blob: 6bee9d3e49626ad5140a1b210fb757be7a1e0398 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT) */
* Copyright (c) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#define REGISTER_H
#if 0
#define Wr64(addr, data) *(volatile uint64_t *)(addr)=(data)
#define Rd64(addr) *(volatile uint64_t *)(addr)
#define Wr(addr, data) *(volatile uint32_t *)(addr)=(data)
#define Rd(addr) *(volatile uint32_t *)(addr)
#define Wr_reg_bits(reg, val, start, len) \
Wr(reg, ((Rd(reg) & ~(((1L<<(len))-1)<<(start))) | ((uint32_t)(val) << (start))))
#include "dpi.h"
// Reading file: ./REG_LIST_RTL.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Reading file: ../mmc_lp4/dmc_clk_freq/rtl/dmc_clk_freq.vh
//dmc pll and freqeucy domain control registers.
//`define DMC_FREQ_REG_BASE 32'hfe0a0000
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31 : dpll_lock
//bit 29 : dpll_reset.
//bit 28 : dpll_en.
//bit 27:26 : dpll_clk_en
//bit 25 : dpll_inv_sel
//bit 21:19 : od1; if set ddr_freq_sel, it would replaced by ddr_pll_freq1[6:4]
//bit 18:16 : od; if set ddr_freq_sel, it would replaced by ddr_pll_freq1_od[2:0]
//bit 14:10 : dpll_ref_div_n
//bit 8:0 : dpll_int_num
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 18:0 : ddr_dpll_frac
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 22:20 : fref_sel
//bit 17:16 : os_ssc
//bit 15:12 : ssc_str_m
//bit 8 : ssc_en
//bit 7:4 : ssc_dep_sel
//bit 1:0 : dpll ss_mode.
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31 : afc bypass
//bit 30 : afc clk sel
//bit 29 : code new
//bit 28 : dco_m_en
//bit 27 : dco_sdm_en
//bit 26 : div2
//bit 25 : div mode
//bit 24 : fast_lock mode
//bit 23 : fb_pre_div
//bit 22 : filter_mode
//bit 21 : fix_en
//bit 20 : freq_shift_en
//bit 19 : load
//bit 18 : load_en
//bit 17 : lock_f
//bit 16 : pulse_width_en
//bit 15 : sdmnc_en
//bit 14 : sdmnc_mode
//bit 13 : sdmnc_range
//bit 12 : tdc_en
//bit 11 : tdc_mode_sel
//bit 10 : wait_en
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 1:0 : pfd_gain
//bit 7:4 : filter_pvt1
//bit 11:8 : filter pvt2
//bit 13:12 : acq_gain
//bit 18:16 : lambda0
//bit 27:24 : rou
//bit 31:28 : alpha
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 15:0 : reve
//bit 21:16 : lm_s
//bit 27:24 : lm_w
//bit 30:28 : adj_vco_ldo
#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31:30 : afc_hold_t
//bit 29:28 : lkw_sel
//bit 27:26 : dco_sdm_clk_sel
//bit 25:24 : afc_in
//bit 23:22 : afc_nt
//bit 21:20 : vc_in
//bit 19:18 : lock_long
//bit 17:16 : freq_shift_v
//bit 15 : not used.
//bit 14:12 : data_sel
//bit 10:8 : sdmnc_ulms
//bit 6:0 : sdmnc_power
#define AM_DDR_PLL_STS ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31 : DDR_PLL_LOCK
//bit 30 : lock_a
//bit 29 : afc_done
//bit 22:16 : sdmnc_monitor
//bit 9:0 : out_rsv
#define AM_DDR_CLK_CNTL ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31 Channel 0 ddr_pll_clk enable. enable the clock from DDR_PLL to clock generateion.
// whenever change the DDR_PLL frequency, disable the clock, after the DDR_PLL locked, then enable it again.
//bit 30. channel 0 ddr_pll_prod_test_en. enable the clock to clock/32 which to clock frequency measurement and production test pin.
//bit 29. not used.
//bit 28. clock generation logic soft reset_n. 0: reset. 1: normal mode.
//bit 27. channel 0 phy_4xclk phase inverter..
//bit 25. Channel 0 DDRPHY DfiClk/DfiCtlClk/DMC clock selection. 1: AM_PLL clk output /2. 0: directly output from AM_PLL .
//bit 24. Channel 0 AM_PLL CLK output /2 function. 1: enable. 0: disable. if try to use this clkoutput/2 function.
//bit 23 Channel 1 ddr_pll_clk enable. enable the clock from DDR_PLL to clock generateion.
// whenever change the DDR_PLL frequency, disable the clock, after the DDR_PLL locked, then enable it again.
//bit 22. channel 1 ddr_pll_prod_test_en. enable the clock to clock/32 which to clock frequency measurement and production test pin.
//bit 21:20. not used.
//bit 19. channel 1 phy_4xclk phase inverter..
//bit 17. Channel 1 DDRPHY DfiClk/DfiCtlClk/DMC clock selection. 1: AM_PLL clk output /2. 0: directly output from AM_PLL .
//bit 16. Channel 1 AM_PLL CLK output /2 function. 1: enable. 0: disable. if try to use this clkoutput/2 function.
//bit 12. ddr1 def_clk_sel 1: select reference clock as LPDDR4-PHY clock. 0: normal.
//bit 11. ddr1 default clock enable. enable PCLK as LPDDR4_PHY clock. 0: disable.
//bit 10. enable ddr channel 1 dmc_clk.
//bit 9. enable LPDDR4-PHY channel 1 DfiClk.
//bit 8. enable LPDDR4-PHY channel 1 DfiCtlClk.
//bit 4. ddr0 def_clk_sel 1: select reference clock as LPDDR4-PHY clock. 0: normal.
//bit 3. ddr0 default clock enable. enable PCLK as LPDDR4_PHY clock. 0: disable.
//bit 2. enable ddr channel 0 dmc_clk.
//bit 1. enable LPDDR4-PHY channel 0 DfiClk.
//bit 0. enable LPDDR4-PHY channel 0 DfiCtlClk.
#define AM_DDR_PHY_CTRL ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
// LPDDR4 power on reset need to special combination of PwrOkIn and phy_reset_n.
// please check the PHY PUB data book for detail.
//bit 31:8. Not used.
//bit 7. use dmc_clk_freq to control DDR-PHY channel 1 refresh/retrainning/freqency change/phy power etc.
//bit 6. use dmc_clk_freq to control DDR-PHY channel 0 refresh/retrainning/freqency change/phy power etc.
//bit 5. DDR_PHY 1 PwrOkIn pin.
//bit 4. DDR_PHY 0 PwrOkIn pin.
//bit 3. DDR_PHY 1 APB soft reset_n.
//bit 2. DDR_PHY 1 phy_reset_n.
//bit 1. DDR_PHY 0 APB soft reset_n.
//bit 0. DDR_PHY 0 phy_reset_n.
#define AM_DDR_FREQ_CTRL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31. write trigger the DDR frequency change prodeure. read =0 the freqency change done.
//bit 30 currunt FREQ selection. it can forced to change to select which freqency to select, or it can auto changed by FREQ change hardware.
//bit 29 next freq for frequency change.
//bit 23:8. pll_reseve in frequency1. pll_reseve[5:4] used to tune 2 DMC channel clock phase.
//bit 6:4 OD1 number in frequency 1.
//bit 2:0. OD number in frequency 1.
#define AM_DDR_TIMING_F0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//freqency 0 auto refresh timing.
//bit 7:0. T100ns. how many clock cycle for 100ns.
//bit15:8. refresh period in 100ns.
#define AM_DDR_TIMING_F1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//freqency 1 auto refresh timing.
//bit 7:0. T100ns. how many clock cycle for 100ns.
//bit15:8. refresh period in 100ns.
#define AM_DDR_TIMING_CFG ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe0a0000)
//bit 31. cfg ddr timing. write 1 to save the timing parameters to ddr clock domain.
//bit 30. dmc_clk_freq control the LPDDR4 retraining.
//bit 29. dmc_clk_freq control the auto refresh timing.
//bit 28:24. not use.
//bit 23:0. lpddr4 phy retraining timer counter in 100ns.
// Closing file: ../mmc_lp4/dmc_clk_freq/rtl/dmc_clk_freq.vh
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define STARTUP_LOCK ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_DFU_STS ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_BOOT_SRC ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_TEE_REQ_DFU ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_BOOT_OVERRIDE ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_COLD_BOOT_CNT ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
#define STARTUP_KEY_PRESERVE ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe02e000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`define MIPI_DSI_PHY_START 8'h00
//`define MIPI_DSI_PHY_END 16'hffff
#define MIPI_DSI_PHY_CTRL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31. soft reset for the phy. 1 = reset. 0 = dessert the reset.
//bit 30. clock lane soft reset.
//bit 29. data byte lane 3 soft reset.
//bit 28. data byte lane 2 soft reset.
//bit 27. data byte lane 1 soft reset.
//bit 26. data byte lane 0 soft reset.
//bit 5. LPDT data endian. 1 = transfer the high bit first. 0 : transfer the low bit first.
//bit 4. HS data endian.
//bit 3. force data byte lane in stop mode.
//bit 2. force data byte lane 0 in reciever mode.
//bit 1. write 1 to sync the txclkesc input. the internal logic have to use txclkesc to decide Txvalid and Txready.
//bit 0. enalbe the MIPI DSI PHY TxDDRClk.
#define MIPI_DSI_CHAN_CTRL ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31. clk lane tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 use clk lane state machine.
//bit 30. register bit for clock lane tx_hs_en.
//bit 29. clk lane tx_lp_en contrl selection. 1 = from register. 0 from clk lane state machine.
//bit 28. register bit for clock lane tx_lp_en.
//bit 27. chan0 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 26. register bit for chan0 tx_hs_en.
//bit 25. chan0 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 24. register bit from chan0 tx_lp_en.
//bit 23. chan0 rx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 22. register bit from chan0 rx_lp_en.
//bit 21. chan0 contention detection enable control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 20. register bit from chan0 contention dectection enable.
//bit 19. chan1 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 18. register bit for chan1 tx_hs_en.
//bit 17. chan1 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 16. register bit from chan1 tx_lp_en.
//bit 15. chan2 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 14. register bit for chan2 tx_hs_en.
//bit 13. chan2 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 12. register bit from chan2 tx_lp_en.
//bit 11. chan3 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 10. register bit for chan3 tx_hs_en.
//bit 9. chan3 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 8. register bit from chan3 tx_lp_en.
//bit 4. clk chan power down. this bit is also used as the power down of the whole MIPI_DSI_PHY.
//bit 3. chan3 power down.
//bit 2. chan2 power down.
//bit 1. chan1 power down.
//bit 0. chan0 power down.
#define MIPI_DSI_CHAN_STS ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 24. chan0 TX->RX turn can't accept the ACK command from slave watch dog triggered. write 1 to clear the status bit.
//bit 23. chan0 RX ESC command watch dog triggered. write 1 to clean this bit.
#define MIPI_DSI_CLK_TIM ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:24. TCLK_PREPARE.
//bit 23:16. TCLK_ZERO.
//bit 15:8. TCLK_POST.
//bit 7:0. TCLK_TRAIL.
#define MIPI_DSI_HS_TIM ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:24. THS_PREPARE.
//bit 23:16. THS_ZERO.
//bit 15:8. THS_TRAIL.
//bit 7:0. THS_EXIT.
#define MIPI_DSI_LP_TIM ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:24. tTA_GET.
//bit 23:16. tTA_GO.
//bit 15:8. tTA_SURE.
//bit 7:0. tLPX.
#define MIPI_DSI_ANA_UP_TIM ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//wait time to MIPI DIS analog ready.
#define MIPI_DSI_INIT_TIM ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
#define MIPI_DSI_WAKEUP_TIM ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
#define MIPI_DSI_LPOK_TIM ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:0 when in RxULPS state, RX reciever is in sleep mode.
//every MIPI_DSI_ULPS_CHECK period, the reciever would be enabled once, and waiting this timer period to get the stable input.
#define MIPI_DSI_LP_WCHDOG ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:0 watch dog timer for MIPI DSI LP receive state.
#define MIPI_DSI_ANA_CTRL ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:0 tMBIAS. timer to wait for analog mBIAS voltage stable.
#define MIPI_DSI_CLK_TIM1 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:8 not used.
//bit 7:0 tCLK_PRE
#define MIPI_DSI_TURN_WCHDOG ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:0 watch dog timer for lane 0 LP turn around waiting time.
#define MIPI_DSI_ULPS_CHECK ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe014000)
//bit 31:0 when Lane0 in LP recieve state, if the another side sent Low power command, using this timer to enable Tcheck the another size wakeup nor not.
#define MIPI_DSI_TEST_CTRL0 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe014000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TEST_CTRL1 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe014000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`define MIPI_DSI_PHY_START 8'h00
//`define MIPI_DSI_PHY_END 16'hffff
#define MIPI_DSI_B_PHY_CTRL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31. soft reset for the phy. 1 = reset. 0 = dessert the reset.
//bit 30. clock lane soft reset.
//bit 29. data byte lane 3 soft reset.
//bit 28. data byte lane 2 soft reset.
//bit 27. data byte lane 1 soft reset.
//bit 26. data byte lane 0 soft reset.
//bit 5. LPDT data endian. 1 = transfer the high bit first. 0 : transfer the low bit first.
//bit 4. HS data endian.
//bit 3. force data byte lane in stop mode.
//bit 2. force data byte lane 0 in reciever mode.
//bit 1. write 1 to sync the txclkesc input. the internal logic have to use txclkesc to decide Txvalid and Txready.
//bit 0. enalbe the MIPI DSI PHY TxDDRClk.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_CHAN_CTRL ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31. clk lane tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 use clk lane state machine.
//bit 30. register bit for clock lane tx_hs_en.
//bit 29. clk lane tx_lp_en contrl selection. 1 = from register. 0 from clk lane state machine.
//bit 28. register bit for clock lane tx_lp_en.
//bit 27. chan0 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 26. register bit for chan0 tx_hs_en.
//bit 25. chan0 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 24. register bit from chan0 tx_lp_en.
//bit 23. chan0 rx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 22. register bit from chan0 rx_lp_en.
//bit 21. chan0 contention detection enable control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 20. register bit from chan0 contention dectection enable.
//bit 19. chan1 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 18. register bit for chan1 tx_hs_en.
//bit 17. chan1 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 16. register bit from chan1 tx_lp_en.
//bit 15. chan2 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 14. register bit for chan2 tx_hs_en.
//bit 13. chan2 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 12. register bit from chan2 tx_lp_en.
//bit 11. chan3 tx_hs_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 10. register bit for chan3 tx_hs_en.
//bit 9. chan3 tx_lp_en control selection. 1 = from register. 0 from chan0 state machine.
//bit 8. register bit from chan3 tx_lp_en.
//bit 4. clk chan power down. this bit is also used as the power down of the whole MIPI_DSI_PHY.
//bit 3. chan3 power down.
//bit 2. chan2 power down.
//bit 1. chan1 power down.
//bit 0. chan0 power down.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_CHAN_STS ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 24. chan0 TX->RX turn can't accept the ACK command from slave watch dog triggered. write 1 to clear the status bit.
//bit 23. chan0 RX ESC command watch dog triggered. write 1 to clean this bit.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_CLK_TIM ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:24. TCLK_PREPARE.
//bit 23:16. TCLK_ZERO.
//bit 15:8. TCLK_POST.
//bit 7:0. TCLK_TRAIL.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_HS_TIM ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:24. THS_PREPARE.
//bit 23:16. THS_ZERO.
//bit 15:8. THS_TRAIL.
//bit 7:0. THS_EXIT.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_LP_TIM ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:24. tTA_GET.
//bit 23:16. tTA_GO.
//bit 15:8. tTA_SURE.
//bit 7:0. tLPX.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_ANA_UP_TIM ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//wait time to MIPI DIS analog ready.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_INIT_TIM ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_WAKEUP_TIM ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_LPOK_TIM ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:0 when in RxULPS state, RX reciever is in sleep mode.
//every MIPI_DSI_ULPS_CHECK period, the reciever would be enabled once, and waiting this timer period to get the stable input.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_LP_WCHDOG ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:0 watch dog timer for MIPI DSI LP receive state.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_ANA_CTRL ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:0 tMBIAS. timer to wait for analog mBIAS voltage stable.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_CLK_TIM1 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:8 not used.
//bit 7:0 tCLK_PRE
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TURN_WCHDOG ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:0 watch dog timer for lane 0 LP turn around waiting time.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_ULPS_CHECK ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe016000)
//bit 31:0 when Lane0 in LP recieve state, if the another side sent Low power command, using this timer to enable Tcheck the another size wakeup nor not.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TEST_CTRL0 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe016000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TEST_CTRL1 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe016000)
// Temp sensor: A73
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
#define TS_A73_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe020000)
// Temp sensor: A53
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
#define TS_A53_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe022000)
// Temp sensor GPU
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
#define TS_GPU_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe094000)
// Temp sensor NNA
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
#define TS_NNA_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe096000)
// Temp sensor VPU
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
#define TS_VPU_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe098000)
// Temp sensor HEVC
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_CFG_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
#define TS_HEVC_STAT9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe09a000)
// RNG
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ACODEC_0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
#define ACODEC_7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe01a000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AMLUSB_A0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A8 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A9 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A10 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A11 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A12 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A13 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A14 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A15 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A16 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A17 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A18 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A19 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A20 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A21 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A22 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A23 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A24 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A25 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A26 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A27 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A28 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A29 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A30 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
#define AMLUSB_A31 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe03c000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AMLUSB_B0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B8 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B9 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B10 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B11 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B12 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B13 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B14 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B15 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B16 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B17 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B18 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B19 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B20 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B21 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B22 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B23 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B24 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B25 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B26 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B27 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B28 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B29 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B30 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
#define AMLUSB_B31 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe03e000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG8 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REG9 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGA ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGB ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGC ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGD ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGE ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGF ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGG ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGH ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGI ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGJ ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGK ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGL ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGM ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGN ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGO ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGP ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL5 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL6 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_IRQ_CTRL7 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_WORLD_SYNC_CTRL0 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIO_MSR_CTRL0 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_MISC_CTRL0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_WD_RSTO_CTRL ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_BL_CTRL ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_I ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_O ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_OEN ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_PULL_EN ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_PULL_UP ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_LOCK ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_PROT ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOD_DS ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_I ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_O ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_OEN ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_PULL_EN ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_PULL_UP ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_LOCK ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_PROT ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOE_DS ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_I ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_O ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_OEN ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_PULL_EN ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_PULL_UP ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_LOCK ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_PROT ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOZ_DS ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_I ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_O ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_OEN ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_PULL_EN ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_PULL_UP ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_LOCK ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_PROT ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOH_DS ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_I ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_O ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_OEN ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_PULL_EN ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_PULL_UP ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_LOCK ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_PROT ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOC_DS ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_I ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_O ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_OEN ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_PULL_EN ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_PULL_UP ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_LOCK ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_PROT ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOB_DS ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_I ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_O ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_OEN ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_PULL_EN ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_PULL_UP ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_LOCK ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_PROT ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_DS ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOX_DS_EXT ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_I ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_O ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_OEN ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_PULL_EN ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_PULL_UP ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_LOCK ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_PROT ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_DS ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOT_DS_EXT ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_I ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_O ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_OEN ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_PULL_EN ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_PULL_UP ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_LOCK ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_PROT ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_DS ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOY_DS_EXT ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_I ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_O ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_OEN ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_PULL_EN ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_PULL_UP ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_LOCK ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_PROT ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_DS ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOW_DS_EXT ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_I ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_O ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_OEN ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_PULL_EN ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_PULL_UP ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_LOCK ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_PROT ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_GPIOM_DS ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_I ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_O ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_OEN ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_PULL_EN ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_PULL_UP ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_LOCK ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_PROT ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_TESTN_DS ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX0 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX1 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX2 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX3 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX4 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX5 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_LOCK_PIN_MUX6 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX0 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX1 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX2 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX3 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX4 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX5 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_PROT_PIN_MUX6 ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_MUTE_CTRL ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_MUTE_TDM_DISA ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
#define PADCTRL_DEBUG_SEL ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe004000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SYSCTRL_METAL_REV0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_METAL_REV1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_METAL_REV2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CHIP_ID ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE1_REG0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE1_STICKY_REG0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE1_SEC_REG0 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE1_STICKY_SEC_REG0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_REG0 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_REG1 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_SEC_REG0 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_STICKY_REG0 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_STICKY_REG1 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_WRITEONCE_STICKY_SEC_REG0 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERA_CTRL ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERA ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERB_CTRL ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERB ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERC_CTRL ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERC ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERD_CTRL ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERD ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_TIMERA_CTRL ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_TIMERA ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERE_CTRL ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERE ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERE_HI ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERF_CTRL ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERF ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERF_HI ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERG_CTRL ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERG ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERH_CTRL ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERH ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERI_CTRL ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERI ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERJ_CTRL ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMERJ ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_TIMERE_CTRL ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_TIMERE ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_TIMERE_HI ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_OSC_RING_CTRL0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_OSC_RING_CTRL1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AM2AXI_CTRL0 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AM2AXI_STS ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL0 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_TIMER90K ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SCR ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_HPG_TIMER ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AHB2DDR_CTRL0 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AHB2DDR_CTRL1 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_POC ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_VPU_SECURE_REG0 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_VPU_SECURE_REG1 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEWARP_SECURE_REG ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
//`define SYSCTRL_NIC_CFG0 10'h63
#define SYSCTRL_ALERT_STS_STICKY ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_ALERT_ENABLE ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_ENABLE_SPIFC ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_OSC_RING_CTRL2 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL4 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL5 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXI_PIPE_CTRL6 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_EDP_TEST_CTRL0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_EDP_TEST_CTRL1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_HDMIRXPLL_TEST_CTRL ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG2 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG3 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG4 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG5 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG6 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_DEBUG_REG7 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG2 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG3 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG4 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG5 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG6 ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STATUS_REG7 ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG2 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG3 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG4 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG5 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG6 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_STICKY_REG7 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG0 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG1 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG2 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG3 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG4 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG5 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG6 ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG7 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG8 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG9 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG10 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG11 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG12 ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG13 ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG14 ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG15 ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG16 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG17 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG18 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG19 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG20 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG21 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG22 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG23 ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG24 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG25 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG26 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG27 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG28 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG29 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG30 ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STATUS_REG31 ((0x00df << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG0 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG1 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG2 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG3 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG4 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG5 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG6 ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SEC_STICKY_REG7 ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_MSG_INDEX0_STICKY ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_MSG_INDEX1_STICKY ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_MSG_INDEX2_STICKY ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_MSG_INDEX3_STICKY ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG0 ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG1 ((0x0101 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG2 ((0x0102 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG3 ((0x0103 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG4 ((0x0104 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG5 ((0x0105 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG6 ((0x0106 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG7 ((0x0107 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG8 ((0x0108 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG9 ((0x0109 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_CFG10 ((0x010a << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS0 ((0x0110 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS1 ((0x0111 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS2 ((0x0112 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS3 ((0x0113 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS4 ((0x0114 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS5 ((0x0115 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS6 ((0x0116 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS7 ((0x0117 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS8 ((0x0118 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_CCI_STS9 ((0x0119 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_MALI_CFG0 ((0x0120 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_SPICC_CTRL0 ((0x0124 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_AXISRAM_CFG0 ((0x0128 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG0 ((0x0130 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG1 ((0x0131 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG2 ((0x0132 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG3 ((0x0133 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG4 ((0x0134 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG5 ((0x0135 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG6 ((0x0136 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG7 ((0x0137 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG8 ((0x0138 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG9 ((0x0139 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_BUS_CFG10 ((0x013a << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_NOC_CFG0 ((0x0140 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_NOC_STS0 ((0x0148 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_NOC_STS1 ((0x0149 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_LOCK_BUS_CFG0 ((0x0150 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_LOCK_BUS_CFG1 ((0x0151 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_PROT_BUS_CFG0 ((0x0152 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
#define SYSCTRL_PROT_BUS_CFG1 ((0x0153 << 2) + 0xfe010000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define CLKCTRL_OSCIN_CTRL ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_RTC_BY_OSCIN_CTRL0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_RTC_BY_OSCIN_CTRL1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_RTC_CTRL ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CHECK_CLK_RESULT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_MBIST_ATSPEED_CTRL ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_LOCK_BIT_REG0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_LOCK_BIT_REG1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_LOCK_BIT_REG2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_LOCK_BIT_REG3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PROT_BIT_REG0 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PROT_BIT_REG1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PROT_BIT_REG2 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PROT_BIT_REG3 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN0_REG0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN0_REG1 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN0_REG2 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN0_REG3 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN1_REG0 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN1_REG1 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN1_REG2 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_EN1_REG3 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_VPU_EN0 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SYS_CLK_VPU_EN1 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_AXI_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TST_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TST_CTRL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CECA_CTRL0 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CECA_CTRL1 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CECB_CTRL0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CECB_CTRL1 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_DSPA_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_DSPB_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_CLK12_24_CTRL ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_ANAKIN_CLK_CTRL ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_GDC_CLK_CTRL ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_AMLGDC_CLK_CTRL ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK0_CTRL ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK0_CTRL2 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK0_DIV ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK0_DIV ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK0_CTRL ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_ENC0_HDMI_CLK_CTRL ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_ENC2_HDMI_CLK_CTRL ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_ENC_HDMI_CLK_CTRL ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HDMI_CLK_CTRL ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_PLL_CLK0_DIV ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VPU_CLK_CTRL ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VPU_CLKB_CTRL ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VPU_CLKC_CTRL ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_LOCK_CLK_CTRL ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VDIN_MEAS_CLK_CTRL ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VAPBCLK_CTRL ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_MIPIDSI_PHY_CLK_CTRL ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
//`define CLKCTRL_CDAC_CLK_CTRL 10'h42
#define CLKCTRL_MIPI_CSI_PHY_CLK_CTRL ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_MIPI_ISP_CLK_CTRL ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_WAVE420L_CLK_CTRL ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_WAVE420L_CLK_CTRL2 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HTX_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HTX_CLK_CTRL1 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HRX_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HRX_CLK_CTRL1 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HRX_CLK_CTRL2 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_HRX_CLK_CTRL3 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VDEC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VDEC2_CLK_CTRL ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VDEC3_CLK_CTRL ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VDEC4_CLK_CTRL ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_WAVE521_CLK_CTRL ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_WAVE521_CLK_CTRL2 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TS_CLK_CTRL ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_MALI_CLK_CTRL ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIPNANOQ_CLK_CTRL ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_ETH_CLK_CTRL ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_NAND_CLK_CTRL ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SD_EMMC_CLK_CTRL ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_BT656_CLK_CTRL ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SPICC_CLK_CTRL ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_GEN_CLK_CTRL ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SAR_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_AB_CTRL ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_CD_CTRL ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_EF_CTRL ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
//`define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_GH_CTRL 10'h63
//`define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_IJ_CTRL 10'h64
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_AO_AB_CTRL ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_AO_CD_CTRL ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_AO_EF_CTRL ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_AO_GH_CTRL ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SPICC_CLK_CTRL1 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_SPICC_CLK_CTRL2 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
//`define CLKCTRL_SPICC_CLK_CTRL3 10'h72
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK1_CTRL ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK1_CTRL2 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK1_DIV ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK1_DIV ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK1_CTRL ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK2_CTRL ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK2_CTRL2 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_CLK2_DIV ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK2_DIV ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VIID_CLK2_CTRL ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_PLL_CLK1_DIV ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_VID_PLL_CLK2_DIV ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_MIPI_DSI_MEAS_CLK_CTRL ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMESTAMP_CTRL ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMESTAMP_CTRL1 ((0x0101 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMESTAMP_CTRL2 ((0x0103 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMESTAMP_RD0 ((0x0104 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMESTAMP_RD1 ((0x0105 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMEBASE_CTRL0 ((0x0106 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_TIMEBASE_CTRL1 ((0x0107 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_CPU_CFG01 ((0x0120 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_CPU_CFG2 ((0x0121 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_ENCP_CFG0 ((0x0122 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_MALI_CFG01 ((0x0123 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_HEVCB_CFG01 ((0x0124 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_HEVCB_CFG2 ((0x0125 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_LOCK ((0x0126 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_A73_CFG01 ((0x0127 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
#define CLKCTRL_EFUSE_A73_CFG2 ((0x0128 << 2) + 0xfe000000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWRCTRL_PWR_ACK0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_PWR_ACK1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_PWR_OFF0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_PWR_OFF1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_ISO_EN0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_ISO_EN1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_FOCRST0 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_FOCRST1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD10 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD11 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD12 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD13 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD14 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD15 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD16 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD17 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD18 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD19 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD20 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD21 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD22 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD23 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD24 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_MEM_PD25 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_IRQ_EN ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_IRQ_STS ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_MEMPD_STS ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_STS0 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_STS1 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_STS2 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_START_OFF ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_START_ON ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU0_FSM_JUMP ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x008c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x008d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x008e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x008f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_MEMPD_STS ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_STS0 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_STS1 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_STS2 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_START_OFF ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_START_ON ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU1_FSM_JUMP ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_MEMPD_STS ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_STS0 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_STS1 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_STS2 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_START_OFF ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_START_ON ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU2_FSM_JUMP ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_MEMPD_STS ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_STS0 ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_STS1 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_STS2 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_START_OFF ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_START_ON ((0x00fe << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPU3_FSM_JUMP ((0x00ff << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0101 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0102 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0103 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0104 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0105 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0108 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0109 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x010a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x010b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x010c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0110 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0111 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0112 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0113 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0114 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0115 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0116 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0117 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0118 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0119 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x011a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x011b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x011c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x011d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x011e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x011f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0120 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0121 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0122 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0123 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0124 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0125 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_MEMPD_STS ((0x0126 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_STS0 ((0x0127 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_STS1 ((0x0128 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_STS2 ((0x0129 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_START_OFF ((0x012d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_START_ON ((0x012e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_CPUTOP_FSM_JUMP ((0x012f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0130 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0131 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0132 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0133 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0134 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0135 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0138 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0139 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x013a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x013b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x013c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0140 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0141 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0142 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0143 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0144 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0145 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0146 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0147 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0148 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0149 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x014a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x014b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x014c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x014d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x014e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x014f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0150 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0151 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0152 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0153 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0154 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0155 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_MEMPD_STS ((0x0156 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_STS0 ((0x0157 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_STS1 ((0x0158 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_STS2 ((0x0159 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_START_OFF ((0x015d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_START_ON ((0x015e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPA_FSM_JUMP ((0x015f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0160 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0161 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0162 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0163 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0164 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0165 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0168 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0169 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x016a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x016b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x016c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0170 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0171 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0172 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0173 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0174 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0175 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0176 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0177 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0178 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0179 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x017a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x017b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x017c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x017d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x017e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x017f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0180 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0181 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0182 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0183 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0184 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0185 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_MEMPD_STS ((0x0186 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_STS0 ((0x0187 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_STS1 ((0x0188 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_STS2 ((0x0189 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_START_OFF ((0x018d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_START_ON ((0x018e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_DSPB_FSM_JUMP ((0x018f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0190 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0191 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0192 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0193 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0194 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0195 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0198 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0199 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x019a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x019b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x019c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x01a0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x01a1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x01a2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x01a3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x01a4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x01a5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x01a6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x01a7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x01a8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x01a9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x01aa << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x01ab << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x01ac << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x01ad << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x01ae << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x01af << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x01b0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x01b1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x01b2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x01b3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x01b4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x01b5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_MEMPD_STS ((0x01b6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_STS0 ((0x01b7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_STS1 ((0x01b8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_STS2 ((0x01b9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_START_OFF ((0x01bd << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_START_ON ((0x01be << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A730_FSM_JUMP ((0x01bf << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x01c0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x01c1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x01c2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x01c3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x01c4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x01c5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x01c8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x01c9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x01ca << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x01cb << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x01cc << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x01d0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x01d1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x01d2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x01d3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x01d4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x01d5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x01d6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x01d7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x01d8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x01d9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x01da << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x01db << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x01dc << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x01dd << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x01de << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x01df << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x01e0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x01e1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x01e2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x01e3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x01e4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x01e5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_MEMPD_STS ((0x01e6 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_STS0 ((0x01e7 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_STS1 ((0x01e8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_STS2 ((0x01e9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_START_OFF ((0x01ed << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_START_ON ((0x01ee << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A731_FSM_JUMP ((0x01ef << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x01f0 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x01f1 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x01f2 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x01f3 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x01f4 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x01f5 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x01f8 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x01f9 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x01fa << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x01fb << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x01fc << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0200 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0201 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0202 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0203 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0204 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0205 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0206 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0207 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0208 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0209 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x020a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x020b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x020c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x020d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x020e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x020f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0210 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0211 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0212 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0213 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0214 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0215 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_MEMPD_STS ((0x0216 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_STS0 ((0x0217 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_STS1 ((0x0218 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_STS2 ((0x0219 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_START_OFF ((0x021d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_START_ON ((0x021e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A732_FSM_JUMP ((0x021f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0220 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0221 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0222 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0223 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0224 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0225 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0228 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0229 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x022a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x022b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x022c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0230 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0231 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0232 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0233 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0234 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0235 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0236 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0237 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0238 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0239 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x023a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x023b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x023c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x023d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x023e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x023f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0240 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0241 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0242 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0243 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0244 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0245 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_MEMPD_STS ((0x0246 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_STS0 ((0x0247 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_STS1 ((0x0248 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_STS2 ((0x0249 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_START_OFF ((0x024d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_START_ON ((0x024e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A733_FSM_JUMP ((0x024f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL0 ((0x0250 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL1 ((0x0251 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL2 ((0x0252 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL3 ((0x0253 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL4 ((0x0254 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_AUTO_OFF_CTRL5 ((0x0255 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_TIMER_TH_01 ((0x0258 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_TIMER_TH_23 ((0x0259 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_TIMER_TH_45 ((0x025a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_TIMER_TH_67 ((0x025b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_TIMER_TH_89 ((0x025c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0260 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0261 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK2 ((0x0262 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK3 ((0x0263 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK4 ((0x0264 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK5 ((0x0265 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK6 ((0x0266 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK7 ((0x0267 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK8 ((0x0268 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK9 ((0x0269 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK10 ((0x026a << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK11 ((0x026b << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK12 ((0x026c << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK13 ((0x026d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK14 ((0x026e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_IRQ_MASK15 ((0x026f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_INIT_SET ((0x0270 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_OFF_SET ((0x0271 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_ON_A_SET ((0x0272 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_ON_B_SET ((0x0273 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_ON_C_SET ((0x0274 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_ON_D_SET ((0x0275 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_MEMPD_STS ((0x0276 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_STS0 ((0x0277 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_STS1 ((0x0278 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_STS2 ((0x0279 << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_START_OFF ((0x027d << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_START_ON ((0x027e << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
#define PWRCTRL_A73TOP_FSM_JUMP ((0x027f << 2) + 0xfe00c000)
// RSA
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define RSA_BASE ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe042000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:11- 0 - n205 address shift, 1: 0x8000_0000~0x4000_0000
//Bit 30:11- 0 - reserved
//Bit 10 - 0 - gate by sleep, 1: gate, 0: free run
//Bit 9 - 0 - RXEV for riscv input refer riscv doc
//Bit 8 - 0 - reserved
//Bit 7:6- 0 - n205_debug_sel,aocpu_core_status0 info select
//Bit 5:2- 0 - reserved
//Bit 1 - 0 - n205_i_dbg_stop
//Bit 0 - 0 - n205_pc_enable
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_CTRL5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_STS0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - n205_debug_sel==0 : n205_trace_casuse, 1:n205_trace_tval, 2:n205_trace_iaddr, 3:n205_trace_instr
#define AOCPU_CPU_STS1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31 - 0 - n205_core_sleep_value
//Bit 30:29- 0 - n205_trace_priv
//Bit 28:20- 0 - reserved
//Bit 19 - 0 - n205_core_wfi_mode
//Bit 18 - 0 - n205_trace_ivalid
//Bit 17 - 0 - n205_trace_iexception
//Bit 16 - 0 - n205_trace_interrupt
//Bit 15:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_STS2 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_STS3 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31 - 0 - n205_hart_halted
//Bit 30 - 0 - n205_ndmreset
//Bit 29 - 0 - n205_dmactive
//Bit 28:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_CPU_VECTOR ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0x1000_0000 - reserved
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR01 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR00 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR03 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR02 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR05 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR04 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR07 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR06 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR09 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR08 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR11 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR10 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR13 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR12 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR15 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR14 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_STS00_BYCPU ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS01_BYCPU ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS02_BYCPU ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS03_BYCPU ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS04_BYCPU ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS05_BYCPU ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS06_BYCPU ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_STS07_BYCPU ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 31:0- 0 - reserved
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL8 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR17 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR16 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL9 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR19 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR18 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL10 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR21 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR20 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL11 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR23 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR22 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL12 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR25 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR24 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL13 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR27 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR26 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL14 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR29 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR28 interrupt source select in int_map
#define AOCPU_IRQ_SEL15 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe09c000)
//Bit 24:16- 0 - INTISR31 interrupt source select in int_map
//Bit 8:0 - 0 - INTISR30 interrupt source select in int_map
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:11- 0 - reserved
//Bit 10 - 0 - gate by sleep
//Bit 9 - 0 - RXEV
//Bit 8 - 0 - reserved
//Bit 7:6 - 0 - n205_debug_sel,aucpu_core_status0 info select
//Bit 5:2 - 0 - reserved
//Bit 1 - 0 - n205_i_dbg_stop
//Bit 0 - 0 - n205_pc_enable
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_CTRL5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_STS0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - n205_debug_sel==0 : n205_trace_casuse, 1:n205_trace_tval, 2:n205_trace_iaddr, 3:n205_trace_instr
#define AUCPU_CPU_STS1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31 - 0 - n205_core_sleep_value
//Bit 30:29- 0 - n205_trace_priv
//Bit 28:20- 0 - reserved
//Bit 19 - 0 - n205_core_wfi_mode
//Bit 18 - 0 - n205_trace_ivalid
//Bit 17 - 0 - n205_trace_iexception
//Bit 16 - 0 - n205_trace_interrupt
//Bit 15:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_STS2 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_CPU_STS3 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31 - 0 - n205_hart_halted
//Bit 30 - 0 - n205_ndmreset
//Bit 29 - 0 - n205_dmactive
//Bit 28:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_DMA_APB_SEL ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:30- 0 - reserved
//Bit 0 - 0 - 1: riscv control dma, 0: ap control dma
#define AUCPU_IRQ_AP2RISCV ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - AP cpu send irq to riscv
#define AUCPU_IRQ_RISCV2AP ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - riscv send irq to AP
#define AUCPU_STS00_BY_AP ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS01_BY_AP ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS02_BY_AP ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS03_BY_AP ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS04_BY_AP ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS05_BY_AP ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS06_BY_AP ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS07_BY_AP ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS08_BY_AP ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS09_BY_AP ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS10_BY_AP ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS11_BY_AP ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS12_BY_AP ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS13_BY_AP ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS14_BY_AP ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS15_BY_AP ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS16_BY_AP ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS17_BY_AP ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS18_BY_AP ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS19_BY_AP ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS20_BY_AP ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS21_BY_AP ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS22_BY_AP ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS23_BY_AP ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS24_BY_AP ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS25_BY_AP ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS26_BY_AP ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS27_BY_AP ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS28_BY_AP ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS29_BY_AP ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS30_BY_AP ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS31_BY_AP ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS00_BY_RISCV ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS01_BY_RISCV ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS02_BY_RISCV ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS03_BY_RISCV ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS04_BY_RISCV ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS05_BY_RISCV ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS06_BY_RISCV ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS07_BY_RISCV ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS08_BY_RISCV ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS09_BY_RISCV ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS10_BY_RISCV ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS11_BY_RISCV ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS12_BY_RISCV ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS13_BY_RISCV ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS14_BY_RISCV ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS15_BY_RISCV ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS16_BY_RISCV ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS17_BY_RISCV ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS18_BY_RISCV ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS19_BY_RISCV ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS20_BY_RISCV ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS21_BY_RISCV ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS22_BY_RISCV ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS23_BY_RISCV ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS24_BY_RISCV ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS25_BY_RISCV ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS26_BY_RISCV ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS27_BY_RISCV ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS28_BY_RISCV ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS29_BY_RISCV ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS30_BY_RISCV ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_STS31_BY_RISCV ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - reserved
#define AUCPU_DEMUX_STS_BY_RISCV ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31 - 0 - read only, demux status updated
//Bit 31:8 - 0 - reserved
//Bit 7:0 - 0 - read demux chn select
#define AUCPU_DEMUX_STS0 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - demux status 0
#define AUCPU_DEMUX_STS1 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe09e000)
//Bit 31:0 - 0 - demux status 1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SRAM_RANGE0_STA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_STA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_STA ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_STA ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_STA ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_STA ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_STA ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_STA ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_STA ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_STA ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_STA ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_STA ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_STA ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_STA ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_STA ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE0_EDA ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_EDA ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_EDA ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_EDA ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_EDA ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_EDA ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_EDA ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_EDA ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_EDA ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_EDA ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_EDA ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_EDA ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_EDA ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_EDA ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_EDA ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE0_READ_CTRL0 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_READ_CTRL0 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE15_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE0_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE15_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE0_READ_CTRL1 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_READ_CTRL1 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE15_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE0_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE1_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE2_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE3_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE4_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE5_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE6_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE7_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE8_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE9_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE10_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE11_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE12_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE13_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE14_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_RANGE15_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL0 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL1 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_SEC_CTRL0 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_REG_LOCK0 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_REG_LOCK1 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_REG_LOCK2 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL1_LOCK ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL1_LOCK ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_SEC_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe090000)
#define SRAM_STATUS_REG ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe090000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_STA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_STA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_STA ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_STA ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_STA ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_STA ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_STA ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_STA ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_STA ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_STA ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_STA ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_STA ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_STA ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_STA ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_STA ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_EDA ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_EDA ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_EDA ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_EDA ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_EDA ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_EDA ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_EDA ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_EDA ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_EDA ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_EDA ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_EDA ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_EDA ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_EDA ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_EDA ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_EDA ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_READ_CTRL0 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_READ_CTRL0 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_READ_CTRL0 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE15_READ_CTRL0 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE15_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_READ_CTRL1 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_READ_CTRL1 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_READ_CTRL1 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE15_READ_CTRL1 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE0_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE1_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE2_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE3_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE4_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE5_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE6_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE7_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE8_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE9_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE10_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE11_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE12_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE13_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE14_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_RANGE15_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL0 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL1 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_SEC_CTRL0 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_REG_LOCK0 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_REG_LOCK1 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_REG_LOCK2 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_READ_CTRL1_LOCK ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_GLOBAL_WRITE_CTRL1_LOCK ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_SEC_CTRL0_LOCK ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe092000)
#define SRAM_B_STATUS_REG ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe092000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX00 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX01 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX02 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX03 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX04 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX05 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX06 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX07 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX08 ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX09 ((0x0120 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX10 ((0x0140 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX11 ((0x0160 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX12 ((0x0180 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX13 ((0x01a0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX14 ((0x01c0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX15 ((0x01e0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX16 ((0x0200 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX17 ((0x0220 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX18 ((0x0240 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX19 ((0x0260 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX20 ((0x0280 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX21 ((0x02a0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX22 ((0x02c0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX23 ((0x02e0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX24 ((0x0300 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX25 ((0x0320 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX26 ((0x0340 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX27 ((0x0360 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX28 ((0x0380 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX29 ((0x03a0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX30 ((0x03c0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_BUF_MBOX31 ((0x03e0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_LOCK_BIT0 ((0x0400 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_LOCK_BIT1 ((0x0401 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_LOCK_BIT2 ((0x0402 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_LOCK_BIT3 ((0x0403 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_PROT_BIT0 ((0x0404 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_PROT_BIT1 ((0x0405 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_PROT_BIT2 ((0x0406 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_PROT_BIT3 ((0x0407 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_IRQA_CLR ((0x0408 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_IRQB_CLR ((0x0409 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_IRQC_CLR ((0x040a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_IRQD_CLR ((0x040b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_IRQE_CLR ((0x040c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQ_TYPE0 ((0x040d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQ_TYPE1 ((0x040e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_MASK0 ((0x0410 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_MASK1 ((0x0411 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_MASK0 ((0x0412 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_MASK1 ((0x0413 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_MASK0 ((0x0414 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_MASK1 ((0x0415 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_MASK0 ((0x0416 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_MASK1 ((0x0417 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_MASK0 ((0x0418 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_MASK1 ((0x0419 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_CLR0 ((0x0420 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_CLR1 ((0x0421 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_CLR0 ((0x0422 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_CLR1 ((0x0423 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_CLR0 ((0x0424 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_CLR1 ((0x0425 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_CLR0 ((0x0426 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_CLR1 ((0x0427 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_CLR0 ((0x0428 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_CLR1 ((0x0429 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_STS0 ((0x0430 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQA_STS1 ((0x0431 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_STS0 ((0x0432 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQB_STS1 ((0x0433 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_STS0 ((0x0434 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQC_STS1 ((0x0435 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_STS0 ((0x0436 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQD_STS1 ((0x0437 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_STS0 ((0x0438 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_IRQE_STS1 ((0x0439 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX00 ((0x0440 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX01 ((0x0441 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX02 ((0x0442 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX03 ((0x0443 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX04 ((0x0444 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX05 ((0x0445 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX06 ((0x0446 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX07 ((0x0447 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX08 ((0x0448 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX09 ((0x0449 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX10 ((0x044a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX11 ((0x044b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX12 ((0x044c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX13 ((0x044d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX14 ((0x044e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX15 ((0x044f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX16 ((0x0450 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX17 ((0x0451 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX18 ((0x0452 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX19 ((0x0453 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX20 ((0x0454 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX21 ((0x0455 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX22 ((0x0456 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX23 ((0x0457 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX24 ((0x0458 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX25 ((0x0459 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX26 ((0x045a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX27 ((0x045b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX28 ((0x045c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX29 ((0x045d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX30 ((0x045e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_ACCESS_EN_MBOX31 ((0x045f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX00 ((0x0460 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX01 ((0x0461 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX02 ((0x0462 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX03 ((0x0463 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX04 ((0x0464 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX05 ((0x0465 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX06 ((0x0466 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX07 ((0x0467 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX08 ((0x0468 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX09 ((0x0469 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX10 ((0x046a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX11 ((0x046b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX12 ((0x046c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX13 ((0x046d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX14 ((0x046e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX15 ((0x046f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX16 ((0x0470 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX17 ((0x0471 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX18 ((0x0472 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX19 ((0x0473 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX20 ((0x0474 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX21 ((0x0475 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX22 ((0x0476 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX23 ((0x0477 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX24 ((0x0478 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX25 ((0x0479 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX26 ((0x047a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX27 ((0x047b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX28 ((0x047c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX29 ((0x047d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX30 ((0x047e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_SET_MBOX31 ((0x047f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX00 ((0x0480 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX01 ((0x0481 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX02 ((0x0482 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX03 ((0x0483 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX04 ((0x0484 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX05 ((0x0485 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX06 ((0x0486 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX07 ((0x0487 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX08 ((0x0488 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX09 ((0x0489 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX10 ((0x048a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX11 ((0x048b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX12 ((0x048c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX13 ((0x048d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX14 ((0x048e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX15 ((0x048f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX16 ((0x0490 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX17 ((0x0491 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX18 ((0x0492 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX19 ((0x0493 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX20 ((0x0494 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX21 ((0x0495 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX22 ((0x0496 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX23 ((0x0497 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX24 ((0x0498 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX25 ((0x0499 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX26 ((0x049a << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX27 ((0x049b << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX28 ((0x049c << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX29 ((0x049d << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX30 ((0x049e << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_CLR_MBOX31 ((0x049f << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX00 ((0x04a0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX01 ((0x04a1 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX02 ((0x04a2 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX03 ((0x04a3 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX04 ((0x04a4 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX05 ((0x04a5 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX06 ((0x04a6 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX07 ((0x04a7 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX08 ((0x04a8 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX09 ((0x04a9 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX10 ((0x04aa << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX11 ((0x04ab << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX12 ((0x04ac << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX13 ((0x04ad << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX14 ((0x04ae << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX15 ((0x04af << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX16 ((0x04b0 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX17 ((0x04b1 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX18 ((0x04b2 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX19 ((0x04b3 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX20 ((0x04b4 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX21 ((0x04b5 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX22 ((0x04b6 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX23 ((0x04b7 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX24 ((0x04b8 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX25 ((0x04b9 << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX26 ((0x04ba << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX27 ((0x04bb << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX28 ((0x04bc << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX29 ((0x04bd << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX30 ((0x04be << 2) + 0xfe006000)
#define MAILBOX_STS_MBOX31 ((0x04bf << 2) + 0xfe006000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV8 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV9 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_INV10 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK0_GIC ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK1_GIC ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK2_GIC ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK3_GIC ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK4_GIC ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK5_GIC ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK6_GIC ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK7_GIC ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK8_GIC ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK9_GIC ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK10_GIC ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK0_DSP ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK1_DSP ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK2_DSP ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK3_DSP ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK4_DSP ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK5_DSP ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK6_DSP ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK7_DSP ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK8_DSP ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK9_DSP ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK10_DSP ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK0_PWRCTRL ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK1_PWRCTRL ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK2_PWRCTRL ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK3_PWRCTRL ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK4_PWRCTRL ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK5_PWRCTRL ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK6_PWRCTRL ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK7_PWRCTRL ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK8_PWRCTRL ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK9_PWRCTRL ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK10_PWRCTRL ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK0_AOCPU ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK1_AOCPU ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK2_AOCPU ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK3_AOCPU ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK4_AOCPU ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK5_AOCPU ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK6_AOCPU ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK7_AOCPU ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK8_AOCPU ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK9_AOCPU ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_MASK10_AOCPU ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE2 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE3 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE4 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE5 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE6 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE7 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE8 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE9 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_MODE10 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH2 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH3 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH4 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH5 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH6 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH7 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH8 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH9 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH10 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR2 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR3 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR4 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR5 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR6 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR7 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR8 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR9 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_IRQ_LATCH_CLR10 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_LOCK_BIT ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_PROT_BIT ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
#define IRQCTRL_SOFT_IRQ ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe00a000)
// RESET_CTRL - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define RESETCTRL_RESET0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET0_LEVEL ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET1_LEVEL ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET2_LEVEL ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET3_LEVEL ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET4_LEVEL ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET5_LEVEL ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET6_LEVEL ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET0_MASK ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET1_MASK ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET2_MASK ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET3_MASK ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET4_MASK ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET5_MASK ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET6_MASK ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET_HOLD_CYC ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_WATCHDOG_CTRL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_WATCHDOG_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_WATCHDOG_CNT ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_WATCHDOG_CLR ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_WATCHDOG_CTRL0 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_WATCHDOG_CTRL1 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_WATCHDOG_CNT ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_WATCHDOG_CLR ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET2 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET0_LEVEL ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET1_LEVEL ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET2_LEVEL ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET0_MASK ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET1_MASK ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET2_MASK ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET0_LOCK ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET1_LOCK ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET2_LOCK ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET3_LOCK ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET4_LOCK ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET5_LOCK ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET6_LOCK ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET0_LOCK ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET1_LOCK ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET2_LOCK ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET0_PROT ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET1_PROT ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET2_PROT ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET3_PROT ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET4_PROT ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET5_PROT ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_RESET6_PROT ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET0_PROT ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET1_PROT ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe002000)
#define RESETCTRL_SEC_RESET2_PROT ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe002000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_RESET_CNTL ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CLK_CTRL1 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CLK_CTRL2 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_RESET_CNTL ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_CTRL0 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_CTRL1 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_CTRL4 8'h55
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_CTRL5 8'h56
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_CTRL6 8'h57
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CLK_RESULT ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_ROM_DISABLE ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_PERIPHBASE ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_TARGETID ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_POR_CFG0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_POR_CFG1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG0 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG1 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG2 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG3 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG4 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG5 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG6 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG7 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG8 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG9 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG10 8'h9c
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG11 8'h9d
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG12 8'h9e
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_CFG13 8'h9f
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS2 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS3 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS4 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS5 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS6 8'ha6
//`define CPUCTRL_SYS_CPU_STATUS7 8'ha7
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_PERIPHBASE ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_POR_CFG0 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_POR_CFG1 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG0 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG1 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG2 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG3 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG4 ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG5 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG6 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG7 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG8 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_CFG9 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS0 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS1 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS2 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS3 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS4 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
#define CPUCTRL_SYS_A73_STATUS5 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe00e000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SAR_ADC_REG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHAN_LIST ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_AVG_CNTL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_DELAY ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_LAST_RD ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_FIFO_RD ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_AUX_SW ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHAN_10_SW ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_DETECT_IDLE_SW ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_DELTA_10 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_REG11 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_REG12 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_REG13 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHNL01 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHNL23 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHNL45 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
#define SAR_ADC_CHNL67 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe026000)
// ANA_CTRL - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ANACTRL_SYS0PLL_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS0PLL_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS0PLL_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS0PLL_CTRL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS0PLL_STS ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS1PLL_CTRL0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS1PLL_CTRL1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS1PLL_CTRL2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS1PLL_CTRL3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_SYS1PLL_STS ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_CTRL6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_FIXPLL_STS ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL5 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_CTRL6 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP0PLL_STS ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL2 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL3 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
//`define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL4 8'h34
//`define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL5 8'h35
//`define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_CTRL6 8'h36
#define ANACTRL_GP1PLL_STS ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_CTRL6 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HIFIPLL_STS ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL2 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL3 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL4 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_CTRL5 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PCIEPLL_STS ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL2 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL3 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL4 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL5 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL6 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL7 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_CTRL8 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MPLL_STS ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL2 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL3 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL4 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL5 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_CTRL6 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_STS ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPLL_VLOCK ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL1 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL2 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL3 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL4 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_CTRL5 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_HDMIPHY_STS ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL2 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL3 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL4 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPICSI_CTRL5 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPIDSI_CTRL0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPIDSI_CTRL1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPIDSI_CTRL2 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MIPIDSI_STS ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
//`define ANACTRL_VDAC_CTRL0 8'hB0
//`define ANACTRL_VDAC_CTRL1 8'hB1
#define ANACTRL_POR_CTRL ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_LOCK_BIT ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_PROT_BIT ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_CNTL0 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_CNTL1 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_CNTL2 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_CNTL3 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_CNTL4 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_MCLK_PLL_STS ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL1 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL2 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL3 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL4 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL5 ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL6 ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL7 ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL8 ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL9 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL10 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL11 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL12 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL13 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL14 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL15 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL16 ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL17 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL18 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL19 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL20 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_CNTL21 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_CNTL0 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_CNTL1 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_CNTL2 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_CNTL3 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_CNTL4 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_CNTL0 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_CNTL1 ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_CNTL2 ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_CNTL3 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_CNTL4 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_CNTL0 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_CNTL1 ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_CNTL2 ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_CNTL3 ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_CNTL4 ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL0_STS ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL1_STS ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL2_STS ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_TCON_PLL_VLOCK ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
#define ANACTRL_DIF_PHY_STS ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe008000)
// Ethernet Phy
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CFG0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CFG1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CFG2 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CFG3 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_CFG4 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_STS ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL1 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL2 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL3 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL4 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL5 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL6 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PLL_CTL7 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_CNTL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_CNTL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_CNTL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_CNTL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_STS0 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_STS1 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_STS2 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
#define ETH_PHY_DBG_REG ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe028000)
// Ethernet TOP
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ETHTOP_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_CNTL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_CNTL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_STS0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_STS1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_STS2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe024000)
#define ETHTOP_STS3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe024000)
// I2C Slave A
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_S_A_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe064000)
#define I2C_S_A_SEND_REG ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe064000)
#define I2C_S_A_RECV_REG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe064000)
#define I2C_S_A_CNTL1_REG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe064000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_LDR_ACTIVE ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_LDR_IDLE ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_LDR_REPEAT ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_BIT_0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_FRAME ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_STATUS ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_LDR_ACTIVE ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_LDR_IDLE ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_LDR_REPEAT ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_BIT_0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_REG0 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FRAME ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_STATUS ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_REG1 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_REG2 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_DURATN2 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_DURATN3 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FRAME1 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_STATUS1 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_STATUS2 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_REG3 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FRAME_RSV0 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FRAME_RSV1 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FILTE ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_IRQ_CTL ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_FIFO_CTL ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_WIDTH_NEW ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_MF_IR_DEC_REPEAT_DET ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_CNTL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_CNTL1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_IIR_THD ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_THD0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_THD1 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_SUM_CNT0 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_SUM_CNT1 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_CNT0 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_DEC_DEMOD_CNT1 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_BLASTER_ADDR0 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_BLASTER_ADDR1 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_BLASTER_ADDR2 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
#define IRCTRL_IR_BLASTER_ADDR3 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe084000)
// I2C Master AO_A
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_AO_A_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
#define I2C_M_AO_A_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe076000)
// I2C Master AO_B
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_AO_B_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
#define I2C_M_AO_B_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe086000)
// I2C Master A
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_A_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
#define I2C_M_A_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe066000)
// I2C Master B
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_B_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
#define I2C_M_B_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe068000)
// I2C Master C
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_C_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
#define I2C_M_C_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe06a000)
// I2C Master D
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_D_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
#define I2C_M_D_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe06c000)
// I2C Master E
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_E_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
#define I2C_M_E_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe06e000)
// I2C Master F
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_F_CONTROL_REG ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_SLAVE_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_TOKEN_LIST0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_TOKEN_LIST1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_WDATA_REG0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_WDATA_REG1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_RDATA_REG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_RDATA_REG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_TIMEOUT_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_CNTL_DELY1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_CNTL_DELY2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_LOW_DELY ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_HIGH_DELY ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_FIFO_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_FIFO_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_FIFO_PENDING ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_FIFO_PENDING_MASK ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
#define I2C_M_F_FIFO_ST0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe070000)
// APB0_UART_A - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_A_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
#define UART_A_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
#define UART_A_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
#define UART_A_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
#define UART_A_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
#define UART_A_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe078000)
// APB0_UART_B - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_B_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
#define UART_B_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
#define UART_B_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
#define UART_B_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
#define UART_B_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
#define UART_B_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe07a000)
// APB0_UART_C - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_C_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
#define UART_C_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
#define UART_C_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
#define UART_C_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
#define UART_C_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
#define UART_C_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe07c000)
// APB0_UART_D - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_D_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
#define UART_D_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
#define UART_D_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
#define UART_D_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
#define UART_D_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
#define UART_D_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe07e000)
// APB0_UART_E - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_E_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
#define UART_E_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
#define UART_E_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
#define UART_E_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
#define UART_E_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
#define UART_E_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe080000)
// APB0_UART_F - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART_F_WFIFO ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
#define UART_F_RFIFO ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
#define UART_F_CONTROL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
#define UART_F_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
#define UART_F_MISC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
#define UART_F_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe082000)
// PWM_AB - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWMAB_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
#define PWMAB_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe058000)
// PWM_CD - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWMCD_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
#define PWMCD_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe05a000)
// PWM_EF - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWMEF_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
#define PWMEF_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe05c000)
// PWM_AO_AB - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_AO_AB_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
#define PWM_AO_AB_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe05e000)
// PWM_AO_CD - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_AO_CD_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
#define PWM_AO_CD_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe060000)
// PWM_AO_EF - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_AO_EF_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
#define PWM_AO_EF_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe030000)
// PWM_AO_GH - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_AO_GH_PWM_A ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_PWM_B ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_MISC_REG_AB ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_DELTA_SIGMA_AB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_TIME_AB ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_A2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_B2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_BLINK_AB ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
#define PWM_AO_GH_LOCK_AB ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe032000)
// SPICC_0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC0_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe050000)
#define SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe050000)
// SPICC_1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC1_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe052000)
#define SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe052000)
// SPICC_2
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC2_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe054000)
#define SPICC2_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe054000)
// SPICC_3
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC3_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
#define SPICC3_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe04a000)
// SPICC_4
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC4_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
#define SPICC4_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe04c000)
// SPICC_5
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC5_RXDATA ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_TXDATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_CONREG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_INTREG ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_DMAREG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_STATREG ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_PERIODREG ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_TESTREG ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_DRADDR ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_DWADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_LD_CNTL0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_LD_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_LD_RADDR ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_LD_WADDR ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_ENHANCE_CNTL ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_ENHANCE_CNTL1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
#define SPICC5_ENHANCE_CNTL2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe04e000)
// AIFIFO - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AIU_AIFIFO_CTRL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_AIFIFO_STATUS ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_AIFIFO_GBIT ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_AIFIFO_CLB ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_START_PTR ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_CURR_PTR ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_END_PTR ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_BYTES_AVAIL ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_CONTROL ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_MAN_WP ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_MAN_RP ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_LEVEL ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_BUF_CNTL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_BUF_WRAP_COUNT ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIU_MEM_AIFIFO_MEM_CTL ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_CNTL ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_SYNC_0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_SYNC_1 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_1 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_2 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_3 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
#define AIFIFO_TIME_STAMP_LENGTH ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe046000)
// MSR_CLK - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MSR_CLK_REG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
#define MSR_CLK_DUTY ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe048000)
// SPIFC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPI_FLASH_CMD ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
// SPI_HPM 19
#define SPI_FLASH_ADDR ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
// SPI_CLK_DIV0 12
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_STATUS ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CLOCK ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER2 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER3 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER4 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE2 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE3 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B10 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B11 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B12 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B13 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B14 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe056000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B15 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe056000)
// CEC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define CECA_GEN_CNTL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECA_RW_REG ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECA_INTR_MASKN ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECA_INTR_CLR ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECA_INTR_STAT ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECB_GEN_CNTL ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECB_RW_REG ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECB_INTR_MASKN ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECB_INTR_CLR ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
#define CECB_INTR_STAT ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe044000)
// SMART CARD - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SMARTCARD_REG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_REG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_REG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_STATUS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_INTR ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_REG5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_REG6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_FIFO ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
#define SMARTCARD_REG8 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe038000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_AHB_ETH ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_AHB_USB0 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_AHB_USB1 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_16M_SLOT1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_16M_SLOT0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_1M_SLOT0 ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_256K_SLOT1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_256K_SLOT0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOTB ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOTA ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT9 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT8 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT7 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT6 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT5 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT4 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT3 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT2 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT1 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_64K_SLOT0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5F ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5E ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5D ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5C ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5B ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT5A ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT59 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT58 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT57 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT56 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT55 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT54 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT53 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT52 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT51 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT50 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4F ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4E ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4D ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4C ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4B ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT4A ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT49 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT48 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT47 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT46 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT45 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT44 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT43 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT42 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT41 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT40 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3F ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3E ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3D ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3C ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3B ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT3A ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT39 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT38 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT37 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT36 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT35 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT34 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT33 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT32 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT31 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT30 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2F ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2E ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2D ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2C ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2B ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT2A ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT29 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT28 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT27 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT26 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT25 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT24 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT23 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT22 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT21 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT20 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1F ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1E ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1D ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1C ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1B ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT1A ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT19 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT18 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT17 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT16 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT15 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT14 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT13 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT12 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT11 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT10 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0F ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0E ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0D ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0C ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0B ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT0A ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT09 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT08 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT07 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT06 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT05 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT04 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT03 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT02 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT01 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
#define CAPU_ACCESS_EN_8K_SLOT00 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe012000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// RW [ 31] freeclk_en: 0=Gated clocks; 1=free-run clocks. Default 0.
// RW [ 3] htx_sel: 0=Program for RX keys; 1=Program for TX keys. Default 0.
// RW [ 2: 1] endian. Default 0.
// WO [ 0] start: write 1 to reset internal counters. Read back 0.
#define HDMI20_AES_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe01e000)
// RW [31: 0] encrypted HDCP data, 4-byte each, endian optional. Default 0.
#define HDMI20_AES_DATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe01e000)
// RO [26:16] nxt_otp_addr for either TX or RX
// RO [ 12] secure_access
// RO [ 11] aes_out128b_vld
// RO [ 10] aes_din128b_vld
// RO [ 9] aes_rdy
// RO [ 8] aes_key_vld
// RO [ 5] hrx_aes_rdy: 1=16-byte data are programmed into RX
// RO [ 4] 1=RX aes_key is ready
// RO [ 1] htx_aes_rdy: 1=16-byte data are programmed into TX
// RO [ 0] 1=TX aes_key is ready
#define HDMI20_AES_STAT0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe01e000)
// RW [ 0] sw_reset. 0=No reset; 1=Reset. Default 0.
#define HDMI20_AES_RESET ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe01e000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define HDMIRX_APLL_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_APLL_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_APLL_CNTL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_APLL_CNTL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_APLL_CNTL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_MISC0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_MISC1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_MISC2 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_MISC3 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHA_CNTL0 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHA_CNTL1 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHA_CNTL2 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHA_CNTL3 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_CNTL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_CNTL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_CNTL2 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_CNTL3 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_CNTL4 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_MISC_STAT ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_DCHD_STAT ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_AUD_PLL_CNTL ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_AUD_PLL_CNTL2 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_AUD_PLL_CNTL3 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_AUD_PLL_CNTL_I ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_AUD_PLL4X_CNTL ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_PROD_TEST0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_PHY_PROD_TEST1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_EARCTX_CNTL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_EARCTX_CNTL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
#define HDMIRX_ARC_CNTL ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe39c000)
// Reading file: combo_dphy_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define COMBO_DPHY_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:7 reserved
//Bit 6 reg_phy2_pll_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 5 reg_phy1_pll_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 4 reg_phy2_din_sel_lvds // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reg_phy1_din_sel_edp // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 2 reg_phy1_din_sel_lvds_vx1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 1 reg_phy0_din_sel_edp // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 reg_phy0_din_sel_lvds_vx1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_lane15_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 29:28 reg_lane14_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 27:26 reg_lane13_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_lane12_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:22 reg_lane11_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 21:20 reg_lane10_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 19:18 reg_lane9_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 17:16 reg_lane8_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:14 reg_lane7_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 13:12 reg_lane6_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 11:10 reg_lane5_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:8 reg_lane4_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:6 reg_lane3_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 5:4 reg_lane2_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3:2 reg_lane1_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 1:0 reg_lane0_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_VID_PLL0_DIV ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 reg_hi_vid_pll0_clk_div // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 19 clk_final_en //final stage enable
//Bit 18 clk_div1 //bypass
//Bit 17:16 clk_sel //2'b0: select div12, 2'b1:select div14, 2'b10:select div15, 2'b11:select div25
//Bit 15 set_preset //load the clk pattern in shift registers
//Bit 14:0 shift_preset //clk pattern in shifter registers
#define COMBO_DPHY_VID_PLL1_DIV ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 reg_hi_vid_pll1_clk_div // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 19 clk_final_en //final stage enable
//Bit 18 clk_div1 //bypass
//Bit 17:16 clk_sel //2'b0: select div12, 2'b1:select div14, 2'b10:select div15, 2'b11:select div25
//Bit 15 set_preset //load the clk pattern in shift registers
//Bit 14:0 shift_preset //clk pattern in shifter registers
#define COMBO_DPHY_VID_PLL2_DIV ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 reg_hi_vid_pll2_clk_div // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 19 clk_final_en //final stage enable
//Bit 18 clk_div1 //bypass
//Bit 17:16 clk_sel //2'b0: select div12, 2'b1:select div14, 2'b10:select div15, 2'b11:select div25
//Bit 15 set_preset //load the clk pattern in shift registers
//Bit 14:0 shift_preset //clk pattern in shifter registers
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_PIXEL_CLK_DIV ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_edp2_div_clk_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 , useless
//Bit 25 reg_edp1_div_clk_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 24 reg_edp0_div_clk_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:0 reg_hi_edp_pixel_clk_div // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:12 edp1_clk_div_clk1_sel
//Bit 11:8 edp1_clk_div_clk0_sel
//Bit 7:4 edp0_clk_div_clk1_sel
//Bit 3:0 edp0_clk_div_clk0_sel
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY0_CNTL0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy0_cntl0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:16 cntl_ser_en // ff: enable all 8 channel. 01: enable channel 0.
//Bit 13 cntl_prbs_en // 1: enable prbs
//Bit 12 cntl_prbs_err_en
//Bit 11:10 cntl_mode_set_high // force channel output high
//Bit 9:8 cntl_mode_set_low // force channel output low
//Bit 7:5 fifo_clk_sel // 0: div6, 1: div7, 2: div8, 3: div10, else: div20
//Bit 3 mode_bit_rev // swap lanes from 01234567 to 76543210
//Bit 2 mode_inv_p_n // invert all lane PN
//Bit 0 soft_reset // soft reset PHY
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY1_CNTL0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy1_cntl0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:16 cntl_ser_en // ff: enable all 8 channel. 01: enable channel 0.
//Bit 13 cntl_prbs_en // 1: enable prbs
//Bit 12 cntl_prbs_err_en
//Bit 11:10 cntl_mode_set_high // force channel output high
//Bit 9:8 cntl_mode_set_low // force channel output low
//Bit 7:5 fifo_clk_sel // 0: div6, 1: div7, 2: div8, 3: div10, else: div20
//Bit 3 mode_bit_rev // swap lanes from 01234567 to 76543210
//Bit 2 mode_inv_p_n // invert all lane PN
//Bit 0 soft_reset // soft reset PHY
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY2_CNTL0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy2_cntl0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 25:16 cntl_ser_en // ff: enable all 10 channel. 01: enable channel 0.
//Bit 13 cntl_prbs_en // 1: enable prbs
//Bit 12 cntl_prbs_err_en
//Bit 11:10 cntl_mode_set_high // force channel output high
//Bit 9:8 cntl_mode_set_low // force channel output low
//Bit 7:5 fifo_clk_sel // 0: div6, 1: div7, 2: div8, 3: div10, else: div20
//Bit 3 mode_bit_rev // swap lanes from 01234567 to 76543210
//Bit 2 mode_inv_p_n // invert all lane PN
//Bit 0 soft_reset // soft reset PHY
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY0_CNTL1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:8 reserved
//Bit 7:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy0_cntl1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 wr_enable // start to write de-couple fifo
//Bit 6 fifo_enable // De-couple FIFO enable
//Bit 5 sel_hdmi_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from cts_hdmi_pll_clk
//Bit 4 sel_edp_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from edptx_pixel_clk
//Bit [3:1] reserved
//Bit 0 phy_pll_clk_in_en // Enable phy_pll_clk input
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY1_CNTL1 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:8 reserved
//Bit 7:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy1_cntl1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 wr_enable // start to write de-couple fifo
//Bit 6 fifo_enable // De-couple FIFO enable
//Bit 5 sel_hdmi_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from cts_hdmi_pll_clk
//Bit 4 sel_edp_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from edptx_pixel_clk
//Bit [3:1] reserved
//Bit 0 phy_pll_clk_in_en // Enable phy_pll_clk input
#define COMBO_DPHY_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY2_CNTL1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:8 reserved
//Bit 7:0 reg_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy2_cntl1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 wr_enable // start to write de-couple fifo
//Bit 6 fifo_enable // De-couple FIFO enable
//Bit 5 sel_hdmi_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from cts_hdmi_pll_clk
//Bit 4 sel_edp_clk // select vid_pll_div_clk_out source from edptx_pixel_clk
#define COMBO_DPHY_RO_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY0_CNTL1 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 ro_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy0_cntl1_o // unsigned , RO, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_RO_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY1_CNTL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 15:0 ro_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy1_cntl1_o // unsigned , RO, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_RO_EDP_LVDS_TX_PHY2_CNTL1 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 19:0 ro_hi_edp_lvds_tx_phy2_cntl1_o // unsigned , RO, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_PROD_TEST0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_int_prod_test0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_PROD_TEST1 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_int_prod_test1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_PROD_TEST2 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 20:0 reg_int_prod_test2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define COMBO_DPHY_RO_PROD_TEST ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe018000)
//Bit 31:10 reserved
//Bit 9:0 ro_prod_sig // unsigned , RO, default = 0
// Closing file: combo_dphy_regs.h
// PDM
//`include "../audio/rtl/pdm_reg.vh"
// Reading file: REG_LIST_AUDIO_RTL.h
// AUDIO - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_GATE_EN0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_GATE_EN1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_A_CTRL ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_B_CTRL ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_C_CTRL ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_D_CTRL ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_E_CTRL ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_F_CTRL ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SW_RESET0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SW_RESET1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK81_CTRL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK81_EN ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_A_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_A_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_B_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_B_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_C_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_C_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_D_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_D_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_E_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_E_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_F_SCLK_CTRL0 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_F_SCLK_CTRL1 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_DLY_CTRL0 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MST_DLY_CTRL1 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMIN_A_CTRL ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMIN_B_CTRL ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMIN_C_CTRL ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMIN_LB_CTRL ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMOUT_A_CTRL ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMOUT_B_CTRL ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_TDMOUT_C_CTRL ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_SPDIFIN_CTRL ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_SPDIFOUT_CTRL ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_RESAMPLEA_CTRL ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_LOCKER_CTRL ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_PDMIN_CTRL0 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_PDMIN_CTRL1 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_SPDIFOUT_B_CTRL ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_RESAMPLEB_CTRL ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_SPDIFIN_LB_CTRL ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_EQDRC_CTRL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_VAD_CLK_CTRL ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EARCTX_CMDC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EARCTX_DMAC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EARCRX_CMDC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EARCRX_DMAC_CLK_CTRL ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_CLK_LOCKERB_CTRL ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CTRL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CTRL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_START_ADDR ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_INT_ADDR ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_STATUS1 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_STATUS2 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_START_ADDRB ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_INIT_ADDR ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CTRL2 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CTRL0 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CTRL1 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_START_ADDR ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_INT_ADDR ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_STATUS1 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_STATUS2 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_START_ADDRB ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_INIT_ADDR ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CTRL2 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CTRL0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CTRL1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_START_ADDR ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_INT_ADDR ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_STATUS1 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_STATUS2 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_START_ADDRB ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_INIT_ADDR ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CTRL2 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_CTRL0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_CTRL1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_START_ADDR ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_INT_ADDR ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_STATUS1 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_STATUS2 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_START_ADDRB ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_INIT_ADDR ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_A_CTRL2 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_CTRL0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_CTRL1 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_START_ADDR ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_INT_ADDR ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_STATUS1 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_STATUS2 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_START_ADDRB ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_INIT_ADDR ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_B_CTRL2 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_CTRL0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_CTRL1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_START_ADDR ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_INT_ADDR ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_STATUS1 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_STATUS2 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_START_ADDRB ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_INIT_ADDR ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_C_CTRL2 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_ARB_CTRL0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_ARB_CTRL1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_ARB_STS ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CTRL0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CTRL1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CTRL2 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CTRL3 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_DAT_CH_ID0 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_DAT_CH_ID1 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_DAT_CH_ID2 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_DAT_CH_ID3 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_LB_CH_ID0 ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_LB_CH_ID1 ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_LB_CH_ID2 ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_LB_CH_ID3 ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_STS ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CHSYNC_CTRL_INSERT ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CHSYNC_CTRL_ORIG ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_A_CTRL4 ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_CTRL ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_SWAP0 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK0 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK1 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK2 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK3 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_STAT ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE_VAL ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE0 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE1 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE2 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE3 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_CTRL ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_SWAP0 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK0 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK1 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK2 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK3 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_STAT ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE_VAL ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE0 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE1 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE2 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE3 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_CTRL ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_SWAP0 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK0 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK1 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK2 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK3 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_STAT ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE_VAL ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE0 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE1 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE2 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE3 ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_CTRL ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_SWAP0 ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK0 ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK1 ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK2 ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK3 ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_STAT ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE_VAL ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE0 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE1 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE2 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE3 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL0 ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL1 ((0x0101 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL2 ((0x0102 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL3 ((0x0103 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL4 ((0x0104 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL5 ((0x0105 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL6 ((0x0106 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_STAT0 ((0x0107 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_STAT1 ((0x0108 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_STAT2 ((0x0109 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_MUTE_VAL ((0x010a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_CTRL7 ((0x010b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_CTRL0 ((0x0110 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_CTRL1 ((0x0111 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_CTRL2 ((0x0112 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_CTRL3 ((0x0113 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_COEF0 ((0x0114 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_COEF1 ((0x0115 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_COEF2 ((0x0116 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_COEF3 ((0x0117 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_COEF4 ((0x0118 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEA_STATUS1 ((0x0119 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_STAT ((0x0120 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN0 ((0x0121 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN1 ((0x0122 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CTRL0 ((0x0123 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CTRL1 ((0x0124 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_PREAMB ((0x0125 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_SWAP ((0x0126 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS0 ((0x0127 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS1 ((0x0128 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS2 ((0x0129 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS3 ((0x012a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS4 ((0x012b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS5 ((0x012c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS6 ((0x012d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS7 ((0x012e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS8 ((0x012f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS9 ((0x0130 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTSA ((0x0131 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_CHSTSB ((0x0132 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_MUTE_VAL ((0x0133 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN2 ((0x0134 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN3 ((0x0135 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN_EN ((0x0136 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_GAIN_CTRL ((0x0137 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_CTRL0 ((0x0140 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_CTRL1 ((0x0141 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_SWAP0 ((0x0142 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK0 ((0x0143 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK1 ((0x0144 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK2 ((0x0145 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK3 ((0x0146 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_STAT ((0x0147 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN0 ((0x0148 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN1 ((0x0149 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE_VAL ((0x014a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE0 ((0x014b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE1 ((0x014c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE2 ((0x014d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE3 ((0x014e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK_VAL ((0x014f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_CTRL0 ((0x0150 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_CTRL1 ((0x0151 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_SWAP0 ((0x0152 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK0 ((0x0153 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK1 ((0x0154 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK2 ((0x0155 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK3 ((0x0156 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_STAT ((0x0157 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN0 ((0x0158 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN1 ((0x0159 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE_VAL ((0x015a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE0 ((0x015b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE1 ((0x015c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE2 ((0x015d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE3 ((0x015e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK_VAL ((0x015f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_CTRL0 ((0x0160 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_CTRL1 ((0x0161 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_SWAP0 ((0x0162 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK0 ((0x0163 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK1 ((0x0164 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK2 ((0x0165 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK3 ((0x0166 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_STAT ((0x0167 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN0 ((0x0168 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN1 ((0x0169 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE_VAL ((0x016a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE0 ((0x016b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE1 ((0x016c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE2 ((0x016d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE3 ((0x016e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK_VAL ((0x016f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
//`define EE_AUDIO_POW_DET_CTRL0 10'h180
//`define EE_AUDIO_POW_DET_CTRL1 10'h181
//`define EE_AUDIO_POW_DET_TH_HI 10'h182
//`define EE_AUDIO_POW_DET_TH_LO 10'h183
//`define EE_AUDIO_POW_DET_VALUE 10'h184
#define EE_AUDIO_SECURITY_CTRL0 ((0x0190 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SECURITY_CTRL1 ((0x0191 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SECURITY_CTRL2 ((0x0192 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_STAT ((0x01a0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN0 ((0x01a1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN1 ((0x01a2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CTRL0 ((0x01a3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CTRL1 ((0x01a4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_PREAMB ((0x01a5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_SWAP ((0x01a6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS0 ((0x01a7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS1 ((0x01a8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS2 ((0x01a9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS3 ((0x01aa << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS4 ((0x01ab << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS5 ((0x01ac << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS6 ((0x01ad << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS7 ((0x01ae << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS8 ((0x01af << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTS9 ((0x01b0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTSA ((0x01b1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_CHSTSB ((0x01b2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_MUTE_VAL ((0x01b3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN2 ((0x01b4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN3 ((0x01b5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN_EN ((0x01b6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFOUT_B_GAIN_CTRL ((0x01b7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_CTRL0 ((0x01c0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_CTRL1 ((0x01c1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_START_ADDR ((0x01c2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_FINISH_ADDR ((0x01c3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_INT_ADDR ((0x01c4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_STATUS1 ((0x01c5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_STATUS2 ((0x01c6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TORAM_INIT_ADDR ((0x01c7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TOACODEC_CTRL0 ((0x01d0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TOHDMITX_CTRL0 ((0x01d1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TOVAD_CTRL0 ((0x01d2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRATV_CTRL0 ((0x01d3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_CTRL0 ((0x01e0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_CTRL1 ((0x01e1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_CTRL2 ((0x01e2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_CTRL3 ((0x01e3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_COEF0 ((0x01e4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_COEF1 ((0x01e5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_COEF2 ((0x01e6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_COEF3 ((0x01e7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_COEF4 ((0x01e8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RESAMPLEB_STATUS1 ((0x01e9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_CTRL0 ((0x01f0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_CTRL1 ((0x01f1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_CTRL6 ((0x01f6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_STAT0 ((0x01f7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_STAT1 ((0x01f8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SPDIFIN_LB_MUTE_VAL ((0x01fa << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL0 ((0x0200 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL1 ((0x0201 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL2 ((0x0202 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL3 ((0x0203 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL4 ((0x0204 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL5 ((0x0205 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL6 ((0x0206 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_CTRL7 ((0x0207 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_STAT0 ((0x020a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_STAT1 ((0x020b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRHDMIRX_STAT2 ((0x020c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CTRL0 ((0x0210 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CTRL1 ((0x0211 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_START_ADDR ((0x0212 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0213 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_INT_ADDR ((0x0214 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_STATUS1 ((0x0215 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_STATUS2 ((0x0216 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_START_ADDRB ((0x0217 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0218 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_INIT_ADDR ((0x0219 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CTRL2 ((0x021a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_CTRL0 ((0x0220 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_CTRL1 ((0x0221 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_START_ADDR ((0x0222 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0223 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_INT_ADDR ((0x0224 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_STATUS1 ((0x0225 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_STATUS2 ((0x0226 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_START_ADDRB ((0x0227 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0228 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_INIT_ADDR ((0x0229 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_D_CTRL2 ((0x022a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CTRL0 ((0x0230 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CTRL1 ((0x0231 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CTRL2 ((0x0232 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CTRL3 ((0x0233 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_DAT_CH_ID0 ((0x0234 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_DAT_CH_ID1 ((0x0235 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_DAT_CH_ID2 ((0x0236 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_DAT_CH_ID3 ((0x0237 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_LB_CH_ID0 ((0x0238 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_LB_CH_ID1 ((0x0239 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_LB_CH_ID2 ((0x023a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_LB_CH_ID3 ((0x023b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_STS ((0x023c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CHSYNC_CTRL_INSERT ((0x023d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CHSYNC_CTRL_ORIG ((0x023e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LB_B_CTRL4 ((0x023f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CTRL0 ((0x0240 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CTRL1 ((0x0241 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_START_ADDR ((0x0242 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0243 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_INT_ADDR ((0x0244 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_STATUS1 ((0x0245 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_STATUS2 ((0x0246 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_START_ADDRB ((0x0247 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0248 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_INIT_ADDR ((0x0249 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CTRL2 ((0x024a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_CTRL0 ((0x0250 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_CTRL1 ((0x0251 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_START_ADDR ((0x0252 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_FINISH_ADDR ((0x0253 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_INT_ADDR ((0x0254 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_STATUS1 ((0x0255 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_STATUS2 ((0x0256 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_START_ADDRB ((0x0257 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_FINISH_ADDRB ((0x0258 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_INIT_ADDR ((0x0259 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_FRDDR_E_CTRL2 ((0x025a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_SWAP1 ((0x0260 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK4 ((0x0261 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK5 ((0x0262 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK6 ((0x0263 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MASK7 ((0x0264 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE4 ((0x0265 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE5 ((0x0266 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE6 ((0x0267 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_A_MUTE7 ((0x0268 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_SWAP1 ((0x0270 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK4 ((0x0271 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK5 ((0x0272 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK6 ((0x0273 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MASK7 ((0x0274 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE4 ((0x0275 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE5 ((0x0276 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE6 ((0x0277 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_B_MUTE7 ((0x0278 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_SWAP1 ((0x0280 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK4 ((0x0281 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK5 ((0x0282 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK6 ((0x0283 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MASK7 ((0x0284 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE4 ((0x0285 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE5 ((0x0286 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE6 ((0x0287 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_C_MUTE7 ((0x0288 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_SWAP1 ((0x0290 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK4 ((0x0291 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK5 ((0x0292 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK6 ((0x0293 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MASK7 ((0x0294 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE4 ((0x0295 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE5 ((0x0296 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE6 ((0x0297 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMIN_LB_MUTE7 ((0x0298 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_CTRL2 ((0x02a0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_SWAP1 ((0x02a1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN2 ((0x02a2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN3 ((0x02a3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK4 ((0x02a4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK5 ((0x02a5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK6 ((0x02a6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MASK7 ((0x02a7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE4 ((0x02a8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE5 ((0x02a9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE6 ((0x02aa << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_MUTE7 ((0x02ab << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN_EN ((0x02ac << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_A_GAIN_CTRL ((0x02ad << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_CTRL2 ((0x02b0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_SWAP1 ((0x02b1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN2 ((0x02b2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN3 ((0x02b3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK4 ((0x02b4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK5 ((0x02b5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK6 ((0x02b6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MASK7 ((0x02b7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE4 ((0x02b8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE5 ((0x02b9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE6 ((0x02ba << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_MUTE7 ((0x02bb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN_EN ((0x02bc << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_B_GAIN_CTRL ((0x02bd << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_CTRL2 ((0x02c0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_SWAP1 ((0x02c1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN2 ((0x02c2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN3 ((0x02c3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK4 ((0x02c4 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK5 ((0x02c5 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK6 ((0x02c6 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MASK7 ((0x02c7 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE4 ((0x02c8 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE5 ((0x02c9 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE6 ((0x02ca << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_MUTE7 ((0x02cb << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN_EN ((0x02cc << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TDMOUT_C_GAIN_CTRL ((0x02cd << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0300 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0301 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0302 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0303 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0304 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0305 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0306 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0307 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_A_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x030f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0310 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0311 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0312 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0313 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0314 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0315 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0316 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0317 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_B_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x031f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0320 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0321 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0322 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0323 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0324 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0325 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0326 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0327 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_C_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x032f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0330 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0331 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0332 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0333 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0334 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0335 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0336 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0337 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_D_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x033f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0340 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0341 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0342 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0343 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0344 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0345 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0346 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0347 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_TODDR_E_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x034f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0350 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0351 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0352 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0353 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0354 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0355 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0356 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0357 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_CHSYNC_MASK ((0x035e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_A_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x035f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0360 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0361 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0362 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0363 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0364 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0365 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0366 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0367 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_B_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x036f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0370 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0371 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0372 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0373 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0374 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0375 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0376 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x0377 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_RSAMP_C_CHSYNC_CTRL ((0x037f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_STS0 ((0x0380 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_STS1 ((0x0381 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0382 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0383 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_MODE0 ((0x0384 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_MODE1 ((0x0385 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_CLR0 ((0x0386 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_CLR1 ((0x0387 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_INV0 ((0x0388 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_EXCEPTION_IRQ_INV1 ((0x0389 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL0 ((0x0390 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL1 ((0x0391 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL2 ((0x0392 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL3 ((0x0393 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL4 ((0x0394 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL5 ((0x0395 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL6 ((0x0396 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL7 ((0x0397 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL8 ((0x0398 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRL9 ((0x0399 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLA ((0x039a << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLB ((0x039b << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLC ((0x039c << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLD ((0x039d << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLE ((0x039e << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_DAT_PAD_CTRLF ((0x039f << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_PAD_CTRL0 ((0x03a0 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_MCLK_PAD_CTRL1 ((0x03a1 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_SCLK_PAD_CTRL0 ((0x03a2 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
#define EE_AUDIO_LRCLK_PAD_CTRL0 ((0x03a3 << 2) + 0xfe330000)
// PDM - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PDM_CTRL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31: PDM enable.
//bit 30: invert the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 29: output mode: 1: 24bits. 0: 32 bits.
//bit 28: bypass mode. 1: bypass all filter. directly output the PDM input to DDR. 0: normal mode.
//bit 27~9: not used.
//bit 16:. PDM Asynchronous FIFO soft reset. write 1 to soft reset AFIFO.
//bit 15:8 PDM channel reset. 0: to reset each PDM channel. 1: normal mode.
//bit 7:0. PDM channel enable. each bit for one channel.
#define PDM_HCIC_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31 hcic filter enable. 1 use sinc filter. 0 bypass input to output.
//bit 29:24. hcic final gain shift parameter.
//bit 23:16 hcic final gain multiplier.
//bit 8:4 hcic down sample rate.
//bit 3:0 hcic stage number. must be between 3 to 9.
#define PDM_HCIC_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//Not used.
#define PDM_F1_CTRL ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31 . filter 1 enable.
//bit 16:15. f1 round mode. 2'b00 : sign bit at bit 49. 28bits output [49:22] round at bit 21. 32bits output [49:18]. 24bits output [49:26]
// 2'b01 : sign bit at bit 50. 28bits output [50:23] round at bit 22. 32bits output [49:18]. 24bits output [49:26]
// 2'b10 : sign bit at bit 51. 28bits output [51:24] round at bit 23 32bits output [49:18]. 24bits output [49:26].
//bit 15:12. filter 1 down sample rate.
//bit 8:0. filter 1 stage number.
#define PDM_F2_CTRL ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31 . filter 2 enable.
//bit 16:15. f2 round mode. 2'b00 : round at bit 21. 2'b01 : round at bit 22. 2'b10 : round at bit 23.
//bit 15:12. filter 2 down sample rate.
//bit 8:0. filter 2 stage number.
#define PDM_F3_CTRL ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31 . filter 3 enable.
//bit 16:15. f3 round mode. 2'b00 : round at bit 21. 2'b01 : round at bit 22. 2'b10 : round at bit 23.
//bit 15:12. filter 3 down sample rate.
//bit 8:0. filter 3 stage number.
#define PDM_HPF_CTRL ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31 High pass filter enable.
//bit 20:16 high pass filter shift steps. 6~19 steps.
//bit 15:0 high pass filter output factor.
#define PDM_CHAN_CTRL ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31:24. chan3 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 23:16 chan2 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 15:8. chan1 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 7:0 chan0 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
#define PDM_CHAN_CTRL1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 31:24. chan7 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 23:16 chan6 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 15:8. chan5 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
//bit 7:0 chan4 data sample pointer vs edge of the PDM_DCLK.
#define PDM_COEFF_ADDR ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe331000)
// address of the write/read of coeff data.
#define PDM_COEFF_DATA ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//write/read data to coeff memory.
#define PDM_CLKG_CTRL ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe331000)
// auto clock gating control. 1: disable the clock gating function. the clock will awlays enabled. 0 : use RTL auto clock gating.
//31:7 not used.
//bit 6 filt_ctrl module auto clock gating control.
//bit 5 sinc fifo module auto clock gating control.
//bit 4 filter module auto clock gating control.
//bit 3 apb module auto clock gating control.
//bit 2 coeff memory module auto clock gating control.
//bit 1 each channel module auto clock gating control.
//bit 0 cts_pdm_clk auto clock gating control.
#define PDM_STS ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 1 HPF filter output overflow. means the PCLK is too slow.
//bit 0 HCIC filter output overflow. means the CTS_PDM_CLK is too slow. can't finished the filter function.
