| ### MAIN PACKAGE (lvm2) |
| |
| %post |
| %daemon_reload |
| %enable -s monitor -t service |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %enable -s lvmetad -t socket |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %enable -s lvmpolld -t socket |
| %endif |
| |
| %preun |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %disable -s lvmpolld -t socket |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %disable -s lvmetad -t socket |
| %endif |
| %disable -s monitor -t service |
| |
| %postun |
| %try_restart -s monitor -t service |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %try_restart -s lvmetad -t service |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %try_restart -s lvmpolld -t service |
| %endif |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| %daemon_reload |
| fi |
| |
| %triggerun -- %{name} < 2.02.86-2 |
| %{_bindir}/systemd-sysv-convert --save lvm2-monitor >/dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| /bin/systemctl --no-reload enable lvm2-monitor.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| /sbin/chkconfig --del lvm2-monitor > /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| /bin/systemctl try-restart lvm2-monitor.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| # files in the main package |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %doc doc/lvm_fault_handling.txt |
| %{_sbindir}/blkdeactivate |
| %{_sbindir}/fsadm |
| %{_sbindir}/lvchange |
| %{_sbindir}/lvconvert |
| %{_sbindir}/lvcreate |
| %{_sbindir}/lvdisplay |
| %{_sbindir}/lvextend |
| %{_sbindir}/lvm |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmchange |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmconf |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmconfig |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmdiskscan |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmdump |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmsadc |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmsar |
| %{_sbindir}/lvreduce |
| %{_sbindir}/lvremove |
| %{_sbindir}/lvrename |
| %{_sbindir}/lvresize |
| %{_sbindir}/lvs |
| %{_sbindir}/lvscan |
| %{_sbindir}/pvchange |
| %{_sbindir}/pvck |
| %{_sbindir}/pvcreate |
| %{_sbindir}/pvdisplay |
| %{_sbindir}/pvmove |
| %{_sbindir}/pvremove |
| %{_sbindir}/pvresize |
| %{_sbindir}/pvs |
| %{_sbindir}/pvscan |
| %{_sbindir}/vgcfgbackup |
| %{_sbindir}/vgcfgrestore |
| %{_sbindir}/vgchange |
| %{_sbindir}/vgck |
| %{_sbindir}/vgconvert |
| %{_sbindir}/vgcreate |
| %{_sbindir}/vgdisplay |
| %{_sbindir}/vgexport |
| %{_sbindir}/vgextend |
| %{_sbindir}/vgimport |
| %{_sbindir}/vgimportclone |
| %{_sbindir}/vgmerge |
| %{_sbindir}/vgmknodes |
| %{_sbindir}/vgreduce |
| %{_sbindir}/vgremove |
| %{_sbindir}/vgrename |
| %{_sbindir}/vgs |
| %{_sbindir}/vgscan |
| %{_sbindir}/vgsplit |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmetad |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmpolld |
| %endif |
| %{_mandir}/man5/lvm.conf.5.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man7/lvmsystemid.7.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/blkdeactivate.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/fsadm.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvchange.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvconvert.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvcreate.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvdisplay.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvextend.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvm-config.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvm-dumpconfig.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvm.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvm2-activation-generator.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmchange.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmconf.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmconfig.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmdiskscan.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmdump.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmsadc.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmsar.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvreduce.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvremove.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvrename.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvresize.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvs.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvscan.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvchange.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvck.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvcreate.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvdisplay.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvmove.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvremove.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvresize.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvs.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/pvscan.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgcfgbackup.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgcfgrestore.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgchange.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgck.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgconvert.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgcreate.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgdisplay.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgexport.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgextend.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgimport.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgimportclone.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgmerge.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgmknodes.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgreduce.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgremove.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgrename.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgs.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgscan.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/vgsplit.8.gz |
