object of the following sentence is underlined: Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote Anne of Green Gables.' |
| - ',! object ( ! foll{+ s5t;e is "ul9$3 ,lucy ,maud ,montgom}y wrote _7.7,anne ( ,gre5 ,gables4.''_''' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' +++++++++++++++++++++' |
| underline: ' +++++++++++++++++++++' |
| |
| - - 'the bank''s dictum: Pecunia Felicitatibus Honoratur. Money welcomed gladly.' |
| - '! bank''s dictum3 .7~7,pecunia ,felicitatibus ,honoratur4~'' ,m"oy welcom$ gladly4.''' |
| - typeform: |
| italic: ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++' |
| bold: ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' |