#define PDM_MUTE_VALUE ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe331000)
#define PDM_MASK_NUM ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe331000)
#define PDM_CHAN_CTRL2 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe331000)
//bit 7:0 second sample and start FSM point vs rise edge of PDM_DCLK
// EQ DRC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AED_COEF_RAM_CNTL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_COEF_RAM_DATA ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_EQ_EN ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_EQ_TAP_CNTL ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_EQ_VOLUME ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_EQ_VOLUME_SLEW_CNT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MUTE ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_CNTL ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RMS_COEF0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RMS_COEF1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD2 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD3 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD4 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K0 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K1 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K2 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K3 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K4 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K5 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT0 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT1 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT2 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT3 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_OFFSET ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF00 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF01 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF10 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF11 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF20 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF21 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF30 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF31 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF40 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF41 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF50 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF51 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF00 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF01 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF10 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF11 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF20 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF21 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF30 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF31 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF40 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF41 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF50 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF51 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_LOOPBACK_CNTL ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_CNTL ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF00 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF01 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF00 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF01 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF00 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF01 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD0 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K0 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_LOW_GAIN ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET0 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF10 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF11 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF10 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF11 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF10 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF11 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD1 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K1 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET1 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_MID_GAIN ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF20 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF21 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF20 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF21 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF20 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF21 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD2 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K2 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET2 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_HIGH_GAIN ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ED_CNTL ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DC_EN ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_LOW_THD ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_HIGH_THD ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_CNT_THD ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_SUM_NUM ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_CZ_NUM ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_SUM_THD0 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_SUM_THD1 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_CZ_THD0 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_CZ_THD1 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_COND_CNTL ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_RELEASE_COEF0 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_RELEASE_COEF1 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_ATTACK_COEF0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_ATTACK_COEF1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_ND_CNTL ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MIX0_LL ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MIX0_RL ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MIX0_LR ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MIX0_RR ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CLIP_THD ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH1_ND_SUM_OUT ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH2_ND_SUM_OUT ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH1_ND_CZ_OUT ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH2_ND_CZ_OUT ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_NOISE_STATUS ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_CURRENT_S0 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_CURRENT_S1 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_CURRENT_S2 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_OUT0 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_OUT1 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_OUT2 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_ADJ_INDEX0 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_ADJ_INDEX1 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_POW_ADJ_INDEX2 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_GAIN_INDEX0 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_GAIN_INDEX1 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_GAIN_INDEX2 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH1_VOLUME_STATE ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH2_VOLUME_STATE ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH1_VOLUME_GAIN ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_CH2_VOLUME_GAIN ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_FULL_POW_CURRENT ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_FULL_POW_OUT ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_FULL_POW_ADJ ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_FULL_DRC_GAIN ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MASTER_VOLUME_STATE ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MASTER_VOLUME_GAIN ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_TOP_CTL0 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_TOP_CTL1 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_TOP_CTL2 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_TOP_ST0 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_TOP_ST1 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_EQDRC_DYNAMIC_CNTL ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_COEF_RAM_CNTL_B ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_COEF_RAM_DATA_B ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RMS_COEF0_B ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RMS_COEF1_B ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD0_B ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD1_B ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD2_B ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD3_B ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD4_B ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K0_B ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K1_B ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K2_B ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K3_B ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K4_B ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_K5_B ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT0_B ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT1_B ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT2_B ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_THD_OUT3_B ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_OFFSET_B ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF00_B ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF01_B ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF10_B ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF11_B ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF20_B ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF21_B ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF30_B ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF31_B ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF40_B ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF41_B ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF50_B ((0x00af << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_RELEASE_COEF51_B ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF00_B ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF01_B ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF10_B ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF11_B ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF20_B ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF21_B ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF30_B ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF31_B ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF40_B ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF41_B ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF50_B ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_ATTACK_COEF51_B ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF00_B ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF01_B ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF10_B ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF11_B ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF20_B ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RMS_COEF21_B ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF00_B ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF01_B ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF10_B ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF11_B ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF20_B ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_RELEASE_COEF21_B ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF00_B ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF01_B ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF10_B ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF11_B ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF20_B ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_ATTACK_COEF21_B ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD0_B ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD1_B ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_THD2_B ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K0_B ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K1_B ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_K2_B ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET0_B ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET1_B ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_OFFSET2_B ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_LOW_GAIN_B ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_MID_GAIN_B ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_HIGH_GAIN_B ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_CNTL_B ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_DRC_LOOPBACK_CNTL_B ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_MDRC_CNTL_B ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe332000)
#define AED_STATUS_REG ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe332000)
// AUDIO locker - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AUD_LOCK_EN ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_SW_RESET ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_SW_LATCH ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_HW_LATCH ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_REFCLK_SRC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_REFCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_IMCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_OMCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_REFCLK_DS_INT ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_IMCLK_DS_INT ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_OMCLK_DS_INT ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_INT_CLR ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_GCLK_CTRL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define AUD_LOCK_INT_CTRL ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_REF2IMCLK_CNT_L ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_REF2IMCLK_CNT_H ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_REF2OMCLK_CNT_L ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_REF2OMCLK_CNT_H ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_IMCLK2REF_CNT_L ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_IMCLK2REF_CNT_H ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_OMCLK2REF_CNT_L ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_OMCLK2REF_CNT_H ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_REFCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_IMCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_OMCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe331400)
#define RO_AUD_LOCK_INT_STATUS ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe331400)
// AUDIO lockerB - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define AUD_LOCKB_EN ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_SW_RESET ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_SW_LATCH ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_HW_LATCH ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_REFCLK_SRC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_REFCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_IMCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_OMCLK_LAT_INT ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_REFCLK_DS_INT ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_IMCLK_DS_INT ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_OMCLK_DS_INT ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_INT_CLR ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_GCLK_CTRL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define AUD_LOCKB_INT_CTRL ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_REF2IMCLK_CNT_L ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_REF2IMCLK_CNT_H ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_REF2OMCLK_CNT_L ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_REF2OMCLK_CNT_H ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_IMCLK2REF_CNT_L ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_IMCLK2REF_CNT_H ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_OMCLK2REF_CNT_L ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_OMCLK2REF_CNT_H ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_REFCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_IMCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_OMCLK_PKG_CNT ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe334400)
#define ROB_AUD_LOCK_INT_STATUS ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe334400)
// AUDIO VAD - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: VAD_REG.h
#define VAD_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TOP_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TOP_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_CTRL ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_EMP ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF2 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF3 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF4 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF5 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF6 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF7 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF8 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF9 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF10 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF11 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_COEF12 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FRAME_CTRL0 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FRAME_CTRL1 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FRAME_CTRL2 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL0 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL1 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL2 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL3 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL4 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_CEP_CTRL5 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_DEC_CTRL ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TOP_STS0 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TOP_STS1 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TOP_STS2 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_STS0 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FIR_STS1 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_POW_STS0 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_POW_STS1 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_POW_STS2 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FFT_STS0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_FFT_STS1 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SPE_STS0 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SPE_STS1 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SPE_STS2 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SPE_STS3 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_DEC_STS0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_DEC_STS1 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_LUT_CTRL ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_LUT_WR ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_LUT_RD ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_IN_SEL0 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_IN_SEL1 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_TO_DDR ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CTRL0 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID1 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID2 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID3 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID4 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID5 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID6 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe331800)
#define VAD_SYNC_CHNUM_ID7 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe331800)
// Closing file: VAD_REG.h
// AUDIO RESAMPLEA - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: RESAMPLE.h
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_lock_rst //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 1 reg_rsamp_rst //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 0 reg_sw_rst //unsigned , default =0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:27 reg_in_lsb //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 26 reg_watchdog_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 25 reg_rsamp_rst_sel //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 24 reg_module_bypas //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 23:18 reg_gclk_ctrl //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 17:13 reg_in_msb //unsigned , default =23;
//Bit 12 reg_output_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 11 reg_rsamp_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 10 reg_filt_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 9 reg_post_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 8 reg_inp_mux_mode //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 7:5 reserved //unsigned , default =2;
//Bit 4:0 reg_inp_mux //unsigned , default =0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:30 reserved //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 29:24 reg_chx_size //unsigned , default =2;
//Bit 23:18 reserved //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 17:16 reg_scl_step //unsigned , default =0; 0: 1/1 1: 1/2 2: 1/4
//Bit 15:8 reg_filt_tap //unsigned , default =63;
//Bit 7:0 reg_intp_tap //unsigned , default =63;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_PHSINIT ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:28 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 27:0 reg_init_phs //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_PHSSTEP ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 30:0 reg_rsamp_step //unsigned , default = 134217728;//'h800_0000
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_SHIFT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:24 reg_rsft_iir //unsigned , default = 23;
//Bit 23:16 reg_rsft_blnd //unsigned , default = 21;
//Bit 15:8 reg_rsft_sinc //unsigned , default = 31;
//Bit 7:0 reg_rsft_aa //unsigned , default = 31;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_CTRL0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:7 reserved //unsigned
//Bit 6 reg_lock_vld_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5 reg_loop_dif_clr_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 4 reg_aout_force_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3 reserved //unsigned
//Bit 2 reg_rsamp_adj_out_inv //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 1 reg_rsamp_adj_force_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 0 reg_rsamp_adj_en //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_CTRL1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:16 reg_rsamp_adj_odet_step //unsigned , default = 8;
//Bit 15:0 reg_rsamp_adj_kmax //unsigned , default = 32768;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_SFT ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:30 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 29 reg_rsamp_adj_dif_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 28:24 reg_rsamp_adj_ki //unsigned , default = 9;
//Bit 23:21 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 20:16 reg_rsamp_adj_kp //unsigned , default = 1;
//Bit 15:13 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 12:8 reg_rsamp_adj_ki_sft //unsigned , default = 6;
//Bit 7:6 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5:0 reg_rsamp_adj_out_sft //unsigned , default = 12;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_IDET_LEN ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_idet_len //unsigned , default = 10000;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_FORCE ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_force_err //signed , default = 8;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_ADJ_KI_FORCE ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_ki_force //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_WATCHDOG_THRD ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_watchdog_thrd //signed , default = 32'h1000;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_DBG_INFO ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:16 reg_aout_force_hi //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 15:7 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 6 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_clr //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_vldsel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 4 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 2:0 reg_watchdog_rstsel //unsigned , default = 4;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_AOUT_FORCE ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aout_force_lo //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_IRQ_CTRL ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:16 reg_irq_thrd //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 15:12 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 11:8 reg_irq_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 7:4 reg_irq_clr //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3:0 reg_irq_en //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_STATUS ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_stat //{din_chx_chk_err,is_idle_st,rsamp_fifo_over_cnt[7:0]}
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_FREQ ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_adj_freq
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_DIFF_BAK ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_diff_bak
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_DIFF_DLT ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_diff_dlt
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_PHS_ERR ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_phase_err
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_KI_OUT ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_ki_out
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_IN_CNT ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_in_cnt
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_OUT_CNT ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_out_cnt
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_RO_ADJ_PHS_ERR_VAR ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_phase_err_var
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_POST_COEF0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef0 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_POST_COEF1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef1 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_POST_COEF2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef2 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_POST_COEF3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef3 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_POST_COEF4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef4 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_AA_COEF_ADDR ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aa_coef_addr //unsigned, default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_AA_COEF_DATA ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aa_coef_data //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_SINC_COEF_ADDR ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_sinc_coef_addr //unsigned, default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMP_SINC_COEF_DATA ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe331c00)
//Bit 31:0 reg_sinc_coef_data //signed , default = 0;
// Closing file: RESAMPLE.h
// AUDIO EARCTX_CMDC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earc_tx_cmdc.h
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31 , idle2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 30 , idle1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 29 , disc2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 28 , disc1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 27 , earc_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 26 , hb_status_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 25 , losthb_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 24 , timeout_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 23 , status_ch_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 22 , int_recv_finished unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 21 , int_rdata unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 20 , int_recv_nack unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 19 , int_recv_norsp unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 18 , int_recv_unexp unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 17 , int_recv_data unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 16 , int_recv_ack unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 15 , int_recv_ecc_err unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 14 , int_recv_packet unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 13:0 , reserved
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_top_ctrl1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL2 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31 , reset_idle2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 30 , reset_idle1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 29 , reset_disc2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 28 , reset_disc1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 27 , reset_earc_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 26 , reset_hb_status_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 25 , reset_losthb_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 24 , reset_timeout_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 23 , reset_status_ch_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 22 , reset_int_recv_finished unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 21 , reset_int_rdata unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 20 , reset_int_recv_nack unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 19 , reset_int_recv_norsp unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 18 , reset_int_recv_unexp unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 17 , reset_int_recv_data unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 16 , reset_int_recv_ack unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 15 , reset_int_recv_ecc_err unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 14 , reset_int_recv_packet unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 13:0 , reserved
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_timer_ctrl0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL1 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_timer_ctrl1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL2 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_timer_ctrl2 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL3 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_timer_ctrl3 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL0 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, sw_state_update unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 30:28, sw_state unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 27, arc_initiated unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 26, arc_terminated unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 25, arc_enable unsigned, default = 1, XX
//Bit 24, man_hpd unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 23:22, hpd_sel unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 21:20, hpd_sel_earc unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 19, comma_cnt_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 18, timeout_status_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 17, losthb_status_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 16, force_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 15, auto_state_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 14, cmdc_state_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 13, noack_repeat_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 12:0, reserved
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL1 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:9, reserved
//Bit 8, cntl_hpd_sel unsigned, default = 0, 0:sel hd_hpd,1:sel hdmirx_hpd
//Bit 7:0, comma_cnt_th unsigned, default = 0, should bigger than 3 and small than 10
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL2 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, disc1 hpd_val timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, disc1 hpd_val timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, disc1 hpd_val timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, disc1 hpd_val timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, disc1 hpd_val timing
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL3 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, disc2 heartbeat act timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, disc2 heartbeat act timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, disc2 heartbeat act timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, disc2 heartbeat act timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, disc2 heartbeat act timing
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL4 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, in disc2, no heartbeat ack timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, in disc2, no heartbeat ack timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, in disc2, no heartbeat ack timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, in disc2, no heartbeat ack timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, in disc2, no heartbeat ack timing
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL5 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, in disc1 and disc2 timing out
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, in disc1 and disc2 timing out
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, in disc1 and disc2 timing out
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, in disc1 and disc2 timing out
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, in disc1 and disc2 timing out
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL6 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat act timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat act timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat act timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat act timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat act timing
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL7 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:8, status_soft_val unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 6, status_rst unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 5:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL8 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_vsm_ctrl8 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL9 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_vsm_ctrl9 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_SENDER_CTRL0 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:2, sender_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0,
//Bit 1, hb_chg_conf_auto unsigned, default = 1,
//Bit 0, hb_chg_auto unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL0 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, packet_mode_enable unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 30, free_enable unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 29, soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 28:24, tx_ready_threshold unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:8, send_pre_threshold unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 7:6, reserved
//Bit 5, state_auto_en unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 4, sw_state_update_en unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 3:0, sw_state_value unsigned, default = 0, packet control
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL1 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, ecc_endian unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 30, pre_start_value unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 29:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, post_threshold unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13:8, pre_threshold unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 7:0, post_flag unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL2 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, pre_flag unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL3 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, recv_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 30, recv_parity_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 29, recv_timeout_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 28, bch_ecc_en unsigned, default = 0, xx
//Bit 27:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, recv_timeout_threshold unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL4 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:0, recv_packet_head unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL5 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:0, recv_packet_head_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL6 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:20, recv_pre_threshold unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 19:7, reserved
//Bit 6, recv_finished_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 5, recv_ecc_err_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 4, recv_ack_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 3, recv_data_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 2, recv_unexp_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 1, recv_norsp_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 0, recv_nack_int unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL0 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, ack delay threshold unsigned, default = 0, xx
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9, send_ack_en unsigned, default = 0, xx
//Bit 8, sq_val_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 7, biphase_send_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 6, comma_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 5, fifo_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 4, receiver_no_sender unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 3, sender_free unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 2, receiver_send unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 1, receiver_earc unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 0, receiver_free unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL1 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15, ack_enable unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 14:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, wait_threshold before ack unsigned, default = 0, send
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL2 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, comma_detection_enable unsigned, default = 0, comma detection
//Bit 30, manual_reset_enable unsigned, default = 0, manual reset select, 1: manual
//Bit 29, manual_reset_value unsigned, default = 0, manual reset control
//Bit 28:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, comma_detection_threshold unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL3 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, cmdc_biphase_ctrl3 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_DEVICE_ID_CTRL ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, apb_write unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 30, apb_read unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 29, apb_rw_done unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 28, apb_rw_reset unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 27:17, reserved
//Bit 16, hpb_rst_enable unsigned, default = 1, hpd rst enable
//Bit 15:8, apb_rwid unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 7:0, apbrw_start_addr unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_DEVICE_WDATA ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, apb_write_data unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_DEVICE_RDATA ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, apb_read_data unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_MASTER_CTRL ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31, master_cmd_rw unsigned, default = 0, 1 write 0 read
//Bit 30, master_hb_ignore unsigned, default =0, 0:wait hb issued before pkt cmd, 1: pkt cmd issued immediately
//Bit 29, master_idle unsigned, default = 0, master status
//Bit 28, master_cmd_soft_rst unsigned, default= 0,
//Bit 27:24, hb_cmd_cal_th unsigned, default= 0,
//Bit 23:16, master_cmd_count unsigned, default = 0, cmd count -1
//Bit 15:8, master_cmd_id unsigned, default = 0,
//Bit 7:0, master_cmd_address unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL0 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL1 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL2 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl2 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL3 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl3 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL4 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl4 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_CTRL5 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl5 //unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_ANA_STAT0 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_ANA_status0 //unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS0 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 //unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS1 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status1 ///unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS2 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status2 ///unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS3 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status3 ///unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS4 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status4 ///unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS5 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status5 ///unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_TX_CMDC_STATUS6 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe333000)
//Bit 31 , ro_idle2_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 30 , ro_idle1_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 29 , ro_disc2_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 28 , ro_disc1_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 27 , ro_earc_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 26 , ro_hb_status_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 25 , ro_losthb_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 24 , ro_timeout_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 23 , ro_status_ch_int unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 22 , ro_int_recv_finished unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 21 , ro_int_rdata unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 20 , ro_int_recv_nack unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 19 , ro_int_recv_norsp unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 18 , ro_int_recv_unexp unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 17 , ro_int_recv_data unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 16 , ro_int_recv_ack unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 15 , ro_int_recv_ecc_err unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 14 , ro_int_recv_packet unsigned, RO, default = 0
//Bit 13:0 , reserved
// Closing file: earc_tx_cmdc.h
// AUDIO EARCTX_DMAC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earctx_dmac.h
#define EARCTX_DMAC_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_top_reg_sync ,default = 0,Bit 3:0 sync to clk10m,pluse auto clear
//Bit 30, reg_top_soft_rst ,default = 0
//Bit 29:26, reserved
//Bit 25:24, reg_debug_mux ,default = 0
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20, reg_slow_sync_scan_reg ,default = 0
//Bit 19, reg_fe_sf_scan_reg ,default = 0
//Bit 18, reg_fe_slow_sync_scan_reg ,default = 0
//Bit 17, reg_top_sf_scan_reg ,default = 0
//Bit 16, reg_top_slow_sync_scan_reg ,default = 0
//Bit 15:4, reserved
//Bit 3, reg_spdif_tx_en_force ,default = 0,spdif_tx_en force enable
//Bit 2, reg_spdif_tx_en_force_value ,default = 0,spdif_tx_en force value
//Bit 1, reg_dmac_tx_en_force ,default = 0,dmac_tx_en force enable
//Bit 0, reg_dmac_tx_en_force_value ,default = 0,dmac_tx_en force value
#define EARCTX_MUTE_VAL ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdif_mute_val ,default = 0,when biahpase encode mute,the channel value,with reg_mute_l/reg_mute_r
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:24, reg_gain_ch3 ,default = 0,channel 3 gain
//Bit 23:16, reg_gain_ch2 ,default = 0,channel 2 gain
//Bit 15:8, reg_gain_ch1 ,default = 0,channel 1 gain
//Bit 7:0, reg_gain_ch0 ,default = 0,channel 0 gain
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:24, reg_gain_ch7 ,default = 0,channel 7 gain
//Bit 23:16, reg_gain_ch6 ,default = 0,channel 6 gain
//Bit 15:8, reg_gain_ch5 ,default = 0,channel 5 gain
//Bit 7:0, reg_gain_ch4 ,default = 0,channel 4 gain
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CTRL0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_work_start ,default = 0,biphase work start,pluse
//Bit 30, reg_work_clr ,default = 0,biphase work clear,pluse
//Bit 29, reg_rst_afifo_out_n ,default = 0,afifo out reset
//Bit 28, reg_rst_afifo_in_n ,default = 0,afifo in reset
//Bit 27, reg_hold_for_tdm ,default = 0,add delay to mathc TDM out when share buff
//Bit 26, reg_userdata_sel ,default = 0,user Bit select : 0 from reg_userdata_set 1 from data[29]
//Bit 25, reg_userdata_set ,default = 0
//Bit 24, reg_chdata_sel ,default = 0,0 :from reg_chstst 1 from data[30]
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22, reg_mute_l ,default = 0,r channel mute ,with reg_mute_val
//Bit 21, reg_mute_r ,default = 0,l channel mute ,with reg_mute_val
//Bit 20, reg_data_sel ,default = 0,0 data from 31Bit 1 data from 27bit
//Bit 19, reg_out_msb_first ,default = 0,0 lsb first 1 msb first
//Bit 18, reg_valid_sel ,default = 0,biphase encode valid Bit value sel : 0 from data 1 from reg_valid_set
//Bit 17, reg_valid_set ,default = 0,biphase encode valid Bit value
//Bit 16, reg_mute_hold_init_en ,default = 0,when c_mute_hold_last_err_corrt valid,clear work enable, initial biphase encode
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_parity_mask ,default = 0,Bit 0 is initial parity value
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CTRL1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_eq_drc_sel ,default = 0,set 1 select eq_drc data
//Bit 30, reg_keep_req_ddr_init ,default = 0,reg_keep_req_ddr_init
//Bit 29:28, reserved
//Bit 27, reg_gain_en ,default = 0,gain enable
//Bit 26:24, reg_frddr_sel ,default = 0,from ddr selet
//Bit 23:16, reg_wait_cnt ,default = 0,wait some time when enalble set to 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:8, reg_frddr_msb ,default = 0,msb position of data
//Bit 7, reg_force_start ,default = 0,set 1 no need ack from frddr to transmit channel status
//Bit 6:4, reg_frddr_type ,default = 0
//Bit 3:0, reserved
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_PREAMB ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_premable_Z_set ,default = 0,user 8'b11101000 1 user 7:0
//Bit 30, reg_premable_Y_set ,default = 0,user 8'b11100100 1 user 15:8
//Bit 29, reg_premable_X_set ,default = 0,user 8'b11100010 1 user 23:16
//Bit 28:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_premable_X_value ,default = 0
//Bit 15:8, reg_premable_Y_value ,default = 0
//Bit 7:0, reg_premable_Z_value ,default = 0
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_SWAP ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:16, reg_hold_cnt ,default = 0,hold start cnt ,valid when reg_hold_for_tdm set 1
//Bit 15, reg_init_send_en ,default = 0,send 01 squence some times after intial done from frddr set
//Bit 14:0, reg_init_send_cnt ,default = 0,send 01 squence time ,valid when reg_init_send_en set 1
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_CTRL0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23, reg_bch_in_reverse ,default = 0,bch input data generate in 24it data reverse
//Bit 22, reg_bch_out_ecc_reverse ,default = 0,bch output ecc reverse
//Bit 21, reg_bch_out_data_reverse ,default = 0,bch output data reverse
//Bit 20, reg_bch_out_ecc_msb ,default = 0,bch output ecc position
//Bit 19:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_ubit_fifo_init_n,default = 0,fifo in initial
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, reg_gain_shift ,default = 0,gain x 1/2/4/8
//Bit 11, reg_mix_lr ,default = 0,l/r mix
//Bit 10:8, reg_spdifout_r_sel ,default = 0,r channel select
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6:4, reg_spdifout_l_sel ,default = 0,l channel select
//Bit 3:0, reg_iu_interval ,default = 0,iu transmit interval
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_CTRL1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_ubit_fifo_wr ,default = 0,iu data write enable,pluse,auto clr in reg.v
//Bit 30:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, reg_ubit_fifo_wdata ,default = 0,iu data
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_CTRL2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_mute_clear ,default = 0,mute clear,pluse,auto clr in reg.v
//Bit 30, reg_mute_start ,default = 0,mute start,pluse,auto clr in reg.v
//Bit 29:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_mute_block_num ,default = 0,mute block number
//Bit 15:8, reg_mute_ch_Bit ,default = 0,mute Bit at channel statue which bit
//Bit 7:3, reserved
//Bit 2, reg_mute_data_sel ,default = 0,mute data sel: 0 data 1 reg_mute_data_value
//Bit 1:0, reg_mute_mode ,default = 0,0:always mute 1:mute block number and dis mute 2:mute bolck number and hold bus
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_CTRL3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29, reg_bch_en ,default = 0,bch generate enable
//Bit 28:24, reg_bch_msb ,default = 0,bch data msb position in audio data
//Bit 23:0, reg_mute_data_value ,default = 0,mute value,only for audio data part
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_CTRL4 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_ubit_fifo_lr_swap ,default = 0,//user Bit lr swap
//Bit 30, reg_ubit_fifo_lr_same ,default = 0,//l/r channel use same Bit user bit
//Bit 29:25, reg_data_msb ,default = 0,audio data msb postion in input data
//Bit 24, reg_data_rsv ,default = 0,audio data msb/lsb
//Bit 23, reg_ubit_value ,default = 0,user Bit value
//Bit 22, reg_vbit_value ,default = 0,valid Bit value
//Bit 21, reg_data_sel ,default = 0,//data sel: 0 data 1 reg_mute_data_value
//Bit 20:19, reg_ubit_sel ,default = 0,//userBit sel: 0 data 1 reg_value 2 fifo data
//Bit 18, reg_vbit_sel ,default = 0,//validBit sel: 0 data 1 reg_value
//Bit 17, reg_chst_sel ,default = 0,//chanel status sel: 0 data 1 reg_value
//Bit 16, reg_ubit_fifo_less_irq_en ,default = 0,fifo_less_thd irq enable
//Bit 15:8, reg_ubit_fifo_start_thd ,default = 0,start transmit iu after fifo level greater than this value
//Bit 7:0, reg_ubit_fifo_less_thd ,default = 0,generate irq,when fifo level less than this value
#define EARCTX_ERR_CORRT_STAT0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, ro_err_corrt_stat0 ,default = 0,
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS0 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[31:0]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[63:32]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[95:64]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS3 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[127:96]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS4 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[159:128]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS5 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_a_status ,default =0,channel A status[191:160]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS6 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[31:0]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS7 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[63:32]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS8 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[95:64]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTS9 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[127:96]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTSA ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[159:128]
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CHSTSB ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, reg_changel_b_status ,default =0,channel B status[191:160]
#define EARCTX_FE_CTRL0 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31, reg_mute_hold_clr ,default = 0,clear mute hold statues,pluse, auto clr
//Bit 30, reg_work_enable ,default = 0,wore enable
//Bit 29, reg_dmac_invt ,default = 0,fe out invent
//Bit 28, reg_hold_time_en ,default = 0,hold min time enable
//Bit 27, reg_hold_soft_clr_en ,default = 0,0 auto clear hold at next valid 1 clear hold with reg_mute_hold_clr
//Bit 26:24, reg_hold_time_tick_sel ,default = 0,hold min time tick select
//Bit 23:0, reg_hold_min_time ,default = 0,hold min time
#define EARCTX_FE_STAT0 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, ro_fe_stat0 ,default = 0,
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_STAT ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, ro_spdifout_stat ,default = 0,
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_CTRL2 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_clr_by_init ,default = 0,reg_clr_by_init
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mask ,default = 0,reg_mask
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN2 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, spdifout_gain2 ,default = 0,spdifout gain2
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN3 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, spdifout_gain3 ,default = 0,spdifout gain3
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN4 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, spdifout_gain4 ,default = 0,spdifout gain4
#define EARCTX_SPDIFOUT_GAIN5 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe333400)
//Bit 31:0, spdifout_gain5 ,default = 0,spdifout gain5
// Closing file: earctx_dmac.h
// AUDIO EARCTX_TOP - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earctx_top.h
#define EARCTX_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:16, reg_earctx_debug_mux unsigned, default = 0, debug mux
//Bit 15, reg_slow_sync_scan_reg unsigned, default = 0, reg_slow_sync_scan_reg
//Bit 14:12, reserved
//Bit 11, reg_hdmi_hpd_invt unsigned, default = 0, hdmi_hpd invent
//Bit 10, reg_hdmi_hpd_value unsigned, default = 0, hdmi_hpd mux = 3,register value
//Bit 9:8, reg_hdmi_hpd_mux unsigned, default = 0, hdmi_hpd mux
//Bit 7, reg_earctx_hd_hpd_invt unsigned, default = 0, earctx_hd_hdp invent
//Bit 6, reg_earctx_hd_hpd_value unsigned, default = 0, earctx_hd_hdp mux = 3,register value
//Bit 5:4, reg_earctx_hd_hdp_mux unsigned, default = 0, earctx_hd_hdp mux
//Bit 3:2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_earctx_force_mode_en unsigned, default = 0, force mode enale
//Bit 0, reg_earctx_force_mode unsigned, default = 0, force mode value
#define EARCTX_DMAC_INT_MASK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, reg_dmac_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, dmac int mask
#define EARCTX_DMAC_INT_PENDING ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, reg_dmac_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, dmac int pending,read only
#define EARCTX_CMDC_INT_MASK ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, reg_cmdc_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, cmdc int mask
#define EARCTX_CMDC_INT_PENDING ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, reg_cmdc_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, cmdc int pending,read only
#define EARCTX_ANA_CTRL0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCTX_ANA_CTRL1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCTX_ANA_CTRL2 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCTX_ANA_STAT0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xff603600)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earctx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
// Closing file: earctx_top.h
// AUDIO EARCRX_CMDC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earc_rx_cmdc.h
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31 , idle2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 30 , idle1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 29 , disc2_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 28 , disc1_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 27 , earc_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 26 , hb_status_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 25 , losthb_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 24 , timeout_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 23 , status_ch_int unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 22 , int_rec_invalid_id unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 21 , int_rec_invalid_offset unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 20 , int_rec_unexp unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 19 , int_rec_ecc_err unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 18 , int_rec_parity_err unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 17 , int_recv_packet unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 16 , int_rec_time_out unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 15 , cmdc_debug0 unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 14 , cmdc_debug1 unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 13 , cmdc_debug2 unsigned, default = 0, 1: enable
//Bit 12:7 , reserved
//Bit 6 , mute_select unsigned, default = 0, 1: use bit5, 0: earc off
//Bit 5 , mute_contrl unsigned, default = 0, value of mannul mute control
//Bit 4:0 , reserved
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12:8, reg_scan_reg unsigned, RW, default = 0,
//Bit 7:5, reserved
//Bit 4:0, reg_top_soft_rst unsigned, RW, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TOP_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, reset_idle2_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 30, reset_idle1_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 29, reset_disc2_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 28, reset_disc1_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 27, reset_earc_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 26, reset_hb_status_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 25, reset_losthb_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 24, reset_timeout_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 23, reset_status_ch_int unsigned, default =0
//Bit 22, reset_int_rec_invalid_id unsigned, default =0
//Bit 21, reset_int_rec_invalid_offset unsigned, default =0
//Bit 20, reset_int_rec_unexp unsigned, default =0
//Bit 19, reset_int_rec_ecc_err unsigned, default =0
//Bit 18, reset_int_rec_parity_err unsigned, default =0
//Bit 17, reset_int_recv_packet unsigned, default =0
//Bit 16, reset_int_rec_time_out unsigned, default =0
//Bit 15:0, reserved
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL1 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_TIMER_CTRL3 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, sw_state_update unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 30:28, sw_state unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 27, arc_initiated unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 26, arc_terminated unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 25, arc_enable unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 24, man_hpd unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 23:22, hpd_sel unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 21:20, hpd_sel_earc unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 19, comma_cnt_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 18, timeout_status_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 17, losthb_status_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 16, force_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 15, auto_state unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 14, cmdc_state_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 13:0, reserved
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, idle done timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, idle done timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, idle done timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, idle done timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, idle done timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL2 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, comma off done timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, comma off done timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, comma off done timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, comma off done timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, comma off done timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL3 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, earc_time out timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, earc_time out timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, earc_time out timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, earc_time out timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, earc_time out timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL4 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:12, max_count_th unsigned, default = 0, heartbeat lost timing
//Bit 11:8, reserved
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, heartbeat lost timing
//Bit 6:4, time_sel unsigned, default = 0, heartbeat lost timing
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, heartbeat lost timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, heartbeat lost timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL5 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:8, status_soft unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 7, reg_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 6, status_rst unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 5:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, soft_rst_sel unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 1:0, enable_ctrl unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL6 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:17, reserved
//Bit 16, cntl_hpd_sel unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 15:4, cntl_hpd_valid_width unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
//Bit 3:0, cntl_hpd_glitch_width unsigned, default = 0, in earc heartbeat det timing
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL7 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, vsm_ctrl7 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL8 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, vsm_ctrl8 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_VSM_CTRL9 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, vsm_ctrl9 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_SENDER_CTRL0 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:2, reserved
//Bit 1, hb_chg_conf_auto unsigned, default = 0,
//Bit 0, hb_chg_auto unsigned, default = 1,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL0 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, packet_mode_enable unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 30, free_enable unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 29, soft_rst_man unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 28:24, ready_th unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:8, send_pre_th unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 7:5, reserved
//Bit 4, sw_state_update unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 3:0, sw_state unsigned, default = 0, packet control
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL1 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, ecc_endian unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 30, pre_reg_st unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 29:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, post_th unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13:8, pre_th unsigned, default = 0,
//Bit 7:0, post_flag unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL2 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, pre_flag unsigned, default = 0, X
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL3 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, cmdc_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 30, cmdc_parity_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 29, imeout_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 28, ecc_check_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 27, rev_debug_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 26:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, timeout_th unsigned, default = 0, X
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL4 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, ack_ignore unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 30, cmdc_tail_check_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 29:20, reserved
//Bit 19:0, cmdc_packet_head unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL5 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:24, rev_debug_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:0, cmdc_packet_head_mask unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_PACKET_CTRL6 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:20, recv_pre_threshold unsigned, default = 0, packet control
//Bit 19:9, reserved
//Bit 8, rec_packet_d unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 7, rec_parity_err_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 6, rec_ecc_err_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 5, rec_unexp_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 4, rec_invalid_offset_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 3, rec_invalid_id_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 2, rec_timeout_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 1, rec_w_cnt unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 0, rec_r_cnt unsigned, default = 0, X
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL0 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:24, reg_tns unsigned, default = 7, xx
//Bit 23:16, delay_th unsigned, default = 0, xx
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9, send_ack_en unsigned, default = 0, xx
//Bit 8, sq_val_en unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 7, biphase_send_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 6, comma_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 5, fifo_rst unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 4, receiver_no_sender unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 3, sender_free unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 2, receiver_send unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 1, receiver_earc unsigned, default = 0, XX
//Bit 0, receiver_free unsigned, default = 0, XX
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL1 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15, ack_val_en unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 14:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, width unsigned, default = 0, send
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL2 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, ack_val_en unsigned, default = 0, send
//Bit 30:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, ack_rate unsigned, default = 0, comma send
//Bit 15:0, width unsigned, default = 0, comma sen
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_BIPHASE_CTRL3 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, biphase_ctrl3 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_DEVICE_ID_CTRL ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, apb_write unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 30, apb_read unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 29, apb_w_r_done unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 28, apb_w_r_reset unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 27:16, reserved
//Bit 15:8, apb_w_r_id unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
//Bit 7:0, apb_w_r_start_addr unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/read
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_DEVICE_WDATA ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, apb_write_data unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/rea
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_DEVICE_RDATA ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, apb_read_data unsigned, default = 0, apb bus wr/rea
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl1 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl2 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl3 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl4 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_CTRL5 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ana_ctrl5 unsigned, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_ANA_STAT0 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_ANA_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS0 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status0 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS1 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status1 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS2 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status2 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS3 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status3 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS4 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status4 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS5 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31:0, ro_cmdc_status5 unsigned, RO, default = 0,
#define EARC_RX_CMDC_STATUS6 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe333800)
//Bit 31, ro_idle2_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 30, ro_idle1_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 29, ro_disc2_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 28, ro_disc1_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 27, ro_earc_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 26, ro_hb_status_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 25, ro_losthb_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 24, ro_timeout_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 23, ro_status_ch_int unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 22, ro_int_rec_invalid_id unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 21, ro_int_rec_invalid_offset unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 20, ro_int_rec_unexp unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 19, ro_int_rec_ecc_err unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 18, ro_int_rec_parity_err unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 17, ro_int_recv_packet unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 16, ro_int_rec_time_out unsigned, RO, dfault =0
//Bit 15:0, reserved
// Closing file: earc_rx_cmdc.h
// AUDIO EARCRX_DMAC - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earcrx_dmac.h
#define EARCRX_DMAC_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_top_work_en unsigned, default = 0, top work enable
//Bit 30, reg_top_soft_rst unsigned, default = 0, top soft reset
//Bit 29:23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_dmac_debug_sel unsigned, default = 0, dmac debug select
//Bit 19:18, reserved
//Bit 17, reg_dmac_valid_sel unsigned, default = 0, dmac sync without clk
//Bit 16, reg_dmac_without_clk unsigned, default = 0, dmac sync without clk
//Bit 15, reg_sf_sync_scan_reg unsigned, default = 0, rst_n soft reset scan reg
//Bit 14, reserved
//Bit 13, reg_slow_sync_scan_reg unsigned, default = 0, rst_n sync clk_slow scan reg
//Bit 12, reg_a_sync_scan_reg unsigned, default = 0, rst_n sync clk_analog scan reg
//Bit 11, reg_slow_auto_gate unsigned, default = 0, clk_slow auto gate
//Bit 10, reg_a_auto_gate unsigned, default = 0, clk_analog auto gate
//Bit 9:0, reserved
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_CTRL0 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, dmac sync module work enable
//Bit 30, reg_rst_afifo_out_n unsigned, default = 0, afifo out reset
//Bit 29, reg_rst_afifo_in_n unsigned, default = 0, afifo in reset
//Bit 28:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_ana_buf_data_sel_en unsigned, default = 0, data from analog delay enable
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_ana_buf_data_sel unsigned, default = 0, delay cycles
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:8, reg_ana_clr_cnt unsigned, default = 0, valid last how many 0 will clear
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6:4, reg_ana_set_cnt unsigned, default = 0, valid last how may 1 will set
//Bit 3:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_dmacin_phase unsigned, default = 0, dmac data invert
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_STAT0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dmac_sync_stat0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, spdif in sample enable
//Bit 30, reg_spdifin_phase unsigned, default = 0, spdif in invert
//Bit 29, reg_debug_en unsigned, default = 0, debug single enable
//Bit 28, reg_width_sel unsigned, default = 0, 0 detect by max_width 1 detect by min_width
//Bit 27:23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_sample_mode unsigned, default = 0, value
//Bit 19:0, reg_base_timer unsigned, default = 0, base timer to detect sample mode change
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL1 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_force_sample_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0 auto detect sample mode 1 force a fixed sample mode with reg_sample_mode
//Bit 30, reserved
//Bit 29:20, reg_sample_mode0_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode0 threathold time
//Bit 19:10, reg_sample_mode1_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode1 threathold time
//Bit 9:0, reg_sample_mode2_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode2 threathold time
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL2 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:20, reg_sample_mode3_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode3 threathold time
//Bit 19:10, reg_sample_mode4_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode4 threathold time
//Bit 9:0, reg_sample_mode5_timer_th unsigned, default = 0, mode5 threathold time
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL3 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sample_mode0_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode0 sample time
//Bit 23:16, reg_sample_mode1_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode1 sample time
//Bit 15:8, reg_sample_mode2_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode2 sample time
//Bit 7:0, reg_sample_mode3_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode3 sample time
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL4 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sample_mode4_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode4 sample time
//Bit 23:16, reg_sample_mode5_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode5 sample time
//Bit 15:8, reg_sample_mode6_timer unsigned, default = 0, mode6 sample time
//Bit 7:0, reserved
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL5 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_sq_filt_en unsigned, default = 0, dmac_sqout filter enable
//Bit 30, reg_spdif_sqout_phase unsigned, default = 0, dmac_sqout invert
//Bit 29:27, reg_filter_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, dmac_sqout filter tick select
//Bit 26:24, reg_filter_sel unsigned, default = 0, dmac_sqout filter select
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:0, reg_sq_filt_timer unsigned, default = 0, dmac_sqout filter tick
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_STAT0 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_sample_stat0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_STAT1 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_sample_stat1 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_MUTE_VAL ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_mute_val unsigned, default = 0, spdif in mute value
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL0 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, spdifin wore enable
//Bit 30, reg_chnum_sel unsigned, default = 0, 0 ch_num = 0~383 1 ch_num = 0~1
//Bit 29:28, reserved
//Bit 27, reg_debug_en unsigned, default = 0, debug enable
//Bit 26, reg_chnum_en unsigned, default = 0, star add ch_cnt to ch_num
//Bit 25, reg_findpapb_en unsigned, default = 0, papb check enalbe
//Bit 24, reg_nonpcm2pcm_en unsigned, default = 0, nonpcm2pcm_th enable
//Bit 23:12, reg_nonpcm2pcm_th unsigned, default = 0, if long time didn't detect PaPb again,will generate irq
//Bit 11:8, reg_ch_status_sel unsigned, default = 0, for stat1/stat2
//Bit 7, reg_mute_l unsigned, default = 0, mute channel l
//Bit 6, reg_mute_r unsigned, default = 0, mute channel r
//Bit 5:4, reserved
//Bit 3, reg_check_valid unsigned, default = 0, valid check enable
//Bit 2, reg_check_parity unsigned, default = 0, parity check enable
//Bit 1, reg_invert_data unsigned, default = 0, spdif data invert
//Bit 0, reserved
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 31:24, reg_clr_internal_sts unsigned, default = 0, internal irq status clear
//Bit 23:12, reg_mute_block_check_thd unsigned, default = 0, mute block check time thd
//Bit 11:9, reg_mute_block_check_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, mute block check tick sel
//Bit 8, reg_papb_ext_sync unsigned, default = 0, ext 0 sync check for papb
//Bit 7:0, reg_papb_ext_mask unsigned, default = 0, sync 0 mask
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL2 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mute_bit unsigned, default = 0, mute bit in channel st
//Bit 23:19, reg_mute_block_num unsigned, default = 0, mute min block number to declare
//Bit 18, reg_mute_lr_ch_sel unsigned, default = 0, mute bit in channel st L or R
//Bit 17, reg_mute_block_check_en unsigned, default = 0, mute block number check enable
//Bit 16, reg_earc_cps_chst_clr_en unsigned, default = 0, auto clear compress mode when channel status not compress
//Bit 15, reg_earc_cps_nonpcm2pcm_clr_en unsigned, default = 0, auto clear compress mode when nonpcm2pcm
//Bit 14, reg_earc_auto unsigned, default = 0, auto change earc/arc
//Bit 13, reg_earcin_papb_lr unsigned, default = 0, user l or r channle status to check papb
//Bit 12, reg_earcin_check_papb unsigned, default = 0, 0:data valid after 1 block;1: in 1st block if exit papb ,data valid after papb
//Bit 11, reg_earcin_start_papb unsigned, default = 0, start write toddr 1:from papb check,0 from preamble Z,valid when reg_earcin_check_papb set
//Bit 10, reg_formatchange_auto_rst unsigned, default = 0, auto reset will detect format change
//Bit 9, reg_earcin_cpsb_pcpd_sel unsigned, default = 0, compress B pcpd select : 1:next 4th subframe data 0:next sub frame data
//Bit 8:4, reg_earc_papb_msb unsigned, default = 0, papb msb position in data
//Bit 3, reg_earcin_spdif_force unsigned, default = 0, when in arc mode,spdif on force enable
//Bit 2, reg_earcin_spdif_force_set unsigned, default = 0, force value
//Bit 1, reg_earcin_mode_force unsigned, default = 0, earc mode force enable
//Bit 0, reg_earcin_mode_force_set unsigned, default = 0, force value
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL3 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:16, reg_earc_pa_value unsigned, default = 0, earc mode pa value
//Bit 15:0, reg_earc_pb_value unsigned, default = 0, earc mode pb value
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_stat0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_stat1 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_spdifin_stat2 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_DMAC_UBIT_CTRL0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, dmac user bit decode enable
//Bit 30:24, reg_iu_sync unsigned, default = 0, iu sync value
//Bit 23:16, reg_fifo_thd unsigned, default = 0, generate irq when fifo level pass some threthold
//Bit 15, reg_max_dist_en unsigned, default = 0, max distance bewteen IUs to set lost
//Bit 14, reg_iu_sync_en unsigned, default = 0, iu sync code enable 0 : all iu to fifo 1 only sync iu packet to fifo
//Bit 13:12, reg_user_lr unsigned, default = 0, 00 off 01 use l channel userbit 10 use r channel userbit 11 user lr channel userbit
//Bit 11:8, reg_max_dist unsigned, default = 0, max distance bewteen IUs value
//Bit 7, reg_fifo_thd_en unsigned, default = 0, fifo_thd irq enable
//Bit 6, reg_fifo_lost_init_en unsigned, default = 0, when lost,initial fifo
//Bit 5, reg_fifo_init unsigned, default = 0, fifo initial
//Bit 4:0, reg_data_bit unsigned, default = 0, user bit position in data
#define EARCRX_IU_RDATA ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, i_iu_rdata unsigned, default = 0, iu data,read only
#define EARCRX_DMAC_UBIT_STAT0 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dmac_ubit_stat0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_ERR_CORRECT_CTRL0 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, err correct work enable
//Bit 30, reserved
//Bit 29, reg_rst_afifo_out_n unsigned, default = 0, reset afifo out side
//Bit 28, reg_rst_afifo_in_n unsigned, default = 0, reset afifo in side
//Bit 27, reg_lr_check unsigned, default = 0, enable lr_check
//Bit 26:7, reserved
//Bit 6, reg_bchout_data_ml unsigned, default = 0, bch output 16bit data msb is 27 or 19
//Bit 5, reg_bchout_data_rsv unsigned, default = 0, bch output data revers
//Bit 4, reg_bchin_ecc_ml unsigned, default = 0, bch input ecc msb/lsb
//Bit 3, reg_bchin_ecc_rsv unsigned, default = 0, bch input ecc revers
//Bit 2, reg_bchin_data_rsv unsigned, default = 0, bch input data revers
//Bit 1, reg_force_set unsigned, default = 0, 0 off 1 compress audio mode
//Bit 0, reg_force_en unsigned, default = 0, force work mode enable
#define EARCRX_ERR_CORRECT_STAT0 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_err_correct_stat0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_ANA_RST_CTRL0 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_work_enable unsigned, default = 0, analog reset check work enable
//Bit 30, reg_ana_rst_sf_en unsigned, default = 0, analog reset from register enable
//Bit 29, reg_ana_rst_sf unsigned, default = 0, soft reset value
//Bit 28, reserved
//Bit 27:23, reg_new_format_pos_num unsigned, default = 0, when new format data in, hold reset after N posedge
//Bit 22:20, reg_dmacrx_div2_thd_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, earcrx_div2 hold thresthold tick select
//Bit 19:0, reg_earcrx_div2_thd unsigned, default = 0, earcrx_div2 hold thresthold
#define EARCRX_ANA_RST_CTRL1 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_dmacrx_data_filt_en unsigned, default = 0, filter enable
//Bit 30:28, reg_dmacrx_data_filter_sel unsigned, default = 0, filter select
//Bit 27:25, reg_dmacrx_data_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, filter tick sel
//Bit 24:16, reg_dmacrx_data_time unsigned, default = 0, filter tick time
//Bit 15, reg_dmacrx_sqout_filt_en unsigned, default = 0, filter enable
//Bit 14:12, reg_dmacrx_sqout_filter_sel unsigned, default = 0, filter select
//Bit 11:9, reg_dmacrx_sqout_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, filter tick sel
//Bit 8:0, reg_dmacrx_sqout_time unsigned, default = 0, filter tick time
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL4 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30, reg_add_ch_r unsigned, default = 0, reg_add_ch_r
//Bit 29, reg_bc_val0_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_bc_val0_en
//Bit 28:20, reg_stable_mask unsigned, default = 0, reg_stable_mask
//Bit 19:16, reg_stable_zcnt unsigned, default = 0, reg_stable_zcnt
//Bit 15:0 , reserved
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL5 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_st_timeout_sts_clr unsigned, default = 0, reg_st_timeout_sts_clr
//Bit 30:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_st_timeout_check_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_st_timeout_check_thd
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_st_timeout_check_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, reg_st_timeout_check_tick_sel
//Bit 11, reg_st_timeout_check_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_st_timeout_check_en
//Bit 10:9, reserved
//Bit 8:0, reg_stable_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, reg_stable_int_mask
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_CTRL6 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_check_time_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_check_time_en
//Bit 15:0, reg_check_time_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_check_time_thd
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_CTRL1 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, reg_auto_neg_int_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_auto_neg_int_en
//Bit 17, reg_auto_stable_clr unsigned, default = 0, reg_auto_stable_clr
//Bit 16, reg_auto_stable_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_auto_stable_en
//Bit 15:0, reg_auto_stable_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_auto_stable_thd
#define EARCRX_SPDIFIN_SAMPLE_CTRL6 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17, reg_hold_tri_sample unsigned, default = 0, reg_hold_tri_sample
//Bit 16, reg_sample_mode_filter_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_sample_mode_filter_en
//Bit 15:8, reg_stable_cyc_min unsigned, default = 0, reg_stable_cyc_min
//Bit 7:0, reg_stable_cyc_max unsigned, default = 0, reg_stable_cyc_max
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_CTRL2 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_unstable_t0_err_clr unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t0_err_clr
//Bit 30:20, reserved
//Bit 19, reg_unstable_t0_check_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t0_check_en
//Bit 18:16, reg_unstable_t0_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t0_tick_sel
//Bit 15:0, reg_unstable_t0_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t0_thd
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_CTRL3 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_unstable_t1_err_clr unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t1_err_clr
//Bit 30:20, reserved
//Bit 19, reg_unstable_t1_check_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t1_check_en
//Bit 18:16, reg_unstable_t1_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t1_tick_sel
//Bit 15:0, reg_unstable_t1_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t1_thd
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_CTRL4 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31, reg_unstable_t2_err_clr unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t2_err_clr
//Bit 30:20, reserved
//Bit 19, reg_unstable_t2_check_en unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t2_check_en
//Bit 18:16, reg_unstable_t2_tick_sel unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t2_tick_sel
//Bit 15:0, reg_unstable_t2_thd unsigned, default = 0, reg_unstable_t2_thd
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_STAT1 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dmac_sync_stat1 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_STAT2 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dmac_sync_stat2 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_DMAC_SYNC_STAT3 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe333c00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dmac_sync_stat3 unsigned, default = 0
// Closing file: earcrx_dmac.h
// AUDIO EARCRX_TOP - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: earcrx_top.h
#define EARCRX_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, reg_top_debug_sel unsigned, default = 0, top debug select
//Bit 7, reg_spdif_rx_en_force unsigned, default = 0, force spdif_rx_en to reg_spdif_rx_en_force_value
//Bit 6, reg_spdif_rx_en_force_value unsigned, default = 0, value
//Bit 5, reg_spdif_rx_sqen_force unsigned, default = 0, force spdif_rx_sqen to reg_spdif_rx_sqe
//Bit 4, reg_spdif_rx_sqen_force_value unsigned, default = 0, value
//Bit 3, reg_dmacrx_en_force unsigned, default = 0, force dmacrx_en to reg_dmacrx_en_force_value
//Bit 2, reg_dmacrx_en_force_value unsigned, default = 0, value
//Bit 1, reg_dmacrx_sqen_force unsigned, default = 0, force dmacrx_sqen to reg_dmacrx_sqen_force_value
//Bit 0, reg_dmacrx_sqen_force_value unsigned, default = 0, value
#define EARCRX_DMAC_INT_MASK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, reg_dmac_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, dmac int mask
#define EARCRX_DMAC_INT_PENDING ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, reg_dmac_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, dmac int pending,read only
#define EARCRX_CMDC_INT_MASK ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_cmdc_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, cmdc int mask
#define EARCRX_CMDC_INT_PENDING ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, reg_cmdc_int_mask unsigned, default = 0, cmdc int pending,read only
#define EARCRX_ANA_CTRL0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_ANA_CTRL1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_ANA_STAT0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_PLL_CTRL0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_PLL_CTRL1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_PLL_CTRL2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_PLL_CTRL3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
#define EARCRX_PLL_STAT0 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe333e00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_earcrx_ana_ctrl0 unsigned, default = 0
// Closing file: earcrx_top.h
// AUDIO RESAMPLEB - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: RESAMPLEB.h
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_CTRL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_lock_rst //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 1 reg_rsamp_rst //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 0 reg_sw_rst //unsigned , default =0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_CTRL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:27 reg_in_lsb //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 26 reg_watchdog_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 25 reg_rsamp_rst_sel //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 24 reg_module_bypas //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 23:18 reg_gclk_ctrl //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 17:13 reg_in_msb //unsigned , default =23;
//Bit 12 reg_output_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 11 reg_rsamp_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 10 reg_filt_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 9 reg_post_en //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 8 reg_inp_mux_mode //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 7:5 reserved //unsigned , default =2;
//Bit 4:0 reg_inp_mux //unsigned , default =0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_CTRL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 29:24 reg_chx_size //unsigned , default =2;
//Bit 23:18 reserved //unsigned , default =0;
//Bit 17:16 reg_scl_step //unsigned , default =0; 0: 1/1 1: 1/2 2: 1/4
//Bit 15:8 reg_filt_tap //unsigned , default =63;
//Bit 7:0 reg_intp_tap //unsigned , default =63;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_PHSINIT ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 27:0 reg_init_phs //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_PHSSTEP ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 30:0 reg_rsamp_step //unsigned , default = 134217728;//'h800_0000
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_SHIFT ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_rsft_iir //unsigned , default = 23;
//Bit 23:16 reg_rsft_blnd //unsigned , default = 21;
//Bit 15:8 reg_rsft_sinc //unsigned , default = 31;
//Bit 7:0 reg_rsft_aa //unsigned , default = 31;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_CTRL0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:7 reserved //unsigned
//Bit 6 reg_lock_vld_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5 reg_loop_dif_clr_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 4 reg_aout_force_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3 reserved //unsigned
//Bit 2 reg_rsamp_adj_out_inv //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 1 reg_rsamp_adj_force_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 0 reg_rsamp_adj_en //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_CTRL1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_rsamp_adj_odet_step //unsigned , default = 8;
//Bit 15:0 reg_rsamp_adj_kmax //unsigned , default = 32768;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_SFT ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 29 reg_rsamp_adj_dif_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 28:24 reg_rsamp_adj_ki //unsigned , default = 9;
//Bit 23:21 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 20:16 reg_rsamp_adj_kp //unsigned , default = 1;
//Bit 15:13 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 12:8 reg_rsamp_adj_ki_sft //unsigned , default = 6;
//Bit 7:6 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5:0 reg_rsamp_adj_out_sft //unsigned , default = 12;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_IDET_LEN ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_idet_len //unsigned , default = 10000;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_FORCE ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_force_err //signed , default = 8;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_ADJ_KI_FORCE ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_rsamp_adj_ki_force //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_WATCHDOG_THRD ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_watchdog_thrd //signed , default = 32'h1000;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_DBG_INFO ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_aout_force_hi //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 15:7 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 6 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_clr //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 5 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_vldsel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 4 reg_rsamp_dbgcnt_en //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 2:0 reg_watchdog_rstsel //unsigned , default = 4;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_AOUT_FORCE ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aout_force_lo //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_IRQ_CTRL ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_irq_thrd //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 15:12 reserved //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 11:8 reg_irq_sel //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 7:4 reg_irq_clr //unsigned , default = 0;
//Bit 3:0 reg_irq_en //unsigned , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_STATUS ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_stat //{din_chx_chk_err,is_idle_st,rsamp_fifo_over_cnt[7:0]}
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_FREQ ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_adj_freq
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_DIFF_BAK ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_diff_bak
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_DIFF_DLT ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_diff_dlt
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_PHS_ERR ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_phase_err
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_KI_OUT ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_ki_out
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_IN_CNT ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_in_cnt
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_OUT_CNT ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rsamp_out_cnt
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_RO_ADJ_PHS_ERR_VAR ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_det_phase_err_var
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_POST_COEF0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef0 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_POST_COEF1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef1 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_POST_COEF2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef2 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_POST_COEF3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef3 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_POST_COEF4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_post_coef4 //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_AA_COEF_ADDR ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aa_coef_addr //unsigned, default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_AA_COEF_DATA ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_aa_coef_data //signed , default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_SINC_COEF_ADDR ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_sinc_coef_addr //unsigned, default = 0;
#define AUDIO_RSAMPB_SINC_COEF_DATA ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe334000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_sinc_coef_data //signed , default = 0;
// Closing file: RESAMPLEB.h
// Closing file: REG_LIST_AUDIO_RTL.h
// Reading file: REG_LIST_DSP_RTL.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// DSPA - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define DSP_CFG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_CFG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_CFG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IMPWIRE ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_RESET_VEC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_SEC_CFG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_SEC_CFG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_CTRL9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_IRQ_STS ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_REMAP0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_REMAP1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_REMAP2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_STS5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_QIF_CTRL ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_QIF_STS ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_WRFIFO_TOCPUA ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_WRFIFO_TOCPUB ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_WRFIFO_TODSP ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_RDFIFO_FRCPUA ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_RDFIFO_FRCPUB ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_RDFIFO_FRDSP ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PM_CTRL ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGDATA_STS ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGINST_STS ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGLS0STAT_STS ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGLS1STAT_STS ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGOUTPIF_STS ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGPC_STS ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGPREFETCHL1FILL_STS ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGPREFETCHLOOKUP_STS ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
#define DSP_PDEBUGSTATUS_STS ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe340000)
// DSPB - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define DSPB_CFG0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_CFG1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_CFG2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IMPWIRE ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_RESET_VEC ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_SEC_CFG0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_SEC_CFG1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_CTRL9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_IRQ_STS ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_REMAP0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_REMAP1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_REMAP2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_STS5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_QIF_CTRL ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_QIF_STS ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_WRFIFO_TOCPUA ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_WRFIFO_TOCPUB ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_WRFIFO_TODSP ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_RDFIFO_FRCPUA ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_RDFIFO_FRCPUB ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_RDFIFO_FRDSP ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PM_CTRL ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGDATA_STS ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGINST_STS ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGLS0STAT_STS ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGLS1STAT_STS ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGOUTPIF_STS ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGPC_STS ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGPREFETCHL1FILL_STS ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGPREFETCHLOOKUP_STS ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
#define DSPB_PDEBUGSTATUS_STS ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe350000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: REG_LIST_DSP_RTL.h
// Reading file: REG_LIST_SECURITY_RTL.h
// Author: shan.luan
// Created: 23:09:44 28/02/2020
// Description:
// Note:
// History:
// TS_DEMUX_REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_3 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_5 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_7 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_9 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_11 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_13 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_15 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_17 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_19 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_READY_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_3 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_5 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_7 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_9 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_11 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_13 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_15 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_17 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_19 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_STATUS_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_CFG_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_LEN_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_RD_LEN_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PTR_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00fe << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_1 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_3 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_5 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_7 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_9 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_11 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_13 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_15 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_17 ((0x008f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_19 ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_20 ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_21 ((0x00af << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_22 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_23 ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_24 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_25 ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_26 ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_27 ((0x00df << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_28 ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_29 ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_30 ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define RCH_PKT_SYNC_STATUS_CHANNEL_31 ((0x00ff << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0400 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_1 ((0x0408 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0410 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_3 ((0x0418 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0420 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_5 ((0x0428 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0430 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_7 ((0x0438 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0440 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_9 ((0x0448 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0450 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_11 ((0x0458 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0460 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_13 ((0x0468 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0470 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_15 ((0x0478 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0480 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_17 ((0x0488 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0490 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_19 ((0x0498 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04a8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04b8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04c8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04d8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04e8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04f8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0500 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_33 ((0x0508 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0510 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_35 ((0x0518 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0520 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_37 ((0x0528 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0530 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_39 ((0x0538 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0540 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_41 ((0x0548 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0550 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_43 ((0x0558 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0560 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_45 ((0x0568 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0570 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_47 ((0x0578 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0580 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_49 ((0x0588 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0590 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_51 ((0x0598 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05a8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05b8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05c8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05d8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05e8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05f8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0600 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_65 ((0x0608 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0610 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_67 ((0x0618 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0620 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_69 ((0x0628 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0630 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_71 ((0x0638 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0640 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_73 ((0x0648 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0650 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_75 ((0x0658 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0660 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_77 ((0x0668 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0670 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_79 ((0x0678 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0680 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_81 ((0x0688 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0690 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_83 ((0x0698 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06a8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06b8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06c8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06d8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06e8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06f8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0700 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_97 ((0x0708 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0710 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_99 ((0x0718 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0720 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_101 ((0x0728 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0730 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_103 ((0x0738 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0740 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_105 ((0x0748 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0750 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_107 ((0x0758 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0760 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_109 ((0x0768 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0770 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_111 ((0x0778 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0780 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_113 ((0x0788 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0790 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_115 ((0x0798 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07a8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07b8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07c8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07d8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07e8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f0 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_READY_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07f8 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0401 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_1 ((0x0409 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0411 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_3 ((0x0419 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0421 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_5 ((0x0429 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0431 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_7 ((0x0439 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0441 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_9 ((0x0449 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0451 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_11 ((0x0459 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0461 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_13 ((0x0469 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0471 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_15 ((0x0479 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0481 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_17 ((0x0489 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0491 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_19 ((0x0499 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04a9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04b9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04c9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04d9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04e9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04f9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0501 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_33 ((0x0509 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0511 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_35 ((0x0519 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0521 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_37 ((0x0529 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0531 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_39 ((0x0539 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0541 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_41 ((0x0549 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0551 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_43 ((0x0559 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0561 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_45 ((0x0569 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0571 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_47 ((0x0579 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0581 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_49 ((0x0589 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0591 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_51 ((0x0599 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05a9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05b9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05c9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05d9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05e9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05f9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0601 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_65 ((0x0609 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0611 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_67 ((0x0619 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0621 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_69 ((0x0629 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0631 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_71 ((0x0639 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0641 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_73 ((0x0649 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0651 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_75 ((0x0659 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0661 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_77 ((0x0669 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0671 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_79 ((0x0679 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0681 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_81 ((0x0689 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0691 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_83 ((0x0699 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06a9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06b9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06c9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06d9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06e9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06f9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0701 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_97 ((0x0709 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0711 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_99 ((0x0719 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0721 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_101 ((0x0729 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0731 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_103 ((0x0739 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0741 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_105 ((0x0749 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0751 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_107 ((0x0759 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0761 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_109 ((0x0769 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0771 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_111 ((0x0779 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0781 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_113 ((0x0789 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0791 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_115 ((0x0799 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07a9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07b9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07c9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07d9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07e9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f1 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_DEBUG_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07f9 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0402 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0412 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0422 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0432 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0442 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0452 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0462 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0472 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0482 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0492 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04aa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04ba << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04ca << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04da << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04ea << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04fa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0502 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0512 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0522 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0532 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0542 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0552 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0562 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0572 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0582 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0592 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05aa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05ba << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05ca << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05da << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05ea << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05fa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0602 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0612 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0622 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0632 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0642 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0652 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0662 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0672 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0682 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0692 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06aa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06ba << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06ca << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06da << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06ea << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06fa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0702 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0712 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0722 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0732 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0742 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0752 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0762 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0772 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0782 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0792 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07aa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07ba << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07ca << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07da << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07ea << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f2 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_CFG_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07fa << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0403 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0413 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0423 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0433 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0443 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0453 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0463 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0473 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0483 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0493 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04ab << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04bb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04cb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04db << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04eb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04fb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0503 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0513 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0523 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0533 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0543 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0553 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0563 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0573 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0583 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0593 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05ab << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05bb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05cb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05db << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05eb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05fb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0603 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0613 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0623 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0633 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0643 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0653 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0663 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0673 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0683 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0693 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06ab << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06bb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06cb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06db << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06eb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06fb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0703 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0713 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0723 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0733 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0743 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0753 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0763 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0773 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0783 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0793 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07ab << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07bb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07cb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07db << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07eb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f3 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_ADDR_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07fb << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0404 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0414 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0424 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0434 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0444 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0454 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0464 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0474 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0484 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0494 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04ac << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04bc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04cc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04dc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04ec << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04fc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0504 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0514 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0524 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0534 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0544 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0554 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0564 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0574 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0584 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0594 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05ac << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05bc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05cc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05dc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05ec << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05fc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0604 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0614 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0624 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0634 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0644 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0654 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0664 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0674 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0684 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0694 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06ac << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06bc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06cc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06dc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06ec << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06fc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0704 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0714 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0724 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0734 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0744 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0754 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0764 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0774 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0784 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0794 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07ac << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07bc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07cc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07dc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07ec << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f4 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_LEN_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07fc << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0405 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0415 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0425 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0435 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0445 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0455 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0465 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0475 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0485 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0495 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04ad << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04bd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04cd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04dd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04ed << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04fd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0505 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0515 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0525 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0535 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0545 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0555 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0565 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0575 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0585 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0595 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05ad << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05bd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05cd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05dd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05ed << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05fd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0605 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0615 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0625 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0635 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0645 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0655 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0665 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0675 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0685 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0695 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06ad << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06bd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06cd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06dd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06ed << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06fd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0705 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0715 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0725 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0735 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0745 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0755 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0765 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0775 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0785 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0795 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07ad << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07bd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07cd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07dd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07ed << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f5 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_WR_LEN_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07fd << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0406 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0416 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0426 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0436 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0446 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0456 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0466 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0476 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0486 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0496 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04ae << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04be << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04ce << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04de << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04ee << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04fe << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0506 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0516 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0526 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0536 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0546 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0556 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0566 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0576 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0586 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0596 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05ae << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05be << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05ce << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05de << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05ee << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05fe << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0606 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0616 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0626 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0636 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0646 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0656 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0666 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0676 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0686 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0696 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06ae << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06be << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06ce << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06de << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06ee << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06fe << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0706 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0716 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0726 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0736 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0746 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0756 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0766 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0776 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0786 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0796 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07ae << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07be << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07ce << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07de << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07ee << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f6 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCH_PTR_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07fe << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_0 ((0x0407 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_1 ((0x040f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_2 ((0x0417 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_3 ((0x041f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_4 ((0x0427 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_5 ((0x042f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_6 ((0x0437 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_7 ((0x043f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_8 ((0x0447 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_9 ((0x044f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_10 ((0x0457 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_11 ((0x045f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_12 ((0x0467 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_13 ((0x046f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_14 ((0x0477 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_15 ((0x047f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_16 ((0x0487 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_17 ((0x048f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_18 ((0x0497 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_19 ((0x049f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_20 ((0x04a7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_21 ((0x04af << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_22 ((0x04b7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_23 ((0x04bf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_24 ((0x04c7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_25 ((0x04cf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_26 ((0x04d7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_27 ((0x04df << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_28 ((0x04e7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_29 ((0x04ef << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_30 ((0x04f7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_31 ((0x04ff << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_32 ((0x0507 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_33 ((0x050f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_34 ((0x0517 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_35 ((0x051f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_36 ((0x0527 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_37 ((0x052f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_38 ((0x0537 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_39 ((0x053f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_40 ((0x0547 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_41 ((0x054f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_42 ((0x0557 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_43 ((0x055f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_44 ((0x0567 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_45 ((0x056f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_46 ((0x0577 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_47 ((0x057f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_48 ((0x0587 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_49 ((0x058f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_50 ((0x0597 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_51 ((0x059f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_52 ((0x05a7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_53 ((0x05af << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_54 ((0x05b7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_55 ((0x05bf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_56 ((0x05c7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_57 ((0x05cf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_58 ((0x05d7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_59 ((0x05df << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_60 ((0x05e7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_61 ((0x05ef << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_62 ((0x05f7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_63 ((0x05ff << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_64 ((0x0607 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_65 ((0x060f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_66 ((0x0617 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_67 ((0x061f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_68 ((0x0627 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_69 ((0x062f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_70 ((0x0637 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_71 ((0x063f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_72 ((0x0647 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_73 ((0x064f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_74 ((0x0657 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_75 ((0x065f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_76 ((0x0667 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_77 ((0x066f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_78 ((0x0677 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_79 ((0x067f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_80 ((0x0687 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_81 ((0x068f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_82 ((0x0697 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_83 ((0x069f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_84 ((0x06a7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_85 ((0x06af << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_86 ((0x06b7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_87 ((0x06bf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_88 ((0x06c7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_89 ((0x06cf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_90 ((0x06d7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_91 ((0x06df << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_92 ((0x06e7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_93 ((0x06ef << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_94 ((0x06f7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_95 ((0x06ff << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_96 ((0x0707 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_97 ((0x070f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_98 ((0x0717 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_99 ((0x071f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_100 ((0x0727 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_101 ((0x072f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_102 ((0x0737 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_103 ((0x073f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_104 ((0x0747 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_105 ((0x074f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_106 ((0x0757 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_107 ((0x075f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_108 ((0x0767 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_109 ((0x076f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_110 ((0x0777 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_111 ((0x077f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_112 ((0x0787 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_113 ((0x078f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_114 ((0x0797 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_115 ((0x079f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_116 ((0x07a7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_117 ((0x07af << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_118 ((0x07b7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_119 ((0x07bf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_120 ((0x07c7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_121 ((0x07cf << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_122 ((0x07d7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_123 ((0x07df << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_124 ((0x07e7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_125 ((0x07ef << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_126 ((0x07f7 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define WCMD_CNT_CHANNEL_127 ((0x07ff << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_RDMA_INT_MASK ((0x0800 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_INT_MASK_0 ((0x0801 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_INT_MASK_1 ((0x0802 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_INT_MASK_2 ((0x0803 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_INT_MASK_3 ((0x0804 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_W_BATCH_0 ((0x0805 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_W_BATCH_1 ((0x0806 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_W_BATCH_2 ((0x0807 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_W_BATCH_3 ((0x0808 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_RDMA ((0x0809 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_WDMA_0 ((0x080a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_WDMA_1 ((0x080b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_WDMA_2 ((0x080c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_CLEAN_WDMA_3 ((0x080d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_RDMA_ACTIVE ((0x080e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_ACTIVE_0 ((0x080f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_ACTIVE_1 ((0x0810 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_ACTIVE_2 ((0x0811 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDMA_ACTIVE_3 ((0x0812 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_RDONE ((0x0813 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_WDONE_0 ((0x0814 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_WDONE_1 ((0x0815 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_WDONE_2 ((0x0816 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_WDONE_3 ((0x0817 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_RDES_ERR ((0x0818 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_RDES_LEN_ERR ((0x0819 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_ERR_0 ((0x081a << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_ERR_1 ((0x081b << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_ERR_2 ((0x081c << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_ERR_3 ((0x081d << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_BATCH_END_0 ((0x081e << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_BATCH_END_1 ((0x081f << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_BATCH_END_2 ((0x0820 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_BATCH_END_3 ((0x0821 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_EOC_DONE_0 ((0x0822 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_EOC_DONE_1 ((0x0823 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_EOC_DONE_2 ((0x0824 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WDES_EOC_DONE_3 ((0x0825 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WCH_RESP_ERR0 ((0x0826 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WCH_RESP_ERR1 ((0x0827 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WCH_RESP_ERR2 ((0x0828 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WCH_RESP_ERR3 ((0x0829 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_UPDT_PKT_SYNC ((0x0830 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_RCHN_CFG ((0x0831 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_WCHN_CFG ((0x0832 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_MEM_PD_CRTL ((0x0833 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_BUS_CFG ((0x0834 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_GMW_CFG ((0x0835 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
#define DMX_DMA_GMR_CFG ((0x0836 << 2) + 0xfe444000)
// TS OUTPUT REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TS_OUTPUT_PID_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_TEE_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PID_CFG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PID_DAT ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_OUT_CFG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_8 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_9 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_10 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_11 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_12 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_13 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_14 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_TAB_ENTRY_15 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_0_1 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_2_3 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_4_5 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_6_7 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_8_9 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_10_11 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_12_13 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_14_15 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_16_17 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_18_19 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_20_21 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_22_23 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_24_25 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_26_27 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_28_29 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_30_31 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_32_33 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_34_35 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_36_37 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_38_39 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_40_41 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_42_43 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_44_45 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_46_47 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_48_49 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_50_51 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_52_53 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_54_55 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_56_57 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_58_59 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_60_61 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_SID_TAB_62_63 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_6 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_7 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_8 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_9 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_10 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_11 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_12 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_13 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_14 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_15 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_16 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_17 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_18 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_19 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_20 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_21 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_22 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_23 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_24 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_25 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_26 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_27 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_28 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_29 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_30 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_31 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_32 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_33 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_34 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_35 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_36 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_37 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_38 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_39 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_40 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_41 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_42 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_43 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_44 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_45 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_46 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_47 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_48 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_49 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_50 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_51 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_52 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_53 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_54 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_55 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_56 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_57 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_58 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_59 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_60 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_61 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_62 ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_ES_TAB_63 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_0 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_1 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_1 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_2 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_2 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_3 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_3 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_4 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_4 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_5 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_5 ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_6 ((0x008c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_6 ((0x008d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_7 ((0x008e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_7 ((0x008f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_8 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_8 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_9 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_9 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_10 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_10 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_11 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_11 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_12 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_12 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_13 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_13 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_14 ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_14 ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_LSB_15 ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
#define TS_OUTPUT_PCR_REG_MSB_15 ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe442c00)
// TSD DESC AES REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TSD_PID_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_TEE_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_STS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_2 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_2 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_3 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_4 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_4 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_5 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_5 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_6 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_6 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_7 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_7 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_8 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_8 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_9 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_9 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_10 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_10 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_11 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_11 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_12 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_12 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_13 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_13 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_14 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_14 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_15 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_15 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_16 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_16 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_17 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_17 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_18 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_18 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_19 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_19 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_20 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_20 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_21 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_21 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_22 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_22 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_23 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_23 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_24 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_24 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_25 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_25 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_26 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_26 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_27 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_27 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_28 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_28 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_29 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_29 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_30 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_30 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_31 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_31 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_32 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_32 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_33 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_33 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_34 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_34 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_35 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_35 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_36 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_36 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_37 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_37 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_38 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_38 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_39 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_39 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_40 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_40 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_41 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_41 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_42 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_42 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_43 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_43 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_44 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_44 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_45 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_45 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_46 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_46 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_47 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_47 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_48 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_48 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_49 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_49 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_50 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_50 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_51 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_51 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_52 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_52 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_53 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_53 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_54 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_54 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_55 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_55 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_56 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_56 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_57 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_57 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_58 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_58 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_59 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_59 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_60 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_60 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_61 ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_61 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_62 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_62 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_LSB_63 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
#define TSD_PID_TABLE_MSB_63 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe442000)
// SECURE TOP REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_LOCKABLE ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_WTO ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_N2_GENOUT ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_REG ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_NSK_CTRL ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_AKL_STS ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_ND_STATUS ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_DEMUX ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CFG_DIF ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_NSK_HASH0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_NSK_HASH1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_NSK_HASH2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_NSK_HASH3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_PATH0_CTRL ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_PATH1_CTRL ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_PATH2_CTRL ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_PATH3_CTRL ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_PKT_CFG0 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_PKT_CFG1 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_PKT_CFG2 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_PKT_CFG3 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_FIFO_CFG0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_FIFO_CFG1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_TS_O_PATH_CTRL ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_CLEAN_DEMOD_INT ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_INT_MASK ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_DEMOD_INT_STATUS ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_TS_CHN0_ERR_STATUS ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_TS_CHN1_ERR_STATUS ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_TS_CHN2_ERR_STATUS ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
#define SEC_TOP_TS_CHN3_ERR_STATUS ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe440300)
// TSE DESC AES REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TSE_PID_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_TEE_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_STS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_2 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_2 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_3 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_4 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_4 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_5 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_5 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_6 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_6 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_7 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_7 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_8 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_8 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_9 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_9 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_10 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_10 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_11 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_11 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_12 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_12 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_13 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_13 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_14 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_14 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_15 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_15 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_16 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_16 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_17 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_17 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_18 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_18 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_19 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_19 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_20 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_20 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_21 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_21 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_22 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_22 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_23 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_23 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_24 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_24 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_25 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_25 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_26 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_26 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_27 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_27 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_28 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_28 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_29 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_29 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_30 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_30 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_31 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_31 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_32 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_32 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_33 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_33 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_34 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_34 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_35 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_35 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_36 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_36 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_37 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_37 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_38 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_38 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_39 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_39 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_40 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_40 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_41 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_41 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_42 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_42 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_43 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_43 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_44 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_44 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_45 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_45 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_46 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_46 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_47 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_47 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_48 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_48 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_49 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_49 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_50 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_50 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_51 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_51 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_52 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_52 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_53 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_53 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_54 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_54 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_55 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_55 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_56 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_56 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_57 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_57 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_58 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_58 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_59 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_59 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_60 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_60 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_61 ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_61 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_62 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_62 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_LSB_63 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
#define TSE_PID_TABLE_MSB_63 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe442800)
// TSN DESC REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define TSN_PID_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_TEE_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_STS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_3 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_4 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_5 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_6 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_7 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_8 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_9 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_10 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_11 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_12 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_13 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_14 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_15 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_16 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_17 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_18 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_19 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_20 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_21 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_22 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_23 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_24 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_25 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_26 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_27 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_28 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_29 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_30 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_31 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_32 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_33 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_34 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_35 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_36 ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_37 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_38 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_39 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_40 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_41 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_42 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_43 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_44 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_45 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_46 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_47 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_48 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_49 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_50 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_51 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_52 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_53 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_54 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_55 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_56 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_57 ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_58 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_59 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_60 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_61 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_62 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_63 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_64 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_65 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_66 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_67 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_68 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_69 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_70 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_71 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_72 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_73 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_74 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_75 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_76 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_77 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_78 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_79 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_80 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_81 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_82 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_83 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_84 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_85 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_86 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_87 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_88 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_89 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_90 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_91 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_92 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_93 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_94 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_95 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_96 ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_97 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_98 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_99 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_100 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_101 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_102 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_103 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_104 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_105 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_106 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_107 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_108 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_109 ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_110 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_111 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_112 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_113 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_114 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_115 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_116 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_117 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_118 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_119 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_120 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_121 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_122 ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_123 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_124 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_125 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_126 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
#define TSN_PID_TABLE_127 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe442400)
// RNG REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define RNG_TEE_READY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_LOCK ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_CFG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_NIST_OUT ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_OUT0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_OUT1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_OUT2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_TEE_OUT3 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_CFG_RING ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_CFG_RESEED ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_CFG_HEALTH ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_CFG_MISC ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_READY ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_DEBUG ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_CFG ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_OUT0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_OUT1 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_OUT2 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
#define RNG_REE_OUT3 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe440700)
// OTP REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define OTP_TEE_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_TEE_DEBUG ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_TEE_CFG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_TEE_WR_DAT ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_TEE_RD_DAT ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_LIC ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_AML_ID_L ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_AML_ID_H ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ACGK_ID_L ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ACGK_ID_H ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DVGK_ID_L ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DVGK_ID_H ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DVUK_ID_L ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DVUK_ID_H ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DGPK_ID_L ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_DGPK_ID_H ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_SECPU_ID_L ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_SECPU_ID_H ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ETSI012_ID_L ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ETSI012_ID_H ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ETSI3_ID_L ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_ETSI3_ID_H ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_MSR_ID_L ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_MSR_ID_H ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_VO_ID_L ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_VO_ID_H ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_NUID_ID_L ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_NUID_ID_H ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_CONAX_ID_L ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_CONAX_ID_H ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_NSK_ID_L ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_NSK_ID_H ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_REE_RDY ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_REE_DEBUG ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_REE_CFG ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_MRK_CHKNUM ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_REE_RD_DAT ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe440000)
#define OTP_LIC00 (OTP_LIC + 0x00)
#define OTP_LIC01 (OTP_LIC + 0x04)
#define OTP_LIC02 (OTP_LIC + 0x08)
#define OTP_LIC03 (OTP_LIC + 0x0C)
#define OTP_LIC10 (OTP_LIC + 0x10)
#define OTP_LIC11 (OTP_LIC + 0x14)
#define OTP_LIC12 (OTP_LIC + 0x18)
#define OTP_LIC13 (OTP_LIC + 0x1C)
#define OTP_LIC20 (OTP_LIC + 0x20)
#define OTP_LIC21 (OTP_LIC + 0x24)
#define OTP_LIC22 (OTP_LIC + 0x28)
#define OTP_LIC23 (OTP_LIC + 0x2C)
#define OTP_LIC30 (OTP_LIC + 0x30)
#define OTP_LIC31 (OTP_LIC + 0x34)
#define OTP_LIC32 (OTP_LIC + 0x38)
#define OTP_LIC33 (OTP_LIC + 0x3C)
#define OTP_LIC0 (OTP_LIC00)
// KL REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MKL_TEE_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_DEBUG ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CFG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CMD ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_EK ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CR_0 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CR_1 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CR_2 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_TEE_CR_3 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_REE_RDY ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_REE_DEBUG ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_REE_CFG ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_REE_CMD ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
#define MKL_REE_EK ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe440200)
// DMA REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_DSC_5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_0 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_1 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_4 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_IRQ_STS_5 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_CFG_REG ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_CFG_SEC_LSB ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
#define DMA_CORE_CFG_SEC_MSB ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe440400)
// KT REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define KT_TEE_RDY ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_RDY2 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_CFG ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_STS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_KEY0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_KEY1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_KEY2 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_TEE_KEY3 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_RDY ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_RDY2 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_CFG ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_STS ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_KEY0 ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_KEY1 ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_KEY2 ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
#define KT_REE_KEY3 ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe440500)
// CERT REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// SP REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//ree domian
#define REE_SCPU2REE_CSR_ADDR ((0x0300 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define REE_SCPU2REE_DATA_ST_ADDR ((0x0380 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define REE_SCPU2REE_DATA_ED_ADDR ((0x039f << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define REE_REE2SCPU_CSR_ADDR ((0x0200 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define REE_REE2SCPU_DATA_ST_ADDR ((0x0280 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define REE_REE2SCPU_DATA_ED_ADDR ((0x029f << 2) + 0xfe441000)
//tee domian
#define TEE_SCPU2TEE_CSR_ADDR ((0x0100 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define TEE_SCPU2TEE_DATA_ST_ADDR ((0x0180 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define TEE_SCPU2TEE_DATA_ED_ADDR ((0x019f << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define TEE_TEE2SCPU_CSR_ADDR ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define TEE_TEE2SCPU_DATA_ST_ADDR ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe441000)
#define TEE_TEE2SCPU_DATA_ED_ADDR ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe441000)
// NSK REG - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Closing file: REG_LIST_SECURITY_RTL.h
// Reading file: REG_LIST_DEMUX_RTL.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// There are two instantiations under one CBUS slave. Each CBUS slave can support
// 256 registers. Each demux is allocated 128 registers so set the offset in
// the middle
// Copy this define but don't add a base address
#define SECOND_DEMUX_OFFSET_0 0x50
#define THIRD_DEMUX_OFFSET_0 0xa0
// STB TOP Registers (8'hf0 - 8'hf7)
// Bit 5:4 -- fec_sel_demux_2
// Bit 3:2 -- fec_sel_demux_1
// Bit 1:0 -- fec_sel_demux_0
#define TS_TOP_CONFIG1 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bit 31:24 -- file_m2ts_skip_bytes_hiu1
// Bit 23:22 -- reserved
// Bit 21 -- ts_hiu_enable_hiu1
// Bit 20:16 -- fec_clk_div_hiu1
// Bit 15:8 -- TS_package_length_sub_1_hiu1 (default : 187)
// Bit 7:0 -- fec_sync_byte_hiu1 (default : 0x47)
#define TS_HIU1_CONFIG ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//bit[1:0]-- stb_recorder2_sel
#define STB_RECORDER2_CNTL ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// bit [11]-- s2p2_disable
// bit [10:7]-- s2p2_clk_div
// bit [6:0]-- fec_serial_control_2
#define STB_S2P2_CONFIG ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// bit 30:28 -- ciplus_o_sel
// bit 27:26 -- ciplus_i_sel
// bit 25 -- use FAIL fro TS2
// bit 24 -- use FAIL fro TS1
// bit 23 -- use FAIL fro TS0
// bit 22 -- invert fec_error for S2P1
// bit 21 -- invert fec_data for S2P1
// bit 20 -- invert fec_sync for S2P1
// bit 19 -- invert fec_valid for S2P1
// bit 18 -- invert fec_clk for S2P1
// bit 17:16 -- fec_s_sel for S2P1 00 - select TS0, 01 -- select TS1, 10 -- select TS2, 11 - reserved
// Bit 15 -- enable_des_pl_clk
// Bit 14 -- ts_out_select[3]
// Bit 13 -- use FAIL for TS3
// Bit 12:10 -- ts_out_select[2:0], 0-TS0, 1-TS1, 2-TS2, 3-TS3, 4-S2P2, 5-S2P1, 6-S2P0, 7-File, 8-File1
// bit 9:8 -- des_i_sel 00 -- select_fec_0, 01 -- select_fec_1, 10 -- select_fec_2, 11 - reserved
// bit 7 -- enable_des_pl
// bit 6 -- invert fec_error for S2P0
// bit 5 -- invert fec_data for S2P0
// bit 4 -- invert fec_sync for S2P0
// bit 3 -- invert fec_valid for S2P0
// bit 2 -- invert fec_clk for S2P0
// bit 1:0 -- fec_s_sel for S2P0 00 - select TS0, 01 -- select TS1, 10 -- select TS2, 11 - reserved
#define STB_TOP_CONFIG ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// 31:28 - s2p1_clk_div
// 27:24 - s2p0_clk_div
// 23 - s2p1_disable
// 22 - s2p0_disable
// 21 - Reserved
// 20 -- TS_OUT_error_INVERT
// 19 -- TS_OUT_data_INVERT
// 18 -- TS_OUT_sync_INVERT
// 17 -- TS_OUT_valid_INVERT
// 16 -- TS_OUT_clk_INVERT
// 15:8 -- TS_package_length_sub_1 (default : 187)
// 7:0 -- fec_sync_byte (default : 0x47)
#define TS_TOP_CONFIG ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bit 25:24 -- transport_scrambling_control_odd_2 // should be 3
// Bit 23:16 -- file_m2ts_skip_bytes
// Bit 15:8 -- des_out_dly
// Bit 7:6 -- transport_scrambling_control_odd // should be 3
// Bit 5 -- ts_hiu_enable
// Bit 4:0 -- fec_clk_div
#define TS_FILE_CONFIG ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bit 19:14 -- des_2 ts pl state -- Read Only
// Bit 13:8 -- des ts pl state -- Read Only
// Bit 3:0 PID index to 8 PID to get key-set
// auto increse after TS_PL_PID_DATA read/write
#define TS_PL_PID_INDEX ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bit 13 -- PID match disble
// Bit 12:0 -- PID
#define TS_PL_PID_DATA ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
#define COMM_DESC_KEY0 ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
#define COMM_DESC_KEY1 ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
#define COMM_DESC_KEY_RW ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// CI+ Register defines
// Bits[31:0] of the key
#define CIPLUS_KEY0 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bits[63:32] of the key
#define CIPLUS_KEY1 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bits[95:64] of the key
#define CIPLUS_KEY2 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// Bits[127:96] of the key
#define CIPLUS_KEY3 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// bit[5] write AES IV B value
// bit[4] write AES IV A value
// bit[3] write AES B key
// bit[2] write AES A key
// bit[1] write DES B key
// bit[0] write DES A key
#define CIPLUS_KEY_WR ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// [15:8] TS out delay. This controls the rate at which the CIplus module drives TS out
// [3] General enable for the ciplus module
// [2] AES CBC disable (default should be 0 to enable AES CBC)
// [1] AES Enable
// [0] DES Eanble
#define CIPLUS_CONFIG ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// bit[31:28] AES IV endian
// bit[27:24] AES message out endian
// bit[23:20] AES message in endian
// bit[19:16] AES key endian
// bit[15:11] unused
// bit[10:8] DES message out endian
// bit[6:4] DES message in endian
// bit[2:0] DES key endian
#define CIPLUS_ENDIAN ((0x00fe << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// bit 15:8 - des_out_dly_2
// bit 7 - reserved
// Bit 6-- enable_des_pl_clk_2
// bit 5 - enable_des_pl_2
// bit 4:2 -- use_des_2 bit[2] -- demux0, bit[3] -- demux1, bit[4] -- demux2
// bit 1:0 -- des_i_sel_2 00 -- select_fec_0, 01 -- select_fec_1, 10 -- select_fec_2, 11 - reserved
#define COMM_DESC_2_CTL ((0x00ff << 2) + 0xfe040000)
// NOTE: Don't process the demux registers using the standard create_headers.... perl script.
// Instead, since the demux has multiple instances (and many registers) use a separate
// script to create a separate stb_define.h for C-code.
// STB Registers (8'h00 - 8'h4f)
// STB registers are 8'h0x
// Bit 15:0 -- version number : 0x0002 (v0.01)
// Bit 16 -- fec_select[3]
// Bit 15 -- fec_core_select 1 - select descramble output
// Bit 14:12 - fec_select[2:0] 0-TS0, 1-TS1, 2-TS2, 3-TS3, 4-S2P2, 5-S2P1, 6-S2P0, 7-File, 8-File1
// Bit 11 -- FEC_CLK
// Bit 10 -- SOP
// Bit 9 -- D_VALID
// Bit 8 -- D_FAIL
// Bit 7:0 -- D_DATA 7:0
// bit 31 -- enable_free_clk_fec_data_valid
// bit 30 -- enable_free_clk_stb_reg
// bit 29 -- always_use_pes_package_length
// bit 28 -- disable_pre_incomplete_section_fix
// bit 27 -- pointer_field_multi_pre_en
// bit 26 -- ignore_pre_incomplete_section
// bit 25 -- video2_enable
// bit 24:22 -- video2_type
// bit 21 -- do_not_trust_pes_package_length
// bit 20 (bit 4) -- Bypass use recoder path
// bit 19 (bit 3) -- clear_PID_continuity_counter_valid
// bit 18 (bit 2) -- Disable Splicing
// bit 17 (bit 1) -- Insert PES_STRONG_SYNC in Audio PES
// bit 16 (bit 0) -- Insert PES_STRONG_SYNC in Video PES
// Bit 15 - do not trust section length
// Bit 14 - om cmd push even zero
// Bit 13 - set_buff_ready_even_not_busy
// Bit 12 - SUB, OTHER PES interrupt at beginning of PES
// Bit 11 - discard_av_package -- for ts_recorder use only
// Bit 10 - ts_recorder_select 0:after PID filter 1:before PID filter
// Bit 9 - ts_recorder_enable
// Bit 8 - (table_id == 0xff) means section_end
// Bit 7 - do not send uncomplete section
// Bit 6 - do not discard duplicate package
// Bit 5 - search SOP when trasport_error_indicator
// Bit 4 - stb demux enable
// Bit 3 - do not reset state machine on SOP
// Bit 2 - search SOP when error happened ( when ignore_fail_n_sop, will have this case)
// Bit 1 - do not use SOP input ( check FEC sync byte instead )
// Bit 0 - ignore fec_error bit when non sop ( check error on SOP only)
// bit 15:8 demux package length - 1 ( default : 187 )
// bit 7:0 default is 0x47
// bit 31:16 -- filter memory write data hi[31:16]
// bit 15:0 -- filter memory write data low [15:0]
// bit 31:24 -- advanced setting hi
// bit 23:16 -- advanced setting low
// bit 15 -- filter memory write data request
// bit 7:0 -- filter memory write addr
// bit 13:8 demux state -- read only
// bit 7:4 -- maxnum section filter compare address
// bit 3:0 -- maxnum PID filter compare address
// bit 15 - transport_error_indicator
// bit 14 - payload_unit_start_indicator
// bit 13 - transport_priority
// bit 12:0 - PID
// bit 7:6 transport_scrambling_control
// bit 5:4 adaptation_field_control
// bit 3:0 continuity_counter
// bit 15:12 -- om_cmd_count (read only)
// bit 11:9 -- overflow_count // bit 11:9 -- om_cmd_wr_ptr (read only)
// bit 8:6 -- om_overwrite_count // bit 8:6 -- om_cmd_rd_ptr (read only)
// bit 5:3 -- type_stb_om_w_rd (read only)
// bit 2 -- unit_start_stb_om_w_rd (read only)
// bit 1 -- om_cmd_overflow (read only)
// bit 0 -- om_cmd_pending (read)
// bit 0 -- om_cmd_read_finished (write)
// bit 15:9 // bit 14:8 -- count_stb_om_w_rd (read only)
// bit 8:0 // bit 7:0 -- start_stb_om_wa_rd (read only)
// bit 11:0 -- offset for section data
// bit 31:16 -- base address for section buffer group 0 (*0x400 to get real address)
// bit 15:0 -- base address for section buffer group 1 (*0x400 to get real address)
// bit 31:16 -- ba2e address for section buffer group 2 (*0x400 to get real address)
// bit 15:0 -- base address for section buffer group 3 (*0x400 to get real address)
// bit 3:0 -- section buffer size for group 0 (bit used, for example, 10 means 1K)
// bit 7:4 -- section buffer size for group 1
// bit 11:8 -- section buffer size for group 2
// bit 15:12 -- section buffer size for group 3
// section buffer busy status for buff 31:0 ( Read Only )
// section buffer write status for buff 31:0 -- Read
// clear buffer status ( buff READY and BUSY ) -- write
// bit 4:0 -- SEC_BUFFER_INDEX RW
// bit 12:8 -- SEC_BUFFER_NUMBER for the INDEX buffer Read_Only
// bit 14 -- output_section_buffer_valid
// bit 15 -- section_reset_busy (Read Only)
// bit 9:5 -- BYPASS PID number
// bit 4:0 -- PCR PID number
// bit 15:0 -- stream_id filter bit enable
// bit 7:0 -- stream_id filter target
// bit 12 -- PCR_EN
// bit 11:0 -- PCR90K_DIV
// bit 31:0 -- PCR[31:0] R/W
// bit 31:0 -- VPTS[31:0] R/W
// bit 31:0 -- VDTS[31:0] R/W
// bit 31:0 -- APTS[31:0] R/W
// bit 31:0 -- SPTS[31:0] R/W
// read -- status, write 1 clear status
// bit 15 -- SUB_PTS[32]
// bit 14 -- AUDIO_PTS[32]
// bit 13 -- VIDEO_DTS[32]
// bit 12 -- VIDEO_PTS[32]
// bit 3 -- sub_pts_ready
// bit 2 -- audio_pts_ready
// bit 1 -- video_dts_ready
// bit 0 -- video_pts_ready
// bit 3:0 --
// 0 -- adaptation_field_length[7:0], adaption_field_byte_1[7:0]
// 1 -- stream_id[7:0], pes_header_bytes_left[7:0]
// 2 -- pes_package_bytes_left[15:0]
// 3 -- pes_ctr_byte[7:0], pes_flag_byte[7:0]
// read only
// bit[31] -- no_match_record_en
// bit[30:16] - reserved
// default : 0x807f
// bit 15:9 -- MAX OM DMA COUNT (default: 0x40)
// bit 8:0 -- LAST ADDR OF OM ADDR (default: 127)
// 15:0 WRITE 1 CLEAR to clear interrupt source
//11 -- PCR_ready
//10 -- audio_splicing_point
// 9 -- video_splicing_point
// 8 -- other_PES_int
// 7 -- sub_PES_int
// 6 -- discontinuity
// 5 -- duplicated_pack_found
// 4 -- New PDTS ready
// 3 -- om_cmd_buffer ready for access
// 2 -- section buffer ready
// 1 -- transport_error_indicator
// 0 -- TS ERROR PIN
// Bit 5:3 - demux om write endian control for bypass
// Bit 2:0 - demux om write endian control for section
// When Bit 31 - 1 write will indicate all type use sepertate endian (Write Only)
// Bit 23:21 - demux om write endian control for OTHER_PES_PACKET
// Bit 20:18 - demux om write endian control for SCR_ONLY_PACKET
// Bit 17:15 - demux om write endian control for SUB_PACKET
// Bit 14:12 - demux om write endian control for AUDIO_PACKET
// Bit 11:9 - demux om write endian control for VIDEO_PACKET
// When Bit 31 - 0 write will indicate all type else use Bit 8:6
// Bit 8:6 - demux om write endian control for else
// Bit 10:9 -- sel DPTS_wr_ptr: 00 from parserA ; 01 from parserB
// Bit 8:7 -- use hi_bsf interface: 01 sel hiu0; 10 sel hiu1
// Bit 6:2 - Reserved
// Bit 1 - enable_halt_ts_hiu_fix
// Bit 0 - enable_halt_ts_hiu
// bit 15:0 -- base address for section buffer start (*0x10000 to get real base)
// bit 11 -- mask bit for OTHER_PES_AHB_DMA_EN
// bit 10 -- mask bit for SUB_AHB_DMA_EN
// bit 9 -- mask bit for BYPASS_AHB_DMA_EN
// bit 8 -- mask bit for SECTION_AHB_DMA_EN
// bit 7 -- mask bit for recoder stream
// bit 6:0 -- mask bit for each type
// bit 31:0 -- vb_wr_ptr for video PDTS
// bit 31:0 -- ab_wr_ptr for audio PDTS
// bit 20:0 -- SB_WRITE_PTR (sb_wr_ptr << 3 == byte write position)
// bit 19:0 -- SB_START (sb_start << 12 == byte address);
// bit 20:0 -- SB_SIZE (sb_size << 3 == byte size, 16M maximun)
// bit 31:0 -- sb_wr_ptr for sub PES
// bit 31:16 -- ob_wr_ptr for other PES
// bit 20:0 -- OB_WRITE_PTR (ob_wr_ptr << 3 == byte write position)
// bit 19:0 -- OB_START (ob_start << 12 == byte address);
// bit 20:0 -- OB_SIZE (ob_size << 3 == byte size, 16M maximun)
// bit 31:0 -- ob_wr_ptr for sub PES
// 15:0 DEMUX interrupt MASK
// 9 -- splicing_point
// 8 -- other_PES_int
// 7 -- sub_PES_int
// 6 -- discontinuity
// 5 -- duplicated_pack_found
// 4 -- New PDTS ready
// 3 -- om_cmd_buffer ready for access
// 2 -- section buffer ready
// 1 -- transport_error_indicator
// 0 -- TS ERROR PIN
// 31:16 VIDEO PID filter data
//15 -- splicing VIDEO PID change enable
// 9 -- PES splicing active (Read Only)
// 8 -- splicing active (Read Only)
// 7:0 splicing countdown (Read Only)
// 31:16 AUDIO PID filter data
//15 -- splicing AUDIO PID change enable
// 9 -- PES splicing active (Read Only)
// 8 -- splicing active (Read Only)
// 7:0 splicing countdown (Read Only)
// 23:16 M2TS_SKIP_BYTES
// 7:0 PACKAGE BYTE COUNT (Read Only)
// 15:0 2 bytes strong sync add to PES
// bit 15 -- stb_om_ren
// bit 14:11 -- reserved
// bit 10:0 -- OM_DATA_RD_ADDR
// bit 15:0 -- OM_DATA_RD
// AUTO STOP SETTING for 32 channels
// 4-nbits per channel
// when write
// bit 3 -- set section active
// bit 2:0 -- auto stop after count (0 means never stop)
// when read
// bit 3 -- current active status (1 - active, 0 - stopped )
// bit 2:0 -- count down to auto stop
// section 31:24
// section 23:16
// section 15:8
// section 7:0
// bit 31:0 reset channel status - each bit reset each channel
// read -- 32 channel status
// bit 4 -- video_stamp_use_dts
// bit 3 -- audio_stamp_sync_1_en
// bit 2 -- audio_stamp_insert_en
// bit 1 -- video_stamp_sync_1_en
// bit 0 -- video_stamp_insert_en
// Write : Bit[4:0] secter filter number for reset
// Read : select according to output_section_buffer_valid :
// per bit per section buffer valid status
// or section_buffer_ignore
// bit[31:0] - channel_reset_timeout_disable
// bit[31] - no_match_reset_timeout_disable
// bit[30:0] input_time_out_int_cnt (0 -- means disable) Wr-setting, Rd-count
// bit[31:0] - channel_packet_count_disable
// bit[31] - no_match_packet_count_disable
// bit[30:0] input_packet_count
// bit[31:0] channel_record_enable
// bit[31:0] channel_process_enable
// bit[31:24] small_sec_size ((n+1) * 256 Bytes)
// bit[23:16] small_sec_rd_ptr
// bit[15:8] small_sec_wr_ptr
// bit[7:2] reserved
// bit[1] small_sec_wr_ptr_wr_enable
// bit[0] small_section_enable
// bit[31:0] small_sec_start_addr
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: REG_LIST_DEMUX_RTL.h
// Reading file: nna_anakin_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// ANAKIN - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define NNA_ANAKIN_64_0_ST ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe370000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define NNA_ANAKIN_64_0_ED ((0x03ff << 2) + 0xfe370000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
// ANAKIN - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define NNA_ANAKIN_64_1_ST ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe371000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define NNA_ANAKIN_64_1_ED ((0x03ff << 2) + 0xfe371000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
// ANAKIN - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define NNA_ANAKIN_1K_0_ST ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe372000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define NNA_ANAKIN_1K_0_ED ((0x03ff << 2) + 0xfe372000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
// ANAKIN - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define NNA_ANAKIN_1K_1_ST ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe373000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define NNA_ANAKIN_1K_1_ED ((0x03ff << 2) + 0xfe373000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
// ANAKIN - Registers
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define RO_NNA_ANAKIN_0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nna0_dbg_bus // unsigned , RO, default = 4
#define RO_NNA_ANAKIN_1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nna1_dbg_bus // unsigned , RO, default = 4
#define RO_NNA_ANAKIN_2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nna2_dbg_bus // unsigned , RO, default = 4
#define RO_NNA_ANAKIN_3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nna3_dbg_bus // unsigned , RO, default = 4 ro_nna_debug
#define RO_NNA_ANAKIN_EMI ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 0 ro_nna_emi // unsigned , RO, default = 0 status
#define NNA_EMI_CTRL ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nna0_emi_fixed // unsigned , RW, default = 0 fixed value nn0
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:25 reg_nna0_emi_lsft // unsigned , RW, default = 2 left shift nna_emi nn0
//Bit 24 reg_nna0_emi_fix_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable emi_fixed nn0
//Bit 23:20 reg_nna1_emi_fixed // unsigned , RW, default = 0 fixed value nn1
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:17 reg_nna1_emi_lsft // unsigned , RW, default = 2 left shift nna_emi nn1
//Bit 16 reg_nna1_emi_fix_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable emi_fixed nn1
//Bit 15:12 reg_nna2_emi_fixed // unsigned , RW, default = 0 fixed value nn2
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 9 reg_nna2_emi_lsft // unsigned , RW, default = 2 left shift nna_emi nn2
//Bit 8 reg_nna2_emi_fix_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable emi_fixed nn2
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nna3_emi_fixed // unsigned , RW, default = 0 fixed value nn3
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 1 reg_nna3_emi_lsft // unsigned , RW, default = 2 left shift nna_emi nn3
//Bit 0 reg_nna3_emi_fix_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable emi_fixed nn3
#define NNA_ADDR_SEL ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe374000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:14 reg_core0_araddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 13:12 reg_core1_araddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 11:10 reg_core2_araddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 9: 8 reg_core3_araddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 7: 6 reg_core0_awaddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 5: 4 reg_core1_awaddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3: 2 reg_core2_awaddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 1: 0 reg_core3_awaddr_sel // unsigned , RW, default = 2
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nna_anakin_regs.h
// Reading file: dsi_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// MIPI DSI HOST A CONTROLLER Registers 0xfe074000 - 0xfe074fff
// DWC IP registers: Synopsys IP, please refer to MIPI DSI HOST Databook
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VERSION_OS ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PWR_UP_OS ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_CLKMGR_CFG_OS ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_DPI_VCID_OS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_DPI_COLOR_CODING_OS ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_DPI_CFG_POL_OS ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_DPI_LP_CMD_TIM_OS ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PCKHDL_CFG_OS ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_GEN_VCID_OS ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_PKT_SIZE_OS ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_NUM_CHUNKS_OS ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_NULL_SIZE_OS ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_HSA_TIME_OS ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_HBP_TIME_OS ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_HLINE_TIME_OS ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_VSA_LINES_OS ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_VBP_LINES_OS ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_VFP_LINES_OS ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_VID_VACTIVE_LINES_OS ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_EDPI_CMD_SIZE_OS ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_CMD_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_GEN_HDR_OS ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_GEN_PLD_DATA_OS ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_CMD_PKT_STATUS_OS ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_TO_CNT_CFG_OS ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_HS_RD_TO_CNT_OS ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_LP_RD_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_HS_WR_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_LP_WR_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_BTA_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_SDF_3D_OS ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_LPCLK_CTRL_OS ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_TMR_LPCLK_CFG_OS ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_TMR_CFG_OS ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_RSTZ_OS ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_IF_CFG_OS ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_ULPS_CTRL_OS ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_TX_TRIGGERS_OS ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_STATUS_OS ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_TST_CTRL0_OS ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_PHY_TST_CTRL1_OS ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_INT_ST0_OS ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_INT_ST1_OS ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_INT_MSK0_OS ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_DWC_INT_MSK1_OS ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// Top-level registers: AmLogic proprietary
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_HSA_TIME ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_HBP_TIME ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_HLINE_TIME ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_VSA_LINES ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_VBP_LINES ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_VFP_LINES ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_VACTIVE_LINES ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe074000)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SHADOW_TIME_CTRL ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31: 4 Reserved. Default 0.
// 3 RW ~tim_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_timing block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 2 RW ~dpi_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_dpi block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 1 RW ~intr_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_intr block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 0 RW ~dwc_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on IP core. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SW_RESET ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31: 5 Reserved. Default 0.
// 4 RW manual_edpihalt: 1=Manual suspend VencL; 0=do not suspend VencL. Default 0.
// 3 RW auto_edpihalt_en: 1=Enable IP's edpihalt signal to suspend VencL; 0=IP's edpihalt signal does not affect VencL. Default 0.
// 2 RW clock_freerun: Apply to auto-clock gate only. Default 0.
// 0=Default, use auto-clock gating to save power;
// 1=use free-run clock, disable auto-clock gating, for debug mode.
// 1 RW enable_pixclk: A manual clock gate option, due to DWC IP does not have auto-clock gating. 1=Enable pixclk. Default 0.
// 0 RW enable_sysclk: A manual clock gate option, due to DWC IP does not have auto-clock gating. 1=Enable sysclk. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_CLK_CNTL ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:27 Reserved. Default 0.
// 26 RW de_dpi_pol: 1= Invert DE polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 25 RW hsync_dpi_pol: 1= Invert HS polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 24 RW vsync_dpi_pol: 1= Invert VS polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 23:20 RW dpi_color_mode: Define DPI pixel format. Default 0.
// 0=16-bit RGB565 config 1;
// 1=16-bit RGB565 config 2;
// 2=16-bit RGB565 config 3;
// 3=18-bit RGB666 config 1;
// 4=18-bit RGB666 config 2;
// 5=24-bit RGB888;
// 6=20-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 7=24-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 8=16-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 9=30-bit RGB;
// 10=36-bit RGB;
// 11=12-bit YCbCr 4:2:0.
// 19 Reserved. Default 0.
// 18:16 RW in_color_mode: Define VENC data width. Default 0.
// 0=30-bit pixel;
// 1=24-bit pixel;
// 2=18-bit pixel, RGB666;
// 3=16-bit pixel, RGB565.
// 15:14 RW chroma_subsample: Define method of chroma subsampling. Default 0.
// Applicable to YUV422 or YUV420 only.
// 0=Use even pixel's chroma;
// 1=Use odd pixel's chroma;
// 2=Use averaged value between even and odd pair.
// 13:12 RW comp2_sel: Select which component to be Cr or B: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 2.
// 11:10 RW comp1_sel: Select which component to be Cb or G: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 1.
// 9: 8 RW comp0_sel: Select which component to be Y or R: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 0.
// 7 Reserved. Default 0.
// 6 RW de_venc_pol: 1= Invert DE polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 5 RW hsync_venc_pol: 1= Invert HS polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 4 RW vsync_venc_pol: 1= Invert VS polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 3 RW dpicolorm: Signal to IP. Default 0.
// 2 RW dpishutdn: Signal to IP. Default 0.
// 1 Reserved. Default 0.
// 0 Reserved. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_CNTL ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:16 Reserved. Default 0.
// 15: 8 RW suspend_frame_rate: Define rate of timed-suspend. Default 0.
// 0=Execute suspend every frame; 1=Every other frame; ...; 255=Every 256 frame.
// 7: 4 Reserved. Default 0.
// 3 RW disable suspend venc: 1=don`t support suspend VencL. 0=support suspend venc Default 0.
// 2 RW timed_suspend_en: 1=Enable timed suspend VencL. 0=Disable timed suspend. Default 0.
// 1 RW manual_suspend_en: 1=Enable manual suspend VencL. 1=Cancel manual suspend VencL. Default 0.
// 0 RW suspend_on_edpihalt:1=Enable IP's edpihalt signal to suspend VencL; 0=IP's edpihalt signal does not affect VencL. Default 1.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_CNTL ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 RW suspend_line_end: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 RW suspend_line_start: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_LINE ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 RW suspend_pix_end: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 RW suspend_pix_start: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_PIX ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:20 Reserved. Default 0.
// 19:10 RW meas_vsync: Control on measuring Host Controller's vsync. Default 0.
// [ 19] meas_en: 1=Enable measurement
// [ 18] accum_meas_en: 0=meas_count is cleared at the end of each measure;
// 1=meas_count is accumulated at the end of each measure.
// [17:10] vsync_span: Define the duration of a measure is to last for how many Vsyncs.
// 9: 0 RW meas_edpite: Control on measuring Display Slave's edpite. Default 0.
// [ 9] meas_en: 1=Enable measurement
// [ 8] accum_meas_en: 0=meas_count is cleared at the end of each measure;
// 1=meas_count is accumulated at the end of each measure.
// [ 7: 0] edpite_span: Define the duration of a measure is to last for how many edpite.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_CNTL ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31 R stat_edpihalt: status of edpihalt signal from IP. Default 0.
// 30:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 R stat_te_line: Snapshot of Host's line position at edpite. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 R stat_te_pix: Snapshot of Host's pixel position at edpite. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_STAT ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// To measure display slave's frame rate, we can use a reference clock to measure the duration of one of more edpite pulse(s).
// Measurement control is by register MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_CNTL bit[9:0].
// Reference clock comes from clk_rst_tst.cts_dsi_meas_clk, and is defined by HIU register HHI_VDIN_MEAS_CLK_CNTL bit[23:12].
// Mesurement result is in MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE0 and MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE1, as below:
// edpite_meas_count[47:0]: Number of reference clock cycles counted during one measure period (non-incremental measure), or
// during all measure periods so far (incremental measure).
// edpite_meas_count_n[3:0]:Number of measure periods has been done. Number can wrap over.
// 31: 0 R edpite_meas_count[31:0]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE0 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 19:16 R edpite_meas_count_n. Default 0.
// 15: 0 R edpite_meas_count[47:32]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE1 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// To measure Host's frame rate, we can use a reference clock to measure the duration of one of more Vsync pulse(s).
// Measurement control is by register MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_CNTL bit[19:10].
// Reference clock comes from clk_rst_tst.cts_dsi_meas_clk, and is defined by HIU register HHI_VDIN_MEAS_CLK_CNTL bit[23:12].
// Mesurement result is in MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS0 and MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS1, as below:
// vsync_meas_count[47:0]: Number of reference clock cycles counted during one measure period (non-incremental measure), or
// during all measure periods so far (incremental measure).
// vsync_meas_count_n[3:0]: Number of measure periods has been done. Number can wrap over.
// 31: 0 R vsync_meas_count[31:0]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS0 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 19:16 R vsync_meas_count_n. Default 0.
// 15: 0 R vsync_meas_count[47:32]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS1 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31:16 RW intr_stat/clr. For each bit, read as this interrupt level status, write 1 to clear. Default 0.
// Note: To clear the interrupt level, simply write 1 to the specific bit, no need to write 0 afterwards.
// [31:22] Reserved
// [ 21] stat/clr of EOF interrupt
// [ 20] stat/clr of de_fall interrupt
// [ 19] stat/clr of de_rise interrupt
// [ 18] stat/clr of vs_fall interrupt
// [ 17] stat/clr of vs_rise interrupt
// [ 16] stat/clr of dwc_edpite interrupt
// 15: 0 RW intr_enable. For each bit, 1=enable this interrupt, 0=disable. Default 0.
// [15: 6] Reserved
// [ 5] EOF (End_Of_Field) interrupt
// [ 4] de_fall interrupt
// [ 3] de_rise interrupt
// [ 2] vs_fall interrupt
// [ 1] vs_rise interrupt
// [ 0] dwc_edpite interrupt
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_INTR_CNTL_STAT ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// 31: 2 Reserved. Default 0.
// 1: 0 RW mem_pd. Default 3.
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEM_PD ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe074000)
// MIPI DSI HOST B CONTROLLER Registers 0xfe072000 - 0xfe072fff
// DWC IP registers: Synopsys IP, please refer to MIPI DSI HOST Databook
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VERSION_OS ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PWR_UP_OS ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_CLKMGR_CFG_OS ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_DPI_VCID_OS ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_DPI_COLOR_CODING_OS ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_DPI_CFG_POL_OS ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_DPI_LP_CMD_TIM_OS ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PCKHDL_CFG_OS ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_GEN_VCID_OS ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_PKT_SIZE_OS ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_NUM_CHUNKS_OS ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_NULL_SIZE_OS ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_HSA_TIME_OS ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_HBP_TIME_OS ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_HLINE_TIME_OS ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_VSA_LINES_OS ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_VBP_LINES_OS ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_VFP_LINES_OS ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_VID_VACTIVE_LINES_OS ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_EDPI_CMD_SIZE_OS ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_CMD_MODE_CFG_OS ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_GEN_HDR_OS ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_GEN_PLD_DATA_OS ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_CMD_PKT_STATUS_OS ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_TO_CNT_CFG_OS ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_HS_RD_TO_CNT_OS ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_LP_RD_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_HS_WR_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_LP_WR_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_BTA_TO_CNT_OS ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_SDF_3D_OS ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_LPCLK_CTRL_OS ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_TMR_LPCLK_CFG_OS ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_TMR_CFG_OS ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_RSTZ_OS ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_IF_CFG_OS ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_ULPS_CTRL_OS ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_TX_TRIGGERS_OS ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_STATUS_OS ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_TST_CTRL0_OS ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_PHY_TST_CTRL1_OS ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_INT_ST0_OS ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_INT_ST1_OS ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_INT_MSK0_OS ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_DWC_INT_MSK1_OS ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// Top-level registers: AmLogic proprietary
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_HSA_TIME ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_HBP_TIME ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_HLINE_TIME ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_VSA_LINES ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_VBP_LINES ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_VFP_LINES ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_VACTIVE_LINES ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe072000)
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SHADOW_TIME_CTRL ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31: 4 Reserved. Default 0.
// 3 RW ~tim_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_timing block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 2 RW ~dpi_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_dpi block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 1 RW ~intr_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on mipi_dsi_host_intr block. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
// 0 RW ~dwc_rst_n: 1=Assert SW reset on IP core. 0=Release reset. Default 1.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SW_RESET ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31: 5 Reserved. Default 0.
// 4 RW manual_edpihalt: 1=Manual suspend VencL; 0=do not suspend VencL. Default 0.
// 3 RW auto_edpihalt_en: 1=Enable IP's edpihalt signal to suspend VencL; 0=IP's edpihalt signal does not affect VencL. Default 0.
// 2 RW clock_freerun: Apply to auto-clock gate only. Default 0.
// 0=Default, use auto-clock gating to save power;
// 1=use free-run clock, disable auto-clock gating, for debug mode.
// 1 RW enable_pixclk: A manual clock gate option, due to DWC IP does not have auto-clock gating. 1=Enable pixclk. Default 0.
// 0 RW enable_sysclk: A manual clock gate option, due to DWC IP does not have auto-clock gating. 1=Enable sysclk. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_CLK_CNTL ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:27 Reserved. Default 0.
// 26 RW de_dpi_pol: 1= Invert DE polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 25 RW hsync_dpi_pol: 1= Invert HS polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 24 RW vsync_dpi_pol: 1= Invert VS polarity from mipi_dsi_host_dpi. Default 0.
// 23:20 RW dpi_color_mode: Define DPI pixel format. Default 0.
// 0=16-bit RGB565 config 1;
// 1=16-bit RGB565 config 2;
// 2=16-bit RGB565 config 3;
// 3=18-bit RGB666 config 1;
// 4=18-bit RGB666 config 2;
// 5=24-bit RGB888;
// 6=20-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 7=24-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 8=16-bit YCbCr 4:2:2;
// 9=30-bit RGB;
// 10=36-bit RGB;
// 11=12-bit YCbCr 4:2:0.
// 19 Reserved. Default 0.
// 18:16 RW in_color_mode: Define VENC data width. Default 0.
// 0=30-bit pixel;
// 1=24-bit pixel;
// 2=18-bit pixel, RGB666;
// 3=16-bit pixel, RGB565.
// 15:14 RW chroma_subsample: Define method of chroma subsampling. Default 0.
// Applicable to YUV422 or YUV420 only.
// 0=Use even pixel's chroma;
// 1=Use odd pixel's chroma;
// 2=Use averaged value between even and odd pair.
// 13:12 RW comp2_sel: Select which component to be Cr or B: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 2.
// 11:10 RW comp1_sel: Select which component to be Cb or G: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 1.
// 9: 8 RW comp0_sel: Select which component to be Y or R: 0=comp0; 1=comp1; 2=comp2. Default 0.
// 7 Reserved. Default 0.
// 6 RW de_venc_pol: 1= Invert DE polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 5 RW hsync_venc_pol: 1= Invert HS polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 4 RW vsync_venc_pol: 1= Invert VS polarity from VENC. Default 0.
// 3 RW dpicolorm: Signal to IP. Default 0.
// 2 RW dpishutdn: Signal to IP. Default 0.
// 1 Reserved. Default 0.
// 0 Reserved. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_CNTL ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:16 Reserved. Default 0.
// 15: 8 RW suspend_frame_rate: Define rate of timed-suspend. Default 0.
// 0=Execute suspend every frame; 1=Every other frame; ...; 255=Every 256 frame.
// 7: 4 Reserved. Default 0.
// 3 RW disable suspend venc: 1=don`t support suspend VencL. 0=support suspend venc Default 0.
// 2 RW timed_suspend_en: 1=Enable timed suspend VencL. 0=Disable timed suspend. Default 0.
// 1 RW manual_suspend_en: 1=Enable manual suspend VencL. 1=Cancel manual suspend VencL. Default 0.
// 0 RW suspend_on_edpihalt:1=Enable IP's edpihalt signal to suspend VencL; 0=IP's edpihalt signal does not affect VencL. Default 1.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SUSPEND_CNTL ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 RW suspend_line_end: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 RW suspend_line_start: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SUSPEND_LINE ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 RW suspend_pix_end: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 RW suspend_pix_start: Define timed-suspend region. Suspend from [pix_start,line_start] to [pix_end,line_end]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_SUSPEND_PIX ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:20 Reserved. Default 0.
// 19:10 RW meas_vsync: Control on measuring Host Controller's vsync. Default 0.
// [ 19] meas_en: 1=Enable measurement
// [ 18] accum_meas_en: 0=meas_count is cleared at the end of each measure;
// 1=meas_count is accumulated at the end of each measure.
// [17:10] vsync_span: Define the duration of a measure is to last for how many Vsyncs.
// 9: 0 RW meas_edpite: Control on measuring Display Slave's edpite. Default 0.
// [ 9] meas_en: 1=Enable measurement
// [ 8] accum_meas_en: 0=meas_count is cleared at the end of each measure;
// 1=meas_count is accumulated at the end of each measure.
// [ 7: 0] edpite_span: Define the duration of a measure is to last for how many edpite.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_CNTL ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31 R stat_edpihalt: status of edpihalt signal from IP. Default 0.
// 30:29 Reserved. Default 0.
// 28:16 R stat_te_line: Snapshot of Host's line position at edpite. Default 0.
// 15:13 Reserved. Default 0.
// 12: 0 R stat_te_pix: Snapshot of Host's pixel position at edpite. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_STAT ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// To measure display slave's frame rate, we can use a reference clock to measure the duration of one of more edpite pulse(s).
// Measurement control is by register MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_CNTL bit[9:0].
// Reference clock comes from clk_rst_tst.cts_dsi_meas_clk, and is defined by HIU register HHI_VDIN_MEAS_CLK_CNTL bit[23:12].
// Mesurement result is in MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE0 and MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE1, as below:
// edpite_meas_count[47:0]: Number of reference clock cycles counted during one measure period (non-incremental measure), or
// during all measure periods so far (incremental measure).
// edpite_meas_count_n[3:0]:Number of measure periods has been done. Number can wrap over.
// 31: 0 R edpite_meas_count[31:0]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE0 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 19:16 R edpite_meas_count_n. Default 0.
// 15: 0 R edpite_meas_count[47:32]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE1 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// To measure Host's frame rate, we can use a reference clock to measure the duration of one of more Vsync pulse(s).
// Measurement control is by register MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_CNTL bit[19:10].
// Reference clock comes from clk_rst_tst.cts_dsi_meas_clk, and is defined by HIU register HHI_VDIN_MEAS_CLK_CNTL bit[23:12].
// Mesurement result is in MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS0 and MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS1, as below:
// vsync_meas_count[47:0]: Number of reference clock cycles counted during one measure period (non-incremental measure), or
// during all measure periods so far (incremental measure).
// vsync_meas_count_n[3:0]: Number of measure periods has been done. Number can wrap over.
// 31: 0 R vsync_meas_count[31:0]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS0 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 19:16 R vsync_meas_count_n. Default 0.
// 15: 0 R vsync_meas_count[47:32]. Default 0.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS1 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31:16 RW intr_stat/clr. For each bit, read as this interrupt level status, write 1 to clear. Default 0.
// Note: To clear the interrupt level, simply write 1 to the specific bit, no need to write 0 afterwards.
// [31:22] Reserved
// [ 21] stat/clr of EOF interrupt
// [ 20] stat/clr of de_fall interrupt
// [ 19] stat/clr of de_rise interrupt
// [ 18] stat/clr of vs_fall interrupt
// [ 17] stat/clr of vs_rise interrupt
// [ 16] stat/clr of dwc_edpite interrupt
// 15: 0 RW intr_enable. For each bit, 1=enable this interrupt, 0=disable. Default 0.
// [15: 6] Reserved
// [ 5] EOF (End_Of_Field) interrupt
// [ 4] de_fall interrupt
// [ 3] de_rise interrupt
// [ 2] vs_fall interrupt
// [ 1] vs_rise interrupt
// [ 0] dwc_edpite interrupt
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_INTR_CNTL_STAT ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// 31: 2 Reserved. Default 0.
// 1: 0 RW mem_pd. Default 3.
#define MIPI_DSI_B_TOP_MEM_PD ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe072000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dsi_regs.h
// Reading file: mipi_isp.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// MIPI_ISP adapt fe0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP adapt fe1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP adapt fe2
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP adapt fe3
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP adapt cfg
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,frame_rd_start ,default = 0 ,frame_rd_start ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:28 ,burst_type ,default = 0 ,burst_type
//Bit 27:26 ,reg_sample_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_sample_sel
//Bit 25 ,soft_load ,default = 0 ,soft_load
//Bit 24 ,continue_mode ,default = 0 ,continue_mode
//Bit 23 ,dol_mode ,default = 0 ,dol_mode
//Bit 22 ,pingpong_mode ,default = 0 ,pingpong_mode
//Bit 21 ,dol_time_out_en ,default = 0 ,dol_time_out_en
//Bit 20 ,frame_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_wr_done_sel
//Bit 19 ,line_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,line_wr_done_sel
//Bit 18 ,dol_frame_end_en ,default = 0 ,dol_frame_end_en
//Bit 17 ,dol_vblank_clr_sel ,default = 0 ,dol_vblank_clr_sel
//Bit 16 ,reserved
//Bit 15:14 ,dol_time_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,dol_time_tick_sel
//Bit 13:4 ,line_stride ,default = 0 ,line_stride
//Bit 3:2 ,lbuf_soft_rst_sel ,default = 0 ,lbuf_soft_rst_sel
//Bit 1 ,frame_loop_enable ,default = 0 ,frame_loop_enable
//Bit 0 ,enable ,default = 0 ,enable
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:30 ,port_sel ,default = 0 ,port_sel
//Bit 29 ,frame_vs_rst_en ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_rst_en
//Bit 28:16 ,line_number ,default = 0 ,line_number
//Bit 15:12 ,dol_line_threshold ,default = 0 ,dol_line_threshold
//Bit 11:10 ,frame_vs_rst_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_rst_sel
//Bit 9:0 ,line_size ,default = 0 ,line_size
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_base_address_0 ,default = 0 ,frame_base_address_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_base_address_1 ,default = 0 ,frame_base_address_1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:13 ,dol_time_out ,default = 0 ,dol_time_out
//Bit 12:0 ,line_threshold ,default = 0 ,line_threshold
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_end_address_0 ,default = 0 ,frame_end_address_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_CNTL6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_end_address_1 ,default = 0 ,frame_end_address_1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 4, reg_rd0_qos_th_val ,default = 0,reg_rd0_qos_th_val
//Bit 3: 0, reg_rd0_qos_default_val ,default = 0,reg_rd0_qos_default_val
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_rd0_qos_auto_en ,default = 0,reg_rd0_qos_auto_en
//Bit 30:16, reg_rd0_qos_th1 ,default = 0,reg_rd0_qos_th1
//Bit 15 ,reserved
//Bit 14: 0, reg_rd0_qos_th0 ,default = 0,reg_rd0_qos_th0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_ST0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st0 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_ST1 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st1 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_ST2 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st2 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd0_st2
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD0_UGT_ST ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_rd0_qos_st ,default = 0 ,RO
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,frame_rd_start ,default = 0 ,frame_rd_start ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:28 ,burst_type ,default = 0 ,burst_type
//Bit 27:26 ,reg_sample_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_sample_sel
//Bit 25 ,soft_load ,default = 0 ,soft_load
//Bit 24 ,continue_mode ,default = 0 ,continue_mode
//Bit 23 ,dol_mode ,default = 0 ,dol_mode
//Bit 22 ,pingpong_mode ,default = 0 ,pingpong_mode
//Bit 21 ,dol_time_out_en ,default = 0 ,dol_time_out_en
//Bit 20 ,frame_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_wr_done_sel
//Bit 19 ,line_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,line_wr_done_sel
//Bit 18 ,dol_frame_end_en ,default = 0 ,dol_frame_end_en
//Bit 17 ,dol_vblank_clr_sel ,default = 0 ,dol_vblank_clr_sel
//Bit 16 ,reserved
//Bit 15:14 ,dol_time_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,dol_time_tick_sel
//Bit 13:4 ,line_stride ,default = 0 ,line_stride
//Bit 3:2 ,lbuf_soft_rst_sel ,default = 0 ,lbuf_soft_rst_sel
//Bit 1 ,frame_loop_enable ,default = 0 ,frame_loop_enable
//Bit 0 ,enable ,default = 0 ,enable
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:30 ,port_sel ,default = 0 ,port_sel
//Bit 29 ,frame_vs_rst_en ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_rst_en
//Bit 28:16 ,line_number ,default = 0 ,line_number
//Bit 15:12 ,dol_line_threshold ,default = 0 ,dol_line_threshold
//Bit 11:10 ,frame_vs_rst_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_rst_sel
//Bit 9:0 ,line_size ,default = 0 ,line_size
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_base_address_0 ,default = 0 ,frame_base_address_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_base_address_1 ,default = 0 ,frame_base_address_1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:13 ,dol_time_out ,default = 0 ,dol_time_out
//Bit 12:0 ,line_threshold ,default = 0 ,line_threshold
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_end_address_0 ,default = 0 ,frame_end_address_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_CNTL6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,frame_end_address_1 ,default = 0 ,frame_end_address_1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 4, reg_rd1_qos_th_val ,default = 0,reg_rd1_qos_th_val
//Bit 3: 0, reg_rd1_qos_default_val ,default = 0,reg_rd1_qos_default_val
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_rd1_qos_auto_en ,default = 0,reg_rd1_qos_auto_en
//Bit 30:16, reg_rd1_qos_th1 ,default = 0,reg_rd1_qos_th1
//Bit 15 ,reserved
//Bit 14: 0, reg_rd1_qos_th0 ,default = 0,reg_rd1_qos_th0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_ST0 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st1 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_ST1 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st2 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st2
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_ST2 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st2 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_ddr_rd1_st2
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DDR_RD1_UGT_ST ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_rd1_qos_st ,default = 0 ,RO
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_CNTL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,start_en ,default = 0 ,start_en ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 30 ,soft_load ,default = 0 ,soft_load ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 29:26 ,reserved
//Bit 25:20 ,data_type ,default = 0 ,data_type
//Bit 19:18 ,reserved
//Bit 17:16 ,data_mode ,default = 0 ,data_mode
//Bit 15 ,reserved
//Bit 14 ,color_expand ,default = 0 ,color_expand
//Bit 13 ,reserved
//Bit 12:0 ,fifo_threshold ,default = 0 ,fifo_threshold
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_CNTL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,pixel_x_start ,default = 0 ,pixel_x_start
//Bit 15:0 ,pixel_x_end ,default = 16'hffff ,pixel_x_end
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_CNTL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:28 ,reserved
//Bit 27:15 ,pixel_num ,default = 0 ,pixel_num
//Bit 14:10 ,reserved
//Bit 9:0 ,fifo_rd_size ,default = 0 ,fifo_rd_size
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_CNTL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,frame_sync_dely_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_en
//Bit 30:16 ,frame_sync_dely_time ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_time
//Bit 15:3 ,reserved
//Bit 2 ,frame_sync_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_en
//Bit 1 ,frame_sync_rst_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_rst_en
//Bit 0 ,frame_sync_load_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_load_en
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_ST0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel0_st0 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel0_st0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL0_ST1 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel0_st1 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel0_st1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_CNTL0 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,start_en ,default = 0 ,start_en ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 30 ,soft_load ,default = 0 ,soft_load ,pluse,one cycle
//Bit 29:26 ,reserved
//Bit 25:20 ,data_type ,default = 0 ,data_type
//Bit 19:18 ,reserved
//Bit 17:16 ,data_mode ,default = 0 ,data_mode
//Bit 15 ,mode_422to444 ,default = 0 ,mode_422to444
//Bit 14 ,color_expand ,default = 0 ,color_expand
//Bit 13 ,reserved
//Bit 12:0 ,fifo_threshold ,default = 0 ,fifo_threshold
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_CNTL1 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,pixel_x_start ,default = 0 ,pixel_x_start
//Bit 15:0 ,pixel_x_end ,default = 16'hffff ,pixel_x_end
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_CNTL2 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:28 ,reserved
//Bit 27:15 ,pixel_num ,default = 0 ,pixel_num
//Bit 14:10 ,reserved
//Bit 9:0 ,fifo_rd_size ,default = 0 ,fifo_rd_size
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_CNTL3 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,frame_sync_dely_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_en
//Bit 30:16 ,frame_sync_dely_time ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_time
//Bit 15:3 ,reserved
//Bit 2 ,frame_sync_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_en
//Bit 1 ,frame_sync_rst_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_rst_en
//Bit 0 ,frame_sync_load_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_load_en
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_ST0 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel1_st0 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel1_st0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_PIXEL1_ST1 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel1_st1 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_pixel1_st1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,v_num_a ,default = 0 ,v_num_a
//Bit 15:0 ,h_num_a ,default = 0 ,h_num_a
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,hpe_num_a ,default = 0 ,hpe_num_a
//Bit 15:0 ,hps_num_a ,default = 0 ,hps_num_a
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL2 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,vpe_num_a ,default = 0 ,vpe_num_a // line valid end point for camera a
//Bit 15:0 ,vps_num_a ,default = 0 ,vps_num_a // line valid start point for camera a
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL3 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,frame_start_line ,default = 0 ,frame_start_line // start line after frame_sync when frame_sync_rst_en is 1
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_start_pixel ,default = 0 ,frame_start_pixel
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL4 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:0 ,fill_data ,default = 0 ,fill_data
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL5 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:24 ,flow_done_src_en ,default = 0 ,flow_done_src_en
//Bit 23:0 ,reserved
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL6 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,yuvrgb_mode ,default = 0 ,yuvrgb_mode //
//Bit 30 ,frame_end_load_en ,default = 0 ,frame_end_load_en //
//Bit 29:16 ,reserved
//Bit 15 ,vdata3_en ,default = 0 ,vdata3_en //vdata3 enable
//Bit 14 ,vdata2_en ,default = 0 ,vdata2_en //vdata2 enable
//Bit 13 ,vdata1_en ,default = 0 ,vdata1_en //vdata1 enable
//Bit 12 ,vdata0_en ,default = 0 ,vdata0_en //vdata0 enable
//Bit 11 ,vdata3_sel ,default = 0 ,vdata3_sel //vdata3 select
//Bit 10 ,vdata2_sel ,default = 0 ,vdata2_sel //vdata2 select
//Bit 9 ,vdata1_sel ,default = 0 ,vdata1_sel //vdata1 select
//Bit 8 ,vdata0_sel ,default = 0 ,vdata0_sel //vdata0 select
//Bit 7:6 ,reserved
//Bit 5 ,pix_datamode_1 ,default = 0 ,pix_datamode_1 //
//Bit 4 ,pix_datamode_0 ,default = 0 ,pix_datamode_0 //
//Bit 3 ,lane1_sel ,default = 0 ,lane1_sel //lane select
//Bit 2 ,lane1_en ,default = 0 ,lane1_en //lane enable
//Bit 1 ,lane0_sel ,default = 0 ,lane0_sel //lane select
//Bit 0 ,lane0_en ,default = 0 ,lane0_en //lane enable
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL7 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 ,inc_mask_timeout ,default = 0 ,inc_mask_timeout
//Bit 15 ,inc_mask_timeout_en ,default = 0 ,inc_mask_timeout_en
//Bit 14 ,frame_sync_rst_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_rst_en
//Bit 13 ,frame_sync_load_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_load_en
//Bit 12:2 ,reserved
//Bit 1 :0 ,inc_mask_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,inc_mask_tick_sel
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL8 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,start_en ,default = 0 ,start_en //no shadow
//Bit 30 ,reserved
//Bit 29 ,soft_load ,default = 0 ,soft_load //no shadow
//Bit 28:16 ,reserved
//Bit 15 ,hsync_irq_num_en ,default = 0 ,hsync_irq_num_en
//Bit 14 ,reserved
//Bit 13 ,no_frame_sv_sync_en ,default = 0 ,no_frame_sv_sync_en // reset hcnt to frame_start_pixel
//Bit 12 ,exc_mask_dis ,default = 0 ,exc_mask_dis //disable inc_mask when exc happen
//Bit 11 ,mult_camera_req_sf_en ,default = 0 ,mult_camera_req_sf_en //
//Bit 10 ,mult_camera_req_sf ,default = 0 ,mult_camera_req_sf //
//Bit 9:7 ,reserved
//Bit 6 ,isp_mult_frame_req_en ,default = 0 ,isp_mult_frame_req_en
//Bit 5 ,frame_continue ,default = 0 ,frame_continue
//Bit 4:0 ,reserved
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL9 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,frame_sync_dely_en ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_en
//Bit 30:16 ,frame_sync_dely_time ,default = 0 ,frame_sync_dely_time
//Bit 15:0 ,hsync_irq_num ,default = 0 ,hsync_irq_num
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL10 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,isp_hold_src7_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src7_en
//Bit 30 ,isp_hold_src6_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src6_en
//Bit 29 ,isp_hold_src5_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src5_en
//Bit 28 ,isp_hold_src4_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src4_en
//Bit 27 ,isp_hold_src3_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src3_en
//Bit 26 ,isp_hold_src2_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src2_en
//Bit 25 ,isp_hold_src1_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src1_en
//Bit 24 ,isp_hold_src0_en ,default = 0 ,isp_hold_src0_en
//Bit 23:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL11 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst0_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst0_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst0_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst0_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL12 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst1_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst1_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst1_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst1_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL13 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst2_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst2_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst2_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst2_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL14 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst3_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst3_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst3_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst3_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL15 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst4_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst4_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst4_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst4_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL16 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst5_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst5_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst5_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst5_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL17 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst6_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst6_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst6_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst6_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL18 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst7_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst7_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst7_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst7_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_CNTL19 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:19 ,reserved
//Bit 18:16 ,frame_vs_dst8_sel ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst8_sel
//Bit 15:0 ,frame_vs_dst8_cke_delay ,default = 0 ,frame_vs_dst8_cke_delay
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_ST0 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st0 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_ST1 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st1 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st1
#define MIPI_ADAPT_ALIG_ST2 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st2 ,default = 0 ,mipi_adapt_alig_st2
#define MIPI_ADAPT_OTHER_CNTL0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:24 ,reserved
//Bit 23:20 ,reg_adapt_debug_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_adapt_debug_sel
//Bit 19:18 ,reserved
//Bit 17 ,reg_lbuf1_clk_on ,default = 0 ,reg_lbuf1_clk_on
//Bit 16 ,reg_lbuf0_clk_on ,default = 0 ,reg_lbuf0_clk_on
//Bit 15:11 ,reserved
//Bit 10:0 ,reg_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,reg_soft_rst
#define DDR_RD0_LBUF_STATUS ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,ddr_rd_0_lbuf_status ,default = 0 ,ddr_rd_0_lbuf_status
#define DDR_RD1_LBUF_STATUS ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:0 ,ddr_rd_1_lbuf_status ,default = 0 ,ddr_rd_1_lbuf_status
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:28 ,reg_alig_frame_valid_en ,default = 0 ,reg_alig_frame_valid_en
//Bit 27:24 ,reg_alig_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_alig_vs_sel
//Bit 23:20 ,reg_pixel1_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_pixel1_vs_sel
//Bit 19:16 ,reg_pixel0_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_pixel0_vs_sel
//Bit 15 ,reserved
//Bit 14 ,reg_ddr_rd1_line_wr_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd1_line_wr_vs_sel
//Bit 13 ,reg_ddr_rd1_frame_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd1_frame_wr_done_sel
//Bit 12 ,reg_ddr_rd1_line_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd1_line_wr_done_sel
//Bit 11:10 ,reserved
//Bit 9:8 ,reg_ddr_rd1_fe_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd1_fe_sel
//Bit 7 ,reserved
//Bit 6 ,reg_ddr_rd0_line_wr_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd0_line_wr_vs_sel
//Bit 5 ,reg_ddr_rd0_frame_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd0_frame_wr_done_sel
//Bit 4 ,reg_ddr_rd0_line_wr_done_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd0_line_wr_done_sel
//Bit 3:2 ,reserved
//Bit 1:0 ,reg_ddr_rd0_fe_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ddr_rd0_fe_sel
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:28 ,reserved
//Bit 27:24 ,reg_lbuf1_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_lbuf1_vs_sel
//Bit 23:20 ,reg_lbuf0_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_lbuf0_vs_sel
//Bit 19:17 ,reserved
//Bit 16 ,reg_de_rd_frame_valid_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_de_rd_frame_valid_sel
//Bit 15:12 ,reg_de_rd_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_de_rd_vs_sel
//Bit 11: 8 ,reg_de_wr_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_de_wr_vs_sel
//Bit 7: 4 ,reg_ds_nb_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_ds_nb_vs_sel
//Bit 3: 0 ,reg_fr_nb_vs_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_fr_nb_vs_sel
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX0_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux0_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux0_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux0_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux0_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux0_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux0_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX0_DLY_STAT0 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux0_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux0_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX1_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux1_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux1_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux1_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux1_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux1_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux1_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX1_DLY_STAT0 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux1_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux1_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX2_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux2_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux2_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux2_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux2_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux2_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux2_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX2_DLY_STAT0 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux2_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux2_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX3_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux3_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux3_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux3_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux3_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux3_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux3_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX3_DLY_STAT0 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux3_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux3_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX4_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux4_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux4_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux4_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux4_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux4_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux4_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX4_DLY_STAT0 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux4_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux4_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX5_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux5_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux5_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux5_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux5_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux5_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux5_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX5_DLY_STAT0 ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux5_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux5_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX6_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux6_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux6_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux6_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux6_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux6_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux6_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX6_DLY_STAT0 ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux6_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux6_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX7_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux7_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux7_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux7_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux7_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux7_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux7_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX7_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux7_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux7_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX8_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux8_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux8_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux8_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux8_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux8_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux8_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX8_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux8_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux8_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX9_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux9_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux9_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux9_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux9_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux9_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux9_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX9_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux9_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux9_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX10_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux10_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux10_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux10_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux10_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux10_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux10_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX10_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux10_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux10_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_0_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig0_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig0_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig0_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig0_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig0_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig0_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_0_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig0_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig0_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_1_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig1_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig1_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig1_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig1_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig1_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig1_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_1_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig1_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig1_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_2_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig2_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig2_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig2_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig2_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig2_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig2_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_2_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig2_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig2_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_3_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig3_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig3_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig3_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig3_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig3_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig3_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_3_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00af << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig3_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig3_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_4_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig4_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig4_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig4_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig4_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig4_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig4_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_4_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig4_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig4_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_5_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig5_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig5_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig5_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig5_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig5_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig5_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_5_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig5_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig5_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_6_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig6_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig6_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig6_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig6_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig6_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig6_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_6_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig6_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig6_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_7_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig7_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig7_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig7_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig7_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig7_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig7_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_7_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig7_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig7_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_8_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_alig8_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_alig8_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_alig8_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_alig8_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_alig8_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_alig8_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_DST_VS_8_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_alig8_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_alig8_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX11_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux11_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux11_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux11_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux11_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux11_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux11_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX11_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux11_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux11_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX12_DLY_CNTL0 ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 , reg_mux12_soft_rst ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 30 , reserved
//Bit 29 , reg_mux12_mont_clr ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 28 , reg_mux12_mont_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 27:20 , reserved
//Bit 19 , reg_mux12_vs_delay_en ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 18 , reserved
//Bit 17:16 , reg_mux12_vs_delay_tick_sel ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , reg_mux12_vs_delay_num ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX12_DLY_STAT0 ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:16 , ro_mux12_vs_mont_max ,default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:0 , ro_mux12_vs_mon_min ,default = 0 ,
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL2 ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,reg_dst_vs_sel1 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel1
//Bit 30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:24 ,reg_core_inf_sel1 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel1
//Bit 23 ,reg_dst_vs_sel0 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel0
//Bit 22 ,reserved
//Bit 21:16 ,reg_core_inf_sel0 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel0
//Bit 15: 9 ,reserved
//Bit 8 ,reg_isp_core_inf_inv ,default = 0 ,reg_isp_core_inf_inv
//Bit 7: 4 ,reg_mipi_csi_vs1_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_mipi_csi_vs1_sel
//Bit 3: 0 ,reg_mipi_csi_vs0_sel ,default = 0 ,reg_mipi_csi_vs0_sel
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL3 ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,reg_dst_vs_sel5 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel5
//Bit 30 ,reserved
//Bit 29:24 ,reg_core_inf_sel5 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel5
//Bit 23 ,reg_dst_vs_sel4 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel4
//Bit 22 ,reserved
//Bit 21:16 ,reg_core_inf_sel4 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel4
//Bit 15 ,reg_dst_vs_sel3 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel3
//Bit 14 ,reserved
//Bit 13: 8 ,reg_core_inf_sel3 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel3
//Bit 7 ,reg_dst_vs_sel2 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel2
//Bit 6 ,reserved
//Bit 5: 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel2 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel2
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL4 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31:24 ,reserved
//Bit 23 ,reg_dst_vs_sel8 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel8
//Bit 22 ,reserved
//Bit 21:16 ,reg_core_inf_sel8 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel8
//Bit 15 ,reg_dst_vs_sel7 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel7
//Bit 14 ,reserved
//Bit 13: 8 ,reg_core_inf_sel7 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel7
//Bit 7 ,reg_dst_vs_sel6 ,default = 0 ,reg_dst_vs_sel6
//Bit 6 ,reserved
//Bit 5: 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel6 ,default = 0 ,reg_core_inf_sel6
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL5 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 0 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_mask31_0 ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_mask31_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL6 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_en ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_en
//Bit 30: 9 ,reserved
//Bit 8: 0 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_mask40_32 ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_wr_fail_mask40_32
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL7 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31: 0 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_mask31_0 ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_mask31_0
#define MIPI_ADAPT_FE_MUX_CTL8 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe3b1000)
//Bit 31 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_en ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_en
//Bit 30: 9 ,reserved
//Bit 8: 0 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_mask40_32 ,default = 0 ,isp_tnr_rd_fail_mask40_32
// MIPI_ISP ds0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP ds1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP ds2
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP crop_mif
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP md0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP md1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP fliker
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP top cfg
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_TH ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_CTRL0 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_CTRL1 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_COUNT ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_AWADDR_O ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_AWADDR_I ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_STAT0 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_STAT1 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_STAT2 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_STAT3 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_FR_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_TH ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x002c << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x002d << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x002e << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_CTRL0 ((0x002f << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_CTRL1 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_COUNT ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_AWADDR_O ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_AWADDR_I ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_STAT0 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_STAT1 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_STAT2 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_STAT3 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_ISP_DS_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_TH ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_CTRL0 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_CTRL1 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_COUNT ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_AWADDR_O ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_AWADDR_I ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_STAT0 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_STAT1 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_STAT2 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_STAT3 ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS0_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_TH ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_CTRL0 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_CTRL1 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_COUNT ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_AWADDR_O ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_AWADDR_I ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_STAT0 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_STAT1 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_STAT2 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_STAT3 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS1_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_TH ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x008c << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x008d << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x008e << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_CTRL0 ((0x008f << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_CTRL1 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_COUNT ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_AWADDR_O ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_AWADDR_I ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_STAT0 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_STAT1 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_STAT2 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_STAT3 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_DS2_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PING_ADDR0_ST ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PING_ADDR0_ED ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PING_ADDR1_ST ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PING_ADDR1_ED ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PONG_ADDR0_ST ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PONG_ADDR0_ED ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PONG_ADDR1_ST ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_PONG_ADDR1_ED ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_TH ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0 ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_SIZE0 ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_BUF_SIZE0 ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR1 ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_SIZE1 ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_BUF_SIZE1 ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_CTRL0 ((0x00af << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_CTRL1 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_COUNT ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_AWADDR_O ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_AWADDR_I ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_STAT0 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_STAT1 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_STAT2 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_STAT3 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_BL_CROP_MIF_FRAME_BUFFER_START_ADDR0P ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_CSI2_CTRL0 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ADAPT_DE_CTRL0 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ADAPT_DE_CTRL1 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ADAPT_DE_CTRL2 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ADAPT_DE_CTRL3 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_DE_CTRL0 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ARIBIT0_CTRL ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ARIBIT1_CTRL ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ARIBIT2_CTRL ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_CMD_MASK_DDR_RD0_CNTL ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_CMD_MASK_DDR_RD1_CNTL ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_DS_WBUS_NOBLOCK_CNTL ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_FR_WBUS_NOBLOCK_CNTL ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_DS_WBUF_NOBLOCK_ST0 ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_AXI_FR_WBUF_NOBLOCK_ST0 ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ADAPT_DE_STAT0 ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_FR_WR_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_FR_WR_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_FR_WR_UGT_CNTL2 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_FR_WR_UGT_CNTL3 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_FR_WR_UGT_ST ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_DS_WR_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_DS_WR_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_DS_WR_UGT_CNTL2 ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_DS_WR_UGT_CNTL3 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_DS_WR_UGT_ST ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_WR_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_WR_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_WR_UGT_CNTL2 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_WR_UGT_CNTL3 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_WR_UGT_ST ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_RD_UGT_CNTL0 ((0x00df << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_RD_UGT_CNTL1 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_RD_UGT_CNTL2 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_RD_UGT_CNTL3 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_TNR_RD_UGT_ST ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_FR_AXI_CNTL0 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_SIDEBAND_CNTL0 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_SIDEBAND_CNTL1 ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_PENDING_MASK0 ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_PENDING_MASK1 ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_PENDING0 ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_PENDING1 ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_FR_WBUS_PROT_CNTL ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
#define MIPI_TOP_ISP_FR_WBUS_PROT_STAT ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe3b3000)
// MIPI_ISP isp ahb dma
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ISP_DMA_BUS_CNTL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL0 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK1 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR2 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR2 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK2 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR3 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR3 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK3 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR4 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR4 ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK4 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR5 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR5 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK5 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR6 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR6 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_SRC_ADDR7 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_DST_ADDR7 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_CTL_TASK7 ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST0 ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST1 ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST2 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST3 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST4 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST5 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_ST6 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_PENDING ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
#define ISP_DMA_IRQ_MASK ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe3b3400)
// MIPI_ISP axi arbit0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP axi arbit1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP data compress/decompress0_0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP data compress/decompress0_1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP data compress/decompress1_0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP data compress/decompress1_1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP data compress/decompress1_2
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP reveser
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP axi arbit2
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// MIPI_ISP apb dma
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: mipi_apb_dma.h
#define MIPI_DMA_AXI_CTL ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:28, axi_rbus_prot_cntl , default = 0, axi_rbus_prot_cntl
//Bit 27:24, axi_wbus_prot_cntl , default = 0, axi_wbus_prot_cntl
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21, reg_axi_arugt , default = 0, axi read urgent
//Bit 20, reg_axi_awugt , default = 0, axi write urgent
//Bit 19:11, reserved
//Bit 12:8, reg_axi_id , default = 0, axi id
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, reg_axi_wr_burst_type , default = 0, axi wr burst type,00 single 01 incr2 10 incr4 11 incr8
//Bit 1:0, reg_axi_rd_burst_type , default = 0, axi rd burst type,00 single 01 incr2 10 incr4 11 incr8
#define MIPI_DMA_CTL0 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_dma_en , default = 0, dma enable
//Bit 30:28, reserved
//Bit 27, reg_soft_rst , default = 0, soft reset
//Bit 26, reg_trig_fifo_rst , default = 0, trigger source fifo reset
//Bit 25, reg_axi_rfifo_rst , default = 0, axi rfifo reset
//Bit 24, reg_axi_wfifo_rst , default = 0, axi wfifo reset
//Bit 17:16, reg_trig_fifo_stat_sel , default = 0, reg_trig_fifo_stat_sel
//Bit 15:0, reserved
#define MIPI_DMA_PENDING0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:16, c_src_trig_err_set , default = 0, when current source task not completed ,next same trigger source in
//Bit 15:0 , c_src_done_set , default = 0, trigger source all task done
#define MIPI_DMA_PENDING1 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:2 , reserved
//Bit 1, bus_mon_fast_irq , default = 0, apb arbit int
//Bit 0, c_trig_fifo_overflow_set , default = 0, trigger fifo overflow
#define MIPI_DMA_IRQ_MASK0 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:16, c_src_trig_err_mask , default = 0, when current source task not completed ,next same trigger source in
//Bit 15:0 , c_src_done_mask , default = 0, trigger source all task done
#define MIPI_DMA_IRQ_MASK1 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:2 , reserved
//Bit 1, bus_mon_fast_irq_mask , default = 0, apb arbit int
//Bit 0, c_trig_fifo_overflow_mask , default = 0, trigger fifo overflow
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT0 ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat0 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT1 ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat1 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT2 ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat2 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT3 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat3 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT4 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat4 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT5 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat5 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_STAT6 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_dma_stat5 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_TRIG_FIFO_STAT0 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_trig_fifo_stat0 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_AXI_FIFO_STAT0 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_axi_fifo_stat0 , default = 0
#define MIPI_DMA_ARBIT_CNTL0 ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, bus_monitor_cntl , default = 0,apb arbit bus_monitor_cntl
#define MIPI_DMA_ARBIT_CNTL1 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, bus_mon_addr , default = 0,apb arbit bus_mon_addr
#define MIPI_DMA_ARBIT_CNTL2 ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, bus_mon_data , default = 0,apb arbit bus_mon_data
#define MIPI_DMA_ARBIT_CNTL3 ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, bus_mon_data_msk , default = 0,apb arbit bus_mon_data_msk
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_CTL ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src0 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src0 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src0 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src0_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_TASK0 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src0_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src0_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src0_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PING_TASK1 ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src0_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src0_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src0_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0037 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0038 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0039 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src0_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src0_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src0_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x003a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x003b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src0_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC0_PONG_TASK1 ((0x003c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src0_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src0_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src0_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_CTL ((0x003d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src1 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src1 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src1 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src1_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x003e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x003f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_TASK0 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src1_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src1_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src1_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PING_TASK1 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src1_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src1_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src1_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src1_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src1_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src1_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0047 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0048 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src1_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC1_PONG_TASK1 ((0x0049 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src1_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src1_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src1_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_CTL ((0x004a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src2 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src2 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src2 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src2_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x004b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x004c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_TASK0 ((0x004d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src2_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src2_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src2_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x004e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x004f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PING_TASK1 ((0x0050 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src2_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src2_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src2_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0051 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0052 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0053 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src2_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src2_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src2_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0054 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0055 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src2_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC2_PONG_TASK1 ((0x0056 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src2_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src2_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src2_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_CTL ((0x0057 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src3 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src3 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src3 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src3_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0058 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0059 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_TASK0 ((0x005a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src3_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src3_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src3_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x005b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x005c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PING_TASK1 ((0x005d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src3_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src3_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src3_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x005e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x005f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0060 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src3_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src3_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src3_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0061 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0062 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src3_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC3_PONG_TASK1 ((0x0063 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src3_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src3_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src3_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_CTL ((0x0064 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src4 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src4 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src4 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src4_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0065 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0066 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_TASK0 ((0x0067 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src4_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src4_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src4_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0068 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0069 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PING_TASK1 ((0x006a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src4_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src4_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src4_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x006b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x006c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_TASK0 ((0x006d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src4_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src4_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src4_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x006e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x006f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src4_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC4_PONG_TASK1 ((0x0070 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src4_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src4_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src4_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_CTL ((0x0071 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src5 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src5 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src5 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src5_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0072 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0073 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_TASK0 ((0x0074 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src5_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src5_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src5_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0075 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0076 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PING_TASK1 ((0x0077 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src5_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src5_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src5_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0078 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0079 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_TASK0 ((0x007a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src5_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src5_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src5_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x007b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x007c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src5_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC5_PONG_TASK1 ((0x007d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src5_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src5_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src5_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_CTL ((0x007e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src6 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src6 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src6 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src6_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x007f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_TASK0 ((0x0081 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src6_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src6_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src6_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0082 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0083 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PING_TASK1 ((0x0084 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src6_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src6_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src6_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0085 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0086 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0087 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src6_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src6_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src6_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0089 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src6_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC6_PONG_TASK1 ((0x008a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src6_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src6_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src6_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_CTL ((0x008b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src7 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src7 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src7 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src7_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x008c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x008d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_TASK0 ((0x008e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src7_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src7_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src7_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x008f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PING_TASK1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src7_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src7_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src7_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_TASK0 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src7_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src7_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src7_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src7_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC7_PONG_TASK1 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src7_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src7_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src7_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_CTL ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src8 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src8 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src8 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src8_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_TASK0 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src8_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src8_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src8_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PING_TASK1 ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src8_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src8_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src8_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src8_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src8_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src8_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src8_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC8_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src8_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src8_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src8_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_CTL ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src9 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src9 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src9 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src9_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_TASK0 ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src9_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src9_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src9_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PING_TASK1 ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src9_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src9_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src9_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src9_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src9_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src9_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00af << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src9_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC9_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src9_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src9_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src9_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_CTL ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src10 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src10 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src10 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src10_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_TASK0 ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src10_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src10_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src10_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PING_TASK1 ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src10_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src10_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src10_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src10_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src10_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src10_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src10_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC10_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00be << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src10_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src10_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src10_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_CTL ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src11 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src11 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src11 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src11_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_TASK0 ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src11_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src11_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src11_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PING_TASK1 ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src11_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src11_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src11_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src11_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src11_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src11_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src11_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC11_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src11_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src11_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src11_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_CTL ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src12 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src12 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src12 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src12_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_TASK0 ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src12_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src12_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src12_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PING_TASK1 ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src12_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src12_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src12_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src12_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src12_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src12_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00d7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src12_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC12_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src12_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src12_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src12_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_CTL ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src13 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src13 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src13 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src13_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_TASK0 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src13_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src13_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src13_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00de << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PING_TASK1 ((0x00df << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src13_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src13_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src13_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00e2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src13_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src13_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src13_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src13_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC13_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src13_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src13_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src13_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_CTL ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src14 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src14 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src14 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src14_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_TASK0 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src14_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src14_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src14_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00eb << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PING_TASK1 ((0x00ec << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src14_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src14_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src14_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00ed << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00ee << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src14_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src14_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src14_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src14_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC14_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src14_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src14_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src14_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_CTL ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 3, reg_src_pingpong_force_val , default = 0, src15 pingpong force sel
//Bit 2, reg_src_pingpong_force , default = 0, src15 pingpong force enable
//Bit 1, reg_src_pingpong_ini , default = 0, src15 pingpong initial sel
//Bit 0, reg_src15_en , default = 0, src0 enable
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_ping_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_ping_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_TASK0 ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src15_ping_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src15_ping_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src15_ping_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_ping_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_ping_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PING_TASK1 ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src15_ping_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src15_ping_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src15_ping_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_CMD_ADDR0 ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_pong_cmd_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_DST_ADDR0 ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_pong_dst_addr0 , default = 0, source0/task0 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_TASK0 ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src15_pong_task0_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src15_pong_type0 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src15_pong_len0 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_CMD_ADDR1 ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_pong_cmd_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 cmd address
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_DST_ADDR1 ((0x00fe << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31:0, reg_src15_pong_dst_addr1 , default = 0, source0/task1 dst address,for apb read only
#define MIPI_DMA_SRC15_PONG_TASK1 ((0x00ff << 2) + 0xfe3bbc00)
//Bit 31, reg_src15_pong_task1_valid , default = 0, task valid
//Bit 30, reg_src15_pong_type1 , default = 0, task type,1 apb write 0 apb read
//Bit 29:16, reserved
//Bit 15:0, reg_src15_pong_len1 , default = 0, cmd length,N-1 words
// Closing file: mipi_apb_dma.h
// MIPI_ISP top wrapper cfg
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL0 ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL1 ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL2 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL3 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL4 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL5 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL6 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL7 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_PHY_CNTL_I ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_MAX_ADDR_CNTL ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
#define MIPI_CSI_CFG_CNTL0 ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe3bdc00)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: mipi_isp.h
// Reading file: mipi_isp_arb_axi_regs.h
// MIPI_ISP axi arbit0
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_MODE ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_UGT ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDARB_LIMT0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_WRARB_MODE ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_WRARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_WRARB_UGT ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_RDWR_ARB_STATUS ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_DBG_CTRL ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_DBG_STAT ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_CNTL0 ((0x0080 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_CNTL0 ((0x0088 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT0 ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT1 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT2 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT3 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT4 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT5 ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT6 ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_WBUS_PROT_STAT7 ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT0 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT1 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT2 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT3 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT4 ((0x009c << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT5 ((0x009d << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT6 ((0x009e << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_RBUS_PROT_STAT7 ((0x009f << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_AXI_BUS_CNTL0 ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_AXI_BUS_CNTL1 ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
#define MIPI_ISP_ARB_AXI_BUS_STAT0 ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xfe3bfc00)
// Closing file: mipi_isp_arb_axi_regs.h
//`include "mipi_adapt_cmpr_regs.h"
//`include "mipi_tnr_cmpr_regs.h"
//`include "mipi_tnr_meta_mif_regs.h"
// Reading file: isp_dwap_top_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_FSIZE ((0x0000 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31: 16 reg_src_frm_hsize // unsigned , RW, default = 1280
//Bit 15: 0 reg_src_frm_vsize // unsigned , RW, default = 720
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_HDNUM ((0x0001 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31: 26 reserved
//Bit 25: 13 reg_hold_hnum // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 12: 0 reg_hold_vnum // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_CTRL0 ((0x0002 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31 pls_frm_rst //unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 30 pls_sw_rst //unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_stdly_num //unsigned, RW, default=2
//Bit 15:6 reserved
//Bit 5 reg_sec_ctrl //unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 4 reg_hs_sel //unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 3:2 reg_din_sel //unsigned, RW, default=1, dos vidin select
//Bit 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_frm_sel //unsigned, RW, default=0, must be set before pls_frm_rst
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_COEF_CTRL0 ((0x0003 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_coef_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_COEF_CTRL1 ((0x0004 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_coef_size //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_CMD_CTRL0 ((0x0005 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_cmd_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_CMD_CTRL1 ((0x0006 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_cmd_size //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_Y_CTRL0 ((0x0007 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_src_y_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_Y_CTRL1 ((0x0008 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_src_y_stride //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_U_CTRL0 ((0x0009 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_src_u_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_U_CTRL1 ((0x000a << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_src_u_stride //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_V_CTRL0 ((0x000b << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_src_v_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_SRC_V_CTRL1 ((0x000c << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_src_v_stride //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_MESH_CTRL0 ((0x000d << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_mesh_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_MESH_CTRL1 ((0x000e << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_mesh_stride //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_GCLK ((0x000f << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_gclk_ctrl //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_FSIZE ((0x0010 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31: 16 reg_dst_frm_hsize // unsigned , RW, default = 1280
//Bit 15: 0 reg_dst_frm_vsize // unsigned , RW, default = 720
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_BLK_NUM ((0x0011 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31: 16 reg_edge_num // unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15: 0 reg_blk_num // unsigned , RW, default = 256
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_MESH_SIZE ((0x0012 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31: 16 reg_mesh_hsize // unsigned, RW, default = 32
//Bit 15: 0 reg_mesh_vsize // unsigned, RW, default = 32
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_Y_CTRL0 ((0x0013 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_dst_y_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_Y_CTRL1 ((0x0014 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_dst_y_stride //unsigned, RW, default=1024
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_U_CTRL0 ((0x0015 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_dst_u_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_U_CTRL1 ((0x0016 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_dst_u_stride //unsigned, RW, default=1024
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_V_CTRL0 ((0x0017 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_dst_v_baddr //unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_DST_V_CTRL1 ((0x0018 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_dst_v_stride //unsigned, RW, default=1024
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_ERR_CTRL ((0x0019 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:1 reserved
//Bit 0 pls_err_clr // unsigned, RW, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_CMD_ERR ((0x001a << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_cmd_err // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_MESH_ERR ((0x001b << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_mesh_num_err // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_OFLOW_ERR0 ((0x001c << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_oflow_err0 // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_OFLOW_ERR1 ((0x001d << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_oflow_err1 // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_OFLOW_ERR2 ((0x001e << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_oflow_err2 // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_OFLOW_ERR3 ((0x001f << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_oflow_err3 // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_VSPLT_8LN ((0x0020 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_vsplt_8ln // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_VSPLT_4LN ((0x0021 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_vsplt_4ln // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_ERR ((0x0022 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:2 reserved
//Bit 1 ro_frm_sel_err // unsigned, RO, default=0
//Bit 0 ro_bresp_err // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TOP_PERF ((0x0023 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_proc_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_DDR_VCNT ((0x0024 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_ddr_vcnt_mode // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 15:0 reg_ddr_vcnt // unsigned, RW, default=16'hffff
#define ISP_DWAP_COEF_LD_TIME ((0x0025 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_coef_ld_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_MESH_LD_TIME ((0x0026 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_mesh_ld_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_DATA_LD_TIME ((0x0027 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_data_ld_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_TILE_PROC_TIME ((0x0028 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_tile_proc_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_EDGE_PROC_TIME ((0x0029 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_edge_proc_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_WAIT_RST_TIME ((0x002a << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_wait_rst_time // unsigned, RO, default=0
#define ISP_DWAP_CMD_SWAP ((0x002b << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:7 reserved
//Bit 6 reg_data_little_endian // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 5 reg_data_swap8 // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 4 reg_coef_swap32 // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 3 reg_coef_swap16 // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 2 reg_mesh_swap32 // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 1 reg_cmd_swap64 // unsigned, RW, default=0
//Bit 0 reg_cmd_swap32 // unsigned, RW, default=0
// Reading file: isp_dwap_mif_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_CTRL1 ((0x0030 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_sel // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id sync with frm rst
//Bit 23:16 reg_canvas_id // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id num
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_cmd_intr_len // unsigned , default = 1, interrupt send cmd when how many series axi cmd,
// 0=12 1=16 2=24 3=32 4=40 5=48 6=56 7=64
//Bit 11:10 reg_cmd_req_size // unsigned , default = 1, how many room fifo have, then axi send series req, 0=16 1=32 2=24 3=64
//Bit 9:8 reg_burst_len // unsigned , default = 2, burst type: 0-single 1-bst2 2-bst4
//Bit 7 reg_swap_64bit // unsigned , default = 0, 64bits of 128bit swap enable
//Bit 6 reg_little_endian // unsigned , default = 1, big endian enable
//Bit 5 reg_y_rev // unsigned , default = 0, vertical reverse enable
//Bit 4 reg_x_rev // unsigned , default = 0, horizontal reverse enable
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_pack_mode // unsigned , default = 3, 0:4bit 1:8bit 2:16bit 3:32bit 4:64bit 5:128bit
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_CTRL2 ((0x0031 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_sw_rst // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 29:22 reserved
//Bit 21:20 reg_int_clr // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:18 reg_gclk_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16:0 reg_urgent_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0, urgent control reg :
// 16 reg_ugt_init : urgent initial value
// 15 reg_ugt_en : urgent enable
// 14 reg_ugt_type : 1= wrmif 0=wrmif
// 7:4 reg_ugt_top_th: urgent top threshold
// 3:0 reg_ugt_bot_th: urgent bottom threshold
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_CTRL3 ((0x0032 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30 reg_hold_en // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 29:24 reg_pass_num // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:18 reg_hold_num // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_acc_mode // unsigned , default = 1,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_stride // unsigned , default = 4096,
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_CTRL4 ((0x0033 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_baddr // unsigned , default = 0,
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_SCOPE_X ((0x0034 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_x_end // unsigned , default = 4095, the canvas hor end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_x_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas hor start pixel position
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_SCOPE_Y ((0x0035 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_y_end // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_y_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver start pixel positio
#define ISP_DWAP_WMIF_RO_STAT ((0x0036 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_status // unsigned ,
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_CTRL1 ((0x0040 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_sel // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id sync with frm rst
//Bit 23:16 reg_canvas_id // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id num
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_cmd_intr_len // unsigned , default = 1, interrupt send cmd when how many series axi cmd,
// 0=12 1=16 2=24 3=32 4=40 5=48 6=56 7=64
//Bit 11:10 reg_cmd_req_size // unsigned , default = 1, how many room fifo have, then axi send series req, 0=16 1=32 2=24 3=64
//Bit 9:8 reg_burst_len // unsigned , default = 2, burst type: 0-single 1-bst2 2-bst4
//Bit 7 reg_swap_64bit // unsigned , default = 0, 64bits of 128bit swap enable
//Bit 6 reg_little_endian // unsigned , default = 1, big endian enable
//Bit 5 reg_y_rev // unsigned , default = 0, vertical reverse enable
//Bit 4 reg_x_rev // unsigned , default = 0, horizontal reverse enable
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_pack_mode // unsigned , default = 3, 0:4bit 1:8bit 2:16bit 3:32bit 4:64bit 5:128bit
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_CTRL2 ((0x0041 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_sw_rst // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 29:26 reserved
//Bit 25:22 reg_vstep // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 21:20 reg_int_clr // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:18 reg_gclk_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16:0 reg_urgent_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0, urgent control reg :
// 16 reg_ugt_init : urgent initial value
// 15 reg_ugt_en : urgent enable
// 14 reg_ugt_type : 1= wrmif 0=rdmif
// 7:4 reg_ugt_top_th: urgent top threshold
// 3:0 reg_ugt_bot_th: urgent bottom threshold
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_CTRL3 ((0x0042 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30 reg_hold_en // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 29:24 reg_pass_num // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:18 reg_hold_num // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_acc_mode // unsigned , default = 1,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_stride // unsigned , default = 4096,
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_CTRL4 ((0x0043 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_baddr // unsigned , default = 0,
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_SCOPE_X ((0x0044 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_x_end // unsigned , default = 4095, the canvas hor end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_x_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas hor start pixel position
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_SCOPE_Y ((0x0045 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_y_end // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_y_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver start pixel positio
#define ISP_DWAP_RMIF_RO_STAT ((0x0046 << 2) + 0xfe040000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_status // unsigned ,
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: isp_dwap_mif_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: isp_dwap_top_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: ./REG_LIST_RTL.h
// Reading file: ./vcbus_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Reading file: rdma_regs.h
// RDMA registers 0x00 - 0xff
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for manual start DMA
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_MAN ((0x1100 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for manual start DMA
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_MAN ((0x1101 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 1
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_1 ((0x1102 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 1
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_1 ((0x1103 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 2
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_2 ((0x1104 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 2
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_2 ((0x1105 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 3
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_3 ((0x1106 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 3
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_3 ((0x1107 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 4
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_4 ((0x1108 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 4
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_4 ((0x1109 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 5
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_5 ((0x110a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 5
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_5 ((0x110b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 6
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_6 ((0x110c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 6
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_6 ((0x110d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB start address for auto start source 7
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_7 ((0x110e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 0 RW AHB end address for auto start source 7
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_7 ((0x110f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Auto start DMA control:
// Bit 31:24 RW ctrl_enable_int_3. Interrupt inputs enable mask for source 3.