| %if %{have_with cache} |
| %{_mandir}/man7/lvmcache.7.gz |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_with thin} |
| %{_mandir}/man7/lvmthin.7.gz |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmpolld.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvm-lvpoll.8.gz |
| %endif |
| %if %{enable_udev} |
| %{_udevdir}/11-dm-lvm.rules |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmetad.8.gz |
| %{_udevdir}/69-dm-lvm-metad.rules |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lvm |
| %ghost %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/cache/.cache |
| %attr(644, -, -) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/lvm.conf |
| %attr(644, -, -) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/lvmlocal.conf |
| %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/command_profile_template.profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/metadata_profile_template.profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/thin-generic.profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/thin-performance.profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/cache-mq.profile |
| %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/profile/cache-smq.profile |
| %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/backup |
| %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/cache |
| %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lvm/archive |
| %ghost %dir %{_default_locking_dir} |
| %ghost %dir %{_default_run_dir} |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| %{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf |
| %{_unitdir}/blk-availability.service |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-monitor.service |
| %attr(555, -, -) %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators/lvm2-activation-generator |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmetad.socket |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmetad.service |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-pvscan@.service |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmpolld.service |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmpolld.socket |
| %endif |
| %else |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/blk-availability |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/lvm2-monitor |
| %if %{have_service lvmetad} |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/lvm2-lvmetad |
| %endif |
| %if %{have_service lvmpolld} |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/lvm2-lvmpolld |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Library and Development subpackages |
| ############################################################################## |
| %package devel |
| Summary: Development libraries and headers |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires: device-mapper-devel >= %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: device-mapper-event-devel >= %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: pkgconfig |
| |
| %description devel |
| This package contains files needed to develop applications that use |
| the lvm2 libraries. |
| |
| %files devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_libdir}/liblvm2app.so |
| %{_libdir}/liblvm2cmd.so |
| %{_includedir}/lvm2app.h |
| %{_includedir}/lvm2cmd.h |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lvm2app.pc |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2.so |
| |
| %package libs |
| Summary: Shared libraries for lvm2 |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Libraries |
| Requires: device-mapper-event >= %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description libs |
| This package contains shared lvm2 libraries for applications. |
| |
| %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files libs |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/liblvm2app.so.* |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/liblvm2cmd.so.* |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2.so.* |
| %dir %{_libdir}/device-mapper |
| %{_libdir}/device-mapper/libdevmapper-event-lvm2mirror.so |
| %{_libdir}/device-mapper/libdevmapper-event-lvm2snapshot.so |
| %{_libdir}/device-mapper/libdevmapper-event-lvm2raid.so |
| %if %{have_with thin} |
| %{_libdir}/device-mapper/libdevmapper-event-lvm2thin.so |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2thin.so |
| %endif |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2mirror.so |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2snapshot.so |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event-lvm2raid.so |
| |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # LVM locking daemon |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{have_service lvmlockd} |
| %package lockd |
| Summary: LVM locking daemon |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| Requires: lvm2 = %{version}-%{release} |
| %if %{enable_lockd_dlm} |
| Requires: dlm-lib >= %{dlm_version} |
| %endif |
| %if %{enable_lockd_sanlock} |
| Requires: sanlock-lib >= %{sanlock_version} |
| %endif |
| Requires(post): systemd-units |
| Requires(preun): systemd-units |
| Requires(postun): systemd-units |
| |
| %description lockd |
| LVM commands use lvmlockd to coordinate access to shared storage. |
| |
| %post lockd |
| %daemon_reload |
| %enable -s lvmlockd -t service |
| %enable -s lvmlocking -t service |
| |
| %preun lockd |
| %disable -s lvmlocking -t service |
| %disable -s lvmlockd -t service |
| |
| %postun lockd |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| %daemon_reload |
