blob: dd9deedca1742dce035791faafc0f5f9986f9ea7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Marvell GPL License Option
* If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or
* modify this File in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General
* Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the "GPL License"), a copy of which is
* available along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or
* on the worldwide web at
* DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty
* disclaimer.
#ifndef __shm_api_h__
#define __shm_api_h__
#include <linux/types.h>
typedef struct _MV_SHM_MemInfo {
size_t m_totalmem; // total size of entire shared memory
size_t m_usedmem; // total memory in use
size_t m_freemem; // total space in bytes not in use
size_t m_peak_usedmem; // the peak of memory in use history
size_t m_max_freeblock; // size of largest unused block
size_t m_min_freeblock; // size of smallest unused block
size_t m_max_usedblock; // size of largest memory used
size_t m_min_usedblock; // size of smallest memory used
uint m_num_freeblock; // amount of unused block
uint m_num_usedblock; // amount of unused block
} MV_SHM_MemInfo_t, *pMV_SHM_MemInfo_t;
typedef struct _MV_SHM_BaseInfo {
size_t m_size; // [shm_device user/kernel] size of shared memory
size_t m_threshold; // [shm_device user/kernel] threshold of shared memory
size_t m_base_physaddr; // [shm_device user/kernel] physical address of cacheable memory base
size_t m_base_virtaddr; // [shm_api user/kernel] virtual address of cacheable memory base
int m_fd; // [shm_api user] file descriptor associated with shared memory cache
} MV_SHM_BaseInfo_t, *pMV_SHM_BaseInfo_t;
size_t MV_SHM_Malloc(size_t Size, size_t Alignment);
size_t MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Malloc( size_t Size, size_t Alignment);
int MV_SHM_Free( size_t Offset);
int MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Free( size_t Offset);
int MV_SHM_Takeover(size_t offset);
int MV_SHM_Giveup(size_t offset);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetCacheMemInfo
//! Description: Get cache memory information of shared memory
//! \param pMV_SHM_MemInfo_t (IN): -- the pointer to memory information data structure
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_GetCacheMemInfo( pMV_SHM_MemInfo_t pInfo );
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetCacheBaseInfo
//! Description: Get base information of cacheable shared memory
//! \param pMV_SHM_BaseInfo_t (IN): -- the pointer to base information data structure
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_GetCacheBaseInfo( pMV_SHM_BaseInfo_t pInfo );
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetCacheMemInfo
//! Description: Get non-cache memory information of shared memory
//! \param pMV_SHM_MemInfo_t (IN): -- the pointer to memory information data structure
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_GetNonCacheMemInfo( pMV_SHM_MemInfo_t pInfo );
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetNonCacheBaseInfo
//! Description: Get base information of non-cacheable shared memory
//! \param pMV_SHM_BaseInfo_t (IN): -- the pointer to base information data structure
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_GetNonCacheBaseInfo( pMV_SHM_BaseInfo_t pInfo );
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_Malloc
//! Description: Allocate contiguous space in shared memory
//! \param Size (IN): -- the number of bytes allocated.
//! \param Alignment (IN): -- the number of bytes aligned.
//! \param pPhysAddr (OUT): -- the pointer to a variable of physical address of the space allocated
//! \param pVirtAddr (OUT): -- the pointer to a variable of virtual address of the space allocated
//! \return Return: Not ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | ok, return memory offset of shared memory base address
size_t MV_SHM_Malloc( size_t Size, size_t Alignment);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_Free
//! Description: release contiguous space in shared memory
//! \param Offset (IN): -- memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_Free( size_t Offset);
//int MV_SHM_Free( size_t Offset, char *pFunc, int line);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_InvalidateCache
//! Description: Invalidate L1 and L2 Cahce Region data.
//! The operation need to make sure
//! that the adress and size and cache line based. Use this one with
//! cautions.(Typically, it is used on DMA write, CPU read only case)
//! All cache lines which are in address rage will be operated. So the addrres
//! and size are not requested to be aligned in word or cache line.