// Bit 23:16 RW ctrl_enable_int_2. Interrupt inputs enable mask for source 2.
// Bit 15: 8 RW ctrl_enable_int_1. Interrupt inputs enable mask for source 1.
// Bit 7 RW ctrl_cbus_write_3. Register read/write mode for auto-start 3. 1=Register write; 0=Register read.
// Bit 6 RW ctrl_cbus_write_3. Register read/write mode for auto-start 2. 1=Register write; 0=Register read.
// Bit 5 RW ctrl_cbus_write_3. Register read/write mode for auto-start 1. 1=Register write; 0=Register read.
// Bit 4 R Rsrv.
// Bit 3 RW ctrl_cbus_addr_incr_3. 1=Incremental register access for auto-start 3; 0=Non-incremental (individual) register access.
// Bit 2 RW ctrl_cbus_addr_incr_2. 1=Incremental register access for auto-start 2; 0=Non-incremental (individual) register access.
// Bit 1 RW ctrl_cbus_addr_incr_1. 1=Incremental register access for auto-start 1; 0=Non-incremental (individual) register access.
// Bit 0 R Rsrv.
#define RDMA_ACCESS_AUTO ((0x1110 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_ACCESS_AUTO2 ((0x1111 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Manual start DMA control:
// Bit 31: 3 R Rsrv.
// Bit 2 RW ctrl_cbus_write_man. Register read/write mode for manual-start. 1=Register write; 0=Register read.
// Bit 1 RW ctrl_cbus_addr_incr_man. 1=Incremental register access for manual-start; 0=Non-incremental (individual) register access.
// Bit 0 W ctrl_start_man. Write 1 to this bit to manual-start DMA. This bit always read back 0.
#define RDMA_ACCESS_MAN ((0x1113 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// RDMA general control:
// Bit 31:25 R Rsrv.
// Bit 24 W ctrl_clr_rdma_done_int. Write 1 to reset rdma_int level to 0. No need to clear this bit.
// Bit 23:19 R Rsrv.
// Bit 18:13 R Rsrv.
// Bit 12: 7 R Rsrv.
// Bit 6 RW ctrl_ddr_urgent.
// Bit 5: 4 RW ctrl_ahb_wr_burst_size. 0=ABH write request burst size 16;
// 1=ABH write request burst size 24;
// 2=ABH write request burst size 32;
// 3=ABH write request burst size 48.
// Bit 3: 2 RW ctrl_ahb_rd_burst_size. 0=ABH read request burst size 16;
// 1=ABH read request burst size 24;
// 2=ABH read request burst size 32;
// 3=ABH read request burst size 48.
// Bit 1 RW ctrl_sw_reset. 1=Reset RDMA logics except register.
// Bit 0 RW ctrl_free_clk_enable. 0=Default, Enable clock gating. 1=No clock gating, enable free clock.
#define RDMA_CTRL ((0x1114 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Read only.
// Bit 31:29 R Rsrv.
// Bit 28 R rdma_done_int.
// Bit 27:25 R Rsrv.
// Bit 24:18 R ahb_wrfifo_cnt. FIFO for buffering CBus read data to be sent to AHB
// Bit 17:11 R ahb_rdfifo_cnt. FIFO for buffering data read from AHB.
// Bit 10: 8 R ddr_req_st. =0 -- Idle; !=0 -- AHB interfacing ongoing.
// Bit 7: 4 R curr_req. Latest requests that is being/been serviced. E.g. 0000=Idle; 0010=Latest serviced request is Req 1.
// Bit 3: 0 R req_latch. Requests that are yet to be serviced. E.g. 0000=No request; 0001=Req 0 waiting; 1100=Req 2 and 3 waiting.
#define RDMA_STATUS ((0x1115 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_STATUS2 ((0x1116 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_STATUS3 ((0x1117 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_ACCESS_AUTO4 ((0x1118 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_SRAM_CNTL ((0x1120 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_SRAM_REGADDR ((0x1121 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_SRAM_REGDATA ((0x1122 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC1_SEL ((0x1123 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC2_SEL ((0x1124 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC3_SEL ((0x1125 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC4_SEL ((0x1126 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC5_SEL ((0x1127 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC6_SEL ((0x1128 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RDMA_AUTO_SRC7_SEL ((0x1129 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for manual start DMA
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_MAN_MSB ((0x1130 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for manual start DMA
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_MAN_MSB ((0x1131 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 1
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_1_MSB ((0x1132 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 1
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_1_MSB ((0x1133 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 2
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_2_MSB ((0x1134 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 2
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_2_MSB ((0x1135 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 3
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_3_MSB ((0x1136 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 3
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_3_MSB ((0x1137 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 4
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_4_MSB ((0x1138 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 4
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_4_MSB ((0x1139 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 5
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_5_MSB ((0x113a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 5
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_5_MSB ((0x113b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 6
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_6_MSB ((0x113c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 6
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_6_MSB ((0x113d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB start address[33:32] for auto start source 7
#define RDMA_AHB_START_ADDR_7_MSB ((0x113e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 1: 0 RW AHB end address[33:32] for auto start source 7
#define RDMA_AHB_END_ADDR_7_MSB ((0x113f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: rdma_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_vdin0_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpu_vdin_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VDIN_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x1200 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_SCALE_COEF ((0x1201 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31, mpeg_to_vdin_sel, 0: mpeg source to NR directly, 1: mpeg source pass through here
//bit 30, mpeg_field info which can be written by software
//Bit 29, force go_field, pulse signal
//Bit 28, force go_line, pulse signal
//Bit 27, enable mpeg_go_field input signal
//Bit 26:20, hold lines
//Bit 19, delay go_field function enable
//Bit 18:12, delay go_field line number
//Bit 11:10, component2 output switch, 00: select component0 in, 01: select component1 in, 10: select component2 in
//Bit 9:8, component1 output switch, 00: select component0 in, 01: select component1 in, 10: select component2 in
//Bit 7:6, component0 output switch, 00: select component0 in, 01: select component1 in, 10: select component2 in
//Bit 5, input window selection function enable
//Bit 4, enable VDIN common data input, otherwise there will be no video data input
//Bit 3:0 vdin selection, 1: mpeg_in from dram, 2: bt656 input, 3: component input, 4: tvdecoder input, 5: hdmi rx input, 6: digtial video input, 7: loopback from Viu1, 8: MIPI.
#define VDIN_COM_CTRL0 ((0x1202 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 active_max_pix_cnt, readonly
//Bit 12:0 active_max_pix_cnt_shadow, readonly
#define VDIN_ACTIVE_MAX_PIX_CNT_STATUS ((0x1203 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 go_line_cnt, readonly
//Bit 12:0 active_line_cnt, readonly
#define VDIN_LCNT_STATUS ((0x1204 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit [14:3] lfifo_buf_cnt
//Bit 2, vdin_direct_done status
//Bit 1, vdin_nr_done status
//Bit 0, field
#define VDIN_COM_STATUS0 ((0x1205 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, vdi4 fifo overflow
//Bit 29:24, vdi3_asfifo_cnt
//Bit 23, vdi3 fifo overflow
//Bit 21:16, vdi3_asfifo_cnt
//Bit 15, vdi2 fifo overflow
//Bit 13:8, vdi2_asfifo_cnt
//Bit 7, vdi1 fifo overflow
//Bit 5:0, vdi1_asfifo_cnt
#define VDIN_COM_STATUS1 ((0x1206 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 go_line_cnt_shadow, readonly
//Bit 12:0 active_line_cnt_shadow, readonly
#define VDIN_LCNT_SHADOW_STATUS ((0x1207 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//each 8bit asfifo_ctrl is following:
//Bit 7, DE enable
//Bit 6, go field enable
//Bit 5, go line enable
//Bit 4, if true, negative active input vsync
//Bit 3, if true, negative active input hsync
//Bit 2, vsync soft reset fifo enable
//Bit 1, overflow status clear
//Bit 0 asfifo soft reset, level signal
//Bit 7:0 vdi1 asfifo_ctrl
//Bit 23:16 vdi2 asfifo_ctrl
#define VDIN_ASFIFO_CTRL0 ((0x1208 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7:0 vdi3 asfifo_ctrl
//Bit 23:16 vdi4 asfifo_ctrl
#define VDIN_ASFIFO_CTRL1 ((0x1209 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 input width minus 1, after the window function
//Bit 12:0 output width minus 1
#define VDIN_WIDTHM1I_WIDTHM1O ((0x120a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 20:17 prehsc_mode, bit 3:2, prehsc odd line interp mode, bit 1:0, prehsc even line interp mode,
// each 2bit, 00: pix0+pix1/2, average, 01: pix1, 10: pix0
//Bit 16:15 sp422_mode, special mode for the component1 and component2, 00: normal case, 01: 32 64 32, 10: 0 64 64 0, 11: 16 96 16
//Bit 14:8, hsc_ini_pixi_ptr, signed data, only useful when short_lineo_en is true
//Bit 7, prehsc_en
//Bit 6, hsc_en,
//Bit 5, hsc_short_lineo_en, short line output enable
//Bit 4, hsc_nearest_en
//Bit 3, hsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 2:0, hsc_bank_length
#define VDIN_SC_MISC_CTRL ((0x120b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:24, integer portion
//Bit 23:0, fraction portion
#define VDIN_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x120c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 30:29 hscale rpt_p0_num
//Bit 28:24 hscale ini_rcv_num
//Bit 23:0 hscale ini_phase
#define VDIN_HSC_INI_CTRL ((0x120d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 23, vdi7 fifo overflow
//Bit 21:16, vdi7_asfifo_cnt
//Bit 15, vdi6 fifo overflow
//Bit 13:8, vdi6_asfifo_cnt
//Bit 7, vdi5 fifo overflow
//Bit 5:0, vdi5_asfifo_cnt
#define VDIN_COM_STATUS2 ((0x120e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 25:16 asfifo decimate control
//Bit 25, if true, decimation counter sync with first valid DE in the field,
//otherwise the decimation counter is not sync with external signal
//Bit 24, decimation de enable
//Bit 23:20, decimation phase, which counter value use to decimate,
//Bit 19:16, decimation number, 0: not decimation, 1: decimation 2, 2: decimation 3 ....
//Bit 7:0 vdi5 asfifo_ctrl
#define VDIN_ASFIFO_CTRL2 ((0x120f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7, highlight_en
//Bit 6 probe_post, if true, probe pixel data after matrix, otherwise probe pixel data before matrix
//Bit 5:4 probe_sel, 00: select matrix 0, 01: select matrix 1, otherwise select nothing
//Bit 3:2, matrix coef idx selection, 00: select mat0, 01: select mat1, otherwise slect nothing
//Bit 1 mat1 conversion matrix enable
//Bit 0 mat0 conversion matrix enable
#define VDIN_MATRIX_CTRL ((0x1210 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VDIN_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x1211 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VDIN_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x1212 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VDIN_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x1213 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VDIN_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x1214 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//BIt 18:16 conv_rs
//Bit 12:0 coef22
#define VDIN_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x1215 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 offset0
//Bit 10:0 offset1
#define VDIN_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1216 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 offset2
#define VDIN_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x1217 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 pre_offset0
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset1
#define VDIN_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1218 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset2
#define VDIN_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1219 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//12:0 lfifo_buf_size
#define VDIN_LFIFO_CTRL ((0x121a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_COM_GCLK_CTRL ((0x121b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//12:0 VDIN input interface width minus 1, before the window function, after the de decimation
#define VDIN_INTF_WIDTHM1 ((0x121c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15 //default== 0, urgent_ctrl_en
//Bit 14 //default== 0, urgent_wr, if true for write buffer
//Bit 13 //default== 0, out_inv_en
//Bit 12 //default == 0, urgent_ini_value
//Bit 11:6 //default == 0, up_th up threshold
//Bit 5:0 //default == 0, dn_th dn threshold
#define VDIN_LFIFO_URG_CTRL ((0x121e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 8, 1: discard data before line fifo, 0: normal mode
//Bit 7:0 Write chroma canvas address
#define VDIN_WR_CTRL2 ((0x121f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 hconv_mode, Applicable only to bit[13:12]=0 or 2. 0: Output every even pixels' CbCr;
// 1: Output every odd pixels' CbCr;
// 2: Output an average value per even&odd pair of pixels;
// 3: Output all CbCr. (This does NOT apply to bit[13:12]=0 -- 4:2:2 mode.)
//Bit 29 no_clk_gate: disable vid_wr_mif clock gating function.
//Bit 28 clear write response counter in the vdin write memory interface
//Bit 27 eol_sel, 1: use eol as the line end indication, 0: use width as line end indication in the vdin write memory interface
//Bit 26 vcp_nr_en. Only used in VDIN0. NOT used in VDIN1.
//Bit 25 vcp_wr_en. Only used in VDIN0. NOT used in VDIN1.
//Bit 24 vcp_in_en. Only used in VDIN0. NOT used in VDIN1.
//Bit 23 vdin frame reset enble, if true, it will provide frame reset during go_field(vsync) to the modules after that
//Bit 22 vdin line fifo soft reset enable, meaning, if true line fifo will reset during go_field (vsync)
//Bit 21 vdin direct write done status clear bit
//Bit 20 vdin NR write done status clear bit
//Bit 18 swap_cbcr. Applicable only to bit[13:12]=2. 0: Output CbCr (NV12); 1: Output CrCb (NV21).
//Bit 17:16 vconv_mode, Applicable only to bit[13:12]=2. 0: Output every even lines' CbCr;
// 1: Output every odd lines' CbCr;
// 2: Reserved;
// 3: Output all CbCr.
//Bit 13:12 vdin write format, 0: 4:2:2 to luma canvas, 1: 4:4:4 to luma canvas,
// 2: Y to luma canvas, CbCr to chroma canvas. For NV12/21, also define Bit 31:30, 17:16, and bit 18.
//Bit 11 vdin write canvas double buffer enable, means the canvas address will be latched by vsync before using
//Bit 10 1: disable ctrl_reg write pulse which will reset internal counter. when bit 11 is 1, this bit should be 1.
//Bit 9 vdin write request urgent
//Bit 8 vdin write request enable
//Bit 7:0 Write luma canvas address
#define VDIN_WR_CTRL ((0x1220 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29, if true, horizontal reverse
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VDIN_WR_H_START_END ((0x1221 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29, if true, vertical reverse
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 15:13 field mode, 0 frame mode, 4 for field mode botton field, 5 for field mode top field, , 6 for blank line mode
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VDIN_WR_V_START_END ((0x1222 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24:20, integer portion
//Bit 19:0, fraction portion
#define VDIN_VSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x1223 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23, vsc_en, vertical scaler enable
//Bit 22 if true, repeat last line while scaling, otherwise use the dummy data to extend the input picture
//Bit 21 vsc_phase0_always_en, when scale up, you have to set it to 1
//Bit 20:16 ini skip_line_num
//Bit 15:0 vscaler ini_phase
#define VDIN_VSC_INI_CTRL ((0x1224 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16, vshrink input height minus 1
//Bit 12:0, scaler input height minus 1
#define VDIN_SCIN_HEIGHTM1 ((0x1225 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16, dummy component 0
//Bit 15:8, dummy component 1
//Bit 7:0, dummy component 2
#define VDIN_DUMMY_DATA ((0x1226 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 29:20 component 0
//Bit 19:10 component 1
//Bit 9:0 component 2
#define VDIN_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x1228 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 component 0
//Bit 15:8 component 1
//Bit 7:0 component 2
#define VDIN_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x1229 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//28:16 probe x, postion
//12:0 probe y, position
#define VDIN_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x122a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CHROMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x122b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CHROMA_DATA_PORT ((0x122c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CM_BRI_CON_CTRL ((0x122d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 17 clk_cyc_cnt_clr, if true, clear this register
//Bit 16 if true, use vpu clock to count one line, otherwise use actually hsync to count line_cnt
//Bit 15:0 line width using vpu clk
#define VDIN_GO_LINE_CTRL ((0x122f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 hist_pix_white_th, larger than this th is counted as white pixel
//Bit 23:16 hist_pix_black_th, less than this th is counted as black pixel
//Bit 11 hist_34bin_only, 34 bin only mode, including white/black
//Bit 10:9 ldim_stts_din_sel, 00: from matrix0 dout, 01: from vsc_dout, 10: from matrix1 dout, 11: form matrix1 din
//Bit 8 ldim_stts_en
//Bit 6:5 hist_dnlp_low the real pixels in each bins got by VDIN_DNLP_HISTXX should multiple with 2^(dnlp_low+3)
//Bit 3:2 hist_din_sel the source used for hist statistics. 00: from matrix0 dout, 01: from vsc_dout, 10: from matrix1 dout, 11: form matrix1 din
//Bit 1 hist_win_en 1'b0: hist used for full picture; 1'b1: hist used for pixels within hist window
//Bit 0 hist_spl_en 1'b0: disable hist readback; 1'b1: enable hist readback
#define VDIN_HIST_CTRL ((0x1230 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 hist_hstart horizontal start value to define hist window
//Bit 12:0 hist_hend horizontal end value to define hist window
#define VDIN_HIST_H_START_END ((0x1231 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 hist_vstart vertical start value to define hist window
//Bit 12:0 hist_vend vertical end value to define hist window
#define VDIN_HIST_V_START_END ((0x1232 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:8 hist_max maximum value
//Bit 7:0 hist_min minimum value
//read only
#define VDIN_HIST_MAX_MIN ((0x1233 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hist_spl_rd
//counts for the total luma value
//read only
#define VDIN_HIST_SPL_VAL ((0x1234 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 21:0 hist_spl_pixel_count
//counts for the total calculated pixels
//read only
#define VDIN_HIST_SPL_PIX_CNT ((0x1235 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hist_chroma_sum
//counts for the total chroma value
//read only
#define VDIN_HIST_CHROMA_SUM ((0x1236 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 higher hist bin
//Bit 15:0 lower hist bin
//0-255 are splited to 64 bins evenly, and VDIN_DNLP_HISTXX
//are the statistic number of pixels that within each bin.
//VDIN_DNLP_HIST00[15:0] counts for the first bin
//VDIN_DNLP_HIST00[31:16] counts for the second bin
//VDIN_DNLP_HIST01[15:0] counts for the third bin
//VDIN_DNLP_HIST01[31:16] counts for the fourth bin
//read only
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST00 ((0x1237 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST01 ((0x1238 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST02 ((0x1239 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST03 ((0x123a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST04 ((0x123b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST05 ((0x123c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST06 ((0x123d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST07 ((0x123e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST08 ((0x123f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST09 ((0x1240 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST10 ((0x1241 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST11 ((0x1242 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST12 ((0x1243 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST13 ((0x1244 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST14 ((0x1245 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST15 ((0x1246 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST16 ((0x1247 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST17 ((0x1248 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST18 ((0x1249 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST19 ((0x124a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST20 ((0x124b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST21 ((0x124c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST22 ((0x124d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST23 ((0x124e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST24 ((0x124f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST25 ((0x1250 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST26 ((0x1251 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST27 ((0x1252 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST28 ((0x1253 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST29 ((0x1254 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST30 ((0x1255 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST31 ((0x1256 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, local dimming statistic enable
//Bit 28, eol enable
//Bit 27:25, vertical line overlap number for max finding
//Bit 24:22, horizontal pixel overlap number, 0: 17 pix, 1: 9 pix, 2: 5 pix, 3: 3 pix, 4: 0 pix
//Bit 20, 1,2,1 low pass filter enable before max/hist statistic
//Bit 19:16, region H/V position index, refer to VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_SET_REGION
//Bit 15, 1: region read index auto increase per read to VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION
//Bit 6:0, region read index
//Bit 28:0, if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h0: read/write hvstart0
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h1: read/write hend01
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h2: read/write vend01
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h3: read/write hend23
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h4: read/write vend23
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h5: read/write hend45
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h6: read/write vend45
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'd7: read/write hend67
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h8: read/write vend67
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h9: read/write hend89
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'ha: read/write vend89
//hvstart0, Bit 28:16 row0 vstart, Bit 12:0 col0 hstart
//hend01, Bit 28:16 col1 hend, Bit 12:0 col0 hend
//vend01, Bit 28:16 row1 vend, Bit 12:0 row0 vend
//hend23, Bit 28:16 col3 hend, Bit 12:0 col2 hend
//vend23, Bit 28:16 row3 vend, Bit 12:0 row2 vend
//hend45, Bit 28:16 col5 hend, Bit 12:0 col4 hend
//vend45, Bit 28:16 row5 vend, Bit 12:0 row4 vend
//hend67, Bit 28:16 col7 hend, Bit 12:0 col6 hend
//vend67, Bit 28:16 row7 vend, Bit 12:0 row6 vend
//hend89, Bit 28:16 col9 hend, Bit 12:0 col8 hend
//vend89, Bit 28:16 row9 vend, Bit 12:0 row8 vend
//REGION STATISTIC DATA READ OUT PORT, bit 29:20 max_comp2, bit 19:10 max_comp1, bit 9:0 max_comp0
//Bit 18, reset bit, high active
//Bit 17, if true, widen hs/vs pulse
//Bit 16 vsync total counter always accumulating enable
//Bit 14:12, select hs/vs of video input channel to measure, 0: no selection, 1: vdi1, 2: vid2, 3: vid3, 4:vid4, 5:vdi5, 6:vid6, 7:vdi7, 8: vdi8
//Bit 11:4, vsync_span, define how many vsync span need to measure
//Bit 2:0 meas_hs_index, index to select which HS counter/range
#define VDIN_MEAS_CTRL0 ((0x125a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//19:16 meas_ind_total_count_n, every number of sync_span vsyncs, this count add 1
//15:0 high bit portion of vsync total counter
#define VDIN_MEAS_VS_COUNT_HI ((0x125b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//31:0, low bit portion of vsync total counter
#define VDIN_MEAS_VS_COUNT_LO ((0x125c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//according to the meas_hs_index in register VDIN_MEAS_CTRL0
//meas_hs_index == 0, first hs range
//meas_hs_index == 1, second hs range
//meas_hs_index == 2, third hs range
//meas_hs_index == 3, fourth hs range
//bit 28:16 count_start
//bit 12:0 count_end
#define VDIN_MEAS_HS_RANGE ((0x125d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//according to the meas_hs_index in register VDIN_MEAS_CTRL0,
//meas_hs_index == 0, first range hs counter,
//meas_hs_index == 1, second range hs coutner
//meas_hs_index == 2, third range hs coutner
//meas_hs_index == 3, fourth range hs coutner
#define VDIN_MEAS_HS_COUNT ((0x125e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 8 white_enable
//Bit 7:0 blkbar_white_level
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_CTRL1 ((0x125f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 blkbar_black_level threshold to judge a black point
// Bit 23:21 Reserved
// Bit 20:8 blkbar_hwidth left and right region width
// Bit 7:5 blkbar_comp_sel select yin or uin or vin to be the valid input
// Bit 4 blkbar_sw_statistic_en enable software statistic of each block black points number
// Bit 3 blkbar_det_en
// Bit 2:1 blkbar_din_sel
// bit blkbar_det_top_en
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_CTRL0 ((0x1260 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_hstart. Left region start
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_hend. Right region end
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_H_START_END ((0x1261 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_vstart
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_vend
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_V_START_END ((0x1262 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 blkbar_cnt_threshold. threshold to judge whether a block is totally black
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_CNT_THRESHOLD ((0x1263 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_row_th1. //threshold of the top blackbar
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// bit 12:0 blkbar_row_th2 //threshold of the bottom blackbar
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_ROW_TH1_TH2 ((0x1264 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_ind_left_start. horizontal start of the left region in the current searching
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_ind_left_end. horizontal end of the left region in the current searching
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_LEFT_START_END ((0x1265 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_ind_right_start.horizontal start of the right region in the current searching
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_ind_right_end. horizontal end of the right region in the current searching
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_RIGHT_START_END ((0x1266 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 blkbar_ind_left1_cnt. Black pixel counter. left part of the left region
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_LEFT1_CNT ((0x1267 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 blkbar_ind_left2_cnt. Black pixel counter. right part of the left region
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_LEFT2_CNT ((0x1268 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 blkbar_ind_right1_cnt. Black pixel counter. left part of the right region
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_RIGHT1_CNT ((0x1269 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 blkbar_ind_right2_cnt. Black pixel counter. right part of the right region
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_IND_RIGHT2_CNT ((0x126a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:30 Resersed
// Bit 29 blkbar_ind_black_det_done. LEFT/RIGHT Black detection done
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_top_pos. Top black bar position
// Bit 15:13 Reserved.
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_bot_pos. Bottom black bar position
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_STATUS0 ((0x126b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 blkbar_left_pos. Left black bar posiont
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 blkbar_right_pos. Right black bar position
#define VDIN_BLKBAR_STATUS1 ((0x126c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 input window H start
//Bit 12:0 input window H end
#define VDIN_WIN_H_START_END ((0x126d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 input window H start
//Bit 12:0 input window V start
#define VDIN_WIN_V_START_END ((0x126e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 vdi8 asfifo_ctrl
//Bit 15:8 vdi7 asfifo_ctrl
//Bit 7:0 vdi6 asfifo_ctrl
#define VDIN_ASFIFO_CTRL3 ((0x126f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 3:2 vshrk_clk2_ctrl
//Bit 1:0 vshrk_clk1_ctrl
#define VDIN_COM_GCLK_CTRL2 ((0x1270 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 27 vshrk_en
//Bit 26:25 vshrk_mode
//Bit 24 vshrk_lpf_mode
//Bit 23:0 vshrk_dummy
#define VDIN_VSHRK_CTRL ((0x1271 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DNLP_HIST32 ((0x1272 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 7, vdi9 fifo overflow
//Bit 5:0, vdi9_asfifo_cnt
#define VDIN_COM_STATUS3 ((0x1273 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_SYNC_MASK ((0x1274 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7:0, hsync_mask_num
//Bit 15:8, vsync_mask_num
//Bit 16, hsync_mask_enable
//Bit 17, vsync_mask_num
//dolby vdin
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_CTRL0 ((0x1275 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_CTRL1 ((0x1276 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_CTRL2 ((0x1277 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_CTRL3 ((0x1278 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_AXI_CTRL0 ((0x1279 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_AXI_CTRL1 ((0x127a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_AXI_CTRL2 ((0x127b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_AXI_CTRL3 ((0x127c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_STATUS0 ((0x127d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_STATUS1 ((0x127e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_STATUS2 ((0x127f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DOLBY_DSC_STATUS3 ((0x121d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//hdr2 0x80 - -0xc0
#define VDIN_HDR2_CTRL ((0x1280 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x1281 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x1282 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x1283 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x1284 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x1285 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x1286 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x1287 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x1288 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x1289 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x128a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x128b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x128c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x128d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x128e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x128f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x1290 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x1291 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x1292 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x1293 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x1294 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x1295 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1296 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x1297 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1298 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1299 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x129a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x129b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x129c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x129e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x129f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x12a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x12a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x12a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x12a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x12a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x12a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x12a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x12a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x12a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x12a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x12aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x12ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x12ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x12ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x12ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x12af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x12b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x12b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x12b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x12b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x12b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x12b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x12b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x12b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x12b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x12b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x12ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x12bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x12bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x12bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x12be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x12bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x129d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WRARB_MODE ((0x12c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WRARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x12c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x12c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x12c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_RDWR_ARB_STATUS ((0x12c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_ARB_DBG_CTRL ((0x12c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_ARB_DBG_STAT ((0x12c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DBG_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x12c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DBG_AXI_DAT_CNT ((0x12c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_CRC_CTRL ((0x12c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_RO_CRC ((0x12ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_LINE_INT ((0x12cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WR_URGENT_CTRL ((0x1257 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_RO_WRMIF_STATUS ((0x1258 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WR_BADDR_LUMA ((0x12cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WR_BADDR_CHROMA ((0x12cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WR_STRIDE_LUMA ((0x12ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_WR_STRIDE_CHROMA ((0x12cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for vdin dolby descramble start
#define VDIN_DSC_CTRL ((0x12d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10 reserved
//Bit 9:4 reg_dithout_switch ,uns, default = 36;//{2'h2,2'h1,2'h0}
//Bit 3, reg_detunnel_en ,uns, default = 1;
//Bit 2, reg_detunnel_u_start,uns, default = 0;
//Bit 1, reg_vdin_dith_en ,uns, default = 1;
//Bit 0, reg_descramble_en ,uns, default = 1;
#define VDIN_CFMT_CTRL ((0x12d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:9 reserved
//Bit 8 reg_chfmt_rpt_pix uns, default = 0 ; // if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 7:4 reg_chfmt_ini_phase uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 3 reg_chfmt_rpt_p0_en uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 2:1 reg_chfmt_yc_ratio uns, default = 1 ; // horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 0 reg_chfmt_en uns, default = 1 ; // horizontal formatter enable
#define VDIN_CFMT_W ((0x12d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_chfmt_w uns, default = 1920 ;horizontal formatter width
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_cvfmt_w uns, default = 960 ;vertical formatter width
#define VDIN_SCB_CTRL0 ((0x12d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 28 reg_scb2_enable uns, default = 0;
//Bit 27 reg_scb2_444c422_gofield_en uns, default = 1;
//Bit 26 reg_scb2_tunnel_en uns, default = 1;
//Bit 25:20 reg_scb2_tunnel_outswitch uns, default = 36;//{2'h2,2'h1,2'h0}
//Bit 19:18 reg_scb2_444c422_mode uns, default = 0; //0:left 1:right 2,3:avg
//Bit 17 reg_scb2_444c422_bypass uns, default = 0; 1:bypass
//Bit 16 reserved //pulse for frm_en
//Bit 11 reg_444c422_gofield_en uns, default = 1;
//Bit 10 reg_tunnel_en uns, default = 1;
//Bit 9:4 reg_tunnel_outswitch uns, default = 36;//{2'h2,2'h1,2'h0}
//Bit 3:2 reg_444c422_mode uns, default = 0; //0:left 1:right 2,3:avg
//Bit 1 reg_444c422_bypass uns, default = 0; 1:bypass
//Bit 0 reserved //pulse for frm_en
#define VDIN_SCB_CTRL1 ((0x12d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_444c422_hsize uns, default = 1920 ;horizontal size
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_444c422_vsize uns, default = 960 ;vertical size
#define VDIN_DSC_HSIZE ((0x12d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_detunnel_hsize uns, default = 1920 ;
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_dither_hsize uns, default = 1920 ;
#define VDIN_DSC_DETUNNEL_SEL ((0x12d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:0 reg_detunnel_sel uns, default = 34658; //{3'h1,3'h0,3'h3 ,3'h5,3'h4,3'h2}
#define VDIN_DSC_TUNNEL_SEL ((0x12d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:0 reg_tunnel_sel uns, default = 69868; //= {3'h2,3'h1 ,3'h0,3'h3 ,3'h5,3'h4};
#define VDIN_SCB_CTRL2 ((0x12da << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scb2_444c422_hsize uns, default = 1920 ;horizontal size
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scb2_444c422_vsize uns, default = 960 ;vertical size
#define VDIN_HDR2_SIZE ((0x12d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_VSHRK_SIZE_M1 ((0x12d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_CTRL ((0x12e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_1 ((0x12e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_2 ((0x12e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_3 ((0x12e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_4 ((0x12e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_5 ((0x12e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_6 ((0x12e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_7 ((0x12e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_8 ((0x12e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_9 ((0x12e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_10 ((0x12ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_11 ((0x12eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_DITH_LUT_12 ((0x12ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for vdin dolby descramble end
#define VDIN_HSK_CTRL ((0x12ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23 reserved
//Bit 22:16 reg_hsk_size ,uns, default = 4;
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_frm_hsize ,uns, default = 1920;
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_0 ((0x12f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef00 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_1 ((0x12f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef01 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_2 ((0x12f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef02 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_3 ((0x12f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef03 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_4 ((0x12f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef04 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_5 ((0x12f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef05 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_6 ((0x12f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef06 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_7 ((0x12f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef07 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_8 ((0x12f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef08 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_9 ((0x12f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef09 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_A ((0x12fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef10 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_B ((0x12fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef11 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_C ((0x12fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef12 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_D ((0x12fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef13 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_E ((0x12fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef14 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
#define VDIN_HSK_COEF_F ((0x12ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_hsk_coef15 ,uns, default = 0;//[29:24] [21:16] [13:8] [5:0] is used
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_vdin_regs.h
//8'h72 occupied by histogram 32
//VDIN0 8'h00 - 8'h7f
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_vdin0_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_vdin1_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VDIN1_OFFSET (0x100)
// `include "vpu_vdin_regs.h"
//8'h72 occupied by histogram 32
//VDIN1 8'h00 - 8'h7f
#define VDIN1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_MATRIX_COEF00_01 )
#define VDIN1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_MATRIX_COEF02_10 )
#define VDIN1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_MATRIX_COEF11_12 )
#define VDIN1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_MATRIX_COEF20_21 )
#define VDIN1_WR_CTRL2 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_WR_CTRL2 )
#define VDIN1_RO_CRC ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_RO_CRC )
#define VDIN1_CFMT_W ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_CFMT_W )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_1 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_1 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_2 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_2 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_3 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_3 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_4 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_4 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_5 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_5 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_6 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_6 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_7 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_7 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_8 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_8 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_9 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_9 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_10 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_10 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_11 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_11 )
#define VDIN1_DITH_LUT_12 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_DITH_LUT_12 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_0 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_0 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_1 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_1 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_2 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_2 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_3 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_3 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_4 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_4 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_5 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_5 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_6 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_6 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_7 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_7 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_8 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_8 )
#define VDIN1_HSK_COEF_9 ((VDIN1_OFFSET << 2) + VDIN_HSK_COEF_9 )
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_vdin1_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: lcd_regs.h
// 0x00 - 0x9f
// Reading file: ldc_cbus.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define LDC_REG_BLOCK_NUM ((0x1400 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20 reg_ldc_en // unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:enable ldc ,0:disable ldc
//Bit 19:14 reg_ldc_seg_col // unsigned , RW, default = 16 the number of col segments for calculate backlight
//Bit 13: 8 reg_ldc_seg_row // unsigned , RW, default = 9 the number of row segments for calculate backlight
//Bit 7: 4 reg_ldc_blk_xnum // unsigned , RW, default = 7 the number of col blocks for calculate intensity, 1<<blk_xnum
//Bit 3: 0 reg_ldc_blk_ynum // unsigned , RW, default = 6 the number of row blocks for calculate intensity, 1<<blk_ynum
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_0_1 ((0x1401 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_2_3 ((0x1402 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_4_5 ((0x1403 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_6_7 ((0x1404 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_8_9 ((0x1405 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_10_11 ((0x1406 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_12_13 ((0x1407 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_12 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_13 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_14_15 ((0x1408 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_14 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_15 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_16_17 ((0x1409 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_16 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_17 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_18_19 ((0x140a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_18 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_19 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_20_21 ((0x140b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_20 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_21 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_22_23 ((0x140c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_22 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_23 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_24_25 ((0x140d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_24 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_25 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_26_27 ((0x140e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_26 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_27 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_28_29 ((0x140f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_28 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_29 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_Y_BOUNDARY_30_31 ((0x1410 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:13 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_30 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
//Bit 12: 0 reg_ldc_seg_y_boundary_31 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment row boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_0_1 ((0x1411 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_2_3 ((0x1412 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_4_5 ((0x1413 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_6_7 ((0x1414 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_8_9 ((0x1415 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_10_11 ((0x1416 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_12_13 ((0x1417 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_12 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_13 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_14_15 ((0x1418 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_14 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_15 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_16_17 ((0x1419 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_16 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_17 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_18_19 ((0x141a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_18 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_19 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_20_21 ((0x141b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_20 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_21 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_22_23 ((0x141c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_22 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_23 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_24_25 ((0x141d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_24 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_25 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_26_27 ((0x141e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_26 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_27 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_28_29 ((0x141f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_28 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_29 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_30_31 ((0x1420 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_30 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_31 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_32_33 ((0x1421 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_32 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_33 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_34_35 ((0x1422 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_34 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_35 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_36_37 ((0x1423 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_36 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_37 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_38_39 ((0x1424 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_38 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_39 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_40_41 ((0x1425 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_40 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_41 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_42_43 ((0x1426 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_42 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_43 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_44_45 ((0x1427 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_44 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_45 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_SEG_X_BOUNDARY_46_47 ((0x1428 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:14 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_46 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
//Bit 13: 0 reg_ldc_seg_x_boundary_47 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the segment col boundary
#define LDC_REG_PANEL_SIZE ((0x1429 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_panel_width // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the panel width
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_panel_height // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the panel height
#define LDC_REG_DOWNSAMPLE ((0x142a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:24 reg_ldc_h_downsample // unsigned , RW, default = 1 horizontal downsample scale, 1:/4, 2:/8, 3:/16, 4:/32
//Bit 23 reg_ldc_ds_filter_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 horizontal downsample filter mode, 0: avg 1: max
//Bit 22:15 reg_ldc_y_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40 the gain for input pixel value, 0x40 ==1
//Bit 14:12 reg_ldc_hist_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 3 the mode for hist statistic value to calculate initial backlight, 0:avg 1: max95, 2, max, 3:blend, 4: adaptive blend coef and blend target(max95 or max)
//Bit 11 reg_ldc_hist_blend_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 the blend mode to calculate initial backlight when hist mode=3, 0: max + avg, 1:max95 + avg
//Bit 10: 4 reg_ldc_hist_blend_alpha // unsigned , RW, default = 7'h60 the coef for blend when hist mode=3, 128 means "1"
//Bit 3: 0 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_max_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 13 the gain for blend max value when hist mode=4
#define LDC_REG_HIST_OVERLAP ((0x142b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:18 reg_ldc_seg_x_overlap // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the overlap pixel num for each segment in col
//Bit 17: 8 reg_ldc_seg_y_overlap // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the overlap pixel num for each segment in row
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_max95_ratio // unsigned , RW, default = 10 max95 percentile //10
#define LDC_REG_BLEND_DIFF_TH ((0x142c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_diff_th1 // unsigned , RW, default = 256 the threshold between max95 and average when hist mode=4, default= 4<<6
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_diff_th2 // unsigned , RW, default = 640 the threshold between max95 and average when hist mode=4, default= 10<<6
#define LDC_REG_CURVE_COEF ((0x142d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:18 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_gain_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h70 the blend gain0 in curve when hist mode=4
//Bit 17:10 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_gain_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40 the blend gain1 in curve when hist mode=4
//Bit 9: 4 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_th0 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 the blend threshold base in curve when hist mode=4
//Bit 3: 0 reg_ldc_hist_adap_blend_thn // unsigned , RW, default = 4 the blend threshold increase step in curve when hist mode=4, th0+1<<thn
#define LDC_REG_INIT_BL ((0x142e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_ldc_init_bl_min // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the minimum value of init_bl
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_init_bl_max // unsigned , RW, default = 12'hfff the maximum value of init_bl
#define LDC_REG_SF_MODE ((0x142f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_ldc_sf_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 2 the mode for backlight spatial filter, 0: no filter, 1: TSF filter , 2: new spatial filter
//Bit 23:12 reg_ldc_sf_tsf_3x3 // unsigned , RW, default = 12'h600 smoothness control of the spatial filter at 3x3
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_sf_tsf_5x5 // unsigned , RW, default = 12'hC00 smoothness control of the spatial filter at 5x5
#define LDC_REG_SF_GAIN ((0x1430 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_sf_gain_up // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the gain for backlight up
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_sf_gain_dn // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h00 the gain for backlight down,256 as "1"
#define LDC_REG_BS_MODE ((0x1431 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_ldc_bs_bl_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the boost mode, 0:no boost,1:glb boost,2:local boost,3:max,4:min,5:avg
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_glb_apl // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 global apl for one channel
#define LDC_REG_APL ((0x1432 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_bs_glb_apl_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 0x10 as "1"
#define LDC_REG_GLB_BOOST ((0x1433 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 reg_ldc_bs_dark_scene_bl_th // unsigned , RW, default = 12'h200 the global threshold for dark scene
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_bs_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the boost gain, default=0x20, 256 as "1"
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_bs_limit_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h60 the boost limit gain, 0x40 as "1"
#define LDC_REG_LOCAL_BOOST ((0x1434 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:20 reg_ldc_bs_loc_apl_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the local apl gain for dark scene, 0x10 as "1"
//Bit 19:12 reg_ldc_bs_loc_max_min_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the local boost gain,0x10 as "1"
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_bs_loc_dark_scene_bl_th // unsigned , RW, default = 12'h600 the local threshold for dark scene
#define LDC_REG_TF ((0x1435 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_tf_low_alpha // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the low alpha for temporal filter
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_tf_high_alpha // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h20 the high alpha for temporal filter
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_tf_low_alpha_sc // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40 the low alpha for temporal filter in scene change
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_tf_high_alpha_sc // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40 the high alpha for temporal filter in scene change
#define LDC_REG_TF_SC ((0x1436 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 9 reserved
//Bit 8 reg_ldc_tf_sc_flag // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the flag for scene change
//Bit 7: 4 reg_ldc_cmp_mask_x // unsigned , RW, default = 7 the mask width from profile to calculate one block intensity
//Bit 3: 0 reg_ldc_cmp_mask_y // unsigned , RW, default = 7 the mask height from profile to calculate one block intensity
#define LDC_REG_PROFILE_MODE ((0x1437 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 8 reg_ldc_profile_k // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h240 the profile numerator coef
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_profile_bits // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h18 the profile denominator coef
#define LDC_REG_BLK_FILTER ((0x1438 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_block_filter_a // unsigned , RW, default = 56 the coef for block intensity filter
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_block_filter_b // unsigned , RW, default = 37 the coef for block intensity filter
#define LDC_REG_BLK_FILTER_COEF ((0x1439 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_block_filter_c // unsigned , RW, default = 20 the coef for block intensity filter
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_block_filter_d // unsigned , RW, default = 10 the coef for block intensity filter
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_block_filter_e // unsigned , RW, default = 5 the coef for block intensity filter
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_block_filter_f // unsigned , RW, default = 2 the coef for block intensity filter
#define LDC_REG_BL_MEMORY ((0x143a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_ldc_bl_buf_diff // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the memory diff frame
#define LDC_REG_FACTOR_DIV_0 ((0x143b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_factor_for_div_00 // unsigned , RW, default = 33893 the factor for divide,33893:2160; 34952:1080
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_factor_for_div_01 // unsigned , RW, default = 33893 the factor for divide,33893:2160; 34952:1080
#define LDC_REG_FACTOR_DIV_1 ((0x143c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_factor_for_div_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 32896 the factor for divide
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_factor_for_div_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 32896 the factor for divide
#define LDC_REG_BITS_DIV ((0x143d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_bits_for_div_00 // unsigned , RW, default = 25 the bits for divide, 25:2160; 23:1080
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_bits_for_div_01 // unsigned , RW, default = 25 the bits for divide, 25:2160; 23:1080
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_bits_for_div_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 25 the bits for divide, 25:2160; 23:1080
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_bits_for_div_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 25 the bits for divide, 25:2160; 23:1080
#define LDC_REG_GLB_GAIN ((0x143e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 reg_ldc_glb_gain // unsigned , RW, default = 1024 the global coef for compensation gain
#define LDC_REG_DITHER ((0x143f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2 reserved
//Bit 1 reg_ldc_dth_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the enable dither
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_dth_bw // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0: 2bits, 1: 4bits
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_0 ((0x1440 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_1 ((0x1441 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_2 ((0x1442 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_3 ((0x1443 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_15 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_14 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_13 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_12 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_4 ((0x1444 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_19 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_18 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_17 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_16 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_5 ((0x1445 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_23 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_22 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_21 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_20 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_6 ((0x1446 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_27 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_26 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_25 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_24 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_7 ((0x1447 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_31 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_30 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_29 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_28 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_8 ((0x1448 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_35 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_34 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_33 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_32 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_9 ((0x1449 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_39 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_38 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_37 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_36 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_10 ((0x144a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_43 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_42 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_41 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_40 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_11 ((0x144b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_47 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_46 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_45 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_44 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_12 ((0x144c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_51 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_50 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_49 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_48 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_13 ((0x144d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_55 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_54 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_53 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_52 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_14 ((0x144e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_59 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_58 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_57 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_56 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_MIN_GAIN_LUT_15 ((0x144f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_63 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 23:16 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_62 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 15: 8 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_61 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
//Bit 7: 0 reg_ldc_min_gain_lut_60 // unsigned , RW, default = 8'h40
#define LDC_REG_DITHER_LUT_1_0 ((0x1450 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_0
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_0
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_1 ((0x1451 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_1
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_1
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_2 ((0x1452 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_2
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_2
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_3 ((0x1453 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_3
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_3
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_4 ((0x1454 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_4
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_4
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_5 ((0x1455 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_5
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_5
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_6 ((0x1456 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_6
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_6
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_7 ((0x1457 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_7
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 the reg dither lut_7
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_8 ((0x1458 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h8241 the reg dither lut_8
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h8241 the reg dither lut_8
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_9 ((0x1459 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h4128 thereg dither lut_9
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h4128 thereg dither lut_9
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_10 ((0x145a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h2814 thereg dither lut_10
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h2814 thereg dither lut_10
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_11 ((0x145b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h1482 the reg dither lut_11
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h1482 the reg dither lut_11
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_12 ((0x145c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_12 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h1482 the reg dither lut_12
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_12 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h1482 the reg dither lut_12
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_13 ((0x145d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_13 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h2841 the reg dither lut_13
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_13 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h2841 the reg dither lut_13
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_14 ((0x145e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_14 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h4128 the reg dither lut_14
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_14 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h4128 the reg dither lut_14
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_15 ((0x145f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_15 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h8214 the reg dither lut_15
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_15 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h8214 the reg dither lut_15
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_16 ((0x1460 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_16 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9696 the reg dither lut_16
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_16 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9696 the reg dither lut_16
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_17 ((0x1461 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_17 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6969 the reg dither lut_17
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_17 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6969 the reg dither lut_17
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_18 ((0x1462 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_18 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9696 the reg dither lut_18
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_18 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9696 the reg dither lut_18
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_19 ((0x1463 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_19 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6969 the reg dither lut_19
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_19 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6969 the reg dither lut_19
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_20 ((0x1464 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_20 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9669 the reg dither lut_20
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_20 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h9669 the reg dither lut_20
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_21 ((0x1465 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_21 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hc3c3 the reg dither lut_21
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_21 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hc3c3 the reg dither lut_21
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_22 ((0x1466 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_22 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6996 the reg dither lut_22
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_22 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h6996 the reg dither lut_22
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_23 ((0x1467 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_23 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h3c3c the reg dither lut_23
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_23 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h3c3c the reg dither lut_23
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_24 ((0x1468 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_24 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h7dbe the reg dither lut_24
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_24 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h7dbe the reg dither lut_24
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_25 ((0x1469 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_25 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hbed7 the reg dither lut_25
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_25 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hbed7 the reg dither lut_25
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_26 ((0x146a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_26 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hd7eb the reg dither lut_26
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_26 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hd7eb the reg dither lut_26
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_27 ((0x146b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_27 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'heb7d the reg dither lut_27
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_27 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'heb7d the reg dither lut_27
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_28 ((0x146c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_28 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'heb7d the reg dither lut_28
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_28 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'heb7d the reg dither lut_28
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_29 ((0x146d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_29 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hd7be the reg dither lut_29
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_29 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hd7be the reg dither lut_29
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_30 ((0x146e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_30 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hbed7 the reg dither lut_30
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_30 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'hbed7 the reg dither lut_30
#define LDC_REG_LDC_DITHER_LUT_1_31 ((0x146f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_ldc_dither_lut1_31 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h7deb the reg dither lut_31
//Bit 15: 0 reg_ldc_dither_lut2_31 // unsigned , RW, default = 16'h7deb the reg dither lut_31
#define LDC_SEG_INFO_SEL ((0x1470 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_bl_duty_info_sft_upd // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0:hardware update duty info; 1:software update duty info
#define LDC_DDR_ADDR_BASE ((0x1471 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_ldc_ddr_addr_base // unsigned , RW, default = 0 ldc ddr address base
#define LDC_GAIN_LUT_DATA ((0x1472 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_ldc_gain_lut_data // unsigned , RW, default = 0 gain lut address
#define LDC_GAIN_LUT_ADDR ((0x1473 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_ldc_gain_lut_addr // unsigned , RW, default = 0 gain lut data
#define LDC_GAIN_LUT_CTRL0 ((0x1474 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:2 reserved
//Bit 1 reg_ldc_gain_lut_smp_data_en_clr // unsigned , RW, default = 0 clear reg_ldc_gain_lut_smp_data_en signal 1: enable 0:disable
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_gain_lut_wr // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1:software write 0:software read.
#define LDC_GAIN_LUT_CTRL1 ((0x1475 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_gain_lut_str // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0->1:one software write/read start,postive edge valid.
#define LDC_ADJ_VS_CTRL ((0x1476 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:0 reg_ldc_blk_intsty_calc_intvl // unsigned , RW, default = 200 delay for one block intensity calculation period
#define LDC_LOW_POWER_EN ((0x1477 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_ldc_cbus_clk_gate_free // unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:disable cbus clock gate, 0: enable cbus clock gate
//Bit 1 reg_ldc_calc_part_clk_gate_free // unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:disable calculation clock gate, 0: enable calculation clock gate
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_comp_part_clk_gate_free // unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:disable compensation clock gate,0: enable compensation clock gate
#define LDC_CTRL_MISC0 ((0x1478 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_ldc_frm_end_sel //unsigned , RW, default = 0 1: wait for all axi transfer finish 0:wait for last frame pixel
//Bit 26 reg_ldc_prt_func_en //unsigned , RW, default = 0 1: enable LDC output protect function 0:disable LDC output protect function
//Bit 25 reg_ldc_bl_input_sft_ctr_en //unsigned , RW, default = 0 1: software control backlight info write index enable
//Bit 24:23 reg_ldc_bl_input_sft_wr_idx //unsigned , RW, default = 0 backlight info write index, for debug only
//Bit 22 reg_ldc_vsync_get_bl_info_en //unsigned , RW, default = 1 0:get backlighth info every block line (no vsync interrupt) 1:get backlighth info accroding to vsync
//Bit 21:20 reg_ldc_hist_burst_len //unsigned , RW, default = 0 0:2 times 128bit 1:4 times 128bit 2,3:6 times 128bit
//Bit 19:18 reg_ldc_blk_intsty_burst_len //unsigned , RW, default = 0 0:2 times 128bit 1:4 times 128bit 2:6 times 128bit 3:8 times 128bit
//Bit 17 reg_ldc_vs_edge_sel //unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:posedge vs sync 0:negedge vs sync
//Bit 16 reg_ldc_adj_vs_en //unsigned , RW, default = 0 move "vs" to frame end,so use front+back porch time to prefetch profile. 1:enable 0:disable;
//Bit 15:0 reg_ldc_adj_vs_delay_num //unsigned , RW, default = 500 add a delay num to the frame end
#define LDC_CTRL_MISC1 ((0x1479 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4 reserved
//Bit 3 reg_ldc_sft_upd_glb_apl_en //unsigned , RW, default = 1 update reg_ldc_glb_apl register every frame by .. 1: by software; 0: by hardware;
//Bit 2 reg_ldc_scn_chg_en //unsigned , RW, default = 0 positive edge available;
//Bit 1 reg_ldc_pref_chk_err_clr //unsigned , RW, default = 1 1:clear ldc_pref_chk_err signal; 0: no action;
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_pref_chk_err_det_mode //unsigned , RW, default = 0 1:auto clear ldc_pref_chk_err signal every frame; 0:no action;
#define LDC_DGB_CTRL ((0x147a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15 reserved
//Bit 14 reg_ldc_comp_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable ldc compensation 0:disable ldc compensation
//Bit 13 reg_ldc_comp_pxl_cmp_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable comp_pxl_cmp_en 0:disable comp_pxl_cmp_en
//Bit 12 reg_ldc_comp_interp_pxl_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable comp_interp_pxl_en 0:disable comp_interp_pxl_en
//Bit 11 reg_ldc_comp_blk_flt_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable comp_blk_flt_en 0:disable comp_blk_flt_en
//Bit 10 reg_ldc_comp_blk_intsty_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable comp_blk_intsty_en 0:disable comp_blk_intsty_en
//Bit 9 reg_ldc_calc_tmp_flt_en //unsigned, RW, default = 1 1:enable calc_tmp_flt_en 0:disable calc_tmp_flt_en
//Bit 8:5 reg_ldc_dbg_shft_num //unsigned, RW, default = 0 1:debug
//Bit 4:1 reg_ldc_dbg_pnt //unsigned, RW, default = 0 detailed info,please refer to application note
//Bit 0 reg_ldc_dbg_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0 0:normal mode 1: debug mode
#define LDC_RO_BL_MEMORY_IDX ((0x147b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 9 reserved
//Bit 8 ro_ldc_seg_input_fid // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the memory input segment info index
//Bit 7: 4 ro_ldc_bl_input_fid // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the memory input frame backlight index
//Bit 3: 0 ro_ldc_bl_output_fid // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the memory output frame backlight index
#define LDC_RO_GLB_HIST_SUM ((0x147c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_ldc_glb_hist_data_sum // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the global hist data sum
#define LDC_RO_GLB_HIST_CNT ((0x147d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_ldc_glb_hist_cnt_sum // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the global hist cnt sum
#define LDC_RO_GAIN_SMP_DATA ((0x147f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25 reserved
//Bit 24 ro_ldc_gain_lut_smp_data_en // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the output frame index
//Bit 23: 0 ro_ldc_gain_lut_smp_data // unsigned , RO, default = 0 the output frame index
#define LDC_RO_PREF_CHK_ERROR ((0x1480 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:1 reserved
//Bit 0 ro_ldc_pref_chk_err // unsigned , RO, 0:no error found; 1: found error ;
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: ldc_cbus.h
#define LCD_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT ((0x14a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_DATA_PORT ((0x14a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x14a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x14a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_RGB_BASE_ADDR ((0x14a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_RGB_COEFF_ADDR ((0x14a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_POL_CNTL_ADDR ((0x14a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_DITH_CNTL_ADDR ((0x14a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_CTRL ((0x14a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//read only
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_L ((0x14aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_H ((0x14ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_HL_COLOR ((0x14ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_X ((0x14ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_Y ((0x14ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_LCD_MCU_CTL ((0x14b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_LCD_MCU_DATA_0 ((0x14b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_LCD_MCU_DATA_1 ((0x14b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_LCD_PORT_SWAP ((0x14b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT0 ((0x14b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_DATA_PORT0 ((0x14b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT0 ((0x14b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: lcd_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: lcd1_regs.h
#define LCD1_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT ((0x15a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_DATA_PORT ((0x15a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x15a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x15a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_RGB_BASE_ADDR ((0x15a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_RGB_COEFF_ADDR ((0x15a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_POL_CNTL_ADDR ((0x15a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_DITH_CNTL_ADDR ((0x15a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_CTRL ((0x15a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//read only
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_L ((0x15aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_H ((0x15ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_HL_COLOR ((0x15ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_X ((0x15ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_Y ((0x15ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_LCD_MCU_CTL ((0x15b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_LCD_MCU_DATA_0 ((0x15b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_LCD_MCU_DATA_1 ((0x15b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_LCD_PORT_SWAP ((0x15b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT0 ((0x15b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_DATA_PORT0 ((0x15b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD1_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT0 ((0x15b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: lcd1_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: lcd2_regs.h
#define LCD2_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT ((0x16a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_DATA_PORT ((0x16a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x16a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x16a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_RGB_BASE_ADDR ((0x16a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_RGB_COEFF_ADDR ((0x16a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_POL_CNTL_ADDR ((0x16a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_DITH_CNTL_ADDR ((0x16a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_CTRL ((0x16a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//read only
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_L ((0x16aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_H ((0x16ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_HL_COLOR ((0x16ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_X ((0x16ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_Y ((0x16ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_LCD_MCU_CTL ((0x16b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_LCD_MCU_DATA_0 ((0x16b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_LCD_MCU_DATA_1 ((0x16b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_LCD_PORT_SWAP ((0x16b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT0 ((0x16b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_DATA_PORT0 ((0x16b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD2_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT0 ((0x16b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: lcd2_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_mad_regs.h
//DEINTERLACE module start from 8'h90 end to 8'hff
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define DI_PRE_CTRL ((0x1700 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 31, cbus_pre_frame_rst
// bit 30, cbus_pre_soft_rst
// bit 29, pre_field_num
// bit 27:26, mode_444c422
// bit 25, di_cont_read_en
// bit 24:23, mode_422c444
// bit 22, mtn_after_nr
// bit 21:16, pre_hold_fifo_lines
// bit 15, nr_wr_by
// bit 14, use_vdin_go_line
// bit 13, di_prevdin_en
// bit 12, di_pre_viu_link
// bit 11, di_pre_repeat
// bit 10, di_pre_drop_1st
// bit 9, di_buf2_en
// bit 8, di_chan2_en
// bit 7, prenr_hist_en
// bit 6, chan2_hist_en
// bit 5, hist_check_en
// bit 4, check_after_nr
// bit 3, check222p_en
// bit 2, check322p_en
// bit 1, mtn_en
// bit 0, nr_en
#define DI_POST_CTRL ((0x1701 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 31, cbus_post_frame_rst
// bit 30, cbus_post_soft_rst
// bit 29, post_field_num
// bit 21:16, post_hold_fifo_lines
// bit 13, prepost_link
// bit 12, di_post_viu_link
// bit 11, di_post_repeat
// bit 10, di_post_drop_1st
// bit 9, mif0_to_vpp_en
// bit 8, di_vpp_out_en
// bit 7, di_wr_bk_en
// bit 6, di_mux_en
// bit 5, di_blend_en
// bit 4, di_mtnp_read_en
// bit 3, di_mtn_buf_en
// bit 2, di_ei_en
// bit 1, di_buf1_en
// bit 0, di_buf0_en
#define DI_POST_SIZE ((0x1702 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:29, diwr_field_mode field mode, 0 frame mode, 4 for field mode botton field, 5 for field mode top field, , 6 for blank line mode
//bit 28:16, vsize1post
//bit 12:0, hsize1post
#define DI_PRE_SIZE ((0x1703 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:29, nrwr_field_mode field mode, 0 frame mode, 4 for field mode botton field, 5 for field mode top field, , 6 for blank line mode
//bit 28:16, vsize1pre
//bit 12:0, hsize1pre
#define DI_EI_CTRL0 ((0x1704 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 23:16, ei0_filter[2:+] abs_diff_left>filter && ...right>filter &&>filter &&>filter -> filter
//bit 15:8, ei0_threshold[2:+]
//bit 3, ei0_vertical
//bit 2, ei0_bpscf2
//bit 1, ei0_bpsfar1
#define DI_EI_CTRL1 ((0x1705 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, ei0_diff
//bit 23:16, ei0_angle45
//bit 15:8, ei0_peak
//bit 7:0, ei0_cross
#define DI_EI_CTRL2 ((0x1706 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, ei0_close2
//bit 23:16, ei0_close1
//bit 15:8, ei0_far2
//bit 7:0, ei0_far1
//`define DI_NR_CTRL0 8'h07
//bit 26, nr_cue_en
//bit 25, nr2_en
#define DI_NR_CTRL1 ((0x1708 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:30, mot_p1txtcore_mode
//bit 29:24, mot_p1txtcore_clmt
//bit 21:16, mot_p1txtcore_ylmt
//bit 15:8, mot_p1txtcore_crate
//bit 7:0, mot_p1txtcore_yrate
#define DI_NR_CTRL2 ((0x1709 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 29:24, mot_curtxtcore_clmt
//bit 21:16, mot_curtxtcore_ylmt
//bit 15:8, mot_curtxtcore_crate
//bit 7:0, mot_curtxtcore_yrate
//`define DI_NR_CTRL3 8'h0a
//no use
//`define DI_MTN_CTRL 8'h0b
//`define DI_CANVAS_URGENT0 8'h0a
//`define DI_CANVAS_URGENT1 8'h0b
#define DI_MTN_CTRL1 ((0x170c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 11:8, mtn_paramtnthd
//bit 7:0, mtn_parafltthd
#define DI_BLEND_CTRL ((0x170d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31, blend_1_en
//bit 30, blend_mtn_lpf
//bit 28, post_mb_en
//bit 27, blend_mtn3p_max
//bit 26, blend_mtn3p_min
//bit 25, blend_mtn3p_ave
//bit 24, blend_mtn3p_maxtb
//bit 23, blend_mtn_flt_en
//bit 22, blend_data_flt_en
//bit 21:20, blend_top_mode
//bit 19, blend_reg3_enable
//bit 18, blend_reg2_enable
//bit 17, blend_reg1_enable
//bit 16, blend_reg0_enable
//bit 15:14, blend_reg3_mode
//bit 13:12, blend_reg2_mode
//bit 11:10, blend_reg1_mode
//bit 9:8, blend_reg0_mode
//bit 7:0, kdeint
//`define DI_BLEND_CTRL1 8'h0e
//no use
//`define DI_CANVAS_URGENT2 8'h0e
//`define DI_BLEND_CTRL2 8'h0f
//no use
#define DI_ARB_CTRL ((0x170f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:26, di_arb_thd1
//bit 25:20, di_arb_thd0
//bit 19, di_arb_tid_mode
//bit 18, di_arb_arb_mode
//bit 17, di_arb_acq_en
//bit 16, di_arb_disable_clk
//bit 15:0, di_arb_req_en
#define DI_BLEND_REG0_X ((0x1710 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:16, blend_reg0_startx
//bit 11:0, blend_reg0_endx
#define DI_BLEND_REG0_Y ((0x1711 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG1_X ((0x1712 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG1_Y ((0x1713 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG2_X ((0x1714 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG2_Y ((0x1715 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG3_X ((0x1716 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_BLEND_REG3_Y ((0x1717 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_CLKG_CTRL ((0x1718 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, pre_gclk_ctrl no clk gate control. if ==1, module clk is not gated (always on). [3] for pulldown,[2] for mtn_1,[1] for mtn_0,[0] for nr
//bit 23:16, post_gclk_ctrl no clk gate control. [4] for ei_1, [3] for ei_0,[2] for ei_top, [1] for blend_1, [0] for blend_0
//bit 1, di_gate_all clk shut down. if ==1 , all di clock shut down
//bit 0, di_no_clk_gate no clk gate control. if di_gated_all==0 and di_no_clk_gate ==1, all di clock is always working.
#define DI_EI_CTRL3 ((0x1719 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31, reg_ei_1
//bit 30, reg_demon_en
//bit 26:24, reg_demon_mux
//bit 23:20, reg_right_win
//bit 19:16, reg_left_win
//bit 7:4, reg_ei_sadm_quatize_margin
//bit 1:0, reg_ei_sad_relative_mode
#define DI_EI_CTRL4 ((0x171a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 29, reg_ei_caldrt_ambliike2_biasvertical
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_addxla2list_drtmax
//bit 22:20, reg_ei_caldrt_addxla2list_signm0th
//bit 19, reg_ei_caldrt_addxla2list_mode
//bit 18:16, reg_ei_signm_sad_cor_rate
//bit 15:12, reg_ei_signm_sadi_cor_rate
//bit 11:6, reg_ei_signm_sadi_cor_ofst
//bit 5:0, reg_ei_signm_sad_ofst
#define DI_EI_CTRL5 ((0x171b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 30:28, reg_ei_caldrt_cnflcctchk_frcverthrd
//bit 26:24, reg_ei_caldrt_cnflctchk_mg
//bit 23:22, reg_ei_caldrt_cnflctchk_ws
//bit 21, reg_ei_caldrt_cnflctchk_en
//bit 20, reg_ei_caldrt_verfrc_final_en
//bit 19, reg_ei_caldrt_verfrc_retimflt_en
//bit 18:16, reg_ei_caldrt_verftc_eithratemth
//bit 15, reg_ei_caldrt_verfrc_retiming_en
//bit 14:12, reg_ei_caldrt_verfrc_bothratemth
//bit 11:9, reg_ei_caldrt_ver_thrd
//bit 8:4, reg_ei_caldrt_addxla2list_drtmin
//bit 3:0, reg_ei_caldrt_addxla2list_drtlimit
#define DI_EI_CTRL6 ((0x171c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad12thhig
//bit 23:16, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad00thlow
//bit 15:8, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad12thlow
//bit 6:4, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_ratemth
//bit 2:0, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_drtthrd
#define DI_EI_CTRL7 ((0x171d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 29, reg_ei_caldrt_xlanopeak_codien
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_xlanopeak_drtmax
//bit 23, reg_ei_caldrt_xlanopeak_en
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_monotrnd_alpha
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_mononum12_thrd
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_mononum00_thrd
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad00rate
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad12rate
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_caldrt_abext_sad00thhig
#define DI_EI_CTRL8 ((0x171e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 30:28, reg_ei_assign_headtail_magin
//bit 26:24, reg_ei_retime_lastcurpncnfltchk_mode
//bit 22:21, reg_ei_retime_lastcurpncnfltchk_drtth
//bit 20, reg_ei_caldrt_histchk_cnfid
//bit 19:16, reg_ei_caldrt_histchk_thrd
//bit 15, reg_ei_caldrt_histchk_abext
//bit 14, reg_ei_caldrt_histchk_npen
//bit 13:11, reg_ei_caldrt_amblike2_drtmg
//bit 10:8, reg_ei_caldrt_amblike2_valmg
//bit 7:4, reg_ei_caldrt_amblike2_alpha
//bit 3:0, reg_ei_caldrt_amblike2_drtth
#define DI_EI_CTRL9 ((0x171f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:28, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_frcvert_xla_th3
//bit 27, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_frcvert_xla_en
//bit 26:24, reg_ei_caldrt_conf_drtth
//bit 23:20, reg_ei_caldrt_conf_absdrtth
//bit 19:18, reg_ei_caldrt_abcheck_mode1
//bit 17:16, reg_ei_caldrt_abcheck_mode0
//bit 15:12, reg_ei_caldrt_abcheck_drth1
//bit 11:8, reg_ei_caldrt_abcheck_drth0
//bit 6:4, reg_ei_caldrt_abpnchk1_th
//bit 1, reg_ei_caldrt_abpnchk1_en
//bit 0, reg_ei_caldrt_abpnchk0_en
// DEINTERLACE mode check.
#define DI_MC_REG0_X ((0x1720 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:16, mc_reg0_start_x
//bit 11:0, mc_reg0_end_x
#define DI_MC_REG0_Y ((0x1721 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG1_X ((0x1722 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG1_Y ((0x1723 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG2_X ((0x1724 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG2_Y ((0x1725 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG3_X ((0x1726 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG3_Y ((0x1727 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG4_X ((0x1728 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_REG4_Y ((0x1729 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_MC_32LVL0 ((0x172a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mc_reg2_32lvl
//bit 23:16, mc_reg1_32lvl
//bit 15:8, mc_reg0_32lvl
//bit 7:0, field_32lvl
#define DI_MC_32LVL1 ((0x172b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 15:8, mc_reg3_32lvl
//bit 7:0, mc_reg4_32lvl
#define DI_MC_22LVL0 ((0x172c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:16, mc_reg0_22lvl
//bit 15:0, field_22lvl
#define DI_MC_22LVL1 ((0x172d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:16, mc_reg2_22lvl
//bit 15:0, mc_reg1_22lvl
#define DI_MC_22LVL2 ((0x172e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:16, mc_reg4_22lvl
//bit 15:0, mc_reg3_22lvl
#define DI_MC_CTRL ((0x172f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 4, mc_reg4_en
//bit 3, mc_reg3_en
//bit 2, mc_reg2_en
//bit 1, mc_reg1_en
//bit 0, mc_reg0_en
#define DI_INTR_CTRL ((0x1730 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_INFO_ADDR ((0x1731 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_INFO_DATA ((0x1732 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_PRE_HOLD ((0x1733 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//// 8'h34~8'h3f
// `define DET3D_MOTN_CFG 8'h34
// //Bit 16, reg_det3d_intr_en Det3d interrupt enable
// //Bit 9:8, reg_Det3D_Motion_Mode U2 Different mode for Motion Calculation of Luma and Chroma:
// // 0: MotY, 1: (2*MotY + (MotU + MotV))/4; 2: Max(MotY, MotU,MotV); 3:Max(MotY, (MotU+MotV)/2)
// //Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_Motion_Core_Rate U4 K Rate to Edge (HV) details for coring of Motion Calculations, normalized to 32
// //Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_Motion_Core_Thrd U4 2X: static coring value for Motion Detection.
// `define DET3D_CB_CFG 8'h35
// //Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_NHV_ofst U4, Noise immune offset for NON-Horizotnal or vertical combing detection.
// //Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_HV_ofst U4, Noise immune offset for Horizotnal or vertical combing detection.
// `define DET3D_SPLT_CFG 8'h36
// //Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_SplitValid_ratio U4, Ratio between max_value and the avg_value of the edge mapping for split line valid detection.
// // The smaller of this value, the easier of the split line detected.
// //Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_AvgIdx_ratio U4, Ratio to the avg_value of the edge mapping for split line position estimation.
// // The smaller of this value, the more samples will be added to the estimation.
// `define DET3D_HV_MUTE 8'h37
// //Bit 23:20, reg_Det3D_Edge_Ver_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from H/V Edge calculation Top and Bottom border part.
// //Bit 19:16, reg_Det3D_Edge_Hor_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from H/V Edge calculation Left and right border part.
// //Bit 15:12, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_Ver_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from ChessBoard statistics calculation in middle part
// //Bit 11:8, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_Hor_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from ChessBoard statistics calculation in middle part
// //Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_Ver_Mute U4 1X: Vertical pixels to be mute from 8x8 statistics calculation in each block.
// //Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_Hor_Mute U4 1X: Horizontal pixels to be mute from 8x8 statistics calculation in each block.
// `define DET3D_MAT_STA_P1M1 8'h38
// //Bit 31:24, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_P1_K0_R8 U8 SAD to SAI ratio to decide P1, normalized to 256 (0.8)
// //Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_P1_K1_R7 U8 SAD to ENG ratio to decide P1, normalized to 128 (0.5)
// //Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_M1_K0_R6 U8 SAD to SAI ratio to decide M1, normalized to 64 (1.1)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_M1_K1_R6 U8 SAD to ENG ratio to decide M1, normalized to 64 (0.8)
// `define DET3D_MAT_STA_P1TH 8'h39
// //Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (100)
// //Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (80)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (48)
// `define DET3D_MAT_STA_M1TH 8'h3a
// //Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (100)
// //Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (80)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (64)
// `define DET3D_MAT_STA_RSFT 8'h3b
// //Bit 5:4, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_RSHFT U2 YUV statistics SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// // 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
// //Bit 3:2, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_RSHFT U2 Horizontal and Vertical Edge Statistics SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// // 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
// //Bit 1:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_RSHFT U2 Motion SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// // 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
// `define DET3D_MAT_SYMTC_TH 8'h3c
// //Bit 31:24, reg_Det3D_STALUM_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Luma statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
// //Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STACHR_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Chroma (UV) statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
// //Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Horizontal and Vertical Edge statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
// //Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Motion statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
// `define DET3D_RO_DET_CB_HOR 8'h3d
// //Bit 31:16, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_NHor_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Horizontally Surely NOT matching Chessboard pattern.
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_Hor_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Horizontally Surely matching Chessboard pattern.
// `define DET3D_RO_DET_CB_VER 8'h3e
// //Bit 31:16, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_NVer_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Vertically Surely NOT matching Chessboard pattern.
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_Ver_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Vertically Surely matching Chessboard pattern.
// `define DET3D_RO_SPLT_HT 8'h3f
// //Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
// //Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
// //Bit 9:0, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
// //// DET 3D REG DEFINE END ////
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL1 ((0x1740 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31, mtn_1_en
//bit 30, mtn_init
//bit 29, di2nr_txt_en
//bit 28, reserved
//bit 27:24, mtn_def
//bit 23:16, mtn_adp_yc
//bit 15:8, mtn_adp_2c
//bit 7:0, mtn_adp_2y
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL2 ((0x1741 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_ykinter
//bit 23:16, mtn_ckinter
//bit 15:8, mtn_ykintra
//bit 7:0, mtn_ckintra
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL3 ((0x1742 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_tyrate
//bit 23:16, mtn_tcrate
//bit 15: 8, mtn_mxcmby
//bit 7: 0, mtn_mxcmbc
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL4 ((0x1743 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_tcorey
//bit 23:16, mtn_tcorec
//bit 15: 8, mtn_minth
//bit 7: 0, mtn_maxth
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL5 ((0x1744 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:28, mtn_m1b_extnd
//bit 27:24, mtn_m1b_errod
//bit 21:20, mtn_mot_txt_mode
//bit 19:18, mtn_replace_cbyy
//bit 17:16, mtn_replace_ybyc
//bit 15: 8, mtn_core_ykinter
//bit 7: 0, mtn_core_ckinter
#define NR2_MET_NM_CTRL ((0x1745 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28, reg_NM_reset Reset to the status of the Loop filter.
//Bit 27:24, reg_NM_calc_length Length mode of the Noise measurement sample number for statistics.
// 0: 256 samples; 1: 512 samples; 2: 1024 samples; ¡­X: 2^(8+x) samples
//Bit 23:20, reg_NM_inc_step Loop filter input gain increase step.
//Bit 19:16, reg_NM_dec_step Loop filter input gain decrease step.
//Bit 15:8, reg_NM_YHPmot_thrd Luma channel HP portion motion for condition of pixels included in Luma Noise measurement.
//Bit 7:0, reg_NM_CHPmot_thrd Chroma channel HP portion motion for condition of pixels included in Chroma Noise measurement.
#define NR2_MET_NM_YCTRL ((0x1746 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_NM_YPLL_target Target rate of NM_Ynoise_thrd to mean of the Luma Noise
//Bit 27:24, reg_NM_YLPmot_thrd Luma channel LP portion motion for condition of pixels included in Luma Noise measurement.
//Bit 23:16, reg_NM_YHPmot_thrd_min Minimum threshold for Luma channel HP portion motion to decide whether the pixel will be included in Luma noise measurement.
//Bit 15:8, reg_NM_YHPmot_thrd_max Maximum threshold for Luma channel HP portion motion to decide whether the pixel will be included in Luma noise measurement.
//Bit 7:0, reg_NM_Ylock_rate Rate to decide whether the Luma noise measurement is lock or not.
#define NR2_MET_NM_CCTRL ((0x1747 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_NM_CPLL_target Target rate of NM_Cnoise_thrd to mean of the Chroma Noise
//Bit 27:24, reg_NM_CLPmot_thrd Chroma channel LP portion motion for condition of pixels included in Chroma Noise measurement.
//Bit 23:16, reg_NM_CHPmot_thrd_min Minimum threshold for Chroma channel HP portion motion to decide whether the pixel will be included in Chroma noise measurement.
//Bit 15:8, reg_NM_CHPmot_thrd_max Maximum threshold for Chroma channel HP portion motion to decide whether the pixel will be included in Chroma noise measurement.
//Bit 7:0, reg_NM_Clock_rate Rate to decide whether the Chroma noise measurement is lock or not;
#define NR2_MET_NM_TNR ((0x1748 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 25, ro_NM_TNR_Ylock Read-only register to tell ifLuma channel noise measurement is locked or not.
//Bit 24, ro_NM_TNR_Clock Read-only register to tell if Chroma channel noise measurement is locked or not.
//Bit 23:12, ro_NM_TNR_Ylevel Read-only register to give Luma channel noise level. It was 16x of pixel difference in 8 bits of YHPmot.
//Bit 11:0, ro_NM_TNR_Clevel Read-only register to give Chroma channel noise level. It was 16x of pixel difference in 8 bits of CHPmot.
#define NR2_MET_NMFRM_TNR_YLEV ((0x1749 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:0, ro_NMFrm_TNR_Ylevel Frame based Read-only register to give Luma channel noise level within one frame/field.
#define NR2_MET_NMFRM_TNR_YCNT ((0x174a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:0, ro_NMFrm_TNR_Ycount Number ofLuma channel pixels included in Frame/Field based noise level measurement.
#define NR2_MET_NMFRM_TNR_CLEV ((0x174b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:0, ro_NMFrm_TNR_Clevel Frame based Read-only register to give Chroma channel noise level within one frame/field.
#define NR2_MET_NMFRM_TNR_CCNT ((0x174c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:0, ro_NMFrm_TNR_Ccount Number of Chroma channel pixels included in Frame/Field based noise level measurement.
#define NR2_3DEN_MODE ((0x174d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 6:4, Blend_3dnr_en_r
//Bit 2:0, Blend_3dnr_en_l
// `define NR2_IIR_CTRL 8'h4e
// //Bit 15:14, reg_LP_IIR_8bit_mode LP IIR membitwidth mode:0: 10bits will be store in memory;1: 9bits will be store in memory;
// // 2: 8bits will be store in memory;3: 7bits will be store in memory;
// //Bit 13:12, reg_LP_IIR_mute_mode Mode for the LP IIR mute,
// //Bit 11:8, reg_LP_IIR_mute_thrd Threshold of LP IIR mute to avoid ghost:
// //Bit 7:6, reg_HP_IIR_8bit_mode IIR membitwidth mode:0: 10bits will be store in memory;1: 9bits will be store in memory;
// // 2: 8bits will be store in memory;3: 7bits will be store in memory;
// //Bit 5:4, reg_HP_IIR_mute_mode Mode for theLP IIR mute
// //Bit 3:0, reg_HP_IIR_mute_thrd Threshold of HP IIR mute to avoid ghost
// //
#define NR2_SW_EN ((0x174f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 17:8, Clk_gate_ctrl
//Bit 7, Cfr_enable
//Bit 5, Det3d_en
//Bit 4, Nr2_proc_en
//Bit 0, Nr2_sw_en
#define NR2_FRM_SIZE ((0x1750 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 27:16, Frm_heigh Frame/field height
//Bit 11: 0, Frm_width Frame/field width
// `define NR2_SNR_SAD_CFG 8'h51
// //Bit 12, reg_MATNR_SNR_SAD_CenRPL U1, Enable signal for Current pixel position SAD to be replaced by SAD_min.0: do not replace Current pixel position SAD by SAD_min;1: do replacements
// //Bit 11:8, reg_MATNR_SNR_SAD_coring Coring value of the intra-frame SAD. sum = (sum - reg_MATNR_SNR_SAD_coring);sum = (sum<0) ? 0: (sum>255)? 255: sum;
// //Bit 6:5, reg_MATNR_SNR_SAD_WinMod Unsigned, Intra-frame SAD matching window mode:0: 1x1; 1: [1 1 1] 2: [1 2 1]; 3: [1 2 2 2 1];
// //Bit 4:0, Sad_coef_num Sad coeffient
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_OS 8'h52
// //Bit 7:4, reg_MATNR_SNR_COS SNR Filter overshoot control margin for UV channel (X2 to u10 scale)
// //Bit 3:0, reg_MATNR_SNR_YOS SNR Filter overshoot control margin for luma channel (X2 to u10 scale)
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_NRM_CFG 8'h53
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_SNR_NRM_ofst Edge based SNR boosting normalization offset to SAD_max ;
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_SNR_NRM_max Edge based SNR boosting normalization Max value
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_SNR_NRM_min Edge based SNR boosting normalization Min value
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_NRM_GAIN 8'h54
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_SNR_NRM_Cgain Edge based SNR boosting normalization Gain for Chrm channel (norm 32 as 1)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_SNR_NRM_Ygain Edge based SNR boosting normalization Gain for Luma channel (norm 32 as 1)
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_LPF_CFG 8'h55
// //Bit 23:16,reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_SADmaxTH U8, Threshold to SADmax to use TNRLPF to replace SNRLPF. i.e.if (SAD_max<reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_SADmaxTH) SNRLPF_yuv[k] = TNRLPF_yuv[k];
// //Bit 13:11,reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_Cmode LPF based SNR filtering mode on CHRM channel:
// // 0: gradient LPF [1 1]/2, 1: gradient LPF [2 1 1]/4; 2: gradient LPF [3 3 2]/8; 3: gradient LPF [5 4 4 3]/16;
// // 4: TNRLPF; 5 : CurLPF3x3_yuv[]; 6: CurLPF3o3_yuv[] 7: CurLPF3x5_yuv[]
// //Bit 10:8, reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_Ymode LPF based SNR filtering mode on LUMA channel:
// // 0: gradient LPF //Bit [1 1]/2, 1: gradient LPF [2 1 1]/4; 2: gradient LPF [3 3 2]/8;3: gradient LPF [5 4 4 3]/16;
// // 4: TNRLPF; 5 : CurLPF3x3_yuv[]; 6: CurLPF3o3_yuv[] 7: CurLPF3x5_yuv[]
// //Bit 7:4, reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_SADmin3TH Offset threshold to SAD_min to Discard SAD_min3 corresponding pixel in LPF SNR filtering. (X8 to u8 scale)
// //Bit 3:0, reg_MATNR_SNRLPF_SADmin2TH Offset threshold to SAD_min to Discard SAD_min2 corresponding pixel in LPF SNR filtering. (X8 to u8 scale)
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_USF_GAIN 8'h56
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_SNR_USF_Cgain Un-sharp (HP) compensate back Chrm portion gain, (norm 64 as 1)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_SNR_USF_Ygain Un-sharp (HP) compensate back Luma portion gain, (norm 64 as 1)
// `define NR2_MATNR_SNR_EDGE2B 8'h57
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_SNR_Edge2Beta_ofst U8, Offset for Beta based on Edge.
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_SNR_Edge2Beta_gain U8. Gain to SAD_min for Beta based on Edge. (norm 16 as 1)
// `define NR2_MATNR_BETA_EGAIN 8'h58
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_CBeta_Egain U8, Gain to Edge based Beta for Chrm channel. (normalized to 32 as 1)
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_YBeta_Egain U8, Gain to Edge based Beta for Luma channel. (normalized to 32 as 1)
// `define NR2_MATNR_BETA_BRT 8'h59
// //Bit 31:28, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_limt_hi U4, Beta adjustment based on Brightness high side Limit. (X16 to u8 scale)
// //Bit 27:24, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_slop_hi U4, Beta adjustment based on Brightness high side slope. Normalized to 16 as 1
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_thrd_hi U8, Beta adjustment based on Brightness high threshold.(u8 scale)
// //Bit 15:12, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_limt_lo U4, Beta adjustment based on Brightness low side Limit. (X16 to u8 scale)
// //Bit 11:8, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_slop_lo U4, Beta adjustment based on Brightness low side slope. Normalized to 16 as 1
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_beta_BRT_thrd_lo U8, Beta adjustment based on Brightness low threshold.(u8 scale)
// `define NR2_MATNR_XBETA_CFG 8'h5a
// //Bit 19:18, reg_MATNR_CBeta_use_mode U2, Beta options (mux) from beta_motion and beta_edge for Chrm channel;
// //Bit 17:16, reg_MATNR_YBeta_use_mode U2, Beta options (mux) from beta_motion and beta_edge for Luma channel;
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_CBeta_Ofst U8, Offset to Beta for Chrm channel.(after beta_edge and beta_motion mux)
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_YBeta_Ofst U8, Offset to Beta for Luma channel.(after beta_edge and beta_motion mux)
// `define NR2_MATNR_YBETA_SCL 8'h5b
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_YBeta_scale_min U8, Final step Beta scale low limit for Luma channel;
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_YBeta_scale_max U8, Final step Beta scale high limit for Luma channe;
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_YBeta_scale_gain U8, Final step Beta scale Gain for Luma channel (normalized 32 to 1);
// //Bit 7 : 0, reg_MATNR_YBeta_scale_ofst S8, Final step Beta scale offset for Luma channel ;
// `define NR2_MATNR_CBETA_SCL 8'h5c
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_CBeta_scale_min Final step Beta scale low limit for Chrm channel.Similar to Y
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_CBeta_scale_max U8, Final step Beta scale high limit for Chrm channel.Similar to Y
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_CBeta_scale_gain U8, Final step Beta scale Gain for Chrm channel Similar to Y
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_CBeta_scale_ofst S8, Final step Beta scale offset for Chrm channel Similar to Y
// `define NR2_SNR_MASK 8'h5d
// //Bit 20:0, SAD_MSK Valid signal in the 3x7 SAD surface
// `define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT0 8'h5e
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_3 SAD convert normal LUT node 3
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_2 SAD convert normal LUT node 2
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_1 SAD convert normal LUT node 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_0 SAD convert normal LUT node 0
// `define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT1 8'h5f
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_7 SAD convert normal LUT node 7
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_6 SAD convert normal LUT node 6
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_5 SAD convert normal LUT node 5
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_4 SAD convert normal LUT node 4
// `define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT2 8'h60
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_11 SAD convert normal LUT node 11
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_10 SAD convert normal LUT node 10
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_9 SAD convert normal LUT node 9
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_8 SAD convert normal LUT node 8
// `define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT3 8'h61
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_15 SAD convert normal LUT node 15
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_14 SAD convert normal LUT node 14
// //Bit 15:8, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_13 SAD convert normal LUT node 13
// //Bit 7:0, reg_MATNR_SAD2Norm_LUT_12 SAD convert normal LUT node 12
// `define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT0 8'h62
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_3 Edge convert beta LUT node 3
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_2 Edge convert beta LUT node 2
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_1 Edge convert beta LUT node 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_0 Edge convert beta LUT node 0
// `define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT1 8'h63
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_7 Edge convert beta LUT node 7
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_6 Edge convert beta LUT node 6
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_5 Edge convert beta LUT node 5
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_4 Edge convert beta LUT node 4
// `define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT2 8'h64
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_11 Edge convert beta LUT node 11
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_10 Edge convert beta LUT node 10
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_9 Edge convert beta LUT node 9
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_8 Edge convert beta LUT node 8
// `define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT3 8'h65
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_15 Edge convert beta LUT node 15
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_14 Edge convert beta LUT node 14
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_13 Edge convert beta LUT node 13
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Edge2Beta_LUT_12 Edge convert beta LUT node 12
// `define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT0 8'h66
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_3 Motion convert beta LUT node 3
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_2 Motion convert beta LUT node 2
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_1 Motion convert beta LUT node 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_0 Motion convert beta LUT node 0
// `define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT1 8'h67
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_7 Motion convert beta LUT node 7
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_6 Motion convert beta LUT node 6
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_5 Motion convert beta LUT node 5
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_4 Motion convert beta LUT node 4
// `define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT2 8'h68
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_11 Motion convert beta LUT node 11
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_10 Motion convert beta LUT node 10
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_9 Motion convert beta LUT node 9
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_8 Motion convert beta LUT node 8
// `define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT3 8'h69
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_15 Motion convert beta LUT node 15
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_14 Motion convert beta LUT node 14
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_13 Motion convert beta LUT node 13
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_Mot2Beta_LUT_12 Motion convert beta LUT node 12
// `define NR2_MATNR_MTN_CRTL 8'h6a
// //Bit 25:24, reg_MATNR_Vmtn_use_mode Motion_yuvV channel motion selection mode:0: Vmot;1:Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2:Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3: max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
// //Bit 21:20, reg_MATNR_Umtn_use_mode Motion_yuvU channel motion selection mode:0:Umot;1:Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2:Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3: max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
// //Bit 17:16, reg_MATNR_Ymtn_use_mode Motion_yuvLuma channel motion selection mode:0: Ymot, 1: Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2: Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3: max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
// //Bit 13:12, reg_MATNR_mtn_txt_mode Texture detection mode for adaptive coring of HP motion
// //Bit 9: 8, reg_MATNR_mtn_cor_mode Coring selection mode based on texture detection;
// //Bit 6: 4, reg_MATNR_mtn_hpf_mode video mode of current and previous frame/field for MotHPF_yuv[k] calculation:
// //Bit 2: 0, reg_MATNR_mtn_lpf_mode LPF video mode of current and previous frame/field for MotLPF_yuv[k] calculation:
// `define NR2_MATNR_MTN_CRTL2 8'h6b
// //Bit 18:16, reg_MATNR_iir_BS_Ymode IIR TNR filter Band split filter mode for Luma LPF result generation (Cur and Prev);
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_mtnb_alpLP_Cgain Scale of motion_brthp_uv to motion_brtlp_uv, normalized to 32 as 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_mtnb_alpLP_Ygain Scale of motion_brthp_y to motion_brtlp_y, normalized to 32 as 1
// `define NR2_MATNR_MTN_COR 8'h6c
// //Bit 15:12, reg_MATNR_mtn_cor_Cofst Coring Offset for Chroma Motion.
// //Bit 11: 8, reg_MATNR_mtn_cor_Cgain Gain to texture based coring for Chroma Motion. Normalized to 16 as 1
// //Bit 7: 4, reg_MATNR_mtn_cor_Yofst Coring Offset for Luma Motion.
// //Bit 3: 0, reg_MATNR_mtn_cor_Ygain Gain to texture based coring for Luma Motion. Normalized to 16 as 1
// `define NR2_MATNR_MTN_GAIN 8'h6d
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_mtn_hp_Cgain Gain to MotHPF_yuv[k] Chrm channel for motion calculation, normalized to 64 as 1
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_mtn_hp_Ygain Gain to MotHPF_yuv[k] Luma channel for motion calculation, normalized to 64 as 1
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_mtn_lp_Cgain Gain to MotLPF_yuv[k] Chrm channel for motion calculation, normalized to 32 as 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_mtn_lp_Ygain Gain to MotLPF_yuv[k] Luma channel for motion calculation, normalized to 32 as 1
// `define NR2_MATNR_DEGHOST 8'h6e
// //Bit 8, reg_MATNR_DeGhost_En Enable signal for DeGhost function:0: disable; 1: enable
// //Bit 7:4, reg_MATNR_DeGhost_COS DeGhost Overshoot margin for UV channel, (X2 to u10 scale)
// //Bit 3:0, reg_MATNR_DeGhost_YOS DeGhost Overshoot margin for Luma channel, (X2 to u10 scale)
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT0 8'h6f
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_3 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 3
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_2 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 2
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_1 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_0 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 0
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT1 8'h70
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_7 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 7
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_6 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 6
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_5 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 5
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_4 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 4
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT2 8'h71
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_11 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 11
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_10 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 10
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_9 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 9
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_8 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 8
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT3 8'h72
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_15 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 15
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_14 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 14
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_13 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 13
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaLP_LUT_12 Matnr low-pass filter alpha LUT node 12
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT0 8'h73
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_3 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 3
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_2 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 2
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_1 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_0 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 0
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT1 8'h74
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_7 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 7
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_6 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 6
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_5 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 5
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_4 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 4
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT2 8'h75
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_11 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 11
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_10 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 10
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_9 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 9
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_8 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 8
// `define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT3 8'h76
// //Bit 31:24, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_15 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 15
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_14 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 14
// //Bit 15: 8, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_13 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 13
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_AlphaHP_LUT_12 Matnr high-pass filter alpha LUT node 12
// `define NR2_MATNR_MTNB_BRT 8'h77
// //Bit 31:28, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_limt_hi Motion adjustment based on Brightness high side Limit. (X16 to u8 scale)
// //Bit 27:24, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_slop_hi Motion adjustment based on Brightness high side slope. Normalized to 16 as 1
// //Bit 23:16, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_thrd_hi Motion adjustment based on Brightness high threshold.(u8 scale)
// //Bit 15:12, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_limt_lo Motion adjustment based on Brightness low side Limit. (X16 to u8 scale)
// //Bit 11: 8, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_slop_lo Motion adjustment based on Brightness low side slope. Normalized to 16 as 1
// //Bit 7: 0, reg_MATNR_mtnb_BRT_thrd_lo Motion adjustment based on Brightness low threshold.(u8 scale)
// 0x51 - 0x69 | 0x4e | 0x6a - 0x77
// Reading file: vpu_nr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//========== nr2_snr_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR2_SNR_SAD_CFG ((0x1751 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12 reg_matnr_snr_sad_cenrpl // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11: 8 reg_matnr_snr_sad_coring // unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 5 reg_matnr_snr_sad_winmod // unsigned , default = 1 0: 1x1; 1: [1 1 1] 2: [1 2 1]; 3: [1 2 2 2 1];
//Bit 4: 0 sad_coef_num // unsigned , default = 1 0: 1x1; 1: [1 1 1] 2: [1 2 1]; 3: [1 2 2 2 1];
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_OS ((0x1752 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 4 reg_matnr_snr_cos // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0 reg_matnr_snr_yos // unsigned , default = 13
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_NRM_CFG ((0x1753 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_snr_nrm_ofst // signed , default = 64
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_snr_nrm_max // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_snr_nrm_min // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_NRM_GAIN ((0x1754 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_snr_nrm_cgain // unsigned , default = 0 norm 32
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_snr_nrm_ygain // unsigned , default = 32 norm 32
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_LPF_CFG ((0x1755 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_snrlpf_sadmaxth // unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:11 reg_matnr_snrlpf_cmode // unsigned , default = 2 0: gradient LPF [1 1]/2, 1: gradient LPF [2 1 1]/4; 2: gradient LPF [3 3 2]/8; 3: gradient LPF [5 5 4 3]/16;
//Bit 10: 8 reg_matnr_snrlpf_ymode // unsigned , default = 2 0: gradient LPF [1 1]/2, 1: gradient LPF [2 1 1]/4; 2: gradient LPF [3 3 2]/8; 3: gradient LPF [5 5 4 3]/16;
//Bit 7: 4 reg_matnr_snrlpf_sadmin3th // unsigned , default = 6 X8
//Bit 3: 0 reg_matnr_snrlpf_sadmin2th // unsigned , default = 4 X8
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_USF_GAIN ((0x1756 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_snr_usf_cgain // unsigned , default = 0 norm 64
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_snr_usf_ygain // unsigned , default = 0 norm 64
#define NR2_MATNR_SNR_EDGE2B ((0x1757 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_snr_edge2beta_ofst // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_snr_edge2beta_gain // unsigned , default = 16
#define NR2_MATNR_BETA_EGAIN ((0x1758 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_cbeta_egain // unsigned , default = 32 normalized to 32
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_ybeta_egain // unsigned , default = 32 normalized to 32
#define NR2_MATNR_BETA_BRT ((0x1759 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_matnr_beta_brt_limt_hi // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24 reg_matnr_beta_brt_slop_hi // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_beta_brt_thrd_hi // unsigned , default = 160
//Bit 15:12 reg_matnr_beta_brt_limt_lo // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 11: 8 reg_matnr_beta_brt_slop_lo // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_beta_brt_thrd_lo // unsigned , default = 100
#define NR2_MATNR_XBETA_CFG ((0x175a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:18 reg_matnr_cbeta_use_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0: beta_motion; 1: beta_edge; 2: min(beta_mot,beta_edge); 3: (beta_mot + beta_edge)/2
//Bit 17:16 reg_matnr_ybeta_use_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0: beta_motion; 1: beta_edge; 2: min(beta_mot,beta_edge); 3: (beta_mot + beta_edge)/2;
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_cbeta_ofst // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_ybeta_ofst // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR2_MATNR_YBETA_SCL ((0x175b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_ybeta_scale_min // unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_ybeta_scale_max // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_ybeta_scale_gain // unsigned , default = 32 normalized 32 to 1.0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_ybeta_scale_ofst // signed , default = 0
#define NR2_MATNR_CBETA_SCL ((0x175c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_cbeta_scale_min // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_cbeta_scale_max // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_cbeta_scale_gain // unsigned , default = 32 normalized 32 to 1.0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_cbeta_scale_ofst // signed , default = 0
#define NR2_SNR_MASK ((0x175d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20: 0 sad_msk // unsigned , default = 0x0f9f3e
#define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT0 ((0x175e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut3 // unsigned , default = 114
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut2 // unsigned , default = 146
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut1 // unsigned , default = 171
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut0 // unsigned , default = 205
#define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT1 ((0x175f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut7 // unsigned , default = 28
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut6 // unsigned , default = 35
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut5 // unsigned , default = 49
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut4 // unsigned , default = 79
#define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT2 ((0x1760 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut11 // unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut10 // unsigned , default = 17
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut9 // unsigned , default = 19
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut8 // unsigned , default = 23
#define NR2_SAD2NORM_LUT3 ((0x1761 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut15 // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut14 // unsigned , default = 9
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut13 // unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_sad2norm_lut12 // unsigned , default = 12
#define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT0 ((0x1762 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut3 // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut2 // unsigned , default = 160
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut1 // unsigned , default = 224
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut0 // unsigned , default = 255
#define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT1 ((0x1763 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut7 // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut6 // unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut5 // unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut4 // unsigned , default = 80
#define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT2 ((0x1764 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut11 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut10 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut9 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut8 // unsigned , default = 2
#define NR2_EDGE2BETA_LUT3 ((0x1765 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut15 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut14 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut13 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_edge2beta_lut12 // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT0 ((0x1766 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut3 // unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut2 // unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut1 // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut0 // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT1 ((0x1767 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut7 // unsigned , default = 196
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut6 // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut5 // unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut4 // unsigned , default = 48
#define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT2 ((0x1768 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut11 // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut10 // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut9 // unsigned , default = 240
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut8 // unsigned , default = 224
#define NR2_MOTION2BETA_LUT3 ((0x1769 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut14 // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut13 // unsigned , default = 255
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mot2beta_lut12 // unsigned , default = 255
//========== nr2_snr_regs register end ==========//
//========== nr2_tnr_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR2_IIR_CTRL ((0x174e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:14 reg_lp_iir_8bit_mode // unsigned , default = 0 10bits; 1: 9bits; 2: 8bits 3: 7bits
//Bit 13:12 reg_hp_iir_mute_mode // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8 reg_hp_iir_mute_thrd // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6 reg_hp_iir_8bit_mode // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 5: 4 reg_lp_iir_mute_mode // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0 reg_lp_iir_mute_thrd // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR2_MATNR_MTN_CRTL ((0x176a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:18 reg_matnr_vmtn_use_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0- Vmot, 1- Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2- Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3- max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
//Bit 17:16 reg_matnr_umtn_use_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0- Umot, 1- Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2- Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3- max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
//Bit 15:14 reg_matnr_ymtn_use_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0- Ymot, 1- Ymot/2 + (Umot+Vmot)/4; 2- Ymot/2 + max(Umot,Vmot)/2; 3- max(Ymot,Umot, Vmot)
//Bit 13:12 reg_matnr_mtn_txt_mode // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_matnr_mtn_cor_mode // unsigned , default = 1 changes)
//Bit 7: 4 reg_matnr_mtn_hpf_mode // unsigned , default = 8 extend to u4 for nr4, 0- 1x1; 1: 1x3; 2: 1x5; 3: 3x3; 4: 3o3; 5: 3x5, 6:3x3 SAD, 7: 5x3 SAD, 8-15: drt adaptive
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_matnr_mtn_lpf_mode // unsigned , default = 6 0- 1x1; 1: 1x3; 2: 1x5; 3: 3x3; 4: 3o3; 5: 3x5, 6,7: drt adaptive
#define NR2_MATNR_MTN_CRTL2 ((0x176b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_matnr_iir_bs_ymode // unsigned , default = 6 LPF~~ 0- 1x1; 1: 1x3; 2: 1x5; 3: 3x3; 4: 3o3; 5: 3x5; 6/7: 0
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mtnb_alplp_cgain // unsigned , default = 64 to 32
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mtnb_alplp_ygain // unsigned , default = 64 to 32
#define NR2_MATNR_MTN_COR ((0x176c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:12 reg_matnr_mtn_cor_cofst // unsigned , default = 3 Offset for Chroma Motion.
//Bit 11: 8 reg_matnr_mtn_cor_cgain // unsigned , default = 3 to texture based coring for Chroma Motion. Normalized to 16 as 1
//Bit 7: 4 reg_matnr_mtn_cor_yofst // unsigned , default = 3 Offset for Luma Motion.
//Bit 3: 0 reg_matnr_mtn_cor_ygain // unsigned , default = 3 to texture based coring for Luma Motion. Normalized to 16 as 1
#define NR2_MATNR_MTN_GAIN ((0x176d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_mtn_hp_cgain // unsigned , default = 64 to MotHPF_yuv[k] Chrm channel for motion calculation, normalized to 64 as 1
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mtn_hp_ygain // unsigned , default = 64 to MotHPF_yuv[k] Luma channel for motion calculation, normalized to 64 as 1
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_mtn_lp_cgain // unsigned , default = 64 to MotLPF_yuv[k] Chrm channel for motion calculation, normalized to 32 as 1
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mtn_lp_ygain // unsigned , default = 64 to MotLPF_yuv[k] Luma channel for motion calculation, normalized to 32 as 1
#define NR2_MATNR_DEGHOST ((0x176e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_matnr_deghost_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0:old_deghost; 1:soft_denoise & strong_deghost; 2:strong_denoise & soft_deghost; 3:strong_denoise & strong_deghost
//Bit 27:25 reserved
//Bit 24:20 reg_matnr_deghost_ygain // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 19:17 reserved
//Bit 16:12 reg_matnr_deghost_cgain // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11: 9 reserved
//Bit 8 reg_matnr_deghost_en // unsigned , default = 1 0: disable; 1: enable Enable signal for DeGhost function:0: disable; 1: enable
//Bit 7: 4 reg_matnr_deghost_cos // unsigned , default = 3 DeGhost Overshoot margin for UV channel, (X2 to u10 scale)
//Bit 3: 0 reg_matnr_deghost_yos // unsigned , default = 3 DeGhost Overshoot margin for Luma channel, (X2 to u10 scale)
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT0 ((0x176f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut3 // unsigned , default = 64 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut2 // unsigned , default = 128 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut1 // unsigned , default = 128 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut0 // unsigned , default = 128 low-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT1 ((0x1770 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut7 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut6 // unsigned , default = 128 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut5 // unsigned , default = 80 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut4 // unsigned , default = 64 low-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT2 ((0x1771 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut11 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut10 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut9 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut8 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHALP_LUT3 ((0x1772 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut14 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut13 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphalp_lut12 // unsigned , default = 255 low-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT0 ((0x1773 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut3 // unsigned , default = 64 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut2 // unsigned , default = 128 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut1 // unsigned , default = 128 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut0 // unsigned , default = 128 high-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT1 ((0x1774 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut7 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut6 // unsigned , default = 128 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut5 // unsigned , default = 80 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut4 // unsigned , default = 64 high-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT2 ((0x1775 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut11 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut10 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut9 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut8 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_ALPHAHP_LUT3 ((0x1776 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut14 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 15: 8 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut13 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_alphahp_lut12 // unsigned , default = 255 high-pass filter alpha LUT
#define NR2_MATNR_MTNB_BRT ((0x1777 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_limt_hi // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_slop_hi // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_thrd_hi // unsigned , default = 160
//Bit 15:12 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_limt_lo // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 11: 8 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_slop_lo // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 0 reg_matnr_mtnb_brt_thrd_lo // unsigned , default = 100
//========== nr2_tnr_regs register end ==========//
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_nr2_regs.h
// Reading file: nr2_cue_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR2_CUE_MODE ((0x1778 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19 reg_cue2_isabv_org_invert1 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 18 reg_cue2_valid_condition // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 17:16 reg_cue2_orgline_flt_sel // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:12 reg_cue2_orgline_flt_alph // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11 reg_cue2_isabv_org_invert // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 10 reg_cue2_iscur_org_invert // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 9 reg_cue_enable_r // unsigned , default = 1 right half frame enable
//Bit 8 reg_cue_enable_l // unsigned , default = 1 left half frame enable
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_cue_con_rplc_mode // unsigned , default = 7 pixel chroma replace mode;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_cue_chrm_flt_mode // unsigned , default = 5 improvement filter mode,
#define NR2_CUE_CON_MOT_TH ((0x1779 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_cue_con_cmot_thrd2 // unsigned , default = 20 Detection threshold of up/down two rows, Chroma channel in Chroma Up-sampling Error (CUE) Detection (tighter).
//Bit 23:16 reg_cue_con_ymot_thrd2 // unsigned , default = 20 Detection threshold of up/mid/down three rows, Luma channel in Chroma Up-sampling Error (CUE) Detection (tighter).
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_con_cmot_thrd // unsigned , default = 20 Detection threshold of up/down two rows, Chroma channel in Chroma Up-sampling Error (CUE) Detection.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_con_ymot_thrd // unsigned , default = 20 Detection threshold of up/mid/down three rows, Luma channel in Chroma Up-sampling Error (CUE) Detection.
#define NR2_CUE_CON_DIF0 ((0x177a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_con_difp1_thrd // unsigned , default = 20 field Intra-Field top/below line chroma difference threshold,
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_con_difcur_thrd // unsigned , default = 0 Field/Frame Intra-Field up/down line chroma difference threshold,
#define NR2_CUE_CON_DIF1 ((0x177b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:16 reg_cue_con_rate0 // unsigned , default = 8 Krate to decide CUE by relationship between CUE_diflG and CUE_difEG
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_con_difeg_thrd // unsigned , default = 0 to the difference between current Field/Frame middle line to down line color channel(CUE_difEG).
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_con_diflg_thrd // unsigned , default = 100 to the difference between P1 field top line to current Field/Frame down line color channel (CUE_diflG).
#define NR2_CUE_CON_DIF2 ((0x177c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:16 reg_cue_con_rate1 // unsigned , default = 8 Krate to decide CUE by relationship between CUE_difnC and CUE_difEC
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_con_difec_thrd // unsigned , default = 0 to the difference between current Field/Frame middle line to up line color channel(CUE_difEC).
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_con_difnc_thrd // unsigned , default = 100 to the difference between P1 field bot line to current Field/Frame up line color channel (CUE_difnC).
#define NR2_CUE_CON_DIF3 ((0x177d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:16 reg_cue_con_rate2 // unsigned , default = 8 Krate to decide CUE by relationship between CUE_difP1 and CUE_difEP1
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_con_difep1_thrd // unsigned , default = 10 top/below line to current field/frame middle line chroma difference (CUE_difEP1) threshold.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_con_difp1_thrd2 // unsigned , default = 10 field Intra-Field top/below line chroma difference threshold (tighter),
#define NR2_CUE_PRG_DIF ((0x177e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20 reg_cue_prg_enable // unsigned , default = 0 bit for progressive video CUE detection.If interlace input video,
//Bit 19:16 reg_cue_prg_rate // unsigned , default = 4 Krate to decide CUE by relationship between CUE_difCur and (CUE_difEC+CUE_difEG)
//Bit 15: 8 reg_cue_prg_difceg_thrd // unsigned , default = 40 Frame Intra-Field up-mid and mid-down line chroma difference threshold for progressive video CUE detection,
//Bit 7: 0 reg_cue_prg_difcur_thrd // unsigned , default = 30 Frame Intra-Field up/down line chroma difference threshold,
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nr2_cue_regs.h
#define NR2_CONV_MODE ((0x177f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 3:2, Conv_c444_mode The format convert mode about 422 to 444 when data read out line buffer
//Bit 1:0, Conv_c422_mode the format convert mode about 444 to 422 when data write to line buffer
//// NR2 REG DEFINE END ////
//// 8'h34~8'h3f | 8'h80~8'h8f | 0x9a-0x9b
// Reading file: vpu_det3d_regs.h
//// 8'h34~8'h3f
#define DET3D_MOTN_CFG ((0x1734 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 16, reg_det3d_intr_en Det3d interrupt enable
//Bit 9:8, reg_Det3D_Motion_Mode U2 Different mode for Motion Calculation of Luma and Chroma:
// 0: MotY, 1: (2*MotY + (MotU + MotV))/4; 2: Max(MotY, MotU,MotV); 3:Max(MotY, (MotU+MotV)/2)
//Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_Motion_Core_Rate U4 K Rate to Edge (HV) details for coring of Motion Calculations, normalized to 32
//Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_Motion_Core_Thrd U4 2X: static coring value for Motion Detection.
#define DET3D_CB_CFG ((0x1735 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_HV_ofst U4, Noise immune offset for Horizotnal or vertical combing detection.
//Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_NHV_ofst U4, Noise immune offset for NON-Horizotnal or vertical combing detection.
#define DET3D_SPLT_CFG ((0x1736 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_SplitValid_ratio U4, Ratio between max_value and the avg_value of the edge mapping for split line valid detection.
// The smaller of this value, the easier of the split line detected.
//Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_AvgIdx_ratio U4, Ratio to the avg_value of the edge mapping for split line position estimation.
// The smaller of this value, the more samples will be added to the estimation.
#define DET3D_HV_MUTE ((0x1737 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:20, reg_Det3D_Edge_Ver_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from H/V Edge calculation Top and Bottom border part.
//Bit 19:16, reg_Det3D_Edge_Hor_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from H/V Edge calculation Left and right border part.
//Bit 15:12, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_Ver_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from ChessBoard statistics calculation in middle part
//Bit 11:8, reg_Det3D_ChessBd_Hor_Mute U4 X2: Horizontal pixels to be mute from ChessBoard statistics calculation in middle part
//Bit 7:4, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_Ver_Mute U4 1X: Vertical pixels to be mute from 8x8 statistics calculation in each block.
//Bit 3:0, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_Hor_Mute U4 1X: Horizontal pixels to be mute from 8x8 statistics calculation in each block.
#define DET3D_MAT_STA_P1M1 ((0x1738 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_P1_K0_R8 U8 SAD to SAI ratio to decide P1, normalized to 256 (0.8)
//Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_P1_K1_R7 U8 SAD to ENG ratio to decide P1, normalized to 128 (0.5)
//Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_M1_K0_R6 U8 SAD to SAI ratio to decide M1, normalized to 64 (1.1)
//Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STA8X8_M1_K1_R6 U8 SAD to ENG ratio to decide M1, normalized to 64 (0.8)
#define DET3D_MAT_STA_P1TH ((0x1739 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (100)
//Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (80)
//Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_P1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide P1, X16 (48)
#define DET3D_MAT_STA_M1TH ((0x173a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (100)
//Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (80)
//Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_M1_TH_L4 U8 SAD to ENG Thrd offset to decide M1, X16 (64)
#define DET3D_MAT_STA_RSFT ((0x173b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 5:4, reg_Det3D_STAYUV_RSHFT U2 YUV statistics SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
//Bit 3:2, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_RSHFT U2 Horizontal and Vertical Edge Statistics SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
//Bit 1:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_RSHFT U2 Motion SAD and SAI calculation result right shift bits to accommodate the 12bits clipping:
// 0: mainly for images <=720x480: 1: mainly for images <=1366x768: 2: mainly for images <=1920X1080: 2; 3: other higher resolutions
#define DET3D_MAT_SYMTC_TH ((0x173c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_Det3D_STALUM_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Luma statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
//Bit 23:16, reg_Det3D_STACHR_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Chroma (UV) statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
//Bit 15:8, reg_Det3D_STAEDG_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Horizontal and Vertical Edge statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
//Bit 7:0, reg_Det3D_STAMOT_symtc_Th U8 threshold to decide if the Motion statistics is TB or LR symmetric.
#define DET3D_RO_DET_CB_HOR ((0x173d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_NHor_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Horizontally Surely NOT matching Chessboard pattern.
//Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_Hor_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Horizontally Surely matching Chessboard pattern.
#define DET3D_RO_DET_CB_VER ((0x173e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_NVer_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Vertically Surely NOT matching Chessboard pattern.
//Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_ChessBd_Ver_value U16 X64: number of Pixels of Vertically Surely matching Chessboard pattern.
#define DET3D_RO_SPLT_HT ((0x173f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
//Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
//Bit 9:0, RO_Det3D_Split_HT_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
//// 8'h80~8'h8f
#define DET3D_RO_SPLT_HB ((0x1780 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
//Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
//Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
#define DET3D_RO_SPLT_VL ((0x1781 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
//Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
//Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
#define DET3D_RO_SPLT_VR ((0x1782 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24 , RO_Det3D_Split_VR_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
//Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_VR_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
//Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_VR_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_LUMA_LR ((0x1783 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Luma_LR_score S2*8 LUMA statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically),
// it can be -1/0/1:-1: most likely not LR symmetric 0: not sure 1: most likely LR symmetric
//Bit 7:0, RO_Luma_LR_symtc U1*8 Luma statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically),
// it can be 0/1: 0: not sure 1: most likely LR is pure symmetric
//Bit 4:0, RO_Luma_LR_sum S5 Total score of 8x8 Luma statistics for LR like decision,
// the larger this score, the more confidence that this is a LR 3D video. It is sum of RO_Luma_LR_score[0~7]
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_LUMA_TB ((0x1784 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Luma_TB_score S2*8 LUMA statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally),
//Bit 7:0, RO_Luma_TB_symtc Luma statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally),
//Bit 4:0, RO_Luma_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Luma statistics for TB like decision,
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRU_LR ((0x1785 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_ChrU_LR_score S2*8 LUMA statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically),
//Bit 7:0, RO_ChrU_LR_symtc CHRU statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically),
//Bit 4:0, RO_ChrU_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrU statistics for LR like decision,
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRU_TB ((0x1786 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_ChrU_TB_score S2*8 CHRU statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 7:0, RO_ChrU_TB_symtc CHRU statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 4:0, RO_ChrU_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrU statistics for TB like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRV_LR ((0x1787 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_ChrV_LR_score S2*8 CHRUstatistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 7:0, RO_ChrV_LR_symtc CHRV statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 4:0, RO_ChrV_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrV statistics for LR like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRV_TB ((0x1788 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_ChrV_TB_score CHRV statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 7:0, RO_ChrV_TB_symtc CHRV statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 4:0, RO_ChrV_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrV statistics for TB like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_HEDG_LR ((0x1789 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Hedg_LR_score Horizontal Edge statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Hedg_LR_symtc Horizontal Edge statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Hedg_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Hedg statistics for LR like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_HEDG_TB ((0x178a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Hedg_TB_score Horizontal Edge statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Hedg_TB_symtc Horizontal Edge statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Hedg_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Hedg statistics for TB like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_VEDG_LR ((0x178b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Vedg_LR_score Vertical Edge statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Vedg_LR_symtc Vertical Edge statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Vedg_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Vedg statistics for LR like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_VEDG_TB ((0x178c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Vedg_TB_score Vertical Edge statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Vedg_TB_symtc Vertical Edge statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Vedg_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Vedg statistics for TB like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_MOTN_LR ((0x178d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Motn_LR_score Motion statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Motn_LR_symtc Motion statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Motn_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Motion statistics for LR like decision
#define DET3D_RO_MAT_MOTN_TB ((0x178e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Motn_TB_score Motion statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 7:0, RO_Motn_TB_symtc Motion statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
//Bit 4:0, RO_Motn_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Motion statistics for TB like decision
#define DET3D_RO_FRM_MOTN ((0x178f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_Frame_Motion U16 frame based motion value sum for still image decision in FW.
/// mat ram read enter addr
#define DET3D_RAMRD_ADDR_PORT ((0x179a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DET3D_RAMRD_DATA_PORT ((0x179b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: vpu_det3d_regs.h
// `define DET3D_RO_SPLT_HB 8'h80
// //Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
// //Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
// //Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_HB_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
// `define DET3D_RO_SPLT_VL 8'h81
// //Bit 24, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
// //Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
// //Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_VL_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
// `define DET3D_RO_SPLT_VR 8'h82
// //Bit 24 , RO_Det3D_Split_VR_valid U1 horizontal LR split border detected valid signal for top half picture
// //Bit 20:16, RO_Det3D_Split_VR_pxnum U5 number of pixels included for the LR split position estimation for top half picture
// //Bit 9: 0, RO_Det3D_Split_VR_idxX4 S10 X4: horizontal pixel shifts of LR split position to the (ColMax/2) for top half picture
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_LUMA_LR 8'h83
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Luma_LR_score S2*8 LUMA statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically),
// // it can be -1/0/1:-1: most likely not LR symmetric 0: not sure 1: most likely LR symmetric
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Luma_LR_symtc U1*8 Luma statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically),
// // it can be 0/1: 0: not sure 1: most likely LR is pure symmetric
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Luma_LR_sum S5 Total score of 8x8 Luma statistics for LR like decision,
// // the larger this score, the more confidence that this is a LR 3D video. It is sum of RO_Luma_LR_score[0~7]
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_LUMA_TB 8'h84
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Luma_TB_score S2*8 LUMA statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally),
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Luma_TB_symtc Luma statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally),
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Luma_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Luma statistics for TB like decision,
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRU_LR 8'h85
// //Bit 15:0, RO_ChrU_LR_score S2*8 LUMA statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically),
// //Bit 7:0, RO_ChrU_LR_symtc CHRU statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically),
// //Bit 4:0, RO_ChrU_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrU statistics for LR like decision,
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRU_TB 8'h86
// //Bit 15:0, RO_ChrU_TB_score S2*8 CHRU statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_ChrU_TB_symtc CHRU statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_ChrU_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrU statistics for TB like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRV_LR 8'h87
// //Bit 15:0, RO_ChrV_LR_score S2*8 CHRUstatistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_ChrV_LR_symtc CHRV statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_ChrV_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrV statistics for LR like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_CHRV_TB 8'h88
// //Bit 15:0, RO_ChrV_TB_score CHRV statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_ChrV_TB_symtc CHRV statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_ChrV_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 ChrV statistics for TB like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_HEDG_LR 8'h89
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Hedg_LR_score Horizontal Edge statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Hedg_LR_symtc Horizontal Edge statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Hedg_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Hedg statistics for LR like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_HEDG_TB 8'h8a
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Hedg_TB_score Horizontal Edge statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Hedg_TB_symtc Horizontal Edge statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Hedg_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Hedg statistics for TB like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_VEDG_LR 8'h8b
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Vedg_LR_score Vertical Edge statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Vedg_LR_symtc Vertical Edge statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Vedg_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Vedg statistics for LR like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_VEDG_TB 8'h8c
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Vedg_TB_score Vertical Edge statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Vedg_TB_symtc Vertical Edge statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Vedg_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Vedg statistics for TB like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_MOTN_LR 8'h8d
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Motn_LR_score Motion statistics left right decision score for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Motn_LR_symtc Motion statistics left right pure symmetric for each band (8bands vertically)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Motn_LR_sum Total score of 8x8 Motion statistics for LR like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_MAT_MOTN_TB 8'h8e
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Motn_TB_score Motion statistics Top/Bottom decision score for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 7:0, RO_Motn_TB_symtc Motion statistics Top/Bottompure symmetric for each band (8bands Horizontally)
// //Bit 4:0, RO_Motn_TB_sum Total score of 8x8 Motion statistics for TB like decision
// `define DET3D_RO_FRM_MOTN 8'h8f
// //Bit 15:0, RO_Det3D_Frame_Motion U16 frame based motion value sum for still image decision in FW.
#define DI_EI_CTRL10 ((0x1793 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:28, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_drtth
//bit 27:24, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_frcverthrd
//bit 23:20, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_mg
//bit 19, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_1sidnul
//bit 18, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_excpcnf
//bit 17:16, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_ws
//bit 15, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_en
//bit 14:13, reg_ei_caldrt_hpncheck_mode
//bit 12, reg_ei_caldrt_hpncheck_mute
//bit 11:9, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_mg2
//bit 8:6, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_mg1
//bit 5:4, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_mode
//bit 3:0, reg_ei_caldrt_hcnfcheck_mg2
#define DI_NR_1_CTRL0 ((0x1794 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NR_1_CTRL1 ((0x1795 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NR_1_CTRL2 ((0x1796 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NR_1_CTRL3 ((0x1797 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_EI_XWIN0 ((0x1798 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:16, ei_xend0
//bit 11:0, ei_xstart0
#define DI_EI_XWIN1 ((0x1799 << 2) + 0xff000000)
/// mat ram read enter addr
// `define DET3D_RAMRD_ADDR_PORT 8'h9a
// `define DET3D_RAMRD_DATA_PORT 8'h9b
#define NR2_CFR_PARA_CFG0 ((0x179c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 8, reg_CFR_CurDif_luma_mode Current Field Top/Bot line Luma difference calculation mode
//Bit 7:6, reg_MACFR_frm_phase U2 This will be a field based phase register that need to be set by FW phase to phase:
// this will be calculated based on dbdr_phase of the specific line of this frame.
