blob: f1e16da78e27d8de4f1b92507fa02fc289337735 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* Thanks to Thomas Pornin for the ideas how to implement the constat time
* binary multiplication. */
#include "stubs.h"
#include "blapii.h"
#include "blapit.h"
#include "gcm.h"
#include "ctr.h"
#include "secerr.h"
#include "prtypes.h"
#include "pkcs11t.h"
#include <limits.h>
/* Forward declarations */
SECStatus gcm_HashInit_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash);
SECStatus gcm_HashWrite_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *outbuf);
SECStatus gcm_HashMult_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count);
SECStatus gcm_HashZeroX_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash);
SECStatus gcm_HashMult_sftw(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count);
SECStatus gcm_HashMult_sftw32(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count);
/* Stub definitions for the above *_hw functions, which shouldn't be
* used unless NSS_X86_OR_X64 is defined */
#ifndef NSS_X86_OR_X64
gcm_HashWrite_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *outbuf)
return SECFailure;
gcm_HashMult_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count)
return SECFailure;
gcm_HashInit_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash)
return SECFailure;
gcm_HashZeroX_hw(gcmHashContext *ghash)
return SECFailure;
#endif /* NSS_X86_OR_X64 */
get64(const unsigned char *bytes)
return ((uint64_t)bytes[0]) << 56 |
((uint64_t)bytes[1]) << 48 |
((uint64_t)bytes[2]) << 40 |
((uint64_t)bytes[3]) << 32 |
((uint64_t)bytes[4]) << 24 |
((uint64_t)bytes[5]) << 16 |
((uint64_t)bytes[6]) << 8 |
/* Initialize a gcmHashContext */
gcmHash_InitContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *H, PRBool sw)
SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
ghash->cLen = 0;
ghash->bufLen = 0;
PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, sizeof(ghash->counterBuf));
ghash->h_low = get64(H + 8);
ghash->h_high = get64(H);
if (clmul_support() && !sw) {
rv = gcm_HashInit_hw(ghash);
} else {
/* We fall back to the software implementation if we can't use / don't
* want to use pclmul. */
ghash->ghash_mul = gcm_HashMult_sftw;
ghash->ghash_mul = gcm_HashMult_sftw32;
ghash->x_high = ghash->x_low = 0;
ghash->hw = PR_FALSE;
return rv;
/* Binary multiplication x * y = r_high << 64 | r_low. */
bmul(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t *r_high, uint64_t *r_low)
uint128_t x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
uint128_t y1, y2, y3, y4, y5;
uint128_t r, z;
uint128_t m1 = (uint128_t)0x2108421084210842 << 64 | 0x1084210842108421;
uint128_t m2 = (uint128_t)0x4210842108421084 << 64 | 0x2108421084210842;
uint128_t m3 = (uint128_t)0x8421084210842108 << 64 | 0x4210842108421084;
uint128_t m4 = (uint128_t)0x0842108421084210 << 64 | 0x8421084210842108;
uint128_t m5 = (uint128_t)0x1084210842108421 << 64 | 0x0842108421084210;
x1 = x & m1;
y1 = y & m1;
x2 = x & m2;
y2 = y & m2;
x3 = x & m3;
y3 = y & m3;
x4 = x & m4;
