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//===- IR/OpenMPIRBuilder.h - OpenMP encoding builder for LLVM IR - C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the OpenMPIRBuilder class and helpers used as a convenient
// way to create LLVM instructions for OpenMP directives.
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
namespace llvm {
/// An interface to create LLVM-IR for OpenMP directives.
/// Each OpenMP directive has a corresponding public generator method.
class OpenMPIRBuilder {
/// Create a new OpenMPIRBuilder operating on the given module \p M. This will
/// not have an effect on \p M (see initialize).
OpenMPIRBuilder(Module &M) : M(M), Builder(M.getContext()) {}
/// Initialize the internal state, this will put structures types and
/// potentially other helpers into the underlying module. Must be called
/// before any other method and only once!
void initialize();
/// Finalize the underlying module, e.g., by outlining regions.
void finalize();
/// Add attributes known for \p FnID to \p Fn.
void addAttributes(omp::RuntimeFunction FnID, Function &Fn);
/// Type used throughout for insertion points.
using InsertPointTy = IRBuilder<>::InsertPoint;
/// Callback type for variable finalization (think destructors).
/// \param CodeGenIP is the insertion point at which the finalization code
/// should be placed.
/// A finalize callback knows about all objects that need finalization, e.g.
/// destruction, when the scope of the currently generated construct is left
/// at the time, and location, the callback is invoked.
using FinalizeCallbackTy = std::function<void(InsertPointTy CodeGenIP)>;
struct FinalizationInfo {
/// The finalization callback provided by the last in-flight invocation of
/// CreateXXXX for the directive of kind DK.
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB;
/// The directive kind of the innermost directive that has an associated
/// region which might require finalization when it is left.
omp::Directive DK;
/// Flag to indicate if the directive is cancellable.
bool IsCancellable;
/// Push a finalization callback on the finalization stack.
/// NOTE: Temporary solution until Clang CG is gone.
void pushFinalizationCB(const FinalizationInfo &FI) {
/// Pop the last finalization callback from the finalization stack.
/// NOTE: Temporary solution until Clang CG is gone.
void popFinalizationCB() { FinalizationStack.pop_back(); }
/// Callback type for body (=inner region) code generation
/// The callback takes code locations as arguments, each describing a
/// location at which code might need to be generated or a location that is
/// the target of control transfer.
/// \param AllocaIP is the insertion point at which new alloca instructions
/// should be placed.
/// \param CodeGenIP is the insertion point at which the body code should be
/// placed.
/// \param ContinuationBB is the basic block target to leave the body.
/// Note that all blocks pointed to by the arguments have terminators.
using BodyGenCallbackTy =
function_ref<void(InsertPointTy AllocaIP, InsertPointTy CodeGenIP,
BasicBlock &ContinuationBB)>;
/// Callback type for variable privatization (think copy & default
/// constructor).
/// \param AllocaIP is the insertion point at which new alloca instructions
/// should be placed.
/// \param CodeGenIP is the insertion point at which the privatization code
/// should be placed.
/// \param Val The value beeing copied/created.
/// \param ReplVal The replacement value, thus a copy or new created version
/// of \p Val.
/// \returns The new insertion point where code generation continues and
/// \p ReplVal the replacement of \p Val.
using PrivatizeCallbackTy = function_ref<InsertPointTy(
InsertPointTy AllocaIP, InsertPointTy CodeGenIP, Value &Val,
Value *&ReplVal)>;
/// Description of a LLVM-IR insertion point (IP) and a debug/source location
/// (filename, line, column, ...).
struct LocationDescription {
template <typename T, typename U>
LocationDescription(const IRBuilder<T, U> &IRB)
: IP(IRB.saveIP()), DL(IRB.getCurrentDebugLocation()) {}
LocationDescription(const InsertPointTy &IP) : IP(IP) {}
LocationDescription(const InsertPointTy &IP, const DebugLoc &DL)
: IP(IP), DL(DL) {}
InsertPointTy IP;
DebugLoc DL;
/// Emitter methods for OpenMP directives.
/// Generator for '#omp barrier'
/// \param Loc The location where the barrier directive was encountered.
/// \param DK The kind of directive that caused the barrier.
/// \param ForceSimpleCall Flag to force a simple (=non-cancellation) barrier.
/// \param CheckCancelFlag Flag to indicate a cancel barrier return value
/// should be checked and acted upon.
/// \returns The insertion point after the barrier.
InsertPointTy CreateBarrier(const LocationDescription &Loc, omp::Directive DK,
bool ForceSimpleCall = false,
bool CheckCancelFlag = true);
/// Generator for '#omp cancel'
/// \param Loc The location where the directive was encountered.