// u1: dbdr_phase=1, center line is DB in current line; dbdr_phase=2, center line is Dr in current line;
//Bit 5:4, reg_CFR_CurDif_tran_mode U2 Current Field Top/Bot line Luma/Chroma transition level calculation mode,
//Bit 3:2, reg_CFR_alpha_mode U2 Alpha selection mode for CFR block from curAlp and motAlp i.e. 0: motAlp; 1: (motAlp+curAlp)/2; 2: min(motAlp,curAlp); 3: max(motAlp,curAlp);
//Bit 1:0, reg_CFR_Motion_Luma_mode U2 LumaMotion Calculation mode for MA-CFR. 0: top/bot Lumma motion; 1: middle Luma Motion 2: top/bot + middle motion; 3: max(top/tot motion, middle motion)
#define NR2_CFR_PARA_CFG1 ((0x179d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16, reg_CFR_alpha_gain gain to map muxed curAlp and motAlp to alpha that will be used for final blending.
//Bit 15: 8, reg_CFR_Motion_ofst Offset to Motion to calculate the motAlp, e,g:motAlp= reg_CFR_Motion_ofst- Motion;This register can be seen as the level of motion that we consider it at moving.
//Bit 7: 0, reg_CFR_CurDif_gain gain to CurDif to map to alpha, normalized to 32;
#define DI_EI_CTRL11 ((0x179e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 30:29, reg_ei_amb_detect_mode
//bit 28:24, reg_ei_amb_detect_winth
//bit 23:21, reg_ei_amb_decide_rppth
//bit 20:19, reg_ei_retime_lastmappncnfltchk_drtth
//bit 18:16, reg_ei_retime_lastmappncnfltchk_mode
//bit 15:14, reg_ei_retime_lastmapvertfrcchk_mode
//bit 13:12, reg_ei_retime_lastvertfrcchk_mode
//bit 11:8, reg_ei_retime_lastpnchk_drtth
//bit 6, reg_ei_retime_lastpnchk_en
//bit 5:4, reg_ei_retime_mode
//bit 3, reg_ei_retime_last_en
//bit 2, reg_ei_retime_ab_en
//bit 1, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrvertfrcchk_en
//bit 0, reg_ei_caldrt_hstrrgchk_mode
#define DI_EI_CTRL12 ((0x179f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:28, reg_ei_drtdelay2_lmt
//bit 27:26, reg_ei_drtdelay2_notver_lrwin
//bit 25:24, reg_ei_drtdelay_mode
//bit 23, reg_ei_drtdelay2_mode
//bit 22:20, reg_ei_assign_xla_signm0th
//bit 19, reg_ei_assign_pkbiasvert_en
//bit 18, reg_ei_assign_xla_en
//bit 17:16, reg_ei_assign_xla_mode
//bit 15:12, reg_ei_assign_nlfilter_magin
//bit 11:8, reg_ei_localsearch_maxrange
//bit 7:4, reg_ei_xla_drtth
//bit 3:0, reg_ei_flatmsad_thrd
//`define DI_DIWR_CANVAS 8'ha0
//`define DI_DIWR_URGENT 8'ha1
//`define DI_NRWR_CANVAS 8'ha2
//`define DI_NRWR_URGENT 8'ha7
//`define DI_CONTWR_X 8'ha0
//`define DI_CONTWR_Y 8'ha1
//`define DI_CONTWR_CTRL 8'ha2
//`define DI_CONTPRD_X 8'ha3
//`define DI_CONTPRD_Y 8'ha4
//`define DI_CONTP2RD_X 8'ha5
//`define DI_CONTP2RD_Y 8'ha6
#define DI_RO_PRE_FIELD_CNT0 ((0x17a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_PRE_FIELD_CNT1 ((0x17a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_POS_FRAME_CNT0 ((0x17a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_POS_FRAME_CNT1 ((0x17a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define DI_CONTRD_CTRL 8'ha7
#define DI_EI_CTRL13 ((0x17a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:24, reg_ei_int_drt2x_chrdrt_limit
//bit 23:20, reg_ei_int_drt16x_core
//bit 19:16, reg_ei_int_drtdelay2_notver_cancv
//bit 15:8, reg_ei_int_drtdelay2_notver_sadth
//bit 7:0, reg_ei_int_drtdelay2_vlddrt_sadth
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL6 ((0x17a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_m1b_extnd
//bit 23:16, mtn_m1b_errod
//bit 15: 8, mtn_core_ykinter
//bit 7: 0, mtn_core_ckinter
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL7 ((0x17aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_core_mxcmby
//bit 23:16, mtn_core_mxcmbc
//bit 15: 8, mtn_core_y
//bit 7: 0, mtn_core_c
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL8 ((0x17ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_fcore_ykinter
//bit 23:16, mtn_fcore_ckinter
//bit 15: 8, mtn_fcore_ykintra
//bit 7: 0, mtn_fcore_ckintra
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL9 ((0x17ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_fcore_2yrate
//bit 23:16, mtn_fcore_2crate
//bit 15: 8, mtn_fcore_y
//bit 7: 0, mtn_fcore_c
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL10 ((0x17ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:24, mtn_motfld0
//bit 19:16, mtn_stlfld0
//bit 11: 8, mtn_motfld1
//bit 3: 0, mtn_stlfld1
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL11 ((0x17ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 27:24, mtn_smotevn
//bit 20:16, mtn_smotodd
//bit 11: 8, mtn_sstlevn
//bit 4: 0, mtn_sstlodd
#define DI_MTN_1_CTRL12 ((0x17af << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, mtn_mgain
//bit 17:16, mtn_mmode
//bit 15: 8, mtn_sthrd
//bit 4: 0, mtn_sgain
//`define DI_NRWR_X 8'hc0
//`define DI_NRWR_Y 8'hc1
//bit 31:30 nrwr_words_lim
//bit 29 nrwr_rev_y
//bit 28:16 nrwr_start_y
//bit 15 nrwr_ext_en
//bit 12:0 nrwr_end_y
//`define DI_NRWR_CTRL 8'hc2
//bit 31 pending_ddr_wrrsp_diwr
//bit 30 nrwr_reg_swap
//bit 29:26 nrwr_burst_lim
//bit 25 nrwr_canvas_syncen
//bit 24 nrwr_no_clk_gate
//bit 23:22 nrwr_rgb_mode 0:422 to one canvas;1:4:4:4 to one canvas;
//2:Y to luma , CBCR to chroma canvas ,for nv12/21; 3 : reserved
//bit 21:20 nrwr_hconv_mode
//bit 19:18 nrwr_vconv_mode
//bit 17 nrwr_swap_cbcr
//bit 16 nrwr_urgent
//bit 15:8 nrwr_canvas_index_chroma
//bit 7:0 nrwr_canvas_index_luma
//`define DI_MTNWR_X 8'hc3
//`define DI_MTNWR_Y 8'hc4
//`define DI_MTNWR_CTRL 8'hc5
#define DI_RO_CRC_NRWR ((0x17c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_CRC_MTNWR ((0x17c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_CRC_DEINT ((0x17c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_CRC_CHK0 ((0x17c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_CRC_CHK1 ((0x17c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define DI_DIWR_X 8'hc6
//`define DI_DIWR_Y 8'hc7
//bit 31:30 diwr_words_lim
//bit 29 diwr_rev_y
//bit 28:16 diwr_start_y
//bit 15 diwr_ext_en
//bit 12:0 diwr_end_y
//`define DI_DIWR_CTRL 8'hc8
//bit 31 pending_ddr_wrrsp_diwr
//bit 30 diwr_reg_swap
//bit 29:26 diwr_burst_lim
//bit 25 diwr_canvas_syncen
//bit 24 diwr_no_clk_gate
//bit 23:22 diwr_rgb_mode 0:422 to one canvas;1:4:4:4 to one canvas;
//2:Y to luma , CBCR to chroma canvas ,for nv12/21; 3 : reserved
//bit 21:20 diwr_hconv_mode
//bit 19:18 diwr_vconv_mode
//bit 17 diwr_swap_cbcr
//bit 16 diwr_urgent
//bit 15:8 diwr_canvas_index_chroma
//bit 7:0 diwr_canvas_index_luma
//`define DI_MTNCRD_X 8'hc9
//`define DI_MTNCRD_Y 8'hca
//`define DI_MTNPRD_X 8'hcb
//`define DI_MTNPRD_Y 8'hcc
//`define DI_MTNRD_CTRL 8'hcd
#define DI_TOP_PRE_CTRL ((0x17c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_TOP_POST_CTRL ((0x17c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_PRE_GL_CTRL ((0x17c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_PRE_GL_THD ((0x17c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_POST_GL_CTRL ((0x17c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_POST_GL_THD ((0x17ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_PRE_DBG ((0x17cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RO_POST_DBG ((0x17cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_TOP_CTRL ((0x17cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_AFBCD_GCLK0 ((0x17ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_AFBCD_GCLK1 ((0x17cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RDMIF_DEPTH0 ((0x17d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RDMIF_DEPTH1 ((0x17d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RDMIF_DEPTH2 ((0x17d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_TOP_CTRL1 ((0x17d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_AFBCE0_HOLD_CTRL ((0x17d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_AFBCE1_HOLD_CTRL ((0x17d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// 0xe0 - 0xff
// Reading file: di_pd_grad_reg.h
#define DI_PD_GRAD_CTRL ((0x17e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:4 reg_fd_min_grad_th // default 255 //u8, for cur/pre1 field. cur_min_grad_err > th, will be excluded of statistic
//Bit 3 reg_fd_min_grad_th_adjust_en // default 1 //u1, reg_fd_min_grad_err_th adjustment enable/disable
//Bit 2 reg_fd_err_grad_bf_flt_en // default 1 //u1, 1:comput err_grad_sum before horizontal filtering; 0: ...after...; default=1;
//Bit 1 reg_fd_comb_field_sel // default 0 //u1, comb consists of 2 field; 0: cur-pre; 1:pre-pre2;
//Bit 0 reg_fd_iscur_top_inver // default 0 //u1, current field is top flag invert; 0 no invert, 1, invert
#define DI_PD_GRAD_TH_P ((0x17e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_fd_min_grad_th_p0 //default 2 //u8,
//Bit 23:16 reg_fd_min_grad_th_p1 //default 4 //u8,
//Bit 15:8 reg_fd_min_grad_th_p2 //default 8 //u8,
//Bit 7:0 reg_fd_min_grad_th_p3 //default 12 //u8,
#define DI_PD_GRAD_TH_N ((0x17e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_fd_min_grad_th_n0 //default 4 //u8,
//Bit 23:16 reg_fd_min_grad_th_n1 //default 8 //u8,
//Bit 15:8 reg_fd_min_grad_th_n2 //default 16 //u8,
//Bit 7:0 reg_fd_min_grad_th_n3 //default 32 //u8,
#define DI_PD_GRAD_GAIN_P ((0x17e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_p0 //default 16 //u5,
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_p1 //default 16 //u5,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:8 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_p2 //default 16 //u5,
//Bit 7:5 reserved
//Bit 4:0 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_p3 //default 16 //u5,
#define DI_PD_GRAD_GAIN_N ((0x17e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_n0 //default 12 //u5,
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_n1 //default 12 //u5,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:8 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_n2 //default 14 //u5,
//Bit 7:5 reserved
//Bit 4:0 reg_fd_min_grad_gain_n3 //default 15 //u5,
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P_WIN0 ((0x17e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p0
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P_WIN1 ((0x17e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p1
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P_WIN2 ((0x17e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p2
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P_WIN3 ((0x17e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p3
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P_WIN4 ((0x17e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p4
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N_WIN0 ((0x17ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n0
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N_WIN1 ((0x17eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n1
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N_WIN2 ((0x17ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n2
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N_WIN3 ((0x17ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n3
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N_WIN4 ((0x17ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n4
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P_WIN0 ((0x17ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p0
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P_WIN1 ((0x17f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p1
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P_WIN2 ((0x17f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p2
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P_WIN3 ((0x17f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p3
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P_WIN4 ((0x17f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p4
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N_WIN0 ((0x17f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n0
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N_WIN1 ((0x17f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n1
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N_WIN2 ((0x17f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n2
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N_WIN3 ((0x17f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n3
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N_WIN4 ((0x17f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n4
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_P ((0x17f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_p_glb
#define DI_PD_RO_SUM_N ((0x17fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fd_err_grad_sum_n_glb
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_P ((0x17fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_p_glb
#define DI_PD_RO_CNT_N ((0x17fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20:0 ro_fd_err_grad_cnt_n_glb
// Closing file: di_pd_grad_reg.h
//`define DI_INP_GEN_REG 8'hce
//`define DI_INP_CANVAS0 8'hcf
//`define DI_INP_LUMA_X0 8'hd0
//`define DI_INP_LUMA_Y0 8'hd1
//`define DI_INP_CHROMA_X0 8'hd2
//`define DI_INP_CHROMA_Y0 8'hd3
//`define DI_INP_RPT_LOOP 8'hd4
//`define DI_INP_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hd5
//`define DI_INP_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hd6
//`define DI_INP_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'hd7
//`define DI_INP_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'hd8
//`define DI_INP_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'hba
//`define DI_INP_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'hbb
//`define DI_INP_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'hbc
//`define DI_INP_GEN_REG2 8'h91
//`define DI_INP_FMT_CTRL 8'hd9
//`define DI_INP_FMT_W 8'hda
//`define DI_MEM_GEN_REG 8'hdb
//`define DI_MEM_CANVAS0 8'hdc
//`define DI_MEM_LUMA_X0 8'hdd
//`define DI_MEM_LUMA_Y0 8'hde
//`define DI_MEM_CHROMA_X0 8'hdf
//`define DI_MEM_CHROMA_Y0 8'he0
//`define DI_MEM_RPT_LOOP 8'he1
//`define DI_MEM_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'he2
//`define DI_MEM_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'he3
//`define DI_MEM_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'he4
//`define DI_MEM_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'he5
//`define DI_MEM_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'hbd
//`define DI_MEM_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'hbe
//`define DI_MEM_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'hbf
//`define DI_MEM_GEN_REG2 8'h92
//`define DI_MEM_FMT_CTRL 8'he6
//`define DI_MEM_FMT_W 8'he7
//`define DI_IF1_GEN_REG 8'he8
//`define DI_IF1_CANVAS0 8'he9
//`define DI_IF1_LUMA_X0 8'hea
//`define DI_IF1_LUMA_Y0 8'heb
//`define DI_IF1_CHROMA_X0 8'hec
//`define DI_IF1_CHROMA_Y0 8'hed
//`define DI_IF1_RPT_LOOP 8'hee
//`define DI_IF1_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hef
//`define DI_IF1_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hf0
//`define DI_IF1_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'hf1
//`define DI_IF1_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'hf2
//`define DI_IF1_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'hfc
//`define DI_IF1_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'hfd
//`define DI_IF1_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'hfe
//`define DI_IF1_GEN_REG2 8'h90
//`define DI_IF1_FMT_CTRL 8'hf3
//`define DI_IF1_FMT_W 8'hf4
//`define DI_CHAN2_GEN_REG 8'hf5
//`define DI_CHAN2_CANVAS0 8'hf6
//`define DI_CHAN2_LUMA_X0 8'hf7
//`define DI_CHAN2_LUMA_Y0 8'hf8
//`define DI_CHAN2_CHROMA_X0 8'hf9
//`define DI_CHAN2_CHROMA_Y0 8'hfa
//`define DI_CHAN2_RPT_LOOP 8'hfb
//`define DI_CHAN2_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hb0
//`define DI_CHAN2_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hb1
//`define DI_CHAN2_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'hb2
//`define DI_CHAN2_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'hb3
//`define DI_CHAN2_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'hb4
//`define DI_CHAN2_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'hb5
//`define DI_CHAN2_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'hb6
//`define DI_CHAN2_GEN_REG2 8'hb7
//`define DI_CHAN2_FMT_CTRL 8'hb8
//`define DI_CHAN2_FMT_W 8'hb9
// Closing file: vpu_mad_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: di_dolby_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_REG_START ((0x1800 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x18f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x18f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x18f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x18f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x18f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x18f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x18f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_CTRL ((0x18f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_STATUS ((0x18fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS0 ((0x18fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS1 ((0x18fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS2 ((0x18fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS3 ((0x18fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_PORT ((0x18ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_dolby_regs.h
//`include "di_inp_afbc_dec_regs.h"
//`include "di_mem_afbc_dec_regs.h"
//`include "fgrain_di_regs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: disp_if_regs.h
#define L_GAMMA_CNTL_PORT ((0x1900 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_DATA_PORT ((0x1901 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x1902 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x1903 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_RGB_BASE_ADDR ((0x1905 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_RGB_COEFF_ADDR ((0x1906 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_POL_CNTL_ADDR ((0x1907 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DITH_CNTL_ADDR ((0x1908 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_CTRL ((0x1909 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//read only
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_L ((0x190a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_H ((0x190b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_HL_COLOR ((0x190c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_X ((0x190d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_GAMMA_PROBE_POS_Y ((0x190e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH1_HS_ADDR ((0x1910 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH1_HE_ADDR ((0x1911 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH1_VS_ADDR ((0x1912 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH1_VE_ADDR ((0x1913 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH2_HS_ADDR ((0x1914 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH2_HE_ADDR ((0x1915 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH2_VS_ADDR ((0x1916 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STH2_VE_ADDR ((0x1917 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEH_HS_ADDR ((0x1918 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEH_HE_ADDR ((0x1919 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEH_VS_ADDR ((0x191a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEH_VE_ADDR ((0x191b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x191c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VCOM_VS_ADDR ((0x191d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VCOM_VE_ADDR ((0x191e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV1_HS_ADDR ((0x191f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV1_HE_ADDR ((0x1920 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV1_VS_ADDR ((0x1921 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV1_VE_ADDR ((0x1922 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV2_HS_ADDR ((0x1923 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV2_HE_ADDR ((0x1924 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV2_VS_ADDR ((0x1925 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_CPV2_VE_ADDR ((0x1926 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV1_HS_ADDR ((0x1927 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV1_HE_ADDR ((0x1928 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV1_VS_ADDR ((0x1929 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV1_VE_ADDR ((0x192a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV2_HS_ADDR ((0x192b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV2_HE_ADDR ((0x192c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV2_VS_ADDR ((0x192d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_STV2_VE_ADDR ((0x192e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV1_HS_ADDR ((0x192f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV1_HE_ADDR ((0x1930 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV1_VS_ADDR ((0x1931 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV1_VE_ADDR ((0x1932 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV2_HS_ADDR ((0x1933 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV2_HE_ADDR ((0x1934 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV2_VS_ADDR ((0x1935 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV2_VE_ADDR ((0x1936 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV3_HS_ADDR ((0x1937 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV3_HE_ADDR ((0x1938 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV3_VS_ADDR ((0x1939 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_OEV3_VE_ADDR ((0x193a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_LCD_PWR_ADDR ((0x193b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_LCD_PWM0_LO_ADDR ((0x193c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_LCD_PWM0_HI_ADDR ((0x193d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_LCD_PWM1_LO_ADDR ((0x193e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_LCD_PWM1_HI_ADDR ((0x193f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_INV_CNT_ADDR ((0x1940 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_TCON_MISC_SEL_ADDR ((0x1941 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DUAL_PORT_CNTL_ADDR ((0x1942 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MLVDS_CLK_CTL1_HI ((0x1943 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MLVDS_CLK_CTL1_LO ((0x1944 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// [31:30] enable mlvds clocks
// [24] mlvds_clk_half_delay 24 // Bit 0
// [23:0] mlvds_clk_pattern 0 // Bit 23:0
#define L_TCON_DOUBLE_CTL ((0x1949 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_TCON_PATTERN_HI ((0x194a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_TCON_PATTERN_LO ((0x194b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_BL_ADDR_PORT ((0x194e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_BL_DATA_PORT ((0x194f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DE_HS_ADDR ((0x1951 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DE_HE_ADDR ((0x1952 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DE_VS_ADDR ((0x1953 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_DE_VE_ADDR ((0x1954 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_HSYNC_HS_ADDR ((0x1955 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_HSYNC_HE_ADDR ((0x1956 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_HSYNC_VS_ADDR ((0x1957 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_HSYNC_VE_ADDR ((0x1958 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VSYNC_HS_ADDR ((0x1959 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VSYNC_HE_ADDR ((0x195a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VSYNC_VS_ADDR ((0x195b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define L_VSYNC_VE_ADDR ((0x195c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 8 -- vfifo_mcu_enable
// bit 7 -- halt_vs_de
// bit 6 -- R8G8B8_format
// bit 5 -- R6G6B6_format (round to 6 bits)
// bit 4 -- R5G6B5_format
// bit 3 -- dac_dith_sel
// bit 2 -- lcd_mcu_enable_de -- ReadOnly
// bit 1 -- lcd_mcu_enable_vsync -- ReadOnly
// bit 0 -- lcd_mcu_enable
#define L_LCD_MCU_CTL ((0x195d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define P2P_CH_SWAP0 ((0x195e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define P2P_CH_SWAP1 ((0x195f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define P2P_BIT_REV ((0x1950 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//* Dual port mLVDS registers
// bit 3 - enable_u_dual_mlvds_dp_clk
// bit 2 - enable_u_map_mlvds_r_clk
// bit 1 - enable_u_map_mlvds_l_clk
// bit 0 - dual_mlvds_en
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_CTL 8'h60
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_line_start
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_LINE_START 8'h61
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_line_end
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_LINE_END 8'h62
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_w_pixel_start_l
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_W_START_L 8'h63
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_w_pixel_end_l
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_W_END_L 8'h64
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_w_pixel_start_r
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_W_START_R 8'h65
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_w_pixel_end_r
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_W_END_R 8'h66
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_r_pixel_start_l
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_R_START_L 8'h67
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_r_pixel_cnt_l
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_R_CNT_L 8'h68
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_r_pixel_start_r
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_R_START_R 8'h69
// bit[12:0] - dual_mlvds_r_pixel_cnt_r
//`define DUAL_MLVDS_PIXEL_R_CNT_R 8'h6a
// bit[15] - v_inversion_en
// bit[12:0] - v_inversion_pixel
//`define V_INVERSION_PIXEL 8'h70
// bit[15] - v_inversion_sync_en
// bit[12:0] - v_inversion_line
//`define V_INVERSION_LINE 8'h71
// bit[15:12] - v_loop_r
// bit[11:10] - v_pattern_1_r
// bit[9:8] - v_pattern_0_r
// bit[7:4] - v_loop_l
// bit[3:2] - v_pattern_1_l
// bit[1:0] - v_pattern_0_l
//`define V_INVERSION_CONTROL 8'h72
//`define MLVDS2_CONTROL 8'h74
#define mLVDS2_RESERVED 15 // 15
#define mLVDS2_double_pattern 14 // 14
#define mLVDS2_ins_reset 8 // 13:8 // each channel has one bit
#define mLVDS2_dual_gate 7
#define mLVDS2_bit_num 6 // 0-6Bits, 1-8Bits
#define mLVDS2_pair_num 5 // 0-3Pairs, 1-6Pairs
#define mLVDS2_msb_first 4
#define mLVDS2_PORT_SWAP 3
#define mLVDS2_MLSB_SWAP 2
#define mLVDS2_PN_SWAP 1
#define mLVDS2_en 0
//`define MLVDS2_CONFIG_HI 8'h75
//`define MLVDS2_CONFIG_LO 8'h76
#define mLVDS2_reset_offset 29 // Bit 31:29
#define mLVDS2_reset_length 23 // Bit 28:23
#define mLVDS2_config_reserved 20 // Bit 22:20
#define mLVDS2_reset_start_bit12 19 // Bit 19
#define mLVDS2_data_write_toggle 18
#define mLVDS2_data_write_ini 17
#define mLVDS2_data_latch_1_toggle 16
#define mLVDS2_data_latch_1_ini 15
#define mLVDS2_data_latch_0_toggle 14
#define mLVDS2_data_latch_0_ini 13
#define mLVDS2_reset_1_select 12 // 0 - same as reset_0, 1 - 1 clock delay of reset_0
#define mLVDS2_reset_start 0 // Bit 11:0
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_WR_START 8'h77
// `define mlvds2_dual_gate_wr_start 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_WR_END 8'h78
// `define mlvds2_dual_gate_wr_end 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_RD_START 8'h79
// `define mlvds2_dual_gate_rd_start 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_RD_END 8'h7a
// `define mlvds2_dual_gate_rd_end 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS2_SECOND_RESET_CTL 8'h7b
// `define mLVDS2_2nd_reset_start 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_CTL_HI 8'h7c
//`define MLVDS2_DUAL_GATE_CTL_LO 8'h7d
// `define mlvds2_tcon_field_en 24 // Bit 7:0
// `define mlvds2_dual_gate_reserved 21 // Bit 2:0
// `define mlvds2_scan_mode_start_line_bit12 20 // Bit 0
// `define mlvds2_scan_mode_odd 16 // Bit 3:0
// `define mlvds2_scan_mode_even 12 // Bit 3:0
// `define mlvds2_scan_mode_start_line 0 // Bit 11:0
//`define MLVDS2_RESET_CONFIG_HI 8'h7e
//`define MLVDS2_RESET_CONFIG_LO 8'h7f
// `define mLVDS2_reset_range_enable 31 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS2_reset_range_inv 30 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS2_reset_config_res1 29 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS2_reset_range_line_0 16 // Bit 11:0
// `define mLVDS2_reset_config_res3 13 // Bit 2:0
// `define mLVDS2_reset_range_line_1 0 // Bit 11:0
//* Vbyone registers (Note: no MinLVDS in G9tv, share the register)
#define VBO_CTRL_L ((0x1960 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_CTRL_H ((0x1961 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_SOFT_RST ((0x1962 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_LANES ((0x1963 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_VIN_CTRL ((0x1964 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_ACT_VSIZE ((0x1965 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_REGION_00 ((0x1966 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_REGION_01 ((0x1967 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_REGION_02 ((0x1968 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_REGION_03 ((0x1969 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_VBK_CTRL_0 ((0x196a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_VBK_CTRL_1 ((0x196b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_HBK_CTRL ((0x196c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_PXL_CTRL ((0x196d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_LANE_SKEW_L ((0x196e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_LANE_SKEW_H ((0x196f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_GCLK_LANE_L ((0x1970 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_GCLK_LANE_H ((0x1971 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_GCLK_MAIN ((0x1972 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_STATUS_L ((0x1973 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_STATUS_H ((0x1974 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_LANE_OUTPUT ((0x1975 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_PORT_SWAP ((0x1976 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_THRD_L ((0x1978 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_THRD_H ((0x1979 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_FSM_HOLDER_L ((0x197a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_FSM_HOLDER_H ((0x197b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INTR_STATE_CTRL ((0x197c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INTR_UNMASK ((0x197d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_HSYNC_STATE_L ((0x197e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_HSYNC_STATE_H ((0x197f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_VSYNC_STATE_L ((0x19f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_VSYNC_STATE_H ((0x19f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_VDE_STATE_L ((0x19f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_TMCHK_VDE_STATE_H ((0x19f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INTR_STATE ((0x19f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INFILTER_CTRL ((0x19f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INSGN_CTRL ((0x19fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VBO_INFILTER_CTRL_H ((0x1977 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//* NOTE:: When Programming the Gamma, please turn off the IRQ service *
#define GAMMA_CNTL_PORT ((0x1980 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define GAMMA_VCOM_POL 7 //RW
#define GAMMA_RVS_OUT 6 //RW
#define ADR_RDY 5 //Read Only
#define WR_RDY 4 //Read Only
#define RD_RDY 3 //Read Only
#define GAMMA_TR 2 //RW
#define GAMMA_SET 1 //RW
#define GAMMA_EN 0 //RW
#define GAMMA_DATA_PORT ((0x1981 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define GAMMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x1982 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define H_RD 12
#define H_AUTO_INC 11
#define H_SEL_R 10
#define H_SEL_G 9
#define H_SEL_B 8
#define HADR_MSB 7 //7:0
#define HADR 0 //7:0
#define GAMMA_VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x1983 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RGB_BASE_ADDR ((0x1985 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define RGB_COEFF_ADDR ((0x1986 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define POL_CNTL_ADDR ((0x1987 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define TCON_VSYNC_SEL_DVI 11 //FOR RGB format DVI output
#define TCON_HSYNC_SEL_DVI 10 //FOR RGB format DVI output
#define TCON_DE_SEL_DVI 9 //FOR RGB format DVI output
#define CPH3_POL 8
#define CPH2_POL 7
#define CPH1_POL 6
#define TCON_DE_SEL 5
#define TCON_VS_SEL 4
#define TCON_HS_SEL 3
#define DE_POL 2
#define VS_POL 1
#define HS_POL 0
#define DITH_CNTL_ADDR ((0x1988 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DITH10_EN 10
#define DITH8_EN 9
#define DITH_MD 8
#define DITH10_CNTL_MSB 7 //7:4
#define DITH10_CNTL 4 //7:4
#define DITH8_CNTL_MSB 3 //3:0
#define DITH8_CNTL 0 //3:0
//Bit 1 highlight_en
//Bit 0 probe_en
#define GAMMA_PROBE_CTRL ((0x1989 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//read only
//Bit [15:0] probe_color[15:0]
#define GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_L ((0x198a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 15: if true valid probed color
//Bit [13:0] probe_color[29:16]
#define GAMMA_PROBE_COLOR_H ((0x198b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 15:0, 5:6:5 color
#define GAMMA_PROBE_HL_COLOR ((0x198c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//12:0 pos_x
#define GAMMA_PROBE_POS_X ((0x198d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//12:0 pos_y
#define GAMMA_PROBE_POS_Y ((0x198e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH1_HS_ADDR ((0x1990 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH1_HE_ADDR ((0x1991 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH1_VS_ADDR ((0x1992 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH1_VE_ADDR ((0x1993 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH2_HS_ADDR ((0x1994 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH2_HE_ADDR ((0x1995 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH2_VS_ADDR ((0x1996 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH2_VE_ADDR ((0x1997 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEH_HS_ADDR ((0x1998 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEH_HE_ADDR ((0x1999 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEH_VS_ADDR ((0x199a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEH_VE_ADDR ((0x199b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VCOM_HSWITCH_ADDR ((0x199c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VCOM_VS_ADDR ((0x199d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VCOM_VE_ADDR ((0x199e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV1_HS_ADDR ((0x199f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV1_HE_ADDR ((0x19a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV1_VS_ADDR ((0x19a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV1_VE_ADDR ((0x19a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV2_HS_ADDR ((0x19a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV2_HE_ADDR ((0x19a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV2_VS_ADDR ((0x19a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CPV2_VE_ADDR ((0x19a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV1_HS_ADDR ((0x19a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV1_HE_ADDR ((0x19a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV1_VS_ADDR ((0x19a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV1_VE_ADDR ((0x19aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV2_HS_ADDR ((0x19ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV2_HE_ADDR ((0x19ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV2_VS_ADDR ((0x19ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STV2_VE_ADDR ((0x19ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV1_HS_ADDR ((0x19af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV1_HE_ADDR ((0x19b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV1_VS_ADDR ((0x19b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV1_VE_ADDR ((0x19b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV2_HS_ADDR ((0x19b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV2_HE_ADDR ((0x19b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV2_VS_ADDR ((0x19b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV2_VE_ADDR ((0x19b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV3_HS_ADDR ((0x19b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV3_HE_ADDR ((0x19b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV3_VS_ADDR ((0x19b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OEV3_VE_ADDR ((0x19ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_PWR_ADDR ((0x19bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_VDD 5
#define LCD_VBL 4
#define LCD_GPI_MSB 3
#define LCD_GPIO 0
#define LCD_PWM0_LO_ADDR ((0x19bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_PWM0_HI_ADDR ((0x19bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_PWM1_LO_ADDR ((0x19be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LCD_PWM1_HI_ADDR ((0x19bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define INV_CNT_ADDR ((0x19c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define INV_EN 4
#define INV_CNT_MSB 3
#define INV_CNT 0
#define TCON_MISC_SEL_ADDR ((0x19c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define STH2_SEL 12
#define STH1_SEL 11
#define OEH_SEL 10
#define VCOM_SEL 9
#define DB_LINE_SW 8
#define CPV2_SEL 7
#define CPV1_SEL 6
#define STV2_SEL 5
#define STV1_SEL 4
#define OEV_UNITE 3
#define OEV3_SEL 2
#define OEV2_SEL 1
#define OEV1_SEL 0
#define DUAL_PORT_CNTL_ADDR ((0x19c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OUTPUT_YUV 15
#define DUAL_IDF 12 // 14:12
#define DUAL_ISF 9 // 11:9
#define LCD_LVDS_SEL54 6
#define LCD_LVDS_SEL27 5
#define LCD_TTL_SEL 4
#define DUAL_LVDC_EN 3
#define PORT_SWP 2
#define RGB_SWP 1
#define BIT_SWP 0
#define MLVDS_CONTROL ((0x19c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define mLVDS_RESERVED 15 // 15
#define mLVDS_double_pattern 14 // 14
#define mLVDS_ins_reset 8 // 13:8 // each channel has one bit
#define mLVDS_dual_gate 7
#define mLVDS_bit_num 6 // 0-6Bits, 1-8Bits
#define mLVDS_pair_num 5 // 0-3Pairs, 1-6Pairs
#define mLVDS_msb_first 4
#define mLVDS_PORT_SWAP 3
#define mLVDS_MLSB_SWAP 2
#define mLVDS_PN_SWAP 1
#define mLVDS_en 0
#define MLVDS_RESET_PATTERN_HI ((0x19c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MLVDS_RESET_PATTERN_LO ((0x19c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define mLVDS_reset_pattern 0 // Bit 47:16
#define MLVDS_RESET_PATTERN_EXT ((0x19c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define mLVDS_reset_pattern_ext 0 // Bit 15:0
#define MLVDS_CONFIG_HI ((0x19c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MLVDS_CONFIG_LO ((0x19c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define mLVDS_reset_offset 29 // Bit 31:29
#define mLVDS_reset_length 23 // Bit 28:23
#define mLVDS_config_reserved 20 // Bit 22:20
#define mLVDS_reset_start_bit12 19 // Bit 19
#define mLVDS_data_write_toggle 18
#define mLVDS_data_write_ini 17
#define mLVDS_data_latch_1_toggle 16
#define mLVDS_data_latch_1_ini 15
#define mLVDS_data_latch_0_toggle 14
#define mLVDS_data_latch_0_ini 13
#define mLVDS_reset_1_select 12 // 0 - same as reset_0, 1 - 1 clock delay of reset_0
#define mLVDS_reset_start 0 // Bit 11:0
#define TCON_DOUBLE_CTL ((0x19c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define tcon_double_ini 8 // Bit 7:0
#define tcon_double_inv 0 // Bit 7:0
#define TCON_PATTERN_HI ((0x19ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define TCON_PATTERN_LO ((0x19cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define tcon_pattern_loop_data 16 // Bit 15:0
#define tcon_pattern_loop_start 12 // Bit 3:0
#define tcon_pattern_loop_end 8 // Bit 3:0
#define tcon_pattern_enable 0 // Bit 7:0
#define TCON_CONTROL_HI ((0x19cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define TCON_CONTROL_LO ((0x19cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define tcon_pclk_enable 26 // Bit 5:0 (enable pclk on TCON channel 7 to 2)
#define tcon_pclk_div 24 // Bit 1:0 (control phy clok divide 2,4,6,8)
#define tcon_delay 0 // Bit 23:0 (3 bit for each channel)
#define LVDS_BLANK_DATA_HI ((0x19ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BLANK_DATA_LO ((0x19cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_blank_data_reserved 30 // 31:30
#define LVDS_blank_data_r 20 // 29:20
#define LVDS_blank_data_g 10 // 19:10
#define LVDS_blank_data_b 0 // 9:0
#define LVDS_PACK_CNTL_ADDR ((0x19d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_USE_TCON 7
#define LVDS_DUAL 6
#define PN_SWP 5
#define LSB_FIRST 4
#define LVDS_RESV 3
#define ODD_EVEN_SWP 2
#define LVDS_REPACK 0
// New from M3 :
// Bit 15:12 -- Enable OFFSET Double Generate(TOCN7-TCON4)
// Bit 11:0 -- de_hs(old tcon) second offset_hs (new tcon)
#define DE_HS_ADDR ((0x19d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// New from M3 :
// Bit 15:12 -- Enable OFFSET Double Generate(TOCN3-TCON0)
#define DE_HE_ADDR ((0x19d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DE_VS_ADDR ((0x19d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DE_VE_ADDR ((0x19d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define HSYNC_HS_ADDR ((0x19d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define HSYNC_HE_ADDR ((0x19d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define HSYNC_VS_ADDR ((0x19d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define HSYNC_VE_ADDR ((0x19d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VSYNC_HS_ADDR ((0x19d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VSYNC_HE_ADDR ((0x19da << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VSYNC_VS_ADDR ((0x19db << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VSYNC_VE_ADDR ((0x19dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 8 -- vfifo_mcu_enable
// bit 7 -- halt_vs_de
// bit 6 -- R8G8B8_format
// bit 5 -- R6G6B6_format (round to 6 bits)
// bit 4 -- R5G6B5_format
// bit 3 -- dac_dith_sel
// bit 2 -- lcd_mcu_enable_de -- ReadOnly
// bit 1 -- lcd_mcu_enable_vsync -- ReadOnly
// bit 0 -- lcd_mcu_enable
#define LCD_MCU_CTL ((0x19dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ReadOnly
// R5G6B5 when R5G6B5_format
// G8R8 when R8G8B8_format
// G5R10 Other
#define LCD_MCU_DATA_0 ((0x19de << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ReadOnly
// G8B8 when R8G8B8_format
// G5B10 Other
#define LCD_MCU_DATA_1 ((0x19df << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_GEN_CNTL ((0x19e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL0 8'he1
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL1 8'he2
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL2 8'he3
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL3 8'he4
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL4 8'he5
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL5 8'he6
#define LVDS_SRG_TEST ((0x19e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BIST_MUX0 ((0x19e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BIST_MUX1 ((0x19ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BIST_FIXED0 ((0x19eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BIST_FIXED1 ((0x19ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_BIST_CNTL0 ((0x19ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_CLKB_CLKA ((0x19ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_PHY_CLK_CNTL ((0x19ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_SER_EN ((0x19f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL6 8'hf1
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL7 8'hf2
//`define LVDS_PHY_CNTL8 8'hf3
#define LVDS_CH_SWAP0 ((0x19e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_CH_SWAP1 ((0x19e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LVDS_CH_SWAP2 ((0x19e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define MLVDS_CLK_CTL0_HI 8'hf4
//`define MLVDS_CLK_CTL0_LO 8'hf5
// `define mlvds_clk_pattern_reserved 31 // Bit 31
// `define mpclk_dly 28 // Bit 2:0
// `define mpclk_div 26 // Bit 1:0 (control phy clok divide 2,4,6,8)
// `define use_mpclk 25 // Bit 0
// `define mlvds_clk_half_delay 24 // Bit 0
// `define mlvds_clk_pattern 0 // Bit 23:0
//`define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_WR_START 8'hf6
// `define mlvds_dual_gate_wr_start 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_WR_END 8'hf7
// `define mlvds_dual_gate_wr_end 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_RD_START 8'hf8
// `define mlvds_dual_gate_rd_start 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_RD_END 8'hf9
// `define mlvds_dual_gate_rd_end 0 // Bit 12:0
//`define MLVDS_SECOND_RESET_CTL 8'hfa
// `define mLVDS_2nd_reset_start 0 // Bit 12:0
#define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_CTL_HI ((0x19fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MLVDS_DUAL_GATE_CTL_LO ((0x19fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
// `define mlvds_tcon_field_en 24 // Bit 7:0
// `define mlvds_dual_gate_reserved 21 // Bit 2:0
// `define mlvds_scan_mode_start_line_bit12 20 // Bit 0
// `define mlvds_scan_mode_odd 16 // Bit 3:0
// `define mlvds_scan_mode_even 12 // Bit 3:0
// `define mlvds_scan_mode_start_line 0 // Bit 11:0
//`define MLVDS_RESET_CONFIG_HI 8'hfd
//`define MLVDS_RESET_CONFIG_LO 8'hfe
// `define mLVDS_reset_range_enable 31 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS_reset_range_inv 30 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS_reset_config_res1 29 // Bit 0
// `define mLVDS_reset_range_line_0 16 // Bit 11:0
// `define mLVDS_reset_config_res3 13 // Bit 2:0
// `define mLVDS_reset_range_line_1 0 // Bit 11:0
// Closing file: disp_if_regs.h
// Reading file: vregs_clk2.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xa00 - 0xaff
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VIU_ADDR_START ((0x1a00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_ADDR_END ((0x1aff << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define TRACE_REG 8'ff
// VIU top-level registers 0x00-0x0f
// Bit 0 RW, osd1_reset
// Bit 1 RW, osd2_reset
// Bit 2 RW, vd1_reset
// Bit 3 RW, vd1_fmt_reset
// Bit 4 RW, vd2_reset
// Bit 5 RW, vd2_fmt_reset
// Bit 6 RW, di_dsr1to2_reset
// Bit 7 RW, vpp_reset
// Bit 8 RW, di_if1_reset
// Bit 9 RW, di_if1_fmt_reset
// Bit 10 RW, di_inp_reset
// Bit 11 RW, di_inp_fmt_reset
// Bit 12 RW, di_mem_reset
// Bit 13 RW, di_mem_fmt_reset
// Bit 14 RW, di_nr_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 15 RW, dein_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 16 RW, di_chan2_mif_reset
// Bit 17 RW, di_mtn_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 18 RW, di_mtn_rd_mif_reset
// Bit 19 RW, di_mad_reset
// Bit 20 RW, vdin0_reset
// Bit 21 RW, vdin1_reset
// Bit 22 RW, nrin_mux_reset
// Bit 23 RW, vdin0_wr_reset
// Bit 24 RW, vdin1_wr_reset
// Bit 25 RW, reserved
// Bit 26 RW, d2d3_reset
// Bit 27 RW, di_cont_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 28 RW, di_cont_rd_mif_reset
#define VIU_SW_RESET ((0x1a01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_SW_RESET0 ((0x1a02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 0 RW, software reset for mcvecrd_mif
// Bit 1 RW, software reset for mcinfowr_mif
// Bit 2 RW, software reset for mcinford_mif
#define VIU_SECURE_REG ((0x1a04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 0 RW, dolby core1_tv secure w and r
// Bit 1 RW, dolby core2 secure w and r
// Bit 2 RW, dolby core3 secure w and r
// Bit 3 RW, for osd1 secure read
// Bit 4 RW, for osd2 secure read
#define DOLBY_INT_STAT ((0x1a05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo
//bit 15:12 osdbld_gclk_ctrl 3:2 regclk ctrl 1:0 blending clk control
//bit 8 if true, vsync interrup is generate only field == 0
//bit 7:0 fix_disable
#define VIU_MISC_CTRL0 ((0x1a06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_MISC_CTRL1 ((0x1a07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7 Reserved
//Bit 6:4 reg_cfg_err_clr
//Bit 3 Reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_cfg_done
#define VIU_SECURE_DUMMY ((0x1a08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_SECURE_ST_RO ((0x1a09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:30 vdin0 dout splitter, bit 0 turns on vdin0 to old path, bit 1 turns on vdin0 to d2d3_intf vdin0 input path
// Bit 29:28 vdin1 dout splitter, bit 0 turns on vdin1 to old path, bit 1 turns on vdin1 to d2d3_intf vdin1 input path
// Bit 27:26 NR write dout splitter, bit 0 turns on NR write to old path, bit 1 turns on NR WR to d2d3_intf NR WR input path
// Bit 23 if true, turn on clk_d2d3_reg (register clock)
// Bit 22 if true, turn on clk_d2d3
// Bit 21 reg_v1_go_line
// Bit 20 reg_v1_go_field
// Bit 19 reg_v0_go_field
// Bit 18:16 v1_gofld_sel, 000: display go_field/go_line, 001: DI pre_frame_rst/go_line, 010: vdin0 go_field/go_line,
//011: vdin1 go_field/go_line, otherwise: force go_field by reg_v1_go_field(bit20), force go_line by reg_v1_go_line(bit21)
// Bit 15:13 v0_gofld_sel, 000: display go_field, 001: DI pre_frame_rst, 010: vdin0 go_field, 011: vdin1 go_field, otherwise: force go_field by
// reg_v0_go_field(bit19)
// Bit 12:6 hole_lines for d2d3 depth read interface
// Bit 5:4 d2d3_v1_sel, 2'b01: video display read interface(DI or vd1 fomart output), 2'b10: scale output, otherwise nothing as v1
// Bit 3 use_vdin_eol, if true, use vdin eol as the v0_eol, otherwise using length to get the v0_eol
// Bit 2:0 d2d3_v0_sel 001: vdin0, 010: vdin1, 011: NRW, 100: video display read interface(DI or vd1 fomart output), 101: vpp scale output
// `define D2D3_INTF_CTRL0 8'h09
#define VD1_AFBCD0_MISC_CTRL ((0x1a0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_AFBCD1_MISC_CTRL ((0x1a0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_PATH_CTRL ((0x1a0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define WR_BACK_MISC_CTRL ((0x1a0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD_PATH_MISC_CTRL ((0x1a0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MALI_AFBCD_TOP_CTRL ((0x1a0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// OSD1 registers 0x10-0x2f
// Bit 31 Reserved
// Bit 30 RW, enable_free_clk: 1=use free-running clock to drive logics;
// 0=use gated clock for low power.
// Bit 29 R, test_rd_dsr
// Bit 28 R, osd_done
// Bit 27:24 R, osd_blk_mode
// Bit 23:22 R, osd_blk_ptr
// Bit 21 R, osd_enable
// Bit 20:12 RW, global_alpha
// Bit 11 RW, test_rd_en
// Bit 10: 9 Reserved for control signals
// Bit 8: 5 RW, ctrl_mtch_y
// Bit 4 RW, ctrl_422to444
// Bit 3: 0 RW, osd_blk_enable. Bit 0 to enable block 0: 1=enable, 0=disable;
// Bit 1 to enable block 1, and so on.
#define VIU_OSD1_CTRL_STAT ((0x1a10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:26 Reserved
// Bit 25:16 R, fifo_count
// Bit 15 RW, osd_dpath_sel 0-osd1 mif 1-vpu mali afbcd
// Bit 14 RW, replaced_alpha_en
// Bit 13: 6 RW, replaced_alpha
// Bit 5: 4 RW, hold_fifo_lines[6:5]
// Bit 3 RW, rgb2yuv_full_range
// Bit 2 RW, alpha_9b_mode
// Bit 1 RW, reserved
// Bit 0 RW, color_expand_mode
#define VIU_OSD1_CTRL_STAT2 ((0x1a2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 9 Reserved
// Bit 8 RW, 0 = Write LUT, 1 = Read LUT
// Bit 7: 0 RW, lut_addr
#define VIU_OSD1_COLOR_ADDR ((0x1a11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 RW, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 RW, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 RW, Alpha
#define VIU_OSD1_COLOR ((0x1a12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 RW, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 RW, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 RW, Alpha
#define VIU_OSD1_TCOLOR_AG0 ((0x1a17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_TCOLOR_AG1 ((0x1a18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_TCOLOR_AG2 ((0x1a19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_TCOLOR_AG3 ((0x1a1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:30 Reserved
// Bit 29 RW, y_rev: 0=normal read, 1=reverse read in Y direction
// Bit 28 RW, x_rev: 0=normal read, 1=reverse read in X direction
// Bit 27:24 Reserved
// Bit 23:16 RW, tbl_addr
// Bit 15 RW, little_endian: 0=big endian, 1=little endian
// Bit 14 RW, rpt_y
// Bit 13:12 RW, interp_ctrl. 0x=No interpolation; 10=Interpolate with previous
// pixel; 11=Interpolate with the average value
// between previous and next pixel.
// Bit 11: 8 RW, osd_blk_mode
// Bit 7 RW, rgb_en
// Bit 6 RW, tc_alpha_en
// Bit 5: 2 RW, color_matrix
// Bit 1 RW, interlace_en
// Bit 0 RW, interlace_sel_odd
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK0_CFG_W0 ((0x1a1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK1_CFG_W0 ((0x1a1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK2_CFG_W0 ((0x1a23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK3_CFG_W0 ((0x1a27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, x_end
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12: 0 RW, x_start
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK0_CFG_W1 ((0x1a1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK1_CFG_W1 ((0x1a20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK2_CFG_W1 ((0x1a24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK3_CFG_W1 ((0x1a28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, y_end
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12: 0 RW, y_start
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK0_CFG_W2 ((0x1a1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK1_CFG_W2 ((0x1a21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK2_CFG_W2 ((0x1a25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK3_CFG_W2 ((0x1a29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, h_end
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11: 0 RW, h_start
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK0_CFG_W3 ((0x1a1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK1_CFG_W3 ((0x1a22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK2_CFG_W3 ((0x1a26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK3_CFG_W3 ((0x1a2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, v_end
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11: 0 RW, v_start
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK0_CFG_W4 ((0x1a13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK1_CFG_W4 ((0x1a14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK2_CFG_W4 ((0x1a15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_BLK3_CFG_W4 ((0x1a16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 RW, burst_len_sel[2] of [2:0]
// Bit 30 RW, byte_swap: In addition to endian control, further define
// whether to swap upper and lower byte within a 16-bit mem word.
// 0=No swap; 1=Swap data[15:0] to be {data[7:0], data[15:8]}
// Bit 29 RW, div_swap : swap the 2 64bits words in 128 bit word
// Bit 28:24 RW, fifo_lim : when osd fifo is small than the fifo_lim*16, closed the rq port of osd_rd_mif
// Bit 23:22 RW, fifo_ctrl: 00 : for 1 word in 1 burst , 01 : for 2words in 1burst, 10: for 4words in 1burst, 11: reserved
// Bit 21:20 R, fifo_st. 0=IDLE, 1=FILL, 2=ABORT
// Bit 19 R, fifo_overflow
// Bit 18:12 RW, fifo_depth_val, max value=64: set actual fifo depth to fifo_depth_val*8.
// Bit 11:10 RW, burst_len_sel[1:0] of [2:0]. 0=24(default), 1=32, 2=48, 3=64, 4=96, 5=128.
// Bit 9: 5 RW, hold_fifo_lines[4:0]
// Bit 4 RW, clear_err: one pulse to clear fifo_overflow
// Bit 3 RW, fifo_sync_rst
// Bit 2: 1 RW, endian
// Bit 0 RW, urgent
#define VIU_OSD1_FIFO_CTRL_STAT ((0x1a2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 R, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 R, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 R, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 R, Output Alpha[8:1]
#define VIU_OSD1_TEST_RDDATA ((0x1a2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 RW, prot_en: 1=Borrow PROT's FIFO storage, either for rotate or non-rotate.
// Bit 12: 0 RW, effective FIFO size when prot_en=1.
#define VIU_OSD1_PROT_CTRL ((0x1a2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
////add for OSD1/2 mali_unpack
#define VIU_OSD1_MALI_UNPACK_CTRL ((0x1a2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// OSD2 registers 0x30-0x4f 0x64 -0x67
// Bit 31 Reserved
// Bit 30 RW, enable_free_clk: 1=use free-running clock to drive logics;
// 0=use gated clock for low power.
// Bit 29 R, test_rd_dsr
// Bit 28 R, osd_done
// Bit 27:24 R, osd_blk_mode
// Bit 23:22 R, osd_blk_ptr
// Bit 21 R, osd_enable
// Bit 20:12 RW, global_alpha
// Bit 11 RW, test_rd_en
// Bit 10 RW, hl2_en
// Bit 9 RW, hl1_en
// Bit 8: 5 RW, ctrl_mtch_y
// Bit 4 RW, ctrl_422to444
// Bit 3: 0 RW, osd_blk_enable. Bit 0 to enable block 0: 1=enable, 0=disable;
// Bit 1 to enable block 1, and so on.
#define VIU_OSD2_CTRL_STAT ((0x1a30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:26 Reserved
// Bit 25:16 R, fifo_count
// Bit 15 Reserved
// Bit 14 RW, replaced_alpha_en
// Bit 13: 6 RW, replaced_alpha
// Bit 5: 4 RW, hold_fifo_lines[6:5]
// Bit 3 RW, rgb2yuv_full_range
// Bit 2 RW, alpha_9b_mode
// Bit 1 RW, reserved
// Bit 0 RW, color_expand_mode
#define VIU_OSD2_CTRL_STAT2 ((0x1a4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31: 9 Reserved
// Bit 8 RW, 0 = Write LUT, 1 = Read LUT
// Bit 7: 0 RW, lut_addr
#define VIU_OSD2_COLOR_ADDR ((0x1a31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 RW, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 RW, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 RW, Alpha
#define VIU_OSD2_COLOR ((0x1a32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, hl[1-2]_h/v_start
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11: 0 RW, hl[1-2]_h/v_end
#define VIU_OSD2_HL1_H_START_END ((0x1a33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_HL1_V_START_END ((0x1a34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_HL2_H_START_END ((0x1a35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_HL2_V_START_END ((0x1a36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 RW, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 RW, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 RW, Alpha
#define VIU_OSD2_TCOLOR_AG0 ((0x1a37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_TCOLOR_AG1 ((0x1a38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_TCOLOR_AG2 ((0x1a39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_TCOLOR_AG3 ((0x1a3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 Reserved
// Bit 23:16 RW, tbl_addr
// Bit 15 RW, little_endian: 0=big endian, 1=little endian
// Bit 14 RW, rpt_y
// Bit 13:12 RW, interp_ctrl. 0x=No interpolation; 10=Interpolate with previous
// pixel; 11=Interpolate with the average value
// between previous and next pixel.
// Bit 11: 8 RW, osd_blk_mode
// Bit 7 RW, rgb_en
// Bit 6 RW, tc_alpha_en
// Bit 5: 2 RW, color_matrix
// Bit 1 RW, interlace_en
// Bit 0 RW, interlace_sel_odd
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK0_CFG_W0 ((0x1a3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK1_CFG_W0 ((0x1a3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK2_CFG_W0 ((0x1a43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK3_CFG_W0 ((0x1a47 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, x_end
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12: 0 RW, x_start
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK0_CFG_W1 ((0x1a3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK1_CFG_W1 ((0x1a40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK2_CFG_W1 ((0x1a44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK3_CFG_W1 ((0x1a48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, y_end
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12: 0 RW, y_start
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK0_CFG_W2 ((0x1a3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK1_CFG_W2 ((0x1a41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK2_CFG_W2 ((0x1a45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK3_CFG_W2 ((0x1a49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, h_end
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11: 0 RW, h_start
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK0_CFG_W3 ((0x1a3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK1_CFG_W3 ((0x1a42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK2_CFG_W3 ((0x1a46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK3_CFG_W3 ((0x1a4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, v_end
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11: 0 RW, v_start
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK0_CFG_W4 ((0x1a64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK1_CFG_W4 ((0x1a65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK2_CFG_W4 ((0x1a66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_BLK3_CFG_W4 ((0x1a67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 RW, burst_len_sel[2] of [2:0]
// Bit 30 RW, byte_swap: In addition to endian control, further define
// whether to swap upper and lower byte within a 16-bit mem word.
// 0=No swap; 1=Swap data[15:0] to be {data[7:0], data[15:8]}
// Bit 29 RW, div_swap : swap the 2 64bits words in 128 bit word
// Bit 28:24 RW, fifo_lim : when osd fifo is small than the fifo_lim*16, closed the rq port of osd_rd_mif
// Bit 23:22 RW, fifo_ctrl: 00 : for 1 word in 1 burst , 01 : for 2words in 1burst, 10: for 4words in 1burst, 11: reserved
// Bit 21:20 R, fifo_st. 0=IDLE, 1=FILL, 2=ABORT
// Bit 19 R, fifo_overflow
// Bit 18:12 RW, fifo_depth_val, max value=64: set actual fifo depth to fifo_depth_val*8.
// Bit 11:10 RW, burst_len_sel[1:0] of [2:0]. 0=24(default), 1=32, 2=48, 3=64, 4=96, 5=128.
// Bit 9: 5 RW, hold_fifo_lines[4:0]
// Bit 4 RW, clear_err: one pulse to clear fifo_overflow
// Bit 3 RW, fifo_sync_rst
// Bit 2: 1 RW, endian
// Bit 0 RW, urgent
#define VIU_OSD2_FIFO_CTRL_STAT ((0x1a4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 R, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 R, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 R, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 R, Output Alpha[8:1]
#define VIU_OSD2_TEST_RDDATA ((0x1a4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 RW, prot_en: 1=Borrow PROT's FIFO storage, either for rotate or non-rotate.
// Bit 12: 0 RW, effective FIFO size when prot_en=1.
#define VIU_OSD2_PROT_CTRL ((0x1a4e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1a4f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// VIU registers 0x50 -0x5f
#define VIU_DATA_SEC ((0x1a50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_FRM_CTRL ((0x1a51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 viu0_frm_start unsigned,default = 0 //pulse
//Bit 28:20 reserved
//Bit 19:17 viu0_frm_phs_mode unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 16 viu0_frm_start_sel unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 viu0_hold_line_num unsigned,default = 4
#define VIU_RDMIF_DEPTH ((0x1a52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MALI_AFBCD1_TOP_CTRL ((0x1a55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MALI_AFBCD2_TOP_CTRL ((0x1a56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 vd1_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vd1_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define VD2_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 vd2_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vd2_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define VD3_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 vd3_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vd3_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define OSD1_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 osd1_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 osd1_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define OSD2_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 osd2_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 osd2_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define OSD3_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 osd3_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 osd3_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define OSD4_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1a5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 osd4_hdr_in_vsize unsigned,default = 1920 ,//vsize of hdr
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 osd4_hdr_in_hsize unsigned,default = 1080 ,//hsize of hdr
#define OSD_BLEND_DIN_CTRL ((0x1a5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4 reserved
//Bit 3 :0 osd_bld_din_sel unsigned,default = 0xf
#define DOLBY_PATH_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x1a70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define DOLBY_PATH_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x1a71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define VD_PATH_MISC_CTRL ((0x1a7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
#define VD1_PPS_DUMMY_DATA ((0x1a80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 vd_pps_dummy_data
#define VD2_PPS_DUMMY_DATA ((0x1a81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reserved
//Bit 23:0 vd_pps_dummy_data
#define VD3_PPS_DUMMY_DATA ((0x1a82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 vd_pps_dummy_data
#define VPP_VD1_DSC_CTRL ((0x1a83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 vd1_in_dsc_ctrl unsigned,default = 0
#define VPP_VD2_DSC_CTRL ((0x1a84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 vd2_in_dsc_ctrl unsigned,default = 0
#define VPP_VD3_DSC_CTRL ((0x1a85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 vd3_in_dsc_ctrl unsigned,default = 0
#define VPP_SC_HOLD_LINES ((0x1a88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:24 osd4_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//osd4 proc path hold lines
//Bit 23:20 osd3_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//osd3 proc path hold lines
//Bit 19:16 osd2_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//osd2 proc path hold lines
//Bit 15:12 osd1_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//osd1 proc path hold lines
//Bit 11:8 vd3_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//vd3 proc path hold lines
//Bit 7 :4 vd2_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//vd2 proc path hold lines
//Bit 3 :0 vd1_path_hold_lines unsigned,default = 0 ,//vd1 proc path hold lines
#define PATH_START_SEL ((0x1a8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14 reserved
//Bit 13:12 osd3_path_start_sel unsigned,default = 2 ,//0:use vpp0_go_field 1:use vpp1_go_field 2:use vpp2_go_field
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9 :8 osd2_path_start_sel unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:use vpp0_go_field 1:use vpp1_go_field 2:use vpp2_go_field
//Bit 7 :6 reserved
//Bit 5 :4 vd3_path_start_sel unsigned,default = 2 ,//0:use vpp0_go_field 1:use vpp1_go_field 2:use vpp2_go_field
//Bit 3 :2 reserved
//Bit 1 :0 vd2_path_start_sel unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:use vpp0_go_field 1:use vpp1_go_field 2:use vpp2_go_field
#define VPP_OSD_SCALE_CTRL ((0x1a8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15 reserved
//Bit 14 osd4_sc_cmp_byp unsigned,default = 0 ,//0:open data_convert 1:bypass data_convert
//Bit 13 osd4_sc_cmp_mode unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:{2'd0,data} 1:{data,2'd0}
//Bit 12 osd4_sc_path_sel unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:after HDR 1:before osd_blend
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10 osd3_sc_cmp_byp unsigned,default = 0 ,//0:open data_convert 1:bypass data_convert
//Bit 9 osd3_sc_cmp_mode unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:{2'd0,data} 1:{data,2'd0}
//Bit 8 osd3_sc_path_sel unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:after HDR 1:before osd_blend
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6 osd2_sc_cmp_byp unsigned,default = 0 ,//0:open data_convert 1:bypass data_convert
//Bit 5 osd2_sc_cmp_mode unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:{2'd0,data} 1:{data,2'd0}
//Bit 4 osd2_sc_path_sel unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:after HDR 1:before osd_blend
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2 osd1_sc_cmp_byp unsigned,default = 0 ,//0:open data_convert 1:bypass data_convert
//Bit 1 osd1_sc_cmp_mode unsigned,default = 1 ,//0:{2'd0,data} 1:{data,2'd0}
//Bit 0 osd1_sc_path_sel unsigned,default = 0 ,//0:after HDR 1:before osd_blend
#define VIU1_FRM_CTRL ((0x1a8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 viu1_frm_start unsigned,default = 0 //pulse
//Bit 28:20 reserved
//Bit 19:17 viu1_frm_phs_mode unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 16 viu1_frm_start_sel unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 viu1_hold_line_num unsigned,default = 4
#define VIU2_FRM_CTRL ((0x1a8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 viu2_frm_start unsigned,default = 0 //pulse
//Bit 28:20 reserved
//Bit 19:17 viu2_frm_phs_mode unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 16 viu2_frm_start_sel unsigned,default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 viu2_hold_line_num unsigned,default = 4
#define VPU_SEC_INT_STAT ((0x1a8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 vpp0_sec_int_stat unsigned,default = 0 ,// vppx in sec error int status
//Bit 1 vpp1_sec_int_stat unsigned,default = 0 ,// vppx in sec error int status
//Bit 0 vpp2_sec_int_stat unsigned,default = 0 ,// vppx in sec error int status
// OSD1_MATRIX registers 0x90 -0x9f
//Bit 7, highlight_en
//Bit 6 probe_post, if true, probe pixel data after matrix, otherwise probe pixel data before matrix
//Bit 5:4 probe_sel, 00: select matrix 0, 01: select matrix 1, otherwise select nothing
//Bit 3:2, matrix coef idx selection, 00: select mat0, 01: select mat1, otherwise slect nothing
//Bit 1 mat1 conversion matrix enable
//Bit 0 mat0 conversion matrix enable
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_CTRL ((0x1a90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x1a91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x1a92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x1a93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x1a94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 mat_clmod
//Bit 18:16 mat_convrs
//Bit 12:0 mat_coef42
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COLMOD_COEF42 ((0x1a95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 offset0
//Bit 10:0 offset1
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1a96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 offset2
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x1a97 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 pre_offset0
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset1
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1a98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset2
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1a99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 29:20 component 0
//Bit 19:10 component 1
//Bit 9:0 component 2
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x1a9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 component 0
//Bit 15:8 component 1
//Bit 7:0 component 2
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x1a9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//28:16 probe x, postion
//12:0 probe y, position
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x1a9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 12:0 coef30
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF22_30 ((0x1a9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef31
//Bit 12:0 coef32
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF31_32 ((0x1a9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef40
//Bit 12:0 coef41
#define VIU_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF40_41 ((0x1a9f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_OETF_3X3_OFST_0 ((0x1aa0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_OETF_3X3_OFST_1 ((0x1aa1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define OSD_BLENDO_H_START_END 8'ha9 //'d1919
//OSD blending output horizontal start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
//`define OSD_BLENDO_V_START_END 8'haa //'d1079
//OSD blending output vertical start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
//`define OSD_BLEND_GEN_CTRL0 8'hab //'h2000
//Bit 31:23 const_out_alpha
//Bit 22:14 const_op_alpha
//Bit 13 if true, OSD2 foreground otherwise OSD1 foreground
//Bit 12 OSD BLENDing enable
//Bit 9:8 alpha_op_sel 00: output alpha use osd1_alpha, 01: use osd2_alpha, else use const_out_alpha
//Bit 5:4 color_op_sel 00: use osd1_alpha, 01: use osd2_alpha, else use const_op_alpha
//Bit 1 OSD2 enable
//Bit 0 OSD1 enable
//`define OSD_BLEND_GEN_CTRL1 8'hac //'h80000
//Bit 31 osd1_alpha_premult, if true, osd1 alpha is premultipiled
//Bit 30 osd2_alpha_premult, if true, osd2 alpha is premultipiled
//Bit 23:16 osd blending hold lines
//Bit 13:0 osd blending h_size
//`define OSD_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA 8'had //0
//Bit 29:20 Y/R
//Bit 19:10 CB/G
//Bit 9:0 Cr/B
//`define OSD_BLEND_CURRENT_XY 8'hae //read only
//Bit 28:16 current_x
//Bit 12:0 current_y
//Bit 7, highlight_en
//Bit 6 probe_post, if true, probe pixel data after matrix, otherwise probe pixel data before matrix
//Bit 5:4 probe_sel, 00: select matrix 0, 01: select matrix 1, otherwise select nothing
//Bit 3:2, matrix coef idx selection, 00: select mat0, 01: select mat1, otherwise slect nothing
//Bit 1 mat1 conversion matrix enable
//Bit 0 mat0 conversion matrix enable
//`define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_CTRL 8'hb0
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x1ab1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x1ab2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x1ab3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x1ab4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x1ab5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 offset0
//Bit 10:0 offset1
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1ab6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 offset2
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x1ab7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 pre_offset0
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset1
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1ab8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset2
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1ab9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 29:20 component 0
//Bit 19:10 component 1
//Bit 9:0 component 2
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x1aba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 component 0
//Bit 15:8 component 1
//Bit 7:0 component 2
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x1abb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//28:16 probe x, postion
//12:0 probe y, position
#define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x1abc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_MALI_UNPACK_CTRL ((0x1abd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_HL_COLOR 8'hbe
//`define VIU_OSD2_MATRIX_PROBE_POS 8'hbf
// //todo add comment
#define LDIM_STTS_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x1ac0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_CTRL0 ((0x1ac1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_WIDTHM1_HEIGHTM1 ((0x1ac2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x1ac3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x1ac4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x1ac5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x1ac6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x1ac7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1ac8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x1ac9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1aca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1acb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x1acc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x1acd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// //read only
#define LDIM_STTS_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x1ace << 2) + 0xff000000)
// //Bit 31, local dimming statistic enable
// //Bit 29, 1: output region histogram 16bit 0:output region histogram 20bit
// //Bit 28, eol enable
// //Bit 27:25, vertical line overlap number for max finding
// //Bit 24:22, horizontal pixel overlap number, 0: 17 pix, 1: 9 pix, 2: 5 pix, 3: 3 pix, 4: 0 pix
// //Bit 20, 1,2,1 low pass filter enable before max/hist statistic
// //Bit 19:16, region H/V position index, refer to VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_SET_REGION
// //Bit 15:14, 1: region read index auto increase per block read finished to VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION
// // 2: region read index auto increase per read finished to VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION
// // 0/3: disable read index self increase
// //Bit 13:8, region read sub index, which mux the hist & max-finding result to cbus port, refer to LDIM_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION
// //Bit 6:0, region read index
#define LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX ((0x1ad0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:0, if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h0: read/write hvstart0
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h1: read/write hend01
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h2: read/write vend01
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h3: read/write hend23
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h4: read/write vend23
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h5: read/write hend45
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h6: read/write vend45
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'd7: read/write hend67
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h8: read/write vend67
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'h9: read/write hend89
// if VDIN_LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[19:16] == 5'ha: read/write vend89
// //hvstart0, Bit 28:16 row0 vstart, Bit 12:0 col0 hstart
// //hend01, Bit 28:16 col1 hend, Bit 12:0 col0 hend
// //vend01, Bit 28:16 row1 vend, Bit 12:0 row0 vend
// //hend23, Bit 28:16 col3 hend, Bit 12:0 col2 hend
// //vend23, Bit 28:16 row3 vend, Bit 12:0 row2 vend
// //hend45, Bit 28:16 col5 hend, Bit 12:0 col4 hend
// //vend45, Bit 28:16 row5 vend, Bit 12:0 row4 vend
// //hend67, Bit 28:16 col7 hend, Bit 12:0 col6 hend
// //vend67, Bit 28:16 row7 vend, Bit 12:0 row6 vend
// //hend89, Bit 28:16 col9 hend, Bit 12:0 col8 hend
// //vend89, Bit 28:16 row9 vend, Bit 12:0 row8 vend
#define LDIM_STTS_HIST_SET_REGION ((0x1ad1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[29] == 0, that is output hist with 20bit data.
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[21] == 0, that is output 16hist bins in comp 0.
// //output sequence as rd_sub_idx from 0~47: {max_comp2, comp0_hist0}, {max_comp1, comp0_hist1}, {max_comp0, comp0_hist2},
// // comp0_hist3 ... comp2_hist16
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[29] == 1, that is output hist with 16bit data.
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[21] == 0, that is output 16hist bins in comp 0.
// //output sequence as rd_sub_idx from 0~47: {max_comp2, max_comp1, max_comp0}, comp0_hist0, comp0_hist1, comp0_hist2
// // comp0_hist3 ... comp2_hist16
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[29] == 0, that is output hist with 20bit data.
// //if LDIM_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX[21] == 1, that is output 32hist bins in comp 0.
// //output sequence as rd_sub_idx from 0~47: {max_comp2, max_comp1, max_comp0}, comp0_hist0, comp0_hist1, comp0_hist2
// // comp0_hist3 ...comp0_hist31 ... comp1_hist16
#define LDIM_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION ((0x1ad2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_HIST_START_RD_REGION ((0x1ad3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LDIM_STTS_PCTL_TH ((0x1aaf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 for all [31] for all eotf enable,[30] for matrix3x3 enable, [29:27] for eotf_ch0~3
//Bit 17:6 for clock gating
//Bit 5:4 pscale_mode ch2
//Bit 3:2 pscale_mode ch1
//Bit 1:0 pscale_mode ch0
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_CTL ((0x1ad4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_COEF00_01 ((0x1ad5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_COEF02_10 ((0x1ad6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_COEF11_12 ((0x1ad7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_COEF20_21 ((0x1ad8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 2:0 coef_rs
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_COEF22_RS ((0x1ad9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x1ada << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x1adb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 for OETF ch0~ch2
//Bit 21:12 for clock gating
//Bit 11:8 for oetf_scl_ch2
//Bit 7:4 for oetf_scl_ch1
//Bit 3:0 for oetf_scl_ch0
#define VIU_OSD1_OETF_CTL ((0x1adc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x1add << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD1_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x1ade << 2) + 0xff000000)
//can use 8'hdf 8'hcf
#define VIU_OSD1_DIMM_CTRL ((0x1adf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD2_DIMM_CTRL ((0x1acf << 2) + 0xff000000)
// OSD1_MATRIX registers 0xe0 -0xfe
//the segment of afbc dec is 8'he0-8'hfe
//`define AFBC_DEC_OFFSET 8'he0
// Reading file: afbc_dec_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//// reg
#define AFBC_ENABLE ((0x1ae0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:23, reg_gclk_ctrl_core unsigned, default = 0
//Bit 22, reg_fmt_size_sw_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:hw mode 1:sw mode for format size
//Bit 21, reg_addr_link_en unsigned, default = 1, 1:enable
//Bit 20, reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
//Bit 19, reg_dos_uncomp_mode unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 18:16, soft_rst unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, ddr_blk_size unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:9, cmd_blk_size unsigend , default = 3
//Bit 8, dec_enable unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7:2, reserved
//Bit 1, head_len_sel unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, dec_frm_start unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBC_MODE ((0x1ae1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29, ddr_sz_mode uns, default = 0 , 0: fixed block ddr size 1 : unfixed block ddr size;
//Bit 28, blk_mem_mode uns, default = 0 , 0: fixed 16x128 size; 1 : fixed 12x128 size
//Bit 27:26, rev_mode uns, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent uns, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num uns, default = 4 ,
//Bit 15:14, burst_len uns, default = 2, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:8, compbits_yuv uns, default = 0 ,
// bit 1:0,: y component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 3:2,: u component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 5:4,: v component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
//Bit 7:6, vert_skip_y uns, default = 0 , luma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 5:4, horz_skip_y uns, default = 0 , luma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 3:2, vert_skip_uv uns, default = 0 , chroma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 1:0, horz_skip_uv uns, default = 0 , chroma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
#define AFBC_SIZE_IN ((0x1ae2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in uns, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_in uns, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define AFBC_DEC_DEF_COLOR ((0x1ae3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:20, def_color_y uns, default = 255, afbc dec y default setting value
//Bit 19:10, def_color_u uns, default = 128, afbc dec u default setting value
//Bit 9: 0, def_color_v uns, default = 128, afbc dec v default setting value
#define AFBC_CONV_CTRL ((0x1ae4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, fmt_mode uns, default = 2, 0:yuv444 1:yuv422 2:yuv420
//Bit 11: 0, conv_lbuf_len uns, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define AFBC_LBUF_DEPTH ((0x1ae5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, dec_lbuf_depth uns, default = 128; // unit= 8 pixel
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, mif_lbuf_depth uns, default = 128;
#define AFBC_HEAD_BADDR ((0x1ae6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, mif_info_baddr uns, default = 32'h0;
#define AFBC_BODY_BADDR ((0x1ae7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, mif_data_baddr uns, default = 32'h00010000;
#define AFBC_SIZE_OUT ((0x1ae8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, hsize_out uns, default = 1920 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_out uns, default = 1080 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define AFBC_OUT_YSCOPE ((0x1ae9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, out_vert_bgn uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, out_vert_end uns, default = 1079 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define AFBC_STAT ((0x1aea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_dbg_top_info uns,
#define AFBC_VD_CFMT_CTRL ((0x1aeb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cfmt_gclk_bit_dis uns, default = 0 ; // it true, disable clock, otherwise enable clock
//Bit 30 cfmt_soft_rst_bit uns, default = 0 ; // soft rst bit
//Bit 29 reserved
//Bit 28 chfmt_rpt_pix uns, default = 0 ; // if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 27:24 chfmt_ini_phase uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 23 chfmt_rpt_p0_en uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 22:21 chfmt_yc_ratio uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 20 chfmt_en uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter enable
//Bit 19 cvfmt_phase0_always_en uns, default = 0 ; //if true, always use phase0 while vertical formater, meaning always
// repeat data, no interpolation
//Bit 18 cvfmt_rpt_last_dis uns, default = 0 ; //if true, disable vertical formatter chroma repeat last line
//Bit 17 cvfmt_phase0_nrpt_en uns, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter dont need repeat line on phase0, 1: enable, 0: disable
//Bit 16 cvfmt_rpt_line0_en uns, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter repeat line 0 enable
//Bit 15:12 cvfmt_skip_line_num uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter skip line num at the beginning
//Bit 11:8 cvfmt_ini_phase uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter initial phase
//Bit 7:1 cvfmt_phase_step uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter phase step (3.4)
//Bit 0 cvfmt_en uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter enable
#define AFBC_VD_CFMT_W ((0x1aec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 chfmt_w uns, default = 0 ;horizontal formatter width
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cvfmt_w uns, default = 0 ;vertical formatter width
#define AFBC_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x1aed << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, mif_blk_bgn_h uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 0, mif_blk_end_h uns, default = 59 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
#define AFBC_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x1aee << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, mif_blk_bgn_v uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mif_blk_end_v uns, default = 269; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
#define AFBC_PIXEL_HOR_SCOPE ((0x1aef << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, dec_pixel_bgn_h uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, dec_pixel_end_h uns, default = 1919 ; // unit: pixel
#define AFBC_PIXEL_VER_SCOPE ((0x1af0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, dec_pixel_bgn_v uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, dec_pixel_end_v uns, default = 1079 ; // unit: pixel
#define AFBC_VD_CFMT_H ((0x1af1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0 cfmt_h uns, default = 142 ; //vertical formatter height
#define AFBCDEC_IQUANT_ENABLE ((0x1af2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 //unsigned, RW, enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 //unsigned, RW, enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst //signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x1af3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x1af4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x1af5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x1af6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: afbc_dec_regs.h
// Closing file: vregs_clk2.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xa00 - 0xbff
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x1b58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x1b59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x1b5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x1b5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x1b5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x1b5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x1b5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Route the hsync and vsync signals round the chip. There are three
// sources and users of these signals: VIU, internal video encoder, and
// the pins on the chip. Some muxing is still being done in the VIU. It
// was not moved to the venc module so that the same exact VIU code could
// be used both in Twister and Twister2000.
// Bit 2: venc_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>viu)
// Bit 1: viu_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>venc)
// Bit 0: vpins_sync_source (1=>venc, 0=>viu)
#define VENC_SYNC_ROUTE ((0x1b60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// encoder address space is assigned
// to the video encoder interface status
// register
#define VENC_VIDEO_EXSRC ((0x1b61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_DVI_SETTING ((0x1b62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_C656_CTRL ((0x1b63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_UPSAMPLE_CTRL0 ((0x1b64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_UPSAMPLE_CTRL1 ((0x1b65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_UPSAMPLE_CTRL2 ((0x1b66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Invert control for tcon output
// bit[15:14] -- vsync, hsync,
// bit[13:0] -- oev3, oev2, cpv2, cph3, cph2, cph1, oeh, vcom, stv2, stv1, cpv1, oev1, sth1, sth2
#define TCON_INVERT_CTL ((0x1b67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_PROG_MODE ((0x1b68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Venc pixel/line info
#define VENC_ENCI_LINE ((0x1b69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_ENCI_PIXEL ((0x1b6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_ENCP_LINE ((0x1b6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_ENCP_PIXEL ((0x1b6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Status
#define VENC_STATA ((0x1b6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Interrupt setting
#define VENC_INTCTRL ((0x1b6e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_INTFLAG ((0x1b6f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------- Video test configuration
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_EN ((0x1b70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_MDSEL ((0x1b71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_Y ((0x1b72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_CB ((0x1b73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_CR ((0x1b74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x1b75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x1b76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VIDEO_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x1b77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video dac setting
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL0 ((0x1b78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL1 ((0x1b79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL2 ((0x1b7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL3 ((0x1b7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL4 ((0x1b7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DACSEL5 ((0x1b7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_SETTING ((0x1b7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_TST_VAL ((0x1b7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC0_GAINCTRL ((0x1bf0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC0_OFFSET ((0x1bf1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC1_GAINCTRL ((0x1bf2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC1_OFFSET ((0x1bf3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC2_GAINCTRL ((0x1bf4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC2_OFFSET ((0x1bf5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC3_GAINCTRL ((0x1bf6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC3_OFFSET ((0x1bf7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC4_GAINCTRL ((0x1bf8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC4_OFFSET ((0x1bf9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC5_GAINCTRL ((0x1bfa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC5_OFFSET ((0x1bfb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_FIFO_CTRL ((0x1bfc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TCON_INVERT_CTL ((0x1bfd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc_regs.h
// Reading file: enc480p_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Video Encoder 480p Registers 0xb80 - 0xbef
//-------- Video basic setting
#define ENCP_VIDEO_EN ((0x1b80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SYNC_MODE ((0x1b81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_EN ((0x1b82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x1b83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x1b84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x1b85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SYNC_SCL ((0x1b86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MACV_SCL ((0x1b87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x1b88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x1b89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x1b8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SYNC_OFFST ((0x1b8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MACV_OFFST ((0x1b8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MODE ((0x1b8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x1b8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCP_DBG_PX_RST ((0x1b90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DBG_LN_RST ((0x1b91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DBG_PX_INT ((0x1b92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DBG_LN_INT ((0x1b93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCP_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x1b94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x1b95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x1b96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x1b97 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HSPULS_BEGIN ((0x1b98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HSPULS_END ((0x1b99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HSPULS_SWITCH ((0x1b9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSPULS_BEGIN ((0x1b9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSPULS_END ((0x1b9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSPULS_BLINE ((0x1b9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSPULS_ELINE ((0x1b9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_EQPULS_BEGIN ((0x1b9f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_EQPULS_END ((0x1ba0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_EQPULS_BLINE ((0x1ba1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_EQPULS_ELINE ((0x1ba2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x1ba3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x1ba4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x1baf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x1ba6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1ba7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x1ba8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x1ba9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x1baa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x1bab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x1bac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SYNC_WAVE_CURVE ((0x1bad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x1bae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SY_VAL ((0x1bb0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_SY2_VAL ((0x1bb1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x1bb2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x1bb3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x1bb4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x1bb5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x1bb6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x1bb7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x1bb8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x1bb9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x1bba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x1bbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x1bbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x1bbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//------------------Macrovision advanced setting
#define ENCP_MACV_BLANKY_VAL ((0x1bc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_MAXY_VAL ((0x1bc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_1ST_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x1bc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x1bc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_AGC_STRT ((0x1bc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_AGC_END ((0x1bc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_WAVE_END ((0x1bc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_STRTLINE ((0x1bc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_ENDLINE ((0x1bc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_L ((0x1bc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_H ((0x1bca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TIME_DOWN ((0x1bcb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TIME_LO ((0x1bcc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TIME_UP ((0x1bcd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MACV_TIME_RST ((0x1bce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---------------- VBI control -------------------
#define ENCP_VBI_CTRL ((0x1bd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_SETTING ((0x1bd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_BEGIN ((0x1bd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_WIDTH ((0x1bd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_HVAL ((0x1bd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_DATA0 ((0x1bd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_VBI_DATA1 ((0x1bd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------------C656 OUT Control------------- Grant
#define C656_HS_ST ((0x1be0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_HS_ED ((0x1be1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_E ((0x1be2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_O ((0x1be3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_E ((0x1be4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_O ((0x1be5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNST ((0x1be6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNED ((0x1be7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: enc480p_regs.h
// Reading file: enci_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xb00 - 0xb57
#define ENCI_VIDEO_MODE ((0x1b00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x1b01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_FSC_ADJ ((0x1b02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_BRIGHT ((0x1b03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_CONT ((0x1b04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_SAT ((0x1b05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_HUE ((0x1b06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_SCH ((0x1b07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_MODE ((0x1b08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_CTRL ((0x1b09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1b0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_HSO_END ((0x1b0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_VSO_EVN ((0x1b0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_VSO_ODD ((0x1b0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_VSO_EVNLN ((0x1b0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_VSO_ODDLN ((0x1b0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_HOFFST ((0x1b10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_VOFFST ((0x1b11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_SYNC_ADJ ((0x1b12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_RGB_SETTING ((0x1b13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI_CMPN_MATRIX_CB 8'h14
//`define ENCI_CMPN_MATRIX_CR 8'h15
#define ENCI_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x1b16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DE_H_END ((0x1b17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x1b18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x1b19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x1b1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x1b1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_SETTING ((0x1b20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CCDT_EVN ((0x1b21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CCDT_ODD ((0x1b22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CC525_LN ((0x1b23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CC625_LN ((0x1b24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_WSSDT ((0x1b25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_WSS_LN ((0x1b26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CGMSDT_L ((0x1b27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CGMSDT_H ((0x1b28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_CGMS_LN ((0x1b29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTX_HTIME ((0x1b2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTX_LN ((0x1b2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTXDT0 ((0x1b2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTXDT1 ((0x1b2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTXDT2 ((0x1b2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VBI_TTXDT3 ((0x1b2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N0 ((0x1b30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N1 ((0x1b31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N2 ((0x1b32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N3 ((0x1b33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N4 ((0x1b34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N5 ((0x1b35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N6 ((0x1b36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N7 ((0x1b37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N8 ((0x1b38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N9 ((0x1b39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N10 ((0x1b3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N11 ((0x1b3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N12 ((0x1b3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N13 ((0x1b3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N14 ((0x1b3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N15 ((0x1b3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N16 ((0x1b40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N17 ((0x1b41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N18 ((0x1b42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N19 ((0x1b43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N20 ((0x1b44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N21 ((0x1b45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_N22 ((0x1b46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI_MACV_P_AGC 8'h47
#define ENCI_DBG_PX_RST ((0x1b48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DBG_FLDLN_RST ((0x1b49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DBG_PX_INT ((0x1b4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DBG_FLDLN_INT ((0x1b4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DBG_MAXPX ((0x1b4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DBG_MAXLN ((0x1b4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_MAX_AMP ((0x1b50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_PULSE_LO ((0x1b51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_PULSE_HI ((0x1b52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_MACV_BKP_MAX ((0x1b53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_CFILT_CTRL ((0x1b54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_CFILT7 ((0x1b55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_YC_DELAY ((0x1b56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VIDEO_EN ((0x1b57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: enci_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc2_regs.h
// Venc Registers (Cont.) 0xc00 - 0xcff (VENC registers 0xc00 - 0xcef)
// Program video control signals from ENCI core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCI_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1c00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_HSO_END ((0x1c01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x1c02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x1c03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x1c04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x1c05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x1c06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x1c07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x1c08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x1c09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Define cmpt and cvbs cb/cr delay after ENCI chroma filters
// Bit 15:12 RW, enci_cb_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 11: 8 RW, enci_cr_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 7: 4 RW, enci_cb_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 3: 0 RW, enci_cr_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
#define ENCI_CFILT_CTRL2 ((0x1c0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DACSEL_0 ((0x1c0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_DACSEL_1 ((0x1c0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DACSEL_0 ((0x1c0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DACSEL_1 ((0x1c0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x1c0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_EN ((0x1c10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_MDSEL ((0x1c11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_Y ((0x1c12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_CB ((0x1c13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_CR ((0x1c14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x1c15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x1c16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x1c17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x1c18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x1c19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x1c1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x1c1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x1c1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x1c1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x1c1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x1c1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x1c20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x1c21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x1c22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x1c23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x1c24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x1c25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x1c26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x1c27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_EN ((0x1c28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_MDSEL ((0x1c29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_Y ((0x1c2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_CB ((0x1c2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_CR ((0x1c2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x1c2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x1c2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x1c2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Program video control signals from ENCP core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCP_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1c30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_HSO_END ((0x1c31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x1c32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x1c33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x1c34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x1c35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x1c36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x1c37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x1c38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x1c39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x1c3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_H_END ((0x1c3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x1c3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x1c3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x1c3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x1c3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCI_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x1c40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCI_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x1c41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - enci_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - encp_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - enct_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCI_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x1c42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCI_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x1c43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCP_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x1c44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCP_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x1c45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - enci_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - encp_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - enct_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCP_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x1c46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCP_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x1c47 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCT_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x1c48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCT_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x1c49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - enci_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - encp_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - enct_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCT_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x1c4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCT_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x1c4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCL_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x1c4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCL_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x1c4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - enci_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - encp_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - enct_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCL_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x1c4e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCL_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x1c4f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 3 cfg_encp_lcd_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale LCD input data;
// 0=Scale LCD input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 2 cfg_encp_vadj_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale data to enc480p_vadj;
// 0=Scale enc480p_vadj input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 1 cfg_vfifo2vd_out_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale vfifo2vd's output vdata;
// 0=Scale vfifo2vd's output vdata to y [16,235], c [16,240].
// bit 0 cfg_vfifo_din_full_range. 1=Data from viu fifo is full range [0,1023];
// 0=Data from viu fifo is y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
#define ENCP_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x1c50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:1 Reserved.
// bit 0 cfg_int_dvi_sel_rgb. Applicable for using on-chip hdmi tx module only. This bit controls correct bit-mapping from
// Venc to hdmi_tx depending on whether YCbCr or RGB mode.
// 1=Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for RGB mode;
// 0=Default. Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for YCbCr mode.
#define VENC_DVI_SETTING_MORE ((0x1c51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x1c5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x1c5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCT registers
#define ENCT_VIDEO_EN ((0x1c60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x1c61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x1c62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x1c63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x1c64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x1c65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x1c66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MODE ((0x1c67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x1c68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCT_DBG_PX_RST ((0x1c69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_DBG_LN_RST ((0x1c6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_DBG_PX_INT ((0x1c6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_DBG_LN_INT ((0x1c6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCT_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x1c6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x1c6e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x1c6f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x1c70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x1c71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x1c72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x1c73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x1c74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1c75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x1c76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x1c77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x1c78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x1c79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x1c7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x1c7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x1c7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x1c7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x1c7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x1c7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x1c80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x1c81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x1c82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x1c83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x1c84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x1c85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x1c86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x1c87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x1c88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_DACSEL_0 ((0x1c89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_DACSEL_1 ((0x1c8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x1c8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x1c8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INBUF_CNT ((0x1c8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x1c8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x1c8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// For ENCL
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x1c90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x1c91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x1c92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x1c93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x1c94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x1c95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x1c96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x1c97 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_EN ((0x1c98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_MDSEL ((0x1c99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_Y ((0x1c9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_CB ((0x1c9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_CR ((0x1c9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x1c9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x1c9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x1c9f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCL registers
#define ENCL_VIDEO_EN ((0x1ca0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x1ca1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x1ca2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x1ca3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x1ca4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x1ca5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x1ca6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MODE ((0x1ca7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x1ca8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCL_DBG_PX_RST ((0x1ca9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_DBG_LN_RST ((0x1caa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_DBG_PX_INT ((0x1cab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_DBG_LN_INT ((0x1cac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCL_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x1cad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x1cae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x1caf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x1cb0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x1cb1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x1cb2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x1cb3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x1cb4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x1cb5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x1cb6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x1cb7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x1cb8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x1cb9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x1cba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x1cbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x1cbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x1cbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x1cbe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x1cbf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x1cc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x1cc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x1cc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x1cc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x1cc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x1cc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x1cc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x1cc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x1cc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_DACSEL_0 ((0x1cc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_DACSEL_1 ((0x1cca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x1ccb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x1ccc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x1ccd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x1cce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x1ccf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x1cd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x1cd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x1cd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x1cd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x1cd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INBUF_CNT ((0x1cd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x1cd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x1cd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC_VRR_CTRL ((0x1cd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cfg_vsp_din // W, pulse
//Bit 30 cfg_vrr_clr // W, pulse
//Bit 31:28 ro_vrr_vsp_cnt // R,
//Bit 27:24 ro_vrr_max_err // R,
//Bit 23:8 cfg_vsp_dly_num // R/W, unsigned, default 0
//Bit 7:4 cfg_vrr_frm_ths // R/W, unsigned, default 0
//Bit 3:2 cfg_vrr_vsp_en // R/W, unsigned, default 0
//Bit 1 cfg_vrr_mode // R/W, unsigned, default 0
//Bit 0 cfg_vrr_vsp_sel // R/W, unsigned, default 0
#define VENC_VRR_ADJ_LMT ((0x1cd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 cfg_vrr_min_vnum //R/W, unsigned,
//Bit 15:0 cfg_vrr_max_vnum //R/W, unsigned,
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_V0 ((0x1ce0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_V1 ((0x1ce1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_V2 ((0x1ce2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_V3 ((0x1ce3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_H0 ((0x1ce4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_H1 ((0x1ce5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_H2 ((0x1ce6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_PWM_H3 ((0x1ce7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_3D_SYNC1 ((0x1ce8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPU_3D_SYNC2 ((0x1ce9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENC_DUMMY ((0x1cdf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENC_ERROR ((0x1cea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCI_STAT ((0x1ceb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCP_STAT ((0x1cec << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_STAT ((0x1ced << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENC_DITH ((0x1cee << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENC_CTRL ((0x1cef << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_CTRL ((0x1cf0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_1 ((0x1cf1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_2 ((0x1cf2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_3 ((0x1cf3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_4 ((0x1cf4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_5 ((0x1cf5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_6 ((0x1cf6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_7 ((0x1cf7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_8 ((0x1cf8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_9 ((0x1cf9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_10 ((0x1cfa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_11 ((0x1cfb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_LUT_12 ((0x1cfc << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc2_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Video postprocesing Registers
// dummy data used in the VPP preblend and scaler
// Bit 23:16 Y
// Bit 15:8 CB
// Bit 7:0 CR
#define VPP_DUMMY_DATA ((0x1d00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//input line length used in VPP
#define VPP_LINE_IN_LENGTH ((0x1d01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//input Picture height used in VPP
#define VPP_PIC_IN_HEIGHT ((0x1d02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 13 if true, vertical separated coef enable
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8:7 type of index, 00: vertical coef, 01: vertical chroma coef: 10: horizontal coef, 11: resevered
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define VPP_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x1d03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
#define VPP_SCALE_COEF ((0x1d04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//these following registers are the absolute line address pointer for output divided screen
//The output divided screen is shown in the following:
// -------------------------- <------ line zero
// .
// .
// . region0 <---------- nonlinear region or nonscaling region
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region1_startp
// .
// . region1 <---------- nonlinear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region2_startp
// .
// . region2 <---------- linear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region3_startp
// .
// . region3 <---------- nonlinear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region4_startp
// .
// . region4 <---------- nonlinear region or nonoscaling region
// .
// .
// --------------------------- <------ region4_endp
//Bit 28:16 region1 startp
//Bit 12:0 region2 startp
#define VPP_VSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x1d05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region3 startp
//Bit 12:0 region4 startp
#define VPP_VSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x1d06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x1d07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical start phase step, (source/dest)*(2^24)
//Bit 27:24 integer part
//Bit 23:0 fraction part
#define VPP_VSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x1d08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region0 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_VSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region1 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_VSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region3 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_VSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region4 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_VSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 18:17 double line mode, input/output line width of vscaler becomes 2X,
// so only 2 line buffer in this case, use for 3D line by line interleave scaling
// bit1 true, double the input width and half input height, bit0 true, change line buffer 2 lines instead of 4 lines
//Bit 16 0: progressive output, 1: interlace output
//Bit 15 vertical scaler output line0 in advance or not for bottom field
//Bit 14:13 vertical scaler initial repeat line0 number for bottom field
//Bit 11:8 vertical scaler initial receiving number for bottom field
//Bit 7 vertical scaler output line0 in advance or not for top field
//Bit 6:5 vertical scaler initial repeat line0 number for top field
//Bit 3:0 vertical scaler initial receiving number for top field
#define VPP_VSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x1d0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 vertical scaler field initial phase for bottom field
//Bit 15:0 vertical scaler field initial phase for top field
#define VPP_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x1d0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region1 startp
//Bit 12:0 region2 startp
#define VPP_HSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x1d10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region3 startp
//Bit 12:0 region4 startp
#define VPP_HSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x1d11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_HSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x1d12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal start phase step, (source/dest)*(2^24)
//Bit 27:24 integer part
//Bit 23:0 fraction part
#define VPP_HSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x1d13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region0 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_HSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region1 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_HSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region3 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_HSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region4 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define VPP_HSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x1d17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22:21 horizontal scaler initial repeat pixel0 number0
//Bit 19:16 horizontal scaler initial receiving number0
//Bit 15:0 horizontal scaler top field initial phase0
#define VPP_HSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x1d18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 22 if true, divide VSC line length 2 as the HSC input length, othwise VSC length length is the same as the VSC line length,
// just for special usage, more flexibility
// Bit 21 if true, prevsc uses lin buffer, otherwise prevsc does not use line buffer, it should be same as prevsc_en
// Bit 20 prehsc_en
// Bit 19 prevsc_en
// Bit 18 vsc_en
// Bit 17 hsc_en
// Bit 16 scale_top_en
// Bit 15 video1 scale out enable
// Bit 12 if true, region0,region4 are nonlinear regions, otherwise they are not scaling regions, for horizontal scaler
// Bit 10:8 horizontal scaler bank length
// Bit 5, vertical scaler phase field mode, if true, disable the opposite parity line output, more bandwith needed if output 1080i
// Bit 4 if true, region0,region4 are nonlinear regions, otherwise they are not scaling regions, for vertical scaler
// Bit 2:0 vertical scaler bank length
#define VPP_SC_MISC ((0x1d19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// preblend video1 horizontal start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_PREBLEND_VD1_H_START_END ((0x1d1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// preblend video1 vertical start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_PREBLEND_VD1_V_START_END ((0x1d1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// postblend video1 horizontal start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_POSTBLEND_VD1_H_START_END ((0x1d1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// postblend video1 vertical start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_POSTBLEND_VD1_V_START_END ((0x1d1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// preblend/postblend video2 horizontal start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_BLEND_VD2_H_START_END ((0x1d1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// preblend/postblend video2 vertical start and end
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_BLEND_VD2_V_START_END ((0x1d1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// preblend horizontal size
#define VPP_PREBLEND_H_SIZE ((0x1d20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// postblend horizontal size
#define VPP_POSTBLEND_H_SIZE ((0x1d21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//VPP hold lines
//Bit 29:24
//Bit 21:16
//Bit 15:8 preblend hold lines
//Bit 7:0 postblend hold lines
#define VPP_HOLD_LINES ((0x1d22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26 if true, automatic change post blend output to one color if field ==1
//Bit 25 if true, change screen to one color value for preblender
//Bit 24 if true, change screen to one color value for postblender
// Bit 23:16 one color Y
// Bit 15:8 one color Cb
// Bit 7:0 one color Cr
#define VPP_BLEND_ONECOLOR_CTRL ((0x1d23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read Only, VPP preblend current_x, current_y
//Bit 28:16 current_x
//Bit 12:0 current_y
#define VPP_PREBLEND_CURRENT_XY ((0x1d24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read Only, VPP postblend current_x, current_y
//Bit 28:16 current_x
//Bit 12:0 current_y
#define VPP_POSTBLEND_CURRENT_XY ((0x1d25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 vd1_bgosd_exchange_en for preblend
// Bit 30 vd1_bgosd_exchange_en for postblend
// Bit 28 color management enable
// Bit 27, if true, vd2 use viu2 output as the input, otherwise use normal vd2 from memory
// Bit 26:18, vd2 alpha
// Bit 17, osd2 enable for preblend
// Bit 16, osd1 enable for preblend
// Bit 15, vd2 enable for preblend
// Bit 14, vd1 enable for preblend
// Bit 13, osd2 enable for postblend
// Bit 12, osd1 enable for postblend
// Bit 11, vd2 enable for postblend
// Bit 10, vd1 enable for postblend
// Bit 9, if true, osd1 is alpha premultipiled
// Bit 8, if true, osd2 is alpha premultipiled
// Bit 7, postblend module enable
// Bit 6, preblend module enable
// Bit 5, if true, osd2 foreground compared with osd1 in preblend
// Bit 4, if true, osd2 foreground compared with osd1 in postblend
// Bit 3,
// Bit 2, if true, disable resetting async fifo every vsync, otherwise every vsync
// the aync fifo will be reseted.
// Bit 1,
// Bit 0 if true, the output result of VPP is saturated
#define VPP_MISC ((0x1d26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 ofifo line length minus 1
//Bit 19 if true invert input vs
//Bit 18 if true invert input hs
//Bit 17 force top/bottom field, enable
//Bit 16 force top/bottom field, 0: top, 1: bottom
//Bit 15 force one go_field, one pluse, write only
//Bit 14 force one go_line, one pluse, write only
//Bit 12:0 ofifo size (actually only bit 10:1 is valid), always even number
#define VPP_OFIFO_SIZE ((0x1d27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 28:18 current scale out fifo counter
//Bit 17:13 current afifo counter
//Bit 12:0 current ofifo counter
#define VPP_FIFO_STATUS ((0x1d28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 5 SMOKE3 postblend enable only when postblend vd2 is not enable
// Bit 4 SMOKE3 preblend enable only when preblend vd2 is not enable
// Bit 3 SMOKE2 postblend enable only when postblend osd2 is not enable
// Bit 2 SMOKE2 preblend enable only when preblend osd2 is not enable
// Bit 1 SMOKE1 postblend enable only when postblend osd1 is not enable
// Bit 0 SMOKE1 preblend enable only when preblend osd1 is not enable
#define VPP_SMOKE_CTRL ((0x1d29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//smoke can be used only when that blending is disable and then be used as smoke function
//smoke1 for OSD1 chanel
//smoke2 for OSD2 chanel
//smoke3 for VD2 chanel
//31:24 Y
//23:16 Cb
//15:8 Cr
//7:0 Alpha
#define VPP_SMOKE1_VAL ((0x1d2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_SMOKE2_VAL ((0x1d2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_SMOKE3_VAL ((0x1d2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE1_H_START_END ((0x1d2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE1_V_START_END ((0x1d2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE2_H_START_END ((0x1d2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE2_V_START_END ((0x1d30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE3_H_START_END ((0x1d31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_SMOKE3_V_START_END ((0x1d32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 27:16 scale out fifo line length minus 1
//Bit 12:0 scale out fifo size (actually only bit 11:1 is valid, 11:1, max 1024), always even number
#define VPP_SCO_FIFO_CTRL ((0x1d33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling and horizontal pixel by pixel 3D interleaving
//Bit 27:24, prehsc_mode, bit 3:2, prehsc odd line interp mode, bit 1:0, prehsc even line interp mode,
// each 2bit, 00: pix0+pix1/2, average, 01: pix1, 10: pix0
//Bit 23 horizontal scaler double pixel mode
//Bit 22:21 horizontal scaler initial repeat pixel0 number1
//Bit 19:16 horizontal scaler initial receiving number1
//Bit 15:0 horizontal scaler top field initial phase1
#define VPP_HSC_PHASE_CTRL1 ((0x1d34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling
//31:24 prehsc pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//22:20 prehsc pattern start
//18:16 prehsc pattern end
//15:8 hsc pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//6:4 hsc pattern start
//2:0 hsc pattern end
#define VPP_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x1d35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_SC_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1d36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_PREHSC_COEF ((0x1d37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_PRE_SCALE_CTRL ((0x1d38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_PREVSC_COEF ((0x1d39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_PREHSC_COEF1 ((0x1d3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// 0x3b-0x3e
// Reading file: vpp_pst_sta_regs.h
#define VPP_PST_STA_CTRL ((0x1d3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:5 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_pst_hist_rd_idx .unsigned , default = 0, used for histgram read out
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11:8 reg_gclk_ctrl .unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 7:5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_pst_hist_win_en .unsigned , default = 0, enable for post histogram sta window mode
//Bit 3:2 reg_pst_hist_mode_sel .unsigned , default = 0, component selection for hist sta: 0~2 for data[cmp]; 3: max(dat[0],dat[1], dat[2])
//Bit 1 reg_pst_hist_after_csc .unsigned , default = 0, hist_sta after CSC or NOT. 0: before CSC (YUV); 1: after CSC (R/G/B)
//Bit 0 reg_pst_hist_sta_en .unsigned , default = 0, enable for post histogram sta
#define VPP_PST_STA_WIN_X ((0x1d3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_pst_hist_win_xed .unsigned , default = 1919
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_pst_hist_win_xst .unsigned , default = 0
#define VPP_PST_STA_WIN_Y ((0x1d3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_pst_hist_win_yed .unsigned , default = 1079
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_pst_hist_win_yst .unsigned , default = 0
#define VPP_PST_STA_RO_HIST ((0x1d3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:0 ro_pst_hist_out .unsigned ,RO,default = 0 ;
// Closing file: vpp_pst_sta_regs.h
//Bit 3 minus black level enable for vadj2
//Bit 2 Video adjustment enable for vadj2
//Bit 1 minus black level enable for vadj1
//Bit 0 Video adjustment enable for vadj1
#define VPP_VADJ_CTRL ((0x1d40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 16:8 brightness, signed value
//Bit 7:0 contrast, unsigned value, contrast from 0 <= contrast <2
//`define VPP_VADJ1_Y 8'h41 //'h00080
//cb' = cb*ma + cr*mb
//cr' = cb*mc + cr*md
//all are bit 9:0, signed value, -2 < ma/mb/mc/md < 2
//`define VPP_VADJ1_MA_MB 8'h42 //26'h100_0000
//`define VPP_VADJ1_MC_MD 8'h43 //26'h000_0100
//Bit 16:8 brightness, signed value
//Bit 7:0 contrast, unsigned value, contrast from 0 <= contrast <2
//`define VPP_VADJ2_Y 8'h44 //'h00080
//cb' = cb*ma + cr*mb
//cr' = cb*mc + cr*md
//all are bit 9:0, signed value, -2 < ma/mb/mc/md < 2
//`define VPP_VADJ2_MA_MB 8'h45 //26'h100_0000
//`define VPP_VADJ2_MC_MD 8'h46 //26'h000_0100
//Bit 2 horizontal chroma sharp/blur selection, 0:sharp, 1: blur
//Bit 1 horizontal luma sharp/blur selection, 0:sharp, 1: blur
//Bit 0 horizontal sharpness enable
#define VPP_HSHARP_CTRL ((0x1d50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//{1'b0,threhsold} < diff
//Bit 26:16 luma threshold0
//Bit 10:0 luma threshold1
#define VPP_HSHARP_LUMA_THRESH01 ((0x1d51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 luma threshold2
//Bit 10:0 luma threshold3
#define VPP_HSHARP_LUMA_THRESH23 ((0x1d52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 chroma threshold0
//Bit 10:0 chroma threshold1
#define VPP_HSHARP_CHROMA_THRESH01 ((0x1d53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 chroma threshold2
//Bit 10:0 chroma threshold3
#define VPP_HSHARP_CHROMA_THRESH23 ((0x1d54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 luma gain2
//Bit 15:8 luma gain1
//Bit 7:0 luma gain0
#define VPP_HSHARP_LUMA_GAIN ((0x1d55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 chroma gain2
//Bit 15:8 chroma gain1
//Bit 7:0 chroma gain0
#define VPP_HSHARP_CHROMA_GAIN ((0x1d56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Bit 31, if it is true, it means this probe is valid in the last field/frame
//Bit 29:20 component 0
//Bit 19:10 component 1
//Bit 9:0 component 2
#define VPP_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x1d5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR1 ((0x1dd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 component 0
//Bit 15:8 component 1
//Bit 7:0 component 2
#define VPP_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x1d5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//28:16 probe x, postion
//12:0 probe y, position
#define VPP_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x1d5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 16, highlight_en
//Bit 15 probe_post, if true, probe pixel data after matrix, otherwise probe pixel data before matrix
//Bit 14:12 probe_sel, 000: select post matrix, 001: select vd1 matrix, 010: select vd2 matrix
//Bit 9:8 matrix coef idx selection, 00: select post matrix, 01: select vd1 matrix, 10: select vd2 matrix
//Bit 5 vd1 conversion matrix enable
//Bit 4 vd2 conversion matrix enable
//Bit 2 output y/cb/cr saturation enable, only for post matrix (y saturate to 16-235, cb/cr saturate to 16-240)
//Bit 1 input y/cb/cr saturation enable, only for post matrix (y saturate to 16-235, cb/cr saturate to 16-240)
//Bit 0 post conversion matrix enable
#define VPP_MATRIX_CTRL ((0x1d5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x1d60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x1d61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x1d62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x1d63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x1d64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 offset0
//Bit 10:0 offset1
#define VPP_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1d65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 offset2
#define VPP_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x1d66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 pre_offset0
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset1
#define VPP_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x1d67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0 pre_offset2
#define VPP_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x1d68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// dummy data used in the VPP postblend
// Bit 23:16 Y
// Bit 15:8 CB
// Bit 7:0 CR
#define VPP_DUMMY_DATA1 ((0x1d69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 gainoff module enable
//Bit 26:16 gain0, 1.10 unsigned data
//Bit 10:0 gain1, 1.10 unsigned dat
#define VPP_GAINOFF_CTRL0 ((0x1d6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16 gain2, 1.10 unsigned data
//Bit 10:0, offset0, signed data
#define VPP_GAINOFF_CTRL1 ((0x1d6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16, offset1, signed data
//Bit 10:0, offset2, signed data
#define VPP_GAINOFF_CTRL2 ((0x1d6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 26:16, pre_offset0, signed data
//Bit 10:0, pre_offset1, signed data
#define VPP_GAINOFF_CTRL3 ((0x1d6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 10:0, pre_offset2, signed data
#define VPP_GAINOFF_CTRL4 ((0x1d6e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_GAINOFF_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1d6f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//only two registers used in the color management, which are defined in the chroma_reg.h
//`define VPP_CHROMA_ADDR_PORT 8'h70
//`define VPP_CHROMA_DATA_PORT 8'h71
// Reading file: chroma_reg.h
//* Copyright (c) 2008, AMLOGIC Inc.
//* All rights reserved
//* File : chroma_reg.v
//* Author : Terrence Wang
//* Date : Dec 2008
//* Description :
//* Modification History:
//* Date Modified By Reason
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_CHROMA_ADDR_PORT ((0x1d70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_CHROMA_DATA_PORT ((0x1d71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define CHROMA_ADDR_PORT 8'h67
//`define CHROMA_DATA_PORT 8'h68
// hue gain, sat gain function control
// Bit 31 reg_sat_en enable sat adjustment in current region
// Bit 27 reg_sat_increase sat adjustment increase or decrease
// 1'b1: increase 1'b0: decrease
// Bit 26:25 reg_sat_central_en sat adjustment with central biggest or one side biggest
// 2'b01 central biggest 2'b00 one side biggest
// Bit 24 reg_sat_shape when sat adjustment one side biggest, define left or right
// 1'b1: left side biggest 1'b0 right side biggest
// Bit 23:16 reg_sat_gain define the sat gain when sat adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 15 reg_hue_en enable hue adjustment in current region
// Bit 11 reg_hue_clockwise hue adjustment clockwise or anti-clockwise
// 1'b1: clockwise 1'b0: anti-clockwise
// Bit 10:9 reg_hue_central_en when hue adjustment, parabola curve or non-symmetry curve
// 1'b1: parabola curve 1'b0: non-symmetry curve
// Bit 8 reg_hue_shape when non-symmetry curve, define which side change more
// 1'b1: right side change more 1'b0: left side change more
// Bit 7:0 reg_hue_gain define the hue gain when hue adjustment
// 0x00-0x80, note: should be no bigger than 0x80
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG00 0x00
// hue range select
// Bit 31:24 no use now
// Bit 23:16 reg_hue_shift_range define the angle of target region
// 0x00-0xff,(0x100 means 120 degree though it can not be set)
// must be greater or equal than 8'd8
// Bit 15 reg_symmetry_en this is used for create one symmetry region
// the symmetry region hue_shift_start = reg_hue_hue_shift_start + reg_hue_shift_range<<5
// the symmetry region hue_shift_range = reg_hue_shift_range
// in symmetry region, all the sat and hue setting will be same with original region,
// except reg_hue_shape, reg_sat_shape, reg_hue_clockwise will be reversed
// Bit 14:0 reg_hue_hue_shift_start define the start angle of target region
// 0x6000 means 360 degree
// only region 0 and 1 can exceed 360 degrees.
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG00 0x01
// Calculation should be follow
// HUE_RANGE_INV_REG0X[15:0] = ((1<<20)/HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG0X[23:16]+1)>>1
// HUE_RANGE_INV_REG_XX is to used to save divider
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG00 0x02
// for belowing each low, high, low_slope, high_slope group:
// a_____________b
// / \ a = low + 2^low_slope
// / \ b = high - 2^high_slope
// / \ low_slope <= 7; high_slope <= 7
// / \ b >= a
// ______/_____________________\________
// low high
// luma range selection for hue adjustment
// Bit 31:24 reg_sat_lum_low define the low level of luma value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 23:20 reg_hue_lum_high_slope define the slope area below high level of luma value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 19:16 reg_hue_lum_low_slope define the slope area above low level of luma value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 15:8 reg_hue_lum_high define the high level of luma value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 7:0 reg_hue_lum_low define the low level of luma value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG00 0x03
// sat range selection for hue adjustment
// Bit 31:24 reg_sat_lum_high define the high level of luma value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 23:20 reg_hue_sat_high_slope define the slope area below high level of sat value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 19:16 reg_hue_sat_low_slope define the slope area above low level of sat value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 15:8 reg_hue_sat_high define the high level of sat value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 7:0 reg_hue_sat_low define the low level of sat value for hue adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG00 0x04
// sat range selection for hue adjustment
// Bit 31:28 reg_sat_lum_high_slope define the slope area below high level of luma value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 27:24 reg_sat_lum_low_slope define the slope area above low level of luma value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 23:20 reg_sat_sat_high_slope define the slope area below high level of sat value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 19:16 reg_sat_sat_low_slope define the slope area above low level of sat value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0x07
// Bit 15:8 reg_sat_sat_high define the high level of sat value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
// Bit 7:0 reg_sat_sat_low define the low level of sat value for sat adjustment
// 0x00-0xff
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG00 0x05
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG01 0x06
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG01 0x07
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG01 0x08
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG01 0x09
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG01 0x0a
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG01 0x0b
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG02 0x0c
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG02 0x0d
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG02 0x0e
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG02 0x0f
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG02 0x10
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG02 0x11
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG03 0x12
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG03 0x13
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG03 0x14
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG03 0x15
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG03 0x16
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG03 0x17
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG04 0x18
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG04 0x19
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG04 0x1a
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG04 0x1b
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG04 0x1c
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG04 0x1d
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG05 0x1e
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG05 0x1f
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG05 0x20
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG05 0x21
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG05 0x22
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG05 0x23
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG06 0x24
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG06 0x25
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG06 0x26
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG06 0x27
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG06 0x28
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG06 0x29
#define CHROMA_GAIN_REG07 0x2a
#define HUE_HUE_RANGE_REG07 0x2b
#define HUE_RANGE_INV_REG07 0x2c
#define HUE_LUM_RANGE_REG07 0x2d
#define HUE_SAT_RANGE_REG07 0x2e
#define SAT_SAT_RANGE_REG07 0x2f
// Bit 31 reg_chroma_en enable color manage function
// 1'b1: enable 1'b0: bypass
// Bit 6 sat_sel uv_max or u^2+v^2 selected as sat for reference
// 1'b1: uv_max(default) 1'b0: u^2+v^2
// Bit 5 uv_adj_en final uv_adjust enable
// 1'b1: enable 1'b0: bypass
// Bit 2 hue_en rgb to hue enable
// 1'b1: enable(default) 1'b0: bypass
// Bit 1:0 csc_sel define input YUV with different color type
// 2'b00: 601(16-235) 2'b01: 709(16-235)
// 2'b10: 601(0-255) 2'b11: 709(0-255)
#define REG_CHROMA_CONTROL 0x30 // default 32h'80000024
#define REG_DEMO_CENTER_BAR 0x31 // default 32h'0
#define REG_DEMO_HLIGHT_MODE 0x32 // default 32h'0
#define REG_DEMO_OWR_DATA 0x33 // default 32h'0
//// CM2 ADDR
#define SAT_BYYB_NODE_REG0 0x200 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:24, sat_byyb_node3 the 4th node
//Bit 23:16, sat_byyb_node2 the 3th node
//Bit 15: 8, sat_byyb_node1 signed, the 2th node about saturation
//Bit 7: 0, sat_byyb_node0 signed, the 1th node about saturation
//gain offset along y coordinate,the gain normalized to 128 as "1"
#define SAT_BYYB_NODE_REG1 0x201 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:24, sat_byyb_node7 the 8th node
//Bit 23:16, sat_byyb_node6 the 7th node
//Bit 15: 8, sat_byyb_node5 signed, the 6th node about saturation
//Bit 7: 0, sat_byyb_node4 signed, the 5th node about saturation
//gain offset along y coordinate,the gain normalized to 128 as "1"
#define SAT_BYYB_NODE_REG2 0x202 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, sat_byyb_node4 signed, the 5th node about saturation
#define SAT_SRC_NODE_REG 0x203 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, sat_src_node1
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, sat_src_node0 usigned, threshold of input saturation for first and second piece
#define CM_ENH_SFT_MODE_REG 0x204 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 9, reserved
//Bit 8: 6, hue_lsft_mode hue offset adjustments scale
//Bit 5: 4, luma_lsft_mode luma offset adjustments scale for reg_cm2_adj_luma_via_hue
//Bit 3: 2, sat_byy_rsft_mode saturation gain adjustments scale for reg_cm2_adj_sat_via_y
//Bit 1: 0, sat_byhs_rsft_mode saturation gain adjustments scale for reg_cm2_adj_sat_via_hs[:][:] 0:no scale up/down 1:dnscale by 2(-128,127)/2
#define FRM_SIZE_REG 0x205 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_frm_height the frame height size
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_frm_width the frame width size
#define FITLER_CFG_REG 0x206 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 4, inteleav_mod horizontal interleave filter(zero-padding) for 3D considerations 0:using non-zero padding lpf 1:using zero-padding lpf
//Bit 3: 2, lpf_slt_uv apply cm on lp portion or original video pixels options
//Bit 1: 0, lpf_slt_y apply cm on lp portion or original video pixels options
#define CM_GLOBAL_GAIN_REG 0x207 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, cm2_global_sat global saturation gain for general color adjustments(0~4095 <=> 0~8),512 normalized to "1"
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, cm2_global_hue global hue offsets for general color adjustments(0~4095 <=> 0~360 degree)
#define CM_ENH_CTL_REG 0x208 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:7, reserved
//Bit 6, hue_adj_en cm2 hue adjustments
//Bit 5, sat_adj_en cm2 saturation adjustments
//Bit 4, luma_adj_en enable siganl for cm2 luma adjustments
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2, cm2_filt_en apply cm on lp portion enable
//Bit 1, cm2_en cm2 enable siganl
//Bit 0, cm1_en
#define ROI_X_SCOPE_REG 0x209 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, roi_x_end ending col index of the region of interest
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, roi_x_beg start col index of the region of interest
#define ROI_Y_SCOPE_REG 0x20a // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, roi_y_end ending row index of the region of interest
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, roi_y_beg start row index of the region of interest
#define POI_XY_DIR_REG 0x20b // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, poi_y_dir ending row index of the region of interest
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, poi_x_dir start row index of the region of interest
#define COI_Y_SCOPE_REG 0x20c // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, coi_y_end
//Bit 7: 0, coi_y_beg
#define COI_H_SCOPE_REG 0x20d // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, coi_h_end
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, coi_h_beg lower bound of hue value for color of interest ,12 bits precision
#define COI_S_SCOPE_REG 0x20e // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, coi_s_end
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, coi_s_beg lower bound of sat value for color of interest ,12 bits precision
#define IFO_MODE_REG 0x20f // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:6, ifo_mode3
//Bit 5:4, ifo_mode2
//Bit 3:2, ifo_mode1
//Bit 1:0, ifo_mode0
#define POI_RPL_MODE_REG 0x210 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, poi_rpl_mode enhance mode control of pixels inside and outside region of interest bit[3:2]control roi
#define DEMO_OWR_YHS_REG 0x211 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 0, demo_owr_yhs
#define DEMO_POI_Y_REG 0x212 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, luma_data_poi_r only get locked higher 8bits
#define DEMO_POI_H_REG 0x213 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, hue_data_poi_r only get locked higher 12bits
#define DEMO_POI_S_REG 0x214 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, sat_data_poi_r only get locked higher 12bits
//`define LUMA_BYH_LIMT_REG 10'h215 // default 32'h0
#define LUMA_ADJ_LIMT_REG 0x215 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, luma_lmt_satslp slope to do the luma adjustment degrade
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, luma_lmt_satth threshold to saturation
#define SAT_ADJ_LIMT_REG 0x216 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, sat_lmt_satslp slope to do the adjustment degrade
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, sat_lmt_satth threshold to saturation
#define HUE_ADJ_LIMT_REG 0x217 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 24, reserved
//Bit 23: 16, hue_lmt_satslp slope to do the adjustment degrade
//Bit 15: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, hue_lmt_satth threshold to saturation
#define UVHS_OFST_REG 0x218 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 24, hs2uv_v_ofst
//Bit 23: 16, hs2uv_u_ofst
//Bit 15: 8, uv2hs_v_ofst
//Bit 7: 0, uv2hs_u_ofst
#define HUE_CFG_PARA_REG 0x219 // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 17, reserved
//Bit 16, hue_protect_en
//Bit 15: 13, cm2_hue_byhs_mode
//Bit 12, cm2_hue_div_mode
//Bit 11: 0, cm2_before_hue_ofst
#define DEMO_SPLT_CFG_REG 0x21a // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 22, reserved
//Bit 21: 20, demo_split_mode
//Bit 19: 16, demo_split_width slope to do the adjustment degrade
//Bit 15: 13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, demo_split_post threshold to saturation
#define DEMO_SPLT_YHS_REG 0x21b // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 0, demo_splt_yhs threshold to saturation
#define XVYCC_YSCP_REG 0x21c // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 28, reserved
//Bit 27: 16, xvycc_y_max
//Bit 15: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, xvycc_y_min
#define XVYCC_USCP_REG 0x21d // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 28, reserved
//Bit 27: 16, xvycc_u_max
//Bit 15: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, xvycc_u_min
#define XVYCC_VSCP_REG 0x21e // default 32'h0
//Bit 31: 28, reserved
//Bit 27: 16, xvycc_v_max
//Bit 15: 12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, xvycc_v_min
#define LUMA_ADJ0_REG 0x21f // default 32'h0
//Bit 21: 12, reg_cm_luma_blacklevel
//Bit 11: 0, reg_cm_luma_contrast
#define LUMA_ADJ1_REG 0x220 // default 32'h0
#define STA_WIN_XYXY0_REG 0x221 // default 32'h0
#define STA_WIN_XYXY1_REG 0x222 // default 32'h0
#define STA_CFG_REG 0x223 // default 32'h0
#define STA_SAT_HIST0_REG 0x224 // default 32'h0
#define STA_SAT_HIST1_REG 0x225 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN0 0x226 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN1 0x227 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN2 0x228 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN3 0x229 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN4 0x22a // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN5 0x22b // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN6 0x22c // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN7 0x22d // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN8 0x22e // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN9 0x22f // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN10 0x230 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN11 0x231 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN12 0x232 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN13 0x233 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN14 0x234 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN15 0x235 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN16 0x236 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN17 0x237 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN18 0x238 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN19 0x239 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN20 0x23a // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN21 0x23b // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN22 0x23c // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN23 0x23d // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN24 0x23e // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN25 0x23f // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN26 0x240 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN27 0x241 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN28 0x242 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN29 0x243 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN30 0x244 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_HUE_HIST_BIN31 0x245 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN0 0x246 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN1 0x247 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN2 0x248 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN3 0x249 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN4 0x24a // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN5 0x24b // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN6 0x24c // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN7 0x24d // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN8 0x24e // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN9 0x24f // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN10 0x250 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN11 0x251 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN12 0x252 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN13 0x253 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN14 0x254 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN15 0x255 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN16 0x256 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN17 0x257 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN18 0x258 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN19 0x259 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN20 0x25a // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN21 0x25b // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN22 0x25c // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN23 0x25d // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN24 0x25e // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN25 0x25f // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN26 0x260 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN27 0x261 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN28 0x262 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN29 0x263 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN30 0x264 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_SAT_HIST_BIN31 0x265 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_BLK_BIN 0x266 // default 32'h0
#define RO_CM_BRT_BIN 0x267 // default 32'h0
////========= NODE 0 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H00 0x100 // default 32'H0
//Bit 31: 24, reg_cm2_adj_sat_via_hs_2
//Bit 23: 16, reg_cm2_adj_sat_via_hs_1
//Bit 15: 8, reg_cm2_adj_sat_via_hs_0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_cm2_adj_luma_via_h
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H00 0x101 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H00 0x102 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H00 0x103 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H00 0x104 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 1 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H01 0x108 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H01 0x109 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H01 0x10a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H01 0x10b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H01 0x10c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 2 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H02 0x110 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H02 0x111 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H02 0x112 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H02 0x113 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H02 0x114 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 3 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H03 0x118 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H03 0x119 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H03 0x11a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H03 0x11b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H03 0x11c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 4 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H04 0x120 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H04 0x121 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H04 0x122 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H04 0x123 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H04 0x124 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 5 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H05 0x128 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H05 0x129 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H05 0x12a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H05 0x12b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H05 0x12c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 6 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H06 0x130 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H06 0x131 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H06 0x132 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H06 0x133 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H06 0x134 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 7 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H07 0x138 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H07 0x139 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H07 0x13a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H07 0x13b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H07 0x13c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 8 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H08 0x140 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H08 0x141 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H08 0x142 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H08 0x143 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H08 0x144 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 9 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H09 0x148 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H09 0x149 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H09 0x14a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H09 0x14b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H09 0x14c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 10 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H10 0x150 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H10 0x151 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H10 0x152 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H10 0x153 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H10 0x154 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 11 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H11 0x158 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H11 0x159 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H11 0x15a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H11 0x15b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H11 0x15c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 12 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H12 0x160 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H12 0x161 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H12 0x162 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H12 0x163 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H12 0x164 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
////========= NODE 13 COEFFICIENT ==============////
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF0_H13 0x168 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : luma_byh_hx / [15: 8] : sat_byhs_s0hx
// [23:16] : sat_byhs_s0hx / [31:24] : sat_byhs_s2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF1_H13 0x169 // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byh_hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y0hx
// [23:16] : hue_byy_y1hx / [31:24] : hue_byy_y2hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF2_H13 0x16a // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byy_y3hx / [15: 8] : hue_byy_y4hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s0hx / [31:24] : hue_bys_s1hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF3_H13 0x16b // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_bys_s2hx / [15: 8] : hue_bys_s3hx
// [23:16] : hue_bys_s4hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y0hx
#define REG_CM2_ENH_COEFF4_H13 0x16c // default 32'H0
// [ 7: 0] : hue_byya_y1hx / [15: 8] : hue_byya_y2hx
// [23:16] : hue_byya_y3hx / [31:24] : hue_byya_y4hx
/* Constraints
there are 16 regions totally. 8 regions are for hue adjustment, 8 regions are for sat adjustment.
the hue range of the 16 regions can be set to overlap, but if overlap, the hue range(start and end) must be same.
the 8 regions for hue adjustment should not overlap. if corresponding reg_hue_en_00 - 07 == 1
the 8 regions for hue adjustment are defined by: (example are for region 0)
a) hue:
start: reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0]
if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 0
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0] + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00[7:0]<<5)
if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 1
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0] + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00[7:0]<<6)
b) sat:
start: reg_hue_sat_low_00
end: reg_hue_sat_high_00
the 8 regions for sat adjustment should not overlap. if corresponding reg_sat_en_00 - 07 == 1
the 8 regions for sat adjustment are defined by: (example are for region 0)
a) hue: same as that for hue adjustment.
start: reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0]
if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 0
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0] + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00[7:0]<<5)
if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 1
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0] + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00[7:0]<<6)
b) sat:
start: reg_sat_sat_low_00
end: reg_sat_sat_high_00
must be greater or equal than 8'd8, so as reg_hue_range_inv_regxx can be represented by 0.0000_0000_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
all regions of 0-7 should meet below requirement. below is just an example for region 7.
(reg_hue_lum_high_07 - reg_hue_lum_low_07) >=
(1<<reg_hue_lum_low_slope_07) + (1<<reg_hue_lum_high_slope_07)
(reg_hue_sat_high_07 - reg_hue_sat_low_07) >=
(1<<reg_hue_sat_low_slope_07) + (1<<reg_hue_sat_high_slope_07)
(reg_sat_lum_high_07 - reg_sat_lum_low_07) >=
(1<<reg_sat_lum_low_slope_07) + (1<<reg_sat_lum_high_slope_07)
(reg_sat_sat_high_07 - reg_sat_sat_low_07) >=
(1<<reg_sat_sat_low_slope_07) + (1<<reg_sat_sat_high_slope_07)
all of reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00[14:0] ~ 07[14:0] < 0x6000.
only region 0 and 1 can exceed 360 degrees. ie:
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00<<5) can greater than 0x6000.