y4 = y & m4;
x5 = x & m5;
y5 = y & m5;
z = (x1 * y1) ^ (x2 * y5) ^ (x3 * y4) ^ (x4 * y3) ^ (x5 * y2);
r = z & m1;
z = (x1 * y2) ^ (x2 * y1) ^ (x3 * y5) ^ (x4 * y4) ^ (x5 * y3);
r |= z & m2;
z = (x1 * y3) ^ (x2 * y2) ^ (x3 * y1) ^ (x4 * y5) ^ (x5 * y4);
r |= z & m3;
z = (x1 * y4) ^ (x2 * y3) ^ (x3 * y2) ^ (x4 * y1) ^ (x5 * y5);
r |= z & m4;
z = (x1 * y5) ^ (x2 * y4) ^ (x3 * y3) ^ (x4 * y2) ^ (x5 * y1);
r |= z & m5;
*r_high = (uint64_t)(r >> 64);
*r_low = (uint64_t)r;
gcm_HashMult_sftw(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count)
uint64_t ci_low, ci_high;
size_t i;
uint64_t z2_low, z2_high, z0_low, z0_high, z1a_low, z1a_high;
uint128_t z_high = 0, z_low = 0;
ci_low = ghash->x_low;
ci_high = ghash->x_high;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, buf += 16) {
ci_low ^= get64(buf + 8);
ci_high ^= get64(buf);
/* Do binary mult ghash->X = C * ghash->H (Karatsuba). */
bmul(ci_high, ghash->h_high, &z2_high, &z2_low);
bmul(ci_low, ghash->h_low, &z0_high, &z0_low);
bmul(ci_high ^ ci_low, ghash->h_high ^ ghash->h_low, &z1a_high, &z1a_low);
z1a_high ^= z2_high ^ z0_high;
z1a_low ^= z2_low ^ z0_low;
z_high = ((uint128_t)z2_high << 64) | (z2_low ^ z1a_high);
z_low = (((uint128_t)z0_high << 64) | z0_low) ^ (((uint128_t)z1a_low) << 64);
/* Shift one (multiply by x) as gcm spec is stupid. */
z_high = (z_high << 1) | (z_low >> 127);
z_low <<= 1;
/* Reduce */
z_low ^= (z_low << 127) ^ (z_low << 126) ^ (z_low << 121);
z_high ^= z_low ^ (z_low >> 1) ^ (z_low >> 2) ^ (z_low >> 7);
ci_low = (uint64_t)z_high;
ci_high = (uint64_t)(z_high >> 64);
ghash->x_low = ci_low;
ghash->x_high = ci_high;
return SECSuccess;
/* Binary multiplication x * y = r_high << 32 | r_low. */
bmul32(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t *r_high, uint32_t *r_low)
uint32_t x0, x1, x2, x3;
uint32_t y0, y1, y2, y3;
uint32_t m1 = (uint32_t)0x11111111;
uint32_t m2 = (uint32_t)0x22222222;
uint32_t m4 = (uint32_t)0x44444444;
uint32_t m8 = (uint32_t)0x88888888;
uint64_t z0, z1, z2, z3;
uint64_t z;
x0 = x & m1;
x1 = x & m2;
x2 = x & m4;
x3 = x & m8;
y0 = y & m1;
y1 = y & m2;
y2 = y & m4;
y3 = y & m8;
z0 = ((uint64_t)x0 * y0) ^ ((uint64_t)x1 * y3) ^
((uint64_t)x2 * y2) ^ ((uint64_t)x3 * y1);
z1 = ((uint64_t)x0 * y1) ^ ((uint64_t)x1 * y0) ^
((uint64_t)x2 * y3) ^ ((uint64_t)x3 * y2);
z2 = ((uint64_t)x0 * y2) ^ ((uint64_t)x1 * y1) ^
((uint64_t)x2 * y0) ^ ((uint64_t)x3 * y3);
z3 = ((uint64_t)x0 * y3) ^ ((uint64_t)x1 * y2) ^
((uint64_t)x2 * y1) ^ ((uint64_t)x3 * y0);
z0 &= ((uint64_t)m1 << 32) | m1;
z1 &= ((uint64_t)m2 << 32) | m2;
z2 &= ((uint64_t)m4 << 32) | m4;
z3 &= ((uint64_t)m8 << 32) | m8;
z = z0 | z1 | z2 | z3;
*r_high = (uint32_t)(z >> 32);
*r_low = (uint32_t)z;
gcm_HashMult_sftw32(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int count)
size_t i;
uint64_t ci_low, ci_high;
uint64_t z_high_h, z_high_l, z_low_h, z_low_l;
uint32_t ci_high_h, ci_high_l, ci_low_h, ci_low_l;
uint32_t b_a_h, b_a_l, a_a_h, a_a_l, b_b_h, b_b_l;
uint32_t a_b_h, a_b_l, b_c_h, b_c_l, a_c_h, a_c_l, c_c_h, c_c_l;
