blob: 597058b3f1f50c5b3f006a56449f8c76966c82f6 [file] [log] [blame]
common_CFLAGS = [
cc_binary {
name: "secilc",
host_supported: true,
cflags: common_CFLAGS,
srcs: ["secilc.c"],
static_libs: ["libsepol"],
stl: "none",
// secilc is a program that is executed very early by init.
// Since it is before the mount namespaces are setup, /system/bin/linker
// and /system/lib/ point to the mount points where nothing
// is mounted on yet. Therefore, secilc has to have explicit knowledge about
// the paths where the bootstrap Bionic is. bootstrap:true sets DT_INTERP to
// /system/bin/bootstrap/linker.
bootstrap: true,