blob: f35394e6038466da03da371d5fd7a85bb7a48415 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __MALI_SOFT_JOB_H__
#define __MALI_SOFT_JOB_H__
#include "mali_osk.h"
#include "mali_timeline.h"
struct mali_timeline_fence;
struct mali_session_data;
struct mali_soft_job;
struct mali_soft_job_system;
* Soft job types.
* Soft jobs of type MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_USER_SIGNALED will only complete after activation if either
* they are signaled by user-space (@ref mali_soft_job_system_signaled_job) or if they are timed out
* by the Timeline system.
* Soft jobs of type MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_SELF_SIGNALED will release job resource automatically
* in kernel when the job is activated.
typedef enum mali_soft_job_type {
} mali_soft_job_type;
* Soft job state.
* mali_soft_job_system_start_job a job will first be allocated.The job's state set to MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_ALLOCATED.
* Once the job is added to the timeline system, the state changes to MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_STARTED.
* For soft jobs of type MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_USER_SIGNALED the state is changed to
* MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_SIGNALED when @ref mali_soft_job_system_signal_job is called and the soft
* If a soft job of type MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_USER_SIGNALED is timed out before being signaled, the
* state is changed to MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_TIMED_OUT. This can only happen to soft jobs in state
typedef enum mali_soft_job_state {
} mali_soft_job_state;
#define MALI_SOFT_JOB_INVALID_ID ((u32) -1)
* Soft job struct.
* Soft job can be used to represent any kind of CPU work done in kernel-space.
typedef struct mali_soft_job {
mali_soft_job_type type; /**< Soft job type. Must be one of MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_*. */
u64 user_job; /**< Identifier for soft job in user space. */
_mali_osk_atomic_t refcount; /**< Soft jobs are reference counted to prevent premature deletion. */
struct mali_timeline_tracker tracker; /**< Timeline tracker for soft job. */
mali_bool activated; /**< MALI_TRUE if the job has been activated, MALI_FALSE if not. */
_mali_osk_notification_t *activated_notification; /**< Pre-allocated notification object for ACTIVATED_NOTIFICATION. */
/* Protected by soft job system lock. */
u32 id; /**< Used by user-space to find corresponding soft job in kernel-space. */
mali_soft_job_state state; /**< State of soft job, must be one of MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_*. */
struct mali_soft_job_system *system; /**< The soft job system this job is in. */
_mali_osk_list_t system_list; /**< List element used by soft job system. */
} mali_soft_job;
* Per-session soft job system.
* The soft job system is used to manage all soft jobs that belongs to a session.
typedef struct mali_soft_job_system {
struct mali_session_data *session; /**< The session this soft job system belongs to. */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD(jobs_used); /**< List of all allocated soft jobs. */
_mali_osk_spinlock_irq_t *lock; /**< Lock used to protect soft job system and its soft jobs. */
u32 lock_owner; /**< Contains tid of thread that locked the system or 0, if not locked. */
u32 last_job_id; /**< Recored the last job id protected by lock. */
} mali_soft_job_system;
* Create a soft job system.
* @param session The session this soft job system will belong to.
* @return The new soft job system, or NULL if unsuccessful.
struct mali_soft_job_system *mali_soft_job_system_create(struct mali_session_data *session);
* Destroy a soft job system.
* @note The soft job must not have any started or activated jobs. Call @ref
* mali_soft_job_system_abort first.
* @param system The soft job system we are destroying.
void mali_soft_job_system_destroy(struct mali_soft_job_system *system);
* Create a soft job.
* @param system Soft job system to create soft job from.
* @param type Type of the soft job.
* @param user_job Identifier for soft job in user space.
* @return New soft job if successful, NULL if not.
struct mali_soft_job *mali_soft_job_create(struct mali_soft_job_system *system, mali_soft_job_type type, u64 user_job);
* Destroy soft job.
* @param job Soft job to destroy.
void mali_soft_job_destroy(struct mali_soft_job *job);
* Start a soft job.
* The soft job will be added to the Timeline system which will then activate it after all
* dependencies have been resolved.
* Create soft jobs with @ref mali_soft_job_create before starting them.
* @param job Soft job to start.
* @param fence Fence representing dependencies for this soft job.
* @return Point on soft job timeline.
mali_timeline_point mali_soft_job_start(struct mali_soft_job *job, struct mali_timeline_fence *fence);
* Use by user-space to signal that a soft job has completed.
* @note Only valid for soft jobs with type MALI_SOFT_JOB_TYPE_USER_SIGNALED.
* @note The soft job must be in state MALI_SOFT_JOB_STATE_STARTED for the signal to be successful.
* @note If the soft job was signaled successfully, or it received a time out, the soft job will be
* destroyed after this call and should no longer be used.
* @note This function will block until the soft job has been activated.
* @param system The soft job system the job was started in.
* @param job_id ID of soft job we are signaling.
* @return _MALI_OSK_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND if the soft job ID was invalid, _MALI_OSK_ERR_TIMEOUT if the
* soft job was timed out or _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK if we successfully signaled the soft job.
_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_soft_job_system_signal_job(struct mali_soft_job_system *system, u32 job_id);
* Used by the Timeline system to activate a soft job.
* @param job The soft job that is being activated.
* @return A scheduling bitmask.
mali_scheduler_mask mali_soft_job_system_activate_job(struct mali_soft_job *job);
* Used by the Timeline system to timeout a soft job.
* A soft job is timed out if it completes or is signaled later than MALI_TIMELINE_TIMEOUT_HZ after
* activation.
* @param job The soft job that is being timed out.
* @return A scheduling bitmask.
mali_scheduler_mask mali_soft_job_system_timeout_job(struct mali_soft_job *job);
* Used to cleanup activated soft jobs in the soft job system on session abort.
* @param system The soft job system that is being aborted.
void mali_soft_job_system_abort(struct mali_soft_job_system *system);
#endif /* __MALI_SOFT_JOB_H__ */