blob: e0e1f19bed8dbb94f83c9aba2ad1458036aec4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
display: unicode-without-blank.dis
locale: lt
dots: 6
__assert-match: lt-6dot.tbl # lt-6dot.utb
- - Pangram
- Įlinkdama fechtuotojo špaga sublykčiojusi pragręžė apvalų arbūzą.
- ⠨⠪⠇⠊⠝⠅⠙⠁⠍⠁ ⠋⠑⠉⠓⠞⠥⠕⠞⠕⠚⠕ ⠮⠏⠁⠛⠁ ⠎⠥⠃⠇⠽⠅⠩⠊⠕⠚⠥⠎⠊ ⠏⠗⠁⠛⠗⠱⠣⠜ ⠁⠏⠧⠁⠇⠬ ⠁⠗⠃⠳⠵⠡⠲
- - Single digits
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
- ⠼⠁ ⠼⠃ ⠼⠉ ⠼⠙ ⠼⠑ ⠼⠋ ⠼⠛ ⠼⠓ ⠼⠊ ⠼⠚
- - Quotation symbols
- Programa „Writer“, programa "Notepad", sistema “WordPress”
- ⠨⠏⠗⠕⠛⠗⠁⠍⠁ ⠦⠨⠺⠗⠊⠞⠑⠗⠴⠂ ⠏⠗⠕⠛⠗⠁⠍⠁ ⠈⠨⠝⠕⠞⠑⠏⠁⠙⠈⠂ ⠎⠊⠎⠞⠑⠍⠁ ⠴⠨⠺⠕⠗⠙⠨⠏⠗⠑⠎⠎⠠⠈
- - Punctuation and other symbols
- '= ! + - _ | \\ / [ ] { } ( ) '' " # % ^ & * ~ , ? < > $ £ @ ; : ° § .'
- ⠐⠶ ⠖ ⠐⠖ ⠤ ⠹ ⠠⠸ ⠠⠌ ⠌ ⠷ ⠾ ⠠⠪ ⠠⠕ ⠶ ⠶ ⠄ ⠈ ⠠⠼ ⠿ ⠠⠲ ⠯ ⠔ ⠠⠢ ⠂ ⠢ ⠐⠪ ⠐⠕ ⠠⠨ ⠠⠇ ⠠⠜ ⠆ ⠒ ⠐⠴ ⠠⠬ ⠲
- - Dashes and hyphens # Not very visible, but the first and third dashes is en-dashes, the last one is em-dash.
- Vilnius–Kaunas; lopšelis-darželis; 1992–1995 m.; — Rimas
- ⠨⠧⠊⠇⠝⠊⠥⠎⠠⠤⠨⠅⠁⠥⠝⠁⠎⠆ ⠇⠕⠏⠮⠑⠇⠊⠎⠤⠙⠁⠗⠣⠑⠇⠊⠎⠆ ⠼⠁⠊⠊⠃⠠⠤⠼⠁⠊⠊⠑ ⠍⠲⠆ ⠤ ⠨⠗⠊⠍⠁⠎
- - Comma, colon, or full stop should not cancel numeric mode.
- 123.123 123,123 123:123
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠲⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠂⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠒⠁⠃⠉
- - Comma, colon, or full stop should not start numeric mode either.
- abc.123 abc,123 abc:123 abc:abc .123 ,123 :123
- ⠁⠃⠉⠲⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠂⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠒⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠒⠁⠃⠉ ⠲⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠂⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠒⠼⠁⠃⠉
- - Letters a-j need nocontractsign to cancel numeric mode.
- 123abc 123,abc 123:abc
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠂⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠲⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠒⠰⠁⠃⠉
- - Letters a-j DO NOT need nocontractsign when numeric mode is not in effect.
- 123 a b c
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁ ⠃ ⠉
- - Capital letters, letters outside a-j and other characters except .:, automatically cancel numeric mode and don't need nocontractsign.