//! Allowed by : Cache Memory Address On Galois_Linux
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \param Size (IN): -- contains size of Region in bytes
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_InvalidateCache(size_t Offset, size_t Size);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_CleanCache
//! Description: Clean L1 and L2 Cahce Region data
//! All cache lines which are in address rage will be operated. So the addrres
//! and size are not requested to be aligned in word or cache line.
//! Allowed by : Cache Memory Address On Galois_Linux
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \param Size (IN): -- contains size of Region in bytes
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_CleanCache(size_t Offset, size_t Size);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_CleanAndInvalidateCache
//! Description: Clean L1 and L2 Cahce Region data
//! All cache lines which are in address rage will be operated. So the addrres
//! and size are not requested to be aligned in word or cache line.
//! Allowed by : Cache Memory Address On Galois_Linux
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \param Size (IN): -- contains size of Region in bytes
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_CleanAndInvalidateCache(size_t Offset, size_t Size);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetVirtAddr
//! Description: get virtual address of non-cacheable memory from offset
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: NULL | system not ready or input is error
//! Not NULL | ok
void * MV_SHM_GetNonCacheVirtAddr(size_t Offset);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetVirtAddr
//! Description: get virtual address of cacheable memory from offset
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: NULL | system not ready or input is error
//! Not NULL | ok
void * MV_SHM_GetCacheVirtAddr(size_t Offset);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetNonCachePhysAddr
//! Description: get physical address of non-cacheable memory from offset
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: NULL | system not ready or input is error
//! Not NULL | ok
void * MV_SHM_GetNonCachePhysAddr(size_t Offset);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_GetCachePhysAddr
//! Description: get physical address of cacheable memory from offset
//! \param Offset (IN): -- contain memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: NULL | system not ready or input is error
//! Not NULL | ok
void * MV_SHM_GetCachePhysAddr(size_t Offset);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_RevertNonCacheVirtAddr
//! Description: virtual address of non-cacheable memory reverts to offset
//! \param ptr (IN): -- virtual address of non-cacheable memory
//! \return Return: ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | system not ready or input is error
size_t MV_SHM_RevertNonCacheVirtAddr(void * ptr);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_RevertCacheVirtAddr
//! Description: virtual address of cacheable memory reverts to offset
//! \param ptr (IN): -- virtual address of cacheable memory
//! \return Return: ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | system not ready or input is error
size_t MV_SHM_RevertCacheVirtAddr(void * ptr);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_RevertNonCachePhysAddr
//! Description: physical address of non-cacheable memory reverts to offset
//! \param ptr (IN): -- physical address of non-cacheable memory
//! \return Return: ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | system not ready or input is error
size_t MV_SHM_RevertNonCachePhysAddr(void * ptr);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_RevertCachePhysAddr
//! Description: physical address of cacheable memory reverts to offset
//! \param ptr (IN): -- physical address of cacheable memory
//! \return Return: ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | system not ready or input is error
size_t MV_SHM_RevertCachePhysAddr(void * ptr);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Malloc
//! Description: Allocate contiguous space in shared memory
//! \param Size (IN): -- the number of bytes allocated.
//! \param Alignment (IN): -- the number of bytes aligned.
//! \return Return: Not ERROR_SHM_MALLOC_FAILED | ok, return memory offset of shared memory base address
size_t MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Malloc( size_t Size, size_t Alignment);
//! \brief Function: MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Free
//! Description: release contiguous space in shared memory
//! \param Offset (IN): -- memory offset of shared memory base address
//! \return Return: S_OK
//! E_FAIL
int MV_SHM_NONCACHE_Free( size_t Offset);
int MV_SHM_GetMemory(size_t offset);
int MV_SHM_PutMemory(size_t offset);
int MV_SHM_NONCACHE_GetMemory(size_t offset);
int MV_SHM_NONCACHE_PutMemory(size_t offset);
void MV_SHM_Check_Clean_Map(pid_t pid);
#endif /* __shm_api_h__ */