blob: f488dca50f15d58527158efe38a0d1c894f75bdb [file] [log] [blame]
# Slovenian braille based on the standard of 2016:
# Copyright © 2019 by Robert Merič <>
# Copyright © 2019 by Bert Frees
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
# without any warranty.
display: unicode-without-blank.dis
locale: sl
type: literary
grade: 1
__assert-match: sl.tbl
# Characters
- [č, ⠡]
- [Č, ⠨⠡]
- [š, ⠱]
- [Š, ⠨⠱]
- [ž, ⠮]
- [Ž, ⠨⠮]
- [đ, ⠹]
- [Đ, ⠨⠹]
- [ć, ⠩]
- [Ć, ⠨⠩]
# All caps
- [CŠOD, ⠸⠉⠱⠕⠙]
# Spealing notation
- [pǝs, ⠏⠈⠢⠎, {xfail: fix later}]
- [beséda, ⠃⠑⠎⠌⠑⠙⠁, {xfail: fix later}]
# Punctuations
- [",", ⠂]
- [";", ⠆]
- [":", ⠒]
- ["!", ⠖]
- ["?", ⠢]
- [".", ⠲]
- ["'", ⠄]
- ["-", ⠤]
- ["–", ⠠⠤]
- ["Zakaj? Zato!", ⠨⠵⠁⠅⠁⠚⠢ ⠨⠵⠁⠞⠕⠖]
- ["Pozor – hud pes!", ⠨⠏⠕⠵⠕⠗ ⠠⠤ ⠓⠥⠙ ⠏⠑⠎⠖]
- ["2004–2014", ⠼⠃⠚⠚⠙⠠⠤⠼⠃⠚⠁⠙]
- ["slovensko-angleški slovar", ⠎⠇⠕⠧⠑⠝⠎⠅⠕⠤⠁⠝⠛⠇⠑⠱⠅⠊ ⠎⠇⠕⠧⠁⠗]
# Abbreviations
- [F. S. Finžgar, ⠨⠋⠲ ⠨⠎⠲ ⠨⠋⠊⠝⠮⠛⠁⠗]
- [dr. med., ⠙⠗⠲ ⠍⠑⠙⠲]
- [itd., ⠊⠞⠙⠲]
- [d. o. o., ⠙⠲ ⠕⠲ ⠕⠲]
# Numbers
- ["0", ⠼⠚]
- [",", ⠂]
- [".", ⠲]
- ["2.000,00", ⠼⠃⠲⠚⠚⠚⠂⠚⠚]
# Roman letters
- [I, ⠸⠊]
- [V, ⠸⠧]
- [X, ⠸⠭]
- [L, ⠸⠇]
- [C, ⠸⠉]
- [D, ⠸⠙]
- [M, ⠸⠍]
- [XVII, ⠸⠭⠧⠊⠊]
# Date and time
- ["5. 6. 2014", ⠼⠑⠲ ⠼⠋⠲ ⠼⠃⠚⠁⠙]
- ["6.30", ⠼⠋⠲⠉⠚]
- ["1:55,15", ⠼⠁⠒⠑⠑⠂⠁⠑]
# Two part punctuations
- ["(", ⠣]
- [")", ⠜]
- ["[", ⠠⠖]
- ["]", ⠠⠲]
- ["{", ⠠⠣]
- ["}", ⠠⠜]
- ["<", ⠠⠦]
- [">", ⠠⠴]
- ['"Zdravo"', ⠦⠨⠵⠙⠗⠁⠧⠕⠴]
- ["'Zdravo'", ⠂⠨⠵⠙⠗⠁⠧⠕⠄]
- ["»Zdravo«", ⠦⠨⠵⠙⠗⠁⠧⠕⠴]
- [/, ⠾]
- [\\, ⠷]
# Symbols
- ["@", ⠪]
- ["%", ⠻]
