blob: b8715dbe946745ad2fbdc332fc5a2978f88a6431 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -vex
set -x -e -v
# Prefix errors with taskcluster error prefix so that they are parsed by Treeherder
raise_error() {
echo "[taskcluster-image-build:error] $1"
exit 1
# Ensure that the PROJECT is specified so the image can be indexed
test -n "$PROJECT" || raise_error "Project must be provided."
test -n "$HASH" || raise_error "Context Hash must be provided."
test -d "$CONTEXT_PATH" || raise_error "Context Path $CONTEXT_PATH does not exist."
test -f "$CONTEXT_PATH/Dockerfile" || raise_error "Dockerfile must be present in $CONTEXT_PATH."
docker build -t "$PROJECT:$HASH" "$CONTEXT_PATH"
mkdir /artifacts
docker save "$PROJECT:$HASH" > /artifacts/image.tar