| fi |
| |
| %files lockd |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmlockd |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmlockctl |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmlockd.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmlockctl.8.gz |
| %dir %{_default_locking_dir} |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmlockd.service |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmlocking.service |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Cluster subpackage |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{have_with clvmd} |
| |
| %package cluster |
| Summary: Cluster extensions for userland logical volume management tools |
| License: GPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| Requires: lvm2 >= %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires(post): chkconfig |
| Requires(preun): chkconfig |
| Requires(preun): device-mapper >= %{device_mapper_version} |
| Requires(preun): lvm2 >= 2.02 |
| %maybe Requires: %{req_cluster} |
| |
| %description cluster |
| |
| Extensions to LVM2 to support clusters. |
| |
| %post cluster |
| %daemon_reload |
| %enable -s clvmd -t service |
| %if %{have_service clvmd} |
| if [ $1 = 2 ]; then |
| if [ -e %{_default_pid_dir}/clvmd.pid ]; then |
| %{_sbindir}/clvmd -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| fi |
| fi |
| %endif |
| |
| %preun cluster |
| %disable -s clvmd -t service |
| %if %{have_service clvmd} |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| # lvmconf may no longer exist if lvm2 is being removed in the same rpm run |
| if test -x /sbin/lvmconf; then /sbin/lvmconf --disable-cluster; fi |
| fi |
| %endif |
| |
| %postun cluster |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| %daemon_reload |
| fi |
| |
| %files cluster |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %attr(755,root,root) /usr/sbin/clvmd |
| %{_mandir}/man8/clvmd.8.gz |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-clvmd.service |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-cluster-activation.service |
| %{_unitdir}/../lvm2-cluster-activation |
| %else |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/clvmd |
| %endif |
| |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Cluster mirror subpackage |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{enable_cmirror} |
| |
| %package -n cmirror |
| Summary: Daemon for device-mapper-based clustered mirrors |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| Requires(post): chkconfig |
| Requires(preun): chkconfig |
| Requires: corosync >= %{corosync_version} |
| Requires: device-mapper >= %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description -n cmirror |
| Daemon providing device-mapper-based mirrors in a shared-storage cluster. |
| |
| %post -n cmirror |
| %daemon_reload |
| %enable -s cmirrord -t service |
| |
| %preun -n cmirror |
| %disable -s cmirrord -t service |
| |
| %postun -n cmirror |
| %try_restart -s cmirrord -t service |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| %daemon_reload |
| fi |
| |
| %files -n cmirror |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %attr(755,root,root) /usr/sbin/cmirrord |
| %{_mandir}/man8/cmirrord.8.gz |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-cmirrord.service |
| %else |
| %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/cmirrord |
| %endif |
| |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Python bindings |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{enable_python} |
| %package python-libs |
| Summary: Python module to access LVM |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Provides: python-lvm = %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description python-libs |
| Python module to allow the creation and use of LVM |
| logical volumes, physical volumes, and volume groups. |
| |
| %files python-libs |
| %{python_sitearch}/* |
| %endif |
| |
| %if %{enable_python3} |
| %package python3-libs |
| Summary: Python 3 module to access LVM |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Provides: python3-lvm = %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description python3-libs |
| Python 3 module to allow the creation and use of LVM |
| logical volumes, physical volumes, and volume groups. |
| |
| %files python3-libs |
| %{python3_sitearch}/*.so |
| %{python3_sitearch}/*.egg-info |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # LVM D-Bus daemon |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{enable_dbusd} |
| %package dbusd |
| Summary: LVM2 D-Bus daemon |
| License: GPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| Requires: lvm2 >= %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires: dbus |
| Requires: python3-dbus |
| Requires: python3-pyudev |
| Requires: python3-gobject-base |
| Requires(post): systemd-units >= %{systemd_version} |
| Requires(preun): systemd-units >= %{systemd_version} |
| Requires(postun): systemd-units >= %{systemd_version} |
| |
| %description dbusd |
| |
| Daemon for access to LVM2 functionality through a D-Bus interface. |
| |
| %post dbusd |
| %systemd_post lvm2-lvmdbusd.service |
| |
| %preun dbusd |
| %systemd_preun lvm2-lvmdbusd.service |
| |
| %postun dbusd |
| %systemd_postun lvm2-lvmdbusd.service |
| |
| %files dbusd |
| %defattr(555,root,root,-) |
| %{_sbindir}/lvmdbusd |
| %defattr(444,root,root,-) |
| %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/com.redhat.lvmdbus1.conf |
| %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system-services/com.redhat.lvmdbus1.service |
| %{_mandir}/man8/lvmdbusd.8.gz |
| %{_unitdir}/lvm2-lvmdbusd.service |
| %{python3_sitelib}/lvmdbusd/* |
| |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Testsuite subpackage |
| ############################################################################## |