uint32_t ci_highXlow_h, ci_highXlow_l, c_a_h, c_a_l, c_b_h, c_b_l;
uint32_t h_high_h = (uint32_t)(ghash->h_high >> 32);
uint32_t h_high_l = (uint32_t)ghash->h_high;
uint32_t h_low_h = (uint32_t)(ghash->h_low >> 32);
uint32_t h_low_l = (uint32_t)ghash->h_low;
uint32_t h_highXlow_h = h_high_h ^ h_low_h;
uint32_t h_highXlow_l = h_high_l ^ h_low_l;
uint32_t h_highX_xored = h_highXlow_h ^ h_highXlow_l;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, buf += 16) {
ci_low = ghash->x_low ^ get64(buf + 8);
ci_high = ghash->x_high ^ get64(buf);
ci_low_h = (uint32_t)(ci_low >> 32);
ci_low_l = (uint32_t)ci_low;
ci_high_h = (uint32_t)(ci_high >> 32);
ci_high_l = (uint32_t)ci_high;
ci_highXlow_h = ci_high_h ^ ci_low_h;
ci_highXlow_l = ci_high_l ^ ci_low_l;
/* Do binary mult ghash->X = C * ghash->H (recursive Karatsuba). */
bmul32(ci_high_h, h_high_h, &a_a_h, &a_a_l);
bmul32(ci_high_l, h_high_l, &a_b_h, &a_b_l);
bmul32(ci_high_h ^ ci_high_l, h_high_h ^ h_high_l, &a_c_h, &a_c_l);
a_c_h ^= a_a_h ^ a_b_h;
a_c_l ^= a_a_l ^ a_b_l;
a_a_l ^= a_c_h;
a_b_h ^= a_c_l;
/* ci_high * h_high = a_a_h:a_a_l:a_b_h:a_b_l */
bmul32(ci_low_h, h_low_h, &b_a_h, &b_a_l);
bmul32(ci_low_l, h_low_l, &b_b_h, &b_b_l);
bmul32(ci_low_h ^ ci_low_l, h_low_h ^ h_low_l, &b_c_h, &b_c_l);
b_c_h ^= b_a_h ^ b_b_h;
b_c_l ^= b_a_l ^ b_b_l;
b_a_l ^= b_c_h;
b_b_h ^= b_c_l;
/* ci_low * h_low = b_a_h:b_a_l:b_b_h:b_b_l */
bmul32(ci_highXlow_h, h_highXlow_h, &c_a_h, &c_a_l);
bmul32(ci_highXlow_l, h_highXlow_l, &c_b_h, &c_b_l);
bmul32(ci_highXlow_h ^ ci_highXlow_l, h_highX_xored, &c_c_h, &c_c_l);
c_c_h ^= c_a_h ^ c_b_h;
c_c_l ^= c_a_l ^ c_b_l;
c_a_l ^= c_c_h;
c_b_h ^= c_c_l;
/* (ci_high ^ ci_low) * (h_high ^ h_low) = c_a_h:c_a_l:c_b_h:c_b_l */
c_a_h ^= b_a_h ^ a_a_h;
c_a_l ^= b_a_l ^ a_a_l;
c_b_h ^= b_b_h ^ a_b_h;
c_b_l ^= b_b_l ^ a_b_l;
z_high_h = ((uint64_t)a_a_h << 32) | a_a_l;
z_high_l = (((uint64_t)a_b_h << 32) | a_b_l) ^
(((uint64_t)c_a_h << 32) | c_a_l);
z_low_h = (((uint64_t)b_a_h << 32) | b_a_l) ^
(((uint64_t)c_b_h << 32) | c_b_l);
z_low_l = ((uint64_t)b_b_h << 32) | b_b_l;
/* Shift one (multiply by x) as gcm spec is stupid. */
z_high_h = z_high_h << 1 | z_high_l >> 63;
z_high_l = z_high_l << 1 | z_low_h >> 63;
z_low_h = z_low_h << 1 | z_low_l >> 63;
z_low_l <<= 1;
/* Reduce */
z_low_h ^= (z_low_l << 63) ^ (z_low_l << 62) ^ (z_low_l << 57);
z_high_h ^= z_low_h ^ (z_low_h >> 1) ^ (z_low_h >> 2) ^ (z_low_h >> 7);
z_high_l ^= z_low_l ^ (z_low_l >> 1) ^ (z_low_l >> 2) ^ (z_low_l >> 7) ^
(z_low_h << 63) ^ (z_low_h << 62) ^ (z_low_h << 57);
ghash->x_high = z_high_h;
ghash->x_low = z_high_l;
return SECSuccess;
#endif /* HAVE_INT128_SUPPORT */
static SECStatus
gcm_zeroX(gcmHashContext *ghash)
SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
if (ghash->hw) {
rv = gcm_HashZeroX_hw(ghash);
ghash->x_high = ghash->x_low = 0;
return rv;
* implement GCM GHASH using the freebl GHASH function. The gcm_HashMult
* function always takes AES_BLOCK_SIZE lengths of data. gcmHash_Update will
* format the data properly.
