blob: 0bdc697254fa77cff1fe8c0d41a1d590f05ca27e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module Spec.Chacha20
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.Seq
open FStar.UInt32
open FStar.Endianness
open Spec.Lib
open Spec.Chacha20.Lemmas
open Seq.Create
#set-options "--max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 100"
(* Constants *)
let keylen = 32 (* in bytes *)
let blocklen = 64 (* in bytes *)
let noncelen = 12 (* in bytes *)
type key = lbytes keylen
type block = lbytes blocklen
type nonce = lbytes noncelen
type counter = UInt.uint_t 32
// using @ as a functional substitute for ;
// internally, blocks are represented as 16 x 4-byte integers
type state = m:seq UInt32.t {length m = 16}
type idx = n:nat{n < 16}
type shuffle = state -> Tot state
let line (a:idx) (b:idx) (d:idx) (s:t{0 < v s /\ v s < 32}) (m:state) : Tot state =
let m = m.[a] <- (m.[a] +%^ m.[b]) in
let m = m.[d] <- ((m.[d] ^^ m.[a]) <<< s) in m
let quarter_round a b c d : shuffle =
line a b d 16ul @
line c d b 12ul @
line a b d 8ul @
line c d b 7ul
let column_round : shuffle =
quarter_round 0 4 8 12 @
quarter_round 1 5 9 13 @
quarter_round 2 6 10 14 @
quarter_round 3 7 11 15
let diagonal_round : shuffle =
quarter_round 0 5 10 15 @
quarter_round 1 6 11 12 @
quarter_round 2 7 8 13 @
quarter_round 3 4 9 14
let double_round: shuffle =
column_round @ diagonal_round (* 2 rounds *)
let rounds : shuffle =
iter 10 double_round (* 20 rounds *)
let chacha20_core (s:state) : Tot state =
let s' = rounds s in
Spec.Loops.seq_map2 (fun x y -> x +%^ y) s' s
(* state initialization *)
let c0 = 0x61707865ul
let c1 = 0x3320646eul
let c2 = 0x79622d32ul
let c3 = 0x6b206574ul
let setup (k:key) (n:nonce) (c:counter): Tot state =
create_4 c0 c1 c2 c3 @|
uint32s_from_le 8 k @|
create_1 (UInt32.uint_to_t c) @|
uint32s_from_le 3 n
let chacha20_block (k:key) (n:nonce) (c:counter): Tot block =
let st = setup k n c in
let st' = chacha20_core st in
uint32s_to_le 16 st'
let chacha20_ctx: Spec.CTR.block_cipher_ctx =
let open Spec.CTR in
keylen = keylen;
blocklen = blocklen;
noncelen = noncelen;
counterbits = 32;
incr = 1
let chacha20_cipher: Spec.CTR.block_cipher chacha20_ctx = chacha20_block
let chacha20_encrypt_bytes key nonce counter m =
Spec.CTR.counter_mode chacha20_ctx chacha20_cipher key nonce counter m
unfold let test_plaintext = [
0x4cuy; 0x61uy; 0x64uy; 0x69uy; 0x65uy; 0x73uy; 0x20uy; 0x61uy;
0x6euy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x47uy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x74uy; 0x6cuy;
0x65uy; 0x6duy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy;
0x74uy; 0x68uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x63uy; 0x6cuy; 0x61uy; 0x73uy;
0x73uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy; 0x27uy; 0x39uy; 0x39uy;
0x3auy; 0x20uy; 0x49uy; 0x66uy; 0x20uy; 0x49uy; 0x20uy; 0x63uy;
0x6fuy; 0x75uy; 0x6cuy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x66uy; 0x66uy;
0x65uy; 0x72uy; 0x20uy; 0x79uy; 0x6fuy; 0x75uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy;
0x6euy; 0x6cuy; 0x79uy; 0x20uy; 0x6fuy; 0x6euy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy;
0x74uy; 0x69uy; 0x70uy; 0x20uy; 0x66uy; 0x6fuy; 0x72uy; 0x20uy;
0x74uy; 0x68uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x66uy; 0x75uy; 0x74uy; 0x75uy;
0x72uy; 0x65uy; 0x2cuy; 0x20uy; 0x73uy; 0x75uy; 0x6euy; 0x73uy;
0x63uy; 0x72uy; 0x65uy; 0x65uy; 0x6euy; 0x20uy; 0x77uy; 0x6fuy;
0x75uy; 0x6cuy; 0x64uy; 0x20uy; 0x62uy; 0x65uy; 0x20uy; 0x69uy;
0x74uy; 0x2euy
unfold let test_ciphertext = [
0x6euy; 0x2euy; 0x35uy; 0x9auy; 0x25uy; 0x68uy; 0xf9uy; 0x80uy;
0x41uy; 0xbauy; 0x07uy; 0x28uy; 0xdduy; 0x0duy; 0x69uy; 0x81uy;
0xe9uy; 0x7euy; 0x7auy; 0xecuy; 0x1duy; 0x43uy; 0x60uy; 0xc2uy;
0x0auy; 0x27uy; 0xafuy; 0xccuy; 0xfduy; 0x9fuy; 0xaeuy; 0x0buy;
0xf9uy; 0x1buy; 0x65uy; 0xc5uy; 0x52uy; 0x47uy; 0x33uy; 0xabuy;
0x8fuy; 0x59uy; 0x3duy; 0xabuy; 0xcduy; 0x62uy; 0xb3uy; 0x57uy;
0x16uy; 0x39uy; 0xd6uy; 0x24uy; 0xe6uy; 0x51uy; 0x52uy; 0xabuy;
0x8fuy; 0x53uy; 0x0cuy; 0x35uy; 0x9fuy; 0x08uy; 0x61uy; 0xd8uy;
0x07uy; 0xcauy; 0x0duy; 0xbfuy; 0x50uy; 0x0duy; 0x6auy; 0x61uy;
0x56uy; 0xa3uy; 0x8euy; 0x08uy; 0x8auy; 0x22uy; 0xb6uy; 0x5euy;
0x52uy; 0xbcuy; 0x51uy; 0x4duy; 0x16uy; 0xccuy; 0xf8uy; 0x06uy;
0x81uy; 0x8cuy; 0xe9uy; 0x1auy; 0xb7uy; 0x79uy; 0x37uy; 0x36uy;
0x5auy; 0xf9uy; 0x0buy; 0xbfuy; 0x74uy; 0xa3uy; 0x5buy; 0xe6uy;
0xb4uy; 0x0buy; 0x8euy; 0xeduy; 0xf2uy; 0x78uy; 0x5euy; 0x42uy;
0x87uy; 0x4duy
unfold let test_key = [
0uy; 1uy; 2uy; 3uy; 4uy; 5uy; 6uy; 7uy;
8uy; 9uy; 10uy; 11uy; 12uy; 13uy; 14uy; 15uy;
16uy; 17uy; 18uy; 19uy; 20uy; 21uy; 22uy; 23uy;
24uy; 25uy; 26uy; 27uy; 28uy; 29uy; 30uy; 31uy
unfold let test_nonce = [
0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0x4auy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy
unfold let test_counter = 1
let test() =
assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_plaintext = 114);
assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_ciphertext = 114);
assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_key = 32);
assert_norm(List.Tot.length test_nonce = 12);
let test_plaintext = createL test_plaintext in
let test_ciphertext = createL test_ciphertext in
let test_key = createL test_key in
let test_nonce = createL test_nonce in
chacha20_encrypt_bytes test_key test_nonce test_counter test_plaintext
= test_ciphertext