/// \param IfCondition The evaluated 'if' clause expression, if any.
/// \param CanceledDirective The kind of directive that is cancled.
/// \returns The insertion point after the barrier.
InsertPointTy CreateCancel(const LocationDescription &Loc, Value *IfCondition,
omp::Directive CanceledDirective);
/// Generator for '#omp parallel'
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param AllocaIP The insertion points to be used for alloca instructions.
/// \param BodyGenCB Callback that will generate the region code.
/// \param PrivCB Callback to copy a given variable (think copy constructor).
/// \param FiniCB Callback to finalize variable copies.
/// \param IfCondition The evaluated 'if' clause expression, if any.
/// \param NumThreads The evaluated 'num_threads' clause expression, if any.
/// \param ProcBind The value of the 'proc_bind' clause (see ProcBindKind).
/// \param IsCancellable Flag to indicate a cancellable parallel region.
/// \returns The insertion position *after* the parallel.
CreateParallel(const LocationDescription &Loc, InsertPointTy AllocaIP,
BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB, PrivatizeCallbackTy PrivCB,
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB, Value *IfCondition,
Value *NumThreads, omp::ProcBindKind ProcBind,
bool IsCancellable);
/// Generator for '#omp flush'
/// \param Loc The location where the flush directive was encountered
void CreateFlush(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Generator for '#omp taskwait'
/// \param Loc The location where the taskwait directive was encountered.
void CreateTaskwait(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Generator for '#omp taskyield'
/// \param Loc The location where the taskyield directive was encountered.
void CreateTaskyield(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Return the insertion point used by the underlying IRBuilder.
InsertPointTy getInsertionPoint() { return Builder.saveIP(); }
/// Update the internal location to \p Loc.
bool updateToLocation(const LocationDescription &Loc) {
return Loc.IP.getBlock() != nullptr;
/// Return the function declaration for the runtime function with \p FnID.
FunctionCallee getOrCreateRuntimeFunction(Module &M,
omp::RuntimeFunction FnID);
Function *getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(omp::RuntimeFunction FnID);
/// Return the (LLVM-IR) string describing the source location \p LocStr.
Constant *getOrCreateSrcLocStr(StringRef LocStr);
/// Return the (LLVM-IR) string describing the default source location.
Constant *getOrCreateDefaultSrcLocStr();
/// Return the (LLVM-IR) string describing the source location identified by
/// the arguments.
Constant *getOrCreateSrcLocStr(StringRef FunctionName, StringRef FileName,
unsigned Line, unsigned Column);
/// Return the (LLVM-IR) string describing the source location \p Loc.
Constant *getOrCreateSrcLocStr(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Return an ident_t* encoding the source location \p SrcLocStr and \p Flags.
/// TODO: Create a enum class for the Reserve2Flags
Value *getOrCreateIdent(Constant *SrcLocStr,
omp::IdentFlag Flags = omp::IdentFlag(0),
unsigned Reserve2Flags = 0);
/// Generate control flow and cleanup for cancellation.
/// \param CancelFlag Flag indicating if the cancellation is performed.
/// \param CanceledDirective The kind of directive that is cancled.
void emitCancelationCheckImpl(Value *CancelFlag,
omp::Directive CanceledDirective);
/// Generate a barrier runtime call.
/// \param Loc The location at which the request originated and is fulfilled.
/// \param DK The directive which caused the barrier
/// \param ForceSimpleCall Flag to force a simple (=non-cancellation) barrier.
/// \param CheckCancelFlag Flag to indicate a cancel barrier return value
/// should be checked and acted upon.
/// \returns The insertion point after the barrier.
InsertPointTy emitBarrierImpl(const LocationDescription &Loc,
omp::Directive DK, bool ForceSimpleCall,
bool CheckCancelFlag);
/// Generate a flush runtime call.
/// \param Loc The location at which the request originated and is fulfilled.
void emitFlush(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// The finalization stack made up of finalize callbacks currently in-flight,
/// wrapped into FinalizationInfo objects that reference also the finalization
/// target block and the kind of cancellable directive.
SmallVector<FinalizationInfo, 8> FinalizationStack;
/// Return true if the last entry in the finalization stack is of kind \p DK
/// and cancellable.
bool isLastFinalizationInfoCancellable(omp::Directive DK) {
return !FinalizationStack.empty() &&
FinalizationStack.back().IsCancellable &&
FinalizationStack.back().DK == DK;
/// Generate a taskwait runtime call.
/// \param Loc The location at which the request originated and is fulfilled.
void emitTaskwaitImpl(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Generate a taskyield runtime call.