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_01 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_01<<5) can greater than 0x6000.
but below should be met:
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00<<5) < 0x8000. if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 0
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_01 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00<<5) < 0x8000. if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 0
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_00 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00<<6) < 0x8000. if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 1
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_01 + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_00<<6) < 0x8000. if reg_symmetry_en_00 == 1
others could not exceed 360 degrees. ie:
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_02(to 7) + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_02 (to 7) <<5) < 0x6000. if reg_symmetry_en_02 (to 7) == 0.
reg_hue_hue_shift_start_02(to 7) + (reg_hue_hue_shift_range_02 (to 7) <<6) < 0x6000. if reg_symmetry_en_02 (to 7) == 1.
reg_hue_gain_00[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_01[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_02[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_03[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_04[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_05[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_06[7:0] <= 0x80.
reg_hue_gain_07[7:0] <= 0x80.
below registers can only have two setting: 00 and 01.
reg_hue_central_en_00[1:0] .. _07[1:0]
reg_sat_central_en_00[1:0] .. _07[1:0]
all reg_..._slope_00-07 should not be greater than 7, ie: maximum value is 7.
for example: below is for region 0:
reg_hue_lum_low_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_hue_lum_high_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_hue_sat_low_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_hue_sat_high_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_sat_lum_low_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_sat_lum_high_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_sat_sat_low_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
reg_sat_sat_high_slope_00[3:0] <= 7
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: chroma_reg.h
//(hsvsharp), (blue), gainoff, mat_vd1,mat_vd2, mat_post, prebld, postbld,(hsharp),sco_ff, vadj1, vadj2, ofifo, (chroma1), clk0(free_clk) vpp_reg
//each item 2bits, for each 2bits, if bit 2*i+1 == 1, free clk, else if bit 2*i == 1 no clk, else auto gated clock
//bit1 is not used, because I can not turn off vpp_reg clk because I can not turn on again
//because the register itself canot be set again without clk
//Bit 31:0
#define VPP_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x1d72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//(front_lti), (front_cti), Chroma2_filter, Chroma2, (Ccoring), (blackext), dnlp
//Bit 13:0
#define VPP_GCLK_CTRL1 ((0x1d73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//prehsc_clk, line_buf, prevsc, vsc, hsc_clk, clk0(free_clk)
//Bit 11:0
//`define VPP_SC_GCLK_CTRL 8'h74
//Bit 17:9 VD1 alpha for preblend
//Bit 8:0 VD1 alpha for postblend
#define VPP_MISC1 ((0x1d76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 super scalar clock control
#define VPP_SRSCL_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1d77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 OSD super scalar clock control
#define VPP_OSDSR_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1d78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 vvycc clock control
#define VPP_XVYCC_GCLK_CTRL ((0x1d79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 8:0 VD3 alpha for postblend
#define VPP_MISC2 ((0x1d7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 blackext_start
//Bit 23:16 blackext_slope1
//Bit 15:8 blackext_midpt
//Bit 7:0 blackext_slope2
#define VPP_BLACKEXT_CTRL ((0x1d80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region03 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region02 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region01 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region00 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_00 ((0x1d81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region07 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region06 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region05 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region04 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_01 ((0x1d82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region11 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region10 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region09 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region08 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_02 ((0x1d83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region15 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region14 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region13 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region12 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_03 ((0x1d84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region19 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region18 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region17 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region16 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_04 ((0x1d85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region23 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region22 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region21 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region20 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_05 ((0x1d86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region27 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region26 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region25 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region24 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_06 ((0x1d87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region31 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region30 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region29 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region28 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_07 ((0x1d88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region35 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region34 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region33 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region32 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_08 ((0x1d89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region39 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region38 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region37 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region36 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_09 ((0x1d8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region43 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region42 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region41 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region40 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_10 ((0x1d8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region47 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region46 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region45 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region44 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_11 ((0x1d8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region51 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region50 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region49 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region48 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_12 ((0x1d8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region55 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region54 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region53 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region52 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_13 ((0x1d8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region59 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region58 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region57 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region56 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_14 ((0x1d8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 bottom of region63 output value
//Bit 23:16 bottom of region62 output value
//Bit 15:8 bottom of region61 output value
//Bit 7:0 bottom of region60 output value
#define VPP_DNLP_CTRL_15 ((0x1d90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// `define VPP_PEAKING_HGAIN 8'h91 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_VGAIN 8'h92 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_NLP_1 8'h93 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_NLP_2 8'h94 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_NLP_3 8'h95 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_NLP_4 8'h96 //32'h0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_NLP_5 8'h97 //32'h0
// `define VPP_SHARP_LIMIT 8'h98 //32'h0
// `define VPP_VLTI_CTRL 8'h99 //32'h0
// `define VPP_HLTI_CTRL 8'h9a //32'h0
// `define VPP_CTI_CTRL 8'h9b //32'h0
#define VPP_SRSHARP0_CTRL ((0x1d91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 srsharp_demo_split_sz srsharp demo top/bot left/right width
//Bit 15:6 reserved
//Bit 5:4 srsharp_demo_disp_post srsharp demo display postion
//Bit 3 srsharp_demo_en srsharp demo enable
//Bit 2 srsharp_c444to422_en srsharp format444 convert 422 enable
//Bit 1, srsharp_buf_en srsharp buffer enable
//Bit 0, srsharp_en srsharp enable
#define VPP_SRSHARP1_CTRL ((0x1d92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 srsharp_demo_split_sz srsharp demo top/bot left/right width
//Bit 15:6 reserved
//Bit 5:4 srsharp_demo_disp_post srsharp demo display postion
//Bit 3 srsharp_demo_en srsharp demo enable
//Bit 2 srsharp_c444to422_en srsharp format444 convert 422 enable
//Bit 1, srsharp_buf_en srsharp buffer enable
//Bit 0, srsharp_en srsharp enable
#define VPP_DOLBY_CTRL ((0x1d93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_DAT_CONV_PARA0 ((0x1d94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_DAT_CONV_PARA1 ((0x1d95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_SYNC_SEL0 ((0x1d96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define VPP_VADJ1_BLACK_VAL 8'h97 //32'h0
//`define VPP_VADJ2_BLACK_VAL 8'h98 //32'h0
//Bit 29 blue_stretch_cb_inc
//Bit 28 blue_stretch_cr_inc
//Bit 27 the MSB of blue_stretch_error_crp_inv[11:0]
//Bit 26 the MSB of blue_stretch_error_crn_inv[11:0]
//Bit 25 the MSB of blue_stretch_error_cbp_inv[11:0]
//Bit 24 the MSB of blue_stretch_error_cbn_inv[11:0]
//Bit 23:16 blue_stretch_gain
//Bit 15:8 blue_stretch_gain_cb4cr
//Bit 7:0 blue_stretch_luma_high
#define VPP_BLUE_STRETCH_1 ((0x1d9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 blue_stretch_error_crp
//Bit 26:16 the 11 LSB of blue_stretch_error_crp_inv[11:0]
//Bit 15:11 blue_stretch_error_crn
//Bit 10:0 the 11 LSB of blue_stretch_error_crn_inv[11:0]
#define VPP_BLUE_STRETCH_2 ((0x1d9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 blue_stretch_error_cbp
//Bit 26:16 the 11 LSB of blue_stretch_error_cbp_inv[11:0]
//Bit 15:11 blue_stretch_error_cbn
//Bit 10:0 the 11 LSB of blue_stretch_error_cbn_inv[11:0]
#define VPP_BLUE_STRETCH_3 ((0x1d9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_CCORING_CTRL ((0x1da0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_bypass_ccoring_ythd // unsigned , default = 0 bypass_ccoring_ythd
//Bit 15:8 ccoring_th // unsigned , default = 0 Chroma coring threshold
//Bit 7:0 reserved
//Bit 3:0 ccoring_slope // unsigned , default = 0 Chroma coring slope
#define VPP_VE_ENABLE_CTRL ((0x1da1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20 demo_ccoring_enable // unsigned , default = 0 demo chroma coring enable
//Bit 19 demo_blackext_enable // unsigned , default = 0 demo black enxtension enable
//Bit 18 demo_dnlp_enable // unsigned , default = 0 demo dynamic nonlinear luma processing enable
//Bit 17 demo_hsvsharp_enable // unsigned , default = 0 demo hsvsharp enable
//Bit 16 demo_bluestretch_enable // unsigned , default = 0 demo bluestretch enable
//Bit 15:14 demo_disp_position // unsigned , default = 0 2'b00: demo adjust on top, 2'b01: demo adjust on bottom, 2'b10: demo adjust on left, 2'b11: demo adjust on right
//Bit 13:7 reserved
//Bit 6 sr4c0_path_sel // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 5 srscl_path_sel // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 4 ccoring_en // unsigned , default = 0 chroma coring enable
//Bit 3 blackext_en // unsigned , default = 0 black enxtension enable
//Bit 2 dnlp_en // unsigned , default = 0 dynamic nonlinear luma processing enable
//Bit 1 hsvsharp_en // unsigned , default = 0 hsvsharp enable
//Bit 0 blue_stretch_en // unsigned , default = 0 bluestretch enable
#define VPP_VE_DEMO_LEFT_TOP_SCREEN_WIDTH ((0x1da2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 ve_demo_left_top_screen_width // unsigned , default = 0 demo left or top screen width
#define VPP_VE_DEMO_CENTER_BAR ((0x1da3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 ve_demo_center_bar // unsigned , default = 0 center bar enable
//Bit 27:24 ve_demo_center_bar // unsigned , default = 0 center bar width (*2)
//Bit 23:16 ve_demo_center_bar // unsigned , default = 0 center bar Cr (*4)
//Bit 15:8 ve_demo_center_bar // unsigned , default = 0 center bar Cb (*4)
//Bit 7:0 ve_demo_center_bar // unsigned , default = 0 center bar y (*4)
#define VPP_VE_H_V_SIZE ((0x1da4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 ve_line_length // unsigned , default = 780 ve_line_length
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 ve_pic_height // unsigned , default = 438 ve_pic_height
#define VPP_OUT_H_V_SIZE ((0x1da5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 vppout_line_length / unsigned , default = 780 vppout_line_length
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vppout_pic_height // unsigned , default = 438 vppout_pic_height
#define VPP_IN_H_V_SIZE ((0x1da6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 vppin_line_length / unsigned , default = 780 vppout_line_length
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vppin_pic_height // unsigned , default = 438 vppout_pic_height
#define VPP_VDO_MEAS_CTRL ((0x1da8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11 reserved
//Bit 10:0 vdo_meas_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0 vdo_meas_ctrl
//Read only
//19:16 ind_meas_count_n, every number of sync_span vsyncs, this counter add 1
//15:0, high bit portion of counter
#define VPP_VDO_MEAS_VS_COUNT_HI ((0x1da9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//31:0, low bit portion of counter
#define VPP_VDO_MEAS_VS_COUNT_LO ((0x1daa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 11:9 vd2_sel, 001: select vd1_din, 010: select vd2_din, 011: select d2d3_l_din, 100: d2d3_r_din, otherwise no selection
//bit 8:6 vd1_l_sel, 001: select vd1_din, 010: select vd2_din, 011: select d2d3_l_din, 100: d2d3_r_din, otherwise no selection
//bit 5:3 vd1_r_sel, 001: select vd1_din, 010: select vd2_din, 011: select d2d3_l_din, 100: d2d3_r_din, otherwise no selection
//note: the source vd1_l_sel selected cannot be used as the source of vd1_r_sel or vd2_sel
// vd1_r_sel is useful only vd1_interleave_mode is not 00. And the source vd1_r_sel used can not used for the vd2_sel any more.
//bit 2:0 vd1_interleave_mode, 000: no interleave, 001: pixel interleaving, 010: line interleaving, 011: 2 pixel interleaving,
// 100: 2 line interleaving
#define VPP_INPUT_CTRL ((0x1dab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 25:24 cti_bpf_sel
//bit 20:16 cti_blend_factor_gama
//bit 12:8 cti_blend_factor_beta
//bit 4:0 cti_blend_factor_alpha
#define VPP_CTI_CTRL2 ((0x1dac << 2) + 0xff000000)
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD1 8'had
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD2 8'hae
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD3 8'haf
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD4 8'hb0
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD5 8'hb1
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD6 8'hb2
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD7 8'hb3
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD8 8'hb4
// `define VPP_PEAKING_SAT_THD9 8'hb5
// `define VPP_PEAKING_GAIN_ADD1 8'hb6
// `define VPP_PEAKING_GAIN_ADD2 8'hb7
#define VPP_WRBAK_CTRL_SEC ((0x1dad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_BLEND_SRC_CTRL_SEC ((0x1dae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_BLEND_SRC_CTRL_SEC ((0x1daf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_BLEND_SRC_CTRL_SEC ((0x1db0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_BLEND_SRC_CTRL_SEC ((0x1db1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//crc check , new add
#define VPP_RO_CRCSUM ((0x1db2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_CRC_CHK ((0x1db3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 23:16 peaking_dnlp_gain, u5.3, DNLP effect
//bit 15:8 peaking_factor
//bit 5 peaking_dnlp_demo_en
//bit 4 peaking_dnlp_en
//bit 3:0 peaking_filter_sel
#define VPP_PEAKING_DNLP ((0x1db8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 24 sharp_demo_win_en
//bit 23:12 sharp_demo_win_vend
//bit 11:0 sharp_demo_win_vstart
#define VPP_SHARP_DEMO_WIN_CTRL1 ((0x1db9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 23:12 sharp_demo_win_hend
//bit 11:0 sharp_demo_win_hstart
#define VPP_SHARP_DEMO_WIN_CTRL2 ((0x1dba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 front_hlti_neg_gain
//Bit 23:16 front_hlti_pos_gain
//Bit 15:8 front_hlti_threshold
//Bit 7:0 front_hlti_blend_factor
#define VPP_FRONT_HLTI_CTRL ((0x1dbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 front_enable, enable the front LTI&CTI before scaler
//Bit 26:24 front_cti_step2
//Bit 23:21 front_cti_step
//Bit 20:16 front_cti_blend_factor
//Bit 15 front_cti_median_mode
//Bit 14:8 front_cti_threshold
//Bit 7:0 front_cti_gain
#define VPP_FRONT_CTI_CTRL ((0x1dbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 29:28 front_hlti_step
//bit 25:24 front_cti_bpf_sel
//bit 20:16 front_cti_blend_factor_gama
//bit 12:8 front_cti_blend_factor_beta
//bit 4:0 front_cti_blend_factor_alpha
#define VPP_FRONT_CTI_CTRL2 ((0x1dbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 12:0 line number use to generate interrupt when line == this number
#define VPP_INT_LINE_NUM ((0x1dce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_XVYCC_MISC ((0x1dcf << 2) + 0xff000000)
// new add lti/cti in 120924
//Bit 3: 0 //default== 0 reg_hlti_dn_flt_coe[0]
//Bit 7: 4 //default== 0 reg_hlti_dn_flt_coe[1]
//Bit 11: 8 //default== 0 reg_hlti_dn_flt_coe[2]
//Bit 15:12 //default== 2 reg_hlti_dn_flt_coe[3]
//Bit 19:16 //default== 4 reg_hlti_dn_flt_coe[4]
//Bit 22:20 //default== 3 reg_hlti_dn_flt_nrm u3: 3~7
#define VPP_HLTI_DN_FLT ((0x1dd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7: 0 //default== 8 reg_hlti_bst_gain u8, norm 16 as "1"
//Bit 15: 8 //default== 20 reg_hlti_bst_core u8, norm 32 as "1"
//Bit 23:16 //default== 32 reg_hlti_oob_gain u8, norm 32 as "1"
//Bit 28:24 //default== 0 reg_hlti_oob_core u5
#define VPP_HLTI_GAIN ((0x1dd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7: 0 //default== 2 reg_hlti_clp_ofst u8,
//Bit 8 //default== 0 reg_hlti_clp_mode u1,
//Bit 11: 9 //default== 1 reg_hlti_clp_wind u3,
//Bit 14:12 //default== 1 reg_hlti_bst_fltr u3,
//Bit 15 //default== 1 reg_hlti_enable u1,
#define VPP_HLTI_PARA ((0x1dd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 3: 0 //default== 0 reg_hcti_dn_flt_coe[0]
//Bit 7: 4 //default== 0 reg_hcti_dn_flt_coe[1]
//Bit 11: 8 //default== 1 reg_hcti_dn_flt_coe[2]
//Bit 15:12 //default== 2 reg_hcti_dn_flt_coe[3]
//Bit 19:16 //default== 2 reg_hcti_dn_flt_coe[4]
//Bit 22:20 //default== 3 reg_hcti_dn_flt_nrm u3: 3~7
#define VPP_HCTI_DN_FLT ((0x1dd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7: 0 //default== 48 reg_hcti_bst_gain u8, norm 16 as "1"
//Bit15: 8 //default== 17 reg_hcti_bst_core u8, norm 32 as "1"
//Bit23:16 //default== 16 reg_hcti_oob_gain u8, norm 32 as "1"
//Bit28:24 //default== 0 reg_hcti_oob_core u5
#define VPP_HCTI_GAIN ((0x1dd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7: 0 //default== 0 reg_hcti_clp_ofst u8,
//Bit 8 //default== 1 reg_hcti_clp_mode u1,
//Bit 11: 9 //default== 3 reg_hcti_clp_wind u3,
//Bit 14:12 //default== 6 reg_hcti_bst_fltr u3,
//Bit 15 //default== 1 reg_hcti_enable u1,
#define VPP_HCTI_PARA ((0x1dd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7: 0 //default== 48 reg_vcti_bst_gain u8, normalize 16 as "1"
//Bit 15: 8 //default== 10 reg_vcti_bst_core u8
//Bit 19:16 //default== 10 reg_vcti_clp_ofst u4
//Bit 20 //default== 1 reg_vcti_clp_wind u1, 0: wind 3, 1: wind5
#define VPP_VCTI_PARA ((0x1dd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define VPP_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR1 8'hd7 //defined before
//Bit 31 //default== 0, urgent fifo hold enable
//Bit 28:12 //default== 0, urgent fifo hold line threshold
//Bit 15 //default== 0, urgent_ctrl_en
//Bit 14 //default== 0, urgent_wr, if true for write buffer
//Bit 13 //default== 0, out_inv_en
//Bit 12 //default == 0, urgent_ini_value
//Bit 11:6 //default == 0, up_th up threshold
//Bit 5:0 //default == 0, dn_th dn threshold
#define VPP_OFIFO_URG_CTRL ((0x1dd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_CLIP_MISC0 ((0x1dd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 1023, final clip r channel top
//Bit 19:10 // default == 1023, final clip g channel top
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 1023, final clip b channel top
#define VPP_CLIP_MISC1 ((0x1dda << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 0, final clip r channel bottom
//Bit 19:10 // default == 0, final clip g channel bottom
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 0, final clip b channel bottom
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x1ddb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 // default == 0, matrix coef13
//Bit 12:0 // default == 0, matrix coef14
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x1ddc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 // default == 0, matrix coef23
//Bit 12:0 // default == 0, matrix coef24
#define VPP_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x1ddd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 // default == 0, matrix coef15
//Bit 12:0 // default == 0, matrix coef25
#define VPP_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x1dde << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 7:5 // default == 0, mat rs
//Bit 4:3 // default == 0, mat clmod
//Bit 2:0 // default == 0, mat clip enable
#define VPP_XVYCC_MISC0 ((0x1ddf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 1023, xvycc clip r channel top
//Bit 19:10 // default == 1023, xvycc clip g channel top
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 1023, xvycc clip b channel top
#define VPP_XVYCC_MISC1 ((0x1de0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 0, xvycc clip r channel bottom
//Bit 19:10 // default == 0, xvycc clip g channel bottom
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 0, xvycc clip b channel bottom
#define VPP_VD1_CLIP_MISC0 ((0x1de1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 1023, vd1 clip r channel top
//Bit 19:10 // default == 1023, vd1 clip g channel top
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 1023, vd1 clip b channel top
#define VPP_VD1_CLIP_MISC1 ((0x1de2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 0, vd1 clip r channel bottom
//Bit 19:10 // default == 0, vd1 clip g channel bottom
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 0, vd1 clip b channel bottom
#define VPP_VD2_CLIP_MISC0 ((0x1de3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 1023, vd2 clip r channel top
//Bit 19:10 // default == 1023, vd2 clip g channel top
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 1023, vd2 clip b channel top
#define VPP_VD2_CLIP_MISC1 ((0x1de4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 0, vd2 clip r channel bottom
//Bit 19:10 // default == 0, vd2 clip g channel bottom
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 0, vd2 clip b channel bottom
#define VPP_VD3_CLIP_MISC0 ((0x1de5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 1023, vd2 clip r channel top
//Bit 19:10 // default == 1023, vd2 clip g channel top
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 1023, vd2 clip b channel top
#define VPP_VD3_CLIP_MISC1 ((0x1de6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 29:20 // default == 0, vd2 clip r channel bottom
//Bit 19:10 // default == 0, vd2 clip g channel bottom
//Bit 9: 0 // default == 0, vd2 clip b channel bottom
#define VPP_BLEND_VD3_H_START_END ((0x1deb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VPP_BLEND_VD3_V_START_END ((0x1dec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 start
//Bit 12:0 end
#define VD3_BLEND_SRC_CTRL ((0x1def << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_HDR_IN_SIZE ((0x1df0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 // default == 0
//Bit 15:0 // default == 0
#define VPP_OSD1_IN_SIZE ((0x1df1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 // default == 0
//Bit 15:0 // default == 0
#define VPP_GCLK_CTRL2 ((0x1df2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define VPP_BLEND_SRC_SEL 8'hf3
//`define VD2_PPS_DUMMY_DATA 8'hf4
#define VPP_OSD1_BLD_H_SCOPE ((0x1df5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSD1_BLD_V_SCOPE ((0x1df6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSD2_BLD_H_SCOPE ((0x1df7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSD2_BLD_V_SCOPE ((0x1df8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRBAK_CTRL ((0x1df9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_SLEEP_CTRL ((0x1dfa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_BLEND_SRC_CTRL ((0x1dfb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_BLEND_SRC_CTRL ((0x1dfc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_BLEND_SRC_CTRL ((0x1dfd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_BLEND_SRC_CTRL ((0x1dfe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define VPP_OSD_SCALE_CTRL 8'hff
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "disp_if_regs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "disp_if_regs.h"
// Reading file: vregs_clk1.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xa00 - 0xaff
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VIUB_ADDR_START ((0x2000 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIUB_ADDR_END ((0x20ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define TRACE_REG 8'ff
// VIU top-level registers
// Bit 0 RW, osd1_reset
// Bit 1 RW, osd2_reset
// Bit 2 RW, vd1_reset
// Bit 3 RW, vd1_fmt_reset
// Bit 4 RW, vd2_reset
// Bit 5 RW, vd2_fmt_reset
// Bit 6 RW, di_dsr1to2_reset
// Bit 7 RW, vpp_reset
// Bit 8 RW, di_if1_reset
// Bit 9 RW, di_if1_fmt_reset
// Bit 10 RW, di_inp_reset
// Bit 11 RW, di_inp_fmt_reset
// Bit 12 RW, di_mem_reset
// Bit 13 RW, di_mem_fmt_reset
// Bit 14 RW, di_nr_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 15 RW, dein_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 16 RW, di_chan2_mif_reset
// Bit 17 RW, di_mtn_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 18 RW, di_mtn_rd_mif_reset
// Bit 19 RW, di_mad_reset
// Bit 20 RW, vdin0_reset
// Bit 21 RW, vdin1_reset
// Bit 22 RW, nrin_mux_reset
// Bit 23 RW, vdin0_wr_reset
// Bit 24 RW, vdin1_wr_reset
// Bit 25 RW, reserved
// Bit 26 RW, d2d3_reset
// Bit 27 RW, di_cont_wr_mif_reset
// Bit 28 RW, di_cont_rd_mif_reset
#define VIUB_SW_RESET ((0x2001 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIUB_SW_RESET0 ((0x2002 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 0 RW, software reset for mcvecrd_mif
// Bit 1 RW, software reset for mcinfowr_mif
// Bit 2 RW, software reset for mcinford_mif
#define DI_AFBCE_CTRL ((0x2003 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIUB_SECURE_ST_RO ((0x2004 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 8 if true, vsync interrup is generate only field == 0
//bit 7:0 fix_disable
#define VIUB_MISC_CTRL0 ((0x2006 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIUB_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x2007 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[ 0] : def=1 di_top_wrap clk enable
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[ 8] : def=0 mad pre clock enable, from mad clock
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[ 9] : def=0 mad post clock enable, from mad clock
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[10] : def=0 div clock enable, di slow clock including di&mcdi
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[11] : def=0 mcdi clock enable, from div clock
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[12] : def=0 di post clock enable, from div clock
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[13] : def=0 reserved
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[14] : def=1 di_no_clk_gate, for old di
//// gclk_ctrl0_gl[15] : def=0 di_gate_all, for old di
#define VIUB_GCLK_CTRL1 ((0x2008 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[ 1: 0] : def=2'b00 mif-sub-arb clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[ 3: 2] : def=2'b00 if1 rdmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[ 5: 4] : def=2'b00 if2 rdmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[ 7: 6] : def=2'b00 de wrmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[ 9: 8] : def=2'b00 mtnrd post mif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[11:10] : def=2'b00 mcdi post mif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[17:16] : def=2'b00 inp rdmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[19:18] : def=2'b00 mem rdmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[21:20] : def=2'b00 chan rdmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[23:22] : def=2'b00 nr wrmif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[25:24] : def=2'b00 mtn mif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl1_gl[27:26] : def=2'b00 mcdi pre mif clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
#define VIUB_GCLK_CTRL2 ((0x2009 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[ 1: 0] : def=2'b00 nr clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[ 3: 2] : def=2'b00 pd clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[ 5: 4] : def=2'b00 mtn det clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[ 7: 6] : def=2'b00 debanding clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[ 9: 8] : def=2'b00 dnr clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[11:10] : def=2'b00 nr&dnr blend clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_pre[13:12] : def=2'b00 mcdi clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
#define VIUB_GCLK_CTRL3 ((0x200a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//// gclk_ctrl_post[ 1: 0] : def=2'b00 di blend clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_post[ 3: 2] : def=2'b00 ei clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
//// gclk_ctrl_post[ 5: 4] : def=2'b00 ei_0 clock gate ctrl [1]: clock valid, [0]: clock close
#define DI_DBG_CTRL ((0x200b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DBG_CTRL1 ((0x200c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DBG_SRDY_INF ((0x200d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DBG_RRDY_INF ((0x200e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIUB_SECURE_REG ((0x200f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_PRE_SEC_IN ((0x2010 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_POST_SEC_IN ((0x2011 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define DI_IF2_GEN_REG 8'h10
//`define DI_IF2_CANVAS0 8'h11
//`define DI_IF2_LUMA_X0 8'h12
//`define DI_IF2_LUMA_Y0 8'h13
//`define DI_IF2_CHROMA_X0 8'h14
//`define DI_IF2_CHROMA_Y0 8'h15
//`define DI_IF2_RPT_LOOP 8'h16
//`define DI_IF2_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h17
//`define DI_IF2_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h18
//`define DI_IF2_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'h19
//`define DI_IF2_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'h1a
//`define DI_IF2_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'h1b
//`define DI_IF2_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'h1c
//`define DI_IF2_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'h1d
//`define DI_IF2_GEN_REG2 8'h1e
//`define DI_IF2_FMT_CTRL 8'h1f
//`define DI_IF2_FMT_W 8'h20
//`define DI_IF2_URGENT_CTRL 8'h21
//bit15, auto enable; bit14, canvas write mode ;7:4, high threshold ;3:0 , low threshold for di inp chroma path
//bit31, auto enable; bit30, canvas write mode ;23:20, high threshold ;19:16 , low threshold for di inp luma path
//`define DI_IF2_GEN_REG3 8'h22
//bit 31:1, reversed
//bit 0, cntl_64bit_rev
#define DI_EI_DRT_CTRL ((0x2028 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reg_rectg_en ;u1
//Bit 30, reg_recbld_en ;u1
//Bit 29:28, reg_rectg_ws ;u2
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_abq_margin ;u3
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_trend_mg ;u3
//Bit 19:16, reg_int_d16xc1 ;u4
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_int_chlmt1 ;u6
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_nscheck_thrd ;u3
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_horsl_ws ;u3
#define DI_EI_DRT_PIXTH ((0x2029 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_min_pix ;u8
//Bit 23:16, reg_max_pix ;u8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dmaxmin_thrdma ;u8
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dmaxmin_thrdmi ;u8
#define DI_EI_DRT_CORRPIXTH ((0x202a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_newcorrpix_maxthrd ;u8
//Bit 23:16, reg_corrpix_diffthrd ;u8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_corrpix_minthrd ;u8
//Bit 7: 0, reg_corrpix_maxthrd ;u8
#define DI_EI_DRT_RECTG_WAVE ((0x202b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_max_pixwave ;u5
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_pix_wave ;u5
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_maxdrt_thrd ;u6
//Bit 7: 0, reg_wave_thrd ;u8
#define DI_EI_DRT_PIX_DIFFTH ((0x202c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_newraw_thrd ;u8
//Bit 23:16, reg_tb_max_thrd ;u8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_diffpix_thrd ;u8
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_bilt_trendnumt ;u8
#define DI_EI_DRT_UNBITREND_TH ((0x202d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_trend_numb ;u5
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_bilt_trendnum ;u5
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_unil_trendnumt ;u5
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_trend_num ;u5
//`define DI_IF0_GEN_REG 8'h30
//`define DI_IF0_CANVAS0 8'h31
//`define DI_IF0_LUMA_X0 8'h32
//`define DI_IF0_LUMA_Y0 8'h33
//`define DI_IF0_CHROMA_X0 8'h34
//`define DI_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 8'h35
//`define DI_IF0_RPT_LOOP 8'h36
//`define DI_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h37
//`define DI_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h38
//`define DI_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'h39
//`define DI_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'h3a
//`define DI_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'h3b
//`define DI_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'h3c
//`define DI_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'h3d
//`define DI_IF0_GEN_REG2 8'h3e
//`define DI_IF0_FMT_CTRL 8'h3f
//`define DI_IF0_FMT_W 8'h40
//`define DI_IF0_URGENT_CTRL 8'h41
//bit15, auto enable; bit14, canvas write mode ;7:4, high threshold ;3:0 , low threshold for di inp chroma path
//bit31, auto enable; bit30, canvas write mode ;23:20, high threshold ;19:16 , low threshold for di inp luma path
//`define DI_IF0_GEN_REG3 8'h42
//bit 31:1, reversed
//bit 0, cntl_64bit_rev
// di arbtration :
// the segment is 8'h50-8'h5f
// Reading file: di_arb_axi_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//// reg
#define DI_RDARB_MODE_L1C1 ((0x2050 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, rdarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[5]==0 slave dc5 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[5]==1 slave dc5 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, rdarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// rdarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port1 clk gate control
#define DI_RDARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2051 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, rdarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 12'hfff
// rdarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[6]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[7]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[8]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[9]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[10]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[11]: the slv5 req to mst port1 enable,
#define DI_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2052 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define DI_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2053 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv5 req weigh number
#define DI_WRARB_MODE_L1C1 ((0x2054 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, wrarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[5]==0 slave dc5 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[5]==1 slave dc5 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, wrarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// wrarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port1 clk gate control
#define DI_WRARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2055 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, wrarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port1 enable,
#define DI_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2056 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define DI_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2057 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv5 req weigh number
#define DI_RDWR_ARB_STATUS_L1C1 ((0x2058 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, wrarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1:0, rdarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
#define DI_ARB_DBG_CTRL_L1C1 ((0x2059 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_ARB_DBG_STAT_L1C1 ((0x205a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RDARB_UGT_L1C1 ((0x205b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_RDARB_LIMT0_L1C1 ((0x205c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_WRARB_UGT_L1C1 ((0x205d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_ARB_AXIWR_PROT ((0x205e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_ARB_AXIRD0_PROT ((0x205f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_arb_axi_regs.h
// di afbc_enc
// the segment is 8'h60-8'h8f
// Reading file: di_afbc_enc0_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DI_AFBCE_ENABLE ((0x2060 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, gclk_ctrl unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 19:16, di_afbce_sync_sel unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13, enc_rst_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 12, enc_en_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 11:9, reserved
//Bit 8, enc_enable unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 7:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reserved enc_frm_start pulse use this bit don't use
#define DI_AFBCE_MODE ((0x2061 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, soft_rst unsigned, default = 0 ,the use as go_field
//Bit 28, reserved
//Bit 27:26, rev_mode unsigned, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent unsigned, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num unsigned, default = 4, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 15:14, burst_mode unsigned, default = 1, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
#define DI_AFBCE_SIZE_IN ((0x2062 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_in unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_AFBCE_BLK_SIZE_IN ((0x2063 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hblk_size unsigned, default = 60 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vblk_size unsigned, default = 270, pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_AFBCE_HEAD_BADDR ((0x2064 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, head_baddr unsigned, default = 32'h00;
#define DI_AFBCE_MIF_SIZE ((0x2065 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, ddr_blk_size unsigned, default = 1;
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, cmd_blk_size unsigned, default = 3;
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, uncmp_size unsigned, default = 20;
//Bit 15:0, mmu_page_size unsigned, default = 4096;
#define DI_AFBCE_PIXEL_IN_HOR_SCOPE ((0x2066 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE_PIXEL_IN_VER_SCOPE ((0x2067 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE_CONV_CTRL ((0x2068 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, fmt_ybuf_depth unsigned, default = 2048
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, lbuf_depth unsigned, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define DI_AFBCE_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x2069 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, blk_end_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, blk_bgn_h unsigned, default = 59 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x206a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, blk_end_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, blk_bgn_v unsigned, default = 269 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE_STAT1 ((0x206b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, ro_frm_end_pulse1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;frame end status
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_STAT2 ((0x206c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info2 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_FORMAT ((0x206d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_format_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 2 data format;0 : YUV444, 1:YUV422, 2:YUV420, 3:RGB
//Bit 7: 4 reg_compbits_c // unsigned , RW, default = 10 chroma bitwidth
//Bit 3: 0 reg_compbits_y // unsigned , RW, default = 10 luma bitwidth
#define DI_AFBCE_MODE_EN ((0x206e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 reserved
//Bit 25 reg_adpt_interleave_ymode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: no HW implementation
//Bit 24 reg_adpt_interleave_cmode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: not HW implementation
//Bit 23 reg_adpt_yinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 22 reg_adpt_yinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 21 reg_adpt_xinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 20 reg_adpt_xinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18 reg_disable_order_mode_i_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 17 reg_disable_order_mode_i_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 16 reg_disable_order_mode_i_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 15 reg_disable_order_mode_i_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 14 reg_disable_order_mode_i_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 13 reg_disable_order_mode_i_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 12 reg_disable_order_mode_i_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10 reg_minval_yenc_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force disable, final decision to remove this ws 1% performance loss
//Bit 9 reg_16x4block_enable // unsigned , RW, default = 0 block as mission, but permit 16x4 block
//Bit 8 reg_uncompress_split_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0: no split; 1: split
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5 reg_input_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 input picture 32x4 block gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 4 reg_dwds_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 downsampled image for double write 32x gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 3: 1 reg_force_order_mode_value // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode 0~7
//Bit 0 reg_force_order_mode_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode enable: 0: no force; 1: forced to force_value
#define DI_AFBCE_DWSCALAR ((0x206f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 6 reg_dwscalar_w0 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 horizontal 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 5: 4 reg_dwscalar_w1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 horizontal 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 3: 2 reg_dwscalar_h0 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 vertical 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 1: 0 reg_dwscalar_h1 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 vertical 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
#define DI_AFBCE_DEFCOLOR_1 ((0x2070 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define DI_AFBCE_DEFCOLOR_2 ((0x2071 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define DI_AFBCE_QUANT_ENABLE ((0x2072 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst // signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define DI_AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x2073 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x2074 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x2075 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x2076 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x2077 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define DI_AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x2078 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x2079 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define DI_AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x207a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE_YUV_FORMAT_CONV_MODE ((0x207b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_444to422_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_422to420_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE_DUMMY_DATA ((0x207c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29: 0 reg_dummy_data // unsigned , default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_CLR_FLAG ((0x207d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_di_afbce_clr_flag // unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_STA_FLAGT ((0x207e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_di_afbce__sta_flag // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_NUM ((0x207f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 0 ro_frm_mmu_num // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL1 ((0x2080 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_sel // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id sync with frm rst
//Bit 23:16 reg_canvas_id // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id num
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_cmd_intr_len // unsigned , default = 1, interrupt send cmd when how many series axi cmd,
// 0=12 1=16 2=24 3=32 4=40 5=48 6=56 7=64
//Bit 11:10 reg_cmd_req_size // unsigned , default = 1, how many room fifo have, then axi send series req, 0=16 1=32 2=24 3=64
//Bit 9:8 reg_burst_len // unsigned , default = 2, burst type: 0-single 1-bst2 2-bst4
//Bit 7 reg_swap_64bit // unsigned , default = 0, 64bits of 128bit swap enable
//Bit 6 reg_little_endian // unsigned , default = 0, big endian enable
//Bit 5 reg_y_rev // unsigned , default = 0, vertical reverse enable
//Bit 4 reg_x_rev // unsigned , default = 0, horizontal reverse enable
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_pack_mode // unsigned , default = 3, 0:4bit 1:8bit 2:16bit 3:32bit 4:64bit 5:128bit
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL2 ((0x2081 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_sw_rst // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 29:24 reserved
//Bit 23:18 reg_gclk_ctrl
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16:0 reg_urgent_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0, urgent control reg :
// 16 reg_ugt_init : urgent initial value
// 15 reg_ugt_en : urgent enable
// 14 reg_ugt_type : 1= wrmif 0=rdmif
// 7:4 reg_ugt_top_th: urgent top threshold
// 3:0 reg_ugt_bot_th: urgent bottom threshold
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL3 ((0x2082 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_acc_mode // unsigned , default = 1,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_stride // unsigned , default = 4096,
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL4 ((0x2083 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_baddr // unsigned , default = 0,
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_X ((0x2084 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_x_end // unsigned , default = 4095, the canvas hor end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_x_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas hor start pixel position
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_Y ((0x2085 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_y_end // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_y_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver start pixel positio
#define DI_AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_RO_STAT ((0x2086 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0 reg_status // unsigned ,
#define DI_AFBCE_PIP_CTRL ((0x208a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_enc_align_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1,
//Bit 1 reg_pip_ini_ctrl //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
//Bit 0 reg_pip_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
#define DI_AFBCE_ROT_CTRL ((0x208b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_rot_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0, rotation enable
//Bit 3:0 reg_vstep //unsigned , RW,default = 8, rotation vstep ,setting acorrding rotation shrink mode
#define DI_AFBCE_DIMM_CTRL ((0x208c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_dimm_layer_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30 reserved
//Bit 29:0 reg_dimm_data //unsigned , RW,default = 29'h00080200,dimm_layer data
#define DI_AFBCE_BND_DEC_MISC ((0x208d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 bnd_dec_rev_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 25:24 bnd_dec_mif_urgent //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 23:22 bnd_dec_burst_len //unsigned , RW,default = 2 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 21:20 bnd_dec_ddr_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 bnd_dec_cmd_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14 bnd_dec_blk_mem_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 13 bnd_dec_addr_link_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 12 bnd_dec_always_body_rden //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:0 bnd_dec_mif_lbuf_depth //unsigned , RW,default = 128 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
#define DI_AFBCE_RD_ARB_MISC ((0x208e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12 reg_arb_sw_rst //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9 reg_arb_arblk_last1 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 8 reg_arb_arblk_last0 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 7:4 reg_arb_weight_ch1 //unsigned , RW,default = 4 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 3:0 reg_arb_weight_ch0 //unsigned , RW,default = 10 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_afbc_enc0_regs.h
// the segment is 8'h90-8'ha3
// Reading file: di_wrmif0_regs.h
#define NRWR_DBG_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x2090 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRWR_DBG_AXI_DAT_CNT ((0x2091 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NRWR_CANVAS ((0x2092 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NRWR_URGENT ((0x2093 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NRWR_X ((0x2094 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_NRWR_Y ((0x2095 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:30 NRWR_words_lim
//bit 29 NRWR_rev_y
//bit 28:16 NRWR_start_y
//bit 15 NRWR_ext_en
//bit 12:0 NRWR_end_y
#define DI_NRWR_CTRL ((0x2096 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31 pending_ddr_wrrsp_NRWR
//bit 30 NRWR_reg_swap
//bit 29:26 NRWR_burst_lim
//bit 25 NRWR_canvas_syncen
//bit 24 NRWR_no_clk_gate
//bit 23:22 NRWR_rgb_mode 0:422 to one canvas;1:4:4:4 to one canvas 2:Y to luma , CBCR to chroma canvas ,for nv12/21; 3 : reserved
//bit 21:20 NRWR_hconv_mode
//bit 19:18 NRWR_vconv_mode
//bit 17 NRWR_swap_cbcr
//bit 16 NRWR_urgent
//bit 15:8 NRWR_canvas_index_chroma
//bit 7:0 NRWR_canvas_index_luma
#define DI_NRWR_SHRK_CTRL ((0x2097 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:10 reserved
//bit 9:8 reg_vshrk_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:1/2 horizonal shrink 1:1/4 horizonal shrink 2:1/8 horizonal shrink
//bit 7:6 reg_hshrk_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:1/2 vertical shrink 1:1/4 vertical shrink 2:1/8 vertical shrink
//bit 5:2 reg_gclk_ctrl unsigned, default = 0
//bit 1 reg_frm_rst unsigned, default = 0
//bit 0 reg_shrk_en unsigned, default = 0
#define DI_NRWR_SHRK_SIZE ((0x2098 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:26 reserved
//bit 25:13 reg_frm_hsize unsigned, default = 1920, hsize in
//bit 12:0 reg_frm_vsize unsigned, default = 1080, vsize in
#define DI_NRWR_CROP_CTRL ((0x209a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_crop_en unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30:4 reserved
//Bit 3:0 reg_hold_line unsigned , RW,default = 4,dimm_layer data
#define DI_NRWR_CROP_DIMM_CTRL ((0x209b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_dimm_layer_en unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30 reserved
//Bit 29:0 reg_dimm_data unsigned , RW,default = 29'h00080200,dimm_layer data
#define DI_NRWR_CROP_SIZE_IN ((0x209c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_crop_hsize unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_crop_vsize unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_NRWR_CROP_HSCOPE ((0x209d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_cropwin_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ;
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_cropwin_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_NRWR_CROP_VSCOPE ((0x209e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_cropwin_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ;
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_cropwin_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_NRWR_BADDR0 ((0x20a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 wmif_baddr_luma unsigned, default = 0x20000
#define DI_NRWR_STRIDE0 ((0x20a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 canvas_mode_en unsigned, default = 0 ;
//Bit 30:14 reserved
//Bit 13:0 wmif_stride_luma unsigned, default = 0x1000;
#define DI_NRWR_BADDR1 ((0x20a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 wmif_baddr_chroma unsigned, default = 0x20000
#define DI_NRWR_STRIDE1 ((0x20a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 canvas_mode_en unsigned, default = 0 ;
//Bit 30:14 reserved
//Bit 13:0 wmif_stride_chroma unsigned, default = 0x1000;
// Closing file: di_wrmif0_regs.h
// di afbc_enc
// the segment is 8'hc0-8'hef
// Reading file: di_afbc_enc1_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DI_AFBCE1_ENABLE ((0x20c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, gclk_ctrl unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 19:16, di_AFBCE1_sync_sel unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13, enc_rst_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 12, enc_en_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 11:9, reserved
//Bit 8, enc_enable unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 7:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reserved enc_frm_start pulse use this bit don't use
#define DI_AFBCE1_MODE ((0x20c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, soft_rst unsigned, default = 0 ,the use as go_field
//Bit 28, reserved unsigned, default = 0 , enable singal of crop
//Bit 27:26, rev_mode unsigned, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent unsigned, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num unsigned, default = 4, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 15:14, burst_mode unsigned, default = 1, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
#define DI_AFBCE1_SIZE_IN ((0x20c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_in unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_AFBCE1_BLK_SIZE_IN ((0x20c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hblk_size unsigned, default = 60 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vblk_size unsigned, default = 270, pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_AFBCE1_HEAD_BADDR ((0x20c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, head_baddr unsigned, default = 32'h00;
#define DI_AFBCE1_MIF_SIZE ((0x20c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, ddr_blk_size unsigned, default = 1;
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, cmd_blk_size unsigned, default = 3;
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, uncmp_size unsigned, default = 20;
//Bit 15:0, mmu_page_size unsigned, default = 4096;
#define DI_AFBCE1_PIXEL_IN_HOR_SCOPE ((0x20c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE1_PIXEL_IN_VER_SCOPE ((0x20c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE1_CONV_CTRL ((0x20c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, fmt_ybuf_depth unsigned, default = 2048
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, lbuf_depth unsigned, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define DI_AFBCE1_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x20c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, blk_end_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, blk_bgn_h unsigned, default = 59 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE1_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x20ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, blk_end_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, blk_bgn_v unsigned, default = 269 ; //
#define DI_AFBCE1_STAT1 ((0x20cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, ro_frm_end_pulse1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;frame end status
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_STAT2 ((0x20cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info2 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_FORMAT ((0x20cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_format_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 2 data format;0 : YUV444, 1:YUV422, 2:YUV420, 3:RGB
//Bit 7: 4 reg_compbits_c // unsigned , RW, default = 10 chroma bitwidth
//Bit 3: 0 reg_compbits_y // unsigned , RW, default = 10 luma bitwidth
#define DI_AFBCE1_MODE_EN ((0x20ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 reserved
//Bit 25 reg_adpt_interleave_ymode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: no HW implementation
//Bit 24 reg_adpt_interleave_cmode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: not HW implementation
//Bit 23 reg_adpt_yinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 22 reg_adpt_yinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 21 reg_adpt_xinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 20 reg_adpt_xinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18 reg_disable_order_mode_i_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 17 reg_disable_order_mode_i_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 16 reg_disable_order_mode_i_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 15 reg_disable_order_mode_i_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 14 reg_disable_order_mode_i_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 13 reg_disable_order_mode_i_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 12 reg_disable_order_mode_i_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10 reg_minval_yenc_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force disable, final decision to remove this ws 1% performance loss
//Bit 9 reg_16x4block_enable // unsigned , RW, default = 0 block as mission, but permit 16x4 block
//Bit 8 reg_uncompress_split_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0: no split; 1: split
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5 reg_input_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 input picture 32x4 block gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 4 reg_dwds_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 downsampled image for double write 32x gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 3: 1 reg_force_order_mode_value // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode 0~7
//Bit 0 reg_force_order_mode_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode enable: 0: no force; 1: forced to force_value
#define DI_AFBCE1_DWSCALAR ((0x20cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 6 reg_dwscalar_w0 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 horizontal 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 5: 4 reg_dwscalar_w1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 horizontal 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 3: 2 reg_dwscalar_h0 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 vertical 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 1: 0 reg_dwscalar_h1 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 vertical 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
#define DI_AFBCE1_DEFCOLOR_1 ((0x20d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define DI_AFBCE1_DEFCOLOR_2 ((0x20d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define DI_AFBCE1_QUANT_ENABLE ((0x20d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst // signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define DI_AFBCE1_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x20d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE1_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x20d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE1_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x20d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE1_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x20d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define DI_AFBCE1_RQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x20d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define DI_AFBCE1_RQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x20d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE1_RQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x20d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define DI_AFBCE1_RQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x20da << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE1_YUV_FORMAT_CONV_MODE ((0x20db << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_444to422_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_422to420_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define DI_AFBCE1_DUMMY_DATA ((0x20dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29: 0 reg_dummy_data // unsigned , default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_CLR_FLAG ((0x20dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_di_AFBCE1_clr_flag // unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_STA_FLAGT ((0x20de << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_di_AFBCE1__sta_flag // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_NUM ((0x20df << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 0 ro_frm_mmu_num // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_CTRL1 ((0x20e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_sel // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id sync with frm rst
//Bit 23:16 reg_canvas_id // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id num
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_cmd_intr_len // unsigned , default = 1, interrupt send cmd when how many series axi cmd,
// 0=12 1=16 2=24 3=32 4=40 5=48 6=56 7=64
//Bit 11:10 reg_cmd_req_size // unsigned , default = 1, how many room fifo have, then axi send series req, 0=16 1=32 2=24 3=64
//Bit 9:8 reg_burst_len // unsigned , default = 2, burst type: 0-single 1-bst2 2-bst4
//Bit 7 reg_swap_64bit // unsigned , default = 0, 64bits of 128bit swap enable
//Bit 6 reg_little_endian // unsigned , default = 0, big endian enable
//Bit 5 reg_y_rev // unsigned , default = 0, vertical reverse enable
//Bit 4 reg_x_rev // unsigned , default = 0, horizontal reverse enable
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_pack_mode // unsigned , default = 3, 0:4bit 1:8bit 2:16bit 3:32bit 4:64bit 5:128bit
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_CTRL2 ((0x20e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_sw_rst // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 29:24 reserved
//Bit 23:18 reg_gclk_ctrl
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16:0 reg_urgent_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0, urgent control reg :
// 16 reg_ugt_init : urgent initial value
// 15 reg_ugt_en : urgent enable
// 14 reg_ugt_type : 1= wrmif 0=rdmif
// 7:4 reg_ugt_top_th: urgent top threshold
// 3:0 reg_ugt_bot_th: urgent bottom threshold
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_CTRL3 ((0x20e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_acc_mode // unsigned , default = 1,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_stride // unsigned , default = 4096,
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_CTRL4 ((0x20e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_baddr // unsigned , default = 0,
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_X ((0x20e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_x_end // unsigned , default = 4095, the canvas hor end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_x_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas hor start pixel position
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_Y ((0x20e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_y_end // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_y_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver start pixel positio
#define DI_AFBCE1_MMU_RMIF_RO_STAT ((0x20e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0 reg_status // unsigned ,
#define DI_AFBCE1_PIP_CTRL ((0x20ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_enc_align_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1,
//Bit 1 reg_pip_ini_ctrl //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
//Bit 0 reg_pip_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
#define DI_AFBCE1_ROT_CTRL ((0x20eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_rot_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0, rotation enable
//Bit 3:0 reg_vstep //unsigned , RW,default = 8, rotation vstep ,setting acorrding rotation shrink mode
#define DI_AFBCE1_DIMM_CTRL ((0x20ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_dimm_layer_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30 reserved
//Bit 29:0 reg_dimm_data //unsigned , RW,default = 29'h00080200,dimm_layer data
#define DI_AFBCE1_BND_DEC_MISC ((0x20ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 bnd_dec_rev_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 25:24 bnd_dec_mif_urgent //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 23:22 bnd_dec_burst_len //unsigned , RW,default = 2 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 21:20 bnd_dec_ddr_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 bnd_dec_cmd_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14 bnd_dec_blk_mem_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 13 bnd_dec_addr_link_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 12 bnd_dec_always_body_rden //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:0 bnd_dec_mif_lbuf_depth //unsigned , RW,default = 128 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
#define DI_AFBCE1_RD_ARB_MISC ((0x20ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12 reg_arb_sw_rst //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9 reg_arb_arblk_last1 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 8 reg_arb_arblk_last0 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 7:4 reg_arb_weight_ch1 //unsigned , RW,default = 4 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 3:0 reg_arb_weight_ch0 //unsigned , RW,default = 10 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_afbc_enc1_regs.h
// the segment is 8'hf0-8'hff, 8'ha8-8'hab
// Reading file: di_wrmif1_regs.h
#define DIWR_DBG_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x20f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DIWR_DBG_AXI_DAT_CNT ((0x20f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DIWR_CANVAS ((0x20f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DIWR_URGENT ((0x20f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DIWR_X ((0x20f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DIWR_Y ((0x20f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:30 diwr_words_lim
//bit 29 diwr_rev_y
//bit 28:16 diwr_start_y
//bit 15 diwr_ext_en
//bit 12:0 diwr_end_y
#define DI_DIWR_CTRL ((0x20f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31 pending_ddr_wrrsp_diwr
//bit 30 diwr_reg_swap
//bit 29:26 diwr_burst_lim
//bit 25 diwr_canvas_syncen
//bit 24 diwr_no_clk_gate
//bit 23:22 diwr_rgb_mode 0:422 to one canvas;1:4:4:4 to one canvas 2:Y to luma , CBCR to chroma canvas ,for nv12/21; 3 : reserved
//bit 21:20 diwr_hconv_mode
//bit 19:18 diwr_vconv_mode
//bit 17 diwr_swap_cbcr
//bit 16 diwr_urgent
//bit 15:8 diwr_canvas_index_chroma
//bit 7:0 diwr_canvas_index_luma
#define DI_DIWR_SHRK_CTRL ((0x20f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:10 reserved
//bit 9:8 reg_vshrk_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:1/2 horizonal shrink 1:1/4 horizonal shrink 2:1/8 horizonal shrink
//bit 7:6 reg_hshrk_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:1/2 vertical shrink 1:1/4 vertical shrink 2:1/8 vertical shrink
//bit 5:2 reg_gclk_ctrl unsigned, default = 0
//bit 1 reg_frm_rst unsigned, default = 0
//bit 0 reg_shrk_en unsigned, default = 0
#define DI_DIWR_SHRK_SIZE ((0x20f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:26 reserved
//bit 25:13 reg_frm_hsize unsigned, default = 1920, hsize in
//bit 12:0 reg_frm_vsize unsigned, default = 1080, vsize in
#define DI_DIWR_CROP_CTRL ((0x20fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_crop_en unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30:4 reserved
//Bit 3:0 reg_hold_line unsigned , RW,default = 4,dimm_layer data
#define DI_DIWR_CROP_DIMM_CTRL ((0x20fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_dimm_layer_en unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30 reserved
//Bit 29:0 reg_dimm_data unsigned , RW,default = 29'h00080200,dimm_layer data
#define DI_DIWR_CROP_SIZE_IN ((0x20fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_crop_hsize unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_crop_vsize unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DI_DIWR_CROP_HSCOPE ((0x20fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_cropwin_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ;
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_cropwin_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_DIWR_CROP_VSCOPE ((0x20fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_cropwin_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ;
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, reg_cropwin_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define DI_DIWR_BADDR0 ((0x20a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 wmif_baddr_luma unsigned, default = 0x20000
#define DI_DIWR_STRIDE0 ((0x20a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 canvas_mode_en unsigned, default = 0 ;
//Bit 30:14 reserved
//Bit 13:0 wmif_stride_luma unsigned, default = 0x1000;
#define DI_DIWR_BADDR1 ((0x20aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 wmif_baddr_chroma unsigned, default = 0x20000
#define DI_DIWR_STRIDE1 ((0x20ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 canvas_mode_en unsigned, default = 0 ;
//Bit 30:14 reserved
//Bit 13:0 wmif_stride_chroma unsigned, default = 0x1000;
// Closing file: di_wrmif1_regs.h
// Closing file: vregs_clk1.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc_1_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xa00 - 0xbff
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2158 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2159 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x215a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x215b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x215c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x215d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x215e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Route the hsync and vsync signals round the chip. There are three
// sources and users of these signals: VIU, internal video encoder, and
// the pins on the chip. Some muxing is still being done in the VIU. It
// was not moved to the venc module so that the same exact VIU code could
// be used both in Twister and Twister2000.
// Bit 2: venc_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>viu)
// Bit 1: viu_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>venc)
// Bit 0: vpins_sync_source (1=>venc, 0=>viu)
#define VENC1_SYNC_ROUTE ((0x2160 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// encoder address space is assigned
// to the video encoder interface status
// register
#define VENC1_VIDEO_EXSRC ((0x2161 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_DVI_SETTING ((0x2162 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_C656_CTRL ((0x2163 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_UPSAMPLE_CTRL0 ((0x2164 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_UPSAMPLE_CTRL1 ((0x2165 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_UPSAMPLE_CTRL2 ((0x2166 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Invert control for tcon output
// bit[15:14] -- vsync, hsync,
// bit[13:0] -- oev3, oev2, cpv2, cph3, cph2, cph1, oeh, vcom, stv2, stv1, cpv1, oev1, sth1, sth2
#define TCON1_INVERT_CTL ((0x2167 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_PROG_MODE ((0x2168 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Venc pixel/line info
#define VENC1_ENCI_LINE ((0x2169 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_ENCI_PIXEL ((0x216a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_ENCP_LINE ((0x216b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_ENCP_PIXEL ((0x216c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Status
#define VENC1_STATA ((0x216d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Interrupt setting
#define VENC1_INTCTRL ((0x216e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_INTFLAG ((0x216f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------- Video test configuration
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_EN ((0x2170 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_MDSEL ((0x2171 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_Y ((0x2172 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_CB ((0x2173 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_CR ((0x2174 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x2175 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x2176 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VIDEO_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x2177 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video dac setting
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL0 ((0x2178 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL1 ((0x2179 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL2 ((0x217a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL3 ((0x217b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL4 ((0x217c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DACSEL5 ((0x217d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_SETTING ((0x217e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_TST_VAL ((0x217f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC0_GAINCTRL ((0x21f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC0_OFFSET ((0x21f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC1_GAINCTRL ((0x21f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC1_OFFSET ((0x21f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC2_GAINCTRL ((0x21f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC2_OFFSET ((0x21f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC3_GAINCTRL ((0x21f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC3_OFFSET ((0x21f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC4_GAINCTRL ((0x21f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC4_OFFSET ((0x21f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC5_GAINCTRL ((0x21fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC5_OFFSET ((0x21fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_FIFO_CTRL ((0x21fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TCON_INVERT_CTL ((0x21fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc_1_regs.h
// Reading file: enc480p_1_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Video Encoder 480p Registers 0xb80 - 0xbef
//-------- Video basic setting
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_EN ((0x2180 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SYNC_MODE ((0x2181 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_EN ((0x2182 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x2183 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x2184 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x2185 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SYNC_SCL ((0x2186 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MACV_SCL ((0x2187 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x2188 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x2189 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x218a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SYNC_OFFST ((0x218b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MACV_OFFST ((0x218c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MODE ((0x218d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x218e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCP1_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2190 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DBG_LN_RST ((0x2191 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DBG_PX_INT ((0x2192 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DBG_LN_INT ((0x2193 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x2194 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x2195 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x2196 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x2197 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HSPULS_BEGIN ((0x2198 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HSPULS_END ((0x2199 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HSPULS_SWITCH ((0x219a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSPULS_BEGIN ((0x219b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSPULS_END ((0x219c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSPULS_BLINE ((0x219d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSPULS_ELINE ((0x219e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_EQPULS_BEGIN ((0x219f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_EQPULS_END ((0x21a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_EQPULS_BLINE ((0x21a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_EQPULS_ELINE ((0x21a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x21a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x21a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x21af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x21a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x21a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x21a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x21a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x21aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x21ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x21ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SYNC_WAVE_CURVE ((0x21ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x21ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SY_VAL ((0x21b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_SY2_VAL ((0x21b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x21b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x21b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x21b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x21b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x21b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x21b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x21b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x21b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x21ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x21bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x21bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x21bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//------------------Macrovision advanced setting
#define ENCP1_MACV_BLANKY_VAL ((0x21c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_MAXY_VAL ((0x21c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_1ST_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x21c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x21c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_AGC_STRT ((0x21c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_AGC_END ((0x21c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_WAVE_END ((0x21c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_STRTLINE ((0x21c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_ENDLINE ((0x21c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_L ((0x21c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_H ((0x21ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TIME_DOWN ((0x21cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TIME_LO ((0x21cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TIME_UP ((0x21cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MACV_TIME_RST ((0x21ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---------------- VBI control -------------------
#define ENCP1_VBI_CTRL ((0x21d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_SETTING ((0x21d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_BEGIN ((0x21d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_WIDTH ((0x21d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_HVAL ((0x21d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_DATA0 ((0x21d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_VBI_DATA1 ((0x21d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------------C656 OUT Control------------- Grant
#define C656_HS_ST_1 ((0x21e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_HS_ED_1 ((0x21e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_E_1 ((0x21e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_O_1 ((0x21e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_E_1 ((0x21e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_O_1 ((0x21e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNST_1 ((0x21e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNED_1 ((0x21e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: enc480p_1_regs.h
// Reading file: enci_1_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xb00 - 0xb57
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_MODE ((0x2100 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x2101 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_FSC_ADJ ((0x2102 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_BRIGHT ((0x2103 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_CONT ((0x2104 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_SAT ((0x2105 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_HUE ((0x2106 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_SCH ((0x2107 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_MODE ((0x2108 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_CTRL ((0x2109 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_HSO_BEGIN ((0x210a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_HSO_END ((0x210b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_VSO_EVN ((0x210c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_VSO_ODD ((0x210d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_VSO_EVNLN ((0x210e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_VSO_ODDLN ((0x210f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_HOFFST ((0x2110 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_VOFFST ((0x2111 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_SYNC_ADJ ((0x2112 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_RGB_SETTING ((0x2113 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI1_CMPN_MATRIX_CB 8'h14
//`define ENCI1_CMPN_MATRIX_CR 8'h15
#define ENCI1_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x2116 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DE_H_END ((0x2117 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x2118 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x2119 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x211a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x211b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_SETTING ((0x2120 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CCDT_EVN ((0x2121 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CCDT_ODD ((0x2122 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CC525_LN ((0x2123 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CC625_LN ((0x2124 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_WSSDT ((0x2125 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_WSS_LN ((0x2126 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CGMSDT_L ((0x2127 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CGMSDT_H ((0x2128 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_CGMS_LN ((0x2129 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTX_HTIME ((0x212a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTX_LN ((0x212b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTXDT0 ((0x212c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTXDT1 ((0x212d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTXDT2 ((0x212e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VBI_TTXDT3 ((0x212f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N0 ((0x2130 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N1 ((0x2131 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N2 ((0x2132 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N3 ((0x2133 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N4 ((0x2134 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N5 ((0x2135 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N6 ((0x2136 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N7 ((0x2137 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N8 ((0x2138 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N9 ((0x2139 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N10 ((0x213a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N11 ((0x213b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N12 ((0x213c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N13 ((0x213d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N14 ((0x213e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N15 ((0x213f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N16 ((0x2140 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N17 ((0x2141 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N18 ((0x2142 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N19 ((0x2143 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N20 ((0x2144 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N21 ((0x2145 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_N22 ((0x2146 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI1_MACV_P_AGC 8'h47
#define ENCI1_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2148 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DBG_FLDLN_RST ((0x2149 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DBG_PX_INT ((0x214a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DBG_FLDLN_INT ((0x214b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DBG_MAXPX ((0x214c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DBG_MAXLN ((0x214d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_MAX_AMP ((0x2150 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_PULSE_LO ((0x2151 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_PULSE_HI ((0x2152 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_MACV_BKP_MAX ((0x2153 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_CFILT_CTRL ((0x2154 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_CFILT7 ((0x2155 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_YC_DELAY ((0x2156 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VIDEO_EN ((0x2157 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: enci_1_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc2_1_regs.h
// Venc Registers (Cont.) 0xc00 - 0xcff (VENC registers 0xc00 - 0xcef)
// Program video control signals from ENCI core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCI1_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2200 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_HSO_END ((0x2201 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x2202 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x2203 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x2204 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x2205 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x2206 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x2207 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x2208 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x2209 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Define cmpt and cvbs cb/cr delay after ENCI chroma filters
// Bit 15:12 RW, enci_cb_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 11: 8 RW, enci_cr_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 7: 4 RW, enci_cb_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 3: 0 RW, enci_cr_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
#define ENCI1_CFILT_CTRL2 ((0x220a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DACSEL_0 ((0x220b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_DACSEL_1 ((0x220c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DACSEL_0 ((0x220d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DACSEL_1 ((0x220e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x220f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_EN ((0x2210 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_MDSEL ((0x2211 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_Y ((0x2212 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_CB ((0x2213 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_CR ((0x2214 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x2215 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x2216 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x2217 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2218 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2219 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x221a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x221b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x221c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x221d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x221e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI1_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x221f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2220 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2221 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x2222 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x2223 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x2224 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x2225 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x2226 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2227 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_EN ((0x2228 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_MDSEL ((0x2229 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_Y ((0x222a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_CB ((0x222b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_CR ((0x222c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x222d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x222e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x222f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Program video control signals from ENCP core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCP1_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2230 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_HSO_END ((0x2231 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x2232 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x2233 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x2234 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x2235 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x2236 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x2237 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x2238 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x2239 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x223a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_H_END ((0x223b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x223c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x223d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x223e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP1_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x223f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCI1_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2240 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCI1_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2241 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI1_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP1_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT1_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCI1_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x2242 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCI1_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x2243 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCP1_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2244 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCP1_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2245 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI1_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP1_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT1_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCP1_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x2246 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCP1_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x2247 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCT1_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2248 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCT1_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2249 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI1_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP1_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT1_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCT1_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x224a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCT1_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x224b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCL1_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x224c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCL1_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x224d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI1_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP1_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT1_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCL1_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x224e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCL1_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x224f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 3 cfg_encp_lcd_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale LCD input data;
// 0=Scale LCD input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 2 cfg_encp_vadj_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale data to enc480p_vadj;
// 0=Scale enc480p_vadj input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 1 cfg_vfifo2vd_out_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale vfifo2vd's output vdata;
// 0=Scale vfifo2vd's output vdata to y [16,235], c [16,240].
// bit 0 cfg_vfifo_din_full_range. 1=Data from viu fifo is full range [0,1023];
// 0=Data from viu fifo is y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
#define ENCP1_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2250 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:1 Reserved.
// bit 0 cfg_int_dvi_sel_rgb. Applicable for using on-chip hdmi tx module only. This bit controls correct bit-mapping from
// Venc to hdmi_tx depending on whether YCbCr or RGB mode.
// 1=Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for RGB mode;
// 0=Default. Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for YCbCr mode.
#define VENC1_DVI_SETTING_MORE ((0x2251 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2254 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2255 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2256 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2257 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2258 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2259 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x225a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x225b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x225c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x225d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x225e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC1_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x225f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCT registers
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_EN ((0x2260 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x2261 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x2262 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x2263 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x2264 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x2265 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x2266 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MODE ((0x2267 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x2268 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCT1_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2269 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_DBG_LN_RST ((0x226a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_DBG_PX_INT ((0x226b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_DBG_LN_INT ((0x226c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x226d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x226e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x226f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x2270 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x2271 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x2272 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x2273 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x2274 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2275 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x2276 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x2277 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x2278 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x2279 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x227a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x227b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x227c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x227d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x227e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x227f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x2280 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x2281 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x2282 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x2283 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x2284 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x2285 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x2286 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x2287 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x2288 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_DACSEL_0 ((0x2289 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_DACSEL_1 ((0x228a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x228b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x228c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_INBUF_CNT ((0x228d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x228e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x228f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// For ENCL
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2290 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2291 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x2292 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x2293 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x2294 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x2295 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x2296 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2297 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_EN ((0x2298 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_MDSEL ((0x2299 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_Y ((0x229a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_CB ((0x229b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_CR ((0x229c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x229d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x229e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x229f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCL1 registers
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_EN ((0x22a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x22a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x22a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x22a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x22a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x22a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x22a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MODE ((0x22a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x22a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCL1_DBG_PX_RST ((0x22a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_DBG_LN_RST ((0x22aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_DBG_PX_INT ((0x22ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_DBG_LN_INT ((0x22ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x22ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x22ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x22af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x22b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x22b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x22b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x22b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x22b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x22b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x22b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x22b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x22b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x22b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x22ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x22bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x22bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x22bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x22be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x22bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x22c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x22c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x22c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x22c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x22c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x22c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x22c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x22c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x22c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_DACSEL_0 ((0x22c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_DACSEL_1 ((0x22ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x22cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x22cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x22cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT1_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x22ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x22cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x22d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x22d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x22d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x22d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x22d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_INBUF_CNT ((0x22d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x22d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL1_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x22d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_V0 ((0x22e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_V1 ((0x22e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_V2 ((0x22e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_V3 ((0x22e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_H0 ((0x22e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_H1 ((0x22e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_H2 ((0x22e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_PWM_H3 ((0x22e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_3D_SYNC1 ((0x22e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VPU_3D_SYNC2 ((0x22e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENC_DUMMY ((0x22df << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENC_ERROR ((0x22ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCI_STAT ((0x22eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCP_STAT ((0x22ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_STAT ((0x22ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENC_DITH ((0x22ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENC_CTRL ((0x22ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_CTRL ((0x22f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_1 ((0x22f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_2 ((0x22f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_3 ((0x22f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_4 ((0x22f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_5 ((0x22f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_6 ((0x22f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_7 ((0x22f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_8 ((0x22f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_9 ((0x22f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_10 ((0x22fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_11 ((0x22fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU1_VENCL_DITH_LUT_12 ((0x22fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc2_1_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc_2_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xa00 - 0xbff
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2358 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2359 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x235a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x235b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x235c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x235d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x235e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Route the hsync and vsync signals round the chip. There are three
// sources and users of these signals: VIU, internal video encoder, and
// the pins on the chip. Some muxing is still being done in the VIU. It
// was not moved to the venc module so that the same exact VIU code could
// be used both in Twister and Twister2000.
// Bit 2: venc_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>viu)
// Bit 1: viu_sync_source (1=>pins, 0=>venc)
// Bit 0: vpins_sync_source (1=>venc, 0=>viu)
#define VENC2_SYNC_ROUTE ((0x2360 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// encoder address space is assigned
// to the video encoder interface status
// register
#define VENC2_VIDEO_EXSRC ((0x2361 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_DVI_SETTING ((0x2362 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_C656_CTRL ((0x2363 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_UPSAMPLE_CTRL0 ((0x2364 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_UPSAMPLE_CTRL1 ((0x2365 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_UPSAMPLE_CTRL2 ((0x2366 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Invert control for tcon output
// bit[15:14] -- vsync, hsync,
// bit[13:0] -- oev3, oev2, cpv2, cph3, cph2, cph1, oeh, vcom, stv2, stv1, cpv1, oev1, sth1, sth2
#define TCON2_INVERT_CTL ((0x2367 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_PROG_MODE ((0x2368 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Venc pixel/line info
#define VENC2_ENCI_LINE ((0x2369 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_ENCI_PIXEL ((0x236a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_ENCP_LINE ((0x236b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_ENCP_PIXEL ((0x236c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Status
#define VENC2_STATA ((0x236d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---- Interrupt setting
#define VENC2_INTCTRL ((0x236e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_INTFLAG ((0x236f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------- Video test configuration
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_EN ((0x2370 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_MDSEL ((0x2371 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_Y ((0x2372 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_CB ((0x2373 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_CR ((0x2374 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x2375 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x2376 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VIDEO_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x2377 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video dac setting
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL0 ((0x2378 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL1 ((0x2379 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL2 ((0x237a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL3 ((0x237b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL4 ((0x237c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DACSEL5 ((0x237d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_SETTING ((0x237e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_TST_VAL ((0x237f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC0_GAINCTRL ((0x23f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC0_OFFSET ((0x23f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC1_GAINCTRL ((0x23f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC1_OFFSET ((0x23f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC2_GAINCTRL ((0x23f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC2_OFFSET ((0x23f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC3_GAINCTRL ((0x23f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC3_OFFSET ((0x23f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC4_GAINCTRL ((0x23f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC4_OFFSET ((0x23f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC5_GAINCTRL ((0x23fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC5_OFFSET ((0x23fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_FIFO_CTRL ((0x23fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TCON_INVERT_CTL ((0x23fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc_2_regs.h
// Reading file: enc480p_2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Video Encoder 480p Registers 0xb80 - 0xbef
//-------- Video basic setting
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_EN ((0x2380 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SYNC_MODE ((0x2381 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_EN ((0x2382 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x2383 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x2384 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x2385 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SYNC_SCL ((0x2386 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MACV_SCL ((0x2387 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x2388 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x2389 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x238a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SYNC_OFFST ((0x238b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MACV_OFFST ((0x238c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MODE ((0x238d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x238e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCP2_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2390 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DBG_LN_RST ((0x2391 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DBG_PX_INT ((0x2392 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DBG_LN_INT ((0x2393 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x2394 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x2395 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x2396 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x2397 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HSPULS_BEGIN ((0x2398 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HSPULS_END ((0x2399 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HSPULS_SWITCH ((0x239a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSPULS_BEGIN ((0x239b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSPULS_END ((0x239c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSPULS_BLINE ((0x239d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSPULS_ELINE ((0x239e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_EQPULS_BEGIN ((0x239f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_EQPULS_END ((0x23a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_EQPULS_BLINE ((0x23a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_EQPULS_ELINE ((0x23a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x23a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x23a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x23af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x23a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x23a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x23a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x23a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x23aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x23ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x23ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SYNC_WAVE_CURVE ((0x23ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x23ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SY_VAL ((0x23b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_SY2_VAL ((0x23b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x23b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x23b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x23b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x23b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x23b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x23b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x23b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x23b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x23ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x23bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x23bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x23bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//------------------Macrovision advanced setting
#define ENCP2_MACV_BLANKY_VAL ((0x23c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_MAXY_VAL ((0x23c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_1ST_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x23c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_PSSYNC_STRT ((0x23c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_AGC_STRT ((0x23c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_AGC_END ((0x23c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_WAVE_END ((0x23c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_STRTLINE ((0x23c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_ENDLINE ((0x23c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_L ((0x23c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TS_CNT_MAX_H ((0x23ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TIME_DOWN ((0x23cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TIME_LO ((0x23cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TIME_UP ((0x23cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MACV_TIME_RST ((0x23ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//---------------- VBI control -------------------
#define ENCP2_VBI_CTRL ((0x23d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_SETTING ((0x23d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_BEGIN ((0x23d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_WIDTH ((0x23d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_HVAL ((0x23d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_DATA0 ((0x23d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_VBI_DATA1 ((0x23d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------------C656 OUT Control------------- Grant
#define C656_HS_ST_2 ((0x23e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_HS_ED_2 ((0x23e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_E_2 ((0x23e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNST_O_2 ((0x23e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_E_2 ((0x23e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_VS_LNED_O_2 ((0x23e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNST_2 ((0x23e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define C656_FS_LNED_2 ((0x23e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: enc480p_2_regs.h
// Reading file: enci_2_regs.h
// Video Interface Registers 0xb00 - 0xb57
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_MODE ((0x2300 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x2301 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_FSC_ADJ ((0x2302 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_BRIGHT ((0x2303 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_CONT ((0x2304 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_SAT ((0x2305 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_HUE ((0x2306 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_SCH ((0x2307 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_MODE ((0x2308 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_CTRL ((0x2309 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_HSO_BEGIN ((0x230a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_HSO_END ((0x230b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_VSO_EVN ((0x230c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_VSO_ODD ((0x230d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_VSO_EVNLN ((0x230e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_VSO_ODDLN ((0x230f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_HOFFST ((0x2310 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_VOFFST ((0x2311 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_SYNC_ADJ ((0x2312 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_RGB_SETTING ((0x2313 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI2_CMPN_MATRIX_CB 8'h14
//`define ENCI2_CMPN_MATRIX_CR 8'h15
#define ENCI2_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x2316 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DE_H_END ((0x2317 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x2318 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x2319 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x231a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x231b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_SETTING ((0x2320 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CCDT_EVN ((0x2321 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CCDT_ODD ((0x2322 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CC525_LN ((0x2323 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CC625_LN ((0x2324 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_WSSDT ((0x2325 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_WSS_LN ((0x2326 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CGMSDT_L ((0x2327 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CGMSDT_H ((0x2328 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_CGMS_LN ((0x2329 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTX_HTIME ((0x232a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTX_LN ((0x232b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTXDT0 ((0x232c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTXDT1 ((0x232d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTXDT2 ((0x232e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VBI_TTXDT3 ((0x232f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N0 ((0x2330 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N1 ((0x2331 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N2 ((0x2332 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N3 ((0x2333 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N4 ((0x2334 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N5 ((0x2335 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N6 ((0x2336 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N7 ((0x2337 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N8 ((0x2338 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N9 ((0x2339 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N10 ((0x233a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N11 ((0x233b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N12 ((0x233c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N13 ((0x233d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N14 ((0x233e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N15 ((0x233f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N16 ((0x2340 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N17 ((0x2341 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N18 ((0x2342 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N19 ((0x2343 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N20 ((0x2344 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N21 ((0x2345 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_N22 ((0x2346 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//`define ENCI2_MACV_P_AGC 8'h47
#define ENCI2_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2348 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DBG_FLDLN_RST ((0x2349 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DBG_PX_INT ((0x234a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DBG_FLDLN_INT ((0x234b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DBG_MAXPX ((0x234c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DBG_MAXLN ((0x234d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_MAX_AMP ((0x2350 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_PULSE_LO ((0x2351 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_PULSE_HI ((0x2352 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_MACV_BKP_MAX ((0x2353 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_CFILT_CTRL ((0x2354 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_CFILT7 ((0x2355 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_YC_DELAY ((0x2356 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VIDEO_EN ((0x2357 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: enci_2_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: venc2_2_regs.h
// Venc Registers (Cont.) 0xc00 - 0xcff (VENC registers 0xc00 - 0xcef)
// Program video control signals from ENCI core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCI2_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2400 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_HSO_END ((0x2401 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x2402 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x2403 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x2404 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x2405 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x2406 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x2407 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x2408 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x2409 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Define cmpt and cvbs cb/cr delay after ENCI chroma filters
// Bit 15:12 RW, enci_cb_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 11: 8 RW, enci_cr_cvbs_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 7: 4 RW, enci_cb_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
// Bit 3: 0 RW, enci_cr_cmpt_dly_sel. 0=no delay; 1~6=delay by 1~6 clk; 7~15 reserved.
#define ENCI2_CFILT_CTRL2 ((0x240a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DACSEL_0 ((0x240b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_DACSEL_1 ((0x240c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DACSEL_0 ((0x240d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DACSEL_1 ((0x240e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x240f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_EN ((0x2410 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_MDSEL ((0x2411 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_Y ((0x2412 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_CB ((0x2413 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_CR ((0x2414 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x2415 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x2416 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x2417 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2418 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2419 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x241a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x241b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x241c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x241d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x241e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI2_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x241f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2420 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2421 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x2422 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x2423 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x2424 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x2425 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x2426 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2427 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_EN ((0x2428 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_MDSEL ((0x2429 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_Y ((0x242a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_CB ((0x242b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_CR ((0x242c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x242d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x242e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x242f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Program video control signals from ENCP core to DVI/HDMI interface
#define ENCP2_DVI_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2430 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_HSO_END ((0x2431 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_BLINE_EVN ((0x2432 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_BLINE_ODD ((0x2433 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_ELINE_EVN ((0x2434 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_ELINE_ODD ((0x2435 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_EVN ((0x2436 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_BEGIN_ODD ((0x2437 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_END_EVN ((0x2438 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DVI_VSO_END_ODD ((0x2439 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_H_BEGIN ((0x243a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_H_END ((0x243b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_V_BEGIN_EVEN ((0x243c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_V_END_EVEN ((0x243d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_V_BEGIN_ODD ((0x243e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP2_DE_V_END_ODD ((0x243f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCI2_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2440 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCI2_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2441 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI2_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP2_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT2_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCI2_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x2442 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCI2_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x2443 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCP2_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2444 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCP2_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2445 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI2_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP2_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT2_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCP2_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x2446 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCP2_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x2447 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCT2_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x2448 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCT2_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x2449 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI2_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP2_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT2_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCT2_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x244a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCT2_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x244b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15:11 - sync length
// Bit 10:0 - sync start line
#define ENCL2_SYNC_LINE_LENGTH ((0x244c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - sync_pulse_enable
// Bit 12:0 - sync start pixel
#define ENCL2_SYNC_PIXEL_EN ((0x244d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 15 - ENCI2_sync_enable
// Bit 14 - ENCP2_sync_enable
// Bit 13 - ENCT2_sync_enable
// Bit 12 - short_fussy_sync
// Bit 11 - fussy_sync_enable
// Bit 10:0 - sync target line
#define ENCL2_SYNC_TO_LINE_EN ((0x244e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 12:0 - sync target pixel
#define ENCL2_SYNC_TO_PIXEL ((0x244f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 3 cfg_encp_lcd_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale LCD input data;
// 0=Scale LCD input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 2 cfg_encp_vadj_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale data to enc480p_vadj;
// 0=Scale enc480p_vadj input data to y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
// bit 1 cfg_vfifo2vd_out_scaler_bypass. 1=Do not scale vfifo2vd's output vdata;
// 0=Scale vfifo2vd's output vdata to y [16,235], c [16,240].
// bit 0 cfg_vfifo_din_full_range. 1=Data from viu fifo is full range [0,1023];
// 0=Data from viu fifo is y [16*4,235*4], c [16*4,240*4].
#define ENCP2_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2450 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 15:1 Reserved.
// bit 0 cfg_int_dvi_sel_rgb. Applicable for using on-chip hdmi tx module only. This bit controls correct bit-mapping from
// Venc to hdmi_tx depending on whether YCbCr or RGB mode.
// 1=Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for RGB mode;
// 0=Default. Map data bit from Venc to hdmi_tx for YCbCr mode.
#define VENC2_DVI_SETTING_MORE ((0x2451 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2454 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC4_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2455 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2456 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC5_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2457 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x2458 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC0_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x2459 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x245a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC1_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x245b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x245c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC2_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x245d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 filter_en
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL0 ((0x245e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//dout = ((din + din_d2) * coef1 + (din_d1 * coef0) + 32) >> 6
//Bit 15:8, coef1,
//Bit 7:0, coef0,
#define VENC2_VDAC_DAC3_FILT_CTRL1 ((0x245f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCT registers
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_EN ((0x2460 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x2461 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x2462 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x2463 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x2464 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x2465 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x2466 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MODE ((0x2467 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x2468 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCT2_DBG_PX_RST ((0x2469 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_DBG_LN_RST ((0x246a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_DBG_PX_INT ((0x246b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_DBG_LN_INT ((0x246c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x246d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x246e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x246f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x2470 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x2471 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x2472 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x2473 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x2474 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x2475 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x2476 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x2477 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x2478 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x2479 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x247a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x247b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x247c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x247d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x247e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x247f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x2480 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x2481 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x2482 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x2483 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x2484 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x2485 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x2486 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x2487 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x2488 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_DACSEL_0 ((0x2489 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_DACSEL_1 ((0x248a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x248b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x248c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_INBUF_CNT ((0x248d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x248e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x248f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// For ENCL
// bit 15:8 -- vfifo2vd_vd_sel
// bit 7 -- vfifo2vd_drop
// bit 6:1 -- vfifo2vd_delay
// bit 0 -- vfifo2vd_en
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_CTL ((0x2490 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:0 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_start
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_START ((0x2491 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 12:00 -- vfifo2vd_pixel_end
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_PIXEL_END ((0x2492 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:0 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_start
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_START ((0x2493 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_top_end
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_TOP_END ((0x2494 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_start
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_START ((0x2495 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// bit 10:00 -- vfifo2vd_line_bot_end
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_LINE_BOT_END ((0x2496 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VFIFO2VD_CTL2 ((0x2497 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_EN ((0x2498 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_MDSEL ((0x2499 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_Y ((0x249a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_CB ((0x249b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_CR ((0x249c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_CLRBAR_STRT ((0x249d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_CLRBAR_WIDTH ((0x249e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_TST_VDCNT_STSET ((0x249f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// ENCL2 registers
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_EN ((0x24a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_Y_SCL ((0x24a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_PB_SCL ((0x24a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_PR_SCL ((0x24a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_Y_OFFST ((0x24a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_PB_OFFST ((0x24a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_PR_OFFST ((0x24a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----- Video mode
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MODE ((0x24a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MODE_ADV ((0x24a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//--------------- Debug pins
#define ENCL2_DBG_PX_RST ((0x24a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_DBG_LN_RST ((0x24aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_DBG_PX_INT ((0x24ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_DBG_LN_INT ((0x24ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//----------- Video Advanced setting
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_YFP1_HTIME ((0x24ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_YFP2_HTIME ((0x24ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_YC_DLY ((0x24af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MAX_PXCNT ((0x24b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_HAVON_END ((0x24b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_HAVON_BEGIN ((0x24b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VAVON_ELINE ((0x24b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VAVON_BLINE ((0x24b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_HSO_BEGIN ((0x24b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_HSO_END ((0x24b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VSO_BEGIN ((0x24b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VSO_END ((0x24b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VSO_BLINE ((0x24b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VSO_ELINE ((0x24ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MAX_LNCNT ((0x24bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_BLANKY_VAL ((0x24bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_BLANKPB_VAL ((0x24bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_BLANKPR_VAL ((0x24be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_HOFFST ((0x24bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_VOFFST ((0x24c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_RGB_CTRL ((0x24c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_FILT_CTRL ((0x24c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_OFLD_VPEQ_OFST ((0x24c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_OFLD_VOAV_OFST ((0x24c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CB ((0x24c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_MATRIX_CR ((0x24c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_RGBIN_CTRL ((0x24c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_MAX_LINE_SWITCH_POINT ((0x24c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_DACSEL_0 ((0x24c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_DACSEL_1 ((0x24ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x24cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x24cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x24cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT2_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x24ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_END ((0x24cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_H_PRE_DE_BEGIN ((0x24d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_ELINE ((0x24d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_VIDEO_V_PRE_DE_BLINE ((0x24d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_INBUF_CNTL0 ((0x24d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_INBUF_CNTL1 ((0x24d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_INBUF_CNT ((0x24d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_INBUF_HOLD_CNT ((0x24d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL2_INBUF_FIX_PIX_NUM ((0x24d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_V0 ((0x24e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_V1 ((0x24e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_V2 ((0x24e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_V3 ((0x24e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_H0 ((0x24e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_H1 ((0x24e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_H2 ((0x24e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_PWM_H3 ((0x24e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_3D_SYNC1 ((0x24e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VPU_3D_SYNC2 ((0x24e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENC_DUMMY ((0x24df << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENC_ERROR ((0x24ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCI_STAT ((0x24eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCP_STAT ((0x24ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_STAT ((0x24ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENC_DITH ((0x24ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENC_CTRL ((0x24ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_CTRL ((0x24f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_1 ((0x24f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_2 ((0x24f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_3 ((0x24f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_4 ((0x24f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_5 ((0x24f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_6 ((0x24f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_7 ((0x24f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_8 ((0x24f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_9 ((0x24f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_10 ((0x24fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_11 ((0x24fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU2_VENCL_DITH_LUT_12 ((0x24fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: venc2_2_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_top_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// vpu register.
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VPU_CRC_CTRL ((0x2701 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC0 ((0x2702 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC1 ((0x2703 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC2 ((0x2704 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC3 ((0x2705 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC4 ((0x2706 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC5 ((0x2707 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RO_CRC6 ((0x2708 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_INTF_CTRL ((0x270a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_APB_PROT_CTRL ((0x270b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ENC_ERROR ((0x270c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_SECURE_REG ((0x270d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_SECURE_ST_RO ((0x270e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VDIN_SEC_IN ((0x270f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Read only
//Read only
//`define VPU_TVDVBI_WRRSP_ADDR 8'h13
#define VPU_VDIN_PRE_ARB_CTRL ((0x2714 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VDISP_PRE_ARB_CTRL ((0x2715 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPUARB2_PRE_ARB_CTRL ((0x2716 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// [31:21] Reserved.
// [20:18] cntl_encx_clk_sel
// [17:16] cntl_vencl_dpi_sel_clk
// [15: 8] Reserved
// [ 6: 4] Reserved
// [ 3: 2] cntl_viu2_sel_venc. Select which one of the encI/P/T that VIU2 connects to:
// 0=No connection, 1=ENCI, 2=ENCP, 3=ENCT.
// [ 1: 0] cntl_viu1_sel_venc. Select which one of the encI/P/T that VIU1 connects to:
// 0=No connection, 1=ENCI, 2=ENCP, 3=ENCT.
#define VPU_VIU_VENC_MUX_CTRL ((0x271a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// [15:12] rd_rate. 0=A read every clk2; 1=A read every 2 clk2; ...; 15=A read every 16 clk2.
// [11: 8] wr_rate. 0=A write every clk1; 1=A write every 2 clk1; ...; 15=A write every 16 clk1.
// [ 7: 5] data_comp_map. Input data is CrYCb(BRG), map the output data to desired format:
// 0=output CrYCb(BRG);
// 1=output YCbCr(RGB);
// 2=output YCrCb(RBG);
// 3=output CbCrY(GBR);
// 4=output CbYCr(GRB);
// 5=output CrCbY(BGR);
// 6,7=Rsrv.
// [ 4] inv_dvi_clk. 1=Invert clock to external DVI, (clock invertion exists at internal HDMI).
// [ 3] inv_vsync. 1=Invert Vsync polarity.
// [ 2] inv_hsync. 1=Invert Hsync polarity.
// [ 1: 0] src_sel. 0=Disable output to HDMI; 1=Select VENC_I output to HDMI; 2=Select VENC_P output.
#define VPU_HDMI_SETTING ((0x271b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCI_INFO_READ ((0x271c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCP_INFO_READ ((0x271d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCT_INFO_READ ((0x271e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define ENCL_INFO_READ ((0x271f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 0 RW, viu_rst_n
// Bit 1 RW, vdin_mmc_arb_rst_n
// Bit 2 RW, vdisp_mmc_arb_rst_n
// Bit 3 RW, vpuarb2_mmc_arb_rst_n
#define VPU_SW_RESET ((0x2720 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 6 RW, gclk_mpeg_vpu_misc
// Bit 5 RW, gclk_mpeg_venc_l_top
// Bit 4 RW, gclk_mpeg_vencl_int
// Bit 3 RW, gclk_mpeg_vencp_int
// Bit 2 RW, gclk_mpeg_vi2_top
// Bit 1 RW, gclk_mpeg_vi_top
// Bit 0 RW, gclk_mpeg_venc_p_top
#define VPU_CLK_GATE ((0x2723 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MEM_PD_REG0 ((0x2725 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MEM_PD_REG1 ((0x2726 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// [ 31] hdmi_data_ovr_en: 1=Enable overriding data input to HDMI TX with hdmi_data_ovr[29:0]. 0=No override. Default 0.
// [ 30] Reserved. Default 0
// [29: 0] hdmi_data_ovr. Default 0.
#define VPU_HDMI_DATA_OVR ((0x2727 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_AXI_QOS_RD0 ((0x2730 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_AXI_QOS_RD1 ((0x2731 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_AXI_QOS_WR0 ((0x2732 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0, if true, force vencl clk enable, otherwise, it might auto turn off by mipi DSI
#define VPU_MISC_CTRL ((0x2740 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ISP_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x2741 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ISP_GCLK_CTRL1 ((0x2742 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_FMT_CTRL ((0x2743 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VDIN_ASYNC_HOLD_CTRL ((0x2744 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VDISP_ASYNC_HOLD_CTRL ((0x2745 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VPUARB2_ASYNC_HOLD_CTRL ((0x2746 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_URG_CTRL ((0x2747 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_SECURE_DUMMY ((0x2748 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCL_DITH_EN ((0x2749 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_RST ((0x274a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_CTRL0 ((0x274b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_CTRL1 ((0x274c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_CTRL2 ((0x274d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_CTRL3 ((0x274e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// todo :
#define VPU_422TO444_CTRL4 ((0x274f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 20 reg_viu2vdin0_sw_reset: software reset
//Bit 19:18 reg_viu2vdin0_dn_ratio: down-scale ratio; 0: no scale; 1: 1/2; 2:1/4; 3: reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_viu2vdin0_flt_mode: filter mode; 0: no filter; 1:[0 2 2 0]/4; 2:[1 1 1 1]/4; 3:[1 3 3 1]/8
//Bit 15:14 reversed
//Bit 13:0 reg_viu2vdin0_hsize: source horizontal size
#define VPU_VIU2VDIN0_HDN_CTRL ((0x2780 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VIU_ASYNC_MASK ((0x2781 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VDIN_MISC_CTRL ((0x2782 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// [31:29] Reserved.
// [28:24] cntl_viu2vdin1_sel_data. Select VIU to VDIN data path, must clear it first before changing the path selection:
// 5'b00000=Disable VIU to VDIN path;
// 5'b00001=Enable VIU of ENC_I domain to VDIN;
// 5'b00010=Enable VIU of ENC_P domain to VDIN;
// 5'b00100=Enable VIU of ENC_T domain to VDIN;
// 5'b01000=Enable VIU WriteBack 1 domain to VDIN;
// 5'b10000=Enable VIU WriteBack 2 domain to VDIN;
// [23:21] Reserved.
// [20:16] cntl_viu2vdin1_sel_clk. Select which clock to VDIN path, must clear it first before changing the clock:
// 5'b00000=Disable VIU to VDIN clock;
// 5'b00001=Select encI clock to VDIN;
// 5'b00010=Select encP clock to VDIN;
// 5'b00100=Select encT clock to VDIN;
// 5'b01000=Select VIU WriteBack 1 clock to VDIN;
// 5'b10000=Select VIU WriteBack 2 clock to VDIN;
// [15:13] Reserved.
// [12: 8] cntl_viu2vdin0_sel_data. Select VIU to VDIN data path, must clear it first before changing the path selection:
// 5'b00000=Disable VIU to VDIN path;
// 5'b00001=Enable VIU of ENC_I domain to VDIN;
// 5'b00010=Enable VIU of ENC_P domain to VDIN;
// 5'b00100=Enable VIU of ENC_T domain to VDIN;
// 5'b01000=Enable VIU WriteBack 1 domain to VDIN;
// 5'b10000=Enable VIU WriteBack 2 domain to VDIN;
// [ 7:5] Reserved.
// [ 4: 0] cntl_viu2vdin0_sel_clk. Select which clock to VDIN path, must clear it first before changing the clock:
// 5'b00000=Disable VIU to VDIN clock;
// 5'b00001=Select encI clock to VDIN;
// 5'b00010=Select encP clock to VDIN;
// 5'b00100=Select encT clock to VDIN;
// 5'b01000=Select VIU WriteBack 1 clock to VDIN;
// 5'b10000=Select VIU WriteBack 2 clock to VDIN;
#define VPU_VIU_VDIN_IF_MUX_CTRL ((0x2783 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 20 reg_viu2vdin1_sw_reset: software reset
//Bit 19:18 reg_viu2vdin1_dn_ratio: down-scale ratio; 0: no scale; 1: 1/2; 2:1/4; 3: reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_viu2vdin1_flt_mode: filter mode; 0: no filter; 1:[0 2 2 0]/4; 2:[1 1 1 1]/4; 3:[1 3 3 1]/8
//Bit 15:14 reversed
//Bit 13:0 reg_viu2vdin1_hsize: source horizontal size
#define VPU_VIU2VDIN1_HDN_CTRL ((0x2784 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENCX_CLK_CTRL ((0x2785 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 0 encp_afifo_clk
//Bit 1 encl_afifo_clk
//Bit 2 enci_afifo_clk
#define VPU_DISP_VIU0_CTRL ((0x2786 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 lvds_out_enable[0]
//Bit 30 vbo_out_enable[0]
//Bit 29 hdmi_tx_enable[0]
//Bit 28 dsi_edp_enable[0]
//Bit 27:7 reversed
//Bit 6 viu0_disable_rst_afifo
//Bit 5:4 viu0_vs_hs_ctrl
//Bit 3:2 viu0_force_field_ctrl
//Bit 1 viu0_force_go_line
//Bit 0 viu0_force_go_field
#define VPU_DISP_VIU1_CTRL ((0x2787 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 lvds_out_enable[1]
//Bit 30 vbo_out_enable[1]
//Bit 29 hdmi_tx_enable[1]
//Bit 28 dsi_edp_enable[1]
//Bit 27:7 reversed
//Bit 6 viu1_disable_rst_afifo
//Bit 5:4 viu1_vs_hs_ctrl
//Bit 3:2 viu1_force_field_ctrl
//Bit 1 viu1_force_go_line
//Bit 0 viu1_force_go_field
#define VPU_DISP_VIU2_CTRL ((0x2788 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 lvds_out_enable[2]
//Bit 30 vbo_out_enable[2]
//Bit 29 hdmi_tx_enable[2]
//Bit 28 dsi_edp_enable[2]
//Bit 27:7 reversed
//Bit 6 viu2_disable_rst_afifo
//Bit 5:4 viu2_vs_hs_ctrl
//Bit 3:2 viu2_force_field_ctrl
//Bit 1 viu2_force_go_line
//Bit 0 viu2_force_go_field
#define VPU_VENC_RGN_CTRL ((0x2789 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VENC_RGN_RSIZE ((0x278a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DISP_WRAP_CTRL ((0x278b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// vpu arbtration :
// the segment is 8'h90-8'hc8
// Reading file: vpu_arb_axi_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//// reg
#define VPU_RDARB_MODE_L1C1 ((0x2790 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, rdarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[5]==0 slave dc5 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[5]==1 slave dc5 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, rdarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// rdarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port1 clk gate control
#define VPU_RDARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2791 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, rdarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 12'hfff
// rdarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[6]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[7]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[8]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[9]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[10]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[11]: the slv5 req to mst port1 enable,
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2792 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2793 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv5 req weigh number
#define VPU_WRARB_MODE_L1C1 ((0x2794 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, wrarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[5]==0 slave dc5 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[5]==1 slave dc5 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, wrarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// wrarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port1 clk gate control
#define VPU_WRARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2795 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, wrarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port1 enable,
#define VPU_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2796 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define VPU_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C1 ((0x2797 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv5 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDWR_ARB_STATUS_L1C1 ((0x2798 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, wrarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1:0, rdarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
#define VPU_RDARB_MODE_L1C2 ((0x2799 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, rdarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, rdarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// rdarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port0 clk gate control
#define VPU_RDARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C2 ((0x279a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, rdarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// rdarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[6]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[7]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[8]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[9]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C2 ((0x279b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDWR_ARB_STATUS_L1C2 ((0x279c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:3, reserved
//Bit 2, wrarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1:0, rdarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
#define VPU_RDARB_MODE_L2C1 ((0x279d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, rdarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[4]==0 slave dc4 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[4]==1 slave dc4 connect master port1
// rdarb_sel[5]==0 slave dc5 connect master port0 rdarb_sel[5]==1 slave dc5 connect master port1
//Bit 15:11, reserved
//Bit 10:8, rdarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// rdarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port1 clk gate control
// rdarb_gate_clk_ctrl[5:4] master port2 clk gate control
#define VPU_RDARB_REQEN_SLV_L2C1 ((0x279e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, rdarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// rdarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port0 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[4]: the slv4 req to mst port1 enable,
// rdarb_dc_req_en[5]: the slv5 req to mst port1 enable,
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L2C1 ((0x279f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv4 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L2C1 ((0x27a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv5 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDWR_ARB_STATUS_L2C1 ((0x27a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4, reserved
//Bit 3:2, wrarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1:0, rdarb_arb_busy unsigned , default = 0
#define VPU_WRARB_MODE_L2C1 ((0x27a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, wrarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[2]==0 slave dc2 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[2]==1 slave dc2 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[3]==0 slave dc3 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[3]==1 slave dc3 connect master port1
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:8, wrarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
// wrarb_arb_mode[1] master port1 arb way,
//Bit 7:4, reserved
//Bit 3:0, wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[3:2] master port0 clk gate control
#define VPU_WRARB_REQEN_SLV_L2C1 ((0x27a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:0, wrarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[2]: the slv2 req to mst port1 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[3]: the slv3 req to mst port1 enable,
#define VPU_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L2C1 ((0x27a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv3 req weigh number
#define VPU_ASYNC_RD_MODE0 ((0x27a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, rd_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, rd_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the read command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_RD_MODE1 ((0x27a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, rd_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, rd_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the read command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_RD_MODE2 ((0x27a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, rd_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, rd_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the read command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_RD_MODE3 ((0x27a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, rd_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, rd_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the read command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_RD_MODE4 ((0x27a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, rd_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, rd_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the read command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_WR_MODE0 ((0x27aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, wr_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, wr_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the write command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_WR_MODE1 ((0x27ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, wr_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, wr_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the write command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_WR_MODE2 ((0x27ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, req_en unsigned , default = 0 async enable
//Bit 17:16, clk_gate_ctrl unsigned , default = 0 async clock gate control
//Bit 15:12, auto_arugt_weight unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10:9, arugt_sel unsigned , default = 0
// 00 : use auto fifo arugt generate the output arugt.
// 01 : use the register bit control
// 00 : use the input arguent
//Bit 8, arguent_cfg unsigned , default = 0 register arguent control bit
//Bit 7:4, wr_hold_num unsigned , default = 4 hold the read command threshold
//Bit 3:0, wr_rel_num unsigned , default = 0 release the write command threshold
#define VPU_ASYNC_STAT ((0x27ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18, axiwr2_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi write channel2 idle state
//Bit 17, axiwr1_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi write channel1 idle state
//Bit 16, axiwr0_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi write channel0 idle state
//Bit 15:5, reserved
//Bit 4, axird4_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi read channel4 idle state
//Bit 3, axird3_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi read channel3 idle state
//Bit 2, axird2_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi read channel2 idle state
//Bit 1, axird1_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi read channel1 idle state
//Bit 0, axird0_chan_idle unsigned , RO, axi read channel0 idle state
#define VPU_WRARB_MODE_L1C2 ((0x27ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:16, wrarb_sel uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_sel[0]==0 slave dc0 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[0]==1 slave dc0 connect master port1
// wrarb_sel[1]==0 slave dc1 connect master port0 wrarb_sel[1]==1 slave dc1 connect master port1
//Bit 15:9, reserved
//Bit 8, wrarb_arb_mode uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_arb_mode[0] master port0 arb way,
//Bit 7:2, reserved
//Bit 1:0, wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl uns, default = 0 ,
// wrarb_gate_clk_ctrl[1:0] master port0 clk gate control
#define VPU_WRARB_REQEN_SLV_L1C2 ((0x27af << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:2, reserved
//Bit 1:0, wrarb_dc_req_en unsigned , default = 0
// wrarb_dc_req_en[0]: the slv0 req to mst port0 enable,
// wrarb_dc_req_en[1]: the slv1 req to mst port0 enable,
#define VPU_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV_L1C2 ((0x27b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[0*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[1*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[2*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[3*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[4*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
#define VPU_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C2 ((0x27b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, wrdc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[6*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// wrdc_weigh_sxn[7*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
#define VPU_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV_L1C2 ((0x27b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:0, rddc_weigh_sxn unsigned , default = 0
// rddc_weigh_sxn[5*6+:6]: the slv0 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[6*6+:6]: the slv1 req weigh number
// rddc_weigh_sxn[7*6+:6]: the slv2 req weigh number
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_CTRL_L1C1 ((0x27b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_STAT_L1C1 ((0x27b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_CTRL_L1C2 ((0x27b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_STAT_L1C2 ((0x27b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_CTRL_L2C1 ((0x27b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_DBG_STAT_L2C1 ((0x27b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_CTRL ((0x27b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP00 ((0x27ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP01 ((0x27bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP02 ((0x27bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP03 ((0x27bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP10 ((0x27be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP11 ((0x27bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP12 ((0x27c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_PATH_MAP13 ((0x27c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RDARB_UGT_L2C1 ((0x27c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_WRARB_UGT_L2C1 ((0x27c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RDARB_LIMT0_L2C1 ((0x27c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_RDARB_LIMT1_L2C1 ((0x27c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_AXIWR_PROT ((0x27c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_AXIRD0_PROT ((0x27c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_ARB_AXIRD1_PROT ((0x27c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_arb_axi_regs.h
// vpu lut dma
// the segment is 8'h50~8'h7f & 8'hca-8'hdf
// Reading file: vpu_lut_dma_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// 0x50~0x7f
// Reading file: viu_dma_top.h
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF0_CTRL ((0x2750 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd0_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd0_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd0_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd0_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel0 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd0_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel0 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF1_CTRL ((0x2751 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd1_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd1_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd1_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd1_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel1 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd1_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel1 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF2_CTRL ((0x2752 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd2_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd2_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd2_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd2_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel2 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd2_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel2 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF3_CTRL ((0x2753 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd3_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd3_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd3_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd3_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel3 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd3_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel3 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF4_CTRL ((0x2754 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd4_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd4_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd4_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd4_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel4 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd4_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel4 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF5_CTRL ((0x2755 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd5_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd5_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd5_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd5_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel5 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd5_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel5 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF6_CTRL ((0x2756 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd6_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd6_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd6_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd6_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel6 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd6_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel6 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF7_CTRL ((0x2757 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27 reg_rd7_frm_ctrl // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 26 reg_rd7_frm_froce // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 25:24 reg_rd7_frm_ini // unsigned , RW , default = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_rd7_enable_int // unsigned , RW , default = 0 channel7 select interrupt source
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rd7_stride // unsigned , RW , default = 512 channel7 send number
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF0_BADR0 ((0x2758 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut0_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF0_BADR1 ((0x2759 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut0_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF0_BADR2 ((0x275a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut0_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF0_BADR3 ((0x275b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut0_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF1_BADR0 ((0x275c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut1_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF1_BADR1 ((0x275d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut1_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF1_BADR2 ((0x275e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut1_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF1_BADR3 ((0x275f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut1_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF2_BADR0 ((0x2760 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut2_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF2_BADR1 ((0x2761 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut2_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF2_BADR2 ((0x2762 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut2_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF2_BADR3 ((0x2763 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut2_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF3_BADR0 ((0x2764 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut3_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF3_BADR1 ((0x2765 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut3_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF3_BADR2 ((0x2766 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut3_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF3_BADR3 ((0x2767 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut3_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF4_BADR0 ((0x2768 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut4_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF4_BADR1 ((0x2769 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut4_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF4_BADR2 ((0x276a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut4_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF4_BADR3 ((0x276b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut4_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF5_BADR0 ((0x276c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut5_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF5_BADR1 ((0x276d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut5_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF5_BADR2 ((0x276e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut5_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF5_BADR3 ((0x276f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut5_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF6_BADR0 ((0x2770 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut6_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF6_BADR1 ((0x2771 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut6_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF6_BADR2 ((0x2772 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut6_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF6_BADR3 ((0x2773 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut6_reg_baddr3
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF7_BADR0 ((0x2774 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut7_reg_baddr0
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF7_BADR1 ((0x2775 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut7_reg_baddr1
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF7_BADR2 ((0x2776 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut7_reg_baddr2
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF7_BADR3 ((0x2777 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 lut7_reg_baddr3
// Closing file: viu_dma_top.h
// 0x00~0x06
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_CTRL1 ((0x27ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_CTRL2 ((0x27cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_RO_STAT ((0x27d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_CTRL1 ((0x27d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_CTRL2 ((0x27d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_CTRL3 ((0x27d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_BADDR0 ((0x27d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_RO_STAT ((0x27d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_CTRL ((0x27d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_BADDR1 ((0x27d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_BADDR2 ((0x27da << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_RDMIF_BADDR3 ((0x27db << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_CTRL ((0x27dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_BADDR1 ((0x27dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_BADDR2 ((0x27de << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_DMA_WRMIF_BADDR3 ((0x27df << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_lut_dma_regs.h
//new added 4x4 dither
// the segment is 8'hf0
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_01_04 ((0x27f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_01_15 ((0x27f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_01_26 ((0x27f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_01_37 ((0x27f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_10_04 ((0x27f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_10_15 ((0x27f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_10_26 ((0x27f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_10_37 ((0x27f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_11_04 ((0x27f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_11_15 ((0x27f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_11_26 ((0x27fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_11_37 ((0x27fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_DITH_CNTL ((0x27fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_HDMI_TIMING_STAT ((0x27fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_top_regs.h
// MIPI CSI2 Controller Adaptor (16'h2a00 - 16'h2aff)
//`include "csi2_regs.h"
// D2D3 registers
// Reading file: d2d3_regs.h
// D2D3 Registers 0x - 0x
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// D2D3 top-level registers
// Bit 31 RW, rd_lock_en, 1 to allow update some read-only registers based on filed
// Bit 30 RW, sw_rst_nobuf, 1 to reset the whole d2d3 unit
// Bit 29:28 RW, clk_auto_dis, [29] DBR clock disable
// [28] DPG clock disable
// Bit 27:16 RW, clk_ctrl, [27:26] gated clock control for register unit
// [25:24] gated clock control for DBR unit
// [23:22] gated clock control for LBDG unit
// [21:20] gated clock control for MBDG unit
// [19:18] gated clock control for CBDG unit
// [17:16] gated clock control for DBLD unit and SCD81 unit
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11 RW, lo_chroma_sign, 0: negate the u/v component of DBR left channel video output, 1: bypass
// Bit 10 RW, ro_chroma_sign, 0: negate the u/v component of DBR right channel video output, 1: bypass
// Bit 9 RW, vi0_chroma_sign, 0: negate the u/v component of DPG video input, 1: bypass
// Bit 8 RW, vi1_chroma_sign, 0: negate the u/v component of DBR video input, 1: bypass
// Bit 7:5 Reserved
// Bit 4 RW, lg_en, Enable the LBDG unit and LBDG clock
// Bit 3 RW, mg_en, Enable the MBDG unit and MBDG clock
// Bit 2 RW, cg_en, Enable the CBDG unit and CBDG clock
// Bit 1 RW, dbr_en, Enable the DBR unit and DBR clock
// Bit 0 RW, dpg_en, Enable the DPG unit and clock except sub-unit CBDG, MBDG and LBDG
#define D2D3_GLB_CTRL ((0x2b00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate the input picture size in DPG unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, szx_vi_m1, The horizontal size minus 1
// Bit 15:0 RW, szy_vi_m1, The vertical size minus 1
#define D2D3_DPG_INPIC_SIZE ((0x2b01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate the output picture size in DBR unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, szx_vo_m1, The horizontal size minus 1
// Bit 15:0 RW, szy_vo_m1, The vertical size minus 1
#define D2D3_DBR_OUTPIC_SIZE ((0x2b02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate the rectangular window to generate the "depth" in DPG unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, dg_win_x_start, Horizontal start position, count from 0
// Bit 15:0 RW, dg_win_x_end, Horizontal end position, count from 0
#define D2D3_DGEN_WIN_HOR ((0x2b03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate the rectangular window to generate the "depth" in DPG unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, dg_win_y_start, Vertical start position, count from 0
// Bit 15:0 RW, dg_win_y_end, Vertical end position, count from 0
#define D2D3_DGEN_WIN_VER ((0x2b04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// CBDG SCU18 SCD81 SCD81_PRE registers
// cg: color based depth generate module
// scu18: scale up module
// scd81: scale down module
// scd81_pre: scd81 pre-scale-down module
// Indicate parameters of pre-scale-down unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, scd81_hphs_step, horizontal step
// Bit 15:0 RW, scd81_hphs_ini, horizontal initial phase
#define D2D3_PRE_SCD_H ((0x2b05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:16 RW, scu18_iniph, initial phase in SCU18,
// [23:16] indicate the horizontal phase offset from the first data of every line
// [31:24] indicate the vertical phase offset from the first line of every frame
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11 RW, scd81_predrop_en, 1 to enable scd81 pre-scale-down function
// Bit 10:9 RW, cg_csc_sel, Color Space Conversion(CSC) matrix mode selector in CBDG
// 0: BT.601 (16-235/240)
// 1: BT.709 (16-235/240)
// 2: BT.601 (0-255)
// 3: BT.709 (0-255)
// Bit 8 RW, scu18_rep_en, 1 to double each line of the SCU18 output
// Bit 7:4 RW, scu18_factor, up-scale factor in SCU18 on DBR input depth data
// [7:6] for vertical, 0->1:1, 1->1:2, 2->1:4, 3->1:8
// [5:4] for horizontal, 0->1:1, 1->1:2, 2->1:4, 3->1:8
// Bit 3:0 RW, scd81_factor, down-scale factor in SCD81 on DPG source video
// [3:2] for vertical, 0->1:1, 1->2:1, 2->4:1, 3->8:1
// [1:0] for horizontal, 0->1:1, 1->2:1, 2->4:1, 3->8:1
#define D2D3_SCALER_CTRL ((0x2b06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, cg_rpg_dth, the down |r-g| threshold for sky detect
// Bit 23:16 RW, cg_rpg_uth, the up |r-g| threshold for sky detect
// Bit 15:8 RW, cg_lum_dth, the down Y threshold for sky detect
// Bit 7:0 RW, cg_lum_uth, the up Y threshold for sky detect
#define D2D3_CG_THRESHOLD_1 ((0x2b07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, cg_rpb_dth, the down |r-b| threshold for sky detect
// Bit 23:16 RW, cg_rpb_uth, the up |r-b| threshold for sky detect
// Bit 15:8 RW, cg_bpg_dth, the down |b-g| threshold for sky detect
// Bit 7:0 RW, cg_bpg_uth, the up |b-g| threshold for sky detect
#define D2D3_CG_THRESHOLD_2 ((0x2b08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, cg_vp_rel_k, parameter to calculate vanish point reliability
// Bit 23:16 RW, cg_vp_y_thr, the max limitation to calculate the vanish-point's vertical position
// Bit 15:8 RW, cg_meet_dval, signed depth value in the sky-bitmap
// Bit 7:0 RW, cg_unmt_dval, signed depth value not in the sky-bitmap
#define D2D3_CG_PARAM_1 ((0x2b09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:16 RW, cg_vpos_thr, Maximal vertical limitation for sky-bit map when cg_vpos_en=1 and cg_vpos_adpt_en=0
// Bit 15:8 Reserved
// Bit 7 RW, cg_vpos_en, 1 to enable the max vertical limitation for sky-bitmap
// Bit 6 RW, cg_vpos_adpt_en, 1 to enable the adaptive max vertical limitation for sky-bitmap.
// It is only valid when cg_vpos_en=1.
// The max vertical limitation is the previous field's vanish-point (vertical position) if cg_vpos_adpt_en=1.
// Bit 5:4 RW, cg_lpf_bypass, bypass of low pass filter
// [5]:Vertical bypass, 1: bypass the vertical LPF on the CBDG depth
// [4]:Horizontal bypass, 1: bypass the horizontal LPF on the CBDG depth
// Bit 3:0 RW, cg_vp_rel_s, parameter to calculate vanish point reliability
#define D2D3_CG_PARAM_2 ((0x2b0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate parameters of pre-scale-down unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, scd81_vphs_step, vertical step
// Bit 15:0 RW, scd81_vphs_ini, vertical initial phase
#define D2D3_PRE_SCD_V ((0x2b0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// D2P registers
// d2p: depth to parallax transform module
// Bit 31:24 RW, d2p_brdwid, Horizontal boundary width for parallax, the parallax value would be forced to 0 in boundary,
// the d2p_brdwid should not 0 when D2P_WRAP is enabled
// Bit 23:22 Reserved
// Bit 21:20 RW, d2p_lomode, line output mode,
// 0:whole line is left or right; 1:whole line is left or right;
// 2:left/right pixel interleaved; 3:left/right half-line interleaved
// Bit 19 RW, d2p_neg, 1 to exchange the left and right parallax value
// Bit 18 Reserved
// Bit 17 RW, d2p_wrap_en, 1 to enable D2P_WRAP unit
// Bit 16 RW, d2p_lar, Indicate the first output for left or right, 0: left; 1: right
// Bit 15 RW, d2p_lr_switch, enable left/right flag filed switch automatically, only valid when parallax output mode is field interleaved
// Bit 14 RW, d2p_1dtolr, enable to generate 2 parallax data (left and right) from one depth
// Bit 13:12 RW, d2p_out_mode, Parallax output mode
// 0:left/right pixel interleaved; 1:line or half line interleaved; 2:field interleaved
// Bit 11:8 RW, d2p_smode, Shift mode,
// 0: no shift; 1: enable left shift;
// 2: enable right shift; 3: both left and right shift are enabled
// Bit 7:0 RW, d2p_offset, depth offset, signed,
#define D2D3_D2P_PARAM_1 ((0x2b0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, d2p_pg0, positive parallax gain when Parallax value < pt
// Bit 23:16 RW, d2p_pg1, positive parallax gain when Parallax value >= pt
// Bit 15:8 RW, d2p_pt, unsigned value used to separate the positive parallax range
// Bit 7:0 RW, d2p_plimit, The limitation for positive parallax
#define D2D3_D2P_PARAM_2 ((0x2b0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, d2p_ng0, negative parallax gain when Parallax value > -nt
// Bit 23:16 RW, d2p_ng1, negative parallax gain when Parallax value <= -nt
// Bit 15:8 RW, d2p_nt, unsigned value used to separate the negative parallax range
// Bit 7:0 RW, d2p_nlimit, The limitation for negative parallax
#define D2D3_D2P_PARAM_3 ((0x2b0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate step parameters of SCU18 unit
// Bit 31:17 Reserved
// Bit 16 RW, scu18_step_en, step set enable in SCU18
// Bit 15:8 RW, scu18_hphs_step, horizontal step in SCU18
// Bit 7:0 RW, scu18_vphs_step, vertical step in SCU18
#define D2D3_SCU18_STEP ((0x2b0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// LBDG and DBLD registers
// lg: luma based depth generate module
// db: depth blending module
// Bit 31:22 Reserved
// Bit 21:20 RW, db_lpf_bpcoeff, [21]:Vertical factor of low pass filter,
// 1: Vfactor = 0/0/64/0/0, 0: Vfactor = {db_vf_a,db_vf_b,db_vf_c,db_vf_b,db_vf_a}, see D2D3_CTRL_15
// [20]:Horizontal factor of low pass filter,
// 1: Hfactor = 0/0/64/0/0, 0: Hfactor = {db_hf_a,db_hf_b,db_hf_c,db_hf_b,db_hf_a}, see D2D3_CTRL_14
// Bit 19:18 RW, lg_lpf_bpcoeff, [19]:Vertical factor of low pass filter, 1: Vfactor = 0/64/0, 0: Vfactor = 20/24/20
// [18]:Horizontal factor of low pass filter, 1: Hfactor = 0/64/0, 0: Hfactor = 16/32/16
// Bit 17:16 RW, cg_lpf_bpcoeff, [17]:Vertical factor of low pass filter, 1: Vfactor = 0/64/0, 0: Vfactor = 20/24/20
// [16]:Horizontal factor of low pass filter, 1: Hfactor = 0/64/0, 0: Hfactor = 16/32/16
// Bit 15:10 Reserved
// Bit 9:8 RW, db_lpf_bypass, [9] 1 to bypass the vertical LPF on the DBLD depth
// [8] 1 to bypass the horizontal LPF on the DBLD depth
// Bit 7:6 RW, lg_lpf_bypass, [7] 1 to bypass the vertical LPF on the LBDG depth
// [6] 1 to bypass the horizontal LPF on the LBDG depth
// Bit 5:0 RW, lg_kc, gain of CPL(v-u+256-y) to calculate the depth in LBDG
#define D2D3_DPF_LPF_CTRL ((0x2b10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// DBLD registers
// db: depth blending module
// Bit 31:24 RW, db_g2_cg, gain of CBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_o2_cg, offset of CBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_g1_cg, gain of CBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
// Bit 7:0 RW, db_o1_cg, offset of CBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
#define D2D3_DBLD_CG_PARAM ((0x2b11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, db_g2_mg, gain of MBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_o2_mg, offset of MBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_g1_mg, gain of MBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
// Bit 7:0 RW, db_o1_mg, offset of MBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
#define D2D3_DBLD_MG_PARAM ((0x2b12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, db_g2_lg, gain of LBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_o2_lg, offset of LBDG depth in DBLD
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_g1_lg, gain of LBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
// Bit 7:0 RW, db_o1_lg, offset of LBDG depth using for summary in DBLD
#define D2D3_DBLD_LG_PARAM ((0x2b13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, db_factor, unsigned gain of difference in DBLD
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_hf_a, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_hf_b, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
// Bit 7:0 RW, db_hf_c, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
#define D2D3_DBLD_LPF_HCOEFF ((0x2b14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, db_owin_fill, signed depth value outside the rectangular window defined in register DGEN_WIN_HOR and DGEN_WIN_VER
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_vf_a, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_vf_b, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
// Bit 7:0 RW, db_vf_c, see register DPF_LPF_CTRL:db_lpf_bpcoeff, sign
#define D2D3_DBLD_LPF_VCOEFF ((0x2b15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 RW, hist_depth_idx,
// Bit 27:26 Reserved
// Bit 25 RW, mbdg_dep_neg, 1 to negate the output data of MBDG
// Bit 24 RW, lbdg_dep_neg, 1 to negate the output data of LBDG
// Bit 23:16 RW, db_f1_ctrl, MUX1 selector
// [1:0] MUX1 path1 selector, 0:summary, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG
// [3:2] MUX1 path2 selector, 0:summary, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG
// [6:4] MUX1 out1 selector, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG, 4:summary, 5:MUX1out0, others:summary
// [7] MUX1OUT0 selector, 0:MIN (MUX1PATH1,MUX1Path2), 1:MAX (MUX1Path1,MUX1Path2)
// Bit 15:8 RW, db_f2_ctrl, MUX2 selector
// [1:0] MUX2 path1 selector, 0:MUX1OUT1, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG
// [3:2] MUX2 path2 selector, 0:MUX1OUT1, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG
// [6:4] MUX2 out1 selector, 1:CBDG, 2:MBDG, 3:LBDG, 4:summary, 5:MUX2out0, others:MUX2out0
// [7] MUX2OUT0 selector, 0:MIN (MUX2PATH1,MUX2Path2), 1:MAX (MUX2Path1,MUX2Path2)
// Bit 7:4 RW, db_fifo0_sel, the source input of FIFO0
// 0: no use; 1:from CBDG; 2:from MBDG; 3:from LBDG others:reserved
// Bit 3:0 RW, db_fifo1_sel, the source input of FIFO1
// 0: no use; 1:from CBDG; 2:from MBDG; 3:from LBDG 4: from FIFO0; others:reserved
#define D2D3_DBLD_PATH_CTRL ((0x2b16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Indicate the input picture size in SCU18 unit
// Bit 31:16 RW, szy_scui, The vertical size
// Bit 15:0 RW, szx_scui, The horizontal size
#define D2D3_SCU18_INPIC_SIZE ((0x2b17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// MBDG registers
// mg: model based depth generate module
// Bit 31:18 Reserved
// Bit 17 RW, mg_vp_en, mdg vanish point enable, not used
// Bit 16 RW, mg_sw_en, 1 to use the software forced parameter for the point D, U and C in MBDG
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_owin_fill, Signed depth value outside the rectangular window defined in register DGEN_WIN_HOR and DGEN_WIN_VER
// Bit 7 RW, mg_iir_en, 1 to enable the 2-taps IIR filter in MBDG
// Bit 6:0 RW, mg_iir, [6]: 1 to bypass the 2-taps IIR filter in MBDG
// [5:0]:Unsigned coefficient of the 2-taps IIR filter in MBDG
// [6]:bypass, 1:bypass, 0:not bypass
#define D2D3_MBDG_CTRL ((0x2b18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 RW, mg_dtl_pxl_left, Max pixel number (1<< mg_dtl_pxl_left) using in the left window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 27:24 RW, mg_dtl_pxl_right, Max pixel number (1<< mg_dtl_pxl_right) using in the right window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_cx_sw, Depth of point C in horizontal curve in MBDG for software forced
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_ux_sw, Depth of point U in horizontal curve in MBDG for software forced
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_dx_sw, Depth of point D in horizontal curve in MBDG for software forced
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_0 ((0x2b19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 RW, mg_dtl_pxl_up, Max pixel number (1<< mg_dtl_pxl_up) using in the top window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 27:24 RW, mg_dtl_pxl_dn, Max pixel number (1<< mg_dtl_pxl_dn) using in the bottom window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_cy_sw, Depth of point C in vertical curve in MBDG for software forced
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_uy_sw, Depth of point U in vertical curve in MBDG for software forced
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_dy_sw, Depth of point D in vertical curve in MBDG for software forced
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_1 ((0x2b1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, mg_dtl_ln_up, Line number in the top window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_dtl_ln_dn, Line number in the bottom window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_dtl_ln_left, Column number in the left window for activities in MBDG
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_dtl_ln_right,Column number in the right window for activities in MBDG
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_2 ((0x2b1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, mg_y_max, Software initial depth of point D and U in vertical curve
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_y_min, Software initial depth of point C in vertical curve
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_x_max, Software initial depth of point D and U in horizontal curve
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_x_min, Software initial depth of point C in horizontal curve
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_3 ((0x2b1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:27 Reserved
// Bit 26 RW, mg_y_adapt_en, 1 to enable the adaptive mode for point U/D in vertical curve calculation
// Bit 25 RW, mg_xmm_adapt_en, 1 to enable the XMM adaptive mode for point U/D in horizontal curve calculation
// Bit 24 RW, mg_x_adapt_en, 1 to enable the adaptive mode for point U/D in horizontal curve calculation
// Bit 23:20 RW, mg_ytrans_1, Shifter controller in vertical curve calculation, if mg_xtrans_1<0, right shift abs(mg_xtrans_1) bits, others left shift abs(mg_xtrans_1) bits
// Bit 19:16 RW, mg_xtrans_1, Shifter controller in horizontal curve calculation, if mg_xtrans_1<0, right shift abs(mg_xtrans_1) bits, others left shift abs(mg_xtrans_1) bits
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_yk_0, The based activities value of the ACT for vertical curve
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_xk_0, The based activities value of the ACT for horizontal curve
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_4 ((0x2b1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, mg_ysu3, Quantized value 3 in vertical curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_ysu2, Quantized value 2 in vertical curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_ysu1, Quantized value 1 in vertical curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_ysu0, Quantized value 0 in vertical curve adaptive calculation
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_5 ((0x2b1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, mg_xsu3, Quantized value 3 in horizontal curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 23:16 RW, mg_xsu2, Quantized value 2 in horizontal curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_xsu1, Quantized value 1 in horizontal curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_xsu0, Quantized value 0 in horizontal curve adaptive calculation
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_6 ((0x2b1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:16 Reserved
// Bit 15:8 RW, mg_xsu4, Quantized value 4 in horizontal curve adaptive calculation
// Bit 7:0 RW, mg_ysu4, Quantized value 4 in vertical curve adaptive calculation
#define D2D3_MBDG_PARAM_7 ((0x2b20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 RW, dbg_hscnt_sel see DBG_STATUS_2
// Bit 27:25 Reserved
// Bit 24 RW, dbg_dbr_en, 1 to enable debug mode in DBR
// Bit 23:16 RW, dbg_force_data, Forced data in debug mode
// Bit 15:12 RW, dbg_bld_ctrl, debug controller for DBLD
// [12]:enable; [13]: 0 for passive mode, 0 for handshake mode
// [15:14]: 0 for constant mode, 1 for step1 mode
// Bit 11:8 RW, dbg_mg_ctrl, debug controller for MBDG
// [8]:enable; [9]: 0 for passive mode, 0 for handshake mode
// [11:10]: 0 for constant mode, 1 for step1 mode
// Bit 7:4 RW, dbg_cg_ctrl, debug controller for CBDG
// [4]:enable; [5]: 0 for passive mode, 0 for handshake mode
// [7:6]: 0 for constant mode, 1 for step1 mode
// Bit 3:0 RW, dbg_lg_ctrl, debug controller for LBDG
// [0]:enable; [1]: 0 for passive mode, 0 for handshake mode
// [3:2]: 0 for constant mode, 1 for step1 mode
#define D2D3_DBG_CTRL ((0x2b23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// DWMIF registers
// Bit 31:18 Reserved
// Bit 17 RW, dw_x_rev 0: Normal write data from left to right in horizontal
// 1: Reversed write data from left to right in horizontal
// Bit 16 RW, dw_y_rev 0: Normal write data from top to bottom in horizontal
// 1: Reversed write data from bottom to top in horizontal
// Bit 15 RW, dw_done_clr 1 to clear register depw_done (DWMIF_STATUS)
// Bit 14 RW, dw_little_endian, 0: data is ordered in big-endian, 1: little endian
// Bit 13:12 RW, dw_pic_struct, 0:read every line, 1:reserved, 2:read even line, 3:read odd line
// Bit 11 RW, dw_urgent, urgent index
// Bit 10 RW, dw_clr_wrrsp, 1:clear the write fifo counter
// Bit 9 RW, dw_canvas_wr, canvas write initialization again
// Bit 8 RW, dw_req_en, 1 to enable write request
// Bit 7:0 RW, dw_canvas_index,Canvas index for the MSB of memory address for memory write
#define D2D3_DWMIF_CTRL ((0x2b24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 Reserved
// Bit 30:16 RW, dw_end_x, Horizontal end position for memory write, count by BYTE
// Bit 15 Reserved
// Bit 14:0 RW, dw_start_x, Horizontal start position for memory write, count by BYTE
#define D2D3_DWMIF_HPOS ((0x2b25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, dw_end_y, Vertical end position for memory write, count by BYTE
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 RW, dw_start_y, Vertical start position for memory write, count by BYTE
#define D2D3_DWMIF_VPOS ((0x2b26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:28 Reserved
// Bit 27:16 RW, dw_vsizem1, Vertical size for memory write, equal the size minus 1
// Bit 15:12 Reserved
// Bit 11:0 RW, dw_hsizem1, Horizontal size for memory write, equal the size minus 1
#define D2D3_DWMIF_SIZE ((0x2b27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// DRMIF registers
// Bit 31:18 Reserved
// Bit 17 RW, dr_y_rev, 0: Normal Read data from top to bottom in horizontal
// 1: Reversed read data from bottom to top in horizontal
// Bit 16 RW, dr_x_rev, 0: Normal Read data from left to right in horizontal
// 1: Reversed read data from right to left in horizontal
// Bit 15 RW, dr_clr_fifo_error, 1 to clear the overflow flag of the sticky FIFO
// Bit 14 RW, dr_little_endian, 0: data is ordered in big-endian; 1: little-endian
// Bit 13:12 RW, dr_pic_struct, 0: progressive; 1: Reserved;
// 2: interlaced, even line; 3: interlaced, odd line
// Bit 11 RW, dr_urgent, urgent index, no use in this system
// Bit 10:9 RW, dr_burst_size, Burst read length for each request; 0=24,1=32,2=48,3=64
// Bit 8 RW, dr_req_en, 1 to enable read request
// Bit 7:0 RW, dr_canvas_index, Canvas index for the MSB of memory address for memory read
#define D2D3_DRMIF_CTRL ((0x2b28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 Reserved
// Bit 30:16 RW, dr_end_x, Horizontal end position for memory read, count by BYTE
// Bit 15 Reserved
// Bit 14:0 RW, dr_start_x, Horizontal start position for memory read, count by BYTE
#define D2D3_DRMIF_HPOS ((0x2b29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:29 Reserved
// Bit 28:16 RW, dr_end_y, Vertical end position for memory read, count by BYTE
// Bit 15:13 Reserved
// Bit 12:0 RW, dr_start_y, Vertical start position for memory read, count by BYTE
#define D2D3_DRMIF_VPOS ((0x2b2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// PDR registers
// ddd: parallax based render
// Bit 31:8 Reserved
// Bit 7 RW, ddd_brdlpf_en, 1 to enable the smooth filter on the depth around the boundary
// Bit 6 RW, ddd_extn_black, 1 to enable the function to fill black colour when interpolated pixels is outside the picture in DBR
// Bit 5 RW, ddd_wrap_en, Reserved
// Bit 4 RW, ddd_hhalf, 1 to indicate the left/right line length is a half of original line.