- 123ABCabc 123Aabc 123kabc 123;abc
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠸⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠨⠁⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠅⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠆⠁⠃⠉
- - Numbers and any non-letters automaticaly cancel uppercase mode and don't need endcapsword.
- ABC1abc ABC;abc
- ⠸⠁⠃⠉⠼⠁⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠸⠁⠃⠉⠆⠁⠃⠉
locale: lt
dots: 6
__assert-match: lt-6dot.tbl # lt-6dot.utb
flags: {testmode: backward}
- - Pangram
- ⠨⠪⠇⠊⠝⠅⠙⠁⠍⠁ ⠋⠑⠉⠓⠞⠥⠕⠞⠕⠚⠕ ⠮⠏⠁⠛⠁ ⠎⠥⠃⠇⠽⠅⠩⠊⠕⠚⠥⠎⠊ ⠏⠗⠁⠛⠗⠱⠣⠜ ⠁⠏⠧⠁⠇⠬ ⠁⠗⠃⠳⠵⠡⠲
- Įlinkdama fechtuotojo špaga sublykčiojusi pragręžė apvalų arbūzą.
- - Single digits
- ⠼⠁ ⠼⠃ ⠼⠉ ⠼⠙ ⠼⠑ ⠼⠋ ⠼⠛ ⠼⠓ ⠼⠊ ⠼⠚
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
- - Punctuation and other symbols
- ⠐⠶ ⠖ ⠐⠖ ⠤ ⠹ ⠠⠸ ⠠⠌ ⠌ ⠷ ⠾ ⠠⠪ ⠠⠕ ⠶ ⠠⠶ ⠄ ⠈ ⠦ ⠴ ⠠⠼ ⠿ ⠠⠲ ⠯ ⠔ ⠠⠢ ⠂ ⠢ ⠐⠪ ⠐⠕ ⠠⠨ ⠠⠇ ⠠⠜ ⠆ ⠒ ⠐⠴ ⠠⠬ ⠲
- '= ! + - _ | \\ / [ ] { } ( ) '' " „ “ # % ^ & * ~ , ? < > $ £ @ ; : ° § .'
- - Dashes and hyphens # Not very visible, but the first and third dashes is en-dashes.
- ⠨⠧⠊⠇⠝⠊⠥⠎⠠⠤⠨⠅⠁⠥⠝⠁⠎⠆ ⠇⠕⠏⠮⠑⠇⠊⠎⠤⠙⠁⠗⠣⠑⠇⠊⠎⠆ ⠼⠁⠊⠊⠃⠠⠤⠼⠁⠊⠊⠑ ⠍⠲
- Vilnius–Kaunas; lopšelis-darželis; 1992–1995 m.
- - Comma, colon, or full stop should not cancel numeric mode.
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠲⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠂⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠒⠁⠃⠉
- 123.123 123,123 123:123
- - Comma, colon, or full stop should not start numeric mode either.
- ⠁⠃⠉⠲⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠂⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠒⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠁⠃⠉⠒⠁⠃⠉ ⠲⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠂⠼⠁⠃⠉ ⠒⠼⠁⠃⠉
- abc.123 abc,123 abc:123 abc:abc .123 ,123 :123
- - Letters a-j need nocontractsign to cancel numeric mode.
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉
- 123abc
- - Capital letters, letters outside a-j and other characters except .:, automatically cancel numeric mode and don't need nocontractsign.
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠸⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠨⠁⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠅⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠆⠁⠃⠉
- 123ABCabc 123Aabc 123kabc 123;abc
- - However, it may also be canceled explicitly.
- ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠸⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠨⠁⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠅⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠆⠁⠃⠉ ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠆⠰⠁⠃⠉
- 123ABCabc 123Aabc 123kabc 123;abc 123;abc
- - Numbers and any non-letters automaticaly cancel uppercase mode and don't need endcapsword.
- ⠸⠁⠃⠉⠼⠁⠃⠉⠰⠁⠃⠉ ⠸⠁⠃⠉⠆⠁⠃⠉
- ABC123abc ABC;abc