/// \param Loc The location at which the request originated and is fulfilled.
void emitTaskyieldImpl(const LocationDescription &Loc);
/// Return the current thread ID.
/// \param Ident The ident (ident_t*) describing the query origin.
Value *getOrCreateThreadID(Value *Ident);
/// The underlying LLVM-IR module
Module &M;
/// The LLVM-IR Builder used to create IR.
IRBuilder<> Builder;
/// Map to remember source location strings
StringMap<Constant *> SrcLocStrMap;
/// Map to remember existing ident_t*.
DenseMap<std::pair<Constant *, uint64_t>, Value *> IdentMap;
/// Helper that contains information about regions we need to outline
/// during finalization.
struct OutlineInfo {
using PostOutlineCBTy = std::function<void(Function &)>;
PostOutlineCBTy PostOutlineCB;
BasicBlock *EntryBB, *ExitBB;
/// Collect all blocks in between EntryBB and ExitBB in both the given
/// vector and set.
void collectBlocks(SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &BlockSet,
SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *> &BlockVector);
/// Collection of regions that need to be outlined during finalization.
SmallVector<OutlineInfo, 16> OutlineInfos;
/// Add a new region that will be outlined later.
void addOutlineInfo(OutlineInfo &&OI) { OutlineInfos.emplace_back(OI); }
/// An ordered map of auto-generated variables to their unique names.
/// It stores variables with the following names: 1) ".gomp_critical_user_" +
/// <critical_section_name> + ".var" for "omp critical" directives; 2)
/// <mangled_name_for_global_var> + ".cache." for cache for threadprivate
/// variables.
StringMap<AssertingVH<Constant>, BumpPtrAllocator> InternalVars;
/// Generator for __kmpc_copyprivate
/// \param Loc The source location description.
/// \param BufSize Number of elements in the buffer.
/// \param CpyBuf List of pointers to data to be copied.
/// \param CpyFn function to call for copying data.
/// \param DidIt flag variable; 1 for 'single' thread, 0 otherwise.
/// \return The insertion position *after* the CopyPrivate call.
InsertPointTy CreateCopyPrivate(const LocationDescription &Loc,
llvm::Value *BufSize, llvm::Value *CpyBuf,
llvm::Value *CpyFn, llvm::Value *DidIt);
/// Generator for '#omp single'
/// \param Loc The source location description.
/// \param BodyGenCB Callback that will generate the region code.
/// \param FiniCB Callback to finalize variable copies.
/// \param DidIt Local variable used as a flag to indicate 'single' thread
/// \returns The insertion position *after* the single call.
InsertPointTy CreateSingle(const LocationDescription &Loc,
BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB,
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB, llvm::Value *DidIt);
/// Generator for '#omp master'
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param BodyGenCB Callback that will generate the region code.
/// \param FiniCB Callback to finalize variable copies.
/// \returns The insertion position *after* the master.
InsertPointTy CreateMaster(const LocationDescription &Loc,
BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB,
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB);
/// Generator for '#omp critical'
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param BodyGenCB Callback that will generate the region body code.
/// \param FiniCB Callback to finalize variable copies.
/// \param CriticalName name of the lock used by the critical directive
/// \param HintInst Hint Instruction for hint clause associated with critical
/// \returns The insertion position *after* the master.
InsertPointTy CreateCritical(const LocationDescription &Loc,
BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB,
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB,
StringRef CriticalName, Value *HintInst);
/// Generate conditional branch and relevant BasicBlocks through which private
/// threads copy the 'copyin' variables from Master copy to threadprivate
/// copies.
/// \param IP insertion block for copyin conditional
/// \param MasterVarPtr a pointer to the master variable
/// \param PrivateVarPtr a pointer to the threadprivate variable
/// \param IntPtrTy Pointer size type
/// \param BranchtoEnd Create a branch between the copyin.not.master blocks
// and block
/// \returns The insertion point where copying operation to be emitted.
InsertPointTy CreateCopyinClauseBlocks(InsertPointTy IP, Value *MasterAddr,
Value *PrivateAddr,
llvm::IntegerType *IntPtrTy,
bool BranchtoEnd = true);
/// Create a runtime call for kmpc_Alloc
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param Size Size of allocated memory space
/// \param Allocator Allocator information instruction
/// \param Name Name of call Instruction for OMP_alloc
/// \returns CallInst to the OMP_Alloc call
CallInst *CreateOMPAlloc(const LocationDescription &Loc, Value *Size,
Value *Allocator, std::string Name = "");
/// Create a runtime call for kmpc_free
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param Addr Address of memory space to be freed
/// \param Allocator Allocator information instruction
/// \param Name Name of call Instruction for OMP_Free
/// \returns CallInst to the OMP_Free call
CallInst *CreateOMPFree(const LocationDescription &Loc, Value *Addr,
Value *Allocator, std::string Name = "");
/// Create a runtime call for kmpc_threadprivate_cached
/// \param Loc The insert and source location description.
