blob: d3349753284e203bd086f5a5962374361bc66d59 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TargetProcessControl.h - Target process control APIs ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Utilities for interacting with target processes.
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkMemoryManager.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Core.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MSVCErrorWorkarounds.h"
#include <future>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
/// TargetProcessControl supports interaction with a JIT target process.
class TargetProcessControl {
/// APIs for manipulating memory in the target process.
class MemoryAccess {
template <typename T> struct UIntWrite {
UIntWrite() = default;
UIntWrite(JITTargetAddress Address, T Value)
: Address(Address), Value(Value) {}
JITTargetAddress Address = 0;
T Value = 0;
using UInt8Write = UIntWrite<uint8_t>;
using UInt16Write = UIntWrite<uint16_t>;
using UInt32Write = UIntWrite<uint32_t>;
using UInt64Write = UIntWrite<uint64_t>;
struct BufferWrite {
BufferWrite(JITTargetAddress Address, StringRef Buffer)
: Address(Address), Buffer(Buffer) {}
JITTargetAddress Address = 0;
StringRef Buffer;
using WriteResultFn = unique_function<void(Error)>;
virtual ~MemoryAccess();
virtual void writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<UInt8Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<UInt16Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<UInt32Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<UInt64Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeBuffers(ArrayRef<BufferWrite> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
Error writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<UInt8Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt8s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<UInt16Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt16s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<UInt32Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt32s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<UInt64Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt64s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeBuffers(ArrayRef<BufferWrite> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeBuffers(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
/// A handle for a library opened via loadDylib.
/// Note that this handle does not necessarily represent a JITDylib: it may
/// be a regular dynamic library or shared object (e.g. one opened via a
/// dlopen in the target process).
using DylibHandle = JITTargetAddress;
/// Request lookup within the given DylibHandle.
struct LookupRequestElement {
LookupRequestElement(DylibHandle Handle, const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols)
: Handle(Handle), Symbols(Symbols) {}
DylibHandle Handle;
const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols;
using LookupRequest = ArrayRef<LookupRequestElement>;
using LookupResult = std::vector<std::vector<JITTargetAddress>>;
virtual ~TargetProcessControl();
/// Return the Triple for the target process.
const Triple &getTargetTriple() const { return TT; }
/// Get the page size for the target process.
unsigned getPageSize() const { return PageSize; }
/// Return a JITLinkMemoryManager for the target process.
jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager &getMemMgr() const { return *MemMgr; }
/// Return a MemoryAccess object for the target process.
MemoryAccess &getMemoryAccess() const { return *MemAccess; }
/// Load the dynamic library at the given path and return a handle to it.
/// If LibraryPath is null this function will return the global handle for
/// the target process.
virtual Expected<DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) = 0;
/// Search for symbols in the target process.
/// The result of the lookup is a 2-dimentional array of target addresses
/// that correspond to the lookup order. If a required symbol is not
/// found then this method will return an error. If a weakly referenced
/// symbol is not found then it be assigned a '0' value in the result.
virtual Expected<LookupResult> lookupSymbols(LookupRequest Request) = 0;
Triple TT;
unsigned PageSize = 0;
jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager *MemMgr = nullptr;
MemoryAccess *MemAccess = nullptr;
/// A TargetProcessControl implementation targeting the current process.
class SelfTargetProcessControl : public TargetProcessControl,
private TargetProcessControl::MemoryAccess {
Triple TT, unsigned PageSize,
std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr);
/// Create a SelfTargetProcessControl with the given memory manager.
/// If no memory manager is given a jitlink::InProcessMemoryManager will
/// be used by default.
static Expected<std::unique_ptr<SelfTargetProcessControl>>
Create(std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr = nullptr);
Expected<DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) override;
Expected<LookupResult> lookupSymbols(LookupRequest Request) override;
void writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<UInt8Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<UInt16Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<UInt32Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<UInt64Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeBuffers(ArrayRef<BufferWrite> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> OwnedMemMgr;
char GlobalManglingPrefix = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<sys::DynamicLibrary>> DynamicLibraries;
} // end namespace orc
} // end namespace llvm