// Bit 3:2 RW, ddd_out_mode, Reserved
// Bit 1:0 RW, ddd_lomode, wrap & pbr interleave mode:
// 2'b0x: whole line is left or right;
// 2'b10: d2p_lar=1(D2P_PARAM_1), rlrlrlrl inteleave in one line,
// d2p_lar=0(D2P_PARAM_1), lrlrlrlr inteleave in one line,
// 2'b11: d2p_lar=1(D2P_PARAM_1), rrrrr-lllll, half line is right, another half is left,
// d2p_lar=0(D2P_PARAM_1), lllll-rrrrr, half line is left, another half is right,
#define D2D3_DBR_DDD_CTRL ((0x2b2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 RW, ddd_dbg_ctrl, no use
#define D2D3_DBR_DDD_DBG ((0x2b2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// LRDMX registers
// Bit 31:9 Reserved
// Bit 8 RW, lr_merge, 1: all the left/right input go to the left channel output
// Bit 7:6 RW, lrd_ff0_sel, FF0 source selector
// 0:from left input; 1:from right input; 2:from FF0; 3:no used
// Bit 5:4 RW, lrd_ff1_sel, FF1 source selector
// 0:from left input; 1:from right input; 2:from FF0; 3:no used
// Bit 3:2 RW, lrd_lout_sel, left channel DEMUX
// 00: ff0 01:ff1 10: left input 11:right input
// Bit 1:0 RW, lrd_rout_sel, right channel DEMUX
// 00: ff1 01:ff0 10: left input 11:right input
#define D2D3_DBR_LRDMX_CTRL ((0x2b2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Read Only registers
// Bit 31:24 RO, ro_cg_vprel, vanish point's reliability in CBDG
// Bit 23:12 RO, ro_cg_vpx, vanish point's X-Axis in CBDG
// Bit 11:0 RO, ro_cg_vpy, vanish point's Y-Axis in CBDG
#define D2D3_CBDG_STATUS_1 ((0x2b30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RO, ro_mg_cx[7:0], X-Axis of point C in horizontal curve in MBDG
// Bit 23:16 RO, ro_mg_ux, Depth value of point U in horizontal curve in MBDG
// Bit 15:8 RO, ro_mg_dx, Depth value of point D in horizontal curve in MBDG
// Bit 7:0 RO, ro_mg_minx, Depth value of point C in horizontal curve in MBDG
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_1 ((0x2b31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 RO, ro_mg_cy[7:0], X-Axis of point C in vertical curve in MBDG
// Bit 23:16 RO, ro_mg_uy, Depth value of point U in vertical curve in MBDG
// Bit 15:8 RO, ro_mg_dy, Depth value of point D in vertical curve in MBDG
// Bit 7:0 RO, ro_mg_miny, Depth value of point C in vertical curve in MBDG
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_2 ((0x2b32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 RO, ro_wrap_status, 1 indicate the D2P_WRAP is busy to perform the initialization
// Bit 30:8 Reserved
// Bit 7:4 RO, ro_mg_cy[11:8], X-Axis of point C in vertical curve in MBDG
// Bit 3:0 RO, ro_mg_cx[11:8], X-Axis of point C in horizontal curve in MBDG
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_3 ((0x2b33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:21 Reserved
// Bit 20:0 RO, ro_mg_sum_u, ACT(top): activities of the top part
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_4 ((0x2b34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:21 Reserved
// Bit 20:0 RO, ro_mg_sum_d, ACT(bottom): activities of the bottom part
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_5 ((0x2b35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:21 Reserved
// Bit 20:0 RO, ro_mg_sum_l, ACT(left): activities of the left part
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_6 ((0x2b36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:21 Reserved
// Bit 20:0 RO, ro_mg_sum_r, ACT(right): activities of the right part
#define D2D3_MBDG_STATUS_7 ((0x2b37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 dbg_handshake_ro0, handshake signal for debug, internal srdy and rrdy
#define D2D3_DBG_STATUS_1 ((0x2b38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 dbg_hscnt, dbg_hscnt_sel == 4'h0, output lg hscnt
// dbg_hscnt_sel == 4'h1, output cg hscnt
// dbg_hscnt_sel == 4'h2, output mg hscnt
// dbg_hscnt_sel == 4'h3, output bld hscnt
// dbg_hscnt_sel == other value, output 32'h0
#define D2D3_DBG_STATUS_2 ((0x2b39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 RO, drmif_status, drmif module internal status
#define D2D3_DRMIF_STATUS ((0x2b3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:2 RO, Reserved
// Bit 1:0 RO, d2d3_status0, [1]: depw_done, one field depth write to ddr has done
// [0]: dwmif_pending_ddr_wrrsp, 1 to indicate write response from ddr
#define D2D3_DWMIF_STATUS ((0x2b3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:24 Reserved
// Bit 23:0 RO, ro_meet_sum, register sumxy_sum_dbg in CBDG
#define D2D3_CBDG_STATUS_2 ((0x2b3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:20 Reserved
// Bit 19:0 RO, ro_hist_depth,
#define D2D3_DBLD_STATUS ((0x2b3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 Reserved
#define D2D3_RESEV_STATUS1 ((0x2b3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31:0 Reserved
#define D2D3_RESEV_STATUS2 ((0x2b3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: d2d3_regs.h
// MIPI DSI Host Controller (16'h2c00 - 16'h2cff)
//`include "dsi_regs.h"
// ISP register (16'h2d00 - 16'h2dff)
//`include "isp_reg.h"
// Reading file: vpu_dnr_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define DNR_CTRL ((0x2d00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_dnr_en , dnr enable . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15, reg_dnr_db_vdbstep , vdb step, 0: 4, 1: 8 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 14, reg_dnr_db_vdbprten , vdb protectoin enable . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 13, reg_dnr_gbs_difen , enable dif (between LR and LL/RR) condition for gbs stat.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 12, reg_dnr_luma_en , enable ycbcr2luma module . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:10, reg_dnr_db_mod , deblocking mode, 0: disable, 1: horizontal deblocking, 2: vertical deblocking, 3: horizontal & vertical deblocking. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 9, reg_dnr_db_chrmen , enable chroma deblocking . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 8, reg_dnr_hvdif_mod , 0: calc. difs by original Y, 1: by new luma. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_dnr_demo_lften , b0: Y b1:U b2:V . unsigned , default = 7
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_dnr_demo_rgten , b0: Y b1:U b2:V . unsigned , default = 7
#define DNR_HVSIZE ((0x2d01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_dnr_hsize , hsize . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_dnr_vsize , vsize . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DBLK_BLANK_NUM ((0x2d02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dblk_hblank_num , deblock hor blank num . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dblk_vblank_num , deblock ver blank num . unsigned , default = 45
#define DNR_BLK_OFFST ((0x2d03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_dnr_hbofst , horizontal block offset may provide by software calc.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_dnr_vbofst , vertical block offset may provide by software calc.. unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_GBS ((0x2d04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2, reserved
//Bit 1: 0, reg_dnr_gbs , global block strength may update by software calc.. unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_HBOFFST_STAT ((0x2d05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_hbof_difthd , dif threshold (>=) between LR and LL/RR. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_hbof_edgethd , edge threshold (<=) for LR . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_hbof_flatthd , flat threshold (>=) for LR . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_dnr_hbof_delta , delta for weighted bin accumulator. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_dnr_hbof_statmod , statistic mode for horizontal block offset, 0: count flags for 8-bin, 1: count LRs for 8-bin, 2: count difs for 8-bin, 3: count weighted flags for 8-bin, 4: count flags for first 32-bin, 5: count LRs for first 32-bin, 6 or 7: count difs for first 32-bin. unsigned , default = 2
#define DNR_VBOFFST_STAT ((0x2d06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_vbof_difthd , dif threshold (>=) between Up and Dw. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_vbof_edgethd , edge threshold (<=) for Up/Dw. unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_vbof_flatthd , flat threshold (>=) for Up/Dw. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_dnr_vbof_delta , delta for weighted bin accumulator. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_dnr_vbof_statmod , statistic mode for vertical block offset, 0: count flags for 8-bin, 1: count Ups for 8-bin, 2: count difs for 8-bin, 3: count weighted flags for 8-bin, 4: count flags for first 32-bin, 5: count Ups for first 32-bin, 6 or 7: count difs for first 32-bin. unsigned , default = 2
#define DNR_GBS_STAT ((0x2d07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_gbs_edgethd , edge threshold (<=) for LR . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_gbs_flatthd , flat threshold (>=) for LR . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_gbs_varthd , variation threshold (<=) for Lvar/Rvar. unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_gbs_difthd , dif threshold (>=) between LR and LL/RR. unsigned , default = 2
#define DNR_STAT_X_START_END ((0x2d08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:16, reg_dnr_stat_xst . unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 0, reg_dnr_stat_xed . unsigned , default = HSIZE - 25
#define DNR_STAT_Y_START_END ((0x2d09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:16, reg_dnr_stat_yst . unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 0, reg_dnr_stat_yed . unsigned , default = VSIZE - 25
#define DNR_LUMA ((0x2d0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_dnr_luma_sqrtshft , left shift for fast squart of chroma, [0, 4]. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_luma_sqrtoffst , offset for fast squart of chroma. signed , default = 0
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_dnr_luma_wcmod , theta related to warm/cool segment line, 0: 0, 1: 45, 2: 90, 3: 135, 4: 180, 5: 225, 6: 270, 7: 315. . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 11: 8, reg_dnr_luma_cshft , shift for calc. delta part, 0~8, . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_dnr_luma_cgain , final gain for delta part, 32 normalized to "1". unsigned , default = 4
#define DNR_DB_YEDGE_THD ((0x2d0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_db_yedgethd0 , edge threshold0 for luma . unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_db_yedgethd1 , edge threshold1 for luma . unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_yedgethd2 , edge threshold2 for luma . unsigned , default = 18
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_db_yedgethd3 , edge threshold3 for luma . unsigned , default = 25
#define DNR_DB_CEDGE_THD ((0x2d0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_db_cedgethd0 , edge threshold0 for chroma . unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_db_cedgethd1 , edge threshold1 for chroma . unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_cedgethd2 , edge threshold2 for chroma . unsigned , default = 18
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_db_cedgethd3 , edge threshold3 for chroma . unsigned , default = 25
#define DNR_DB_HGAP ((0x2d0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_db_hgapthd , horizontal gap thd (<=) for very sure blockiness . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_hgapdifthd , dif thd between hgap and lft/rgt hdifs. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_dnr_db_hgapmod , horizontal gap calc. mode, 0: just use current col x, 1: find max between (x-1, x, x+1) . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DB_HBS ((0x2d0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 4, reg_dnr_db_hbsup , horizontal bs up value . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 2, reg_dnr_db_hbsmax , max value of hbs for global control. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 1: 0, reg_dnr_db_hgbsthd , gbs thd (>=) for hbs calc. . unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DB_HACT ((0x2d0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_hactthd0 , thd0 of hact, for block classification. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_db_hactthd1 , thd1 of hact, for block classification. unsigned , default = 32
#define DNR_DB_YHDELTA_GAIN ((0x2d10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_dnr_db_yhdeltagain1 , (p1-q1) gain for Y's delta calc. when bs=1, normalized 8 as "1" . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_dnr_db_yhdeltagain2 , (p1-q1) gain for Y's delta calc. when bs=2, normalized 8 as "1" . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_dnr_db_yhdeltagain3 , (p1-q1) gain for Y's delta calc. when bs=3, normalized 8 as "1" . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14: 8, reg_dnr_db_yhdeltaadjoffst , offset for adjust Y's hdelta (-64, 63). signed , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_dnr_db_yhdeltaadjgain , gain for adjust Y's hdelta, normalized 32 as "1" . unsigned , default = 32
#define DNR_DB_YHDELTA2_GAIN ((0x2d11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_dnr_db_yhdelta2gain2 , gain for bs=2's adjust Y's hdelta2, normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_db_yhdelta2offst2 , offset for bs=2's adjust Y's hdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_db_yhdelta2gain3 , gain for bs=3's adjust Y's hdelta2, normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_db_yhdelta2offst3 , offset for bs=3's adjust Y's hdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
#define DNR_DB_CHDELTA_GAIN ((0x2d12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_dnr_db_chdeltagain1 , (p1-q1) gain for UV's delta calc. when bs=1, normalized 8 as "1". unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_dnr_db_chdeltagain2 , (p1-q1) gain for UV's delta calc. when bs=2, normalized 8 as "1". unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_dnr_db_chdeltagain3 , (p1-q1) gain for UV's delta calc. when bs=3, normalized 8 as "1". unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14: 8, reg_dnr_db_chdeltaadjoffst , offset for adjust UV's hdelta (-64, 63). signed , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_dnr_db_chdeltaadjgain , gain for adjust UV's hdelta, normalized 32 as "1". unsigned , default = 32
#define DNR_DB_CHDELTA2_GAIN ((0x2d13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_dnr_db_chdelta2gain2 , gain for bs=2's adjust UV's hdelta2, normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_db_chdelta2offst2 , offset for bs=2's adjust UV's hdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_db_chdelta2gain3 , gain for bs=2's adjust UV's hdelta2, normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_db_chdelta2offst3 , offset for bs=2's adjust UV's hdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
#define DNR_DB_YC_VEDGE_THD ((0x2d14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_yvedgethd , special Y's edge thd for vdb. unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_db_cvedgethd , special UV's edge thd for vdb. unsigned , default = 12
#define DNR_DB_VBS_MISC ((0x2d15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_db_vgapthd , vertical gap thd (<=) for very sure blockiness . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_db_vactthd , thd of vact, for block classification . unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_db_vgapdifthd , dif thd between vgap and vact. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 2, reg_dnr_db_vbsmax , max value of vbs for global control. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 1: 0, reg_dnr_db_vgbsthd , gbs thd (>=) for vbs calc. . unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DB_YVDELTA_GAIN ((0x2d16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_dnr_db_yvdeltaadjgain , gain for adjust Y's vdelta, normalized 32 as "1". unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, reg_dnr_db_yvdeltaadjoffst , offset for adjust Y's vdelta (-64, 63). signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_db_yvdelta2gain , gain for adjust Y's vdelta2, normalized 64 as "1". unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_db_yvdelta2offst , offset for adjust Y's vdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
#define DNR_DB_CVDELTA_GAIN ((0x2d17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_dnr_db_cvdeltaadjgain , gain for adjust UV's vdelta, normalized 32 as "1". unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, reg_dnr_db_cvdeltaadjoffst , offset for adjust UV's vdelta (-64, 63). signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_db_cvdelta2gain , gain for adjust UV's vdelta2, normalized 64 as "1". unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_db_cvdelta2offst , offset for adjust UV's vdelta2 (-16, 15). signed , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_GBS_STAT_LR ((0x2d18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_gbs_stat_lr . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_GBS_STAT_LL ((0x2d19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_gbs_stat_ll . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_GBS_STAT_RR ((0x2d1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_gbs_stat_rr . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_GBS_STAT_DIF ((0x2d1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_gbs_stat_dif . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_GBS_STAT_CNT ((0x2d1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_gbs_stat_cnt . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_0 ((0x2d1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_1 ((0x2d1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt1 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_2 ((0x2d1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt2 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_3 ((0x2d20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt3 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_4 ((0x2d21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt4 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_5 ((0x2d22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt5 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_6 ((0x2d23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt6 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_7 ((0x2d24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt7 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_8 ((0x2d25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt8 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_9 ((0x2d26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt9 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_10 ((0x2d27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt10 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_11 ((0x2d28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt11 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_12 ((0x2d29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt12 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_13 ((0x2d2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt13 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_14 ((0x2d2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt14 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_15 ((0x2d2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt15 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_16 ((0x2d2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt16 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_17 ((0x2d2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt17 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_18 ((0x2d2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt18 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_19 ((0x2d30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt19 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_20 ((0x2d31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt20 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_21 ((0x2d32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt21 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_22 ((0x2d33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt22 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_23 ((0x2d34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt23 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_24 ((0x2d35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt24 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_25 ((0x2d36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt25 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_26 ((0x2d37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt26 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_27 ((0x2d38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt27 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_28 ((0x2d39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt28 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_29 ((0x2d3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt29 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_30 ((0x2d3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt30 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_HBOF_STAT_CNT_31 ((0x2d3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_hbof_stat_cnt31 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_0 ((0x2d3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_1 ((0x2d3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt1 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_2 ((0x2d3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt2 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_3 ((0x2d40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt3 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_4 ((0x2d41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt4 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_5 ((0x2d42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt5 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_6 ((0x2d43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt6 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_7 ((0x2d44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt7 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_8 ((0x2d45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt8 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_9 ((0x2d46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt9 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_10 ((0x2d47 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt10 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_11 ((0x2d48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt11 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_12 ((0x2d49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt12 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_13 ((0x2d4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt13 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_14 ((0x2d4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt14 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_15 ((0x2d4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt15 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_16 ((0x2d4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt16 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_17 ((0x2d4e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt17 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_18 ((0x2d4f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt18 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_19 ((0x2d50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt19 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_20 ((0x2d51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt20 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_21 ((0x2d52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt21 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_22 ((0x2d53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt22 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_23 ((0x2d54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt23 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_24 ((0x2d55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt24 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_25 ((0x2d56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt25 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_26 ((0x2d57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt26 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_27 ((0x2d58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt27 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_28 ((0x2d59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt28 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_29 ((0x2d5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt29 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_30 ((0x2d5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt30 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_VBOF_STAT_CNT_31 ((0x2d5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_vbof_stat_cnt31 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_ADP_EN ((0x2d5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_dnr_scene_change_flg // unsigned , default = 1 , scence change flag for dnr(dm);
//Bit 6 reg_dnr_dm_lpf_en // unsigned , default = 1 , enable lpf for demosquito filter
//Bit 5 reg_dnr_dm_adp_level_en // unsigned , default = 1 , enable adptive demosquito level
//Bit 4 reg_dnr_dm_flg2bdif_en // unsigned , default = 1 , enable edge flg to blkdif calc.
//Bit 3: 2 reg_dnr_dm_edgeiir // unsigned , default = 1 , edge flag iir mode, 0: cur, 1: max(pre, cur), 2: choice 0/1 by org mtn, 3: choice 0/1 by ref mtn
//Bit 1 reg_dnr_dm_dirdifmod // unsigned , default = 1 , dif mode for direction calc, 0: abs(dif02), 1: (abs(dif01)+abs(dif21))/2
//Bit 0 reg_dnr_dm_sur_dir_mod // unsigned , default = 0 , sure direction mode for cordif calc.
#define DNR_DM_EDGE_DIR ((0x2d5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_dnr_dm_dirdifcor // unsigned , default = 2 , dif coring threshold for direction calc
//Bit 15: 8 reg_dnr_dm_edgecordifthd // unsigned , default = 160 , edge flg down when cordif is large than threshold
//Bit 7: 0 reg_dnr_dm_mtnrt // unsigned , default = 60 , motion ratio for mtn decision
#define DNR_DM_CTRL ((0x2d60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12, reg_dnr_dm_fedgeflg_en , enable edge flag calc. of each frame. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11, reg_dnr_dm_fedgeflg_cl , clear frame edge flag if needed. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 10, reg_dnr_dm_fedgeflg_df , user defined edge when reg_dnr_dm_fedgeflg_en=0, default = 1
//Bit 9, reg_dnr_dm_en , enable demosquito function . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 8, reg_dnr_dm_chrmen , enable chrome processing for demosquito. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reg_dnr_dm_level , demosquito level . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 5: 4, reg_dnr_dm_leveldw0 , level down when gbs is small. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 2, reg_dnr_dm_leveldw1 , level down for no edge/flat blocks. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1: 0, reg_dnr_dm_gbsthd , small/large threshold for gbs (<=). unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_NR_BLND ((0x2d61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24, reg_dnr_dm_defalpen , enable user define alpha for dm & nr blend. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_defalp , user define alpha for dm & nr blend if enable. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_dm_alpgain , gain for nr/dm alpha, normalized 32 as "1". unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_alpoffst , (-128, 127), offset for nr/dm alpha. signed , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_RNG_THD ((0x2d62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_rngminthd . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_rngmaxthd . unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_rngdifthd . unsigned , default = 4
#define DNR_DM_RNG_GAIN_OFST ((0x2d63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_dnr_dm_rnggain , normalized 16 as "1" . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_dnr_dm_rngofst . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_DIR_MISC ((0x2d64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29, reg_dnr_dm_diralpen . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 28:24, reg_dnr_dm_diralpgain . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_dnr_dm_diralpofst . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_diralpmin . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_diralpmax . unsigned , default = 31
#define DNR_DM_COR_DIF ((0x2d65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 1, reg_dnr_dm_cordifshft . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 0, reg_dnr_dm_cordifmod , 0:use max dir dif as cordif, 1: use max3x3 - min3x3 as cordif. unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DM_FLT_THD ((0x2d66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_dm_fltthd00 , block flat threshold0 for block average difference when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_fltthd01 , block flat threshold1 for block average difference when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_fltthd10 , block flat threshold0 for block average difference when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 9
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_fltthd11 , block flat threshold1 for block average difference when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 12
#define DNR_DM_VAR_THD ((0x2d67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_dm_varthd00 , block variance threshold0 (>=) when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_varthd01 , block variance threshold1 (<=) when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_varthd10 , block variance threshold0 (>=) when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_varthd11 , block variance threshold1 (<=) when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 24
#define DNR_DM_EDGE_DIF_THD ((0x2d68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_dnr_dm_edgethd0 , block edge threshold (<=) when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_edgethd1 , block edge threshold (<=) when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 48
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_difthd0 , block dif threshold (<=) when gbs is small, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 48
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_difthd1 , block dif threshold (<=) when gbs is large, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 64
#define DNR_DM_AVG_THD ((0x2d69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_avgthd0 , block average threshold (>=), for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 160
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_avgthd1 , block average threshold (<=), for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 128
#define DNR_DM_AVG_VAR_DIF_THD ((0x2d6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_avgdifthd , block average dif threshold (<) between cur and up block, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_vardifthd , block variance dif threshold (>=) between cur and up block, for flat block detection. unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DM_VAR_EDGE_DIF_THD2 ((0x2d6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_varthd2 , block variance threshold (>=), for edge block detection. unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnr_dm_edgethd2 , block edge threshold (>=), for edge block detection. unsigned , default = 40
//Bit 7: 0, reg_dnr_dm_difthd2 , block dif threshold (>=), for edge block detection. unsigned , default = 80
#define DNR_DM_DIF_FLT_MISC ((0x2d6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_dnr_dm_ldifoob , pre-defined large dif when pixel out of blocks. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_dnr_dm_bdifoob , pre-defined block dif when pixel out of blocks;. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_dnr_dm_fltalp , pre-defined alpha for dm and nr blending, when block is flat with mos.. unsigned , default = 200
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_dnr_dm_fltminbdif , pre-defined min block dif for dm filter, when block is flat with mos.. unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 2, reg_dnr_dm_difnormgain , gain for pixel dif normalization for dm filter, normalized 16 as "1". unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 1, reg_dnr_dm_difnormen , enable pixel dif normalization for dm filter. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_dnr_dm_difupden , enable block dif update using max of left, cur, right difs. unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_SDIF_LUT0_2 ((0x2d6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut0 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut1 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 14
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut2 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 13
#define DNR_DM_SDIF_LUT3_5 ((0x2d6e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut3 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut4 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 7
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut5 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 5
#define DNR_DM_SDIF_LUT6_8 ((0x2d6f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut6 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut7 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_sdiflut8 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_LDIF_LUT0_2 ((0x2d70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut0 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut1 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut2 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 12
#define DNR_DM_LDIF_LUT3_5 ((0x2d71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut3 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 14
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut4 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut5 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
#define DNR_DM_LDIF_LUT6_8 ((0x2d72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut6 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut7 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_ldiflut8 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
#define DNR_DM_DIF2NORM_LUT0_2 ((0x2d73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut0 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut1 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut2 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 3
#define DNR_DM_DIF2NORM_LUT3_5 ((0x2d74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut3 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut4 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut5 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DM_DIF2NORM_LUT6_8 ((0x2d75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut6 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut7 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_dnr_dm_dif2normlut8 , normally 0-16 . unsigned , default = 1
#define DNR_DM_GMS_THD ((0x2d76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_gms_stat_thd0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_gms_stat_thd1 . unsigned , default = 128
#define DNR_RO_DM_GMS_STAT_CNT ((0x2d77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_dm_gms_stat_cnt . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_RO_DM_GMS_STAT_MS ((0x2d78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_dm_gms_stat_ms . unsigned , default = 0
#define DNR_DM_EDGE_GAIN ((0x2d79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_dnr_dm_alpedgegain0 // unsigned , default = 8 , edge based gain for alpha, normalized 16 as "1"
//Bit 23:16 reg_dnr_dm_alpedgegain1 // unsigned , default = 16 , edge based gain for alpha, normalized 16 as "1"
//Bit 15: 8 reg_dnr_dm_alpedgegain2 // unsigned , default = 24 , edge based gain for alpha, normalized 16 as "1"
//Bit 7: 0 reg_dnr_dm_alpedgegain3 // unsigned , default = 32 , edge based gain for alpha, normalized 16 as "1"
#define DNR_DM_FLG_BDIF ((0x2d7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_dnr_dm_flg2bdif0 // unsigned , default = 0 , (0-16), edge flg to blkdif calc.
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_dnr_dm_flg2bdif1 // unsigned , default = 6 , (0-16), edge flg to blkdif calc.
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 8 reg_dnr_dm_flg2bdif2 // unsigned , default = 10 , (0-16), edge flg to blkdif calc.
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_dnr_dm_flg2bdif3 // unsigned , default = 12 , (0-16), edge flg to blkdif calc.
#define DNR_DM_GBS_RORM ((0x2d7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:12 reg_dnr_dm_gbs4difnorm0 // unsigned , default = 0 , gbs=0 for dif norm calc.
//Bit 11: 8 reg_dnr_dm_gbs4difnorm1 // unsigned , default = 1 , gbs=1 for dif norm calc.
//Bit 7: 4 reg_dnr_dm_gbs4difnorm2 // unsigned , default = 4 , gbs=2 for dif norm calc.
//Bit 3: 0 reg_dnr_dm_gbs4difnorm3 // unsigned , default = 6 , gbs=3 for dif norm calc.
#define DNR_DM_FLG_LEV ((0x2d7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14 reserved
//Bit 13:12 reg_dnr_dm_flg2lev0 // unsigned , default = 1 , edge flg to filter level calc.
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_dnr_dm_flg2lev1 // unsigned , default = 3 , edge flg to filter level calc.
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 4 reg_dnr_dm_flg2lev2 // unsigned , default = 3 , edge flg to filter level calc.
//Bit 3: 2 reserved
//Bit 1: 0 reg_dnr_dm_flg2lev3 // unsigned , default = 3 , edge flg to filter level calc.
#define DNR_DM_DIF_FLG_TH ((0x2d7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_dnr_dm_dif2flgthd1 // unsigned , default = 128 , dif to edge flg threshold 1
//Bit 7: 0 reg_dnr_dm_dif2flgthd2 // unsigned , default = 192 , dif to edge flg threshold 2
#define DNR_DM_CALP_GAIN_OFST ((0x2d7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_dnr_dm_calpgain // unsigned , default = 16 , chroma gain for nr/dm alpha, normalized 32 as "1"
//Bit 15: 9 reserved
//Bit 8: 0 reg_dnr_dm_calpoffst // signed , default = -64 , (-255, 255), chroma offset for nr/dm alpha
// 0x80-0x90
// Reading file: vpu_decomb_regs.h
// defined registers
#define DECOMB_DET_VERT_CON0 ((0x2d80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_di_dcmb_det_vcon_thd0 default = 60 // u8
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_det_vcon_thd1 default = 80 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_det_valp_lmt0 default = 63 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_det_valp_lmt1 default = 4 // u8
#define DECOMB_DET_VERT_CON1 ((0x2d81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_det_valp_lmt2 default = 0 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_det_vrate0 default = 32 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_det_vrate1 default = 4 // u8
#define DECOMB_DET_EDGE_CON0 ((0x2d82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_di_dcmb_det_econ_thd0 default = 60 // u8
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_det_econ_thd1 default = 80 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_det_ealp_lmt0 default = 63 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_det_ealp_lmt1 default = 4 // u8
#define DECOMB_DET_EDGE_CON1 ((0x2d83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_det_ealp_lmt2 default = 0 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_det_erate0 default = 32 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_det_erate1 default = 4 // u8
#define DECOMB_PARA ((0x2d84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:28 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_lpf default = 1 // u2, 0:no lpf, 1:[1 2 1], 2,3: [1 2 2 2 1]
//Bit 27:26 reg_di_dcmb_vedge_chk default = 0 // u2, vertical edge check, 0: no check, 1: vrt!=0, 2: vrt==3
//Bit 25:24 reg_di_dcmb_nedge_chk default = 0 // u2, no idea edge check, 0, no check, 1, check
//Bit 23:20 reg_di_dcmb_edge_min default = 0 // u4, min edge for edge cmb
//Bit 19:16 reg_di_dcmb_edge_max default = 15 // u4, min edge for edge cmb
//Bit 15:8 reg_di_dcmb_bld_alp default = 255 // u8, user defined alpha for di & decmb blend
//Bit 7:0 reg_di_dcmb_bld_alp_beta default = 40 // u8, beta for mtn & cmb blend, for bld alpha calc.
#define DECOMB_BLND_CON0 ((0x2d85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_di_dcmb_bld_con_thd0 default = 100 // u8
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_bld_con_thd1 default = 120 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_bld_alp_lmt0 default = 0 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_bld_alp_lmt1 default = 128 // u8
#define DECOMB_BLND_CON1 ((0x2d86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:16 reg_di_dcmb_bld_alp_lmt2 default = 255 // u8
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_bld_rate0 default = 32 // u8
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_bld_rate1 default = 32 // u8
#define DECOMB_YC_THRD ((0x2d87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_di_dcmb_ythd default = 2 // u8, default = 2
//Bit 7: 0 reg_di_dcmb_cthd default = 2 // u8, default = 2
#define DECOMB_MTN_GAIN_OFST ((0x2d88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_di_dcmb_mtn_alp_gain default = 16 // u6, 16 is normalized to '1'
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8:0 reg_di_dcmb_mtn_alp_ofst default = 0 // s9, [-256, 255]
#define DECOMB_CMB_SEL_GAIN_OFST ((0x2d89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_sel_gain default = 48 // u6, 16 is normalized to '1'
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8:0 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_sel_ofst default = 0 // s9, [-256, 255]
#define DECOMB_WIND00 ((0x2d8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_di_dcmb_wnd00 default = 0 // u13, x0 for window 0, software control
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_di_dcmb_wnd01 default = 719 // u13, x1 for window 0, HSIZE-1, software control
#define DECOMB_WIND01 ((0x2d8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_di_dcmb_wnd02 default = 0 // u13, y0 for window 0, software control
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_di_dcmb_wnd03 default = 39 // u13, y1 for window 0, software control
#define DECOMB_WIND10 ((0x2d8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_di_dcmb_wnd10 default = 0 // u13, x0 for window 1, software control
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_di_dcmb_wnd11 default = 719 // u13, x1 for window 1, HSIZE-1, software control
#define DECOMB_WIND11 ((0x2d8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_di_dcmb_wnd12 default = 40 // u13, y0 for window 1, software control
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_di_dcmb_wnd13 default = 239 // u13, y1 for window 1, VSIZE-1-40, software control
#define DECOMB_MODE ((0x2d8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reg_di_dcmb_is_cmb_bef default = 1 // u1, 1: decide is_cmb before cmbing refine, 0: decide is_cmb after cmbing refine
//Bit 14 reg_di_dcmb_en0 default = 1 // u1, enable decmobing for wind0
//Bit 13 reg_di_dcmb_en1 default = 1 // u1, enable decmobing for wind1
//Bit 12 reg_di_dcmb_en2 default = 1 // u1, enable decmobing for wind2
//Bit 11:10 reg_di_dcmb_lpf_mod0 default = 2 // u2, get combing free pixels of wind0 by: 0, vertical lpf, 1, edge lpf, 2,3, ei data
//Bit 9:8 reg_di_dcmb_lpf_mod1 default = 2 // u2, get combing free pixels of wind1 by: 0, vertical lpf, 1, edge lpf, 2,3, ei data
//Bit 7:6 reg_di_dcmb_lpf_mod2 default = 0 // u2, get combing free pixels of wind2 by: 0, vertical lpf, 1, edge lpf, 2,3, ei data
//Bit 5 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_sel0 default = 1 // u1, wind0 decmb based on: 0, vert cmb, 1, edge cmb
//Bit 4 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_sel1 default = 1 // u1, wind1 decmb based on: 0, vert cmb, 1, edge cmb
//Bit 3 reg_di_dcmb_cmb_sel2 default = 0 // u1, wind2 decmb based on: 0, vert cmb, 1, edge cmb
//Bit 2 reg_di_dcmb_alp_mod0 default = 1 // u1, wind0 decmb alpha based on: 0, user-defined, 1, motion adaptive
//Bit 1 reg_di_dcmb_alp_mod1 default = 1 // u1, wind1 decmb alpha based on: 0, user-defined, 1, motion adaptive
//Bit 0 reg_di_dcmb_alp_mod2 default = 1 // u1, wind2 decmb alpha based on: 0, user-defined, 1, motion adaptive
#define DECOMB_FRM_SIZE ((0x2d8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in default = 1920 // u13, pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vsize_in default = 1080 // u13, pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define DECOMB_HV_BLANK ((0x2d90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:8 hblank_num default = 20 // u8, hor blank time
//Bit 7:0 vblank_num default = 50 // u8, ver blank time
// Closing file: vpu_decomb_regs.h
// 0x98-0xa3
// Reading file: vpu_nr2_dpolar_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR2_POLAR3_MODE ((0x2d98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:18 reg_polar3_f02lpf_mod0 // unsigned , default = 3 low pass filter mode for field 0 and field2 before polar3 detection; 0 for no lpf, 1: [1 2 1]/4 vert lpf; 2: [1 2 1; 2 4 2; 1 2 1]/16 2d lpf, p1 no hlpf; 2: [1 2 1; 2 4 2; 1 2 1]/16 2d lpf, p1 [1 2 1]/4 hlpf
//Bit 17:16 reg_polar3_f02lpf_mod1 // unsigned , default = 3 low pass filter mode for field 0 and field2 before polar3 detection; 0 for no lpf, 1: [1 2 1]/4 vert lpf; 2: [1 2 1; 2 4 2; 1 2 1]/16 2d lpf, p1 no hlpf; 2: [1 2 1; 2 4 2; 1 2 1]/16 2d lpf, p1 [1 2 1]/4 hlpf
//Bit 15: 8 reg_polar3_dif02_thrd0 // unsigned , default = 5 threshold of dif for polar3 detection except for 32 detection, only do polar3 detection on obvious motion, [0] for luma, 1[1] for chroma
//Bit 7: 0 reg_polar3_dif02_thrd1 // unsigned , default = 5 threshold of dif for polar3 detection except for 32 detection, only do polar3 detection on obvious motion, [0] for luma, 1[1] for chroma
#define NR2_POLAR3_THRD ((0x2d99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_polar3_txtf02_thrd0 // unsigned , default = 30 threshold to vertical f0f2 texture, if texture larger than this threshold, will not do the polar3 decision.
//Bit 23:16 reg_polar3_txtf02_thrd1 // unsigned , default = 30 threshold to vertical f0f2 texture, if texture larger than this threshold, will not do the polar3 decision.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_polar3_txtf1_thrd0 // unsigned , default = 20 threshold to vertical f1 texture, if texture larger than this threshold, will not do the polar3 decision.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_polar3_txtf1_thrd1 // unsigned , default = 20 threshold to vertical f1 texture, if texture larger than this threshold, will not do the polar3 decision.
#define NR2_POLAR3_PARA0 ((0x2d9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_polar3_rate00 // unsigned , default = 6 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1 within((f0+f2)/2 - delt), ((f0+f2)/2 + delt), then polar3_smoothmv++;
//Bit 27:24 reg_polar3_rate01 // unsigned , default = 6 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1 within((f0+f2)/2 - delt), ((f0+f2)/2 + delt), then polar3_smoothmv++;
//Bit 23:20 reg_polar3_rate10 // unsigned , default = 8 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2-ofst1<f0, if f1<((f0+f2)/2 - delt), then polar3_m1++; if f1>((f0+f2)/2 + delt), then polar3_p1++;
//Bit 19:16 reg_polar3_rate11 // unsigned , default = 8 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2-ofst1<f0, if f1<((f0+f2)/2 - delt), then polar3_m1++; if f1>((f0+f2)/2 + delt), then polar3_p1++;
//Bit 15:12 reg_polar3_rate20 // unsigned , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset2), then polar3_m2++; if f1>((f0 + delt+ ofset2), then polar3_p2++;
//Bit 11: 8 reg_polar3_rate21 // unsigned , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset2), then polar3_m2++; if f1>((f0 + delt+ ofset2), then polar3_p2++;
//Bit 7: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_polar3_ro_reset // unsigned , default = 0 reset signal of the polar3 read only registers
#define NR2_POLAR3_PARA1 ((0x2d9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_polar3_rate30 // unsigned , default = 48 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset3) or f1>((f0 + delt+ofst3), then polar3_32++;
//Bit 23:16 reg_polar3_rate31 // unsigned , default = 48 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset3) or f1>((f0 + delt+ofst3), then polar3_32++;
//Bit 15:12 reg_polar3_ofst30 // signed , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt-ofst3) or f1>((f0 + delt+ofst3), then polar3_32++;
//Bit 11: 8 reg_polar3_ofst31 // signed , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt-ofst3) or f1>((f0 + delt+ofst3), then polar3_32++;
//Bit 7: 4 reg_polar3_ofst20 // signed , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset2), then polar3_m2++; if f1>((f0 + delt+ ofset2), then polar3_p2++;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_polar3_ofst21 // signed , default = 2 delt = rate*dif02/32, e.g. f2<f0, if f1<(f2 - delt- ofset2), then polar3_m2++; if f1>((f0 + delt+ ofset2), then polar3_p2++;
#define NR2_POLAR3_CTRL ((0x2d9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_polar3_ofst10 // signed , default = 1
//Bit 23:16 reg_polar3_ofst11 // signed , default = 1
//Bit 15: 8 reg_polar3_h_mute // unsigned , default = 10 horizontal pixels to mute for left right sides for polar3 detection;
//Bit 7: 0 reg_polar3_v_mute // unsigned , default = 10 vertical pixels to mute for top and bottom sides for polar3 detection;
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_NUMOFPIX ((0x2d9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_numofpix // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels detected as polar3
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_SMOOTHMV ((0x2d9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_smoothmv // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with smooth mv, F(t) is close between avg of f(t-1) and f(t+1);
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_M1 ((0x2d9f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_m1 // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with F(t) is close to f(t-1) instead of f(t+1), but in between [f(t-1), f(t+1)];
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_P1 ((0x2da0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_p1 // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with F(t) is close to f(t+1) instead of f(t-1), but in between [f(t-1), f(t+1)];
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_M2 ((0x2da1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_m2 // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with F(t) is close to f(t-1) instead of f(t+1), but out side of (f(t-1), f(t+1));
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_P2 ((0x2da2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_p2 // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with F(t) is close to f(t+1) instead of f(t-1), but out side of (f(t-1), f(t+1));
#define NR2_RO_POLAR3_32 ((0x2da3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 ro_polar3_32 // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels with F(t) far from [f(t-1),f(t+1)] and f(t-1) is close to f(t+1);
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_nr2_dpolar_regs.h
// 0xa4-0xf7 / 0xff
// Reading file: vpu_nr4_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//========== nr4_drt_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR4_DRT_CTRL ((0x2da4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_ydrt_3line_ssd_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain to max ssd normalized 16 as '1'
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_ydrt_5line_ssd_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain to max ssd normalized 16 as '1'
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:13 reg_nr4_drt_yhsad_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for luma horiztonal sad calc., 0: no vertical lpf, 1: vertical [1 2 1], 2 or 3: vertical [ 1 2 2 2 1] if 5 lines
//Bit 12:11 reg_nr4_drt_chsad_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for chroma horiztonal sad calc., 0: no vertical lpf, 1: vertical [1 2 1], 2 or 3: vertical [ 1 2 2 2 1] if 5 lines
//Bit 10 reg_nr4_drt_yhsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for luma hsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 9 reg_nr4_drt_yvsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for luma vsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 8 reg_nr4_drt_ydsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for luma dsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 7 reg_nr4_drt_chsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for chrome hsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 6 reg_nr4_drt_cvsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for chroma vsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 5 reg_nr4_drt_cdsad_hlpf // unsigned , default = 1 hlpf for chroma dsad of drt calculation, 0: no lpf, 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf
//Bit 4 reg_nr4_ydrt_dif_mode // unsigned , default = 1 0:y_dif, 1: y_dif + (u_dif + v_dif)/2
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nr4_cdrt_dif_mode // unsigned , default = 2 0:(u_dif + v_dif), 1: y_dif/4 + (u_dif + v_dif)*3/4, 2:y_dif/2 + (u_dif + v_dif)/2, 3: y_dif (not recommended)
//Bit 1: 0 reserved
#define NR4_DRT_YSAD_GAIN ((0x2da5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_ysad_hrz_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain for horizontal sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_ysad_diag_gain // unsigned , default = 20 gain for diagonal sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_ysad_vrt_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain for vertical sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_drt_ysad_core_rate // unsigned , default = 6 rate of coring for sad(theta) - sad(theta+pi/2)*rate/64
#define NR4_DRT_CSAD_GAIN ((0x2da6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_csad_hrz_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain for horizontal sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_csad_diag_gain // unsigned , default = 20 gain for diagonal sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_csad_vrt_gain // unsigned , default = 16 gain for vertical sad, 16 normalized to "1"
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_drt_csad_core_rate // unsigned , default = 6 rate of coring for sad(theta) - sad(theta+pi/2)*rate/64
#define NR4_DRT_SAD_ALP_CORE ((0x2da7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_ydrt_alp_core_rate // unsigned , default = 0 luma ratio to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err - min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err * 64; dft = 0/32
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_cdrt_alp_core_rate // unsigned , default = 0 chroma ratio to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err - min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err * 64; dft = 0/32
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_ydrt_alp_core_ofst // unsigned , default = 10 luma offset to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err - min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err * 64; dft = 10
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_cdrt_alp_core_ofst // unsigned , default = 10 chroma offset to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err - min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err * 64; dft = 10
#define NR4_DRT_ALP_MINMAX ((0x2da8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_ydrt_alp_min // unsigned , default = 0 luma min value of alpha, dft = 0
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_ydrt_alp_max // unsigned , default = 63 luma max value of alpha, dft = 63
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_cdrt_alp_min // unsigned , default = 0 chroma min value of alpha, dft = 0
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_cdrt_alp_max // unsigned , default = 63 chroma max value of alpha, dft = 63
//========== nr4_drt_regs register end ==========//
//========== nr4_snr_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR4_SNR_CTRL_REG ((0x2da9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12 reg_nr4_bet2_sel // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nr4_snr2_sel_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0: no filter, 1: adpgau, adp_drt_lpf blend; 2: adpgau, drt4_lpf blend; 3: adp_drt_lpf method, 4: drt4_lpf method, 5: adp_drt_ //original image blend, 6: drt4_lpf, original image blend, 7: adpgau method; dft=1
//Bit 8 reg_nr4_snr2_gaulpf_mode // unsigned , default = 1 0: 3*5 or 5*5 gaussian lpf; 1: 3*3 (window size) gaussian lpf; dft=1
//Bit 7: 6 reg_nr4_snr2_alpha0_sad_mode // unsigned , default = 3 0: max_sad*max_ssd; 1: max_sad*max_sad; 2: adp_max_sad*max_ssd; 3: adp_max_sad*adp_max_sad dft=3
//Bit 5: 4 reg_nr4_snr2_alpha1_sad_mode // unsigned , default = 2 0: max_sad; 1: cross_max_sad; 2 or 3: adp_sad dft=2
//Bit 3: 2 reserved
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_adp_drtlpf_mode // unsigned , default = 3 0: adp_drtlpf [2 1 1]/4, 1: adp_drtlpf [4 2 1 1]/8; 2: adp_drtlpf [2 2 2 1 1]/8; 3: adp_drtlpf [7 7 7 6 5]/32; dft=3;
#define NR4_SNR_ALPHA0_MAX_MIN ((0x2daa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:23 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_ymin // unsigned , default = 127 normalized to 128 as '1'
//Bit 22:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_ymax // unsigned , default = 127 normalized to 128 as '1'
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 7 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_cmin // unsigned , default = 127 normalized to 128 as '1'
//Bit 6: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_cmax // unsigned , default = 127 normalized to 128 as '1'
#define NR4_ALP0C_ERR2CURV_LIMIT0 ((0x2dab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar0 // unsigned , default = 0 threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need blur.
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar1 // unsigned , default = 25 threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not blur.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar5 // unsigned , default = 40 rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar6 // unsigned , default = 40 rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.
#define NR4_ALP0C_ERR2CURV_LIMIT1 ((0x2dac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar2 // unsigned , default = 127 level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, that we can do for flat region. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar3 // unsigned , default = 0 level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, that we can do for misc region. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_cpar4 // unsigned , default = 127 level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, that we can do for texture region. 0~255.
#define NR4_ALP0Y_ERR2CURV_LIMIT0 ((0x2dad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar0 // unsigned , default = 0 threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need blur. 0~255.
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar1 // unsigned , default = 25 threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not blur.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar5 // unsigned , default = 40 rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar6 // unsigned , default = 40 rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.
#define NR4_ALP0Y_ERR2CURV_LIMIT1 ((0x2dae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar2 // unsigned , default = 127 level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, set to alp0 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar3 // unsigned , default = 0 level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, alp0 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp0_minerr_ypar4 // unsigned , default = 127 level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, alp0 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.
#define NR4_SNR_ALPA1_RATE_AND_OFST ((0x2daf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:18 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ycore_rate // unsigned , default = 0 normalized 64 as "1"
//Bit 17:12 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ccore_rate // unsigned , default = 0 normalized 64 as "1"
//Bit 11: 6 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ycore_ofst // signed , default = 3 normalized 64 as "1"
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ccore_ofst // signed , default = 3 normalized 64 as "1"
#define NR4_SNR_ALPHA1_MAX_MIN ((0x2db0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:18 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ymin // unsigned , default = 0 normalized to 64 as '1'
//Bit 17:12 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_ymax // unsigned , default = 63 normalized to 64 as '1'
//Bit 11: 6 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_cmin // unsigned , default = 0 normalized to 64 as '1'
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_cmax // unsigned , default = 63 normalized to 64 as '1'
#define NR4_ALP1C_ERR2CURV_LIMIT0 ((0x2db1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar0 // unsigned , default = 0 annel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need directional NR. 0~255.
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar1 // unsigned , default = 24 hannel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not do directional NR. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar5 // unsigned , default = 0 a/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar6 // unsigned , default = 20 a/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255
#define NR4_ALP1C_ERR2CURV_LIMIT1 ((0x2db2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar2 // unsigned , default = 0 will be set to alp1 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar3 // unsigned , default = 16 this will be set to alp1 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_cpar4 // unsigned , default = 63 will be set to alp1 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.255 before
#define NR4_ALP1Y_ERR2CURV_LIMIT0 ((0x2db3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar0 // unsigned , default = 0 thra/chroma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need directional NR. 0~255.
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar1 // unsigned , default = 24 thra/chroma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not do directional NR. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar5 // unsigned , default = 0 ratlp1 for luma/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar6 // unsigned , default = 20 ratlp1 for luma/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255
#define NR4_ALP1Y_ERR2CURV_LIMIT1 ((0x2db4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar2 // unsigned , default = 0 lev to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar3 // unsigned , default = 16 levierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_snr2_alp1_minerr_ypar4 // unsigned , default = 63 lev to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.255 before
//========== nr4_snr_regs register end ==========//
//========== nr4_tnr_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR4_MTN_CTRL ((0x2db5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2 reserved
//Bit 1 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable motion refinement, dft = 1
//Bit 0 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_bet_sel // unsigned , default = 0 beta selection mode for motion refinement, 0: beta1, 1: beta2, dft = 0
#define NR4_MTN_REF_PAR0 ((0x2db6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par0 // unsigned , default = 24 par0 for beta to gain, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par1 // unsigned , default = 60 par1 for beta to gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par2 // unsigned , default = 4 par2 for beta to gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par3 // unsigned , default = 32 par3 for beta to gain, dft =
#define NR4_MTN_REF_PAR1 ((0x2db7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par4 // unsigned , default = 128 par4 for beta to gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par5 // unsigned , default = 40 par5 for beta to gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_mtn_ref_par6 // unsigned , default = 20 par6 for beta to gain, dft =
//========== nr4_tnr_regs register end ==========//
//========== nr4_mcnr_regs register begin ==========//
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMA_ENH_CTRL ((0x2db8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4 reserved
//Bit 3 reg_nr4_luma_plus_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable luma enhancement, dft = 1
//Bit 2 reg_nr4_luma_plus_wt_mode // unsigned , default = 1 luma weight calc mode, 0:sqrt(1+x^2), 1: 1+abs(x), dft = 0
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nr4_luma_plus_orient_mode // unsigned , default = 1 0: only use previous orient for pre and cur luma plus, 1: 0: only use current orient for pre and cur luma plus
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMA_STAT_LIMTX ((0x2db9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_luma_plus_xst // unsigned , default = 8 start for luma plus statistic, dft = 8
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_luma_plus_xed // unsigned , default = 711 end for luma plus statistic, dft = HSIZE-8-1;
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMA_STAT_LIMTY ((0x2dba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_luma_plus_yst // unsigned , default = 8 start for luma plus statistic, dft = 8
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_luma_plus_yed // unsigned , default = 231 end for luma plus statistic, dft = VSIZE-8-1
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMA_DIF_CALC ((0x2dbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_luma_plus_ugain // unsigned , default = 8 U's gain for luma enhancement, 16 normalized as '1'
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_luma_plus_vgain // unsigned , default = 8 V's gain for luma enhancement, 16 normalized as '1'
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_luma_plus_ycor_thd // unsigned , default = 2 Y coring threshold for difference calc., dft = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_luma_plus_ccor_thd // unsigned , default = 0 C coring threshold for difference calc., dft = 0
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMAPRE_CAL_PRAM ((0x2dbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_nr4_pre_u_orient // signed , default = 0 orientation of previous U, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 23:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nr4_pre_v_orient // signed , default = 0 orientation of previous V, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_pre_u_mean // unsigned , default = 0 mean of previous U, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_pre_v_mean // unsigned , default = 0 mean of previousV, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
#define NR4_MCNR_LUMACUR_CAL_PRAM ((0x2dbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_nr4_cur_u_orient // signed , default = 0 orientation of current U, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 23:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nr4_cur_v_orient // signed , default = 0 orientation of current V, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cur_u_mean // unsigned , default = 0 mean of current U, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cur_v_mean // unsigned , default = 0 mean of current, initial to 0, and will be updated by software
#define NR4_MCNR_MV_CTRL_REG ((0x2dbe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14 reserved
//Bit 13:12 reg_nr4_sad_bitw // unsigned , default = 2 sad bit width (8 + x) before clip to u8, dft = 1
//Bit 11: 4 reg_nr4_glb_gain // unsigned , default = 64 global gain calc. by software, 64 is normalized as '1'
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mv_err_rsft // unsigned , default = 8 right shift for mv err calc., dft = 9
#define NR4_MCNR_MV_GAIN0 ((0x2dbf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_lftmvx_gain // unsigned , default = 1 left mvx gain for err calc., dft = 1
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_lftmvy_gain // unsigned , default = 1 left mvy gain for err calc., dft = 1
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_zmvx_gain // unsigned , default = 5 zero mvx gain for err calc., dft = 2
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_zmvy_gain // unsigned , default = 5 zero mvy gain for err calc., dft = 4
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_lmvx0_gain // unsigned , default = 2 line mvx0 gain for err calc., dft = 1
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_lmvx1_gain // unsigned , default = 2 line mvx1 gain for err calc., dft = 1
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_lmvy0_gain // unsigned , default = 2 line mvy0 gain for err calc., dft = 1
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_lmvy1_gain // unsigned , default = 2 line mvy1 gain for err calc., dft = 1
#define NR4_MCNR_LMV_PARM ((0x2dc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_lmv_rt0 // unsigned , default = 3 ratio of max lmv
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_lmv_rt1 // unsigned , default = 3 ratio of second max lmv
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_lmv_num_lmt0 // unsigned , default = 16 lmv0 least/limit number of (total number - zero_bin)
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_lmv_num_lmt1 // unsigned , default = 8 lmv1 least/limit number of (total number - zero_bin - max0)
//Bit 7: 2 reserved
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nr4_max_sad_rng // unsigned , default = 1 search range of max2 sad in small region, dft = 1
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP0_REG ((0x2dc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25 reg_nr4_alp0_fail_chk // unsigned , default = 1 enable check for alp0 fail status
//Bit 24 reg_nr4_bet0_coef_ref_en // unsigned , default = 1 bet1 refinement by coef_blt
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_alp0_posad_gain // unsigned , default = 255 the sad (norm) gain for pixel pointed by MV;
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_nr4_alp0_norm_mode // unsigned , default = 0 alp0 select sad norm mode, 0: disable, 1: enable dc norm, 2: enable ac norm, 3: enable both (dc/ac) norm, dft = 3
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_alp0_norm_gain // unsigned , default = 16 alp0 gain for sad norm, '32' as '1', dft = 1
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_AND_BET0_REG ((0x2dc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_nr4_alp1_norm_mode // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 select sad norm mode, 0: disable, 1: enable dc norm, 2: enable ac norm, 3: enable both (dc/ac) norm, dft = 3
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_alp1_norm_gain // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 gain for sad norm, '32' as '1', dft = 1
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_nr4_bet0_norm_mode // unsigned , default = 3 bet0 select sad norm mode, 0: disable, 1: enable dc norm, 2: enable ac norm, 3: enable both (dc/ac) norm, dft = 3
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bet0_norm_gain // unsigned , default = 8 bet0 gain for sad norm, '32' as '1', dft = 1
#define NR4_MCNR_BET1_AND_BET2_REG ((0x2dc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_nr4_bet1_norm_mode // unsigned , default = 3 bet1 select sad norm mode, 0: disable, 1: enable dc norm, 2: enable ac norm, 3: enable both (dc/ac) norm, dft = 3
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bet1_norm_gain // unsigned , default = 8 bet1 gain for sad norm, '32' as '1', dft = 1
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_nr4_bet2_norm_mode // unsigned , default = 0 bet2 select sad norm mode, 0: disable, 1: enable dc norm, 2: enable ac norm, 3: enable both (dc/ac) norm, dft = 3
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bet2_norm_gain // unsigned , default = 16 bet2 gain for sad norm, '32' as '1', dft = 1
#define NR4_MCNR_AC_DC_CRTL ((0x2dc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_nr4_dc_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for dc selection,0: Y_lpf, 1: Y_lpf + (U_Lpf+V_lpf)/2,
//Bit 10 reg_nr4_ac_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for ac selection, 0: Y_abs_dif, 1: Y_abs_dif + (U_abs_dif + V_abs_dif)/2
//Bit 9 reg_nr4_dc_sel // unsigned , default = 0 selection mode for dc value, 0: 3x5, 1: 5x5, dft = 1
//Bit 8 reg_nr4_ac_sel // unsigned , default = 0 selection mode for ac value, 0: 3x5, 1: 5x5, dft = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nr4_dc_shft // unsigned , default = 2 right shift for dc value, dft = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nr4_ac_shft // unsigned , default = 0 right shift for ac value, dft = 2
#define NR4_MCNR_CM_CTRL0 ((0x2dc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28 reg_nr4_cm_skin_prc_bet0 // unsigned , default = 0 enable skin tone processing for mcnr bet0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 27:26 reg_nr4_cm_chrm_sel // unsigned , default = 1 chrome selection for color match, 0: 1x1, 1: 3X3LPF, 2: 3x5LPF, 3: 5x5LPF for 5lines, 3x5LPF for 3lines, dft = 3
//Bit 25:24 reg_nr4_cm_luma_sel // unsigned , default = 1 luma selection for color match, 0: 1x1, 1: 3X3LPF, 2: 3x5LPF, 3: 5x5LPF for 5lines, 3x5LPF for 3lines, dft = 3
//Bit 23:21 reg_nr4_cm_skin_rshft_bet0 // unsigned , default = 3 right shift for bet0's skin color gains, dft = 3
//Bit 20 reg_nr4_cm_var_sel // unsigned , default = 1 variation selection for color match, 0: 3x5, 1: 5x5 for 5lines, 3x5 for 3lines, dft = 1
//Bit 19 reg_nr4_cm_green_prc_bet0 // unsigned , default = 1 enable green processing for mcnr bet0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 18:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_rshft_bet0 // unsigned , default = 4 right shift for bet0's green color gains, dft = 4
//Bit 15:14 reg_nr4_preflt_mod // unsigned , default = 2 pre filter mode in mcnr, 0: mv pointed pixel, 1: bilater filter
//Bit 13:12 reg_nr4_alp1_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for alpha1's sad selection, 0: max sad, 1: three min sads, 2: min sad, 3: co sad
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_nr4_bet0_mode // unsigned , default = 0 mode for bet0's sad selection, 0: max sad, 1: three min sads, 2: min sad, 3: co sad, else: (co sad) - (min sad)
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 4 reg_nr4_bet1_mode // unsigned , default = 2 mode for bet1's sad selection, 0: max sad, 1: three min sads, 2: min sad, 3: co sad, else: (co sad) - (min sad)
//Bit 3: 2 reserved
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nr4_bet2_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode for bet2's sad selection, 0: max sad, 1: three min sads, 2: min sad, 3: co sad, else: (co sad) - (min sad)
#define NR4_MCNR_CM_PRAM ((0x2dc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 reg_nr4_cm_blue_prc_alp0 // unsigned , default = 1 enable blue processing for mcnr alpha0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 28 reg_nr4_cm_blue_prc_alp1 // unsigned , default = 1 enable blue processing for mcnr alpha1 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 27 reg_nr4_cm_skin_prc_alp0 // unsigned , default = 1 enable skin tone processing for mcnr alpha0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 26 reg_nr4_cm_green_prc_alp0 // unsigned , default = 1 enable green processing for mcnr alpha0 clac., dft = 1
//Bit 25 reg_nr4_cm_skin_prc_alp1 // unsigned , default = 1 enable skin tone processing for mcnr alpha0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 24 reg_nr4_cm_green_prc_alp1 // unsigned , default = 1 enable green processing for mcnr alpha1 clac., dft = 1
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_cm_blue_hue_st // unsigned , default = 13 hue start of blue, dft =
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_hue_ed // unsigned , default = 15 hue end of blue, dft =
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_cm_green_hue_st // unsigned , default = 7 hue start of green, dft =
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_cm_green_hue_ed // unsigned , default = 10 hue end of green, dft =
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_cm_skin_hue_st // unsigned , default = 5 hue start of skin, dft =
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_hue_ed // unsigned , default = 6 hue end of skin, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_CM_RSHFT_ALP0 ((0x2dc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:25 reg_nr4_cm_blue_rshft_bet0 // unsigned , default = 5 right shift for bet0's blue color gains, dft = 5
//Bit 24 reg_nr4_cm_blue_prc_bet0 // unsigned , default = 1 enable blue processing for mcnr bet0 calc., dft = 1
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_nr4_cm_blue_rshft_alp0 // unsigned , default = 5 right shift for alpha0/1's blue color gains, dft = 5
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_rshft_alp1 // unsigned , default = 5 right shift for alpha0/1's blue color gains, dft = 5
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_nr4_cm_green_rshft_alp0 // unsigned , default = 4 right shift for alpha0/1's green color gains, dft = 4
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nr4_cm_green_rshft_alp1 // unsigned , default = 4 right shift for alpha0/1's green color gains, dft = 4
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nr4_cm_skin_rshft_alp0 // unsigned , default = 3 right shift for alpha0/1's skin color gains, dft = 3
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_rshft_alp1 // unsigned , default = 3 right shift for alpha0/1's skin color gains, dft = 3
#define NR4_MCNR_BLUE_CENT ((0x2dc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_centx // unsigned , default = 157 x coordinate of center of blue, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_blue_centy // unsigned , default = 110 y coordinate of center of blue, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_BLUE_GAIN_PAR0 ((0x2dc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par0 // unsigned , default = 32 par0 for blue gain, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par1 // unsigned , default = 255 par1 for blue gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par2 // unsigned , default = 4 par2 for blue gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par3 // unsigned , default = 32 par3 for blue gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_BLUE_GAIN_PAR1 ((0x2dca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par4 // unsigned , default = 32 par4 for blue gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par5 // unsigned , default = 32 par5 for blue gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_blue_gain_par6 // unsigned , default = 0 par6 for blue gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_CM_BLUE_CLIP0 ((0x2dcb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_luma_min // unsigned , default = 40 luma min for blue color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_blue_luma_max // unsigned , default = 180 luma max for blue color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_CM_BLUE_CLIP1 ((0x2dcc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_blue_sat_min // unsigned , default = 5 saturation min for blue color matching, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_blue_sat_max // unsigned , default = 255 saturation max for blue color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_blue_var_min // unsigned , default = 0 variation min for blue color matching, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_blue_var_max // unsigned , default = 12 variation max for blue color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_GREEN_CENT ((0x2dcd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_centx // unsigned , default = 114 x coordinate of center of green, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_green_centy // unsigned , default = 126 y coordinate of center of green, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_GREEN_GAIN_PAR0 ((0x2dce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par0 // unsigned , default = 16 par0 for green gain, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par1 // unsigned , default = 255 par1 for green gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par2 // unsigned , default = 255 par2 for green gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par3 // unsigned , default = 16 par3 for green gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_GREEN_GAIN_PAR1 ((0x2dcf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par4 // unsigned , default = 16 par4 for green gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par5 // unsigned , default = 128 par5 for green gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_green_gain_par6 // unsigned , default = 0 par6 for green gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_GREEN_CLIP0 ((0x2dd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_luma_min // unsigned , default = 40 luma min for green color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_green_luma_max // unsigned , default = 160 luma max for green color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_GREEN_CLIP2 ((0x2dd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_green_sat_min // unsigned , default = 4 saturation min for green color matching, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_green_sat_max // unsigned , default = 255 saturation max for green color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_green_var_min // unsigned , default = 0 variation min for green color matching, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_green_var_max // unsigned , default = 12 variation max for green color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SKIN_CENT ((0x2dd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_skin_centx // unsigned , default = 112 x coordinate of center of skin tone, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_centy // unsigned , default = 149 y coordinate of center of skin tone, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SKIN_GAIN_PAR0 ((0x2dd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par0 // unsigned , default = 20 par0 for skin gain, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par1 // unsigned , default = 255 par1 for skin gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par2 // unsigned , default = 255 par2 for skin gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par3 // unsigned , default = 8 par3 for skin gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SKIN_GAIN_PAR1 ((0x2dd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par4 // unsigned , default = 8 par4 for skin gain, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par5 // unsigned , default = 128 par5 for skin gain, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_gain_par6 // unsigned , default = 0 par6 for skin gain, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SKIN_CLIP0 ((0x2dd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_skin_luma_min // unsigned , default = 40 luma min for skin color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_luma_max // unsigned , default = 180 luma max for skin color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SKIN_CLIP1 ((0x2dd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_cm_skin_sat_min // unsigned , default = 5 saturation min for skin color matching, dft =
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_cm_skin_sat_max // unsigned , default = 255 saturation max for skin color matching, dft =
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_cm_skin_var_min // unsigned , default = 0 variation min for skin color matching, dft =
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_cm_skin_var_max // unsigned , default = 12 variation max for skin color matching, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_GLB_CTRL ((0x2dd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_nr4_alp1_glb_gain_en // unsigned , default = 0 alp1 adjust by global gain, dft = 1
//Bit 30:28 reg_nr4_alp1_glb_gain_lsft // unsigned , default = 6 alp1 left shift before combine with global gain
//Bit 27 reg_nr4_bet0_glb_gain_en // unsigned , default = 1 bet0 adjust by global gain, dft = 1
//Bit 26:24 reg_nr4_bet0_glb_gain_lsft // unsigned , default = 6 bet1 left shift before combine with global gain
//Bit 23 reg_nr4_bet1_glb_gain_en // unsigned , default = 0 bet1 adjust by global gain, dft = 0
//Bit 22:20 reg_nr4_bet1_glb_gain_lsft // unsigned , default = 6 bet1 left shift before combine with global gain
//Bit 19 reg_nr4_bet2_glb_gain_en // unsigned , default = 1 bet2 adjust by global gain, dft = 1
//Bit 18:16 reg_nr4_bet2_glb_gain_lsft // unsigned , default = 6 bet2 left shift before combine with global gain
//Bit 15 reg_nr4_alp1_ac_en // unsigned , default = 1 alp1 adjust by ac, dft = 1
//Bit 14:12 reg_nr4_alp1_ac_lsft // unsigned , default = 5 alp1 left shift before combine with ac
//Bit 11 reg_nr4_bet0_ac_en // unsigned , default = 0 bet0 adjust by ac, dft = 1
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nr4_bet0_ac_lsft // unsigned , default = 5 bet0 left shift before combine with ac
//Bit 7 reg_nr4_bet1_ac_en // unsigned , default = 0 bet1 adjust by ac, dft = 1
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nr4_bet1_ac_lsft // unsigned , default = 5 bet1 left shift before combine with ac
//Bit 3 reg_nr4_bet2_ac_en // unsigned , default = 0 bet2 adjust by ac, dft = 1
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nr4_bet2_ac_lsft // unsigned , default = 5 bet2 left shift before combine with ac
#define NR4_MCNR_DC2NORM_LUT0 ((0x2dd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut0 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut1 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 8 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut2 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut3 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_DC2NORM_LUT1 ((0x2dd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut4 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut5 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 8 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut6 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut7 // unsigned , default = 12 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_DC2NORM_LUT2 ((0x2dda << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_dc2norm_lut8 // unsigned , default = 8 normal 0~16, dc to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_AC2NORM_LUT0 ((0x2ddb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut0 // unsigned , default = 2 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut1 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 8 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut2 // unsigned , default = 16 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut3 // unsigned , default = 12 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_AC2NORM_LUT1 ((0x2ddc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:24 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut4 // unsigned , default = 4 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 23:21 reserved
//Bit 20:16 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut5 // unsigned , default = 2 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 8 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut6 // unsigned , default = 1 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut7 // unsigned , default = 1 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_AC2NORM_LUT2 ((0x2ddd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 5 reserved
//Bit 4: 0 reg_nr4_ac2norm_lut8 // unsigned , default = 1 normal 0~16, ac to norm for alpha adjust, dft =
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP0_LUT0 ((0x2dde << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut0 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 255
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut1 // unsigned , default = 252 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 252
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut2 // unsigned , default = 249 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 249
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut3 // unsigned , default = 235 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 70
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP0_LUT1 ((0x2ddf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut4 // unsigned , default = 185 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 12
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut5 // unsigned , default = 70 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 1
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut6 // unsigned , default = 14 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut7 // unsigned , default = 1 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP0_LUT2 ((0x2de0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut8 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut9 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut10 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut11 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP0_LUT3 ((0x2de1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut12 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut13 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut14 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp0_lut15 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha0 for temporal pixel value, dft = 0
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP1_LUT0 ((0x2de2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut0 // unsigned , default = 192 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 128
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut1 // unsigned , default = 160 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 128
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut2 // unsigned , default = 128 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 128
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut3 // unsigned , default = 96 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 64
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP1_LUT1 ((0x2de3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut4 // unsigned , default = 64 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 64
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut5 // unsigned , default = 32 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 128
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut6 // unsigned , default = 16 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut7 // unsigned , default = 8 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP1_LUT2 ((0x2de4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut8 // unsigned , default = 4 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut9 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut10 // unsigned , default = 16 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut11 // unsigned , default = 64 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2ALP1_LUT3 ((0x2de5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut12 // unsigned , default = 96 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut13 // unsigned , default = 224 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut14 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2alp1_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to alpha1 for temporal blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET0_LUT0 ((0x2de6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut0 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut1 // unsigned , default = 2 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 2
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut2 // unsigned , default = 4 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 4
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut3 // unsigned , default = 8 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 8
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET0_LUT1 ((0x2de7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut4 // unsigned , default = 16 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 16
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut5 // unsigned , default = 32 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 32
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut6 // unsigned , default = 48 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 48
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut7 // unsigned , default = 64 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 64
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET0_LUT2 ((0x2de8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut8 // unsigned , default = 80 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 80
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut9 // unsigned , default = 96 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 96
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut10 // unsigned , default = 112 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 112
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut11 // unsigned , default = 128 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 128
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET0_LUT3 ((0x2de9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut12 // unsigned , default = 196 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 160
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut13 // unsigned , default = 224 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 192
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut14 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 224
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet0_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to beta0 for tnr and mcnr blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET1_LUT0 ((0x2dea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut0 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut1 // unsigned , default = 2 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 2
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut2 // unsigned , default = 4 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 4
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut3 // unsigned , default = 8 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 8
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET1_LUT1 ((0x2deb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut4 // unsigned , default = 16 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 16
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut5 // unsigned , default = 32 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 32
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut6 // unsigned , default = 48 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 48
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut7 // unsigned , default = 64 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 64
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET1_LUT2 ((0x2dec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut8 // unsigned , default = 80 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 80
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut9 // unsigned , default = 96 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 96
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut10 // unsigned , default = 112 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 112
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut11 // unsigned , default = 128 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 128
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET1_LUT3 ((0x2ded << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut12 // unsigned , default = 160 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 160
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut13 // unsigned , default = 192 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 192
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut14 // unsigned , default = 224 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 224
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet1_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to beta1 for deghost blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET2_LUT0 ((0x2dee << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut0 // unsigned , default = 0 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 0
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut1 // unsigned , default = 1 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 2
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut2 // unsigned , default = 2 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 4
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut3 // unsigned , default = 4 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 8
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET2_LUT1 ((0x2def << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut4 // unsigned , default = 8 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 16
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut5 // unsigned , default = 16 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 32
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut6 // unsigned , default = 32 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 48
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut7 // unsigned , default = 48 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 64
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET2_LUT2 ((0x2df0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut8 // unsigned , default = 64 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 80
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut9 // unsigned , default = 80 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 96
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut10 // unsigned , default = 96 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 112
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut11 // unsigned , default = 112 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 128
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD2BET2_LUT3 ((0x2df1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut12 // unsigned , default = 128 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 160
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut13 // unsigned , default = 160 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 192
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut14 // unsigned , default = 224 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 224
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_sad2bet2_lut15 // unsigned , default = 255 sad to beta2 for snr and mcnr blending, dft = 255
#define NR4_MCNR_RO_U_SUM ((0x2df2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_u_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of U of current field/frame
#define NR4_MCNR_RO_V_SUM ((0x2df3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_v_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of V of current field/frame
#define NR4_MCNR_RO_GRDU_SUM ((0x2df4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_grdu_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of gradient U of current field/frame
#define NR4_MCNR_RO_GRDV_SUM ((0x2df5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_grdv_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of gradient V of current field/frame
#define NR4_TOP_CTRL ((0x2dff << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reg_gclk_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18 reg_nr4_mcnr_en // unsigned , default = 1 ncnr enable or bypass, dft = 1
//Bit 17 reg_nr2_en // unsigned , default = 1 nr2 enable, dft = 1
//Bit 16 reg_nr4_en // unsigned , default = 1 nr4 enable, dft = 1
//Bit 15 reg_nr2_proc_en // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 14 reg_det3d_en // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 13 di_polar_en // unsigned , default = 1 do does not have in C
//Bit 12 reg_cfr_enable // unsigned , default = 0 0-disable; 1:enable
//Bit 11: 9 reg_3dnr_enable_l // unsigned , default = 7 b0: Y b1:U b2:V
//Bit 8: 6 reg_3dnr_enable_r // unsigned , default = 7 b0: Y b1:U b2:V
//Bit 5 reg_nr4_lnbuf_ctrl // unsigned , default = 1 line buf ctrl for nr4: 0, 3lines, 1, 5lines, dft = 1
//Bit 4 reg_nr4_snr2_en // unsigned , default = 0 snr2 enable, 0: use old snr, 1: use new snr2, dft = 1
//Bit 3 reg_nr4_scene_change_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable scene change proc. dft = 1
//Bit 2 nr2_sw_en // unsigned , default = 1 do does not have in C
//Bit 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_nr4_scene_change_flg // unsigned , default = 0 flags for scene change, dft = 0
//========== nr4_mcnr_regs register end ==========//
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_nr4_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_dnr_regs.h
// VI_HIST_SPL register (16'h2e00 - 16'h2eff)
// Reading file: vi_hist_spl_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// ----------------------------
// VI_HIST_SPL 0x2e
// ----------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//BIT 14: 34bin only, 0&255 and other 32bins
//Bit 13:11 hist_din_sel, 00: from vdin0 dout, 1: from vdin1, 2: from nr dout, 3: di output, 4: vpp output, 5: vd1_din, 6: vd2_din, 7:osd1_dout
//Bit 10:8 hist_din_comp_mux, mux of [29:22], [19:12], [9:2] for hist detect
//Bit 7:5 hist_dnlp_low the real pixels in each bins got by VI_DNLP_HISTXX should multiple with 2^(dnlp_low+3)
//Bit 3:2 hist_din_sel the source used for hist statistics. 00: from matrix0 dout, 01: from vsc_dout, 10: from matrix1 dout, 11: form matrix1 din
//Bit 1 hist_win_en 1'b0: hist used for full picture; 1'b1: hist used for pixels within hist window
//Bit 0 hist_spl_en 1'b0: disable hist readback; 1'b1: enable hist readback
#define VI_HIST_CTRL ((0x2e00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 hist_hstart horizontal start value to define hist window
//Bit 12:0 hist_hend horizontal end value to define hist window
#define VI_HIST_H_START_END ((0x2e01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 hist_vstart vertical start value to define hist window
//Bit 12:0 hist_vend vertical end value to define hist window
#define VI_HIST_V_START_END ((0x2e02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:8 hist_max maximum value
//Bit 7:0 hist_min minimum value
//read only
#define VI_HIST_MAX_MIN ((0x2e03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hist_spl_rd
//counts for the total luma value
//read only
#define VI_HIST_SPL_VAL ((0x2e04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 21:0 hist_spl_pixel_count
//counts for the total calculated pixels
//read only
#define VI_HIST_SPL_PIX_CNT ((0x2e05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hist_chroma_sum
//counts for the total chroma value
//read only
#define VI_HIST_CHROMA_SUM ((0x2e06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 higher hist bin
//Bit 15:0 lower hist bin
//0-255 are splited to 64 bins evenly, and VI_DNLP_HISTXX
//are the statistic number of pixels that within each bin.
//VI_DNLP_HIST00[15:0] counts for the first bin
//VI_DNLP_HIST00[31:16] counts for the second bin
//VI_DNLP_HIST01[15:0] counts for the third bin
//VI_DNLP_HIST01[31:16] counts for the fourth bin
//read only
#define VI_DNLP_HIST00 ((0x2e07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST01 ((0x2e08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST02 ((0x2e09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST03 ((0x2e0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST04 ((0x2e0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST05 ((0x2e0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST06 ((0x2e0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST07 ((0x2e0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST08 ((0x2e0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST09 ((0x2e10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST10 ((0x2e11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST11 ((0x2e12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST12 ((0x2e13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST13 ((0x2e14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST14 ((0x2e15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST15 ((0x2e16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST16 ((0x2e17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST17 ((0x2e18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST18 ((0x2e19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST19 ((0x2e1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST20 ((0x2e1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST21 ((0x2e1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST22 ((0x2e1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST23 ((0x2e1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST24 ((0x2e1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST25 ((0x2e20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST26 ((0x2e21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST27 ((0x2e22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST28 ((0x2e23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST29 ((0x2e24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST30 ((0x2e25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST31 ((0x2e26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_DNLP_HIST32 ((0x2e27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 hist_pic_height active input data window height
//Bit 12:0 hist_pic_width active input data window width
#define VI_HIST_PIC_SIZE ((0x2e28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:8 hist_pix_white_value: >= this value will be white pixel
//Bit 7:0 hist_pix_black_value: <= this value will be black pixel
#define VI_HIST_BLACK_WHITE_VALUE ((0x2e29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VI_HIST_GCLK_CTRL ((0x2e2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vi_hist_spl_reg.h
// Reading file: mcdi_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//// memc di core 0
#define MCDI_HV_SIZEIN ((0x2f00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_mcdi_hsize image horizontal size (number of cols) default=1024
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_mcdi_vsize image vertical size (number of rows) default=1024
#define MCDI_HV_BLKSIZEIN ((0x2f01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reg_mcdi_vrev default = 0
//Bit 30, reg_mcdi_hrev default = 0
//Bit 29:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_mcdi_blkhsize image horizontal blk size (number of cols) default=1024
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, reg_mcdi_blkvsize image vertical blk size (number of rows) default=1024
#define MCDI_BLKTOTAL ((0x2f02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23: 0, reg_mcdi_blktotal
#define MCDI_MOTINEN ((0x2f03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_mcdi_motionrefen. enable motion refinement of MA, default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxen. enable motion paradox detection, default = 1
#define MCDI_CTRL_MODE ((0x2f04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:26, reg_mcdi_lmvlocken 0:disable, 1: use max Lmv, 2: use no-zero Lmv, lmv lock enable mode, default = 2
//Bit 25, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable repeat pattern check (not repeat mv detection) in rel det part, default = 1
//Bit 24, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvpd22chken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable pull-down 22 mode check in gmv lock mode for rel det, default = 1
//Bit 23, reg_mcdi_pd22chken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable pull-down 22 mode check (lock) function, default = 1
//Bit 22, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfen
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable det value lpf, default = 1
//Bit 21, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvpd22chken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable pull-down 22 mode check in lmv lock mode for rel det, default = 1
//Bit 20, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvdifchken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable lmv dif check in lmv lock mode for rel det, default = 1
//Bit 19, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvdifchken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable lmv dif check in lmv lock mode for rel det, default = 1
//Bit 18, reg_mcdi_reldetpd22chken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable pull-down 22 mode check for rel det refinement, default = 1
//Bit 17, reg_mcdi_reldetfrqchken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable mv frequency check in rel det, default = 1
//Bit 16, reg_mcdi_qmeen
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable quarter motion estimation, defautl = 1
//Bit 15, reg_mcdi_refrptmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, use repeat mv in refinement, default = 1
//Bit 14, reg_mcdi_refgmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, use gmv in refinement, default = 1
//Bit 13, reg_mcdi_reflmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, use lmvs in refinement, default = 1
//Bit 12, reg_mcdi_refnmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, use neighoring mvs in refinement, default = 1
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10, reg_mcdi_referrfrqchken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable mv frquency check while finding min err in ref, default = 1
//Bit 9, reg_mcdi_refen
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable mv refinement, default = 1
//Bit 8, reg_mcdi_horlineen
// 0: unable; 1: enable,enable horizontal lines detection by sad map, default = 1
//Bit 7, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqdeten
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable high vertical frequency pattern detection, default = 1
//Bit 6, reg_mcdi_gmvlocken
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable gmv lock mode, default = 1
//Bit 5, reg_mcdi_rptmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable repeat pattern detection, default = 1
//Bit 4, reg_mcdi_gmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable global motion estimation, default = 1
//Bit 3, reg_mcdi_lmven
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable line mv estimation for hme, default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_mcdi_chkedgeen
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable check edge function, default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_mcdi_txtdeten
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable texture detection, default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_memcen
// 0: unable; 1: enable, enable of memc di, default = 1
#define MCDI_UNI_MVDST ((0x2f05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:17, reg_mcdi_unimvdstabsseg0 segment0 for uni-mv abs, default = 1
//Bit 16:12, reg_mcdi_unimvdstabsseg1 segment1 for uni-mv abs, default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_unimvdstabsdifgain0 2/2, gain0 of uni-mv abs dif for segment0, normalized 2 to '1', default = 2
//Bit 7: 5, reg_mcdi_unimvdstabsdifgain1 2/2, gain1 of uni-mv abs dif for segment1, normalized 2 to '1', default = 2
//Bit 4: 2, reg_mcdi_unimvdstabsdifgain2 2/2, gain2 of uni-mv abs dif beyond segment1, normalized 2 to '1', default = 2
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_unimvdstsgnshft shift for neighboring distance of uni-mv, default = 0
#define MCDI_BI_MVDST ((0x2f06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:17, reg_mcdi_bimvdstabsseg0 segment0 for bi-mv abs, default = 1
//Bit 16:12, reg_mcdi_bimvdstabsseg1 segment1 for bi-mv abs, default = 9
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_bimvdstabsdifgain0 6/2, gain0 of bi-mv abs dif for segment0, normalized 2 to '1', default = 6
//Bit 7: 5, reg_mcdi_bimvdstabsdifgain1 3/2, gain1 of bi-mvabs dif for segment1, normalized 2 to '1', default = 3
//Bit 4: 2, reg_mcdi_bimvdstabsdifgain2 2/2, gain2 of bi-mvabs dif beyond segment1, normalized 2 to '1', default = 2
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_bimvdstsgnshft shift for neighboring distance of bi-mv, default = 0
#define MCDI_SAD_GAIN ((0x2f07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18:17, reg_mcdi_unisadcorepxlgain uni-sad core pixels gain, default = 3
//Bit 16, reg_mcdi_unisadcorepxlnormen enable uni-sad core pixels normalization, default = 0
//Bit 15:11, reserved
//Bit 10: 9, reg_mcdi_bisadcorepxlgain bi-sad core pixels gain, default = 3
//Bit 8, reg_mcdi_bisadcorepxlnormen enable bi-sad core pixels normalization, default = 1
//Bit 7: 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 1, reg_mcdi_biqsadcorepxlgain bi-qsad core pixels gain, default = 3
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_biqsadcorepxlnormen enable bi-qsad core pixels normalization, default = 1
#define MCDI_TXT_THD ((0x2f08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_txtminmaxdifthd, min max dif threshold (>=) for texture detection, default = 24
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_txtmeandifthd, mean dif threshold (<) for texture detection, default = 9
//Bit 7: 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_mcdi_txtdetthd, texture detecting threshold, 0~4, default = 2
#define MCDI_FLT_MODESEL ((0x2f09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28, reg_mcdi_flthorlineselmode mode for horizontal line detecting flat calculation, default = 1, same as below
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_mcdi_fltgmvselmode mode for gmv flat calculation, default = 4, same as below
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_mcdi_fltsadselmode mode for sad flat calculation, default = 2, same as below
//Bit 19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_mcdi_fltbadwselmode mode for badw flat calculation, default = 3, same as below
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_mcdi_fltrptmvselmode mode for repeat mv flat calculation, default = 4, same as below
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10: 8, reg_mcdi_fltbadrelselmode mode for bad rel flat calculation, default = 4, same as below
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_mcdi_fltcolcfdselmode mode for col cfd flat calculation, default = 2, same as below
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_mcdi_fltpd22chkselmode mode for pd22 check flat calculation, default = 2, # 0:cur dif h, 1: cur dif v, 2: pre dif h, 3: pre dif v, 4: cur flt, 5: pre flt, 6: cur+pre, 7: max all(cur,pre)
#define MCDI_CHK_EDGE_THD ((0x2f0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 23:28, reserved.
//Bit 27:24, reg_mcdi_chkedgedifsadthd. thd (<=) for sad dif check, 0~8, default = 1
//Bit 23:16, reserved.
//Bit 15:12, reg_mcdi_chkedgemaxedgethd. max drt of edge, default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_chkedgeminedgethd. min drt of edge, default = 2
//Bit 7, reserved.
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_chkedgevdifthd. thd for vertical dif in check edge, default = 14
#define MCDI_CHK_EDGE_GAIN_OFFST ((0x2f0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved.
//Bit 23:20, reg_mcdi_chkedgedifthd1. thd1 for edge dif check (<=), default = 4
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_chkedgedifthd0. thd0 for edge dif check (>=), default = 15
//Bit :15, reserved.
//Bit 14:10, reg_mcdi_chkedgechklen. total check length for edge check, 1~24 (>0), default = 24
//Bit 9: 8, reg_mcdi_chkedgeedgesel. final edge select mode, 0: original start edge, 1: lpf start edge, 2: orignal start+end edge, 3: lpf start+end edge, default = 1
//Bit 7: 3, reg_mcdi_chkedgesaddstgain. distance gain for sad calc while getting edges, default = 4
//Bit 2, reg_mcdi_chkedgechkmode. edge used in check mode, 0: original edge, 1: lpf edge, defautl = 1
//Bit 1, reg_mcdi_chkedgestartedge. edge mode for start edge, 0: original edge, 1: lpf edge, defautl = 0
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_chkedgeedgelpf. edge lpf mode, 0:[0,2,4,2,0], 1:[1,2,2,2,1], default = 0
#define MCDI_LMV_RT ((0x2f0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//BIt 31:15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_mcdi_lmvvalidmode valid mode for lmv calc., 100b: use char det, 010b: use flt, 001b: use hori flg
//Bit 11:10, reg_mcdi_lmvgainmvmode four modes of mv selection for lmv weight calucluation, default = 1
// 0: cur(x-3), lst(x-1,x,x+1); 1: cur(x-4,x-3), lst(x,x+1); 2: cur(x-5,x-4,x-3), lst(x-1,x,x+1,x+2,x+3); 3: cur(x-6,x-5,x-4,x-3), lst(x-1,x,x+1,x+2);
//Bit 9, reg_mcdi_lmvinitmode initial lmvs at first row of input field, 0: intial value = 0; 1: inital = 32 (invalid), default = 0
//Bit 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 4, reg_mcdi_lmvrt0 ratio of max mv, default = 5
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvrt1 ratio of second max mv, default = 5
#define MCDI_LMV_GAINTHD ((0x2f0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_lmvvxmaxgain max gain of lmv weight, default = 96
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_mcdi_lmvdifthd0 dif threshold 0 (<) for small lmv, default = 1
//Bit 19:17, reg_mcdi_lmvdifthd1 dif threshold 1 (<) for median lmv, default = 2
//Bit 16:14, reg_mcdi_lmvdifthd2 dif threshold 2 (<) for large lmv, default = 3
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_lmvnumlmt least/limit number of (total number - max0), default = 20
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvfltthd flt cnt thd (<) for lmv, default = 9
#define MCDI_RPTMV_THD0 ((0x2f0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reg_mcdi_rptmvslpthd2 slope thd (>=) between i and i+3/i-3 (i+4/i-4), default = 64
//Bit 24:20, reg_mcdi_rptmvslpthd1 slope thd (>=) between i and i+2/i-2, default = 4
//Bit 19:10, reg_mcdi_rptmvampthd2 amplitude thd (>=) between max and min, when count cycles, default = 300
//Bit 9: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvampthd1 amplitude thd (>=) between average of max and min, default = 400
#define MCDI_RPTMV_THD1 ((0x2f0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:25, reg_mcdi_rptmvcyccntthd thd (>=) of total cycles count, default = 2
//Bit 24:21, reg_mcdi_rptmvcycdifthd dif thd (<) of cycles length, default = 3
//Bit 20:18, reg_mcdi_rptmvcycvldthd thd (>) of valid cycles number, default = 1
//Bit 17:15, reg_mcdi_rptmvhalfcycminthd min length thd (>=) of half cycle, default = 2
//Bit 14:11, reg_mcdi_rptmvhalfcycdifthd neighboring half cycle length dif thd (<), default = 5
//Bit 10: 8, reg_mcdi_rptmvminmaxcntthd least number of valid max and min, default = 2
//Bit 7: 5, reg_mcdi_rptmvcycminthd min length thd (>=) of cycles, default = 2
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvcycmaxthd max length thd (<) of cycles, default = 17
#define MCDI_RPTMV_THD2 ((0x2f10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_rptmvhdifthd0 higher hdif thd (>=) (vertical edge) for rpt detection, default = 8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_rptmvhdifthd1 hdif thd (>=) (slope edge) for rpt detection, default = 4
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvvdifthd vdif thd (>=) (slope edge) for rpt detection, default = 1
#define MCDI_RPTMV_SAD ((0x2f11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, reg_mcdi_rptmvsaddifthdgain 7x3x(16/16), gain for sad dif thd in rpt mv detection, 0~672, normalized 16 as '1', default = 336
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvsaddifthdoffst offset for sad dif thd in rpt mv detection, -512~511, default = 16
#define MCDI_RPTMV_FLG ((0x2f12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:16, reg_mcdi_rptmvmode select mode of mvs for repeat motion estimation, 0: hmv, 1: qmv/2, 2 or 3: qmv/4, default = 2
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_rptmvflgcntthd thd (>=) of min count number for rptmv of whole field, for rptmv estimation, default = 64
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvflgcntrt 4/32, ratio for repeat mv flag count, normalized 32 as '1', set 31 to 32,
#define MCDI_RPTMV_GAIN ((0x2f13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_rptmvlftgain up repeat mv gain for hme, default = 96
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_rptmvuplftgain up left repeat mv gain for hme, default = 32
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_rptmvupgain up repeat mv gain for hme, default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_rptmvuprightgain up right repeat mv gain for hme, default = 32
#define MCDI_GMV_RT ((0x2f14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:24, reg_mcdi_gmvmtnrt0 ratio 0 for motion senario, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default =32
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, reg_mcdi_gmvmtnrt1 ratio 1 for motion senario, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default = 56
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14: 8, reg_mcdi_gmvstlrt0 ratio 0 for still senario, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default = 56
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_gmvstlrt1 ratio 1 for still senario, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default = 80
#define MCDI_GMV_GAIN ((0x2f15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reg_mcdi_gmvzeromvlockrt0 ratio 0 for locking zero mv, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default = 100
//Bit 24:18, reg_mcdi_gmvzeromvlockrt1 ratio 1 for locking zero mv, set 127 to 128, normalized 128 as '1', default = 112
//Bit 17:16, reg_mcdi_gmvvalidmode valid mode for gmv calc., 10b: use flt, 01b: use hori flg, default = 3
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_gmvvxgain gmv's vx gain when gmv locked for hme, default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_gmvfltthd flat thd (<) for gmv calc. default = 3
#define MCDI_HOR_SADOFST ((0x2f16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24:16, reg_mcdi_horsaddifthdgain 21*1/8, gain/divisor for sad dif threshold in hor line detection, normalized 8 as '1', default = 21
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_horsaddifthdoffst offset for sad dif threshold in hor line detection, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_horvdifthd threshold (>=) of vertical dif of next block for horizontal line detection, default = 24
#define MCDI_REF_MV_NUM ((0x2f17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2, reserved
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_refmcmode. motion compensated mode used in refinement, 0: pre, 1: next, 2: (pre+next)/2, default = 0
#define MCDI_REF_BADW_THD_GAIN ((0x2f18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:24, reg_mcdi_refbadwcnt2gain. gain for badwv count num==3, default = 6
//Bit 23:20, reg_mcdi_refbadwcnt1gain. gain for badwv count num==2, default = 3
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_refbadwcnt0gain. gain for badwv count num==1, default = 1
//Bit 15:12, reg_mcdi_refbadwthd3. threshold 3 for detect badweave with largest average luma, default = 4
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_refbadwthd2. threshold 2 for detect badweave with third smallest average luma, default = 3
//Bit 7: 4, reg_mcdi_refbadwthd1. threshold 1 for detect badweave with second smallest average luma, default = 2
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_refbadwthd0. threshold 0 for detect badweave with smallest average luma, default = 1
#define MCDI_REF_BADW_SUM_GAIN ((0x2f19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_refbadwsumgain0. sum gain for r channel, 0~16, default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4, reg_mcdi_refbadwcalcmode. mode for badw calculation, 0:sum, 1:max, default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reserved
#define MCDI_REF_BS_THD_GAIN ((0x2f1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_mcdi_refbsudgain1. up & down block stregth gain1, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 2
//Bit 27:24, reg_mcdi_refbsudgain0. up & down block stregth gain0, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 4
//Bit 23:19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_mcdi_refbslftgain. left block strength gain, default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_refbsthd1. threshold 1 for detect block stregth in refinment, default = 16
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_refbsthd0. threshold 0 for detect block stregth in refinment, default = 8
#define MCDI_REF_ERR_GAIN0 ((0x2f1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:24, reg_mcdi_referrnbrdstgain. neighoring mv distances gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 48
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_referrbsgain. bs gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 4
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14: 8, reg_mcdi_referrbadwgain. badw gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 64
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_referrsadgain. sad gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 4
#define MCDI_REF_ERR_GAIN1 ((0x2f1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_referrchkedgegain. check edge gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 4
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_referrlmvgain. (locked) lmv gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_referrgmvgain. (locked) gmv gain for err calc. in ref, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 0
#define MCDI_REF_ERR_FRQ_CHK ((0x2f1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:24, reg_mcdi_referrfrqgain. gain for mv frquency, normalized to 4 as '1', default = 10
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_referrfrqmax. max gain for mv frquency check, default = 31
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_mcdi_ref_errfrqmvdifthd2. mv dif threshold 2 (<) for mv frquency check, default = 3
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10: 8, reg_mcdi_ref_errfrqmvdifthd1. mv dif threshold 1 (<) for mv frquency check, default = 2
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_mcdi_ref_errfrqmvdifthd0. mv dif threshold 0 (<) for mv frquency check, default = 1
//Bit 3: 0, reserved
#define MCDI_QME_LPF_MSK ((0x2f1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:24, reg_mcdi_qmechkedgelpfmsk0. lpf mask0 for chk edge in qme, 0~8, msk1 = (8-msk0), normalized to 8 as '1', default = 7
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_qmebslpfmsk0. lpf mask0 for bs in qme, 0~8, msk1 = (8-msk0), normalized to 8 as '1', default = 7
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_qmebadwlpfmsk0. lpf mask0 for badw in qme, 0~8, msk1 = (8-msk0), normalized to 8 as '1', default = 7
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_qmesadlpfmsk0. lpf mask0 for sad in qme, 0~8, msk1 = (8-msk0), normalized to 8 as '1', default = 7
#define MCDI_REL_DIF_THD_02 ((0x2f1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved.
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldifthd2. thd (<) for (hdif+vdif), default = 9
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldifthd1. thd (<) for (vdif), default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldifthd0. thd (>=) for (hdif-vdif), default = 48
#define MCDI_REL_DIF_THD_34 ((0x2f20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved.
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldifthd4. thd (<) for (hdif), default = 255
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldifthd3. thd (>=) for (vdif-hdif), default = 48
#define MCDI_REL_BADW_GAIN_OFFST_01 ((0x2f21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_relbadwoffst1. offset for badw adj, for flat block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_relbadwgain1. gain for badw adj, for flat block, default = 128
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_relbadwoffst0. offset for badw adj, for vertical block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_relbadwgain0. gain for badw adj, for vertical block, default = 160
#define MCDI_REL_BADW_GAIN_OFFST_23 ((0x2f22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_relbadwoffst3. offset for badw adj, for other block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_relbadwgain3. gain for badw adj, for other block, default = 48
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_relbadwoffst2. offset for badw adj, for horizontal block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_relbadwgain2. gain for badw adj, for horizontal block, default = 48
#define MCDI_REL_BADW_THD_GAIN_OFFST ((0x2f23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23, reserved.
//Bit 22:16, reg_mcdi_relbadwoffst. offset for badw thd adj, -64~63, default = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reserved.
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_relbadwthdgain. gain0 for badw thd adj, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_BADW_THD_MIN_MAX ((0x2f24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved.
//Bit 17: 8, reg_mcdi_relbadwthdmax. max for badw thd adj, default = 256
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_relbadwthdmin. min for badw thd adj, default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_SAD_GAIN_OFFST_01 ((0x2f25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_relsadoffst1. offset for sad adj, for flat block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reserved.
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_relsadgain1. gain for sad adj, for flat block, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_relsadoffst0. offset for sad adj, for vertical block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reserved.
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_relsadgain0. gain for sad adj, for vertical block, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 6
#define MCDI_REL_SAD_GAIN_OFFST_23 ((0x2f26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_relsadoffst3. offset for sad adj, for other block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reserved.
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_relsadgain3. gain for sad adj, for other block, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_relsadoffst2. offset for sad adj, for horizontal block, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reserved.
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_relsadgain2. gain for sad adj, for horizontal block, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 12
#define MCDI_REL_SAD_THD_GAIN_OFFST ((0x2f27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved.
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_relsadoffst. offset for sad thd adj, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 15:10, reserved.
//Bit 9: 0, reg_mcdi_relsadthdgain. gain for sad thd adj, 21*2/16, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 42
#define MCDI_REL_SAD_THD_MIN_MAX ((0x2f28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved.
//Bit 26:16, reg_mcdi_relsadthdmax. max for sad thd adj, 21*32, default = 672
//Bit 15: 9, reserved.
//Bit 8: 0, reg_mcdi_relsadthdmin. min for sad thd adj, 21*2, default = 42
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_00 ((0x2f29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved.
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetbsgain0. gain0 (gmv locked) for bs, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 8
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetbadwgain0. gain0 (gmv locked) for badw, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 12
//Bit 7: 5, reserved.
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetsadgain0. gain0 (gmv locked) for qsad, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 8
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_01 ((0x2f2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved.
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetchkedgegain0. gain0 (gmv locked) for chk_edge, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 2
//Bit 7, reserved.
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetnbrdstgain0. gain0 (gmv locked) for neighoring dist, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 24
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_10 ((0x2f2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved.
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetbsgain1. gain1 (lmv locked) for bs, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetbadwgain1. gain1 (lmv locked) for badw, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved.
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetsadgain1. gain1 (lmv locked) for qsad, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 8
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_11 ((0x2f2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved.
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetchkedgegain1. gain1 (lmv locked) for chk_edge, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved.
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetnbrdstgain1. gain1 (lmv locked) for neighoring dist, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 24
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_20 ((0x2f2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved.
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetbsgain2. gain2 (no locked) for bs, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 12
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetbadwgain2. gain2 (no locked) for badw, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 32
//Bit 7: 5, reserved.
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetsadgain2. gain2 (no locked) for qsad, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GAIN_21 ((0x2f2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, reg_mcdi_reldetoffst. offset for rel calculation, for det. calc. -512~511, default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetchkedgegain2. gain2 (no locked) for chk_edge, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 10
//Bit 7, reserved.
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetnbrdstgain2. gain2 (no locked) for neighoring dist, for det. calc. normalized to 16 as '1', default = 32
#define MCDI_REL_DET_GMV_DIF_CHK ((0x2f2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved.
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvfltthd. flat thd (>=) for gmv lock decision, default = 0
//Bit 15, reserved.
//Bit 14:12, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvdifthd. dif thd (>=) for current mv different from gmv for gmv dif check, actually used in Lmv lock check, default = 3
//Bit 11, reserved.
//Bit 10: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvdifmin. min mv dif for gmv dif check, default = 1, note: dif between reg_mcdi_rel_det_gmv_dif_max and reg_mcdi_rel_det_gmv_dif_min should be; 0,1,3,7, not work for others
//Bit 7: 4, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvdifmax. max mv dif for gmv dif check, default = 4
//Bit 3: 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_reldetgmvdifmvmode. mv mode used for gmv dif check, 0: use refmv, 1: use qmv, default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LMV_DIF_CHK ((0x2f30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved.
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvfltthd. flat thd (>=) for lmv lock decision, default = 12
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 13:12, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvlockchkmode. lmv lock check mode, 0:cur Lmv, 1: cur & (last | next), 2: last & cur & next Lmv, default = 1
//Bit 11, reserved.
//Bit 10: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvdifmin. min mv dif for lmv dif check, default = 1, note: dif between reg_mcdi_rel_det_lmv_dif_max and reg_mcdi_rel_det_lmv_dif_min should be; 0,1,3,7, not work for others
//Bit 7: 4, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvdifmax. max mv dif for lmv dif check, default = 4
//Bit 3: 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlmvdifmvmode. mv mode used for lmv dif check, 0: use refmv, 1: use qmv, default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_FRQ_CHK ((0x2f31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved.
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetfrqgain. gain for frequency check, normalized to 4 as '1', default = 10
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetfrqmax. max value for frequency check, default = 31
#define MCDI_REL_DET_PD22_CHK ((0x2f32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved.
//Bit 17: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetpd22chkoffst. offset for pd22 check happened, default = 512
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetpd22chkgain. gain for pd22 check happened, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 12
#define MCDI_REL_DET_RPT_CHK_ROW ((0x2f33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:16, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkendrow. end row (<) number for repeat check, default = 2047
//Bit 15:11, reserved
//Bit 10: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkstartrow. start row (>=) number for repeat check, default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_RPT_CHK_GAIN_QMV ((0x2f34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkqmvmax. max thd (<) of abs qmv for repeat check, default = 15, note that quarter mv's range is -63~63
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkqmvmin. min thd (>=) of abs qmv for repeat check, default = 10, note that quarter mv's range is -63~63
//Bit 15, reserved/
//Bit 14: 4, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkoffst. offset for repeat check, default = 512
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkgain. gain for repeat check, normalized to 8 as '1', default = 4
#define MCDI_REL_DET_RPT_CHK_THD_0 ((0x2f35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkzerosadthd. zero sad thd (<) for repeat check, default = 255
//Bit 15:14, reserved.
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkzerobadwthd. zero badw thd (>=) for repeat check, default = 16
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkfrqdifthd. frequency dif thd (<) for repeat check, 0~10, default = 5
#define MCDI_REL_DET_RPT_CHK_THD_1 ((0x2f36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkvdifthd. vertical dif thd (<) for repeat check, default = 16
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetrptchkhdifthd. horizontal dif thd (>=) for repeat check, default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_DIF_THD ((0x2f37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfdifthd3. hdif thd (<) for lpf selection of horizontal block, default = 9
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfdifthd2. vdif-hdif thd (>=) for lpf selection of horizontal block, default = 48
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfdifthd1. vdif thd (<) for lpf selection of vertical block, default = 9
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfdifthd0. hdif-vdif thd (>=) for lpf selection of vertical block, default = 48
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_MSK_00_03 ((0x2f38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk03. det lpf mask03 for gmv/lmv locked mode, 0~16, default = 1
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk02. det lpf mask02 for gmv/lmv locked mode, 0~16, default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk01. det lpf mask01 for gmv/lmv locked mode, 0~16, default = 5
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk00. det lpf mask00 for gmv/lmv locked mode, 0~16, default = 8
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_MSK_04_12 ((0x2f39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk12. det lpf mask12 for vertical blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk11. det lpf mask11 for vertical blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk10. det lpf mask10 for vertical blocks, 0~16, default = 16
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk04. det lpf mask04 for gmv/lmv locked mode, 0~16, default = 1
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_MSK_13_21 ((0x2f3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk21. det lpf mask21 for horizontal blocks, 0~16, default = 6
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk20. det lpf mask20 for horizontal blocks, 0~16, default = 8
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk14. det lpf mask14 for vertical blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk13. det lpf mask13 for vertical blocks, 0~16, default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_MSK_22_30 ((0x2f3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk30. det lpf mask30 for other blocks, 0~16, default = 16
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk24. det lpf mask24 for horizontal blocks, 0~16, default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk23. det lpf mask23 for horizontal blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk22. det lpf mask22 for horizontal blocks, 0~16, default = 1
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LPF_MSK_31_34 ((0x2f3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk34. det lpf mask34 for other blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk33. det lpf mask33 for other blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk32. det lpf mask32 for other blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetlpfmsk31. det lpf mask31 for other blocks, 0~16, default = 0
//Note: there are four group lpf masks from addr 37~3b, each group sum equal to 16.
#define MCDI_REL_DET_MIN ((0x2f3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetmin. min of detected value, default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LUT_0_3 ((0x2f3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut3. default = 8
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut2. default = 4
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut1. default = 2
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut0. default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LUT_4_7 ((0x2f3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut7. default = 64
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut6. default = 48
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut5. default = 32
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut4. default = 16
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LUT_8_11 ((0x2f40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut11. default = 160
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut10. default = 128
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut9. default = 96
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut8. default = 80
#define MCDI_REL_DET_LUT_12_15 ((0x2f41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut15. default = 255
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut14. default = 240
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut13. default = 224
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetmaplut12. default = 192
#define MCDI_REL_DET_COL_CFD_THD ((0x2f42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdfltthd. thd for flat smaller than (<) of column cofidence, default = 5
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdthd1. thd for rel larger than (>=) in rel calc. mode col confidence without gmv locking, default = 160
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdthd0. thd for rel larger than (>=) in rel calc. mode col confidence when gmv locked, default = 100
//Bit 7: 2, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdbadwthd. thd for badw larger than (>=) in qbadw calc. mode of column cofidence, default = 16
//Bit 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdcalcmode. calc. mode for column cofidence, 0: use rel, 1: use qbadw, default = 0
#define MCDI_REL_DET_COL_CFD_AVG_LUMA ((0x2f43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdavgmin1. avg luma min1 (>=) for column cofidence, valid between 16~235, default = 235
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdavgmax1. avg luma max1 (<) for column cofidence, valid between 16~235, default = 235
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdavgmin0. avg luma min0 (>=) for column cofidence, valid between 16~235, default = 16
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetcolcfdavgmax0. avg luma max0 (<) for column cofidence, valid between 16~235, default = 21
#define MCDI_REL_DET_BAD_THD_0 ((0x2f44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetbadsadthd. thd (>=) for bad sad, default = 120 (480/4)
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetbadbadwthd. thd (>=) for bad badw, 0~42, default = 12
#define MCDI_REL_DET_BAD_THD_1 ((0x2f45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_reldetbadrelfltthd. thd (>=) of flat for bad rel detection, default = 4
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_reldetbadrelthd1. thd (>=) for bad rel without gmv/lmv locked, default = 160
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_reldetbadrelthd0. thd (>=) for bad rel with gmv/lmv locked, default = 120
#define MCDI_PD22_CHK_THD ((0x2f46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chksaddifthd. sad dif thd (>=) for (pd22chksad - qsad) for pd22 check, default = 64
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chkqmvthd. thd (>=) of abs qmv for pd22 check, default = 2
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfltthd. thd (>=) of flat for pd22 check, default = 4
#define MCDI_PD22_CHK_GAIN_OFFST_0 ((0x2f47 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_pd22chkedgeoffst0. offset0 of pd22chkedge from right film22 phase, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkedgegain0. gain0 of pd22chkedge from right film22 phase, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 16
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chkbadwoffst0. offset0 of pd22chkbadw from right film22 phase, -8~7, default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkbadwgain0. gain0 of pd22chkbadw from right film22 phase, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 8
#define MCDI_PD22_CHK_GAIN_OFFST_1 ((0x2f48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_pd22chkedgeoffst1. offset1 of pd22chkedge from right film22 phase, -128~127, default = 0
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkedgegain1. gain1 of pd22chkedge from right film22 phase, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 16
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chkbadwoffst1. offset1 of pd22chkbadw from right film22 phase, -8~7, default = 0
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkbadwgain1. gain1 of pd22chkbadw from right film22 phase, normalized to 16 as '1', default = 12
#define MCDI_LMV_LOCK_CNT_THD_GAIN ((0x2f49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_lmvlockcntmax. max lmv lock count number, default = 6
//Bit 15:12, reg_mcdi_lmvlockcntoffst. offset for lmv lock count, -8~7, default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_lmvlockcntgain. gain for lmv lock count, normalized 8 as '1', 15 is set to 16, default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvlockcntthd. lmv count thd (>=) before be locked, 1~31, default = 4
#define MCDI_LMV_LOCK_ABS_DIF_THD ((0x2f4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_mcdi_lmvlockdifthd2. lmv dif thd for third part, before locked, default = 1
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_mcdi_lmvlockdifthd1. lmv dif thd for second part, before locked, default = 1
//Bit 19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_mcdi_lmvlockdifthd0. lmv dif thd for first part, before locked, default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_lmvlockabsmax. max abs (<) of lmv to be locked, default = 24
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvlockabsmin. min abs (>=) of lmv to be locked, default = 1
#define MCDI_LMV_LOCK_ROW ((0x2f4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:16, reg_mcdi_lmvlockendrow. end row (<) for lmv lock, default = 2047
//Bit 15:11, reserved
//Bit 10: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvlockstartrow. start row (>=) for lmv lock, default = 0
#define MCDI_LMV_LOCK_RT_MODE ((0x2f4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_mcdi_lmvlockextmode. extend lines for lmv lock check, check how many lines for lmv locking, default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_lmvlockfltcntrt. ratio of flt cnt for lock check, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 32
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_lmvlocklmvcntrt1. ratio when use non-zero lmv for lock check, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 48
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_lmvlocklmvcntrt0. ratio when use max lmv for lock check, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 106
#define MCDI_GMV_LOCK_CNT_THD_GAIN ((0x2f4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_gmvlockcntmax. max gmv lock count number, default = 6
//Bit 15:12, reg_mcdi_gmvlockcntoffst. offset for gmv lock count, -8~7, default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_gmvlockcntgain. gain for gmv lock count, normalized 8 as '1', 15 is set to 16, default = 8
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_gmvlockcntthd. gmv count thd (>=) before be locked, 1~31, default = 4
#define MCDI_GMV_LOCK_ABS_DIF_THD ((0x2f4e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_mcdi_gmvlockdifthd2. gmv dif thd for third part, before locked, default = 3
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:20, reg_mcdi_gmvlockdifthd1. gmv dif thd for second part, before locked, default = 2
//Bit 19, reserved
//Bit 18:16, reg_mcdi_gmvlockdifthd0. gmv dif thd for first part, before locked, default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_gmvlockabsmax. max abs of gmv to be locked, default = 15
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_gmvlockabsmin. min abs of gmv to be locked, default = 1
#define MCDI_HIGH_VERT_FRQ_DIF_THD ((0x2f4f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqfldavgdifthd. high_vert_frq field average luma dif thd (>=), 3*Blk_Width*Blk_Height, set by software, default = 103680
#define MCDI_HIGH_VERT_FRQ_DIF_DIF_THD ((0x2f50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqfldavgdifdifthd. high_vert_frq field average luma dif's dif thd (<), 3*Blk_Width*Blk_Height, set by software, default = 103680
#define MCDI_HIGH_VERT_FRQ_RT_GAIN ((0x2f51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqcntthd. high_vert_frq count thd (>=) before locked, 1~31, default = 4
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqbadsadrt. ratio for high_vert_frq bad sad count, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 24
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqbadbadwrt. ratio for high_vert_frq badw count, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 130
#define MCDI_MOTION_PARADOX_THD ((0x2f52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:24, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxcntthd. motion paradox count thd (>=) before locked, 1~31, default = 4
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxgmvthd. abs gmv thd (<) of motion paradox, 0~32, note that 32 means invalid gmv, be careful, default = 32
//Bit 15: 0, reserved
#define MCDI_MOTION_PARADOX_RT ((0x2f53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxbadsadrt. ratio for field bad sad count of motion paradox, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 24
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxbadrelrt. ratio for field bad reliabilty count of motion paradox, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 120
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxmtnrt. ratio for field motion count of motion paradox, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 218
#define MCDI_MOTION_REF_THD ((0x2f54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:20, reg_mcdi_motionrefoffst. motion ref additive offset, default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_motionrefgain. motion ref gain, normalized 8 as '1', default = 8
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_motionrefrptmvthd. abs thd (>=) of rpt mv (0~31, 32 means invalid) for motion ref, default = 1
//Bit 7: 2, reg_mcdi_motionrefqmvthd. min thd (>=) of abs qmv for motion ref, note that quarter mv's range is -63~63, default = 2
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_motionreflpfmode. Mv and (8 x repeat flg) 's lpf mode of motion refinement, 0: no lpf, 1: [1 2 1], 2: [1 2 2 2 1], default = 1
#define MCDI_REL_COL_REF_RT ((0x2f55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_relcolrefrt. ratio for column cofidence level against column number, for refinement, default = 135
#define MCDI_PD22_CHK_THD_RT ((0x2f56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved
//Bit 26:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfltcntrt. ratio for flat count of field pulldown 22 check, normalized 2048 as '1', 2047 is set to 2048, default = 1
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcntrt. ratio of pulldown 22 check count, normalized 256 as '1', 255 is set to 256, default = 100
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcntthd. thd (>=) for pd22 count before locked, 1~31, default = 4
#define MCDI_CHAR_DET_DIF_THD ((0x2f57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_chardetminmaxdifthd. thd (>=) for dif between min and max value, default = 64
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_chardetmaxdifthd. thd (<) for dif between max value, default = 17
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_chardetmindifthd. thd (<) for dif between min value, default = 17
#define MCDI_CHAR_DET_CNT_THD ((0x2f58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_chardettotcntthd. thd (>=) for total count, 0~21, default = 18
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_chardetmaxcntthd. thd (>=) for max count, 0~21, default = 1
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_chardetmincntthd. thd (>=) for min count, 0~21, default = 1
//new add
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_WND0_X ((0x2f59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd0_x1 u13, x1 for window 0, HSIZE-1, software control, default = 719
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd0_x0 u13, x0 for window 0, software control, default = 0
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_WND0_Y ((0x2f5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd0_y1 u13, y1 for window 0 software control, default = 39
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd0_y0 u13, y0 for window 0, software control, default = 0
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_WND1_X ((0x2f5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd1_x1 u13, x1 for window 1, HSIZE-1, software control, default = 719
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd1_x0 u13, x0 for window 1, software control, default = 0
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_WND1_Y ((0x2f5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd1_y1 u13, y1 for window 1 software control, default = 199
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkwnd1_y0 u13, y0 for window 1, software control, default = 40
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_FRC_LMV ((0x2f5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11, reserved
//Bit 10, reg_mcdi_pd22chklmvchk2 u1, lmv lock check while force vof for each windows, default = 1
//Bit 9, reg_mcdi_pd22chklmvchk1 u1, lmv lock check while force vof for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chklmvchk0 u1, lmv lock check while force vof for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcpd2 u1, force pd flags for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 5, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcpd1 u1, force pd flags for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 4, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcpd0 u1, force pd flags for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcvof2 u1, force vof flags for each windows, default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcvof1 u1, force vof flags for each windows, default = 0
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkfrcvof0 u1, force vof flags for each windows, default = 0
#define MCDI_PD_22_CHK_FLG_CNT ((0x2f5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved.
//Bit 26, reg_mcdi_pd22chkflg2. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 25, reg_mcdi_pd22chkflg1. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 24, reg_mcdi_pd22chkflg. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcnt2. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcnt1. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcnt. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_PRE_CNT1 ((0x2fca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22precnt1. prevoius pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FOR_CNT1 ((0x2fcb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22forcnt1. forward pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FLT_CNT1 ((0x2fcc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22fltcnt1. flat count (for pd22 check) of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_PRE_CNT2 ((0x2fcd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22precnt2. prevoius pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FOR_CNT2 ((0x2fce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22forcnt2. forward pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FLT_CNT2 ((0x2fcf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22fltcnt2. flat count (for pd22 check) of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_FIELD_MV ((0x2f60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_pd22chkcnt
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_fieldgmvcnt
//Bit 15, reg_mcdi_pd22chkflg
//Bit 14, reg_mcdi_fieldgmvlock
//Bit 13: 8, reg_mcdi_fieldrptmv. last field rpt mv
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_mcdi_fieldgmv. last field gmv
#define MCDI_FIELD_HVF_PRDX_CNT ((0x2f61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxcnt.
//Bit 23:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_mcdi_motionparadoxflg.
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqcnt.
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 2, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqphase.
//Bit 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_mcdi_highvertfrqflg.
#define MCDI_FIELD_LUMA_AVG_SUM_0 ((0x2f62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_mcdi_fld_luma_avg_sum0.
#define MCDI_FIELD_LUMA_AVG_SUM_1 ((0x2f63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_mcdi_fld_luma_avg_sum1.
#define MCDI_YCBCR_BLEND_CRTL ((0x2f64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_ycbcrblendgain. ycbcr blending gain for cbcr in ycbcr. default = 0
//Bit 7: 2, reserved.
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_ycbcrblendmode. 0:y+cmb(cb,cr), 1:med(r,g,b), 2:max(r,g,b), default = 2
#define MCDI_MCVECWR_CANVAS_SIZE ((0x2f65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECRD_CANVAS_SIZE ((0x2f66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFOWR_CANVAS_SIZE ((0x2f67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFORD_CANVAS_SIZE ((0x2f68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECWR_X ((0x2f92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECWR_Y ((0x2f93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECWR_CTRL ((0x2f94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECRD_X ((0x2f95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECRD_Y ((0x2f96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCVECRD_CTRL ((0x2f97 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFOWR_X ((0x2f98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFOWR_Y ((0x2f99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFOWR_CTRL ((0x2f9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFORD_X ((0x2f9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFORD_Y ((0x2f9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_MCINFORD_CTRL ((0x2f9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCDI_LMVLCKSTEXT_0 ((0x2f69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, mcdi_lmvlckstext_1 lmv lck blog 1 line start
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mcdi_lmvlckstext_0 lmv lck blog 0 line start
#define MCDI_LMVLCKSTEXT_1 ((0x2f6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 , mcdi_refnewmode new ref me mv array order
//Bit 30 , mcdi_ref_lmv_lck_en use locked line mvs for ref
//Bit 29:28, mcdi_lmvlckupdw_ext up/down extend lines for locked lmv line's
//Bit 27:12, mcdi_lmvlckmin lmv lck blog height limit
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mcdi_lmvlckstext_2 lmv lck blog 2 line start
#define MCDI_LMVLCKEDEXT_0 ((0x2f6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, mcdi_lmvlckedext_1 lmv lck blog 1 line end
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mcdi_lmvlckedext_0 lmv lck blog 0 line end
#define MCDI_LMVLCKEDEXT_1 ((0x2f6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mcdi_lmvlckedext_2 lmv lck blog 2 line end
// ================================================================== MC registers ========================================================================================================
#define MCDI_MC_CRTL ((0x2f70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 9, reserved
//Bit 8, reg_mcdi_mcpreflg. flag to use previous field for MC, 0:forward field, 1: previous field, default = 1
//Bit 7, reg_mcdi_mcrelrefbycolcfden. enable rel refinement by column cofidence in mc blending, default = 1
//Bit 6: 5, reg_mcdi_mclpfen. enable mc pixles/rel lpf, 0:disable, 1: lpf rel, 2: lpf mc pxls, 3: lpf both rel and mc pxls, default = 0
//Bit 4: 2, reg_mcdi_mcdebugmode. enable mc debug mode, 0:disable, 1: split left/right, 2: split top/bottom, 3: debug mv, 4: debug rel, default = 0
//Bit 1: 0, reg_mcdi_mcen. mcdi enable mode, 0:disable, 1: blend with ma, 2: full mc, default = 1
#define MCDI_MC_LPF_MSK_0 ((0x2f71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk02. mc lpf coef. 2 for pixel 0 of current block, normalized 16 as '1', default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk01. mc lpf coef. 1 for pixel 0 of current block, normalized 16 as '1', default = 9
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk00. mc lpf coef. 0 for pixel 0 of current block, normalized 16 as '1', default = 7
#define MCDI_MC_LPF_MSK_1 ((0x2f72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk12. mc lpf coef. 2 for pixel 1 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk11. mc lpf coef. 1 for pixel 1 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 11
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk10. mc lpf coef. 0 for pixel 1 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 5
#define MCDI_MC_LPF_MSK_2 ((0x2f73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk22. mc lpf coef. 2 for pixel 2 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 1
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk21. mc lpf coef. 1 for pixel 2 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 14
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk20. mc lpf coef. 0 for pixel 2 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 1
#define MCDI_MC_LPF_MSK_3 ((0x2f74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk32. mc lpf coef. 2 for pixel 3 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 5
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk31. mc lpf coef. 1 for pixel 3 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 11
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk30. mc lpf coef. 0 for pixel 3 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 0
#define MCDI_MC_LPF_MSK_4 ((0x2f75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk42. mc lpf coef. 2 for pixel 4 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 7
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 8, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk41. mc lpf coef. 1 for pixel 4 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 9
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_mcdi_mclpfmsk40. mc lpf coef. 0 for pixel 4 of current block, 0~16, normalized 16 as '1', default = 0
#define MCDI_MC_REL_GAIN_OFFST_0 ((0x2f76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25, reg_mcdi_mcmotionparadoxflg. flag of motion paradox, initial with 0 and read from software, default = 0
//Bit 24, reg_mcdi_mchighvertfrqflg. flag of high vert frq, initial with 0 and read from software, default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_mcdi_mcmotionparadoxoffst. offset (rel + offset) for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if motion paradox detected before MC blending before MC blending, default = 128
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_mcdi_mcmotionparadoxgain. gain for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if motion paradox detected before MC blending, normalized 8 as '1', set 15 to 16, default = 8
//Bit 7: 4, reg_mcdi_mchighvertfrqoffst. minus offset (alpha - offset) for motion (MA blending coef.) refinement if high vertical frequency detected before MA blending, default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_mchighvertfrqgain. gain for motion (MA blending coef.) refinement if high vertical frequency detected before MA blending, normalized 8 as '1', set 15 to 16, default = 8
#define MCDI_MC_REL_GAIN_OFFST_1 ((0x2f77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_mcdi_mcoutofboundrayoffst. offset (rel + offset) for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if MC pointed out of boundray before MC blending before MC blending, default = 255
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_mcdi_mcoutofboundraygain. gain for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if MC pointed out of boundray before MC blending, normalized 8 as '1', set 15 to 16, default = 8
//Bit 15: 8, reg_mcdi_mcrelrefbycolcfdoffst. offset (rel + offset) for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if motion paradox detected before MC blending before MC blending, default = 255
//Bit 7: 4, reserved.
//Bit 3: 0, reg_mcdi_mcrelrefbycolcfdgain. gain for rel (MC blending coef.) refinement if column cofidence failed before MC blending, normalized 8 as '1', set 15 to 16, default = 8
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_0 ((0x2f78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_0. column cofidence value 0 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_1 ((0x2f79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_1. column cofidence value 1 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_2 ((0x2f7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_2. column cofidence value 2 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_3 ((0x2f7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_3. column cofidence value 3 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_4 ((0x2f7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_4. column cofidence value 4 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_5 ((0x2f7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_5. column cofidence value 5 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_6 ((0x2f7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_6. column cofidence value 6 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_7 ((0x2f7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_7. column cofidence value 7 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_8 ((0x2f80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_8. column cofidence value 8 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_9 ((0x2f81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_9. column cofidence value 9 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_10 ((0x2f82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_10. column cofidence value 10 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_11 ((0x2f83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_11. column cofidence value 11 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_12 ((0x2f84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_12. column cofidence value 12 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_13 ((0x2f85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_13. column cofidence value 13 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_14 ((0x2f86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_14. column cofidence value 14 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_15 ((0x2f87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_15. column cofidence value 15 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_16 ((0x2f88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_16. column cofidence value 16 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_17 ((0x2f89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_17. column cofidence value 17 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_18 ((0x2f8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_18. column cofidence value 18 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_19 ((0x2f8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_19. column cofidence value 19 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_20 ((0x2f8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_20. column cofidence value 20 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_21 ((0x2f8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_21. column cofidence value 21 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_22 ((0x2f8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_22. column cofidence value 22 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_23 ((0x2f8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_23. column cofidence value 23 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_24 ((0x2f90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_24. column cofidence value 24 read from software. initial = 0
#define MCDI_MC_COL_CFD_25 ((0x2f91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, mcdi_mc_col_cfd_25. column cofidence value 25 read from software. initial = 0
// ===================================================================================== PRE RO Registers ==========================================================================================
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_LUMA_AVG_SUM ((0x2fa0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldlumaavgsum. block's luma avg sum of current filed (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_GMV_VLD_CNT ((0x2fa1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_gmvvldcnt. valid gmv's count of pre one filed (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_RPT_FLG_CNT ((0x2fa2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_rptflgcnt. repeat mv's count of pre one filed (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_BAD_SAD_CNT ((0x2fa3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldbadsadcnt. bad sad count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_BAD_BADW_CNT ((0x2fa4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldbadbadwcnt. bad badw count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_BAD_REL_CNT ((0x2fa5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldbadrelcnt. bad rel count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_MTN_CNT ((0x2fa6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldmtncnt. motion count of whole pre one field (pixel based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_VLD_CNT ((0x2fa7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldvldcnt. valid motion count of whole pre one field (pixel based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_PRE_CNT ((0x2fa8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22precnt. prevoius pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FOR_CNT ((0x2fa9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22forcnt. forward pd22 check count of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_FLD_PD_22_FLT_CNT ((0x2faa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_fldpd22fltcnt. flat count (for pd22 check) of whole pre one field (block based). initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_HIGH_VERT_FRQ_FLG ((0x2fab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved.