gcmHash_Update(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int len)
unsigned int blocks;
SECStatus rv;
ghash->cLen += (len * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE);
/* first deal with the current buffer of data. Try to fill it out so
* we can hash it */
if (ghash->bufLen) {
unsigned int needed = PR_MIN(len, AES_BLOCK_SIZE - ghash->bufLen);
if (needed != 0) {
PORT_Memcpy(ghash->buffer + ghash->bufLen, buf, needed);
buf += needed;
len -= needed;
ghash->bufLen += needed;
if (len == 0) {
/* didn't add enough to hash the data, nothing more do do */
return SECSuccess;
PORT_Assert(ghash->bufLen == AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
/* hash the buffer and clear it */
rv = ghash->ghash_mul(ghash, ghash->buffer, 1);
PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
ghash->bufLen = 0;
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
/* now hash any full blocks remaining in the data stream */
blocks = len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (blocks) {
rv = ghash->ghash_mul(ghash, buf, blocks);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
buf += blocks * AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
len -= blocks * AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
/* save any remainder in the buffer to be hashed with the next call */
if (len != 0) {
PORT_Memcpy(ghash->buffer, buf, len);
ghash->bufLen = len;
return SECSuccess;
* write out any partial blocks zero padded through the GHASH engine,
* save the lengths for the final completion of the hash
static SECStatus
gcmHash_Sync(gcmHashContext *ghash)
int i;
SECStatus rv;
/* copy the previous counter to the upper block */
PORT_Memcpy(ghash->counterBuf, &ghash->counterBuf[GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN],
/* copy the current counter in the lower block */
for (i = 0; i < GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN; i++) {
ghash->counterBuf[GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN + i] =
(ghash->cLen >> ((GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN - 1 - i) * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE)) & 0xff;
ghash->cLen = 0;
/* now zero fill the buffer and hash the last block */
if (ghash->bufLen) {
PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer + ghash->bufLen, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE - ghash->bufLen);
rv = ghash->ghash_mul(ghash, ghash->buffer, 1);
PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
ghash->bufLen = 0;
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
return SECSuccess;
#define WRITE64(x, bytes) \
(bytes)[0] = (x) >> 56; \
(bytes)[1] = (x) >> 48; \
(bytes)[2] = (x) >> 40; \
(bytes)[3] = (x) >> 32; \
(bytes)[4] = (x) >> 24; \
(bytes)[5] = (x) >> 16; \
(bytes)[6] = (x) >> 8; \
(bytes)[7] = (x);
* This does the final sync, hashes the lengths, then returns
* "T", the hashed output.
gcmHash_Final(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *outbuf,
unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout)
unsigned char T[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
SECStatus rv;
rv = gcmHash_Sync(ghash);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto cleanup;
rv = ghash->ghash_mul(ghash, ghash->counterBuf,
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto cleanup;
if (ghash->hw) {
rv = gcm_HashWrite_hw(ghash, T);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto cleanup;
} else {
WRITE64(ghash->x_low, T + 8);
WRITE64(ghash->x_high, T);
if (maxout > AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
maxout = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
PORT_Memcpy(outbuf, T, maxout);
*outlen = maxout;
rv = SECSuccess;
PORT_Memset(T, 0, sizeof(T));
return rv;
gcmHash_Reset(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *AAD,
unsigned int AADLen)
SECStatus rv;
ghash->cLen = 0;
PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN * 2);
ghash->bufLen = 0;
rv = gcm_zeroX(ghash);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return rv;
/* now kick things off by hashing the Additional Authenticated Data */
if (AADLen != 0) {
rv = gcmHash_Update(ghash, AAD, AADLen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
rv = gcmHash_Sync(ghash);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
return SECSuccess;
* Now implement the GCM using gcmHash and CTR *
/* state to handle the full GCM operation (hash and counter) */
struct GCMContextStr {
gcmHashContext *ghash_context;
CTRContext ctr_context;
unsigned long tagBits;
unsigned char tagKey[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
GCMContext *
GCM_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
const unsigned char *params)
GCMContext *gcm = NULL;
gcmHashContext *ghash = NULL;
unsigned char H[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
unsigned int tmp;
PRBool freeCtr = PR_FALSE;
const CK_GCM_PARAMS *gcmParams = (const CK_GCM_PARAMS *)params;
SECStatus rv;
const PRBool sw = PR_TRUE;
const PRBool sw = PR_FALSE;
if (gcmParams->ulIvLen == 0) {
return NULL;
gcm = PORT_ZNew(GCMContext);
if (gcm == NULL) {
return NULL;
ghash = PORT_ZNewAligned(gcmHashContext, 16, mem);
/* first plug in the ghash context */
gcm->ghash_context = ghash;
rv = (*cipher)(context, H, &tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, H, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
rv = gcmHash_InitContext(ghash, H, sw);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
/* fill in the Counter context */
ctrParams.ulCounterBits = 32;
PORT_Memset(ctrParams.cb, 0, sizeof(ctrParams.cb));
if (gcmParams->ulIvLen == 12) {
PORT_Memcpy(ctrParams.cb, gcmParams->pIv, gcmParams->ulIvLen);
ctrParams.cb[AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = 1;
} else {
rv = gcmHash_Update(ghash, gcmParams->pIv, gcmParams->ulIvLen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
rv = gcmHash_Final(ghash, ctrParams.cb, &tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
rv = CTR_InitContext(&gcm->ctr_context, context, cipher,
(unsigned char *)&ctrParams);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
freeCtr = PR_TRUE;
/* fill in the gcm structure */
gcm->tagBits = gcmParams->ulTagBits; /* save for final step */
/* calculate the final tag key. NOTE: gcm->tagKey is zero to start with.