/// \param Pointer pointer to data to be cached
/// \param Size size of data to be cached
/// \param Name Name of call Instruction for callinst
/// \returns CallInst to the thread private cache call.
CallInst *CreateCachedThreadPrivate(const LocationDescription &Loc,
llvm::Value *Pointer,
llvm::ConstantInt *Size,
const llvm::Twine &Name = Twine(""));
/// Declarations for LLVM-IR types (simple, array, function and structure) are
/// generated below. Their names are defined and used in OpenMPKinds.def. Here
/// we provide the declarations, the initializeTypes function will provide the
/// values.
#define OMP_TYPE(VarName, InitValue) Type *VarName = nullptr;
#define OMP_ARRAY_TYPE(VarName, ElemTy, ArraySize) \
ArrayType *VarName##Ty = nullptr; \
PointerType *VarName##PtrTy = nullptr;
#define OMP_FUNCTION_TYPE(VarName, IsVarArg, ReturnType, ...) \
FunctionType *VarName = nullptr; \
PointerType *VarName##Ptr = nullptr;
#define OMP_STRUCT_TYPE(VarName, StrName, ...) \
StructType *VarName = nullptr; \
PointerType *VarName##Ptr = nullptr;
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
/// Create all simple and struct types exposed by the runtime and remember
/// the llvm::PointerTypes of them for easy access later.
void initializeTypes(Module &M);
/// Common interface for generating entry calls for OMP Directives.
/// if the directive has a region/body, It will set the insertion
/// point to the body
/// \param OMPD Directive to generate entry blocks for
/// \param EntryCall Call to the entry OMP Runtime Function
/// \param ExitBB block where the region ends.
/// \param Conditional indicate if the entry call result will be used
/// to evaluate a conditional of whether a thread will execute
/// body code or not.
/// \return The insertion position in exit block
InsertPointTy emitCommonDirectiveEntry(omp::Directive OMPD, Value *EntryCall,
BasicBlock *ExitBB,
bool Conditional = false);
/// Common interface to finalize the region
/// \param OMPD Directive to generate exiting code for
/// \param FinIP Insertion point for emitting Finalization code and exit call
/// \param ExitCall Call to the ending OMP Runtime Function
/// \param HasFinalize indicate if the directive will require finalization
/// and has a finalization callback in the stack that
/// should be called.
/// \return The insertion position in exit block
InsertPointTy emitCommonDirectiveExit(omp::Directive OMPD,
InsertPointTy FinIP,
Instruction *ExitCall,
bool HasFinalize = true);
/// Common Interface to generate OMP inlined regions
/// \param OMPD Directive to generate inlined region for
/// \param EntryCall Call to the entry OMP Runtime Function
/// \param ExitCall Call to the ending OMP Runtime Function
/// \param BodyGenCB Body code generation callback.
/// \param FiniCB Finalization Callback. Will be called when finalizing region
/// \param Conditional indicate if the entry call result will be used
/// to evaluate a conditional of whether a thread will execute
/// body code or not.
/// \param HasFinalize indicate if the directive will require finalization
/// and has a finalization callback in the stack that
/// should be called.
/// \return The insertion point after the region
EmitOMPInlinedRegion(omp::Directive OMPD, Instruction *EntryCall,
Instruction *ExitCall, BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB,
FinalizeCallbackTy FiniCB, bool Conditional = false,
bool HasFinalize = true);
/// Get the platform-specific name separator.
/// \param Parts different parts of the final name that needs separation
/// \param FirstSeparator First separator used between the initial two
/// parts of the name.
/// \param Separator separator used between all of the rest consecutive
/// parts of the name
static std::string getNameWithSeparators(ArrayRef<StringRef> Parts,
StringRef FirstSeparator,
StringRef Separator);
/// Gets (if variable with the given name already exist) or creates
/// internal global variable with the specified Name. The created variable has
/// linkage CommonLinkage by default and is initialized by null value.
/// \param Ty Type of the global variable. If it is exist already the type
/// must be the same.
/// \param Name Name of the variable.
Constant *getOrCreateOMPInternalVariable(Type *Ty, const Twine &Name,
unsigned AddressSpace = 0);
/// Returns corresponding lock object for the specified critical region
/// name. If the lock object does not exist it is created, otherwise the
/// reference to the existing copy is returned.
/// \param CriticalName Name of the critical region.
Value *getOMPCriticalRegionLock(StringRef CriticalName);
} // end namespace llvm