| %if %{enable_testsuite} |
| %package testsuite |
| Summary: LVM2 Testsuite |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: Development |
| |
| %description testsuite |
| An extensive functional testsuite for LVM2. |
| |
| %files testsuite |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_datadir}/lvm2-testsuite/ |
| %{_libexecdir}/lvm2-testsuite/ |
| %{_bindir}/lvm2-testsuite |
| %endif |
| |
| ############################################################################## |
| # Device-mapper subpackages |
| ############################################################################## |
| %package -n device-mapper |
| Summary: Device mapper utility |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| License: GPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| URL: http://sources.redhat.com/dm |
| Requires: device-mapper-libs = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: util-linux >= 2.15 |
| %maybe Requires: %{req_udev} |
| %if %{enable_udev} |
| # We need dracut to install required udev rules if udev_sync |
| # feature is turned on so we don't lose required notifications. |
| Conflicts: dracut < 002-18 |
| %endif |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper |
| This package contains the supporting userspace utility, dmsetup, |
| for the kernel device-mapper. |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/dmsetup |
| %{_sbindir}/dmstats |
| %{_mandir}/man8/dmsetup.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/dmstats.8.gz |
| %if %{enable_udev} |
| %doc udev/12-dm-permissions.rules |
| %dir %{_udevbasedir} |
| %dir %{_udevdir} |
| %{_udevdir}/10-dm.rules |
| %{_udevdir}/13-dm-disk.rules |
| %{_udevdir}/95-dm-notify.rules |
| %endif |
| |
| %package -n device-mapper-devel |
| Summary: Development libraries and headers for device-mapper |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Requires: device-mapper = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: pkgconfig |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper-devel |
| This package contains files needed to develop applications that use |
| the device-mapper libraries. |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper-devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper.so |
| %{_includedir}/libdevmapper.h |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/devmapper.pc |
| |
| %package -n device-mapper-libs |
| Summary: Device-mapper shared library |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Libraries |
| Requires: device-mapper = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper-libs |
| This package contains the device-mapper shared library, libdevmapper. |
| |
| %post -n device-mapper-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %postun -n device-mapper-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper-libs |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdevmapper.so.* |
| |
| %package -n device-mapper-event |
| Summary: Device-mapper event daemon |
| Group: System Environment/Base |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| Requires: device-mapper = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: device-mapper-event-libs = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| Requires(post): systemd-units |
| Requires(preun): systemd-units |
| Requires(postun): systemd-units |
| %endif |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper-event |
| This package contains the dmeventd daemon for monitoring the state |
| of device-mapper devices. |
| |
| %post -n device-mapper-event |
| %daemon_reload |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| systemctl preset dm-event.socket > /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| %endif |
| if [ -e %{_default_pid_dir}/dmeventd.pid ]; then |
| %{_sbindir}/dmeventd -R || echo "Failed to restart dmeventd daemon. Please, try manual restart." |
| fi |
| |
| %preun -n device-mapper-event |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| systemctl --no-reload disable dm-event.service dm-event.socket > /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| systemctl stop dm-event.service dm-event.socket> /dev/null 2>&1 || : |
| fi |
| %endif |
| |
| %postun -n device-mapper-event |
| if [ $1 = 0 ]; then |
| %daemon_reload |
| fi |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper-event |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_sbindir}/dmeventd |
| %{_mandir}/man8/dmeventd.8.gz |
| %if %{enable_systemd} |
| %{_unitdir}/dm-event.socket |
| %{_unitdir}/dm-event.service |
| %endif |
| |
| %package -n device-mapper-event-libs |
| Summary: Device-mapper event daemon shared library |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: System Environment/Libraries |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper-event-libs |
| This package contains the device-mapper event daemon shared library, |
| libdevmapper-event. |
| |
| %post -n device-mapper-event-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %postun -n device-mapper-event-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper-event-libs |
| %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event.so.* |
| |
| %package -n device-mapper-event-devel |
| Summary: Development libraries and headers for the device-mapper event daemon |
| Version: %{device_mapper_version} |
| Release: %{release} |
| License: LGPLv2 |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Requires: device-mapper-event = %{device_mapper_version}-%{release} |
| Requires: pkgconfig |
| |
| %description -n device-mapper-event-devel |
| This package contains files needed to develop applications that use |
| the device-mapper event library. |
| |
| %files -n device-mapper-event-devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_libdir}/libdevmapper-event.so |
| %{_includedir}/libdevmapper-event.h |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/devmapper-event.pc |
| |