//Bit 15: 8, ro_mcdi_highvertfrqcnt. high vertical frequency count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 7: 3, reserved.
//Bit 2: 1, ro_mcdi_highvertfrqphase. high vertical frequency phase of prevoius one field. initial = 2
//Bit 0, ro_mcdi_highvertfrqflg. high vertical frequency flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_GMV_LOCK_FLG ((0x2fac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved.
//Bit 15: 8, ro_mcdi_gmvlckcnt. global mv lock count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 7: 2, ro_mcdi_gmv. global mv of prevoius one field. -31~31, initial = 32 (invalid value)
//Bit 1, ro_mcdi_zerogmvlckflg. zero global mv lock flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 0, ro_mcdi_gmvlckflg. global mv lock flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_RPT_MV ((0x2fad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 5: 0, ro_mcdi_rptmv. repeate mv of prevoius one field. -31~31, initial = 32 (invalid value)
#define MCDI_RO_MOTION_PARADOX_FLG ((0x2fae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved.
//Bit 15: 8, ro_mcdi_motionparadoxcnt. motion paradox count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 7: 1, reserved.
//Bit 0, ro_mcdi_motionparadoxflg. motion paradox flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_PD_22_FLG ((0x2faf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27, reserved.
//Bit 26, ro_mcdi_pd22flg2. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 25, ro_mcdi_pd22flg1. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 24, ro_mcdi_pd22flg. pull down 22 flag of prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 23:16, ro_mcdi_pd22cnt2. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 15: 8, ro_mcdi_pd22cnt1. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
//Bit 7: 0, ro_mcdi_pd22cnt. pull down 22 count till prevoius one field. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_0 ((0x2fb0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_0. column cofidence value 0. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_1 ((0x2fb1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_1. column cofidence value 1. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_2 ((0x2fb2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_2. column cofidence value 2. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_3 ((0x2fb3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_3. column cofidence value 3. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_4 ((0x2fb4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_4. column cofidence value 4. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_5 ((0x2fb5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_5. column cofidence value 5. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_6 ((0x2fb6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_6. column cofidence value 6. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_7 ((0x2fb7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_7. column cofidence value 7. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_8 ((0x2fb8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_8. column cofidence value 8. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_9 ((0x2fb9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_9. column cofidence value 9. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_10 ((0x2fba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_10. column cofidence value 10. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_11 ((0x2fbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_11. column cofidence value 11. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_12 ((0x2fbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_12. column cofidence value 12. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_13 ((0x2fbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_13. column cofidence value 13. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_14 ((0x2fbe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_14. column cofidence value 14. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_15 ((0x2fbf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_15. column cofidence value 15. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_16 ((0x2fc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_16. column cofidence value 16. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_17 ((0x2fc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_17. column cofidence value 17. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_18 ((0x2fc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_18. column cofidence value 18. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_19 ((0x2fc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_19. column cofidence value 19. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_20 ((0x2fc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_20. column cofidence value 20. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_21 ((0x2fc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_21. column cofidence value 21. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_22 ((0x2fc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_22. column cofidence value 22. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_23 ((0x2fc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_23. column cofidence value 23. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_24 ((0x2fc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_24. column cofidence value 24. initial = 0
#define MCDI_RO_COL_CFD_25 ((0x2fc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_mcdi_col_cfd_25. column cofidence value 25. initial = 0
// add space 8'hd0-8'hef
// Reading file: dipd_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// using 8'he0-8'hef
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL0 ((0x2fd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl0
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL1 ((0x2fd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl1
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL2 ((0x2fd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl2
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL3 ((0x2fd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl3
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL4 ((0x2fd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl4
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL5 ((0x2fd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl5
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_0 ((0x2fd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_0
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_1 ((0x2fd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_1
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_2 ((0x2fd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_2
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_3 ((0x2fd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_3
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_4 ((0x2fda << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_4
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_5 ((0x2fdb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_5
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_6 ((0x2fdc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_6
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_7 ((0x2fdd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_7
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_8 ((0x2fde << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_8
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_9 ((0x2fdf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_9
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_10 ((0x2fe0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_10
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_11 ((0x2fe1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_11
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_12 ((0x2fe2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_12
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_13 ((0x2fe3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_13
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_14 ((0x2fe4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_14
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_15 ((0x2fe5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_15
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_16 ((0x2fe6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_16
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_17 ((0x2fe7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_17
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_18 ((0x2fe8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_18
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_19 ((0x2fe9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_19
#define DIPD_RO_COMB_20 ((0x2fea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_pd_comb_20
#define DIPD_COMB_CTRL6 ((0x2feb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, reg_pd_comb_ctrl6
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dipd_regs.h
// addr space 8'hf0-8'hff
// Reading file: nr3_tnr_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR3_MODE ((0x2ff0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 6 reserved
//Bit 5 reg_nr3_vtxt_mode // unsigned , default = 0 0: avg; 1:MAX
//Bit 4 reg_3dnr_nr3_cbyy_ignor_coop // unsigned , default = 0 ignore coop condition for cbyy motion decision
//Bit 3 reg_3dnr_nr3_ybyc_ignor_cnoop // unsigned , default = 0 ignore cnoop condition for ybyc motion decision
//Bit 2: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_txt_mode // unsigned , default = 3 0: cur, 1:p2; 2: (cur+p2)/2; 3/up: min(cur,p2)
#define NR3_COOP_PARA ((0x2ff1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:20 reg_3dnr_nr3_coop_mode // unsigned , default = 2 0 original pixel 1: [1 2 1]/4 lpf; 2: [1 2 2 2 1]/8; 3: 3x3 lpf
//Bit 19:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_coop_ratio // unsigned , default = 8 cur and p2 color oop decision ratio: (avg1<(dif1*ratio/8 + ofst));
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_coop_ofset // signed , default = -1 cur and p2 color oop decision ofst: (avg1<(dif1*ratio/8 + ofst));
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_coop_sat_thrd // unsigned , default = 0 cur and p2 color oop decision min(sat0,sat1) threshold;
#define NR3_CNOOP_GAIN ((0x2ff2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:20 reg_3dnr_nr3_cnoop_ratio0 // unsigned , default = 8 cur and p2 color noop decision ratio0: (avg1<(MAX(sat0,sat2)*ratio0/8 + ofst0));
//Bit 19:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_cnoop_ratio1 // unsigned , default = 8 cur and p2 color noop decision ratio1: (dif1<(MIN(sat0,sat2)*ratio1/8 + ofst1));
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_cnoop_ofset0 // signed , default = 25 cur and p2 color noop decision ofset0: (avg1<(MAX(sat0,sat2)*ratio0/8 + ofst0));
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_cnoop_ofset1 // signed , default = 0 cur and p2 color noop decision ofset1: (dif1<(MIN(sat0,sat2)*ratio1/8 + ofst1));
#define NR3_YMOT_PARA ((0x2ff3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19 reg_3dnr_nr3_ymot_only_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable signal for ignor chroma motion: (ytxt &coop)
//Bit 18 reg_3dnr_nr3_ymot_only_cmtmode // unsigned , default = 1 0: cmot=ymot; 1: cmot = MIN(ymot, cmot)
//Bit 17:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_ymot_only_txtmode // unsigned , default = 0 0, min(txt0,txt2); 1, max(txt0,txt2);2, (txt0+txt2)/2; 3: sat(txt0, txt2)
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_ymot_only_txtthrd // unsigned , default = 10 threshold to luma texture to decide use ymot only
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_ymot_only_motthrd // unsigned , default = 30 threshold to luma motion to decide use ymot only
#define NR3_CMOT_PARA ((0x2ff4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19 reg_3dnr_nr3_cmot_only_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable signal for ignor luma motion: (ctxt &cnoop)
//Bit 18 reg_3dnr_nr3_cmot_only_ymtmode // unsigned , default = 0 0: ymot=cmot+ymot/4; 1: ymot = MIN(ymot, cmot)
//Bit 17:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_cmot_only_txtmode // unsigned , default = 0 0, min(txt0,txt2); 1, max(txt0,txt2);2, (txt0+txt2)/2; 3: sat(txt0, txt2)
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_cmot_only_txtthrd // unsigned , default = 20 threshold to chroma texture to decide use cmot only
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_cmot_only_motthrd // unsigned , default = 15 threshold to chroma motion to decide use cmot only
#define NR3_SUREMOT_YGAIN ((0x2ff5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_dec_yrate // unsigned , default = 16 (norm 16)lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 23:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_dec_yofst // unsigned , default = 12 lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_frc_ygain // unsigned , default = 64 (norm 8)lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_frc_yofst // unsigned , default = 20 lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
#define NR3_SUREMOT_CGAIN ((0x2ff6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_dec_crate // unsigned , default = 34 (norm 16)lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 23:16 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_dec_cofst // unsigned , default = 38 lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 15: 8 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_frc_cgain // unsigned , default = 64 (norm 8)lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
//Bit 7: 0 reg_3dnr_nr3_suremot_frc_cofst // unsigned , default = 20 lpfMot>(dec_rate*txt +ofst) then force lpfMot*frc_gain+frc_ofset
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nr3_tnr_regs.h
#define LBUF_TOP_CTRL ((0x2fff << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 23:22 mode_444c422
//bit 21:20 mode_422c444
//bit 17 lbuf_fmt444_mode
//bit 16 lbuf_line5_mode
//bit 12:0 pre_lbuf_size
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: mcdi_regs.h
// VPU_VLOCK register (16'h3000 - 16'h30ff)
// Reading file: vpu_vlock_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// ----------------------------
// VPU_VLOCK 0x30
// ----------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VPU_VLOCK_CTRL ((0x3000 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_MISC_CTRL ((0x3001 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP0_ACCUM_LMT ((0x3002 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP0_CTRL0 ((0x3003 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_CTRL0 ((0x3004 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_IMISSYNC_MAX ((0x3005 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_IMISSYNC_MIN ((0x3006 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OVWRITE_ACCUM0 ((0x3007 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OVWRITE_ACCUM1 ((0x3008 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OUTPUT0_CAPT_LMT ((0x3009 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OUTPUT0_PLL_LMT ((0x300a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OUTPUT1_CAPT_LMT ((0x300b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OUTPUT1_PLL_LMT ((0x300c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_PHSDIF_TGT ((0x300d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_LOOP0_ACCUM ((0x300e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_LOOP1_ACCUM ((0x300f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_OROW_OCOL_MAX ((0x3010 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_VS_I_DIST ((0x3011 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_VS_O_DIST ((0x3012 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_LINE_PIX_ADJ ((0x3013 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_OUTPUT_00_01 ((0x3014 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_OUTPUT_10_11 ((0x3015 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_MX4096 ((0x3016 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_WIN0_WIN1 ((0x3017 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_CLP ((0x3018 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_ABS_WIN0 ((0x3019 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_ABS_WIN1 ((0x301a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_SGN_WIN0 ((0x301b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_STBDET_SGN_WIN1 ((0x301c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_ADJ_EN_SYNC_CTRL ((0x301d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_GCLK_EN ((0x301e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_ACCUM_LMT ((0x301f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_M_INT_FRAC ((0x3020 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_PH_DIS ((0x3021 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_PH_ERR ((0x3022 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOCK_TH ((0x3023 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_LCK_FRM ((0x3024 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN0_TH ((0x3025 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN0_RATIO ((0x3026 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN0_FILTER_CNTL ((0x3027 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN1_TH ((0x3028 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN1_RATIO ((0x3029 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_WIN1_FILTER_CNTL ((0x302a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOCK_TH1 ((0x302b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP0_ERR_LMT ((0x302c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_LOOP1_ERR_LMT ((0x302d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_ERR_CTRL0 ((0x302e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_VS_O_ABS_CNT_LSB ((0x302f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_VS_I_ABS_CNT_LSB ((0x3030 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_VLOCK_RO_VS_ABS_CNT_MSB ((0x3031 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_vlock_reg.h
// Reading file: vpp_partb_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//// vkeystone
// 8'h00-8'h17
// Reading file: vkstone_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VKS_CTRL ((0x3100 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_vks_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable signal of the vks function
//Bit 30 reg_vks_scl_mode0 // unsigned , default = 1 : b0 mode of vks ofset mode, 0: offset= offset; 1: offset= offset*step= ofset/scale;
//Bit 29 reg_vks_scl_mode1 // unsigned , default = 1 : b0 mode of vks ofset mode, 0: offset= offset; 1: offset= offset*step= ofset/scale;
//Bit 28 reg_vks_fill_mode // unsigned , default = 1 mode of out-of-boundary fill, 0 extension, 1: fill with the fill_value
//Bit 27:26 reg_vks_row_inp_mode // unsigned , default = 1 , interpolation mode from 16pieces ofset/step to each line ofset and step; 0: linear interpolation; 1: cubic interpolation (using ccoef)
//Bit 25 reg_vks_border_ext_mode0 // unsigned , default = 0 , extend mode of the border data of luma and chroma, 0: copy the most border one; 1: extropolate the border one
//Bit 24 reg_vks_border_ext_mode1 // unsigned , default = 0 , extend mode of the border data of luma and chroma, 0: copy the most border one; 1: extropolate the border one
//Bit 23 reg_vks_obuf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 1 , mode of output buffer left/right side. 0: no precalculate active pixels during output fill region; 1: precaclc active pixels during output fill regions
//Bit 22 reg_vks_obuf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 1 , mode of output buffer left/right side. 0: no precalculate active pixels during output fill region; 1: precaclc active pixels during output fill regions
//Bit 21:20 reg_vks_obuf_mrgn0 // unsigned , default = 3 , margin pixels for left right most active pixel to the fill pixels to avoid jump
//Bit 19:18 reg_vks_obuf_mrgn1 // unsigned , default = 3 , margin pixels for left right most active pixel to the fill pixels to avoid jump
//Bit 17:16 reg_vks_phs_qmode // unsigned , default = 2 , interpolation mode of the phase, 0: floor to 1/64 phase; 1: round to 1/64 phase; 2/3 linear intp
//Bit 15: 0 reg_vks_row_scl // unsigned , default = 11651 , scale of row to make it fit to the 16 pieces, scl = (2^23)/RowMax
#define VKS_OUT_WIN_SIZE ((0x3101 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_vks_ocolmax // unsigned , default = 1280 output outer window col number, decided by the projector
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_vks_orowmax // unsigned , default = 720 output outer window row number, decided by the projector
#define VKS_PRELPF_YCOEF0 ((0x3102 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef0 // signed , default = -128 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef1 // signed , default = 0 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef2 // signed , default = 0 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef3 // signed , default = 0 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
#define VKS_PRELPF_YCOEF1 ((0x3103 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef4 // signed , default = 0 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_prelpf_ycoef5 // signed , default = 0 coef of horizontal luma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
#define VKS_PRELPF_CCOEF0 ((0x3104 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef0 // signed , default = -128 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef1 // signed , default = 0 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef2 // signed , default = 0 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef3 // signed , default = 0 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
#define VKS_PRELPF_CCOEF1 ((0x3105 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef4 // signed , default = 0 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_prelpf_ccoef5 // signed , default = 0 mode of horizontal chroma prelpf for Keystone, normalized 128 as '1'
#define VKS_FILL_VAL ((0x3106 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_fill_value0 // unsigned , default = 0 , border fill color define. yuv: [0 128 128]; rgb:[0 0 0]
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_fill_value1 // unsigned , default = 128 , border fill color define. yuv: [0 128 128]; rgb:[0 0 0]
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_fill_value2 // unsigned , default = 128 , border fill color define. yuv: [0 128 128]; rgb:[0 0 0]
#define VKS_IWIN_HSIZE ((0x3107 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_vks_iwinx0 // unsigned , default = 160 , input start-col and end-col;
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_vks_iwinx1 // unsigned , default = 1279 , input start-col and end-col;
#define VKS_IWIN_VSIZE ((0x3108 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_vks_iwiny0 // unsigned , default = 0 , input start-row and end-row;
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_vks_iwiny1 // unsigned , default = 719 , input start-row and end-row;
#define VKS_TOP_MISC ((0x3109 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19 reserved
//Bit 18 reg_flt_en // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 17 reg_frm_rst // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 16 reg_ctrl_sync // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8 blank_num // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 0 flt_blank_num // unsigned , default = 9
#define VKS_START_CTRL ((0x310a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_vks_en_mode // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 0 reg_hold_phnum // unsigned , default = 5
#define VKS_LBUF_SIZE ((0x310b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 reg_lbuf_depth // unsigned , default = 1024
#define VKS_PARA_ADDR_PORT ((0x310e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VKS_PARA_DATA_PORT ((0x310f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET00 0x9 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset0 // unsigned , default = 118534 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET01 0xa //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset1 // unsigned , default = 111450 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET02 0xb //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset2 // unsigned , default = 104366 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET03 0xc //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset3 // unsigned , default = 97283 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET04 0xd //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset4 // unsigned , default = 90199 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET05 0xe //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset5 // unsigned , default = 83115 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET06 0xf //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset6 // unsigned , default = 76031 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET07 0x10 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset7 // unsigned , default = 68947 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET08 0x11 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset8 // unsigned , default = 61864 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET09 0x12 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset9 // unsigned , default = 54780 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET10 0x13 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset10 // unsigned , default = 47696 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET11 0x14 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset11 // unsigned , default = 40612 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET12 0x15 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset12 // unsigned , default = 33528 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET13 0x16 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset13 // unsigned , default = 26444 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET14 0x17 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset14 // unsigned , default = 19361 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET15 0x18 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset15 // unsigned , default = 12277 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_OFSET16 0x19 //
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19: 0 reg_vks_scl_ofset16 // unsigned , default = 5193 , left offset of the input pixel offset from left, 12.8 12bits pixel + 8bits float phase
#define VKS_SCL_STEP00 0x1a //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step0 // unsigned , default = 331378 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP01 0x1b //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step1 // unsigned , default = 383191 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP02 0x1c //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step2 // unsigned , default = 435004 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP03 0x1d //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step3 // unsigned , default = 486818 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP04 0x1e //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step4 // unsigned , default = 538631 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP05 0x1f //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step5 // unsigned , default = 590444 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP06 0x20 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step6 // unsigned , default = 642257 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP07 0x21 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step7 // unsigned , default = 694070 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP08 0x22 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step8 // unsigned , default = 745884 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP09 0x23 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step9 // unsigned , default = 797697 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP10 0x24 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step10 // unsigned , default = 849510 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP11 0x25 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step11 // unsigned , default = 901323 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP12 0x26 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step12 // unsigned , default = 953136 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP13 0x27 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step13 // unsigned , default = 1004949 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP14 0x28 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step14 // unsigned , default = 1056763 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP15 0x29 //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step15 // unsigned , default = 1108576 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_SCL_STEP16 0x2a //
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23: 0 reg_vks_scl_step16 // unsigned , default = 1160389 , for ratio of each line (defined piece),step: 4.20 opixnum = (ipixnum<<20)/step; scale:4.20 = 1/step
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF00 0x2b //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef0 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef1 // signed , default = 128 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef2 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef3 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF01 0x2c //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef4 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef5 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef6 // signed , default = 1 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef7 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF02 0x2d //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef8 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef9 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef10 // signed , default = 2 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef11 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF03 0x2e //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef12 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef13 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef14 // signed , default = 3 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef15 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF04 0x2f //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef16 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef17 // signed , default = 126 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef18 // signed , default = 5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef19 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF05 0x30 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef20 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef21 // signed , default = 126 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef22 // signed , default = 6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef23 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF06 0x31 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef24 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef25 // signed , default = 125 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef26 // signed , default = 8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef27 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF07 0x32 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef28 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef29 // signed , default = 124 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef30 // signed , default = 9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef31 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF08 0x33 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef32 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef33 // signed , default = 123 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef34 // signed , default = 11 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef35 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF09 0x34 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef36 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef37 // signed , default = 122 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef38 // signed , default = 13 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef39 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF10 0x35 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef40 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef41 // signed , default = 121 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef42 // signed , default = 15 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef43 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF11 0x36 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef44 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef45 // signed , default = 119 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef46 // signed , default = 17 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef47 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF12 0x37 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef48 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef49 // signed , default = 118 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef50 // signed , default = 19 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef51 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF13 0x38 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef52 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef53 // signed , default = 116 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef54 // signed , default = 22 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef55 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF14 0x39 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef56 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef57 // signed , default = 114 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef58 // signed , default = 24 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef59 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF15 0x3a //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef60 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef61 // signed , default = 112 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef62 // signed , default = 26 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef63 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF16 0x3b //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef64 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef65 // signed , default = 111 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef66 // signed , default = 29 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef67 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF17 0x3c //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef68 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef69 // signed , default = 109 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef70 // signed , default = 31 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef71 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF18 0x3d //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef72 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef73 // signed , default = 107 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef74 // signed , default = 33 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef75 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF19 0x3e //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef76 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef77 // signed , default = 104 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef78 // signed , default = 36 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef79 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF20 0x3f //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef80 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef81 // signed , default = 102 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef82 // signed , default = 39 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef83 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF21 0x40 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef84 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef85 // signed , default = 100 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef86 // signed , default = 41 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef87 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF22 0x41 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef88 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef89 // signed , default = 97 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef90 // signed , default = 44 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef91 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF23 0x42 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef92 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef93 // signed , default = 95 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef94 // signed , default = 47 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef95 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF24 0x43 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef96 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef97 // signed , default = 93 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef98 // signed , default = 49 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef99 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF25 0x44 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef100 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef101 // signed , default = 90 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef102 // signed , default = 52 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef103 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF26 0x45 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef104 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef105 // signed , default = 88 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef106 // signed , default = 55 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef107 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF27 0x46 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef108 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef109 // signed , default = 85 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef110 // signed , default = 58 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef111 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF28 0x47 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef112 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef113 // signed , default = 82 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef114 // signed , default = 60 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef115 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF29 0x48 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef116 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef117 // signed , default = 80 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef118 // signed , default = 63 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef119 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF30 0x49 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef120 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef121 // signed , default = 77 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef122 // signed , default = 66 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef123 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF31 0x4a //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef124 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef125 // signed , default = 74 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef126 // signed , default = 69 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef127 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_YCOEF32 0x4b //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ycoef128 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ycoef129 // signed , default = 72 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ycoef130 // signed , default = 72 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ycoef131 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF00 0x4c //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef0 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef1 // signed , default = 128 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef2 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef3 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF01 0x4d //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef4 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef5 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef6 // signed , default = 1 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef7 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF02 0x4e //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef8 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef9 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef10 // signed , default = 2 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef11 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF03 0x4f //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef12 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef13 // signed , default = 127 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef14 // signed , default = 3 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef15 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF04 0x50 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef16 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef17 // signed , default = 126 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef18 // signed , default = 5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef19 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF05 0x51 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef20 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef21 // signed , default = 126 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef22 // signed , default = 6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef23 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF06 0x52 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef24 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef25 // signed , default = 125 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef26 // signed , default = 8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef27 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF07 0x53 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef28 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef29 // signed , default = 124 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef30 // signed , default = 9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef31 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF08 0x54 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef32 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef33 // signed , default = 123 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef34 // signed , default = 11 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef35 // signed , default = 0 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF09 0x55 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef36 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef37 // signed , default = 122 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef38 // signed , default = 13 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef39 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF10 0x56 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef40 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef41 // signed , default = 121 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef42 // signed , default = 15 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef43 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF11 0x57 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef44 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef45 // signed , default = 119 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef46 // signed , default = 17 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef47 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF12 0x58 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef48 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef49 // signed , default = 118 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef50 // signed , default = 19 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef51 // signed , default = -1 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF13 0x59 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef52 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef53 // signed , default = 116 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef54 // signed , default = 22 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef55 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF14 0x5a //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef56 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef57 // signed , default = 114 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef58 // signed , default = 24 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef59 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF15 0x5b //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef60 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef61 // signed , default = 112 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef62 // signed , default = 26 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef63 // signed , default = -2 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF16 0x5c //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef64 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef65 // signed , default = 111 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef66 // signed , default = 29 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef67 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF17 0x5d //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef68 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef69 // signed , default = 109 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef70 // signed , default = 31 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef71 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF18 0x5e //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef72 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef73 // signed , default = 107 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef74 // signed , default = 33 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef75 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF19 0x5f //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef76 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef77 // signed , default = 104 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef78 // signed , default = 36 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef79 // signed , default = -3 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF20 0x60 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef80 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef81 // signed , default = 102 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef82 // signed , default = 39 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef83 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF21 0x61 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef84 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef85 // signed , default = 100 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef86 // signed , default = 41 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef87 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF22 0x62 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef88 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef89 // signed , default = 97 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef90 // signed , default = 44 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef91 // signed , default = -4 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF23 0x63 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef92 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef93 // signed , default = 95 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef94 // signed , default = 47 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef95 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF24 0x64 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef96 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef97 // signed , default = 93 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef98 // signed , default = 49 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef99 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF25 0x65 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef100 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef101 // signed , default = 90 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef102 // signed , default = 52 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef103 // signed , default = -5 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF26 0x66 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef104 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef105 // signed , default = 88 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef106 // signed , default = 55 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef107 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF27 0x67 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef108 // signed , default = -9 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef109 // signed , default = 85 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef110 // signed , default = 58 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef111 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF28 0x68 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef112 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef113 // signed , default = 82 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef114 // signed , default = 60 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef115 // signed , default = -6 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF29 0x69 //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef116 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef117 // signed , default = 80 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef118 // signed , default = 63 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef119 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF30 0x6a //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef120 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef121 // signed , default = 77 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef122 // signed , default = 66 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef123 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF31 0x6b //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef124 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef125 // signed , default = 74 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef126 // signed , default = 69 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef127 // signed , default = -7 poly-phase scalar coefs
#define VKS_PPS_CCOEF32 0x6c //
//Bit 31:24 reg_vks_ccoef128 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 23:16 reg_vks_ccoef129 // signed , default = 72 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 15: 8 reg_vks_ccoef130 // signed , default = 72 poly-phase scalar coefs
//Bit 7: 0 reg_vks_ccoef131 // signed , default = -8 poly-phase scalar coefs
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vkstone_regs.h
//// vpp dither
// 8'h20-8'h3f
// Reading file: vpp_dither_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_CTRL ((0x3120 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_1 ((0x3121 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_2 ((0x3122 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_3 ((0x3123 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_4 ((0x3124 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_5 ((0x3125 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_6 ((0x3126 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_7 ((0x3127 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_8 ((0x3128 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_9 ((0x3129 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_10 ((0x312a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_11 ((0x312b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VE_DITHER_LUT_12 ((0x312c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_CTRL ((0x3130 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_1 ((0x3131 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_2 ((0x3132 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_3 ((0x3133 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_4 ((0x3134 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_5 ((0x3135 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_6 ((0x3136 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_7 ((0x3137 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_8 ((0x3138 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_9 ((0x3139 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_10 ((0x313a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_11 ((0x313b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_OSDSC_DITHER_LUT_12 ((0x313c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_dither_regs.h
//register definition for xvycc
// 8'h50-8'h7f
// Reading file: xvycc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_Y_ADDR_PORT ((0x3158 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7, reserved
//Bit 6:0, xvycc_inv_lut_y_addr;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_Y_DATA_PORT ((0x3159 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, xvycc_inv_lut_y_data;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_U_ADDR_PORT ((0x315a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, xvycc_inv_lut_u_addr;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_U_DATA_PORT ((0x315b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, xvycc_inv_lut_u_data;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_V_ADDR_PORT ((0x315c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, xvycc_inv_lut_v_addr;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_V_DATA_PORT ((0x315d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, xvycc_inv_lut_v_data;
#define XVYCC_LUT_R_ADDR_PORT ((0x315e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7, reserved
//Bit 6:0, xvycc_lut_r_addr;
#define XVYCC_LUT_R_DATA_PORT ((0x315f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, xvycc_lut_r_data;
#define XVYCC_LUT_G_ADDR_PORT ((0x3160 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7, reserved
//Bit 6:0, xvycc_lut_g_addr;
#define XVYCC_LUT_G_DATA_PORT ((0x3161 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, xvycc_lut_g_data;
#define XVYCC_LUT_B_ADDR_PORT ((0x3162 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7, reserved
//Bit 6:0, xvycc_lut_b_addr;
#define XVYCC_LUT_B_DATA_PORT ((0x3163 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, xvycc_lut_b_data;
#define XVYCC_INV_LUT_CTL ((0x3164 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_enable enable for xvycc compression inverse-lut [2] for Y, [1] for U, [0] for V default=0
//Bit 11:10, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_vscl_1 v LUT input scale for positive portion default=0
//Bit 9: 8, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_vscl_0 v LUT input scale for negative portion default=0
//Bit 7: 6, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_uscl_1 u LUT input scale for positive portion default=0
//Bit 5: 4, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_uscl_0 u LUT input scale for negative portion default=0
//Bit 3: 2, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_yscl_1 y LUT input scale for positive portion default=0
//Bit 1: 0, reg_xvycc_cmpr_invlut_yscl_0 y LUT input scale for negative portion default=0
#define XVYCC_LUT_CTL ((0x3165 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_xvycc_lut_enable LUT enable [6] for R, [5] for G, [4] for B default=0
//Bit 3: 2, reg_xvycc_lut_scl_1 LUT input scale for positive portion default=0
//Bit 1: 0, reg_xvycc_lut_scl_0 LUT input scale for negative portion default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ1_CURV_0 ((0x3166 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, vadj1_softcon_curv0_ci default=0
//Bit 23:12, vadj1_softcon_curv0_b default=0
//Bit 11: 0, vadj1_softcon_curv0_a default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ1_CURV_1 ((0x3167 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 4, vadj1_softcon_curv0_g default=0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, vadj1_softcon_curv0_cs default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ1_CURV_2 ((0x3168 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, vadj1_softcon_curv1_ci default=0
//Bit 23:12, vadj1_softcon_curv1_b default=0
//Bit 11: 0, vadj1_softcon_curv1_a default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ1_CURV_3 ((0x3169 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 4, vadj1_softcon_curv1_g default=0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, vadj1_softcon_curv1_cs default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ2_CURV_0 ((0x316a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, vadj2_softcon_curv0_ci default=0
//Bit 23:12, vadj2_softcon_curv0_b default=0
//Bit 11: 0, vadj2_softcon_curv0_a default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ2_CURV_1 ((0x316b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 4, vadj2_softcon_curv0_g default=0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, vadj2_softcon_curv0_cs default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ2_CURV_2 ((0x316c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, vadj2_softcon_curv1_ci default=0
//Bit 23:12, vadj2_softcon_curv1_b default=0
//Bit 11: 0, vadj2_softcon_curv1_a default=0
#define XVYCC_VADJ2_CURV_3 ((0x316d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 4, vadj2_softcon_curv1_g default=0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, vadj2_softcon_curv1_cs default=0
#define XVYCC_VD1_RGB_CTRST ((0x3170 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_vd1_rgb_ctrst u12, contrast in rgb. default=1024
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 4, reg_vd1_rgb_ctrst_blklvl u10, contrast blacklevel default=64
//Bit 3: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_vd1_rgbbst_en u1, enable rgbbst default=0
//Bit 0, reg_vd1_rgb_ctrst_prt u1, enable signal to protect saturation in rgb. default=1
#define XVYCC_VD1_RGB_BRGHT ((0x3171 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 4, reg_vd1_rgb_brght s12, brightness level in rgb domain default=0
//Bit 3: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_vd1_rgb_brght_prt u1, enalbe signal to protect saturation in rgb default=1
//Bit 0, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut_x2 u1, enable signal to do x2 to the dlut cells before subtracting default=0
#define XVYCC_VD1_RGB_DLUT_0_3 ((0x3172 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut0 u8, default = 255
//Bit 23:16, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut1 u8, default = 205
//Bit 15: 8, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut2 u8, default = 171
//Bit 7: 0, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut3 u8, default = 147
#define XVYCC_VD1_RGB_DLUT_4_7 ((0x3173 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut4 u8, default = 128
//Bit 23:16, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut5 u8, default = 113
//Bit 15: 8, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut6 u8, default = 102
//Bit 7: 0, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut7 u8, default = 93
#define XVYCC_VD1_RGB_DLUT_8_11 ((0x3174 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut8 u8, default = 85
//Bit 23:16, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut9 u8, default = 78
//Bit 15: 8, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut10 u8, default = 73
//Bit 7: 0, reg_vd1_rgbbst_dlut11 u8, default = 68
#define XVYCC_POST_RGB_CTRST ((0x3175 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_post_rgb_ctrst u12, contrast in rgb. default=1024
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 4, reg_post_rgb_ctrst_blklvl u10, contrast blacklevel default=64
//Bit 3: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_post_rgbbst_en u1, enable rgbbst default=0
//Bit 0, reg_post_rgb_ctrst_prt u1, enable signal to protect saturation in rgb. default=1
#define XVYCC_POST_RGB_BRGHT ((0x3176 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 4, reg_post_rgb_brght s12, brightness level in rgb domain default=0
//Bit 3: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_post_rgb_brght_prt u1, enalbe signal to protect saturation in rgb default=1
//Bit 0, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut_x2 u1, enable signal to do x2 to the dlut cells before subtracting default=0
#define XVYCC_POST_RGB_DLUT_0_3 ((0x3177 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut0 u8, default = 255
//Bit 23:16, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut1 u8, default = 205
//Bit 15: 8, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut2 u8, default = 171
//Bit 7: 0, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut3 u8, default = 147
#define XVYCC_POST_RGB_DLUT_4_7 ((0x3178 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut4 u8, default = 128
//Bit 23:16, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut5 u8, default = 113
//Bit 15: 8, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut6 u8, default = 102
//Bit 7: 0, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut7 u8, default = 93
#define XVYCC_POST_RGB_DLUT_8_11 ((0x3179 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut8 u8, default = 85
//Bit 23:16, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut9 u8, default = 78
//Bit 15: 8, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut10 u8, default = 73
//Bit 7: 0, reg_post_rgbbst_dlut11 u8, default = 68
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REG0 ((0x3150 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reg_adaptive_scale_enable u1, default = 1
//Bit 27:16, reg_adpscl_ys_coef_0 u12, default = 538
//Bit 11: 0, reg_adpscl_ys_coef_1 u12, default = 1389
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REG1 ((0x3151 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 27:16, reg_adpscl_ys_coef_2 u12, default = 121
//Bit 11: 0, reg_adpscl_alpha_0 u12, default = 1024
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REG2 ((0x3152 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 27:16, reg_adpscl_alpha_1 u12, default = 1024
//Bit 11: 0, reg_adpscl_alpha_2 u12, default = 1024
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REG3 ((0x3153 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reg_adpscl_beta_0 u16, default = 0
//Bit 15: 0, reg_adpscl_beta_1 u16, default = 0
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REG4 ((0x3154 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reg_adpscl_beta_2 u16, default = 0
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_ADDR ((0x3155 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 6:0, reg_lut_addr u7, default = 0
#define ADAPTIVE_SCALE_DATA ((0x3156 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 11:0, reg_lut_data u12, default = 0
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: xvycc_regs.h
//register definition for vd2 afbc dec
// 8'h80-8'h9f
// Reading file: vd2_afbc_dec_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//// reg
#define VD2_AFBC_ENABLE ((0x3180 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:23, reg_gclk_ctrl_core unsigned, default = 0
//Bit 22, reg_fmt_size_sw_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:hw mode 1:sw mode for format size
//Bit 21, reg_addr_link_en unsigned, default = 1, 1:enable
//Bit 20, reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
//Bit 19, reg_dos_uncomp_mode unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 18:16, soft_rst unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, ddr_blk_size unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:9, cmd_blk_size unsigend , default = 3
//Bit 8, dec_enable unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7:2, reserved
//Bit 1, head_len_sel unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, dec_frm_start unsigned , default = 0
#define VD2_AFBC_MODE ((0x3181 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29, ddr_sz_mode uns, default = 0 , 0: fixed block ddr size 1 : unfixed block ddr size;
//Bit 28, blk_mem_mode uns, default = 0 , 0: fixed 16x128 size; 1 : fixed 12x128 size
//Bit 27:26, rev_mode uns, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent uns, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num uns, default = 4 ,
//Bit 15:14, burst_len uns, default = 2, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:8, compbits_yuv uns, default = 0 ,
// bit 1:0,: y component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 3:2,: u component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 5:4,: v component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
//Bit 7:6, vert_skip_y uns, default = 0 , luma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 5:4, horz_skip_y uns, default = 0 , luma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 3:2, vert_skip_uv uns, default = 0 , chroma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 1:0, horz_skip_uv uns, default = 0 , chroma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
#define VD2_AFBC_SIZE_IN ((0x3182 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in uns, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_in uns, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define VD2_AFBC_DEC_DEF_COLOR ((0x3183 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:20, def_color_y uns, default = 255, afbc dec y default setting value
//Bit 19:10, def_color_u uns, default = 128, afbc dec u default setting value
//Bit 9: 0, def_color_v uns, default = 128, afbc dec v default setting value
#define VD2_AFBC_CONV_CTRL ((0x3184 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, fmt_mode uns, default = 2, 0:yuv444 1:yuv422 2:yuv420
//Bit 11: 0, conv_lbuf_len uns, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define VD2_AFBC_LBUF_DEPTH ((0x3185 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, dec_lbuf_depth uns, default = 128; // unit= 8 pixel
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, mif_lbuf_depth uns, default = 128;
#define VD2_AFBC_HEAD_BADDR ((0x3186 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, mif_info_baddr uns, default = 32'h0;
#define VD2_AFBC_BODY_BADDR ((0x3187 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, mif_data_baddr uns, default = 32'h00010000;
#define VD2_AFBC_SIZE_OUT ((0x3188 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, hsize_out uns, default = 1920 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_out uns, default = 1080 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define VD2_AFBC_OUT_YSCOPE ((0x3189 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, out_vert_bgn uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, out_vert_end uns, default = 1079 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define VD2_AFBC_STAT ((0x318a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, ro_dbg_top_info uns
#define VD2_AFBC_VD_CFMT_CTRL ((0x318b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cfmt_gclk_bit_dis uns, default = 0 ; // it true, disable clock, otherwise enable clock
//Bit 30 cfmt_soft_rst_bit uns, default = 0 ; // soft rst bit
//Bit 29 reserved
//Bit 28 chfmt_rpt_pix uns, default = 0 ; // if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 27:24 chfmt_ini_phase uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 23 chfmt_rpt_p0_en uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 22:21 chfmt_yc_ratio uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 20 chfmt_en uns, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter enable
//Bit 19 cvfmt_phase0_always_en uns, default = 0 ; //if true, always use phase0 while vertical formater, meaning always
// repeat data, no interpolation
//Bit 18 cvfmt_rpt_last_dis uns, default = 0 ; //if true, disable vertical formatter chroma repeat last line
//Bit 17 cvfmt_phase0_nrpt_en uns, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter dont need repeat line on phase0, 1: enable, 0: disable
//Bit 16 cvfmt_rpt_line0_en uns, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter repeat line 0 enable
//Bit 15:12 cvfmt_skip_line_num uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter skip line num at the beginning
//Bit 11:8 cvfmt_ini_phase uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter initial phase
//Bit 7:1 cvfmt_phase_step uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter phase step (3.4)
//Bit 0 cvfmt_en uns, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter enable
#define VD2_AFBC_VD_CFMT_W ((0x318c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 chfmt_w uns, default = 0 ;horizontal formatter width
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cvfmt_w uns, default = 0 ;vertical formatter width
#define VD2_AFBC_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x318d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, mif_blk_bgn_h uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 0, mif_blk_end_h uns, default = 59 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
#define VD2_AFBC_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x318e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, mif_blk_bgn_v uns, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, mif_blk_end_v uns, default = 269; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
#define VD2_AFBC_PIXEL_HOR_SCOPE ((0x318f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, dec_pixel_bgn_h uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, dec_pixel_end_h uns, default = 1919 ; // unit: pixel
#define VD2_AFBC_PIXEL_VER_SCOPE ((0x3190 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, dec_pixel_bgn_v uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, dec_pixel_end_v uns, default = 1079 ; // unit: pixel
#define VD2_AFBC_VD_CFMT_H ((0x3191 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0 cfmt_h uns, default = 142 ; //vertical formatter height
#define VD2_AFBCDEC_IQUANT_ENABLE ((0x3192 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 //unsigned, RW, enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 //unsigned, RW, enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst // signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define VD2_AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x3193 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define VD2_AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x3194 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define VD2_AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x3195 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define VD2_AFBCDEC_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x3196 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vd2_afbc_dec_regs.h
//register definition for osd1 afbcd dec
// 8'ha0-8'haf
// Reading file: osd1_afbcd_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//// reg
#define OSD1_AFBCD_ENABLE ((0x31a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:9, id_fifo_thrd unsigned , default = 64, axi id fifo threshold
//Bit 8, dec_enable unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7:1, reserved
//Bit 0, frm_start unsigned , default = 0
#define OSD1_AFBCD_MODE ((0x31a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, soft_reset the use as go_field
//Bit 30:29, reserved
//Bit 28, axi_reorder_mode default=0, the axi reorder mode, note : don't seting
//Bit 27:26, reserved
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent uns, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num
//Bit 15:8, rgba_exchan_ctrl
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6, hreg_block_split uns, default = 1 , Enable/disable block split mode in sparse allocation
//Bit 5, hreg_half_block uns, default = 1 , Enable/disable half block decoding. 1=half block, 0=full block
//Bit 4:0, hreg_pixel_packing_fmt uns, default = 5 , Pixel format
#define OSD1_AFBCD_SIZE_IN ((0x31a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 hreg_hsize_in uns, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:0, hreg_vsize_in uns, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define OSD1_AFBCD_HDR_PTR ((0x31a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hreg_hdr_ptr uns, default = 0 ,
#define OSD1_AFBCD_FRAME_PTR ((0x31a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hreg_frame_ptr uns, default = 0 , The start address of the target frame buffer.
// For YUV format, this pointer specifies the luma buffer.
#define OSD1_AFBCD_CHROMA_PTR ((0x31a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 hreg_chroma_ptr uns, default = 0 , Only valid in YUV format, to specify the target chroma buffer.
#define OSD1_AFBCD_CONV_CTRL ((0x31a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15, reserved
//Bit 15: 0, conv_lbuf_len uns, default = 1024, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define OSD1_AFBCD_STATUS ((0x31a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 30:4, reserved
//Bit 3, hreg_dec_resp uns, default = 0 , Decoder error flage from the dec4x4 core
//Bit 2, hreg_axi_bresp uns, default = 0 , Bus error flag for AXI write error
//Bit 1, hreg_axi_rresp uns, default = 0 , Bus error flag for AXI read error
//Bit 0, hreg_idle_n uns, default = 0 , Idle output, value 0 indicates the standalone decoder is free now and can start the next frame.
#define OSD1_AFBCD_PIXEL_HSCOPE ((0x31a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, dec_pixel_bgn_h uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15: 0, dec_pixel_end_h uns, default = 1919 ; // unit: pixel
#define OSD1_AFBCD_PIXEL_VSCOPE ((0x31aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, dec_pixel_bgn_v uns, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15: 0, dec_pixel_end_v uns, default = 1079 ; // unit: pixel
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osd1_afbcd_regs.h
//register definition for osd1 afbcd dec
// 8'hb0-8'hca
// Reading file: vpp_vmx_wm_regs.h
//// synopsys translate_off
//`ifdef VPP_WM_REGS_H
// `define VPP_WM_REGS_H
//// synopsys translate_on
#define WM_CTRL ((0x31b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, int_mask default = 0
//Bit 30:16, reserved
//Bit 15:8, strength_multiply default =1
//Bit 7:6, reserved
//Bit 5, shift_en default = 0
//Bit 4, background_embedding_on default =0
//Bit 3, mark_en default =0
//Bit 2, noise_en default =0
//Bit 1, blend_en default =0
//Bit 0, wm_en default =0
#define WM_SPACE_RESOLUTION ((0x31b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24:16, spacing_horz default =10
//Bit 15:9, reserved
//Bit 8:0, spacing_vert default =12
#define WM_SYMBOLS_NUM ((0x31b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:8, reserved
//Bit 7:4, symbols_cols 1~10; default =5
//Bit 3:0, symbols_rows 1~10; default =2
#define WM_MARK_RESOLUTION ((0x31b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, mark_hsize mark_buffer_width; default =1820
//Bit 19:8, mark_vsize mark_buffer_height; default =1820 t =780
//Bit 7:6, reserved
//Bit 5:0, scale default =13 // scale up
#define WM_FREQ_DIST_LEFT ((0x31b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:0, freq_dist_left default =21092 // frequency_distance [n][0] each is 7bits, there is 3 dist
#define WM_FREQ_DIST_RIGHT ((0x31b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:0, freq_dist_right default =21092 // frequency_distance [n][0] each is 7bits, there is 3 dist
#define WM_FREQ_DIST_TOP ((0x31b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21, reserved
//Bit 20:0, freq_dist_top default =21092 // frequency_distance [n][0] each is 7bits, there is 3 dist
#define WM_SYMBOLS_XPOS ((0x31b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, symbols_xpos_start default =1536 // SYMBOLS_XPOS * h_res
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, symbols_xpos_end default =3356 // SYMBOLS_XPOS * h_res + mark_hsize
#define WM_SYMBOLS_YPOS ((0x31b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, symbols_ypos_start default =756 // SYMBOLS_yPOS * y_res
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, symbols_ypos_end default =1536 // SYMBOLS_yPOS * y_res + mark_vsize
#define WM_STORAGE_SETTING ((0x31b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, direction_max default = 80
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:8, storage_s default =18 // biggest is 72 S
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6:0, storage_max_distance default =36 // biggest is 72 max_distance
#define WM_VIDEO_RESOLUTION ((0x31ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, h_res default =3840 // video hsize
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, v_res default =2160 // video vsize
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD0 ((0x31bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_0 default =48
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_1 default =60
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD1 ((0x31bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_2 default = 68
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_3 default = 80
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD2 ((0x31bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_4 default = 88
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_5 default = 96
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD3 ((0x31be << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_6 default = 100
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_7 default = 108
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD4 ((0x31bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_8 default = 112
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_9 default = 116
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD5 ((0x31c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_10 default = 120
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_11 default = 124
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG0 ((0x31c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_0 default =320
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_1 default = 328
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG1 ((0x31c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_2 default = 332
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_3 default = 340
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG2 ((0x31c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_4 default = 344
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_5 default = 348
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG3 ((0x31c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_6 default = 352
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_7 default = 356
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG4 ((0x31c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_8 default = 360
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_9 default = 368
#define WM_EMBEDDING_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD_BG5 ((0x31c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_10 default = 372
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, embedding_strength_threshold_bg_11 default = 380
#define WM_AM_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x31c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define WM_AM_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x31c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define WM_STATUS_RO ((0x31c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, ro_resolution_changed
//Bit 30:29, reserved
//Bit 30:16, ro_hsize_in
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 8:0, ro_vsize_in
#define WM_STATUS_RAM_RO ((0x31ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:9, reserved
//Bit 8:0, ro_ram_addr
#define WM_THRES_ADDR_PORT ((0x31cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define WM_THRES_DATA_PORT ((0x31cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: vpp_vmx_wm_regs.h
// Reading file: ngptv_reg.h
//// synopsys translate_off
//`ifdef VPP_WM_REGS_H
// `define VPP_WM_REGS_H
//// synopsys translate_on
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL0 ((0x31ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24, bypass_latch
//Bit 23, count_enable deafult=1
//Bit 22, soft_rst
//Bit 21, count_rst
//Bit 20, bypass run
//Bit 19:14, ochannel_sel deafult=0x24
//Bit 13:8, ichannel_sel deafult=0x24
//Bit 3, 8bit mode
//Bit 2, 10bit mode
//Bit 1, reg_sync enable
//Bit 0, bypass
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL1 ((0x31ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7 reserved
//Bit 6 reset sw default=0
//Bit 5:0 gclk_ctrl
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL2 ((0x31ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:8 reserved
//Bit 7 SpareIn
//Bit 6 NG_EnableServiceIn
//Bit 5:4 reserved
//Bit 3 NG_DebugEnableIn
//Bit 2 reserved
//Bit 1 NG_Payload24_56n
//Bit 0 NG_YUVnRGBIn
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL3 ((0x31ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_KeyIn default=0x01ac7f33
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL4 ((0x31cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_PayloadDataIn[31:0] default=0x6789abcd
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL5 ((0x31f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 Reserved
//Bit 25:24 NG_FrameTypeIn default=3
//Bit 23:0 NG_PayloadDataIn default=0x012345
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL6 ((0x31f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_SettingIn[31:0] default=0x18c6318c
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL7 ((0x31f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_SettingIn[63:32] default=0x84210842
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL8 ((0x31f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_SettingIn[95:64] default=0x21084210
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL9 ((0x31f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_SettingIn[127:96] default=0x8c631084
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL10 ((0x31f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 NG_SettingIn[159:128] default=0x84210631
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL11 ((0x31f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 Reserved
//Bit 15:8 NG_FrameRateIn default=0x18
//Bit 7 Reserved
//Bit 6:5 NG_CoreIDIn default=0
//Bit 4:0 NG_SettingIn[165:160] default=0x10
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL12 ((0x31f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 vsize default=0x438
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 hsize default=0x780
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL13 ((0x31f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_vphstart default=0x0
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_vphend default=0x437
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL14 ((0x31f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_3d_right_st default=0x3c0
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL15 ((0x31fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_vpvstart0 default=0x0
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_vpvend0 default=0x437
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL16 ((0x31fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_vpvstart1 default=0
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_vpvend1 default=0
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL17 ((0x31fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_vpvstart2 default=0
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_vpvend2 default=0
#define REG_NGPTV_CTRL18 ((0x31fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 Reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_vpvstart3 default=0
//Bit 16:13 Reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_vpvend3 default=0
#define RO_NGPTV_CTRL19 ((0x31fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 dat_val_in
//Bit 30 in_hold
//Bit 29 out_hold
//Bit 28:16 vcnt
//Bit 15:12 NG_ErrorOut
//Bit 11:0 NG_VersionOut
// Closing file: ngptv_reg.h
// 8'hd0-8hef
// Reading file: bt2020_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//Bit 31:27 for all [31] for all eotf enable,[30] for matrix3x3 enable, [29:27] for eotf_ch0~3
//Bit 17:6 for clock gating
//Bit 5:4 pscale_mode ch2
//Bit 3:2 pscale_mode ch1
//Bit 1:0 pscale_mode ch0
#define VPP_EOTF_CTL ((0x31d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define VPP_EOTF_COEF00_01 ((0x31d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define VPP_EOTF_COEF02_10 ((0x31d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define VPP_EOTF_COEF11_12 ((0x31d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define VPP_EOTF_COEF20_21 ((0x31d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 2:0 coef_rs
#define VPP_EOTF_COEF22_RS ((0x31d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x31d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x31d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_EOTF_3X3_OFST_0 ((0x31d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_EOTF_3X3_OFST_1 ((0x31d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: bt2020_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_partb_reg.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpp_vadj_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// VD1 path
//`define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG 8'h0
//`define VD1_IF0_CANVAS0 8'h1
//`define VD1_IF0_CANVAS1 8'h2
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_X0 8'h3
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_Y0 8'h4
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_X0 8'h5
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 8'h6
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_X1 8'h7
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_Y1 8'h8
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_X1 8'h9
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_Y1 8'ha
//`define VD1_IF0_RPT_LOOP 8'hb
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hc
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'hd
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA1_RPT_PAT 8'he
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT 8'hf
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_PSEL 8'h10
//`define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_PSEL 8'h11
//`define VD1_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'h12
//`define VD1_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'h13
//`define VD1_IF0_AXI_CMD_CNT 8'h14
//`define VD1_IF0_AXI_RDAT_CNT 8'h15
//`define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG3 8'h16
//Bit 31 it true, disable clock, otherwise enable clock
//Bit 30 soft rst bit
//Bit 28 if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 27:24 horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 23 horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 22:21 horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 20 horizontal formatter enable
//Bit 19 if true, always use phase0 while vertical formater, meaning always
// repeat data, no interpolation
//Bit 18 if true, disable vertical formatter chroma repeat last line
//Bit 17 veritcal formatter dont need repeat line on phase0, 1: enable, 0: disable
//Bit 16 veritcal formatter repeat line 0 enable
//Bit 15:12 vertical formatter skip line num at the beginning
//Bit 11:8 vertical formatter initial phase
//Bit 7:1 vertical formatter phase step (3.4)
//Bit 0 vertical formatter enable
//`define VIU_VD1_FMT_CTRL 8'h18 //29'h0
//Bit 27:16 horizontal formatter width
//Bit 11:0 vertical formatter width
//`define VIU_VD1_FMT_W 8'h19 //28'h0
//`define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'h1a
//`define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'h1b
//`define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'h1c
//`define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG2 8'h1d
//`define VD1_IF0_PROT_CNTL 8'h1e
//`define VD1_IF0_URGENT_CTRL 8'h1f
// VD2 path
//`define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG 8'h20
//`define VD2_IF0_CANVAS0 8'h21
//`define VD2_IF0_CANVAS1 8'h22
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_X0 8'h23
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_Y0 8'h24
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_X0 8'h25
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 8'h26
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_X1 8'h27
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_Y1 8'h28
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_X1 8'h29
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_Y1 8'h2a
//`define VD2_IF0_RPT_LOOP 8'h2b
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h2c
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT 8'h2d
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA1_RPT_PAT 8'h2e
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT 8'h2f
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_PSEL 8'h30
//`define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_PSEL 8'h31
//`define VD2_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL 8'h32
//`define VD2_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE 8'h33
//`define VD2_IF0_AXI_CMD_CNT 8'h34
//`define VD2_IF0_AXI_RDAT_CNT 8'h35
//`define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG3 8'h36
//Bit 31 it true, disable clock, otherwise enable clock
//Bit 30 soft rst bit
//Bit 28 if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 27:24 horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 23 horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 22:21 horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 20 horizontal formatter enable
//Bit 17 veritcal formatter dont need repeat line on phase0, 1: enable, 0: disable
//Bit 16 veritcal formatter repeat line 0 enable
//Bit 15:12 vertical formatter skip line num at the beginning
//Bit 11:8 vertical formatter initial phase
//Bit 7:1 vertical formatter phase step (3.4)
//Bit 0 vertical formatter enable
//`define VIU_VD2_FMT_CTRL 8'h38 //29'h0
//Bit 27:16 horizontal formatter width
//Bit 11:0 vertical formatter width
//`define VIU_VD2_FMT_W 8'h39 //28'h0
//`define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y 8'h3a
//`define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB 8'h3b
//`define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR 8'h3c
//`define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG2 8'h3d
//`define VD2_IF0_PROT_CNTL 8'h3e
//`define VD2_IF0_URGENT_CTRL 8'h3f
#define VPP_VADJ1_MISC ((0x3280 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_BLACK_VAL ((0x3281 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_Y ((0x3282 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_MA_MB ((0x3283 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_MC_MD ((0x3284 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_CURV_0 ((0x3285 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_CURV_1 ((0x3286 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_CURV_2 ((0x3287 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ1_CURV_3 ((0x3288 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_RGB_CTRST ((0x3289 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_RGB_BRGHT ((0x328a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_RGB_DLUT_0_3 ((0x328b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_RGB_DLUT_4_7 ((0x328c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_RGB_DLUT_8_11 ((0x328d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3290 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3291 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3292 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3293 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3294 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3295 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3296 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3297 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3298 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3299 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x329a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x329b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x329c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x329d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_MISC ((0x32a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_BLACK_VAL ((0x32a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_Y ((0x32a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_MA_MB ((0x32a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_MC_MD ((0x32a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_CURV_0 ((0x32a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_CURV_1 ((0x32a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_CURV_2 ((0x32a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VADJ2_CURV_3 ((0x32a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_RGB_CTRST ((0x32a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_RGB_BRGHT ((0x32aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_RGB_DLUT_0_3 ((0x32ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_RGB_DLUT_4_7 ((0x32ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_RGB_DLUT_8_11 ((0x32ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x32b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x32b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x32b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x32b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x32b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x32b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x32b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x32b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x32b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x32b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x32ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x32bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x32bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x32bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD1_MATRIX_SAT ((0x32c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_POST_MATRIX_SAT ((0x32c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_vadj_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby1a_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_REG_START ((0x3300 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x33f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x33f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x33f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x33f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x33f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x33f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x33f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_DMA_CTRL ((0x33f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_DMA_STATUS ((0x33fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_STATUS0 ((0x33fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_STATUS1 ((0x33fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_STATUS2 ((0x33fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_STATUS3 ((0x33fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1A_DMA_PORT ((0x33ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby1a_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby2a_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_REG_START ((0x3400 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x3432 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x3433 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x3434 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x3435 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x3436 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x3437 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x3438 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_DMA_CTRL ((0x3439 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_DMA_STATUS ((0x343a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_STATUS0 ((0x343b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_STATUS1 ((0x343c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_STATUS2 ((0x343d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_STATUS3 ((0x343e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_DMA_PORT ((0x343f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_AXI2DMA_CTRL0 ((0x3440 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_AXI2DMA_CTRL1 ((0x3441 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_AXI2DMA_CTRL2 ((0x3442 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2A_AXI2DMA_CTRL3 ((0x3443 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby2a_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "dolby2b_regs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby3_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE3_REG_START ((0x3600 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x36f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x36f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x36f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x36f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x36f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x36f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x36f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL6 ((0x36f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL7 ((0x36f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL8 ((0x36f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_SWAP_CTRL9 ((0x36fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_STATUS0 ((0x36fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_STATUS1 ((0x36fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_STATUS2 ((0x36fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE3_STATUS3 ((0x36fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby3_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_madc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// 0x00-0x28
// Reading file: nr4_nm_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR4_MCNR_SAD_GAIN ((0x3700 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25 reserved
//Bit 24 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_usemaxsad // unsigned , default = 0 use minsad/maxsad instead of minsad/avgsad to decision if it was texture or flat region, 1: use minsad/maxsad
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_rate_gain // unsigned , default = 64 gain to minsad/maxsad or minsad/avgsad before LUT, 64 normalized as "1"
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_rate_gain // unsigned , default = 32 gain to minsad/maxsad or minsad/avgsad before the LUT, 64 normalized as"1"
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_gain // unsigned , default = 64 gain to final coefblt, normalized 64 as "1"
#define NR4_MCNR_LPF_CTRL ((0x3701 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:22 reg_nr4_preflt_alpofst // signed , default = 0 pre filter alpha ofst
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_preflt_alpgain // unsigned , default = 16 pre filter alpha gain
//Bit 15:14 reg_nr4_preflt_alpsel // unsigned , default = 3 pre filter alpha selection for adaptive blending, 0: mv pointed sad, 1: weighted mv pointed sad, 2or3: coefblt
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_avgsad_gain // unsigned , default = 8 gain for avg sad before luts
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6 reg_nr4_maxsad_mod // unsigned , default = 1 max sad select mode, 0: mx2_sad, 1: max sad
//Bit 5 reg_nr4_minsad_mod // unsigned , default = 1 min sad select mode, 0: sad with min err, 1: min sad
//Bit 4 reg_nr4_minmaxsad_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 mode of lpf for minmaxsad, 0: no LPF, 1: [1 2 1]/4
//Bit 3 reg_nr4_avgsad_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 mode of lpf for avgsad, 0: no LPF, 1: [1 2 1]/4
//Bit 2 reg_nr4_minavgsad_ratio_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 mode of lpf for minsad/avgsad and zmvsad/avgsad, 0: no LPF, 1: [1 2 1]/4
//Bit 1 reg_nr4_bldvs_lut_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 mode of lpf for bld12vs3 and bld1vs2 LUT results, 0: no LPF, 1: [1 2 1]/4
//Bit 0 reg_nr4_final_coef_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 mode of lpf for final coef_blt_blend123, 0: no LPF, 1: [1 2 1]/4
#define NR4_MCNR_BLD_VS3LUT0 ((0x3702 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut0 // unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut1 // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut2 // unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut3 // unsigned , default = 11
#define NR4_MCNR_BLD_VS3LUT1 ((0x3703 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut4 // unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut5 // unsigned , default = 14
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut6 // unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut7 // unsigned , default = 24
#define NR4_MCNR_BLD_VS3LUT2 ((0x3704 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut8 // unsigned , default = 50
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut9 // unsigned , default = 58
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut10 // unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bld12vs3_lut11 // unsigned , default = 63
#define NR4_MCNR_BLD_VS2LUT0 ((0x3705 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut0 // unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut1 // unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut2 // unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut3 // unsigned , default = 8
#define NR4_MCNR_BLD_VS2LUT1 ((0x3706 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut4 // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut5 // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut6 // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nr4_bld1vs2_lut7 // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT10 ((0x3707 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut10 // signed , default = -128
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut11 // signed , default = -128
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut12 // signed , default = -126
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut13 // signed , default = -124
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT11 ((0x3708 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut14 // signed , default = -120
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut15 // signed , default = -110
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut16 // signed , default = -100
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut17 // signed , default = -90
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT12 ((0x3709 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut18 // signed , default = -56
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut19 // signed , default = -32
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut110 // signed , default = -64
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut111 // signed , default = -128
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT20 ((0x370a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut20 // signed , default = -128
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut21 // signed , default = -120
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut22 // signed , default = -112
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut23 // signed , default = -104
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT21 ((0x370b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut24 // signed , default = -96
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut25 // signed , default = -88
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut26 // signed , default = -76
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut27 // signed , default = -64
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT22 ((0x370c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut28 // signed , default = -48
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut29 // signed , default = -32
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut210 // signed , default = -64
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut211 // signed , default = -108
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT30 ((0x370d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut30 // signed , default = 8
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut31 // signed , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut32 // signed , default = 24
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut33 // signed , default = 30
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT31 ((0x370e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut34 // signed , default = 36
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut35 // signed , default = 48
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut36 // signed , default = 70
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut37 // signed , default = 96
#define NR4_COEFBLT_LUT32 ((0x370f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut38 // signed , default = 120
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut39 // signed , default = 64
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut310 // signed , default = 16
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_lut311 // signed , default = -8
#define NR4_COEFBLT_CONV ((0x3710 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_coefblt_convmin // unsigned , default = 0 minimum of coef. bilateral conversion
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_coefblt_convmax // unsigned , default = 255 maximum of coef. bilateral conversion
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_coefblt_convmid // unsigned , default = 128 value at midpoint of coef. bilateral conversion
#define NR4_DBGWIN_YX0 ((0x3711 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_dgbwin_yx0 // unsigned , default = 100 ystart for debug window
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_dgbwin_yx1 // unsigned , default = 160 yend for debug window
#define NR4_DBGWIN_YX1 ((0x3712 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_dgbwin_yx2 // unsigned , default = 200 xstart for debug window
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_dgbwin_yx3 // unsigned , default = 300 xend for debug window
#define NR4_NM_X_CFG ((0x3713 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_nm_xst // unsigned , default = 8 start for noise meter statistic, dft = 8
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_nm_xed // unsigned , default = 711 end for noise meter statistic, dft = HSIZE-8-1;
#define NR4_NM_Y_CFG ((0x3714 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:16 reg_nr4_nm_yst // unsigned , default = 8 start for noise meter statistic, dft = 8;
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_nr4_nm_yed // unsigned , default = 231 end for noise meter statistic, dft = VSIZE-8-1;
#define NR4_NM_SAD_THD ((0x3715 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_nm_sad_thd // unsigned , default = 255 threshold for (flat region) sad count, dft = 4
#define NR4_MCNR_BANDSPLIT_PRAM ((0x3716 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_nr4_mc_use_bandsplit // unsigned , default = 1 separate lp and us for mc IIR filter, 0: no BS used; 1: use BS
//Bit 3 reg_nr4_mc_apply_on_lp // unsigned , default = 1 use mcnr only on lowpass portion;
//Bit 2 reg_nr4_mc_apply_on_us // unsigned , default = 1 use mcnr only on lp complimentary portion;
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nr4_mc_zmvbs_use_adplpf // unsigned , default = 1 use adapptive LPF for the zmv pointing data for MCNR, for abs(mvx)<th
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_SGN_COR ((0x3717 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_coring0 // unsigned , default = 10 coring to cur-pre before do sgn decision
//Bit 23:16 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_coring1 // unsigned , default = 7 coring to cur-pre before do sgn decision
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_core_max0 // unsigned , default = 90 maximum of coring, default = 30/15
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_core_max1 // unsigned , default = 15 maximum of coring, default = 30/15
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_SGN_PRAM ((0x3718 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11 reserved
//Bit 10 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_half // unsigned , default = 1 half block sgn sum mode enable, 0: only use 3x5 whole block sum of sgns; 1: use max(sgn_3x5, sqrt(sgn_left+sgn_righ))
//Bit 9 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_frczmv // unsigned , default = 1 force zmv to calculate the sign_sum;
//Bit 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgnmvx_mode // unsigned , default = 1 blend mode of sgnlut and mvxlut blend mode: 0: sgnlut+ mvxlut; 1: max(sgnlut, mvxlut), default =1
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_crate0 // unsigned , default = 4 rate to var, norm to 16 as 1, default = 2
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_aph1_sgn_crate1 // unsigned , default = 2 rate to var, norm to 16 as 1, default = 2
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_MVX_LUT1 ((0x3719 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty3 // unsigned , default = 14 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc3 // unsigned , default = 14 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty2 // unsigned , default = 12 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc2 // unsigned , default = 12 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty1 // unsigned , default = 5 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc1 // unsigned , default = 5 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty0 // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc0 // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_MVX_LUT2 ((0x371a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty7 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc7 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty6 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc6 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty5 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc5 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty4 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc4 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_MVX_LUT3 ((0x371b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_luty8 // unsigned , default = 6 alp1 of luma vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_mvx_lutc8 // unsigned , default = 6 alp1 of chrm vas mvx(0~7), and alp1 vs mvy(0,1)
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_LP_PRAM ((0x371c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_lp_sel // unsigned , default = 1 mode for alp1_lp for lp portion IIR, 0: apha1, 1:dc_dif vs ac analysis; 2: gain/ofst of alp1; 3: max of #1/#2 results
//Bit 15: 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_lp_gain // unsigned , default = 64 gain to alp1 to get the alp1_lp = alp1*gain/32 + ofset, default =64;
//Bit 7: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_lp_ofst // signed , default = 0 offset to alp1 to get the alp1_lp = alp1*gain/32 + ofset, default =10;
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_SGN_LUT1 ((0x371d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut0 // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut1 // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut2 // unsigned , default = 3 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut3 // unsigned , default = 4 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut4 // unsigned , default = 5 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut5 // unsigned , default = 6 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut6 // unsigned , default = 7 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut7 // unsigned , default = 8 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
#define NR4_MCNR_ALP1_SGN_LUT2 ((0x371e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut8 // unsigned , default = 9 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 27:24 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut9 // unsigned , default = 10 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 23:20 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut10 // unsigned , default = 11 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 19:16 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut11 // unsigned , default = 12 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 15:12 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut12 // unsigned , default = 13 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut13 // unsigned , default = 14 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut14 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nr4_mc_alp1_sgn_lut15 // unsigned , default = 15 alp1 vs x=abs|sgn(cur-pre)|, if x is small, less possibility of flat region move
#define NR4_RO_NM_SAD_SUM ((0x371f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_nm_sad_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of sad, for scene change detectcion, in noise meter
#define NR4_RO_NM_SAD_CNT ((0x3720 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_nm_sad_cnt // unsigned , default = 0 cnt of sad, for scene change detectcion, in noise meter
#define NR4_RO_NM_VAR_SUM ((0x3721 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_nm_var_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of var, for noise level detection, in noise meter
#define NR4_RO_NM_VAR_SCNT ((0x3722 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_nm_var_cnt // unsigned , default = 0 cnt of var, for noise level detection, in noise meter
#define NR4_RO_NM_VAR_MIN_MAX ((0x3723 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:12 ro_nr4_nm_min_var // unsigned , default = 1023 min of var, for noise level detection, in noise meter
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 ro_nr4_nm_max_var // unsigned , default = 0 max of var, for noise level detection, in noise meter
#define NR4_RO_NR4_DBGPIX_NUM ((0x3724 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27: 0 ro_nr4_dbgpix_num // unsigned , default = 0 number of pixels statistic invoved (removed?)
#define NR4_RO_NR4_BLDVS2_SUM ((0x3725 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_bld1vs2_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of blend_1vs2 with the debug window
#define NR4_BLDVS3_SUM ((0x3726 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_bld12vs3_sum // unsigned , default = 0 sum of blend_12vs3 with the debug window
#define NR4_COEF12_SUM ((0x3727 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_coef12_sum // signed , default = 0 sum of coef_blt_blend12 with the debug window, under 8 bits precision
#define NR4_COEF123_SUM ((0x3728 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 ro_nr4_coef123_sum // signed , default = 0 sum of coef_final with the debug window, under 8 bits precision
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nr4_nm_regs.h
// 0x30-0x33
// Reading file: vpu_xlr_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define XLR_CTRL ((0x3730 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23 reserved
//Bit 22 reg_xlr_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable bits for xlr function, 1: enable, 0: disable default = 1
//Bit 21 reg_xlr_side_en // unsigned , default = 1 enable to filter the above and below lines with xlr filter, default = 1
//Bit 20 reg_xlr_3lines // unsigned , default = 1 3 lines version enable default= 0
//Bit 19:16 reg_xlr_simlp_gain // unsigned , default = 12 gain to simlp to decide if need the XLR, default= 12
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_xlr_ooplp_gain // unsigned , default = 6 gain to out-of-phase lp error to decide if need the XLR, birn to 16 as 1, default= 3
//Bit 7: 0 reg_xlr_dislp_thrd // unsigned , default = 64 threshold to lp error to discard XLR. default= 80
#define XLR_THRD ((0x3731 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:24 reg_xlr_txt_core // unsigned , default = 3 coring to texture default = 3, (3/32)
//Bit 23:16 reg_xlr_err_thrd2 // unsigned , default = 5 threshold to error to decide blending coef, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1.0, defaut= {20, 10, 5}
//Bit 15: 8 reg_xlr_err_thrd1 // unsigned , default = 10 threshold to error to decide blending coef, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1.0, defaut= {20, 10, 5}
//Bit 7: 0 reg_xlr_err_thrd0 // unsigned , default = 20 threshold to error to decide blending coef, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1.0, defaut= {20, 10, 5}
#define XLR_HCT_THRD ((0x3732 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 reg_xlr_hct_step // unsigned , default = 1 horizontal chroma diff steps, 0: abs[-1 (2) -1]; 1: abs[-1 0 (2) 0 -1], 2: abs[-1 0 0 (2) 0 0 -1]; 3:abs[-1 0 0 0 (2) 0 0 0 -1]
//Bit 25:24 reg_xlr_hct_lpf // unsigned , default = 1 horizontal chroma diff low-pass filter enable, 0: no HLPF; 1: [1 2 1]; 2: max[-1:1]; 3: max[-2:2]
//Bit 23:16 reg_xlr_hct_thr // unsigned , default = 20 horizontal chroma diff threshold for xlr enable, to save the horozontal no color tran mode
//Bit 15: 8 reg_xlr_sat_thr // unsigned , default = 8 saturation threshold for xlr enable, the smaller of the threshold , the more will do xlr;
//Bit 7: 2 reg_xlr_hmargin // unsigned , default = 3 left/right number of pixels without xlr;
//Bit 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_xlr_hpf_only // unsigned , default = 0 enable for only do xlr filter on high pass portion of the data, instead full data
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_xlr_regs.h
// 0x38-0x3f
// Reading file: nr_deband_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x3738 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1 // unsigned , default = 0 0 : no reset seed 1: reload chroma seed
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0 // unsigned , default = 0 0 : no reset seed 1: reload luma seed
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 0 : yuv 1: RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define NR_DB_FLT_YC_THRD ((0x3739 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 9 threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 27:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 7 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 23:20 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 6 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 19:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 5 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 9 threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 11: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 7 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 7: 4 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 6 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 3: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 5 elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define NR_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x373a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdeband_randslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdeband_randslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdeband_randslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdeband_randslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_randslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdeband_randslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdeband_randslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_randslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
#define NR_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x373b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define NR_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x373c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define NR_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x373d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define NR_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x373e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define NR_DB_FLT_SEED3 ((0x373f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed3 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nr_deband_regs.h
// 0x40-0x43
// Reading file: nr_downscale_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define NR_DS_BUF_SIZE ((0x3740 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 dsbuf_rowmax // unsigned , default = 96
//Bit 23:16 dsbuf_colmax // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 15: 8 dsbuf_orow // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 7: 0 dsbuf_ocol // unsigned , default = 128
#define NR_DS_CTRL ((0x3741 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_h_step // unsigned , default = 8 rand lut0
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_v_step // unsigned , default = 8 rand lut0
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_haa_sel // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_vaa_sel // unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_use_hphase // unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_yuv_bldmode // unsigned , default = 0
#define NR_DS_OFFSET ((0x3742 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_h_ofst // signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_v_ofst // signed , default = 0
#define NR_DS_BLD_COEF ((0x3743 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_yuv_bldcoef2 // unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 15: 8 reg_yuv_bldcoef1 // unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0 reg_yuv_bldcoef0 // unsigned , default = 64
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: nr_downscale_regs.h
// 0x44-0xbf
// Reading file: di_scale_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DI_SCO_FIFO_CTRL ((0x374e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_TOP_CTRL ((0x374f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// dummy data used in the DI preblend and scaler
// Bit 23:16 Y
// Bit 15:8 CB
// Bit 7:0 CR
#define DI_SC_DUMMY_DATA ((0x3750 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//input line length used in DI
#define DI_SC_LINE_IN_LENGTH ((0x3751 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//input Picture height used in DI
#define DI_SC_PIC_IN_HEIGHT ((0x3752 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 13 if true, vertical separated coef enable
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8:7 type of index, 00: vertical coef, 01: vertical chroma coef: 10: horizontal coef, 11: resevered
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define DI_SC_COEF_IDX ((0x3753 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
#define DI_SC_COEF ((0x3754 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//these following registers are the absolute line address pointer for output divided screen
//The output divided screen is shown in the following:
// -------------------------- <------ line zero
// .
// .
// . region0 <---------- nonlinear region or nonscaling region
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region1_startp
// .
// . region1 <---------- nonlinear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region2_startp
// .
// . region2 <---------- linear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region3_startp
// .
// . region3 <---------- nonlinear region
// .
// .
// ---------------------------
// --------------------------- <------ region4_startp
// .
// . region4 <---------- nonlinear region or nonoscaling region
// .
// .
// --------------------------- <------ region4_endp
//Bit 28:16 region1 startp
//Bit 12:0 region2 startp
#define DI_VSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x3755 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region3 startp
//Bit 12:0 region4 startp
#define DI_VSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x3756 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x3757 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical start phase step, (source/dest)*(2^24)
//Bit 27:24 integer part
//Bit 23:0 fraction part
#define DI_VSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x3758 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region0 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_VSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3759 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region1 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_VSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x375a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region3 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_VSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x375b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler region4 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_VSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x375c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 18:17 double line mode, input/output line width of vscaler becomes 2X,
// so only 2 line buffer in this case, use for 3D line by line interleave scaling
// bit1 true, double the input width and half input height, bit0 true, change line buffer 2 lines instead of 4 lines
//Bit 16 0: progressive output, 1: interlace output
//Bit 15 vertical scaler output line0 in advance or not for bottom field
//Bit 14:13 vertical scaler initial repeat line0 number for bottom field
//Bit 11:8 vertical scaler initial receiving number for bottom field
//Bit 7 vertical scaler output line0 in advance or not for top field
//Bit 6:5 vertical scaler initial repeat line0 number for top field
//Bit 3:0 vertical scaler initial receiving number for top field
#define DI_VSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x375d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 vertical scaler field initial phase for bottom field
//Bit 15:0 vertical scaler field initial phase for top field
#define DI_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x375e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region1 startp
//Bit 12:0 region2 startp
#define DI_HSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x3760 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 region3 startp
//Bit 12:0 region4 startp
#define DI_HSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x3761 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x3762 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal start phase step, (source/dest)*(2^24)
//Bit 27:24 integer part
//Bit 23:0 fraction part
#define DI_HSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x3763 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region0 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_HSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3764 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region1 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_HSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3765 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region3 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_HSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3766 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler region4 phase slope, Bit24 signed bit
#define DI_HSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3767 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22:21 horizontal scaler initial repeat pixel0 number0
//Bit 19:16 horizontal scaler initial receiving number0
//Bit 15:0 horizontal scaler top field initial phase0
#define DI_HSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x3768 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Bit 31 if false, di_scale swap layer bypass
// bit 30 if true, scale before diwr, else scaler before nrwr
// Bit 22 if true, divide VSC line length 2 as the HSC input length, othwise VSC length length is the same as the VSC line length,
// just for special usage, more flexibility
// Bit 21 if true, prevsc uses lin buffer, otherwise prevsc does not use line buffer, it should be same as prevsc_en
// Bit 20 prehsc_en
// Bit 19 prevsc_en
// Bit 18 vsc_en
// Bit 17 hsc_en
// Bit 16 scale_top_en
// Bit 15 video1 scale out enable
// Bit 12 if true, region0,region4 are nonlinear regions, otherwise they are not scaling regions, for horizontal scaler
// Bit 10:8 horizontal scaler bank length
// Bit 5, vertical scaler phase field mode, if true, disable the opposite parity line output, more bandwith needed if output 1080i
// Bit 4 if true, region0,region4 are nonlinear regions, otherwise they are not scaling regions, for vertical scaler
// Bit 2:0 vertical scaler bank length
#define DI_SC_MISC ((0x3769 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HSC_PHASE_CTRL1 ((0x376a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x376b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_GCLK_CTRL ((0x376c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_HOLD_LINE ((0x376d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR_IN_HSIZE ((0x376e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR_IN_VSIZE ((0x376f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR_OFFSET 0x70
#define DI_HDR2_CTRL ((0x3770 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x3771 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x3772 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x3773 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x3774 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x3775 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x3776 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x3777 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x3778 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x3779 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x377a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x377b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x377c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x377d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x377e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x377f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x3780 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x3781 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x3782 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x3783 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x3784 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x3785 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3786 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x3787 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3788 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3789 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x378a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x378b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x378c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x378e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x378f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3790 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3791 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3792 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3793 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x3794 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x3795 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3796 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3797 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x3798 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x3799 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x379a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x379b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x379c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x379d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x379e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x379f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x37a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x37a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x37a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x37a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x37a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x37a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x37a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x37a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x37a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x37a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x37aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x37ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x37ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x37ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x37ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x37af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x378d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_WIDTHM1 ((0x37b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x37b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_CTRL ((0x37b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x37b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_COEF ((0x37b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_VIU_HSC_COEF_IDX ((0x37b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_PREHSC_COEF ((0x37b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_PRE_SCALE_CTRL ((0x37ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_PREVSC_COEF ((0x37bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SC_PREHSC_COEF1 ((0x37bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_CTRL ((0x3744 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_1 ((0x3745 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_2 ((0x3746 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_3 ((0x3747 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_4 ((0x3748 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_5 ((0x3749 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_6 ((0x374a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_7 ((0x374b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_8 ((0x374c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_9 ((0x374d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_10 ((0x37b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_11 ((0x37b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_DITH_LUT_12 ((0x37b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_scale_regs.h
//0x29-0x2f 0x34-0x37 0xc0~0xff
// Reading file: di_arb_sub_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_MODE ((0x37c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x37c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x37c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x37c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_UGT ((0x37c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDARB_LIMT0 ((0x37c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_WRARB_MODE ((0x37c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_WRARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x37c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_WRARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x37c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_WRARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x37c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_WRARB_UGT ((0x37ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_RDWR_ARB_STATUS ((0x37cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_ARB_DBG_CTRL ((0x37cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DI_SUB_ARB_DBG_STAT ((0x37cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_CTRL1 ((0x37d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_CTRL2 ((0x37d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_SCOPE_X ((0x37d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_SCOPE_Y ((0x37d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_RO_STAT ((0x37d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_CTRL1 ((0x37d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_CTRL2 ((0x37d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_SCOPE_X ((0x37d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_SCOPE_Y ((0x37d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_RO_STAT ((0x37d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_CTRL1 ((0x37da << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_CTRL2 ((0x37db << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_SCOPE_X ((0x37dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_SCOPE_Y ((0x37dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_RO_STAT ((0x37de << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_CTRL1 ((0x37df << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_CTRL2 ((0x37e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_SCOPE_X ((0x37e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_SCOPE_Y ((0x37e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_RO_STAT ((0x37e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_CTRL1 ((0x37e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_CTRL2 ((0x37e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_SCOPE_X ((0x37e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_SCOPE_Y ((0x37e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_RO_STAT ((0x37e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_X ((0x37e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_Y ((0x37ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_CTRL ((0x37eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_CAN_SIZE ((0x37ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_X ((0x37ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_Y ((0x37ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_CTRL ((0x37ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_CAN_SIZE ((0x37f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_X ((0x37f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_Y ((0x37f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_CTRL ((0x37f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_CAN_SIZE ((0x37f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_X ((0x37f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_Y ((0x37f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_CTRL ((0x37f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_CAN_SIZE ((0x37f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_X ((0x37f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_Y ((0x37fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_CTRL ((0x37fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_CAN_SIZE ((0x37fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTRD_BADDR ((0x3729 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONT2RD_BADDR ((0x372a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNRD_BADDR ((0x372b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECRD_BADDR ((0x372c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFRD_BADDR ((0x372d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_BADDR ((0x3734 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define CONTWR_STRIDE ((0x3735 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_BADDR ((0x3736 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MTNWR_STRIDE ((0x3737 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_BADDR ((0x372e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCVECWR_STRIDE ((0x372f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_BADDR ((0x37ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define MCINFWR_STRIDE ((0x37cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_BADDR ((0x37fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define NRDSWR_STRIDE ((0x37fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: di_arb_sub_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_madc_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_hdr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define VD1_HDR2_OFFSET 0x00
#define VD2_HDR2_OFFSET 0x50
#define OSD1_HDR2_OFFSET 0xa0
//`include "hdr2_top_reg.h"
//vd1 0x00 - -x35
#define VD1_HDR2_CTRL ((0x3800 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x3801 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x3802 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x3803 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x3804 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x3805 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x3806 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x3807 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x3808 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x3809 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x380a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x380b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x380c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x380d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x380e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x380f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x3810 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x3811 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x3812 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x3813 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x3814 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x3815 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3816 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x3817 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3818 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3819 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x381a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x381b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x381c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x381e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x381f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3820 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3821 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3822 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3823 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x3824 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x3825 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3826 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3827 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x3828 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x3829 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x382a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x382b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x382c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x382d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x382e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x382f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x3830 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x3831 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x3832 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x3833 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x3834 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x3835 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x3836 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x3837 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x3838 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x3839 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x383a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x383b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x383c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x383d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x383e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x383f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x381d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vd2 0x50 - 0x85
#define VD2_HDR2_CTRL ((0x3850 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x3851 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x3852 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x3853 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x3854 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x3855 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x3856 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x3857 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x3858 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x3859 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x385a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x385b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x385c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x385d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x385e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x385f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x3860 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x3861 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x3862 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x3863 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x3864 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x3865 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3866 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x3867 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3868 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3869 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x386a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x386b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x386c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x386e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x386f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3870 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3871 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3872 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3873 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x3874 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x3875 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x3876 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x3877 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x3878 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x3879 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x387a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x387b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x387c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x387d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x387e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x387f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x3880 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x3881 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x3882 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x3883 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x3884 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x3885 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x3886 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x3887 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x3888 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x3889 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x388a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x388b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x388c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x388d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x388e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x388f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x386d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// vd3 to do, use correct register addrss
#define VD3_HDR2_CTRL ((0x5930 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x5931 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x5932 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x5933 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x5934 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x5935 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x5936 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x5937 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x5938 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x5939 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x593a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x593b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x593c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x593d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x593e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x593f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x5940 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x5941 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x5942 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x5943 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x5944 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x5945 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5946 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x5947 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5948 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5949 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x594a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x594b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x594c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_RD_2 ((0x594d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x594e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x594f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5950 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5951 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5952 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5953 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x5954 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x5955 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5956 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5957 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x5958 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x5959 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x595a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x595b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x595c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x595d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x595e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x595f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x5960 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x5961 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x5962 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x5963 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x5964 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x5965 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x5966 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x5967 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x5968 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x5969 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x596a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x596b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x596c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x596d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x596e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x596f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// end of vd3 part for t7
//osd1 0xa0 - 0xd5
#define OSD1_HDR2_CTRL ((0x38a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x38a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x38a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x38a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x38a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x38a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x38a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x38a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x38a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x38a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x38aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x38ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x38ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x38ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x38ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x38af << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x38b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x38b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x38b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x38b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x38b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x38b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x38b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x38b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x38b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x38b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x38ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x38bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x38bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x38be << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x38bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x38c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x38c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x38c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x38c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x38c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x38c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x38c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x38c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x38c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x38c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x38ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x38cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x38cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x38cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x38ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x38cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x38d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x38d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x38d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x38d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x38d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x38d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x38d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x38d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x38d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x38d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x38da << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x38db << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x38dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x38dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x38de << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x38df << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD1_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x38bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_hdr2_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_misc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpp_vd2_mat_3x3_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3901 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3902 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3903 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3904 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3905 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3906 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3907 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3908 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3909 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x390a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_VD2_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x390b << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_vd2_mat_3x3_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_osd1_mat_3x5_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3910 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef00 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef01 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3911 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef02 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef10 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3912 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef11 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef12 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3913 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef20 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef21 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3914 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef22 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3915 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef13 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef14 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3916 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef23 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef24 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3917 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef15 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef25 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3918 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:8 comp_thrd0 // signed ,default == 0, mat clip enable
//Bit 7:5 conv_rs // unsigned ,default == 0, mat rs
//Bit 4:3 clmod // unsigned ,default == 0, mat clmod
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3919 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x391a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x391b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 pre_offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x391c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD1_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x391d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_osd1_mat_3x5_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_osd2_mat_3x5_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3920 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef00 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef01 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3921 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef02 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef10 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3922 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef11 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef12 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3923 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef20 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef21 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3924 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef22 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3925 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef13 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef14 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3926 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef23 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef24 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3927 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef15 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef25 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3928 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:8 comp_thrd0 // signed ,default == 0, mat clip enable
//Bit 7:5 conv_rs // unsigned ,default == 0, mat rs
//Bit 4:3 clmod // unsigned ,default == 0, mat clmod
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3929 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x392a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x392b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 pre_offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x392c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_OSD2_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x392d << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_osd2_mat_3x5_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_vd2_scale_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VD2_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x3933 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_SCALE_COEF ((0x3934 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x3935 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x3936 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x3937 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x3938 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3939 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x393a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x393b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x393c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x393d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x393e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x393f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x3940 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x3941 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x3942 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3943 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3944 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3945 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x3946 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x3947 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_SC_MISC ((0x3948 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_SCO_FIFO_CTRL ((0x3949 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_PHASE_CTRL1 ((0x394a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x394b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_SC_GCLK_CTRL ((0x394c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_PREHSC_COEF ((0x394d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_PRE_SCALE_CTRL ((0x394e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_PREVSC_COEF ((0x394f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_PREHSC_COEF1 ((0x3950 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_vd2_scale_regs.h
#define VPP_PRE_BLEND_CTRL ((0x3960 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:20 hold_lines //unsigned , default = 8'h4
//Bit 19:2 reserved
//Bit 1 :0 gclk_ctrl //unsigned , default = 2'd0
#define VPP_PRE_BLEND_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA ((0x3961 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 blend0_dummy_data_y //unsigned , default = 8'h10
//Bit 15:8 blend0_dummy_data_cb //unsigned , default = 8'h80
//Bit 7:0 blend0_dummy_data_cr //unsigned , default = 8'h0
#define VPP_PRE_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA ((0x3962 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 blend1_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8 :0 blend0_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
#define VPP_PRE_BLEND_RO_CURRENT_XY ((0x3963 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_blend_current_xy //unsigned , default = 32'h0
#define VPP_PRE_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA1 ((0x3964 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 blend1_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8 :0 blend0_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
#define VPP_POST_BLEND_CTRL ((0x3967 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:20 hold_lines //unsigned , default = 8'h4
//Bit 19:2 reserved
//Bit 1 :0 gclk_ctrl //unsigned , default = 2'd0
#define VPP_POST_BLEND_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA ((0x3968 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 blend0_dummy_data_y //unsigned , default = 8'h10
//Bit 15:8 blend0_dummy_data_cb //unsigned , default = 8'h80
//Bit 7:0 blend0_dummy_data_cr //unsigned , default = 8'h0
#define VPP_POST_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA ((0x3969 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 blend1_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8 :0 blend0_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
#define VPP_POST_BLEND_RO_CURRENT_XY ((0x396a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_blend_current_xy //unsigned , default = 32'h0
#define VPP_POST_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA1 ((0x396b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 blend1_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 15:9 reserved
//Bit 8 :0 blend0_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
#define VPP_AFBC_RDARB_MODE ((0x3970 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_AFBC_RDARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x3971 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_AFBC_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x3972 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_AFBC_RDWR_ARB_STATUS ((0x3973 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_AFBC_ARB_DBG_CTRL ((0x3974 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_AFBC_ARB_DBG_STAT ((0x3975 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_RDARB_MODE ((0x3978 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_RDARB_REQEN_SLV ((0x3979 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_RDARB_WEIGH0_SLV ((0x397a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_RDARB_WEIGH1_SLV ((0x397b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_RDWR_ARB_STATUS ((0x397c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_ARB_DBG_CTRL ((0x397e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_ARB_DBG_STAT ((0x397f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//ox80-0x9f & 0xe0-0xef
// Reading file: vpu_primesl_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define PRIMESL_LUTC_ADDR_PORT ((0x3980 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_LUTC_DATA_PORT ((0x3981 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_LUTP_ADDR_PORT ((0x3982 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_LUTP_DATA_PORT ((0x3983 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_LUTD_ADDR_PORT ((0x3984 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_LUTD_DATA_PORT ((0x3985 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define PRIMESL_CTRL0 ((0x3990 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 legacy_mode_en // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0
//Bit 28 clip_en // unsigned , default = 1 = 'h0
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:16 inv_chroma_ratio // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14: 4 inv_y_ratio // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 3 reg_gclk_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 2: 1 gclk_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 0 primesl_en // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL1 ((0x3991 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 l_headroom // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 footroom // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL2 ((0x3992 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 c_headroom // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL3 ((0x3993 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 mub // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15: 0 mua // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL4 ((0x3994 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 oct_7_1 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 oct_7_0 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL5 ((0x3995 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 oct_7_3 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 oct_7_2 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL6 ((0x3996 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 oct_7_5 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 oct_7_4 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL7 ((0x3997 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 oct_7_6 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL8 ((0x3998 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 d_lut_threshold_3_1 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 d_lut_threshold_3_0 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL9 ((0x3999 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 d_lut_threshold_3_2 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL10 ((0x399a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15:12 d_lut_step_4_3 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 11: 8 d_lut_step_4_2 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 7: 4 d_lut_step_4_1 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 3: 0 d_lut_step_4_0 // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL11 ((0x399b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 rgb2yuv_9_0 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 rgb2yuv_9_1 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL12 ((0x399c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 rgb2yuv_9_2 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 rgb2yuv_9_3 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL13 ((0x399d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 rgb2yuv_9_4 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 rgb2yuv_9_5 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL14 ((0x399e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 rgb2yuv_9_6 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 rgb2yuv_9_7 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL15 ((0x399f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 rgb2yuv_9_8 // signed , default = 0 = 'h0,
#define PRIMESL_CTRL16 ((0x39e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30 byp_s_lut // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 29 byp_d_lut // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 28 byp_mat // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 27 rgb_swap // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 26:24 uv_shift // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 23:22 rgb_shift // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 21:20 rgb_clip // unsigned , default = 3 = 'h3,
//Bit 19:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 rgb_rs // unsigned , default = 0 = 'h0,
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 0 reg_s // signed , default = 1024 = 'h1024,
#define PRIMESL_OMAT_OFFSET0 ((0x39e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 pre_offset0 // unsigned , default = 512 = 'h512
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 pre_offset1 // unsigned , default = 512 = 'h512
#define PRIMESL_OMAT_OFFSET1 ((0x39e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 pre_offset2 // unsigned , default = 512 = 'h512
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 offset0 // unsigned , default = 256 = 'h256
#define PRIMESL_OMAT_OFFSET2 ((0x39e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 offset1 // unsigned , default = 2048 = 'h2048
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 offset2 // unsigned , default = 2048 = 'h2048
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_primesl_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_post2_mat_3x5_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x39a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef00 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef01 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x39a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef02 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef10 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x39a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef11 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef12 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x39a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef20 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef21 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x39a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef22 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x39a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef13 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef14 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x39a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef23 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef24 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x39a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 coef15 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 coef25 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x39a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:8 comp_thrd0 // signed ,default == 0, mat clip enable
//Bit 7:5 conv_rs // unsigned ,default == 0, mat rs
//Bit 4:3 clmod // unsigned ,default == 0, mat clmod
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x39a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x39aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x39ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 pre_offset0 //signed , default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset1 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x39ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 pre_offset2 //signed , default = 0
#define VPP_POST2_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x39ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_post2_mat_3x5_regs.h
// Reading file: osd_blend_reg.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_CTRL ((0x39b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 hold_lines //unsigned , default = 3'h0
//Bit 28:27 blend2_premult_en //unsigned , default = 2'h3
//Bit 26 din0_byp_blend //unsigned , default = 1'h1
//Bit 25 din2_osd_sel //unsigned , default = 1'h1
//Bit 24 din3_osd_sel //unsigned , default = 1'h1
//Bit 23:20 blend_din_en //unsigned , default = 4'h5
//Bit 19:16 din_premult_en //unsigned , default = 4'h0
//Bit 15:0 din_reoder_sel //unsigned , default = 16'h2341
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_CTRL1 ((0x39c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:6 reserved
//Bit 5:4 reg_alp_mapping_mode
//Bit 2:1 reg_div_gclk_en
//Bit 0 reg_div_alpha_en
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN0_SCOPE_H ((0x39b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din0_h_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din0_h_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN0_SCOPE_V ((0x39b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din0_v_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din0_v_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN1_SCOPE_H ((0x39b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din1_h_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din1_h_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN1_SCOPE_V ((0x39b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din1_v_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din1_v_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN2_SCOPE_H ((0x39b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din2_h_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din2_h_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN2_SCOPE_V ((0x39b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din2_v_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din2_v_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN3_SCOPE_H ((0x39b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din3_h_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din3_h_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DIN3_SCOPE_V ((0x39b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 bld_din3_v_end ///unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 bld_din3_v_start ///unsigned , default = 13'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA0 ((0x39b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 23:16 blend0_dummy_data_y //unsigned , default = 8'h00
//Bit 15:8 blend0_dummy_data_cb //unsigned , default = 8'h80
//Bit 7:0 blend0_dummy_data_cr //unsigned , default = 8'h80
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA ((0x39ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:20 blend0_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 19:11 blend1_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
//Bit 8:0 blend2_dummy_alpha //unsigned , default = 9'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_BLEND0_SIZE ((0x39bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 blend0_vsize //unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 blend0_hsize //unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_BLEND1_SIZE ((0x39bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 blend1_vsize //unsigned , default = 13'h1e0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 blend1_hsize ///unsigned , default = 13'h2d0
//`define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DOUT0_HV_START 8'hbd
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:0 osd_blend_dout0_hv_start //unsigned , default = 29'h0
//`define VIU_OSD_BLEND_DOUT1_HV_START 8'hbe
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:0 osd_blend_dout1_hv_start //unsigned , default = 29'h0
#define VIU_OSD_HOLD_LINE_HIGH_BITS ((0x39c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:8 reserved
//Bit 7:0 hold_line_high_bits //unsigned , default = 32'h0
#define VIU_OSD_BLEND_RO_CURRENT_XY ((0x39bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_blend2_current_xy //unsigned , default = 32'h0
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osd_blend_reg.h
#define VPP_LUT3D_CTRL ((0x39d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_LUT3D_CBUS2RAM_CTRL ((0x39d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_LUT3D_RAM_ADDR ((0x39d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_LUT3D_RAM_DATA ((0x39d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_GAMMA_CTRL ((0x39d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_GAMMA_BIN_ADDR ((0x39d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_GAMMA_BIN_DATA ((0x39d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_misc_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//0x00 - 0x80
#define VPU_MAFBC_BLOCK_ID ((0x3a00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_IRQ_RAW_STATUS ((0x3a01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_IRQ_CLEAR ((0x3a02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_IRQ_MASK ((0x3a03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_IRQ_STATUS ((0x3a04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_COMMAND ((0x3a05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_STATUS ((0x3a06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_SURFACE_CFG ((0x3a07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_AXI_CFG ((0x3a08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3a10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3a11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S0 ((0x3a12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_WIDTH_S0 ((0x3a13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S0 ((0x3a14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S0 ((0x3a15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S0 ((0x3a16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S0 ((0x3a17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S0 ((0x3a18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3a19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3a1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S0 ((0x3a1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PREFETCH_CFG_S0 ((0x3a1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S0 ((0x3a1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S0 ((0x3a1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S0 ((0x3a1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S0 ((0x3a20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3a30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3a31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S1 ((0x3a32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_WIDTH_S1 ((0x3a33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S1 ((0x3a34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S1 ((0x3a35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S1 ((0x3a36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S1 ((0x3a37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S1 ((0x3a38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3a39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3a3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S1 ((0x3a3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PREFETCH_CFG_S1 ((0x3a3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S1 ((0x3a3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S1 ((0x3a3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S1 ((0x3a3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S1 ((0x3a40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3a50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3a51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S2 ((0x3a52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_WIDTH_S2 ((0x3a53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S2 ((0x3a54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S2 ((0x3a55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S2 ((0x3a56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S2 ((0x3a57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S2 ((0x3a58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3a59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3a5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S2 ((0x3a5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PREFETCH_CFG_S2 ((0x3a5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S2 ((0x3a5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S2 ((0x3a5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S2 ((0x3a5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S2 ((0x3a60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3a70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3a71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S3 ((0x3a72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_WIDTH_S3 ((0x3a73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S3 ((0x3a74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S3 ((0x3a75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S3 ((0x3a76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S3 ((0x3a77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S3 ((0x3a78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3a79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3a7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S3 ((0x3a7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PREFETCH_CFG_S3 ((0x3a7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S3 ((0x3a7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S3 ((0x3a7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S3 ((0x3a7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S3 ((0x3a80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc1_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//0x00 - 0x80
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BLOCK_ID ((0x3b00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_IRQ_RAW_STATUS ((0x3b01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_IRQ_CLEAR ((0x3b02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_IRQ_MASK ((0x3b03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_IRQ_STATUS ((0x3b04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_COMMAND ((0x3b05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_STATUS ((0x3b06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_SURFACE_CFG ((0x3b07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_AXI_CFG ((0x3b08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3b10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3b11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S0 ((0x3b12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_WIDTH_S0 ((0x3b13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S0 ((0x3b14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S0 ((0x3b15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S0 ((0x3b16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S0 ((0x3b17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S0 ((0x3b18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3b19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3b1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S0 ((0x3b1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PREFETCH_CFG_S0 ((0x3b1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S0 ((0x3b1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S0 ((0x3b1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S0 ((0x3b1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S0 ((0x3b20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3b30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3b31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S1 ((0x3b32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_WIDTH_S1 ((0x3b33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S1 ((0x3b34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S1 ((0x3b35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S1 ((0x3b36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S1 ((0x3b37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S1 ((0x3b38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3b39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3b3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S1 ((0x3b3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PREFETCH_CFG_S1 ((0x3b3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S1 ((0x3b3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S1 ((0x3b3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S1 ((0x3b3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S1 ((0x3b40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3b50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3b51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S2 ((0x3b52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_WIDTH_S2 ((0x3b53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S2 ((0x3b54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S2 ((0x3b55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S2 ((0x3b56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S2 ((0x3b57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S2 ((0x3b58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3b59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3b5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S2 ((0x3b5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PREFETCH_CFG_S2 ((0x3b5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S2 ((0x3b5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S2 ((0x3b5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S2 ((0x3b5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S2 ((0x3b60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3b70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3b71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S3 ((0x3b72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_WIDTH_S3 ((0x3b73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S3 ((0x3b74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S3 ((0x3b75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S3 ((0x3b76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S3 ((0x3b77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S3 ((0x3b78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3b79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3b7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S3 ((0x3b7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PREFETCH_CFG_S3 ((0x3b7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S3 ((0x3b7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S3 ((0x3b7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S3 ((0x3b7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC1_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S3 ((0x3b80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc1_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//0x00 - 0x80
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BLOCK_ID ((0x3c00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_IRQ_RAW_STATUS ((0x3c01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_IRQ_CLEAR ((0x3c02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_IRQ_MASK ((0x3c03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_IRQ_STATUS ((0x3c04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_COMMAND ((0x3c05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_STATUS ((0x3c06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_SURFACE_CFG ((0x3c07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_AXI_CFG ((0x3c08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3c10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3c11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S0 ((0x3c12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_WIDTH_S0 ((0x3c13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S0 ((0x3c14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S0 ((0x3c15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S0 ((0x3c16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S0 ((0x3c17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S0 ((0x3c18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S0 ((0x3c19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S0 ((0x3c1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S0 ((0x3c1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PREFETCH_CFG_S0 ((0x3c1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S0 ((0x3c1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S0 ((0x3c1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S0 ((0x3c1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S0 ((0x3c20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3c30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3c31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S1 ((0x3c32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_WIDTH_S1 ((0x3c33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S1 ((0x3c34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S1 ((0x3c35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S1 ((0x3c36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S1 ((0x3c37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S1 ((0x3c38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S1 ((0x3c39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S1 ((0x3c3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S1 ((0x3c3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PREFETCH_CFG_S1 ((0x3c3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S1 ((0x3c3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S1 ((0x3c3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S1 ((0x3c3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S1 ((0x3c40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3c50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3c51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S2 ((0x3c52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_WIDTH_S2 ((0x3c53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S2 ((0x3c54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S2 ((0x3c55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S2 ((0x3c56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S2 ((0x3c57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S2 ((0x3c58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S2 ((0x3c59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S2 ((0x3c5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S2 ((0x3c5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PREFETCH_CFG_S2 ((0x3c5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S2 ((0x3c5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S2 ((0x3c5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S2 ((0x3c5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S2 ((0x3c60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3c70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_HEADER_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3c71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_S3 ((0x3c72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_WIDTH_S3 ((0x3c73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BUFFER_HEIGHT_S3 ((0x3c74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_START_S3 ((0x3c75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_X_END_S3 ((0x3c76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_START_S3 ((0x3c77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_BOUNDING_BOX_Y_END_S3 ((0x3c78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_LOW_S3 ((0x3c79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_ADDR_HIGH_S3 ((0x3c7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_OUTPUT_BUF_STRIDE_S3 ((0x3c7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PREFETCH_CFG_S3 ((0x3c7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_LOW_S3 ((0x3c7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MIN_HIGH_S3 ((0x3c7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_LOW_S3 ((0x3c7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPU_MAFBC2_PAYLOAD_MAX_HIGH_S3 ((0x3c80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_mali_tx300_afbc2_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vpu_osdsc_bld_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// for osd3 & osd4 blend
#define OSD34_OUT_HSCOPE ((0x3d40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD34_OUT_VSCOPE ((0x3d41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD34_DUMMY_DATA ((0x3d42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD34_BLEND_CTRL0 ((0x3d43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD34_BLEND_CTRL1 ((0x3d44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD34_RO_HV_CNT ((0x3d45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3d60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3d61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3d62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3d63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3d64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3d65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3d66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3d67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3d68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3d69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3d6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3d6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3d6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD1_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x3d6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3d70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3d71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3d72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3d73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3d74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3d75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3d76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3d77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3d78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3d79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3d7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3d7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3d7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD2_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x3d7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_CTRL_STAT ((0x3d80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_CTRL_STAT2 ((0x3d81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_COLOR_ADDR ((0x3d82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_COLOR ((0x3d83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_TCOLOR_AG0 ((0x3d84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_TCOLOR_AG1 ((0x3d85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_TCOLOR_AG2 ((0x3d86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_TCOLOR_AG3 ((0x3d87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK0_CFG_W0 ((0x3d88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK1_CFG_W0 ((0x3d89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK2_CFG_W0 ((0x3d8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK3_CFG_W0 ((0x3d8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK0_CFG_W1 ((0x3d8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK1_CFG_W1 ((0x3d8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK2_CFG_W1 ((0x3d8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK3_CFG_W1 ((0x3d8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK0_CFG_W2 ((0x3d90 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK1_CFG_W2 ((0x3d91 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK2_CFG_W2 ((0x3d92 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK3_CFG_W2 ((0x3d93 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK0_CFG_W3 ((0x3d94 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK1_CFG_W3 ((0x3d95 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK2_CFG_W3 ((0x3d96 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK3_CFG_W3 ((0x3d97 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK0_CFG_W4 ((0x3d98 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK1_CFG_W4 ((0x3d99 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK2_CFG_W4 ((0x3d9a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_BLK3_CFG_W4 ((0x3d9b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_FIFO_CTRL_STAT ((0x3d9c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_TEST_RDDATA ((0x3d9d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_PROT_CTRL ((0x3d9e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MALI_UNPACK_CTRL ((0x3d9f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_DIMM_CTRL ((0x3da0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3db0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3db1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3db2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3db3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3db4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3db5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3db6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3db7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3db8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3db9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3dba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3dbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3dbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD3_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x3dbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3db0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3db1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3db2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3db3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3db4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3db5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3db6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3db7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3db8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3db9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3dba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3dbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3dbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP_WRAP_OSD3_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x3dbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_CTRL_STAT ((0x3dc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_CTRL_STAT2 ((0x3dc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_COLOR_ADDR ((0x3dc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_COLOR ((0x3dc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_TCOLOR_AG0 ((0x3dc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_TCOLOR_AG1 ((0x3dc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_TCOLOR_AG2 ((0x3dc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_TCOLOR_AG3 ((0x3dc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK0_CFG_W0 ((0x3dc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK1_CFG_W0 ((0x3dc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK2_CFG_W0 ((0x3dca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK3_CFG_W0 ((0x3dcb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK0_CFG_W1 ((0x3dcc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK1_CFG_W1 ((0x3dcd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK2_CFG_W1 ((0x3dce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK3_CFG_W1 ((0x3dcf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK0_CFG_W2 ((0x3dd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK1_CFG_W2 ((0x3dd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK2_CFG_W2 ((0x3dd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK3_CFG_W2 ((0x3dd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK0_CFG_W3 ((0x3dd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK1_CFG_W3 ((0x3dd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK2_CFG_W3 ((0x3dd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK3_CFG_W3 ((0x3dd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK0_CFG_W4 ((0x3dd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK1_CFG_W4 ((0x3dd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK2_CFG_W4 ((0x3dda << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_BLK3_CFG_W4 ((0x3ddb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_FIFO_CTRL_STAT ((0x3ddc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_TEST_RDDATA ((0x3ddd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_PROT_CTRL ((0x3dde << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MALI_UNPACK_CTRL ((0x3ddf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_DIMM_CTRL ((0x3de0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x3df0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x3df1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x3df2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x3df3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x3df4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x3df5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x3df6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x3df7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x3df8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3df9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x3dfa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x3dfb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x3dfc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_OSD4_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x3dfd << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osdsc_bld_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: lc_stts_curve.h
#define LC_CURVE_CTRL ((0x4000 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :12 reg_lc_misc U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :8 reg_lc_hist_curve_nodes_hlpf U RW default = 'h1 horizontal lpf of the ram_curve_nodes, 0: no LPF, 1= [1 2 1]; 2: [1 2 2 2 1]/8
//Bit 7 :6 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 5 :4 reg_lc_hist_curve_nodes_vlpf U RW default = 'h1 vertical lpf of the ram_curve_nodes, 0: no LPF, 1= [1 2 1]; 2: [1 2 2 2 1]/8
//Bit 3 :2 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 1 reg_lc_blackbar_mute_en U RW default = 'h1 mute the black bar corresponding bin, 0: no mute, 1: mute enable; default=1
//Bit 0 reg_lc_curve_en U RW default = 'h1 default=0
#define LC_CURVE_HV_NUM ((0x4001 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :8 reg_lc_cur_blk_hnum U RW default = 'hc lc processing region number of V, maximum to (STA_LEN_V-1) (0~8), should be same as reg_lc_blk_hnum
//Bit 7 :5 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 4 :0 reg_lc_cur_blk_vnum U RW default = 'h8 lc processing region number of H, maximum to (STA_LEN_H-1) (0~12), should be same as reg_lc_blk_vnum
#define LC_CURVE_LMT_RAT ((0x4002 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :16 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lmtrat_minmax U RW default = 'h6 x/1024 of amount
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lmtrat_valid U RW default = 'h14 x/1024 of amount
#define LC_CURVE_CONTRAST_LH ((0x4003 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_contrast_low U RW default = 'h10 contrast gain to the lc for dark side, normalized 256 as "1", set adaptive TODO
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_contrast_hig U RW default = 'h18 contrast gain to the lc for bright side, normalized 256 as "1"
#define LC_CURVE_CONTRAST__LMT_LH ((0x4004 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :24 reg_lc_cntstlmt_low_0 U RW default = 'ha limit for the contrast low, delta_low = MIN(delta_low, MIN( MAX((minBV-min_val)*scl_low/8, lmt_low[0]),lmt_low[1]))
//Bit 23 :16 reg_lc_cntstlmt_hig_0 U RW default = 'h14 limit for the contrast high,delta_hig = MIN(delta_hig, MIN( MAX((max_val-maxBV)*scl_hig/8, lmt_hig[0]),lmt_hig[1]))
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_cntstlmt_low_1 U RW default = 'hff limit for the contrast low, delta_low = MIN(delta_low, MIN( MAX((minBV-min_val)*scl_low/8, lmt_low[0]),lmt_low[1]))
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_cntstlmt_hig_1 U RW default = 'hff limit for the contrast high,delta_hig = MIN(delta_hig, MIN( MAX((max_val-maxBV)*scl_hig/8, lmt_hig[0]),lmt_hig[1]))
#define LC_CURVE_CONTRAST_SCL_LH ((0x4005 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :16 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_cntstscl_low U RW default = 'h40 scale for the contrast low, norm 8 as 1; delta_low = MIN(delta_low, MIN(MAX((minBV-min_val)*scl_low/8, lmt_low[0]),lmt_low[1]))
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_cntstscl_hig U RW default = 'h20 scale for the contrast high,norm 8 as 1; delta_hig = MIN(delta_hig, MIN(MAX((max_val-maxBV)*scl_hig/8, lmt_hig[0]),lmt_hig[1]))
#define LC_CURVE_CONTRAST_BVN_LH ((0x4006 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :16 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_cntstbvn_low U RW default = 'h20 scale to num_m as limit of min_val to minBV distance, to protect mono-color, default = 32; min_val= MAX(min_val, minBV- MAX(num_m-1,0)*bvn_low)
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_cntstbvn_hig U RW default = 'h20 scale to num_m as limit of max_val to maxBV distance, to protect mono-color, default = 32; min_val= MIN(max_val, maxBV+ MAX(num_m-1,0)*bvn_lo
#define LC_CURVE_MISC0 ((0x4007 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :20 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 19 :16 reg_lc_num_m_coring U RW default = 'h1 coring to num_m, soft coring,default = 2;
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_vbin_min U RW default = 'h30 4x is min width of valid histogram bin num,
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_slope_max_face U RW default = 'h38 maximum slope for the pkBin-maxBV range curve to do face protection, normalized to 32 as 1, default= 48
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_RAT ((0x4008 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :24 reg_lc_ypkbv_ratio_0 U RW default = 'h8c x= ratio*(maxBv-minBv)+min_val as low bound of the ypkBV; normalized to 256 as 1
//Bit 23 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_ratio_1 U RW default = 'ha0 x= ratio*(maxBv-minBv)+min_val as low bound of the ypkBV; normalized to 256 as 1
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_ypkbv_ratio_2 U RW default = 'h78 x= ratio*(maxBv-minBv)+min_val as low bound of the ypkBV; normalized to 256 as 1
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_ratio_3 U RW default = 'h60 x= ratio*(maxBv-minBv)+min_val as low bound of the ypkBV; normalized to 256 as 1
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_SLP_LMT ((0x4009 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :16 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 15 :8 reg_lc_ypkbv_slope_lmt_0 U RW default = 'hc min max slop for the curves to avoid artifacts, [0] for min_slope, [1] for max_slop, e.g.max_slope= limit*(pkBv-minBv)+min_val as high bound of the ypkBV; normalized to 32 as 1
//Bit 7 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_slope_lmt_1 U RW default = 'h60 None
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_0_1 ((0x400a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_0 U RW default = 'h30 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_1 U RW default = 'h50 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_2_3 ((0x400b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_2 U RW default = 'h78 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_3 U RW default = 'h80 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_4_5 ((0x400c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_4 U RW default = 'ha0 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_5 U RW default = 'hc4 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_6_7 ((0x400d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_6 U RW default = 'he0 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_7 U RW default = 'h100 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_8_9 ((0x400e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_8 U RW default = 'h120 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_9 U RW default = 'h140 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_10_11 ((0x400f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_10 U RW default = 'h160 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_11 U RW default = 'h190 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_0_1 ((0x4010 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_0 U RW default = 'h78 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_1 U RW default = 'h96 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_2_3 ((0x4011 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_2 U RW default = 'he6 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_3 U RW default = 'h112 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_4_5 ((0x4012 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_4 U RW default = 'h14a lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_5 U RW default = 'h180 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_6_7 ((0x4013 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_6 U RW default = 'h1d4 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_7 U RW default = 'h200 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_8_9 ((0x4014 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_8 U RW default = 'h240 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_9 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_10_11 ((0x4015 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_10 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_11 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_HISTVLD_THRD ((0x4016 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_histvld_thrd U RW default = 'h1fa threshold to compare to bin to get number of valid bins
#define LC_CURVE_BB_MUTE_THRD ((0x4017 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :24 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 23 :0 reg_lc_blackbar_mute_thrd U RW default = 'h2a30 1/8 of the region
#define LC_CURVE_INT_STATUS ((0x4018 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_CURVE_RAM_CTRL ((0x4020 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_CURVE_RAM_ADDR ((0x4021 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_CURVE_RAM_DATA ((0x4022 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_12_13 ((0x4040 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_12 U RW default = 'h160 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_13 U RW default = 'h190 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMINVAL_LMT_14_15 ((0x4041 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_14 U RW default = 'h160 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_yminval_lmt_15 U RW default = 'h190 lmt_val = lmt[minBV(64:64:768)], and yminV = MAX(yminV,lmt_val), for very dark region boost, default= [48, 80, 120, 60]
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_12_13 ((0x4042 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_12 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_13 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YMAXVAL_LMT_14_15 ((0x4043 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_14 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ymaxval_lmt_15 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[maxBV(64:64:1023)], and ymaxV = MAX(ymaxV,lmt[maxBV]), default= ...
//u10, lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV])
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_0_1 ((0x4044 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_0 U RW default = 'h78 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_1 U RW default = 'h96 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_2_3 ((0x4045 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_2 U RW default = 'he6 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_3 U RW default = 'h112 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_4_5 ((0x4046 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_4 U RW default = 'h14a lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_5 U RW default = 'h180 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_6_7 ((0x4047 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_6 U RW default = 'h1d4 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_7 U RW default = 'h200 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_8_9 ((0x4048 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_8 U RW default = 'h240 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_9 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_10_11 ((0x4049 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_10 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_11 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_12_13 ((0x404a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_12 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_13 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_CURVE_YPKBV_LMT_14_15 ((0x404b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :26 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 25 :16 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_14 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
//Bit 15 :10 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 9 :0 reg_lc_ypkbv_lmt_15 U RW default = 'h280 lmt_val = 4*lmt[pkBV(64:64:1023)] , and ypkBV = MAX(ypkBV,lmt[pkBV]), default= ...