* if this assumption changes, we would need to explicitly clear it here */
rv = CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, gcm->tagKey, &tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
/* finally mix in the AAD data */
rv = gcmHash_Reset(ghash, gcmParams->pAAD, gcmParams->ulAADLen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
goto loser;
return gcm;
if (freeCtr) {
CTR_DestroyContext(&gcm->ctr_context, PR_FALSE);
if (ghash && ghash->mem) {
if (gcm) {
return NULL;
GCM_DestroyContext(GCMContext *gcm, PRBool freeit)
/* these two are statically allocated and will be freed when we free
* gcm. call their destroy functions to free up any locally
* allocated data (like mp_int's) */
CTR_DestroyContext(&gcm->ctr_context, PR_FALSE);
PORT_Memset(&gcm->tagBits, 0, sizeof(gcm->tagBits));
PORT_Memset(gcm->tagKey, 0, sizeof(gcm->tagKey));
if (freeit) {
static SECStatus
gcm_GetTag(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout)
unsigned int tagBytes;
unsigned int extra;
unsigned int i;
SECStatus rv;
tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
extra = tagBytes * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - gcm->tagBits;
if (outbuf == NULL) {
*outlen = tagBytes;
return SECFailure;
if (maxout < tagBytes) {
*outlen = tagBytes;
return SECFailure;
maxout = tagBytes;
rv = gcmHash_Final(gcm->ghash_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
for (i = 0; i < *outlen; i++) {
outbuf[i] ^= gcm->tagKey[i];
/* mask off any extra bits we got */
if (extra) {
outbuf[tagBytes - 1] &= ~((1 << extra) - 1);
return SECSuccess;
* See The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation, McGrew and Viega.
* GCM is basically counter mode with a specific initialization and
* built in macing operation.
GCM_EncryptUpdate(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
unsigned int blocksize)
SECStatus rv;
unsigned int tagBytes;
unsigned int len;
PORT_Assert(blocksize == AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (blocksize != AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
return SECFailure;
tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
if (UINT_MAX - inlen < tagBytes) {
return SECFailure;
if (maxout < inlen + tagBytes) {
*outlen = inlen + tagBytes;
return SECFailure;
rv = CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout,
inbuf, inlen, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
rv = gcmHash_Update(gcm->ghash_context, outbuf, *outlen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
PORT_Memset(outbuf, 0, *outlen); /* clear the output buffer */
*outlen = 0;
return SECFailure;
rv = gcm_GetTag(gcm, outbuf + *outlen, &len, maxout - *outlen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
PORT_Memset(outbuf, 0, *outlen); /* clear the output buffer */
*outlen = 0;
return SECFailure;
*outlen += len;
return SECSuccess;
* See The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation, McGrew and Viega.
* GCM is basically counter mode with a specific initialization and
* built in macing operation. NOTE: the only difference between Encrypt
* and Decrypt is when we calculate the mac. That is because the mac must
* always be calculated on the cipher text, not the plain text, so for
* encrypt, we do the CTR update first and for decrypt we do the mac first.
GCM_DecryptUpdate(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
unsigned int blocksize)
SECStatus rv;
unsigned int tagBytes;
unsigned char tag[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
const unsigned char *intag;
unsigned int len;
PORT_Assert(blocksize == AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (blocksize != AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
return SECFailure;
tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
/* get the authentication block */
if (inlen < tagBytes) {
return SECFailure;
inlen -= tagBytes;
intag = inbuf + inlen;
/* verify the block */
rv = gcmHash_Update(gcm->ghash_context, inbuf, inlen);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
rv = gcm_GetTag(gcm, tag, &len, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
return SECFailure;
/* Don't decrypt if we can't authenticate the encrypted data!
* This assumes that if tagBits is not a multiple of 8, intag will
* preserve the masked off missing bits. */
if (NSS_SecureMemcmp(tag, intag, tagBytes) != 0) {
/* force a CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID error at in softoken */
PORT_Memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag));
return SECFailure;
PORT_Memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag));
/* finish the decryption */
return CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout,
inbuf, inlen, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);