- ["‰", ⠐⠻]
- ["_", ⠐⠤]
- ["&", ⠐⠊]
- ["#", ⠐⠝]
- ["^", ⠐⠱]
- ["|", ⠐⠧]
- ["~", ⠐⠵]
- ["°", ⠐⠎]
- ["“", ⠐⠶, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["€", ⠐⠑]
- ["$", ⠐⠙]
- ["£", ⠐⠏]
- ["™", ⠐⠞]
- ["©", ⠐⠉]
- ["®", ⠐⠗]
- ["", ⠁⠐⠤⠃⠪⠛⠍⠁⠊⠇⠲⠉⠕⠍]
# Mathematical signs
- ["+", ⠳]
- ["-", ⠤]
- ["*", ⠔]
- [":", ⠒]
- ["=", ⠶]
- ["!=", ⠖]
- ["1 + 2 = 3", ⠼⠁ ⠳ ⠼⠃ ⠶ ⠼⠉]
- ["π/2", ⠆⠰⠏⠒⠼⠃⠰, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["7 3/4", ⠼⠛ ⠆⠼⠉⠒⠼⠙⠰, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["5^3x", ⠼⠑⠬⠣⠼⠉⠭⠜, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["x ≠ 0", ⠭ ⠖⠶ ⠼⠚, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["°C", ⠐⠎⠨⠉]
- ["km/h", ⠅⠍⠾⠓]
# Cancel sign
- ["", ⠓⠞⠞⠏⠒⠾⠾⠛⠕⠕⠲⠛⠇⠾⠼⠋⠠⠚⠨⠃⠛, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["", ⠓⠞⠞⠏⠒⠾⠾⠃⠊⠞⠲⠇⠽⠾⠼⠁⠸⠑⠛⠛⠅⠠⠋⠨⠵, {xfail: fix later}]
- ["@ARVOinfo", ⠪⠸⠁⠗⠧⠕⠠⠊⠝⠋⠕]
- ["123ab12AA33", ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠠⠁⠃⠼⠁⠃⠸⠁⠁⠼⠉⠉]
# Greek letters
- [α, ⠰⠁]
- [β, ⠰⠃]
- [γ, ⠰⠛]
- [δ, ⠰⠙]
- [ε, ⠰⠱]
- [ζ, ⠰⠵]
- [η, ⠰⠑]
- [θ, ⠰⠓]
- [ι, ⠰⠊]
- [κ, ⠰⠅]
- [λ, ⠰⠇]
- [μ, ⠰⠍]
- [ν, ⠰⠝]
- [ξ, ⠰⠭]
- [ο, ⠰⠕]
- [π, ⠰⠏]
- [ρ, ⠰⠗]
- [σ, ⠰⠎]
- [ς, ⠰⠎]
- [τ, ⠰⠞]
- [υ, ⠰⠥]
- [φ, ⠰⠋]
- [χ, ⠰⠉]
- [ψ, ⠰⠽]
- [ω, ⠰⠺]
- [Α, ⠰⠨⠁]
- [Β, ⠰⠨⠃]
- [Γ, ⠰⠨⠛]
- [Δ, ⠰⠨⠙]
- [Ε, ⠰⠨⠱]
- [Ζ, ⠰⠨⠵]
- [Η, ⠰⠨⠑]
- [Θ, ⠰⠨⠓]
- [Ι, ⠰⠨⠊]
- [Κ, ⠰⠨⠅]
- [Λ, ⠰⠨⠇]
- [Μ, ⠰⠨⠍]
- [Ν, ⠰⠨⠝]
- [Ξ, ⠰⠨⠭]
- [Ο, ⠰⠨⠕]
- [Π, ⠰⠨⠏]
- [Ρ, ⠰⠨⠗]
- [Σ, ⠰⠨⠎]
- [Τ, ⠰⠨⠞]
- [Υ, ⠰⠨⠥]
- [Φ, ⠰⠨⠋]
- [Χ, ⠰⠨⠉]
- [Ψ, ⠰⠨⠽]
- [Ω, ⠰⠨⠺]
- [ΑΒΓΔ, ⠰⠸⠁⠃⠛⠙]