blob: 867a6c1df3c581d67754c7f84b69585810f762d5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---------------------- InOrderIssueStage.h -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// InOrderIssueStage implements an in-order execution pipeline.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/MCA/SourceMgr.h"
#include "llvm/MCA/Stages/Stage.h"
#include <queue>
namespace llvm {
struct MCSchedModel;
class MCSubtargetInfo;
namespace mca {
class RegisterFile;
class ResourceManager;
struct RetireControlUnit;
class InOrderIssueStage final : public Stage {
const MCSchedModel &SM;
const MCSubtargetInfo &STI;
RetireControlUnit &RCU;
RegisterFile &PRF;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceManager> RM;
/// Instructions that were issued, but not executed yet.
SmallVector<InstRef, 4> IssuedInst;
/// Number of instructions issued in the current cycle.
unsigned NumIssued;
/// If an instruction cannot execute due to an unmet register or resource
/// dependency, the it is stalled for StallCyclesLeft.
InstRef StalledInst;
unsigned StallCyclesLeft;
/// Number of instructions that can be issued in the current cycle.
unsigned Bandwidth;
/// Number of cycles (counted from the current cycle) until the last write is
/// committed. This is taken into account to ensure that writes commit in the
/// program order.
unsigned LastWriteBackCycle;
InOrderIssueStage(const InOrderIssueStage &Other) = delete;
InOrderIssueStage &operator=(const InOrderIssueStage &Other) = delete;
/// If IR has an unmet register or resource dependency, canExecute returns
/// false. StallCycles is set to the number of cycles left before the
/// instruction can be issued.
bool canExecute(const InstRef &IR, unsigned *StallCycles) const;
/// Issue the instruction, or update StallCycles if IR is stalled.
Error tryIssue(InstRef &IR, unsigned *StallCycles);
/// Update status of instructions from IssuedInst.
Error updateIssuedInst();
InOrderIssueStage(RetireControlUnit &RCU, RegisterFile &PRF,
const MCSchedModel &SM, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI)
RM(std::make_unique<ResourceManager>(SM)), NumIssued(0),
StallCyclesLeft(0), Bandwidth(0), LastWriteBackCycle(0) {}
bool isAvailable(const InstRef &) const override;
bool hasWorkToComplete() const override;
Error execute(InstRef &IR) override;
Error cycleStart() override;
Error cycleEnd() override;
} // namespace mca
} // namespace llvm