#define LC_STTS_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x4028 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_CTRL0 ((0x4029 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_WIDTHM1_HEIGHTM1 ((0x402a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x402b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x402c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x402d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x402e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x402f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x4030 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x4031 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x4032 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x4033 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_HL_COLOR ((0x4034 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_PROBE_POS ((0x4035 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_MATRIX_PROBE_COLOR ((0x4036 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_HIST_REGION_IDX ((0x4037 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_HIST_SET_REGION ((0x4038 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_HIST_READ_REGION ((0x4039 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_HIST_START_RD_REGION ((0x403a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_WHITE_INFO ((0x403b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_STTS_BLACK_INFO ((0x403c << 2) + 0xff000000)
// Closing file: lc_stts_curve.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vdin_afbce_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VDIN2_WR_CTRL ((0x4101 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_CTRL2 ((0x4102 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_H_START_END ((0x4103 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_V_START_END ((0x4104 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_DBG_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x4105 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_DBG_AXI_DAT_CNT ((0x4106 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_URGENT_CTRL ((0x4107 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_RO_WRMIF_STATUS ((0x4108 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_BADDR_LUMA ((0x4110 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_BADDR_CHROMA ((0x4111 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_STRIDE_LUMA ((0x4112 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN2_WR_STRIDE_CHROMA ((0x4113 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_SECURE0_ST_RO ((0x4109 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_SECURE_DUMMY ((0x410a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_DOUBLE_CTRL ((0x410b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_SECURE1_ST_RO ((0x410c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_MISC ((0x410d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_SECURE_REG0 ((0x410e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_TOP_SECURE_REG1 ((0x410f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VDIN_SECURE_RXIN_DW ((0x4116 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// 8'ha0 ~ 8'hc6
// Reading file: vdin_afbc_enc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define AFBCE_ENABLE ((0x41a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20, gclk_ctrl unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 19:16, afbce_sync_sel unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13, enc_rst_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 12, enc_en_mode unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 11:9, reserved
//Bit 8, enc_enable unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 7:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reserved enc_frm_start pulse use this bit don't use
#define AFBCE_MODE ((0x41a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, soft_rst unsigned, default = 0 ,the use as go_field
//Bit 28, reserved unsigned, default = 0 , enable singal of crop
//Bit 27:26, rev_mode unsigned, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24, mif_urgent unsigned, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23, reserved
//Bit 22:16, hold_line_num unsigned, default = 4, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 15:14, burst_mode unsigned, default = 1, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
#define AFBCE_SIZE_IN ((0x41a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vsize_in unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define AFBCE_BLK_SIZE_IN ((0x41a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16 hblk_size unsigned, default = 60 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, vblk_size unsigned, default = 270, pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define AFBCE_HEAD_BADDR ((0x41a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0, head_baddr unsigned, default = 32'h00;
#define AFBCE_MIF_SIZE ((0x41a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, ddr_blk_size unsigned, default = 1;
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, cmd_blk_size unsigned, default = 3;
//Bit 23:21, reserved
//Bit 20:16, uncmp_size unsigned, default = 20;
//Bit 15:0, mmu_page_size unsigned, default = 4096;
#define AFBCE_PIXEL_IN_HOR_SCOPE ((0x41a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define AFBCE_PIXEL_IN_VER_SCOPE ((0x41a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, enc_win_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ; //
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12:0, enc_win_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
#define AFBCE_CONV_CTRL ((0x41a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, fmt_ybuf_depth unsigned, default = 2048
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, lbuf_depth unsigned, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define AFBCE_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x41a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25:16, blk_end_h unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:10, reserved
//Bit 9:0, blk_bgn_h unsigned, default = 59 ; //
#define AFBCE_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x41aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, blk_end_v unsigned, default = 0 ; //
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11:0, blk_bgn_v unsigned, default = 269 ; //
#define AFBCE_STAT1 ((0x41ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, ro_frm_end_pulse1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;frame end status
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info1 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_STAT2 ((0x41ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:0, ro_dbg_top_info2 unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_FORMAT ((0x41ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 8 reg_format_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 2 data format;0 : YUV444, 1:YUV422, 2:YUV420, 3:RGB
//Bit 7: 4 reg_compbits_c // unsigned , RW, default = 10 chroma bitwidth
//Bit 3: 0 reg_compbits_y // unsigned , RW, default = 10 luma bitwidth
#define AFBCE_MODE_EN ((0x41ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 reserved
//Bit 25 reg_adpt_interleave_ymode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: no HW implementation
//Bit 24 reg_adpt_interleave_cmode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force 0 to disable it: not HW implementation
//Bit 23 reg_adpt_yinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 22 reg_adpt_yinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 21 reg_adpt_xinterleave_luma_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece luma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/4 as ride
//Bit 20 reg_adpt_xinterleave_chrm_ride // unsigned , RW, default = 1 vertical interleave piece chroma reorder ride; 0: no reorder ride; 1: w/2 as ride
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18 reg_disable_order_mode_i_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 17 reg_disable_order_mode_i_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 16 reg_disable_order_mode_i_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 15 reg_disable_order_mode_i_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 14 reg_disable_order_mode_i_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 13 reg_disable_order_mode_i_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 12 reg_disable_order_mode_i_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 disable order mode0~6: each mode with one disable bit: 0: no disable, 1: diable
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10 reg_minval_yenc_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force disable, final decision to remove this ws 1% performance loss
//Bit 9 reg_16x4block_enable // unsigned , RW, default = 0 block as mission, but permit 16x4 block
//Bit 8 reg_uncompress_split_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 0: no split; 1: split
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5 reg_input_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 input picture 32x4 block gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 4 reg_dwds_padding_uv128 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 downsampled image for double write 32x gap mode: 0: pad uv=0; 1: pad uv=128
//Bit 3: 1 reg_force_order_mode_value // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode 0~7
//Bit 0 reg_force_order_mode_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 force order mode enable: 0: no force; 1: forced to force_value
#define AFBCE_DWSCALAR ((0x41af << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7: 6 reg_dwscalar_w0 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 horizontal 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 5: 4 reg_dwscalar_w1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 horizontal 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 3: 2 reg_dwscalar_h0 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 vertical 1st step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
//Bit 1: 0 reg_dwscalar_h1 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 vertical 2nd step scalar mode: 0: 1:1 no scalar; 1: 2:1 data drop (0,2,4, 6) pixel kept; 2: 2:1 data drop (1, 3, 5,7..) pixels kept; 3: avg
#define AFBCE_DEFCOLOR_1 ((0x41b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 4095 Picture wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define AFBCE_DEFCOLOR_2 ((0x41b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_enc_defalutcolor_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
//Bit 11: 0 reg_enc_defalutcolor_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 2048 wise default color value in [Y Cb Cr]
#define AFBCE_QUANT_ENABLE ((0x41b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst // signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x41b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x41b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x41b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCE_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x41b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x41b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x41b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x41b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_rquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for bctree leavs, quant=2^lut(bc_leav_r+1), can be calculated from iquant_yclut(fw_setting)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_rquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 5
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_rquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 4
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 3
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 2
#define AFBCE_RQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x41ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_rquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_rquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_rquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define AFBCE_YUV_FORMAT_CONV_MODE ((0x41bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_444to422_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_422to420_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0
#define AFBCE_DUMMY_DATA ((0x41bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29: 0 reg_dummy_data // unsigned , default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_CLR_FLAG ((0x41bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_afbce_clr_flag // unsigned, default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_STA_FLAGT ((0x41be << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_afbce_sta_flag // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_MMU_NUM ((0x41bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15: 0 ro_frm_mmu_num // unsigned, RO,default = 0 ;
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL1 ((0x41c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_sel // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id sync with frm rst
//Bit 23:16 reg_canvas_id // unsigned , default = 0, axi canvas id num
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_cmd_intr_len // unsigned , default = 1, interrupt send cmd when how many series axi cmd,
// 0=12 1=16 2=24 3=32 4=40 5=48 6=56 7=64
//Bit 11:10 reg_cmd_req_size // unsigned , default = 1, how many room fifo have, then axi send series req, 0=16 1=32 2=24 3=64
//Bit 9:8 reg_burst_len // unsigned , default = 2, burst type: 0-single 1-bst2 2-bst4
//Bit 7 reg_swap_64bit // unsigned , default = 0, 64bits of 128bit swap enable
//Bit 6 reg_little_endian // unsigned , default = 0, big endian enable
//Bit 5 reg_y_rev // unsigned , default = 0, vertical reverse enable
//Bit 4 reg_x_rev // unsigned , default = 0, horizontal reverse enable
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_pack_mode // unsigned , default = 3, 0:4bit 1:8bit 2:16bit 3:32bit 4:64bit 5:128bit
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL2 ((0x41c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_sw_rst // unsigned , default = 0,
//Bit 29:24 reserved
//Bit 23:18 reg_gclk_ctrl
//Bit 17 reserved
//Bit 16:0 reg_urgent_ctrl // unsigned , default = 0, urgent control reg :
// 16 reg_ugt_init : urgent initial value
// 15 reg_ugt_en : urgent enable
// 14 reg_ugt_type : 1= wrmif 0=rdmif
// 7:4 reg_ugt_top_th: urgent top threshold
// 3:0 reg_ugt_bot_th: urgent bottom threshold
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL3 ((0x41c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 reg_acc_mode // unsigned , default = 1,
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_stride // unsigned , default = 4096,
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_CTRL4 ((0x41c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_baddr // unsigned , default = 0,
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_X ((0x41c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_x_end // unsigned , default = 4095, the canvas hor end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_x_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas hor start pixel position
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_SCOPE_Y ((0x41c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_y_end // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver end pixel position
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_y_start // unsigned , default = 0, the canvas ver start pixel positio
#define AFBCE_MMU_RMIF_RO_STAT ((0x41c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15:0 reg_status // unsigned ,
#define AFBCE_PIP_CTRL ((0x41ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_enc_align_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1,
//Bit 1 reg_pip_ini_ctrl //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
//Bit 0 reg_pip_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0,
#define AFBCE_ROT_CTRL ((0x41cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_rot_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0, rotation enable
//Bit 3:0 reg_vstep //unsigned , RW,default = 8, rotation vstep ,setting acorrding rotation shrink mode
#define AFBCE_DIMM_CTRL ((0x41cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_dimm_layer_en //unsigned , RW,default = 0,dimm_layer enable singal
//Bit 30 reserved
//Bit 29:0 reg_dimm_data //unsigned , RW,default = 29'h00080200,dimm_layer data
#define AFBCE_BND_DEC_MISC ((0x41cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 bnd_dec_rev_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 25:24 bnd_dec_mif_urgent //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 23:22 bnd_dec_burst_len //unsigned , RW,default = 2 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 21:20 bnd_dec_ddr_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 bnd_dec_cmd_blk_size //unsigned , RW,default = 3 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14 bnd_dec_blk_mem_mode //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 13 bnd_dec_addr_link_en //unsigned , RW,default = 1 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 12 bnd_dec_always_body_rden //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:0 bnd_dec_mif_lbuf_depth //unsigned , RW,default = 128 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
#define AFBCE_RD_ARB_MISC ((0x41ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12 reg_arb_sw_rst //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 11:10 reserved
//Bit 9 reg_arb_arblk_last1 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 8 reg_arb_arblk_last0 //unsigned , RW,default = 0 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 7:4 reg_arb_weight_ch1 //unsigned , RW,default = 4 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
//Bit 3:0 reg_arb_weight_ch0 //unsigned , RW,default = 10 only pip mode use those bits,ususaly don't need configure
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vdin_afbc_enc_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vdin_afbce_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby_tv_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_TV_REG_START ((0x4300 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// dolby register address 0~0xDA
#define DOLBY_TV_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x43f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[9:8] R-RW 0~3 0 dma2axi_clkgate_ctrl : 0 "auto gated clock", 1 "closed clock", 2&3 "free run clock"
//bit[7:6] R-RW 0~3 0 bl_dolby_swaps_clkgate_ctrl : 0 "auto gated clock", 1 "closed clock", 2&3 "free run clock"
//bit[5:4] R-RW 0~3 0 el_swaps_clkgate_ctrl : 0 "auto gated clock", 1 "closed clock", 2&3 "free run clock"
//bit[3:2] R-RW 0~3 0 el_buf_clkgate_ctrl : 0 "auto gated clock", 1 "closed clock", 2&3 "free run clock"
//bit[1:0] R-RW 0~3 0 top_level_reg_clkgate_ctrl : 0 "auto gated clock", 1 "closed clock", 2&3 "free run clock"
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x43f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[2] R-RW 0~1 0 el_41mode : 1 "bl resolution : el resolution = 4:1", 0 "bl_res : el_res = 1:1"
//bit[1] R-RW 0~1 0 el_enable : 1 "enhancement layer is supported", 0 "el is not supported"
//bit[0] R-RW 0~1 0 source_enable : 1 "base layer is supported", 0 "bl is not supported"
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x43f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[28:16] R-RW 0~8191 0 htotal : total pixels number in each line
//bit[21:0] R-RW 0~8191 0 vtotal : total line number in each frame (only support progress frame)
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x43f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[28:16] R-RW 0~4096 0 hsize : active pixels number in each line
//bit[21:0] R-RW 0~3840 0 vsize : active lines number in each frame
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x43f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[28:16] R-RW 0~8191 0 hsync_width : hsync signal width (high effective)
//bit[21:0] R-RW 0~8191 0 vsync_width : vysnc singal width (high effective)
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x43f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[28:16] R-RW 0~8191 0 hsync_backporch : pixels number between hsync and h_active_duration
//bit[21:0] R-RW 0~8191 0 vsync_backporch : lines number between vsync and v_active_duration
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x43f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//[25:8] R-RW : reg_tunnel_sel for tunnel bit match swap
//bit[4] R-RW 0~1 0 bl_tunnel_mode : 1 "hdmi input, source is 12bit422 tunnel in 8bit444", 0 "opt mode, 10 bit 444"
//bit[3:2] R-RW 0~3 0 bl_uv_mode : 3 "uv=in_u", 2 "uv[0]=u[0],uv[1]=v[0]", 1 "uv[0]=v[0],uv[1]=u[0]", 0 "uv=in_v"
//bit[1:0] R-RW 0~3 0 el_uv_mode : 3 "uv=in_u", 2 "uv[0]=u[0],uv[1]=v[0]", 1 "uv[0]=v[0],uv[1]=u[0]", 0 "uv=in_v"
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL6 ((0x43f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[31] R-RW 0~1 dm_uv_input : uv select
//bit[23:16] R-RW 0~1 0 dump_ctrl : 1 "fixed output bitdepth as 12bit", 0 "output bitdepth based on vdr_bit_depth"
//bit[15] R-RW 0~1 datapath_reset_n_enable : manual reset control
//bit[14] R-RW 0~1 handshake_reset_n_enable : manual reset control
//bit[13] R-RW 0~1 axi_reset_n_enable : manual reset control
//bit[5:2] R-RW 0~15 vdr_bit_depth
//bit[1:0] R-RW 0~3 reg_hdmi_mode
#define DOLBY_TV_SWAP_CTRL7 ((0x43f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_AXI2DMA_CTRL0 ((0x43fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[31] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_req_en : enable req after line count
//bit[30] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_id_check : check the id of data path and req path
//bit[29] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_clear_fifo : manually reset bit
//bit[28] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_vsync_rst : soft_rst auto reset enable
//bit[27] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_update_addr : manually udpate start addr
//bit[26] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_addr_auto : auto update start addr enable
//bit[25] R-RW 0~1 0 reg_keep_receive : data path keep receive
//bit[24:19] R-RW 0~63 0 reg_req_th : fifo_room > req_th, then send the request
//bit[18:16] R-RW 0~7 0 reg_arsize : axi arsize
//bit[14:12] R-RW 0~7 0 reg_arprot : axi arprot
//bit[11:8] R-RW 0~15 0 reg_aruser : axi aruser
//bit[5:4] R-RW 0~3 0 reg_arid : axi arid
//bit[3:0] R-RW 0~2 0 reg_lens : default request lens, each burst has "reg_lens+1" data
#define DOLBY_TV_AXI2DMA_CTRL1 ((0x43fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[31] R-RW 0~1 0 axi_addr_mode : 1 "canvas mode", 0 "normal mode"
//bit[27:16] R-RW 0~4095 0 dma_size0 : total data number in dma0
//bit[11:0] R-RW 0~4095 0 dma_size1 : total data number in dma1
#define DOLBY_TV_AXI2DMA_CTRL2 ((0x43fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[31:0] R-RW 0~4294967295 0 axi_start_addr : axi start address
#define DOLBY_TV_AXI2DMA_CTRL3 ((0x43fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit[11:0] R-RW 0~4095 0 hold_line : after hold_line the axi slave start requesting
#define DOLBY_TV_STATUS0 ((0x43fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_STATUS1 ((0x43ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REGADDR ((0x43e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_ADAPTIVE_SCALE_REGDATA ((0x43e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_ADAPTIVE_SCALE_LUTADDR ((0x43e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_TV_ADAPTIVE_SCALE_LUTDATA ((0x43e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby_tv_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby1b_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_REG_START ((0x4400 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x44f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x44f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x44f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x44f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x44f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x44f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x44f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_DMA_CTRL ((0x44f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_DMA_STATUS ((0x44fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_STATUS0 ((0x44fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_STATUS1 ((0x44fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_STATUS2 ((0x44fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_STATUS3 ((0x44fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1B_DMA_PORT ((0x44ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby1b_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "afbcd_mult_regs.h"
// Reading file: afbcd_vd12_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// reg addr map
// 0 -3f : rdmif
// 40-6f : afbcd
// 70-7f : fgrain
#define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG ((0x4800 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CANVAS0 ((0x4801 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CANVAS1 ((0x4802 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_X0 ((0x4803 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_Y0 ((0x4804 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_X0 ((0x4805 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 ((0x4806 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_X1 ((0x4807 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_Y1 ((0x4808 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_X1 ((0x4809 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_Y1 ((0x480a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_RPT_LOOP ((0x480b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x480c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x480d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x480e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x480f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_PSEL ((0x4810 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_CHROMA_PSEL ((0x4811 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL ((0x4812 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE ((0x4813 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x4814 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_AXI_RDAT_CNT ((0x4815 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y ((0x4816 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB ((0x4817 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR ((0x4818 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG2 ((0x4819 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_PROT ((0x481a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_URGENT_CTRL ((0x481b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_GEN_REG3 ((0x481c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD1_FMT_CTRL ((0x481d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD1_FMT_W ((0x481e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_Y ((0x4820 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_CB ((0x4821 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_CR ((0x4822 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_STRIDE_0 ((0x4823 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_STRIDE_1 ((0x4824 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_Y_F1 ((0x4825 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_CB_F1 ((0x4826 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_BADDR_CR_F1 ((0x4827 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_STRIDE_0_F1 ((0x4828 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD1_IF0_STRIDE_1_F1 ((0x4829 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//8'h28-8'h6f for vd1_afbcd
//8'h70-8'h7f for vd1_fgrain
#define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG ((0x4880 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CANVAS0 ((0x4881 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CANVAS1 ((0x4882 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_X0 ((0x4883 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_Y0 ((0x4884 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_X0 ((0x4885 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 ((0x4886 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_X1 ((0x4887 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_Y1 ((0x4888 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_X1 ((0x4889 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_Y1 ((0x488a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_RPT_LOOP ((0x488b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x488c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x488d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x488e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x488f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_PSEL ((0x4890 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_CHROMA_PSEL ((0x4891 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL ((0x4892 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE ((0x4893 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x4894 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_AXI_RDAT_CNT ((0x4895 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y ((0x4896 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB ((0x4897 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR ((0x4898 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG2 ((0x4899 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_PROT ((0x489a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_URGENT_CTRL ((0x489b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_GEN_REG3 ((0x489c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD2_FMT_CTRL ((0x489d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD2_FMT_W ((0x489e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_Y ((0x48a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_CB ((0x48a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_CR ((0x48a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_STRIDE_0 ((0x48a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_STRIDE_1 ((0x48a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_Y_F1 ((0x48a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_CB_F1 ((0x48a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_BADDR_CR_F1 ((0x48a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_STRIDE_0_F1 ((0x48a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD2_IF0_STRIDE_1_F1 ((0x48a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//8'hb8-8'hef for vd2_afbcd
//8'hf0-8'hff for vd2_fgrain
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: afbcd_vd12_regs.h
//`include "fgrain_regs.h" //nouse
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "afbcd_mult_regs.h"
// Reading file: afbcd_vd34_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// reg addr map
// 0 -3f : rdmif
// 40-6f : afbcd
// 70-7f : fgrain
#define VD3_IF0_GEN_REG ((0x4900 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CANVAS0 ((0x4901 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CANVAS1 ((0x4902 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_X0 ((0x4903 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_Y0 ((0x4904 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA_X0 ((0x4905 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA_Y0 ((0x4906 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_X1 ((0x4907 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_Y1 ((0x4908 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA_X1 ((0x4909 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA_Y1 ((0x490a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_RPT_LOOP ((0x490b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x490c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x490d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x490e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x490f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_PSEL ((0x4910 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_CHROMA_PSEL ((0x4911 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_DUMMY_PIXEL ((0x4912 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE ((0x4913 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x4914 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_AXI_RDAT_CNT ((0x4915 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_RANGE_MAP_Y ((0x4916 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CB ((0x4917 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_RANGE_MAP_CR ((0x4918 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_GEN_REG2 ((0x4919 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_PROT ((0x491a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_URGENT_CTRL ((0x491b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_GEN_REG3 ((0x491c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD3_FMT_CTRL ((0x491d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VIU_VD3_FMT_W ((0x491e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_Y ((0x4920 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_CB ((0x4921 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_CR ((0x4922 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_STRIDE_0 ((0x4923 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_STRIDE_1 ((0x4924 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_Y_F1 ((0x4925 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_CB_F1 ((0x4926 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_BADDR_CR_F1 ((0x4927 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_STRIDE_0_F1 ((0x4928 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_IF0_STRIDE_1_F1 ((0x4929 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//8'h28-8'h6f for vd3_afbcd
//8'h70-8'h7f for vd3_fgrain
//8'h80-8'hff reserved
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: afbcd_vd34_regs.h
//`include "fgrain_regs.h" //nouse
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: srsharp_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//SRSHARP0 8'h00 - 8'hff
//SRSHARP1 8'h100 - 8'1ff
#define SRSHARP0_OFFSET (0x000<<2)
#define SRSHARP1_OFFSET (0x200<<2)
// Reading file: sharp_regs.h
#define SHARP_HVSIZE ((0x5000 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_pknr_hsize . unsigned , default = 1920
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_pknr_vsize . unsigned , default = 1080
#define SHARP_HVBLANK_NUM ((0x5001 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_deband_hblank
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pknr_hblank_num . unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pknr_vblank_num . unsigned , default = 73
#define NR_GAUSSIAN_MODE ((0x5002 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, reg_nr_gau_ynorm : C adpative coef norm, 0: 128, 1: 256, 2: 512, 3: 1024 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 8, reg_nr_gau_cnorm : C adpative coef norm, 0: 128, 1: 256, 2: 512, 3: 1024 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 4, reg_nr_gau_ymode : 0 3x3 filter; 1: 5x5 filter; 2/3:adpative coef . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 2, reserved
//Bit 1: 0, reg_nr_gau_cmode : 0 3x3 filter; 1: 5x5 filter; 2/3:adpative coef . unsigned , default = 1
#define PK_CON_2CIRHPGAIN_TH_RATE ((0x5005 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain0 : threshold0 of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain1 : threshold1 of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain5 : rate0 (for hpcon<th0) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain6 : rate1 (for hpcon>th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_CON_2CIRHPGAIN_LIMIT ((0x5006 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain2 : level limit(for hpcon<th0) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 155
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain3 : level limit(for th0<hpcon<th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 150
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_cirhpcon2gain4 : level limit(for hpcon>th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for circle hp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define PK_CON_2CIRBPGAIN_TH_RATE ((0x5007 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain0 : threshold0 of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain1 : threshold1 of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same).. unsigned , default = 50
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain5 : rate0 (for bpcon<th0) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 50
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain6 : rate1 (for bpcon>th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 25
#define PK_CON_2CIRBPGAIN_LIMIT ((0x5008 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain2 : level limit(for bpcon<th0) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 155
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain3 : level limit(for th0<bpcon<th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 150
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_cirbpcon2gain4 : level limit(for bpcon>th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for circle bp filter (all 8 direction same). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define PK_CON_2DRTHPGAIN_TH_RATE ((0x5009 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain0 : threshold0 of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain1 : threshold1 of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain5 : rate0 (for hpcon<th0) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain6 : rate1 (for hpcon>th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_CON_2DRTHPGAIN_LIMIT ((0x500a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain2 : level limit(for hpcon<th0) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction).. unsigned , default = 105
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain3 : level limit(for th0<hpcon<th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 96
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_drthpcon2gain4 : level limit(for hpcon>th1) of curve to map hpcon to hpgain for directional hp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define PK_CON_2DRTBPGAIN_TH_RATE ((0x500b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain0 : threshold0 of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain1 : threshold1 of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 50
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain5 : rate0 (for bpcon<th0) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 50
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain6 : rate1 (for bpcon>th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 25
#define PK_CON_2DRTBPGAIN_LIMIT ((0x500c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain2 : level limit(for bpcon<th0) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 55
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain3 : level limit(for th0<bpcon<th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 40
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_drtbpcon2gain4 : level limit(for bpcon>th1) of curve to map bpcon to bpgain for directional bp filter (best direction). 0~255.. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define PK_CIRFB_LPF_MODE ((0x500d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, reg_cirhp_horz_mode : no horz filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 27:26, reserved
//Bit 25:24, reg_cirhp_vert_mode : no vert filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:20, reg_cirhp_diag_mode : filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 19:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, reg_cirbp_horz_mode : no horz filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 8, reg_cirbp_vert_mode : no vert filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 4, reg_cirbp_diag_mode : filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 0, reserved
#define PK_DRTFB_LPF_MODE ((0x500e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, reg_drthp_horz_mode : no horz filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 2 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 27:26, reserved
//Bit 25:24, reg_drthp_vert_mode : no vert filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 2 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:20, reg_drthp_diag_mode : filter on HP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 19:14, reserved
//Bit 13:12, reg_drtbp_horz_mode : no horz filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 2 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 8, reg_drtbp_vert_mode : no vert filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2/3: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 2 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 4, reg_drtbp_diag_mode : filter on BP; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3: 0, reserved
#define PK_CIRFB_HP_CORING ((0x500f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_cirhp_horz_core : coring of HP for Horz . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_cirhp_vert_core : coring of HP for Vert . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_cirhp_diag_core : coring of HP for Diag . unsigned , default = 0
#define PK_CIRFB_BP_CORING ((0x5010 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_cirbp_horz_core : coring of HP for Horz . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_cirbp_vert_core : coring of HP for Vert . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_cirbp_diag_core : coring of HP for Diag . unsigned , default = 1
#define PK_DRTFB_HP_CORING ((0x5011 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_drthp_horz_core : coring of HP for Horz . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_drthp_vert_core : coring of HP for Vert . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_drthp_diag_core : coring of HP for Diag . unsigned , default = 1
#define PK_DRTFB_BP_CORING ((0x5012 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_drtbp_horz_core : coring of HP for Horz . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_drtbp_vert_core : coring of HP for Vert . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_drtbp_diag_core : coring of HP for Diag . unsigned , default = 1
#define PK_CIRFB_BLEND_GAIN ((0x5013 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_hp_cir_hgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 27:24, reg_hp_cir_vgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:20, reg_hp_cir_dgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 19:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_bp_cir_hgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11: 8, reg_bp_cir_vgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 7: 4, reg_bp_cir_dgain : normalized 8 as '1' . unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reserved
#define NR_ALPY_SSD_GAIN_OFST ((0x5014 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp0_ssd_gain : gain to max ssd normalized 16 as '1' . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_nr_alp0_ssd_ofst : offset to ssd before dividing to min_err . signed , default = -2
#define NR_ALP0Y_ERR2CURV_TH_RATE ((0x5015 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar0 : threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need blur. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar1 : threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not blur.. unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar5 : rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar6 : rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 64
#define NR_ALP0Y_ERR2CURV_LIMIT ((0x5016 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar2 : level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar3 : level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_ypar4 : level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for luma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define NR_ALP0C_ERR2CURV_TH_RATE ((0x5017 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar0 : threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need blur.. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar1 : threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not blur.. unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar5 : rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar6 : rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 64
#define NR_ALP0C_ERR2CURV_LIMIT ((0x5018 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar2 : level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar3 : level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp0_minerr_cpar4 : level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp0 for chroma channel, this will be set to alp0 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define NR_ALP0_MIN_MAX ((0x5019 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_nr_alp0_ymin : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_nr_alp0_ymax : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_nr_alp0_cmin : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_nr_alp0_cmax : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 63
#define NR_ALP1_MIERR_CORING ((0x501a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_nr_alp1_maxerr_mode : 0 max err; 1: xerr . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_nr_alp1_core_rate : normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_nr_alp1_core_ofst : normalized 64 as "1" . signed , default = 3
#define NR_ALP1_ERR2CURV_TH_RATE ((0x501b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par0 : threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need directional NR. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par1 : threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not do directional NR. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par5 : rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par6 : rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255. unsigned , default = 20
#define NR_ALP1_ERR2CURV_LIMIT ((0x501c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par2 : level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par3 : level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8, reg_nr_alp1_minerr_par4 : level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp1 for luma/chroma channel, this will be set to alp1 that we can do for texture region. 0~255.255 before. unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define NR_ALP1_MIN_MAX ((0x501d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_nr_alp1_ymin : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_nr_alp1_ymax : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 63
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_nr_alp1_cmin : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_nr_alp1_cmax : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 63
#define PK_ALP2_MIERR_CORING ((0x501e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17, reserved
//Bit 16, reg_pk_alp2_maxerr_mode : 0 max err; 1: xerr . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_pk_alp2_core_rate : normalized 64 as "1" . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_pk_alp2_core_ofst : normalized 64 as "1" . signed , default = 1
#define PK_ALP2_ERR2CURV_TH_RATE ((0x501f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par0 : threshold0 of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel, this will be set value of flat region mierr that no need peaking.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par1 : threshold1 of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel,this will be set value of texture region mierr that can not do peaking. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par5 : rate0 (for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par6 : rate1 (for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel. the larger of the value, the deep of the slope. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_ALP2_ERR2CURV_LIMIT ((0x5020 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par2 : level limit(for mierr<th0) of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel, this will be set to alp2 that we can do for flat region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par3 : level limit(for th0<mierr<th1) of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel, this will be set to alp2 that we can do for misc region. 0~255.. unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_alp2_minerr_par4 : level limit(for mierr>th1) of curve to map mierr to alp2 for luma channel, this will be set to alp2 that we can do for texture region. 0~255. default = 32;. unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 7: 0, reserved
#define PK_ALP2_MIN_MAX ((0x5021 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_pk_alp2_min : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_pk_alp2_max : normalized to 64 as '1' . unsigned , default = 63
#define PK_FINALGAIN_HP_BP ((0x5022 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:16, reg_final_gain_rs : s2: right shift bits for the gain normalization, 0 normal to 32 as 1; 1 normalize to 64 as 1; -2 normalized to 8 as 1; -1 normalize 16 as 1. default = 0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_hp_final_gain : gain to highpass boost result (including directional/circle blending), normalized 32 as '1', 0~255. 1.25 * 32. unsigned , default = 40
//Bit 7: 0, reg_bp_final_gain : gain to bandpass boost result (including directional/circle blending), normalized 32 as '1', 0~255. 1.25 * 32. unsigned , default = 30
#define PK_OS_HORZ_CORE_GAIN ((0x5023 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_os_hsidecore : side coring (not to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in horizontal direction. the larger of this value, the less overshoot admitted 0~255;. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_os_hsidegain : side gain (not to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in horizontal direction. normalized to 32 as '1'. 0~255;. unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_os_hmidcore : midd coring (to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in horizontal direction. the larger of this value, the less overshoot admitted 0~255;. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_os_hmidgain : midd gain (to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in horizontal direction. normalized to 32 as '1'. 0~255;. unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_OS_VERT_CORE_GAIN ((0x5024 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_os_vsidecore : side coring (not to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in vertical direction. the larger of this value, the less overshoot admitted 0~255;. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_os_vsidegain : side gain (not to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in vertical direction. normalized to 32 as '1'. 0~255;. unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_os_vmidcore : midd coring (to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in vertical direction. the larger of this value, the less overshoot admitted 0~255;. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_os_vmidgain : midd gain (to current pixel) to adaptive overshoot margin in vertical direction. normalized to 32 as '1'. 0~255;. unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_OS_ADPT_MISC ((0x5025 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_os_minerr_core : coring to minerr for adaptive overshoot margin. the larger of this value, the less overshoot admitted 0~255;. unsigned , default = 40
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_os_minerr_gain : gain to minerr based adaptive overshoot margin. normalized to 64 as '1'. 0~255;. unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 15: 8, reg_pk_os_adpt_max : maximum limit adaptive overshoot margin (4x). 0~255; . unsigned , default = 200
//Bit 7: 0, reg_pk_os_adpt_min : minimun limit adaptive overshoot margin (1x). 0~255; . unsigned , default = 20
#define PK_OS_STATIC ((0x5026 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:28, reg_pk_osh_mode : 0~3: (2x+1) window in H direction . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 27:26, reserved
//Bit 25:24, reg_pk_osv_mode : 0~3: (2x+1) window in V direction . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:12, reg_pk_os_down : static negative overshoot margin. 0~1023; . unsigned , default = 200
//Bit 11:10, reserved
//Bit 9: 0, reg_pk_os_up : static positive overshoot margin. 0~1023; . unsigned , default = 200
#define PK_NR_ENABLE ((0x5027 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 2, reg_3d_mode , 0: no 3D; 1: L/R; 2: T/B; 3: horizontal interleaved, dft = 0 //. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1, reg_pk_en . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_nr_en . unsigned , default = 1
#define PK_DRT_SAD_MISC ((0x5028 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_pk_sad_ver_gain : gain to sad[4], 16 normalized to "1"; . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23:16, reg_pk_sad_hor_gain : gain to sad[0], 16 normalized to "1"; . unsigned , default = 24
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 9, reg_pk_bias_diag : bias towards diag . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4: 0, reg_pk_drt_force : force direction of drt peaking filter, h2b: 0:hp drt force, 1: bp drt force; 2: bp+hp drt force, 3: no force;. unsigned , default = 24
#define NR_TI_DNLP_BLEND ((0x5029 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11, reserved
//Bit 10: 8, reg_dnlp_input_mode : dnlp input options. 0: org_y; 1: gau_y; 2: gauadp_y; 3: edgadplpf_y; 4: nr_y;5: lti_y; 6: pk_y (before os);7: pk_y (after os). unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reserved
//Bit 3: 2, reg_nr_cti_blend_mode : blend mode of nr and lti result: 0: nr; 1:cti; 2: (nr+cti)/2; 3:cti + dlt_nr . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1: 0, reg_nr_lti_blend_mode : blend mode of nr and lti result: 0: nr; 1:lti; 2: (nr+lti)/2; 3:lti + dlt_nr . unsigned , default = 2
// new ti regsters from here
#define LTI_DIR_CORE_ALPHA ((0x502a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_adp_lti_dir_alp_core_ofst : ofst to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err-min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err*64; dft=10. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_adp_lti_dir_alp_core_rate : ofset to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err-min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err*64; dft=0/32. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_adp_lti_dir_alpmin : min value of alpha, alpha = (min_err+x +ofst)/max_err*64; dft=10 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_adp_lti_dir_alpmax : max value of alpha, alpha = (min_err+x +ofst)/max_err*64; dft=63 . unsigned , default = 63
#define CTI_DIR_ALPHA ((0x502b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_adp_cti_dir_alp_core_ofst : ofst to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err-min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err*64; dft=10. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 23:20, reserved
//Bit 19:16, reg_adp_cti_dir_alp_core_rate : ofset to min_err, alpha = (min_err - (max_err-min_err)*rate + ofst)/max_err*64; dft=0/32. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_adp_cti_dir_alpmin : min value of alpha, alpha = (min_err +x+ofst)/max_err*64; dft=10 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_adp_cti_dir_alpmax : max value of alpha, alpha = (min_err +x+ofst)/max_err*64; dft=63 . unsigned , default = 63
#define LTI_CTI_DF_GAIN ((0x502c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_adp_lti_hdf_gain : 8 normalized to "1"; default = 12 . unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_adp_lti_vdf_gain : 8 normalized to "1"; default = 12 . unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_adp_cti_hdf_gain : 8 normalized to "1"; default = 12 . unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_adp_cti_vdf_gain : 8 normalized to "1"; default = 12 . unsigned , default = 12
#define LTI_CTI_DIR_AC_DBG ((0x502d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30, reg_adp_lti_dir_lpf : 0: no lpf; 1: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 lpf . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 29, reserved
//Bit 28, reg_adp_lti_dir_difmode : 0: y_dif; 1: y_dif + (u_dif+v_dif)/2; . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26, reg_adp_cti_dir_lpf : 0: no lpf; 1: [1 2 2 2 1]/8 lpf dft=1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 25:24, reg_adp_cti_dir_difmode : 0: (u_dif+v_dif); 1: y_dif/2 + (u_dif+v_dif)*3/4; 2: y_dif + (u_dif+v_dif)/2; 3: y_dif*2 (not recomended). unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:22, reg_adp_hvlti_dcblend_mode : 0: hlti_dc; 1:vlti_dc; 2: avg 3; blend on alpha . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 21:20, reg_adp_hvcti_dcblend_mode : 0: hcti_dc; 1:vcti_dc; 2: avg 3; blend on alpha . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:18, reg_adp_hvlti_acblend_mode : hlti_ac; 1:vlti_ac; 2: add 3;:adaptive to alpha . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 17:16, reg_adp_hvcti_acblend_mode : hcti_ac; 1:vcti_ac; 2: add 3;: adaptive to alpha . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15, reserved
//Bit 14:12, reg_adp_hlti_debug , for hlti debug, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11, reserved
//Bit 10: 8, reg_adp_vlti_debug , for vlti debug, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6: 4, reg_adp_hcti_debug , for hcti debug, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_adp_vcti_debug , for vcti debug, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define HCTI_FLT_CLP_DC ((0x502e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28, reg_adp_hcti_en , 0: no cti, 1: new cti, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 27:26, reg_adp_hcti_vdn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0,2,4,2,0], 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 25:24, reg_adp_hcti_hdn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0, 0, 0, 4, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0], 2:[0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 0, 0], 3: [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1], default = 2. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:22, reg_adp_hcti_ddn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0,2,4,2,0], 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 21:20, reg_adp_hcti_lpf0_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma=0.75, 2: sigma = 1.0, 3: sigma = 1.5, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 19:18, reg_adp_hcti_lpf1_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma= 2.0, 2: sigma = 3.0, 3: sigma = 4.0, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 17:16, reg_adp_hcti_lpf2_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma=5.0, 2: sigma = 9.0, 3: sigma = 13.0, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:12, reg_adp_hcti_hard_clp_win , window size, 0~8, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 11: 8, reg_adp_hcti_hard_win_min , window size, 0~8, default = 3 . unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4, reg_adp_hcti_clp_mode , 0: hard clip, 1: adaptive clip, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_adp_hcti_dc_mode , 0:dn, 1:lpf0, 2:lpf1, 3:lpf2, 4: lpf3: 5: vdn result; 6/7:org, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define HCTI_BST_GAIN ((0x502f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hcti_bst_gain0 : gain of the bandpass 0 (lpf1-lpf2)- LBP, default = 80 . unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hcti_bst_gain1 : gain of the bandpass 1 (lpf0-lpf1)- BP, default = 96 . unsigned , default = 96
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hcti_bst_gain2 : gain of the bandpass 2 (hdn-lpf0)- HP, default = 64 . unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hcti_bst_gain3 : gain of the unsharp band (yuvin-hdn) - US, default = 16 . unsigned , default = 16
#define HCTI_BST_CORE ((0x5030 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hcti_bst_core0 : core of the bandpass 0 (lpf1-lpf2)- LBP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hcti_bst_core1 : core of the bandpass 1 (lpf0-lpf1)- BP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hcti_bst_core2 : core of the bandpass 2 (hdn-lpf0)- HP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hcti_bst_core3 : core of the unsharp band (yuvin-hdn) - US, default = 3 . unsigned , default = 5
#define HCTI_CON_2_GAIN_0 ((0x5031 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reg_adp_hcti_con_mode : con mode 0:[0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0]+[0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0], 1: [0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0], 2: [0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], 3:[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 4: .... default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 28:26, reg_adp_hcti_dx_mode : dx mode 0: [-1 1 0]; 1~7: [-1 (2x+1)"0" 1], default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 25:24, reg_adp_hcti_con_lpf : lpf mode of the con: 0: [1 2 1]/4; 1:[1 2 2 2 1]/8, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain0 , default = 25 . unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain1 , default = 60 . unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain2 0;, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
#define HCTI_CON_2_GAIN_1 ((0x5032 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain3 96;, default = 96 . unsigned , default = 96
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain4 5;, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain5 80;, default = 80 . unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hcti_con_2_gain6 20;, default = 20 . unsigned , default = 20
#define HCTI_OS_MARGIN ((0x5033 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hcti_os_margin : margin for hcti overshoot, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define HLTI_FLT_CLP_DC ((0x5034 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28, reg_adp_hlti_en , 0: no cti, 1: new cti, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 27:26, reg_adp_hlti_vdn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0,2,4,2,0], 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 25:24, reg_adp_hlti_hdn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0, 0, 0, 4, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0], 2:[0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 0, 0], 3: [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1], default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:22, reg_adp_hlti_ddn_flt , 0: no lpf; 1:[0,2,4,2,0], 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 21:20, reg_adp_hlti_lpf0_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma=0.75, 2: sigma = 1.0, 3: sigma = 1.5, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 19:18, reg_adp_hlti_lpf1_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma= 2.0, 2: sigma = 3.0, 3: sigma = 4.0, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 17:16, reg_adp_hlti_lpf2_flt , 0:no filter; 1:sigma=5.0, 2: sigma = 9.0, 3: sigma = 13.0, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:12, reg_adp_hlti_hard_clp_win , window size, 0~8, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 11: 8, reg_adp_hlti_hard_win_min , window size, 0~8, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 5, reserved
//Bit 4, reg_adp_hlti_clp_mode , 0: hard clip, 1: adaptive clip, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2: 0, reg_adp_hlti_dc_mode , 0:dn, 1:lpf0, 2:lpf1, 3:lpf2, 4: lpf3: 5: vdn result; 6/7:org, default = 4 . unsigned , default = 4
#define HLTI_BST_GAIN ((0x5035 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hlti_bst_gain0 : gain of the bandpass 0 (lpf1-lpf2)- LBP, default = 32 . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hlti_bst_gain1 : gain of the bandpass 1 (lpf0-lpf1)- BP, default = 32 . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hlti_bst_gain2 : gain of the bandpass 2 (hdn-lpf0)- HP, default = 28 . unsigned , default = 28
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hlti_bst_gain3 : gain of the unsharp band (yuvin-hdn) - US, default = 12 . unsigned , default = 12
#define HLTI_BST_CORE ((0x5036 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hlti_bst_core0 : core of the bandpass 0 (lpf1-lpf2)- LBP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hlti_bst_core1 : core of the bandpass 1 (lpf0-lpf1)- BP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hlti_bst_core2 : core of the bandpass 2 (hdn-lpf0)- HP, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hlti_bst_core3 : core of the unsharp band (yuvin-hdn) - US, default = 3 . unsigned , default = 3
#define HLTI_CON_2_GAIN_0 ((0x5037 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reg_adp_hlti_con_mode : con mode 0:[0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0]+[0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0], 1: [0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0], 2: [0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], 3:[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 4: ....., default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 28:26, reg_adp_hlti_dx_mode : dx mode 0: [-1 1 0]; 1~7: [-1 (2x+1)"0" 1], default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 25:24, reg_adp_hlti_con_lpf : lpf mode of the con: 0: [1 2 1]/4; 1:[1 2 2 2 1]/8, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain0 25;, default = 25 . unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain1 60;, default = 60 . unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain2 0;, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
#define HLTI_CON_2_GAIN_1 ((0x5038 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain3 96;, default = 96 . unsigned , default = 96
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain4 5;, default = 95 . unsigned , default = 95
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain5 80;, default = 80 . unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hlti_con_2_gain6 20;, default = 20 . unsigned , default = 20
#define HLTI_OS_MARGIN ((0x5039 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_hlti_os_margin : margin for hlti overshoot, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define VLTI_FLT_CON_CLP ((0x503a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15, reserved
//Bit 14, reg_adp_vlti_en : enable bit of vlti, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 13:12, reg_adp_vlti_hxn_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 11:10, reg_adp_vlti_dxn_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 9: 8, reg_adp_vlti_han_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 7: 6, reg_adp_vlti_dan_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 5: 4, reg_adp_vlti_dx_mode : 0:[-1 1] 1:[-1 0 -1]; 2/3: [-1 0 0 0 -1], default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2, reg_adp_vlti_con_lpf : lpf mode of the con: 0: [1 2 1]/4; 1:[1 2 2 2 1]/8, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_adp_vlti_hard_clp_win : window size; 0: 1x3 window; 1: 1x5 window, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define VLTI_BST_GAIN ((0x503b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vlti_bst_gain0 : gain to boost filter [-1 2 -1];, default = 32 . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vlti_bst_gain1 : gain to boost filter [-1 0 2 0 -1];, default = 32 . unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vlti_bst_gain2 : gain to boost filter usf, default = 32 . unsigned , default = 32
#define VLTI_BST_CORE ((0x503c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vlti_bst_core0 : coring to boost filter [-1 2 -1];, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vlti_bst_core1 : coring to boost filter [-1 0 2 0 -1];, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vlti_bst_core2 : coring to boost filter usf, default = 3 . unsigned , default = 3
#define VLTI_CON_2_GAIN_0 ((0x503d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain0 25;, default = 25 . unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain1 60;, default = 60 . unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain2 0;, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain3 96;, default = 96 . unsigned , default = 96
#define VLTI_CON_2_GAIN_1 ((0x503e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain4 5;, default = 95 . unsigned , default = 95
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain5 80;, default = 80 . unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vlti_con_2_gain6 20;, default = 20 . unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vlti_os_margin : margin for vlti overshoot, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define VCTI_FLT_CON_CLP ((0x503f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15, reserved
//Bit 14, reg_adp_vcti_en : enable bit of vlti, default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 13:12, reg_adp_vcti_hxn_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 11:10, reg_adp_vcti_dxn_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 9: 8, reg_adp_vcti_han_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 7: 6, reg_adp_vcti_dan_flt : 0: no dn; 1: [1 2 1]/4; 2 : [1 2 2 2 1]/8 3:[1 0 2 0 1]/4, default = 2 . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 5: 4, reg_adp_vcti_dx_mode : 0:[-1 1] 1:[-1 0 -1]; 2/3: [-1 0 0 0 -1], default = 1 . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2, reg_adp_vcti_con_lpf : lpf mode of the con: 0: [1 2 1]/4; 1:[1 2 2 2 1]/8, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_adp_vcti_hard_clp_win : window size; 0: 1x3 window; 1: 1x5 window, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define VCTI_BST_GAIN ((0x5040 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vcti_bst_gain0 : gain to boost filter [-1 2 -1];, default = 16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vcti_bst_gain1 : gain to boost filter [-1 0 2 0 -1];, default = 16 . unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vcti_bst_gain2 : gain to boost filter usf, default = 16 . unsigned , default = 16
#define VCTI_BST_CORE ((0x5041 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vcti_bst_core0 : coring to boost filter [-1 2 -1];, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vcti_bst_core1 : coring to boost filter [-1 0 2 0 -1];, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vcti_bst_core2 : coring to boost filter usf, default = 3 . unsigned , default = 3
#define VCTI_CON_2_GAIN_0 ((0x5042 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain0 25;, default = 25 . unsigned , default = 25
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain1 60;, default = 60 . unsigned , default = 60
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain2 0;, default = 5 . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain3 96;, default = 96 . unsigned , default = 96
#define VCTI_CON_2_GAIN_1 ((0x5043 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain4 5;, default = 95 . unsigned , default = 95
//Bit 23:16, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain5 80;, default = 80 . unsigned , default = 80
//Bit 15: 8, reg_adp_vcti_con_2_gain6 20;, default = 20 . unsigned , default = 20
//Bit 7: 0, reg_adp_vcti_os_margin : margin for vcti overshoot, default = 0 . unsigned , default = 0
#define SHARP_3DLIMIT ((0x5044 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29, reserved
//Bit 28:16, reg_3d_mid_width ,width of left part of 3d input, dft = half size of input width default = 0 . unsigned , default = 960
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, reg_3d_mid_height ,height of left part of 3d input, dft = half size of input height default = 0 . unsigned , default = 540
#define DNLP_EN ((0x5045 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_dnlp_hblank
//Bit 7: 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_dnlp_en . unsigned , default = 1
#define DEMO_CRTL ((0x5056 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:19, reserved
//Bit 18:17, demo_disp_position . unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 16, demo_hsvsharp_enable . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:13, reserved
//Bit 12: 0, demo_left_top_screen_width : . unsigned , default = 360
#define SHARP_SR2_CTRL ((0x5057 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24 reg_sr2_bic_pknr_bypass :
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_sr2_pk_la_err_dis_rate : . unsigned , low angle and high angle error should not be no less than nearby_error*rate/64; default = 24
//Bit 15:8, reg_sr2_pk_sad_diag_gain : . unsigned , gain to sad[2] and sad[6], 16 normalized to "1"; default = 16
//Bit 7, reg_sr2_vert_outphs : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 6, reg_sr2_horz_outphs : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 5, reg_sr2_vert_ratio : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 4, reg_sr2_hori_ratio : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3, reg_sr2_bic_norm : . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr2_enable : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 1, reg_sr2_sharp_prc_lr_hbic : . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 0, reg_sr2_sharp_prc_lr : lti/cti/nr/peaking processing using LR grid, 0: on HR grid; 1:on LR grid, horizontally no upscale, but using simple bic . unsigned , default = 0
#define SHARP_SR2_YBIC_HCOEF0 ((0x5058 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef03 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 1.0 phase of luma channel Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef02 the same as above; default=0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef01 the same as above; default=64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef00 the same as above; default=0
#define SHARP_SR2_YBIC_HCOEF1 ((0x5059 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef13 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 0.5 phase of luma channel,Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=-4
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef12 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef11 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_y_bic_hcoef10 the same as above; default=-4
#define SHARP_SR2_CBIC_HCOEF0 ((0x505a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef03 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 1.0 phase of luma channel ,Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef02 the same as above; default=21
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef01 the same as above; default=22
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef00 the same as above; default=21
#define SHARP_SR2_CBIC_HCOEF1 ((0x505b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef13 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 0.5 phase of luma channel,Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=-4
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef12 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef11 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_c_bic_hcoef10 the same as above; default=-4
#define SHARP_SR2_YBIC_VCOEF0 ((0x505c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef03 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 1.0 phase of luma channel, Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef02 the same as above; default=0
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef01 the same as above; default=64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef00 the same as above; default=0
#define SHARP_SR2_YBIC_VCOEF1 ((0x505d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef13 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 0.5 phase of luma channe, lFilter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=-4
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef12 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef11 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_y_bic_vcoef10 the same as above; default=-4
#define SHARP_SR2_CBIC_VCOEF0 ((0x505e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef03 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 1.0 phase of luma channel, Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef02 the same as above; default=21
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef01 the same as above; default=22
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef00 the same as above; default=21
#define SHARP_SR2_CBIC_VCOEF1 ((0x505f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef13 Horizontal bi-cubic filter of 0.5 phase of luma channel,Filter will be normalized to 128 as ‘1’; default=-4
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef12 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef11 the same as above; default=36
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr2_c_bic_vcoef10 the same as above; default=-4
#define SHARP_SR2_MISC ((0x5060 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_sr2_cmpmux_bef : . unsigned , default = 0,0 no swap anf for YUV->YUV; 1, swapped and for RGB->GBR;
//Bit 0, reg_sr2_cmpmux_aft : . unsigned , default = 0,0 no swap anf for YUV->YUV; 1, swapped and for GBR-RGB;
#define SHARP_SR3_SAD_CTRL ((0x5061 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_sr3_pk_sad_core_rate // u6: rate of coring for sad(theta) - sad(theta+pi/2)*rate/64
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_sr3_lti_sad_core_rate // u6: rate of coring for sad(theta) - sad(theta+pi/2)*rate/64 , default= 6
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:8 reg_sr3_cti_sad_core_rate // u6: rate of coring for sad(theta) - sad(theta+pi/2)*rate/64 , default= 6
//Bit 7, reg_sr3_lti_hsad_mode // u1: mode for hsad of lti caluclation; 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 6, reg_sr3_cti_hsad_mode // u1: mode for hsad of cti caluclation; 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 5, reg_sr3_lti_dsad_mode // u1: mode for dsad of lti caluclation, 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 4, reg_sr3_cti_dsad_mode // u1: mode for dsad of cti caluclation, 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 3, reg_sr3_lti_vsad_mode // u1: mode for vsad of lti caluclation, 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr3_cti_vsad_mode // u1: mode for vsad of cti caluclation, 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr3_lti_hsad_hlpf // u1: hlpf for hsad of lti caluclation, 0: no hlpf; 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf; default= 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr3_cti_hsad_hlpf // u1: hlpf for hsad of cti caluclation, 0: no hlpf; 1: with [1 2 1] hlpf; default= 1
#define SHARP_SR3_PK_CTRL0 ((0x5062 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11, reg_sr3_pk_sad_mode // u1: mode for sad of peaking and noise reduction, 0: block based; 1:othor shape; default= 1
//Bit 10, reg_sr3_pk_hsad_hlpf // u1: hlpf for hsad for peaking caluclation, 0: no hlpf; 1: with [1 2 2 2 1] hlpf; default= 1
//Bit 9, reg_sr3_pk_vsad_hlpf // u1: hlpf for vsad for peaking caluclation, 0: no hlpf; 1: with [1 2 2 2 1] hlpf; default= 1
//Bit 8, reg_sr3_pk_dsad_hlpf // u1: hlpf for dsad for peaking caluclation, 0: no hlpf; 1: with [1 2 2 2 1] hlpf; default= 1
//Bit 7:6, reg_sr3_pk_hpdrt_mode // u2: mode for HPdrt filter: default= 3
//Bit 5:4, reg_sr3_pk_bpdrt_mode // u2: mode for BPdrt filter: default= 3
//Bit 3:2, reg_sr3_pk_drtbld_range // u2: range of the min2 and min direction distance; default =1
//Bit 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_sr3_pk_ti_blend_mode // u1: blend mode of the TI and PK results: default = 0;
#define SHARP_SR3_PK_CTRL1 ((0x5063 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31, reserved
//Bit 30:28, reg_sr3_pk_hp_hvcon_replace8_maxsad //u3: replace HP hvcon by maxsad, default =1
//Bit 27, reserved
//Bit 26:24, reg_sr3_pk_bp_hvcon_replace8_maxsad //u3: replace HP hvcon by maxsad, default =1
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr3_pk_hp_hvcon_replace8lv_gain //u8: gain to local variant before calculating the hv gain for peaking, normalized to 32 as "1" default = 32;
//Bit 15:8, reg_sr3_pk_bp_hvcon_replace8lv_gain //u8: gain to local variant before calculating the hv gain for peaking, normalized to 32 as "1" default = 32;
//Bit 7, reg_sr3_sad_intlev_mode //u1: interleave detection xerr mode: 0 max; 1:sum default=1
//Bit 6, reg_sr3_sad_intlev_mode1 //u1: mode 1 of using diagonal protection: 0: no digonal protection; 1: with diagonal protection default=1
//Bit 5:0, reg_sr3_sad_intlev_gain //u6: interleave detection for sad gain applied, normalized to 8 as 1 default=12
#define SHARP_DEJ_CTRL ((0x5064 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:4 reserved
//Bit 15:8, reg_sr3_dejaggy_hblank // u8
//Bit 7:4 reserved
//Bit 3:2, reg_sr3_dejaggy_sameside_prtct // u2: enable of sr3 dejaggy same side curve protect from filter, [0] for proc, [1] for ctrl path, default=3
//Bit 1, reg_sr3_dejaggy_sameside_mode // u1: mode of the sameside flag decision: default =1
//Bit 0, reg_sr3_dejaggy_enable // u1: enable of sr3 dejaggy: default =0
#define SHARP_DEJ_ALPHA ((0x5065 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr3_dejaggy_ctrlchrm_alpha_1 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr3_dejaggy_ctrlchrm_alpha_0 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr3_dejaggy_ctrlluma_alpha_1 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr3_dejaggy_ctrlluma_alpha_0 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr3_dejaggy_procchrm_alpha_1 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 4
//Bit 11:8, reg_sr3_dejaggy_procchrm_alpha_0 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 6
//Bit 7:4, reg_sr3_dejaggy_procluma_alpha_1 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 4
//Bit 3:0, reg_sr3_dejaggy_procluma_alpha_0 //u4: alpha for LR video LPF, default = 6
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_EN ((0x5066 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:15 reserved
//Bit 14:8, reg_pk_debug_edge . unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7, reserved
//Bit 6:4, reg_sr3_drtlpf_theta_en //u1x3 theta (pure vertical and horizontal HF burst protection) enable. 0: not enable, 1:enable protection
//Bit 3, reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_enable //u1x3 directional lpf on luma U and V channels, default = 7
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_ALPHA_0 ((0x5067 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha3 //u6: directional lpf alpha coef for min_sad/max_sad comparied, default = 9
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha2 //u6: default =10
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:8 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha1 //u6: default = 11
//Bit 7:6 reserved
//Bit 5:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha0 //u6: default = 12
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_ALPHA_1 ((0x5068 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha7 //u6: directional lpf alpha coef for min_sad/max_sad comparied, default = 1
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha6 //u6: default = 4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:8 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha5 //u6: default = 7
//Bit 7:6 reserved
//Bit 5:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha4 //u6: default = 8
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_ALPHA_2 ((0x5069 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha11 //u6: directional lpf alpha coef for min_sad/max_sad comparied, default = 0
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha10 //u6: default = 0
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:8 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha9 //u6: default = 0
//Bit 7:6 reserved
//Bit 5:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha8 //u6: default = 0
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_ALPHA_OFST ((0x506a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst7 //s4: directional lpf alpha coef ofset of each directions, default = -8
//Bit 27:24 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst6 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 23:20 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst5 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 19:16 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst4 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 15:12 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst3 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 11:8 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst2 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 7:4 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst1 //s4: default = -8
//Bit 3:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_alpha_ofst0 //s4: default = -8
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_CTRL ((0x506b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_sr3_dering_enable // u3: dering enable bits; default = 1
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_sr3_dering_varlpf_mode // u3: local variant LPF mode: 0 no filter, 1, errosion 3x3; 2: 3x3 lpf; 3 and up: 3x3 errosion + lpf default = 3
//Bit 23:20 reg_sr3_dering_maxrange // u4: maximum:range of dering in LR resolution, max to 12; default = 9
//Bit 19:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_sr3_dering_lcvar_blend_mode // u2: mode for lcvar calculation: 0: HVblend; 1: diagblend; 2: HVblend+V (for hring); 3: HVblend+ DiagBlend default = 2
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_lcvar_gain // u8: gain to local variant and normalized to 32 as "1" default = 64
//Bit 7:0 reg_sr3_dering_lcvar_nearby_maxsad_th // u8: threshold to use nearer side maxsad if that side sad is larger than this threshold, ortherwise, use the max one default = 28
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_LUMA2PKGAIN_0TO3 ((0x506c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain3 // u8: level limit(for th0<bpcon<th1) of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. default=255
//Bit 23:16 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain2 // u8: level limit(for bpcon<th0) of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. default=255
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain1 // u8: threshold1 of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level default =200
//Bit 7:0 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain0 // u8: threshold0 of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. default =30
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_LUMA2PKGAIN_4TO6 ((0x506d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain6 // u8: rate1 (for bpcon>th1) of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. default =24
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain5 // u8: rate0 (for bpcon<th0) of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. dfault =50
//Bit 7:0 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkgain4 // u8: level limit(for bpcon>th1) of curve for dering pkgain based on LPF luma level. default =255
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_LUMA2PKOS_0TO3 ((0x506e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos3 // u8: level limit(for th0<bpcon<th1) of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level. default=255
//Bit 23:16 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos2 // u8: level limit(for bpcon<th0) of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level. default=255
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos1 // u8: threshold1 of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level default =200
//Bit 7:0 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos0 // u8: threshold0 of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma leve. default =30
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_LUMA2PKOS_4TO6 ((0x506f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos6 // u8: rate1 (for bpcon>th1) of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level. default =24
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos5 // u8: rate0 (for bpcon<th0) of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level. dfault =50
//Bit 7:0 reg_sr3_dering_luma2pkos4 // u8: level limit(for bpcon>th1) of curve for dering pkOS based on LPF luma level. default =255
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_GAINVS_MADSAD ((0x5070 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad7 //u4: pkgain vs maxsad value, 8 node interpolations, default = 0
//Bit 27:24 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad6 //u4: default = 0
//Bit 23:20 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad5 //u4: default = 0
//Bit 19:16 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad4 //u4: default = 0
//Bit 15:12 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad3 //u4: default = 0
//Bit 11:8 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad2 //u4: default = 0
//Bit 7:4 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad1 //u4: default = 4
//Bit 3:0 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_maxsad0 //u4: default = 8
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_GAINVS_VR2MAX ((0x5071 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max7 //u4: pkgain vs ratio = max(local_var, floor)/maxsad nearby, default = 15
//Bit 27:24 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max6 //u4: default = 15
//Bit 23:20 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max5 //u4: default = 15
//Bit 19:16 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max4 //u4: default = 15
//Bit 15:12 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max3 //u4: default = 14
//Bit 11:8 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max2 //u4: default = 12
//Bit 7:4 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max1 //u4: default = 2
//Bit 3:0 reg_sr3_dering_gainvs_vr2max0 //u4: default = 0
#define SHARP_SR3_DERING_PARAM0 ((0x5072 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 reg_sr3_dering_lcvar_floor //u8: local varianet no smaller than this value to calculate dgain max(localvar,x)/maxsad. default = 10
//Bit 15:8 reg_sr3_dering_vr2max_gain //u8: gain to max(local_var, floor)/maxsad before feeding to LUT. default = 32
//Bit 7:6 reserved
//Bit 5:0 reg_sr3_dering_vr2max_limt //u6: limit of maxsad to max(local_var, floor)*(max(maxsad, lmit))/maxsad. default = 16
#define SHARP_SR3_DRTLPF_THETA ((0x5073 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_sr3_drtlpf_theta //u4x8: directional lpf beta coef for min_sad/min2_sad compared to x=0:7 correspond to[1:8]/16; 0 means no drtLPF, 15: 100% alpha dependant drtLPF
#define SHARP_SATPRT_CTRL ((0x5074 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 reg_satprt_sat_core //u8: 4x will be coring to cor(irgb_max-irgb_min) to calculate the oy_delt, the smaller the more protection to color, the larger only the rich color will be protected;
//Bit 15:8 reg_satprt_sat_rate //u8: rate to cor(irgb_max-irgb_min) to calculate the oy_delt, the larger the more protection to rich color; norm 16 as 1
//Bit 7:4 reserved
//Bit 3:2 reg_satprt_csc_mode //u2: csc mode of current yuv input: 0:601, 1:709, 2:BT2020 NCL, 3:reserved
//Bit 1 reg_satprt_is_lmt //u1: flag telling the YUV is limited range data or full range data, 0 full range, 1: limited range
//Bit 0 reg_satprt_enable //u1: enable of saturation protection for dnlp adjustments
#define SHARP_SATPRT_DIVM ((0x5075 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:0 reg_satprt_div_m //u8x3, 1/m, normalized to 128 as 1, default=1
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x5077 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 0:yuv 1:RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 1 debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x5079 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdebandslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdebandslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdebandslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdebandslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdebandslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdebandslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdebandslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdebandslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 lut0
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x507a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x507b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x507c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x507d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define SHARP_PKGAIN_VSLUMA_LUT_L ((0x507e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut7;
//Bit 27:24 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut6;
//Bit 23:20 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut5;
//Bit 19:16 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut4;
//Bit 15:12 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut3;
//Bit 11: 8 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut2;
//Bit 7: 4 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut1;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut0;
#define SHARP_PKGAIN_VSLUMA_LUT_H ((0x507f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4 reserved;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_pkgain_vsluma_lut8;
#define SHARP_PKOSHT_VSLUMA_LUT_L ((0x5080 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut7;
//Bit 27:24 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut6;
//Bit 23:20 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut5;
//Bit 19:16 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut4;
//Bit 15:12 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut3;
//Bit 11: 8 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut2;
//Bit 7: 4 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut1;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut0;
#define SHARP_PKOSHT_VSLUMA_LUT_H ((0x5081 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4 reserved;
//Bit 3: 0 reg_pkosht_vsluma_lut8;
#define SHARP_SATPRT_LMT_RGB1 ((0x5082 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 reg_satprt_lmt_g //u12x3, limit of the rgb channel, for limited range RGB, set to 960, otherwise set to 1023
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11:0 reg_satprt_lmt_r //u12x3, limit of the rgb channel, for limited range RGB, set to 960, otherwise set to 1023
#define SHARP_SATPRT_LMT_RGB2 ((0x5083 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:0 reg_satprt_lmt_b //u12x3, limit of the rgb channel, for limited range RGB, set to 960, otherwise set to 1023
#define SHARP_GATE_CLK_CTRL_0 ((0x5084 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_gate_clk_ctrl_0
#define SHARP_GATE_CLK_CTRL_1 ((0x5085 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_gate_clk_ctrl_1
#define SHARP_GATE_CLK_CTRL_2 ((0x5086 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_gate_clk_ctrl_2
#define SHARP_GATE_CLK_CTRL_3 ((0x5087 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_gate_clk_ctrl_3
#define SHARP_DPS_CTRL ((0x5088 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_sharp_dps_ctrl
#define DNLP_00 ((0x5090 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid0 : dnlp00 . unsigned , default = 32'h00008060
#define DNLP_01 ((0x5091 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid1 : dnlp01 . unsigned , default = 32'h100e0c0a
#define DNLP_02 ((0x5092 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid2 : dnlp02 . unsigned , default = 32'h1a171412
#define DNLP_03 ((0x5093 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid3 : dnlp03 . unsigned , default = 32'h2824201d
#define DNLP_04 ((0x5094 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid4 : dnlp04 . unsigned , default = 32'h3834302c
#define DNLP_05 ((0x5095 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid5 : dnlp05 . unsigned , default = 32'h4b45403c
#define DNLP_06 ((0x5096 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid6 : dnlp06 . unsigned , default = 32'h605b5550
#define DNLP_07 ((0x5097 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid7 : dnlp07 . unsigned , default = 32'h80787068
#define DNLP_08 ((0x5098 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid8 : dnlp08 . unsigned , default = 32'ha0989088
#define DNLP_09 ((0x5099 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid9 : dnlp09 . unsigned , default = 32'hb8b2aca6
#define DNLP_10 ((0x509a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid10 : dnlp10 . unsigned , default = 32'hc8c4c0bc
#define DNLP_11 ((0x509b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid11 : dnlp11 . unsigned , default = 32'hd4d2cecb
#define DNLP_12 ((0x509c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid12 : dnlp12 . unsigned , default = 32'hdad8d7d6
#define DNLP_13 ((0x509d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid13 : dnlp13 . unsigned , default = 32'he2e0dedc
#define DNLP_14 ((0x509e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid14 : dnlp14 . unsigned , default = 32'hf0ece8e4
#define DNLP_15 ((0x509f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid15 : dnlp15 . unsigned , default = 32'hfffcf8f4
#define DNLP_16 ((0x50a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid16 : dnlp16 . unsigned , default = 32'h08060402
#define DNLP_17 ((0x50a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid17 : dnlp17 . unsigned , default = 32'h100e0c0a
#define DNLP_18 ((0x50a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid18 : dnlp18 . unsigned , default = 32'h1a171412
#define DNLP_19 ((0x50a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid19 : dnlp19 . unsigned , default = 32'h2824201d
#define DNLP_20 ((0x50a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid20 : dnlp20 . unsigned , default = 32'h3834302c
#define DNLP_21 ((0x50a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid21 : dnlp21 . unsigned , default = 32'h4b45403c
#define DNLP_22 ((0x50a6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid22 : dnlp22 . unsigned , default = 32'h605b5550
#define DNLP_23 ((0x50a7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid23 : dnlp23 . unsigned , default = 32'h80787068
#define DNLP_24 ((0x50a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid24 : dnlp24 . unsigned , default = 32'ha0989088
#define DNLP_25 ((0x50a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid25 : dnlp25 . unsigned , default = 32'hb8b2aca6
#define DNLP_26 ((0x50aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid26 : dnlp26 . unsigned , default = 32'hc8c4c0bc
#define DNLP_27 ((0x50ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid27 : dnlp27 . unsigned , default = 32'hd4d2cecb
#define DNLP_28 ((0x50ac << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid28 : dnlp28 . unsigned , default = 32'hdad8d7d6
#define DNLP_29 ((0x50ad << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid29 : dnlp29 . unsigned , default = 32'he2e0dedc
#define DNLP_30 ((0x50ae << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid30 : dnlp30 . unsigned , default = 32'hf0ece8e4
#define DNLP_31 ((0x50af << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, reg_dnlp_ygrid31 : dnlp31 . unsigned , default = 32'hfffcf8f4
#define SHARP_SYNC_CTRL ((0x50b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 15: 0, reg_sync_ctrl //reg_sync_ctrl: shaddow register control . unsigned , default = 0
#define LC_INPUT_MUX ((0x50b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:7 reserved
//Bit 6:4 reg_lcinput_ysel //u3, local contrast luma input options 0: org_y; 1: gau_y; 2: gauadp_y; 3: edgadplpf_y; 4: nr_y;5: lti_y; 6: pk_y (before os);7: pk_y (after os) . unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:0 reg_lcinput_csel //u3, local contrast chroma input options 0: org_c; 1: gau_c; 2: gauadp_c; 3: edgadplpf_c; 4: nr_c;5: cti_c; 6: pk_c . unsigned , default = 5
#define NR_GAU_YH_COEF02 ((0x50b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:20 reg_nr_gau_yhcoef_0 //s10, luma's horizontal adaptive coef0 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_yhcoef_1 //s10, luma's horizontal adaptive coef1 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_yhcoef_2 //s10, luma's horizontal adaptive coef2 . signed , default = 16
#define NR_GAU_YH_COEF34 ((0x50b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_yhcoef_3 //s10, luma's horizontal adaptive coef3 . signed , default = 0
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_yhcoef_4 //s10, luma's horizontal adaptive coef4 . signed , default = 0
#define NR_GAU_YV_COEF1 ((0x50b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:20 reg_nr_gau_yvcoef_0 //s10, luma's vertical adaptive coef0 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_yvcoef_1 //s10, luma's vertical adaptive coef1 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_yvcoef_2 //s10, luma's vertical adaptive coef2 . signed , default = 16
#define NR_GAU_CH_COEF02 ((0x50b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:20 reg_nr_gau_chcoef_0 //s10, chroma's horizontal adaptive coef0 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_chcoef_1 //s10, chroma's horizontal adaptive coef1 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_chcoef_2 //s10, chroma's horizontal adaptive coef2 . signed , default = 16
#define NR_GAU_CH_COEF34 ((0x50b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_chcoef_3 //s10, chroma's horizontal adaptive coef3 . signed , default = 0
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_chcoef_4 //s10, chroma's horizontal adaptive coef4 . signed , default = 0
#define NR_GAU_CV_COEF1 ((0x50b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:20 reg_nr_gau_cvcoef_0 //s10, chroma's vertical adaptive coef0 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 19:10 reg_nr_gau_cvcoef_1 //s10, chroma's vertical adaptive coef1 . signed , default = 32
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nr_gau_cvcoef_2 //s10, chroma's vertical adaptive coef2 . signed , default = 16
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_CTRL1 ((0x50b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nrdeband_noise_rs // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_randgain // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reserved
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reserved
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_LUMA_THRD ((0x50b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
#define SHARP_DB_FLT_CHRM_THRD ((0x50ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define LC_TOP_CTRL ((0x50c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :8 reg_lc_misc U RW default = 'h0
//Bit 7 :5 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 4 reg_lc_enable U RW default = 'h1 enable signal for local contrast enhancement, 1-enable; 0 disable
//Bit 3 :1 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 0 reg_lc_blkblend_mode U RW default = 'h1 use bilinear interpolation between blocks, 0: no interpolation 1: blender enabled
#define LC_HV_NUM ((0x50c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :8 reg_lc_blk_hnum U RW default = 'hc lc processing region number of V, maximum to (STA_LEN_V-1) (0~8)
//Bit 7 :5 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 4 :0 reg_lc_blk_vnum U RW default = 'h8 lc processing region number of H, maximum to (STA_LEN_H-1) (0~12)
#define LC_SAT_LUT_0_1 ((0x50c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_0 U RW default = 'hc saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_1 U RW default = 'h20 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_2_3 ((0x50c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_2 U RW default = 'h38 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_3 U RW default = 'h54 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_4_5 ((0x50c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_4 U RW default = 'h73 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_5 U RW default = 'h95 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_6_7 ((0x50c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_6 U RW default = 'hb9 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_7 U RW default = 'hdf saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_8_9 ((0x50c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_8 U RW default = 'h107 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_9 U RW default = 'h131 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_10_11 ((0x50c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_10 U RW default = 'h15c saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_11 U RW default = 'h189 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_12_13 ((0x50c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_12 U RW default = 'h1b8 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_13 U RW default = 'h1e8 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_14_15 ((0x50c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_14 U RW default = 'h219 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_15 U RW default = 'h24c saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_16_17 ((0x50ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_16 U RW default = 'h280 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_17 U RW default = 'h2b6 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_18_19 ((0x50cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_18 U RW default = 'h2ec saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_19 U RW default = 'h324 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_20_21 ((0x50cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_20 U RW default = 'h35d saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_21 U RW default = 'h397 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_22_23 ((0x50cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_22 U RW default = 'h3d2 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_23 U RW default = 'h40e saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_24_25 ((0x50ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_24 U RW default = 'h44b saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_25 U RW default = 'h489 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_26_27 ((0x50cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_26 U RW default = 'h4c8 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_27 U RW default = 'h507 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_28_29 ((0x50d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_28 U RW default = 'h548 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_29 U RW default = 'h58a saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_30_31 ((0x50d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_30 U RW default = 'h5cd saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_31 U RW default = 'h610 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_32_33 ((0x50d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_32 U RW default = 'h654 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_33 U RW default = 'h69a saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_34_35 ((0x50d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_34 U RW default = 'h6e0 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_35 U RW default = 'h726 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_36_37 ((0x50d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_36 U RW default = 'h76e saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_37 U RW default = 'h7b6 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_38_39 ((0x50d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_38 U RW default = 'h7ff saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_39 U RW default = 'h849 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_40_41 ((0x50d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_40 U RW default = 'h894 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_41 U RW default = 'h8df saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_42_43 ((0x50d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_42 U RW default = 'h92b saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_43 U RW default = 'h978 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_44_45 ((0x50d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_44 U RW default = 'h9c6 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_45 U RW default = 'ha14 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_46_47 ((0x50d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_46 U RW default = 'ha63 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_47 U RW default = 'hab2 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_48_49 ((0x50da << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_48 U RW default = 'hb02 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_49 U RW default = 'hb53 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_50_51 ((0x50db << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_50 U RW default = 'hba5 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_51 U RW default = 'hbf7 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_52_53 ((0x50dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_52 U RW default = 'hc4a saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_53 U RW default = 'hc9d saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_54_55 ((0x50dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_54 U RW default = 'hcf1 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_55 U RW default = 'hd46 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_56_57 ((0x50de << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_56 U RW default = 'hd9b saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_57 U RW default = 'hdf1 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_58_59 ((0x50df << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_58 U RW default = 'he47 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_59 U RW default = 'he9e saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_60_61 ((0x50e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_satur_lut_60 U RW default = 'hef6 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_61 U RW default = 'hf4e saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_SAT_LUT_62 ((0x50e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_satur_lut_62 U RW default = 'hfa7 saturation protection curve, normalized to 4096 as 1, default = y=x^1.2
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_0_1 ((0x50e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_0 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_1 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_2_3 ((0x50e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_2 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_3 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_4_5 ((0x50e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_4 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_5 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_6_7 ((0x50e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_6 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_7 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_8_9 ((0x50e6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_8 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_9 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_10_11 ((0x50e7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_hidx_10 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_11 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_HIDX_12 ((0x50e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_hidx_12 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_VIDX_0_1 ((0x50e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_vidx_0 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_vidx_1 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_VIDX_2_3 ((0x50ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_vidx_2 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_vidx_3 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_VIDX_4_5 ((0x50eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_vidx_4 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_vidx_5 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_VIDX_6_7 ((0x50ec << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :16 reg_lc_blk_vidx_6 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
//Bit 15 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_vidx_7 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_CURVE_BLK_VIDX_8 ((0x50ed << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :14 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 13 :0 reg_lc_blk_vidx_8 U RW default = 'h0 block boundary x-index
#define LC_YUV2RGB_MAT_0_1 ((0x50ee << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_0 S RW default = 1192 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_1 S RW default = 'h0 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
#define LC_YUV2RGB_MAT_2_3 ((0x50ef << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_2 S RW default = 1836 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_3 S RW default = 1192 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
#define LC_YUV2RGB_MAT_4_5 ((0x50f0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_4 S RW default = -218 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_5 S RW default = -547 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
#define LC_YUV2RGB_MAT_6_7 ((0x50f1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_6 S RW default = 1192 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_7 S RW default = '2166 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
#define LC_YUV2RGB_MAT_8 ((0x50f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_mat3x3_8 S RW default = 'h0 yuv2rgb 3x3 matrix
#define LC_RGB2YUV_MAT_0_1 ((0x50f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_0 S RW default = 187 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_1 S RW default = 629 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
#define LC_RGB2YUV_MAT_2_3 ((0x50f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_2 S RW default = 63 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_3 S RW default = -103 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
#define LC_RGB2YUV_MAT_4_5 ((0x50f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_4 S RW default = -346 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_5 S RW default = 450 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
#define LC_RGB2YUV_MAT_6_7 ((0x50f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :29 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 28 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_6 S RW default = 450 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
//Bit 15 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_7 S RW default = -409 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
#define LC_RGB2YUV_MAT_8 ((0x50f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :13 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 12 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_mat3x3_8 S RW default = 41 rgb2yuv 3x3 matrix
#define LC_YUV2RGB_OFST ((0x50f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_ofset_0 U RW default = 'h40 yuv2rgb pre-offset to yuv,
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_ofset_1 U RW default = 'h200 yuv2rgb pre-offset to yuv,
#define LC_YUV2RGB_CLIP ((0x50f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :28 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_rs U RW default = 'h0 matrix normalization right shift extra bits, norm= (1<<(8+rs))
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_clip_0 U RW default = 'h0 yuv2rgb converted RGB clipping range
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_yuv2rgb_clip_1 U RW default = 'h3ff yuv2rgb converted RGB clipping range
#define LC_RGB2YUV_OFST ((0x50fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :28 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_ofset_0 U RW default = 'h40 rgb2yuv post-offset to yuv,
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_ofset_1 U RW default = 'h200 rgb2yuv post-offset to yuv,
#define LC_RGB2YUV_CLIP ((0x50fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 :30 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 29 :28 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_rs U RW default = 'h0 matrix normalization right shift extra bits, norm= (1<<(10+rs))
//Bit 27 :16 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_clip_0 U RW default = 'h0 rgb2yuv converted YUV clipping range
//Bit 15 :12 reserved U RW default = 'h0 None
//Bit 11 :0 reg_lc_rgb2yuv_clip_1 U RW default = 'h3ff rgb2yuv converted YUV clipping range
#define LC_MAP_RAM_CTRL ((0x50fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_MAP_RAM_ADDR ((0x50fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define LC_MAP_RAM_DATA ((0x50fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define SHARP_FMETER_CTRL ((0x5089 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11:10 reg_fmeter_vwin_mm //u2, vertical window size, 0:1 cloumn, 1:3cloumn, 2or3: 5cloumn .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 9 : 8 reg_fmeter_hwin_mm //u2, horizontal window size, 0:1x7, 1:1x9, 2or3: 1x11 .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7 reg_fmeter_d2_mode //u1, selectino filter D2, 0: [0 -2 0 0 2], 1: [-2 0 0 0 2] .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 6 reg_fmeter_v2_mode //u1, selectino filter V2, 0: [0 -2 0 0 2], 1: [-2 0 0 0 2] .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 5: 4 reg_fmeter_h2_mode //u2, selection filter H2, 0: [0 0 0 -2 0 0 2 0 0], 1: [-2 0 0 0 2], 2or3: [0-2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0] .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_freq_meter_en //u1, freq meter enable .unsigned , default = 0
#define SHARP_FMETER_WIN_HOR ((0x508a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_fmeter_xwin_ed //u13, window location: hend .unsigned , default = 1920
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_fmeter_xwin_st //u13, window location: hstart .unsigned , default = 0
#define SHARP_FMETER_WIN_VER ((0x508b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_fmeter_ywin_ed //u14, window location: vend .unsigned , default = 1080
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 reg_fmeter_ywin_st //u14, window location: vstart .unsigned , default = 0
#define SHARP_FMETER_CORING ((0x508c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reg_fmeter_low_bound //u8, low bound for threshold .unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 23:16 reg_fmeter_coring_d //u8, coring of diff before compare with threhold for diagonal frequency .unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 15:8 reg_fmeter_coring_v //u8, coring of diff before compare with threhold for vertical frequency .unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 0 reg_fmeter_coring_h //u8, coring of diff before compare with threhold for horizontal frequency .unsigned , default = 4
#define SHARP_FMETER_RATIO_H ((0x508d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_fmeter_ratio_h2 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for horizontal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_fmeter_ratio_h1 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for horizontal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7 : 6 reserved
//Bit 5 : 0 reg_fmeter_ratio_h0 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for horizontal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
#define SHARP_FMETER_RATIO_V ((0x508e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_fmeter_ratio_v2 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for vertical frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_fmeter_ratio_v1 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for vertical frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7 : 6 reserved
//Bit 5 : 0 reg_fmeter_ratio_v0 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for vertical frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
#define SHARP_FMETER_RATIO_D ((0x508f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_fmeter_ratio_d2 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for diagonal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_fmeter_ratio_d1 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for diagonal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
//Bit 7 : 6 reserved
//Bit 5 : 0 reg_fmeter_ratio_d0 //u6, ratio for threshold calc. for diagonal frequency, 16 is normalized as "1" .unsigned , default = 16
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_HCNT_TYPE0 ((0x5046 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_hcnt_type0 //u32, count for horizontal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_HCNT_TYPE1 ((0x5047 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_hcnt_type1 //u32, count for horizontal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_HCNT_TYPE2 ((0x5048 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_hcnt_type2 //u32, count for horizontal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_HCNT_TYPE3 ((0x5049 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_hcnt_type3 //u32, count for horizontal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_VCNT_TYPE0 ((0x504a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_vcnt_type0 //u32, count for vertical frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_VCNT_TYPE1 ((0x504b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_vcnt_type1 //u32, count for vertical frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_VCNT_TYPE2 ((0x504c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_vcnt_type2 //u32, count for vertical frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_VCNT_TYPE3 ((0x504d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_vcnt_type3 //u32, count for vertical frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_PDCNT_TYPE0 ((0x504e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_pdcnt_type0 //u32, count for positive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_PDCNT_TYPE1 ((0x504f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_pdcnt_type1 //u32, count for positive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_PDCNT_TYPE2 ((0x5050 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_pdcnt_type2 //u32, count for positive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_PDCNT_TYPE3 ((0x5051 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_pdcnt_type3 //u32, count for positive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_NDCNT_TYPE0 ((0x5052 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_ndcnt_type0 //u32, count for negitive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_NDCNT_TYPE1 ((0x5053 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_ndcnt_type1 //u32, count for negitive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_NDCNT_TYPE2 ((0x5054 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_ndcnt_type2 //u32, count for negitive diagonal frequency
#define SHARP_RO_FMETER_NDCNT_TYPE3 ((0x5055 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_fmeter_ndcnt_type3 //u32, count for negitive diagonal frequency
// Closing file: sharp_regs.h
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_00 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_00 ) //8'h46 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_01 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_01 ) //8'h47 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_02 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_02 ) //8'h48 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_03 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_03 ) //8'h49 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_04 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_04 ) //8'h4a //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_05 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_05 ) //8'h4b //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_06 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_06 ) //8'h4c //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_07 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_07 ) //8'h4d //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_08 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_08 ) //8'h4e //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_09 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_09 ) //8'h4f //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_10 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_10 ) //8'h50 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_11 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_11 ) //8'h51 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_12 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_12 ) //8'h52 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_13 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_13 ) //8'h53 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_14 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_14 ) //8'h54 //
//`define SRSHARP0_DNLP_15 (`SRSHARP0_OFFSET + `DNLP_15 ) //8'h55 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_00 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_00 ) // 0x90 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_01 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_01 ) // 0x91 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_02 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_02 ) // 0x92 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_03 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_03 ) // 0x93 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_04 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_04 ) // 0x94 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_05 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_05 ) // 0x95 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_06 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_06 ) // 0x96 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_07 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_07 ) // 0x97 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_08 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_08 ) // 0x98 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_09 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_09 ) // 0x99 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_10 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_10 ) // 0x9a //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_11 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_11 ) // 0x9b //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_12 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_12 ) // 0x9c //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_13 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_13 ) // 0x9d //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_14 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_14 ) // 0x9e //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_15 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_15 ) // 0x9f //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_16 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_16 ) // 0xa0 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_17 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_17 ) // 0xa1 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_18 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_18 ) // 0xa2 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_19 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_19 ) // 0xa3 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_20 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_20 ) // 0xa4 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_21 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_21 ) // 0xa5 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_22 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_22 ) // 0xa6 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_23 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_23 ) // 0xa7 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_24 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_24 ) // 0xa8 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_25 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_25 ) // 0xa9 //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_26 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_26 ) // 0xaa //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_27 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_27 ) // 0xab //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_28 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_28 ) // 0xac //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_29 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_29 ) // 0xad //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_30 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_30 ) // 0xae //
#define SRSHARP0_DNLP_31 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + DNLP_31 ) // 0xaf //
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_0_1 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_0_1 ) // 0xc2
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_2_3 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_2_3 ) // 0xc3
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_4_5 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_4_5 ) // 0xc4
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_6_7 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_6_7 ) // 0xc5
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_8_9 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_8_9 ) // 0xc6
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_10_11 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_10_11 ) // 0xc7
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_12_13 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_12_13 ) // 0xc8
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_14_15 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_14_15 ) // 0xc9
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_16_17 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_16_17 ) // 0xca
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_18_19 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_18_19 ) // 0xcb
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_20_21 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_20_21 ) // 0xcc
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_22_23 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_22_23 ) // 0xcd
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_24_25 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_24_25 ) // 0xce
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_26_27 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_26_27 ) // 0xcf
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_28_29 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_28_29 ) // 0xd0
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_30_31 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_30_31 ) // 0xd1
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_32_33 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_32_33 ) // 0xd2
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_34_35 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_34_35 ) // 0xd3
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_36_37 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_36_37 ) // 0xd4
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_38_39 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_38_39 ) // 0xd5
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_40_41 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_40_41 ) // 0xd6
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_42_43 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_42_43 ) // 0xd7
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_44_45 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_44_45 ) // 0xd8
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_46_47 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_46_47 ) // 0xd9
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_48_49 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_48_49 ) // 0xda
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_50_51 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_50_51 ) // 0xdb
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_52_53 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_52_53 ) // 0xdc
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_54_55 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_54_55 ) // 0xdd
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_56_57 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_56_57 ) // 0xde
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_58_59 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_58_59 ) // 0xdf
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_60_61 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_60_61 ) // 0xe0
#define SRSHARP0_LC_SAT_LUT_62 (SRSHARP0_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_62 ) // 0xe1
//// srsharp1 reg define
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_00 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_00 ) //8'h46 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_01 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_01 ) //8'h47 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_02 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_02 ) //8'h48 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_03 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_03 ) //8'h49 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_04 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_04 ) //8'h4a //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_05 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_05 ) //8'h4b //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_06 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_06 ) //8'h4c //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_07 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_07 ) //8'h4d //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_08 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_08 ) //8'h4e //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_09 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_09 ) //8'h4f //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_10 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_10 ) //8'h50 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_11 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_11 ) //8'h51 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_12 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_12 ) //8'h52 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_13 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_13 ) //8'h53 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_14 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_14 ) //8'h54 //
//`define SRSHARP1_DNLP_15 (`SRSHARP1_OFFSET + `DNLP_15 ) //8'h55 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_00 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_00 ) // 0x90 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_01 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_01 ) // 0x91 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_02 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_02 ) // 0x92 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_03 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_03 ) // 0x93 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_04 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_04 ) // 0x94 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_05 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_05 ) // 0x95 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_06 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_06 ) // 0x96 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_07 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_07 ) // 0x97 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_08 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_08 ) // 0x98 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_09 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_09 ) // 0x99 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_10 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_10 ) // 0x9a //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_11 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_11 ) // 0x9b //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_12 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_12 ) // 0x9c //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_13 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_13 ) // 0x9d //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_14 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_14 ) // 0x9e //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_15 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_15 ) // 0x9f //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_16 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_16 ) // 0xa0 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_17 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_17 ) // 0xa1 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_18 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_18 ) // 0xa2 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_19 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_19 ) // 0xa3 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_20 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_20 ) // 0xa4 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_21 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_21 ) // 0xa5 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_22 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_22 ) // 0xa6 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_23 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_23 ) // 0xa7 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_24 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_24 ) // 0xa8 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_25 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_25 ) // 0xa9 //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_26 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_26 ) // 0xaa //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_27 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_27 ) // 0xab //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_28 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_28 ) // 0xac //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_29 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_29 ) // 0xad //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_30 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_30 ) // 0xae //
#define SRSHARP1_DNLP_31 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + DNLP_31 ) // 0xaf //
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_0_1 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_0_1 ) // 0xc2
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_2_3 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_2_3 ) // 0xc3
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_4_5 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_4_5 ) // 0xc4
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_6_7 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_6_7 ) // 0xc5
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_8_9 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_8_9 ) // 0xc6
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_10_11 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_10_11 ) // 0xc7
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_12_13 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_12_13 ) // 0xc8
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_14_15 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_14_15 ) // 0xc9
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_16_17 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_16_17 ) // 0xca
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_18_19 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_18_19 ) // 0xcb
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_20_21 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_20_21 ) // 0xcc
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_22_23 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_22_23 ) // 0xcd
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_24_25 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_24_25 ) // 0xce
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_26_27 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_26_27 ) // 0xcf
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_28_29 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_28_29 ) // 0xd0
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_30_31 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_30_31 ) // 0xd1
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_32_33 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_32_33 ) // 0xd2
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_34_35 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_34_35 ) // 0xd3
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_36_37 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_36_37 ) // 0xd4
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_38_39 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_38_39 ) // 0xd5
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_40_41 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_40_41 ) // 0xd6
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_42_43 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_42_43 ) // 0xd7
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_44_45 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_44_45 ) // 0xd8
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_46_47 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_46_47 ) // 0xd9
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_48_49 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_48_49 ) // 0xda
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_50_51 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_50_51 ) // 0xdb
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_52_53 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_52_53 ) // 0xdc
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_54_55 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_54_55 ) // 0xdd
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_56_57 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_56_57 ) // 0xde
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_58_59 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_58_59 ) // 0xdf
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_60_61 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_60_61 ) // 0xe0
#define SRSHARP1_LC_SAT_LUT_62 (SRSHARP1_OFFSET + LC_SAT_LUT_62 ) // 0xe1
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: srsharp_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// 8'h50/51/52/53 have used for srsharp_regs
// Reading file: srsharp_regs2.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//SRSHARP0 8'h00 - 8'hff
//SRSHARP1 8'h100 - 8'1ff
#define SRSHARP0_OFFSET (0x000<<2)
#define SRSHARP1_OFFSET (0x200<<2)
// Reading file: sharp_regs2.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define SR7_DRTLPF_EN ((0x5100 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11, reserved
//Bit 10, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta_en2 : enable of direction ambiguity protection for drt_lpf, beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 9, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta_en1 : enable of direction ambiguity protection for drt_lpf, beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta_en0 : enable of direction ambiguity protection for drt_lpf, beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge_en2 : enable of direction lpf based on edge strength. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge_en1 : enable of direction lpf based on edge strength. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge_en0 : enable of direction lpf based on edge strength. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 2, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdfd_en2 : sdfd gamma (HF burst compare to real edge protection) enable. 0: not enable, 1:enable protection. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdfd_en1 : sdfd gamma (HF burst compare to real edge protection) enable. 0: not enable, 1:enable protection. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdfd_en0 : sdfd gamma (HF burst compare to real edge protection) enable. 0: not enable, 1:enable protection. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_DRTLPF_BETA ((0x5101 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta3 : beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo lpf. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta2 : beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo lpf. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta1 : beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo lpf. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_beta0 : beta for drt filter coef base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo lpf. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKBLD_BETA ((0x5102 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pkdrtbld_beta3 : beta for drt and cir blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use cir wo drt. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pkdrtbld_beta2 : beta for drt and cir blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use cir wo drt. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pkdrtbld_beta1 : beta for drt and cir blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use cir wo drt. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pkdrtbld_beta0 : beta for drt and cir blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use cir wo drt. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_XLTIBLD_BETA ((0x5103 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_xlti_dcbld_beta3 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_xlti_dcbld_beta2 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_xlti_dcbld_beta1 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_xlti_dcbld_beta0 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif8(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTLPF_EDGE0 ((0x5104 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge7 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge6 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge5 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge4 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge3 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge2 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge1 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge0 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTLPF_EDGE1 ((0x5105 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge15 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge14 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge13 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge12 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge11 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge10 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge9 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_edge8 : edge lamda for drt lpf base on max_sad [0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTLPF_SDCOR0 ((0x5106 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor7 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor6 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor5 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor4 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor3 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor2 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor1 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor0 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTLPF_SDCOR1 ((0x5107 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor15 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor14 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor13 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor12 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor11 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor10 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor9 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtlpf_sdcor8 : gamma for drt lpf base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CTIGAIN_SDCOR0 ((0x5108 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor7 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor6 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor5 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor4 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor3 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor2 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor1 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor0 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CTIGAIN_SDCOR1 ((0x5109 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor15 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor14 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor13 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor12 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor11 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor10 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor9 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_ctigain_sdcor8 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_LTIGAIN_SDCOR0 ((0x510a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor7 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor6 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor5 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor4 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor3 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor2 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor1 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor0 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_LTIGAIN_SDCOR1 ((0x510b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor15 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor14 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor13 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor12 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor11 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor10 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor9 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_ltigain_sdcor8 : adaptive gamma for lti boost gain base on SD'[0:16:128~255];. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_HLTIBPF_TAP0 ((0x510c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap153 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap152 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -34
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap151 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap150 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 120
#define SR7_HLTIBPF_TAP1 ((0x510d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap157 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap156 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -7
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap155 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_tap154 : tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -21
#define SR7_HCTIBPF_TAP0 ((0x510e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap153 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap152 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -34
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap151 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap150 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 120
#define SR7_HCTIBPF_TAP1 ((0x510f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap157 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap156 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -7
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap155 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_tap154 : tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -21
#define SR7_PKLONGBPF_HTAP0 ((0x5110 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap153 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -24
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap152 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -19
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap151 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 31
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap150 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 66
#define SR7_PKLONGBPF_HTAP1 ((0x5111 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap157 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -6
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap156 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -10
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap155 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hztap154 : tap15 BPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -4
#define SR7_PKLONGHPF_HTAP0 ((0x5112 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap153 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 27
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap152 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -15
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap151 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -32
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap150 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 58
#define SR7_PKLONGHPF_HTAP1 ((0x5113 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap157 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 8
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap156 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -6
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap155 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hztap154 : tap15 HPF for horizontal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -10
#define SR7_VLTIBPF_TAP0 ((0x5114 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_tap093 : tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_tap092 : tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -41
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_tap091 : tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_tap090 : tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 126
#define SR7_VLTIBPF_TAP1 ((0x5115 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_tap094 : tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -22
#define SR7_VCTIBPF_TAP0 ((0x5116 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_tap093 : tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_tap092 : tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -41
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_tap091 : tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 0
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_tap090 : tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 126
#define SR7_VCTIBPF_TAP1 ((0x5117 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_tap094 : tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -22
#define SR7_PKLONGBPF_VTAP0 ((0x5118 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdtap093 : tap09 BPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -32
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdtap092 : tap09 BPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -28
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdtap091 : tap09 BPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 30
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdtap090 : tap09 BPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 68
#define SR7_PKLONGBPF_VTAP1 ((0x5119 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdtap094 : tap09 BPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -4
#define SR7_PKLONGHPF_VTAP0 ((0x511a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdtap093 : tap09 HPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 30
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdtap092 : tap09 HPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -28
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdtap091 : tap09 HPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -31
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdtap090 : tap09 HPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = 68
#define SR7_PKLONGHPF_VTAP1 ((0x511b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 8, reserved
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdtap094 : tap09 HPF for vertical and diagonal peaking filter, only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. signed , default = -5
#define SR7_CIRBPLONG_ALP ((0x511c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cirbp_long_alpha3 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cirbp_long_alpha2 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cirbp_long_alpha1 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cirbp_long_alpha0 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CIRHPLONG_ALP ((0x511d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cirhp_long_alpha3 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cirhp_long_alpha2 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cirhp_long_alpha1 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cirhp_long_alpha0 : alpha to blend bp_long to the cirpk filter corresponding angle (0/45/90/135), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 15, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTBPLONG_ALP ((0x511e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha7 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha6 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha5 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha4 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha3 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha2 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha1 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drtbp_long_alpha0 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_DRTHPLONG_ALP ((0x511f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha7 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha6 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha5 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha4 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha3 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha2 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha1 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_drthp_long_alpha0 : alpha to blend bp_long to the drtpk filter corresponding angle (8 angles), norm to 16 as 1.0; default = 0, ==0 means same as s6-;. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKMINMAXCIR_BLD_LUT2D0 ((0x5120 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d7 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d6 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d5 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d4 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d3 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d2 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d1 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d0 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKMINMAXCIR_BLD_LUT2D1 ((0x5121 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d15 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d14 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d13 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d12 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d11 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d10 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d9 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d8 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKMINMAXCIR_BLD_LUT2D2 ((0x5122 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d23 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d22 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d21 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d20 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d19 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d18 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d17 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d16 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
#define SR7_PKMINMAXCIR_BLD_LUT2D3 ((0x5123 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d31 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 14
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d30 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d29 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d28 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d27 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d26 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d25 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d24 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
#define SR7_PKMINMAXCIR_BLD_LUT2D4 ((0x5124 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d35 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d34 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d33 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_lut2d32 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for cir-PK blender,larger coef means less drt-pk, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
#define SR7_PKMINMAXLPF_BLD_LUT2D0 ((0x5125 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d7 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d6 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d5 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d4 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d3 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d2 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d1 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d0 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKMINMAXLPF_BLD_LUT2D1 ((0x5126 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d15 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d14 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d13 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d12 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d11 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d10 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d9 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d8 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_PKMINMAXLPF_BLD_LUT2D2 ((0x5127 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d23 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d22 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d21 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d20 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d19 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d18 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d17 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d16 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
#define SR7_PKMINMAXLPF_BLD_LUT2D3 ((0x5128 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d31 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 14
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d30 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d29 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d28 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d27 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d26 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d25 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d24 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 4
#define SR7_PKMINMAXLPF_BLD_LUT2D4 ((0x5129 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d35 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d34 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d33 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_lut2d32 : 2D-LUT for alpha2 for PK lpf along edge blender, lareger coef means less lpf along edge, x-min_err, y-max_err, nodes as 0,8,16,32,64,128,192,256, use bilinear interpolation, mi=0,ma=0.8..256; mi=8, ma=8..256, .... unsigned , default = 12
#define SR7_PKDRT_BLD_EN ((0x512a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 1, reserved
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_pkdrtbld_beta_en : enable of direction ambiguity protection for drt and cir blend, beta for , 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_DRTDIF_TH ((0x512b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_drtdif_min2sad_th1 : for min2_sad threshold for ambiguilty ignoring, if (min_sad<min2_sad/2 && min2_sad>thrd) drt_dif=1;. unsigned , default = 128
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_drtdif_min2sad_th0 : for min2_sad threshold for ambiguilty ignoring, if (min_sad<min2_sad/2 && min2_sad>thrd) drt_dif=1;. unsigned , default = 128
#define SR7_TIBLD_PRT ((0x512c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14, reserved
//Bit 13, reg_sr7_hlti_dcbld_beta_en : enable of denoise protection for dc org and denoise blend, beta for , 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 12, reg_sr7_vlti_dcbld_beta_en : enable of denoise protection for dc org and denoise blend, beta for , 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_xcti_dcbld_beta1 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif4(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_xcti_dcbld_beta0 : beta for denoise and org dc blend base on the x=cal_drt_dif4(min_idx,min2_idx), beta = lut[x-1], the larger of x, means the higher possibility for ambiguilty, beta=0 use org wo denoise. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3, reg_sr7_hcti_dcbld_beta_en : enable of denoise protection for dc org and denoise blend, beta for , 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr7_vcti_dcbld_beta_en : enable of denoise protection for dc org and denoise blend, beta for , 0, equivalent beta[i]=15, 1, enable. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_hcti_dcbld_use_ybeta : enable to use beta from hlti, 0, use c-beta, 1, use y-beta. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_vcti_dcbld_use_ybeta : enable to use beta from vlti, 0, use c-beta, 1, use y-beta. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_HTI_OPT_FORCE ((0x512d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 6, reserved
//Bit 5, reg_sr7_diag_force_hti1 : force hti for diagonal edges luma/chroma, 0: diagonal use vti, 1: diagonal use hti, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 4, reg_sr7_diag_force_hti0 : force hti for diagonal edges luma/chroma, 0: diagonal use vti, 1: diagonal use hti, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 3, reg_sr7_horz_force_vti1 : force vti for horizontal edges luma/chroma, 0: bias hti, 1: horizontal edge force 100% vti, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr7_horz_force_vti0 : force vti for horizontal edges luma/chroma, 0: bias hti, 1: horizontal edge force 100% vti, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_alph_force_hvsad1 : alpha = minsad*64/maxsad, force minsad=sad_h, maxsad=sad_v for alpha calculation, [0]for luma, [1] for chroma. if sad_h>sad_v alpha will be large, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_alph_force_hvsad0 : alpha = minsad*64/maxsad, force minsad=sad_h, maxsad=sad_v for alpha calculation, [0]for luma, [1] for chroma. if sad_h>sad_v alpha will be large, default=1. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_HVTI_FINALGAIN ((0x512e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:16, reg_sr7_hvti_finalgain1 : final gain for HVTI boost, for easier level tunning for application, normalized to 256 as 1.0 default = 256. unsigned , default = 256
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 0, reg_sr7_hvti_finalgain0 : final gain for HVTI boost, for easier level tunning for application, normalized to 256 as 1.0 default = 256. unsigned , default = 256
#define SR7_TIOS_SDRATIO ((0x512f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30, reserved
//Bit 29:24, reg_sr7_hti_osmargin_sdratio1 : ratio for HTI OS margin adaptive to sd. osmargin= (sd*ratio)>>6; default=3. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:16, reg_sr7_hti_osmargin_sdratio0 : ratio for HTI OS margin adaptive to sd. osmargin= (sd*ratio)>>6; default=3. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_sr7_vti_osmargin_sdratio1 : ratio for VTI OS margin adaptive to sd. osmargin= (sd*ratio)>>6; default=3. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_sr7_vti_osmargin_sdratio0 : ratio for VTI OS margin adaptive to sd. osmargin= (sd*ratio)>>6; default=3. unsigned , default = 3
#define SR7_XTI_SDFDEN ((0x5130 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_xtigain_sdfd_en1 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain enable.[0]for luma, [1] for chroma. 0: not enable, 1:enable, default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_xtigain_sdfd_en0 : adaptive gamma for cti boost gain enable.[0]for luma, [1] for chroma. 0: not enable, 1:enable, default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_FDSD_PARAM ((0x5131 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26, reserved
//Bit 25, reg_fdsd_vlpf_en : use vertical [1 2 1] lpf filter for the fd and sd derivativecalculations. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 24, reg_fdsd_hlpf_en : use horizontal [1 2 1] lpf filter for the fd and sd derivativecalculations. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:20, reg_sd_coring_th1 : coring to SD'= MAX(SD - FD*ratio - coring,0); default = 0. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sd_coring_th0 : coring to SD'= MAX(SD - FD*ratio - coring,0); default = 0. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:14, reserved
//Bit 13: 8, reg_sd_coring_ratio2fd1 : ratio to FD for adaptive coring to SD'= MAX(SD - FD*ratio - coring,0); normalized 64 as 1.0 default = 4. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 6, reserved
//Bit 5: 0, reg_sd_coring_ratio2fd0 : ratio to FD for adaptive coring to SD'= MAX(SD - FD*ratio - coring,0); normalized 64 as 1.0 default = 4. unsigned , default = 4
#define SR7_TI_BPF_EN ((0x5132 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4, reserved
//Bit 3, reg_sr7_hlti_bpf_en : enable of tap15 BPF for hlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr7_hcti_bpf_en : enable of tap15 BPF for hcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_vlti_bpf_en : enable of tap09 BPF for vlti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0, mainly for 2x2 UP case. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_vcti_bpf_en : enable of tap09 BPF for vcti (gain3), only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0, mainly for 2x2 UP case. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_PKLONG_PF_EN ((0x5133 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 2, reserved
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_en : enable of long BPF for peaking only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_en : enable of long HPF for peaking only store half of the filter normalized to 258 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_PKLONG_PF_GAIN ((0x5134 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_hzgain : gain to long horizontal BPF for peaking, normalized to 64 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_pk_long_bpf_vdgain : gain to long vertical and diagonal BPF for peaking, normalized to 64 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_hzgain : gain to long horizontal HPF for peaking, normalized to 64 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_pk_long_hpf_vdgain : gain to long vertical and diagonal HPF for peaking, normalized to 64 as 1.0. unsigned , default = 64
#define SR7_PKMINMAX_BLD ((0x5135 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 4, reserved
//Bit 3, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_on_bp : enable to use adaptive blender of drtBP vs cirBP alpha2, the larger of cell, the more cirPK results, 0: alp2=lut2d(minerr, maxerr),1:alp2=min_err/maxerr,default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 2, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_cirbld_on_hp : enable to use adaptive blender of drtHP vs cirHP alpha2, the larger of cell, the more cirPK results, 0: alp2=lut2d(minerr, maxerr),1:alp2=min_err/maxerr,default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 1, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_on_bp : enable to use adaptive blender of BP result lpf along edge based on the mimaxsad relationship, default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0, reg_sr7_pk_mimaxerr2_lpfbld_on_hp : enable to use adaptive blender of HP result lpf along edge based on the mimaxsad relationship, default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_TI_CONMAXERR_GAIN ((0x5136 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, reserved
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_hti_conmaxerr_gain1 : con=max(con, maxerr) for the horizontal transition calculation, gain=0, same as s6 and prev, [0] for y and [1] for uv. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_hti_conmaxerr_gain0 : con=max(con, maxerr) for the horizontal transition calculation, gain=0, same as s6 and prev, [0] for y and [1] for uv. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_vti_conmaxerr_gain1 : con=max(con, maxerr) for the vertical transition calculation, gain=0, same as s6 and prev, [0] for y and [1] for uv. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_vti_conmaxerr_gain0 : con=max(con, maxerr) for the vertical transition calculation, gain=0, same as s6 and prev, [0] for y and [1] for uv. unsigned , default = 8
#define SR7_CC_PK_ADJ ((0x5137 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:25, reserved
//Bit 24, reg_sr7_cc_enable : color compensation enable, 0: no CC, 1: with CC, default = 1. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 23:22, reserved
//Bit 21:20, reg_sr7_cc_yinp_sel : color compensation input luma selection, 0: org_y; 1: gau_y ; 2:gauadp_y; 3:edgeadp_y (same as dnlp input sel), default= 0. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:18, reg_sr7_cc_ydlt_sel : color compensation output luma selection, 0: peaking+lti output; 1: dnlp output; 2/3: peaking+lti+dnlp, default = 2. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 17:16, reg_sr7_cc_sat_norm : normalization of lut cell to saturation. 0: norm to 8 as 1.0, sat[0:23/8]; 1: norm to 16 as 1.0, sat[1/16:31/16]; 2: norm to 32 as 1.0, sat[17/32:47/32]; 3:norm to 64 as 1.0, sat[49/64:79/64]. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_cc_ydlt_pscl : prescale to the y-delta (if >0) before feeding to y-lumadlt, normalized 64 as 1.0. default = 64.. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_cc_ydlt_nscl : prescale to the y-delta (if <0) before feeding to y-lumadlt, normalized 64 as 1.0. default = 64.. unsigned , default = 64
#define SR7_CC_LUT0 ((0x5138 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_cc_lut003 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=0, dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_cc_lut002 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=0, dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut001 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=0, dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut000 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=0, dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cc_lut103 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=1/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut102 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=1/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut101 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=1/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut100 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1.0; of x-lumainput=1/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 1
#define SR7_CC_LUT1 ((0x5139 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reserved
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_cc_lut202 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=2/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut201 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=2/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut200 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=2/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 15:12, reserved
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut302 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=3/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut301 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=3/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut300 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ; of x-lumainput=3/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 5
#define SR7_CC_LUT2 ((0x513a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut401 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, ; of x-lumainput=4/8 dft={8,15}. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut400 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, ; of x-lumainput=4/8 dft={8,15}. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cc_lut501 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, ; of x-lumainput=5/8 dft={6,13}. unsigned , default = 13
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut500 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, 1/2, ; of x-lumainput=5/8 dft={6,13}. unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut600 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, ; of x-lumainput=6/8 dft={5}. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut700 : valid for y-lumadlt= 1/4, ; of x-lumainput=7/8 dft={4}. unsigned , default = 4
#define SR7_CC_LUT3 ((0x513b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut710 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, ; of x-lumainput=1/8 dft={4}. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut610 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, ; of x-lumainput=2/8 dft={5}. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cc_lut511 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2, ; of x-lumainput=3/8 dft={6,13}. unsigned , default = 13
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut510 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2, ; of x-lumainput=3/8 dft={6,13}. unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut411 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2, ; of x-lumainput=4/8 dft={8,15}. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut410 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2, ; of x-lumainput=4/8 dft={8,15}. unsigned , default = 8
#define SR7_CC_LUT4 ((0x513c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut312 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=5/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut311 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=5/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 10
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cc_lut310 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=5/8 dft={5,10,15}. unsigned , default = 5
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut212 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=6/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 12
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut211 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=6/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut210 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4, ; of x-lumainput=6/8 dft={4, 8,12}. unsigned , default = 4
#define SR7_CC_LUT5 ((0x513d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_cc_lut113 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=7/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_cc_lut112 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=7/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_cc_lut111 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=7/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_cc_lut110 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=7/8 dft={1, 2, 4, 8}. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_cc_lut013 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=8/8 dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_cc_lut012 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=8/8 dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_cc_lut011 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=8/8 dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_cc_lut010 : valid for y-lumadlt= -1/4, -1/2,-3/4,-1.0; of x-lumainput=8/8 dft={0, 0, 0, 0}. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_GRAPHIC_CTRL ((0x513e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:11, reserved
//Bit 10, reg_sr7_grph_en : enable graphic statistic . unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 9, reg_sr7_grph_hflt : horizontal filter, 0: [0 1 -1], 1: [-1 2 -1]. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 8, reg_sr7_grph_vflt : vertical filter, 0: [0 1 -1], 1: [-1 2 -1]. unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_grph_dif_cor : coring for dif while count for graphic. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_GRAPHIC_THD_GAIN ((0x513f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reg_sr7_grph_flt_thd : flat threshold for dif while count for graphic. unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_grph_dtl_thd : detail threshold for dif while count for graphic. unsigned , default = 40
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_grph_hgain : horizontal gain for fast squart of hp. unsigned , default = 32
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_grph_vgain : vertical gain for fast squart of hp. unsigned , default = 32
#define SR7_RO_GRAPHIC_FLT_CNT ((0x5140 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_sr7_grph_flt_cnt : flat count numbers for graphic. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_RO_GRAPHIC_DTL_CNT ((0x5141 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0, ro_sr7_grph_dtl_cnt : detail count numbers for graphic. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_PARAM ((0x5142 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18, reserved
//Bit 17:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_inpsel : input UV selection for color protection, 0: org; 1: NRout; 2: CTIout; 3: (NR+TIout)/2. unsigned , default = 3
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_dnlp_gain : gain to de-boost of dnlp_dlt base on color region, norm to 64 as 1.0. set to 0 as disable. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_peak_gain : gain to de-boost of peak_dlt base on color region, norm to 64 as 1.0, set to 0 as disable. unsigned , default = 64
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LC_GAIN ((0x5143 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24, reserved
//Bit 23:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lc_gain2 : gain to de-boost of lc_dlt (y/u/v) base on color region, norm to 64 as 1.0, set to 0 as disable. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 15: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lc_gain1 : gain to de-boost of lc_dlt (y/u/v) base on color region, norm to 64 as 1.0, set to 0 as disable. unsigned , default = 64
//Bit 7: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lc_gain0 : gain to de-boost of lc_dlt (y/u/v) base on color region, norm to 64 as 1.0, set to 0 as disable. unsigned , default = 64
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT0 ((0x5144 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut7 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut6 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut5 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut4 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut3 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut2 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut1 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut0 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT1 ((0x5145 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut15 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut14 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut13 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut12 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut11 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut10 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut9 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut8 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT2 ((0x5146 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut23 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut22 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut21 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut20 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut19 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut18 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut17 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut16 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT3 ((0x5147 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut31 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut30 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut29 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut28 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut27 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut26 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut25 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut24 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT4 ((0x5148 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut39 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut38 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut37 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut36 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut35 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut34 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut33 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut32 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT5 ((0x5149 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut47 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut46 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut45 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut44 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut43 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut42 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut41 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut40 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT6 ((0x514a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut55 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut54 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut53 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut52 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut51 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut50 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut49 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut48 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT7 ((0x514b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut63 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut62 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut61 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut60 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut59 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut58 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut57 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut56 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT8 ((0x514c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut71 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut70 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut69 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut68 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut67 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut66 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut65 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut64 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT9 ((0x514d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut79 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut78 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut77 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut76 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut75 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut74 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut73 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut72 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT10 ((0x514e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut87 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut86 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut85 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut84 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut83 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut82 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut81 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut80 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT11 ((0x514f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut95 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut94 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut93 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut92 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut91 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut90 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut89 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut88 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT12 ((0x5150 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut103 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut102 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut101 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut100 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut99 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut98 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut97 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut96 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT13 ((0x5151 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut111 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut110 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut109 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut108 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut107 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut106 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut105 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut104 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT14 ((0x5152 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut119 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut118 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut117 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut116 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut115 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut114 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut113 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut112 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT15 ((0x5153 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut127 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut126 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut125 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut124 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut123 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut122 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut121 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut120 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT16 ((0x5154 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut135 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut134 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut133 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut132 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut131 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut130 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut129 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut128 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT17 ((0x5155 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut143 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut142 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut141 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut140 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut139 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut138 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut137 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut136 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT18 ((0x5156 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut151 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut150 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut149 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut148 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut147 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut146 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut145 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut144 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT19 ((0x5157 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut159 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut158 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut157 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut156 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut155 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut154 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut153 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut152 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT20 ((0x5158 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut167 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut166 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut165 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut164 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut163 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut162 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut161 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut160 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT21 ((0x5159 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut175 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut174 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut173 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut172 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut171 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut170 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut169 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut168 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT22 ((0x515a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut183 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut182 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut181 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut180 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut179 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut178 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut177 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut176 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT23 ((0x515b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut191 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut190 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut189 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut188 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut187 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut186 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut185 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut184 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT24 ((0x515c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut199 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut198 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut197 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut196 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut195 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut194 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut193 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut192 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT25 ((0x515d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut207 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut206 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut205 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut204 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut203 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut202 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut201 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut200 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT26 ((0x515e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut215 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut214 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut213 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut212 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut211 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut210 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut209 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut208 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT27 ((0x515f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut223 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut222 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut221 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut220 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut219 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut218 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut217 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut216 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT28 ((0x5160 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut231 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut230 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut229 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut228 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut227 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut226 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut225 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut224 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT29 ((0x5161 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut239 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut238 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut237 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut236 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut235 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut234 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut233 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut232 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 15
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT30 ((0x5162 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut247 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut246 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut245 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut244 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut243 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut242 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut241 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut240 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
#define SR7_CLR_PRT_LUT31 ((0x5163 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut255 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 27:24, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut254 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 23:20, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut253 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 19:16, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut252 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 15:12, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut251 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 11: 8, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut250 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7: 4, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut249 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 3: 0, reg_sr7_clr_prct_lut248 : color protection lut, 16 is normalized to 1. unsigned , default = 0
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: sharp_regs2.h
//// srsharp1 reg define
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: srsharp_regs2.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// 8'h50/51/52/53 have used for srsharp_regs
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// 8'h50/51/52/53 have used for srsharp_regs
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//afbcd_multx6 use 3 reg_pages
// Reading file: afbcd_mult_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// reg addr map
// 8'h0 - 8'h37 : rdmif
// 8'h38 - 8'h3f : vd_top
// 8'h40 - 8'h6f : afbcd
// 8'h70 - 8'h7f : fgrain
#define RDMIFXN_GEN_REG ((0x5400 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cntl_enable_free_clk //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 30 reserved //unsigned, pulse cntl_sw_reset
//Bit 29 cntl_reset_on_go_field //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 28 cntl_urgent_chroma //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 27 cntl_urgent_luma //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 26 cntl_chroma_end_at_last_line //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 25 cntl_luma_end_at_last_line //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 24:19 cntl_hold_lines[5:0] //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 18 cntl_last_line_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 1
//Bit 17 ro_busy //unsigned, RO, default = 0//used as busy readback, ro ?
//Bit 16 cntl_demux_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:14 cntl_bytes_per_pixel //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 13:12 cntl_ddr_burst_size_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 11:10 cntl_ddr_burst_size_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:8 cntl_ddr_burst_size_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 reserved //unsigned, pulse cntl_start_frame_man
//Bit 6 cntl_chro_rpt_lastl //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 5 reserved //unsigned,
//Bit 4 cntl_little_endian //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 cntl_chroma_hz_avg //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 2 cntl_luma_hz_avg //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 1 cntl_st_separate_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 cntl_enable //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CANVAS0 ((0x5401 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cntl_canvas0_addr_syncen //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 30:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 cntl_canvas0_addr2 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:8 cntl_canvas0_addr1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:0 cntl_canvas0_addr0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CANVAS1 ((0x5402 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cntl_canvas1_addr_syncen //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 30:24 reserved
//Bit 23:16 cntl_canvas1_addr2 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:8 cntl_canvas1_addr1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:0 cntl_canvas1_addr0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_X0 ((0x5403 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:16 cntl_luma_x_end0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:0 cntl_luma_x_start0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_Y0 ((0x5404 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_luma_y_end0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_luma_y_start0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA_X0 ((0x5405 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:16 cntl_chroma_x_end0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:0 cntl_chroma_x_start0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA_Y0 ((0x5406 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_chroma_y_end0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_chroma_y_start0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_X1 ((0x5407 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:16 cntl_luma_x_end1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:0 cntl_luma_x_start1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_Y1 ((0x5408 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_luma_y_end1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_luma_y_start1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA_X1 ((0x5409 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:16 cntl_chroma_x_end1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:0 cntl_chroma_x_start1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA_Y1 ((0x540a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_chroma_y_end1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_chroma_y_start1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_RPT_LOOP ((0x540b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 cntl_chroma_rpt_loop1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:16 cntl_luma_rpt_loop1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:8 cntl_chroma_rpt_loop0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:0 cntl_luma_rpt_loop0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x540c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_luma_rpt_pat0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA0_RPT_PAT ((0x540d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_chroma_rpt_pat0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x540e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_luma_rpt_pat1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA1_RPT_PAT ((0x540f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_chroma_rpt_pat1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_PSEL ((0x5410 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 cntl_luma_psel_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 25:24 cntl_luma_psel_last_line //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:8 cntl_luma_psel_pat //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:0 cntl_luma_psel_loop //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CHROMA_PSEL ((0x5411 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:26 cntl_chroma_psel_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 25:24 cntl_chroma_psel_last_line //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:8 cntl_chroma_psel_pat //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7:0 cntl_chroma_psel_loop //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_DUMMY_PIXEL ((0x5412 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_dummy_pixel_val //unsigned, RW, default = 32'h00808000
#define RDMIFXN_LUMA_FIFO_SIZE ((0x5413 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_luma_fifo_size //unsigned, RW, default = 128
#define RDMIFXN_AXI_CMD_CNT ((0x5414 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_axi_cmd_cnt_sel //unsigned, RO, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_AXI_RDAT_CNT ((0x5415 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_axi_rdat_cnt_sel //unsigned, RO, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_RANGE_MAP_Y ((0x5416 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23 cntl_din_offset_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 22:15 cntl_range_map_coef_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 14 reserved
//Bit 13:10 cntl_range_map_sr_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:1 cntl_dout_offset_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 cntl_range_map_en_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_RANGE_MAP_CB ((0x5417 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23 cntl_din_offset_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 22:15 cntl_range_map_coef_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 14 reserved
//Bit 13:10 cntl_range_map_sr_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:1 cntl_dout_offset_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 cntl_range_map_en_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_RANGE_MAP_CR ((0x5418 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:23 cntl_din_offset_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 22:15 cntl_range_map_coef_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 14 reserved
//Bit 13:10 cntl_range_map_sr_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:1 cntl_dout_offset_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 cntl_range_map_en_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_GEN_REG2 ((0x5419 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 cntl_chroma_line_read_sel //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 28 cntl_luma_line_read_sel //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 27:24 cntl_shift_pat_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 23:20 reserved
//Bit 19:16 cntl_shift_pat_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11:8 cntl_shift_pat_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6 cntl_hold_lines[6] //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 5 cntl_y_rev1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 4 cntl_x_rev1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 cntl_y_rev0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 2 cntl_x_rev0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 1:0 cntl_color_map //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_PROT ((0x541a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cntl_prot_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 30:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_prot_chroma_fifo_size //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_prot_luma_fifo_size //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_URGENT_CTRL ((0x541b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 cntl_urgent_ctrl_luma //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:0 cntl_urgent_ctrl_chroma //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_GEN_REG3 ((0x541c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:21 reserved
//Bit 20 cntl_f0_stride32aligned //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 19:18 cntl_f0_cav_blk_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 17:16 cntl_abort_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11:10 cntl_dbg_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 9:8 cntl_bits_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6:4 cntl_blk_len //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2:1 cntl_burst_len //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 0 cntl_64bit_rev //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_CFMT_CTRL ((0x541d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cntl_cfmt_gclk_bit_dis //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 30 cntl_cfmt_soft_rst_bit //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 29 reserved
//Bit 28 cntl_chfmt_rpt_pix //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 27:24 cntl_chfmt_ini_phase //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 23 cntl_chfmt_rpt_p0_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 22:21 cntl_chfmt_yc_ratio //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 20 cntl_chfmt_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 19 cntl_cvfmt_phase0_always_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 18 cntl_cvfmt_rpt_last_dis //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 17 cntl_cvfmt_phase0_nrpt_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 16 cntl_cvfmt_rpt_line0_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 15:12 cntl_cvfmt_skip_line_num //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 11:8 cntl_cvfmt_ini_phase //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 7:1 cntl_cvfmt_phase_step //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 0 cntl_cvfmt_en //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
#define RDMIFXN_CFMT_W ((0x541e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_chfmt_w //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_cvfmt_w //unsigned, RW, default = 0;
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_Y ((0x5420 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f0_baddr_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_CB ((0x5421 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f0_baddr_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_CR ((0x5422 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f0_baddr_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_STRIDE_0 ((0x5423 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_f0_stride_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 256
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_f0_stride_y //unsigned, RW, default = 256
#define RDMIFXN_STRIDE_1 ((0x5424 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:17 reserved
//Bit 16 cntl_f0_acc_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_f0_stride_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 256
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_Y_F1 ((0x5425 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f1_baddr_y //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_CB_F1 ((0x5426 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f1_baddr_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_BADDR_CR_F1 ((0x5427 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 cntl_f1_baddr_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 0
#define RDMIFXN_STRIDE_0_F1 ((0x5428 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 cntl_f1_stride_cb //unsigned, RW, default = 256
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_f1_stride_y //unsigned, RW, default = 256
#define RDMIFXN_STRIDE_1_F1 ((0x5429 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:20 reserved
//Bit 19 cntl_f1_stride32aligned //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 18:17 cntl_f1_cav_blk_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 16 cntl_f1_acc_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cntl_f1_stride_cr //unsigned, RW, default = 256
#define AFBCDM_VDTOP_CTRL0 ((0x5438 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:22 reserved //
//Bit 21:16 reg_afbc_gclk_ctrl // unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 15 reg_frm_start_sel // unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 14 reg_use_4kram // unsigned, RW, default = 0
//Bit 13 reg_afbc_vd_sel // unsigned, RW, default = 0, 0:nor_rdmif 1:afbc_dec
//Bit 12 reg_rdmif_lbuf_bypas // unsigned, RW, default = 1, 1:rdmif lbuf bypass
//Bit 11:0 reg_rdmif_lbuf_depth // unsigned, RW, default = 512
#define AFBCDM_ENABLE ((0x5440 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:23 reg_gclk_ctrl_core unsigned, default = 0
//Bit 22 reg_fmt_size_sw_mode unsigned, default = 0, 0:hw mode 1:sw mode for format size
//Bit 21 reg_addr_link_en unsigned, default = 1, 1:enable
//Bit 20 reg_fmt444_comb unsigned, default = 0, 0: 444 8bit uncomb
//Bit 19 reg_dos_uncomp_mode unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 18:16 soft_rst unsigned , default = 4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:12 ddr_blk_size unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 11:9 cmd_blk_size unsigend , default = 3
//Bit 8 dec_enable unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 7:2 reserved
//Bit 1 head_len_sel unsigned , default = 1
//Bit 0 reserved unsigned , pulse dec_frm_start
#define AFBCDM_MODE ((0x5441 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29 ddr_sz_mode unsigned, default = 0 , 0: fixed block ddr size 1 : unfixed block ddr size;
//Bit 28 blk_mem_mode unsigned, default = 0 , 0: fixed 16x128 size; 1 : fixed 12x128 size
//Bit 27:26 rev_mode unsigned, default = 0 , reverse mode
//Bit 25:24 mif_urgent unsigned, default = 3 , info mif and data mif urgent
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:16 hold_line_num unsigned, default = 0 ,
//Bit 15:14 burst_len unsigned, default = 2, 0: burst1 1:burst2 2:burst4
//Bit 13:8 compbits_yuv unsigned, default = 0 ,
// bit 1:0,: y component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 3:2,: u component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
// bit 5:4,: v component bitwidth : 00-8bit 01-9bit 10-10bit 11-12bit
//Bit 7:6 vert_skip_y unsigned, default = 0 , luma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 5:4 horz_skip_y unsigned, default = 0 , luma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 3:2 vert_skip_uv unsigned, default = 0 , chroma vert skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
//Bit 1:0 horz_skip_uv unsigned, default = 0 , chroma horz skip mode : 00-y0y1, 01-y0, 10-y1, 11-(y0+y1)/2
#define AFBCDM_SIZE_IN ((0x5442 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_in unsigned, default = 1920 , pic horz size in unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vsize_in unsigned, default = 1080 , pic vert size in unit: pixel
#define AFBCDM_DEC_DEF_COLOR ((0x5443 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:20 def_color_y unsigned, default = 255, afbc dec y default setting value
//Bit 19:10 def_color_u unsigned, default = 128, afbc dec u default setting value
//Bit 9: 0 def_color_v unsigned, default = 128, afbc dec v default setting value
#define AFBCDM_CONV_CTRL ((0x5444 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:14 reserved
//Bit 13:12 fmt_mode unsigned, default = 2, 0:yuv444 1:yuv422 2:yuv420
//Bit 11: 0 conv_lbuf_len unsigned, default = 256, unit=16 pixel need to set = 2^n
#define AFBCDM_LBUF_DEPTH ((0x5445 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 dec_lbuf_depth unsigned, default = 128; // unit= 8 pixel
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11:0 mif_lbuf_depth unsigned, default = 128;
#define AFBCDM_HEAD_BADDR ((0x5446 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 mif_info_baddr unsigned, default = 32'h0;
#define AFBCDM_BODY_BADDR ((0x5447 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 mif_data_baddr unsigned, default = 32'h00010000;
#define AFBCDM_SIZE_OUT ((0x5448 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 hsize_out unsigned, default = 1920 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 vsize_out unsigned, default = 1080 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define AFBCDM_OUT_YSCOPE ((0x5449 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 out_vert_bgn unsigned, default = 0 ; // unit: 1 pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 out_vert_end unsigned, default = 1079 ; // unit: 1 pixel
#define AFBCDM_STAT ((0x544a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 ro_dbg_axi_cnt_d8 unsigned,RO, default = 0
//Bit 17:16 ro_dbg_axi_idel unsigned,RO, default = 0
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13:8 ro_dbg_frm_cnt unsigned,RO, default = 0
//Bit 7 :1 ro_dbg_go_line_cnt unsigned,RO, default = 0
//Bit 0 frm_end_stat unsigned, default = 0 frame end status
#define AFBCDM_VD_CFMT_CTRL ((0x544b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 cfmt_gclk_bit_dis unsigned, default = 0 ; // it true, disable clock, otherwise enable clock
//Bit 30 cfmt_soft_rst_bit unsigned, default = 0 ; // soft rst bit
//Bit 29 reserved
//Bit 28 chfmt_rpt_pix unsigned, default = 0 ; // if true, horizontal formatter use repeating to generete pixel, otherwise use bilinear interpolation
//Bit 27:24 chfmt_ini_phase unsigned, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter initial phase
//Bit 23 chfmt_rpt_p0_en unsigned, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter repeat pixel 0 enable
//Bit 22:21 chfmt_yc_ratio unsigned, default = 0 ; // horizontal Y/C ratio, 00: 1:1, 01: 2:1, 10: 4:1
//Bit 20 chfmt_en unsigned, default = 0 ; // horizontal formatter enable
//Bit 19 cvfmt_phase0_always_en unsigned, default = 0 ; //if true, always use phase0 while vertical formater, meaning always //repeat data, no interpolation
//Bit 18 cvfmt_rpt_last_dis unsigned, default = 0 ; //if true, disable vertical formatter chroma repeat last line
//Bit 17 cvfmt_phase0_nrpt_en unsigned, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter dont need repeat line on phase0, 1: enable, 0: disable
//Bit 16 cvfmt_rpt_line0_en unsigned, default = 0 ; //veritcal formatter repeat line 0 enable
//Bit 15:12 cvfmt_skip_line_num unsigned, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter skip line num at the beginning
//Bit 11:8 cvfmt_ini_phase unsigned, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter initial phase
//Bit 7:1 cvfmt_phase_step unsigned, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter phase step (3.4)
//Bit 0 cvfmt_en unsigned, default = 0 ; //vertical formatter enable
#define AFBCDM_VD_CFMT_W ((0x544c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 chfmt_w unsigned, default = 0 ;horizontal formatter width
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cvfmt_w unsigned, default = 0 ;vertical formatter width
#define AFBCDM_MIF_HOR_SCOPE ((0x544d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 mif_blk_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 mif_blk_end_h unsigned, default = 59 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block hor
#define AFBCDM_MIF_VER_SCOPE ((0x544e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 mif_blk_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
//Bit 15:12 reserved
//Bit 11: 0 mif_blk_end_v unsigned, default = 269; // unit: 32 pixel/block ver
#define AFBCDM_PIXEL_HOR_SCOPE ((0x544f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 dec_pixel_bgn_h unsigned, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 dec_pixel_end_h unsigned, default = 1919 ; // unit: pixel
#define AFBCDM_PIXEL_VER_SCOPE ((0x5450 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 dec_pixel_bgn_v unsigned, default = 0 ; // unit: pixel
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12: 0 dec_pixel_end_v unsigned, default = 1079 ; // unit: pixel
#define AFBCDM_VD_CFMT_H ((0x5451 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 cfmt_h unsigned, default = 142 ; //vertical formatter height
#define AFBCDM_IQUANT_ENABLE ((0x5452 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:12 reserved
//Bit 11 reg_quant_expand_en_1 //unsigned, RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 10 reg_quant_expand_en_0 //unsigned, RW, default = 0 enable for quantization value expansion
//Bit 9: 8 reg_bcleav_ofst //signed , RW, default = 0 bcleave ofset to get lower range, especially under lossy, for v1/v2, x=0 is equivalent, default = -1;
//Bit 7: 5 reserved
//Bit 4 reg_quant_enable_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
//Bit 3: 1 reserved
//Bit 0 reg_quant_enable_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 enable for quant to get some lossy
#define AFBCDM_IQUANT_LUT_1 ((0x5453 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_0_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_0_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_0_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_0_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDM_IQUANT_LUT_2 ((0x5454 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_0_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_0_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_0_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_0_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDM_IQUANT_LUT_3 ((0x5455 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reserved
//Bit 30:28 reg_iquant_yclut_1_11 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 27 reserved
//Bit 26:24 reg_iquant_yclut_1_10 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_iquant_yclut_1_9 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 19 reserved
//Bit 18:16 reg_iquant_yclut_1_8 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_7 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_6 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_5 // unsigned , RW, default = 5 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_4 // unsigned , RW, default = 4 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDM_IQUANT_LUT_4 ((0x5456 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reserved
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_iquant_yclut_1_3 // unsigned , RW, default = 3 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_iquant_yclut_1_2 // unsigned , RW, default = 2 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_iquant_yclut_1_1 // unsigned , RW, default = 1 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_iquant_yclut_1_0 // unsigned , RW, default = 0 quantization lut for mintree leavs, iquant=2^lut(bc_leav_q+1)
#define AFBCDM_ROT_CTRL ((0x5460 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reg_rot_ohds2_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , rot output format down hor drop mode,0:average 1:use 0 2:use 1
//Bit 29:28 reg_rot_ovds2_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , rot output format down ver drop mode,0:average 1:use 0 2:use 1
//Bit 27 reg_pip_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:dec_src from vdin/dos 1:dec_src from pip
//Bit 26:24 reg_rot_uv_vshrk_drop_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:average (1/2: 1:left 2:right) (1/4: 1:[0] 2:[1] 3:[2] 4:[3], 5:left_121 6:right_121)
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22:20 reg_rot_uv_hshrk_drop_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:average (1/2: 1:left 2:right) (1/4: 1:[0] 2:[1] 3:[2] 4:[3], 5:left_121 6:right_121)
//Bit 19:18 reg_rot_uv_vshrk_ratio //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:no shrink 1:1/2 shrink 2:1/4 shrink
//Bit 17:16 reg_rot_uv_hshrk_ratio //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:no shrink 1:1/2 shrink 2:1/4 shrink
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14:12 reg_rot_y_vshrk_drop_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:average (1/2: 1:left 2:right) (1/4: 1:[0] 2:[1] 3:[2] 4:[3], 5:left_121 6:right_121)
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10:8 reg_rot_y_hshrk_drop_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:average (1/2: 1:left 2:right) (1/4: 1:[0] 2:[1] 3:[2] 4:[3], 5:left_121 6:right_121)
//Bit 7:6 reg_rot_y_vshrk_ratio //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:no shrink 1:1/2 shrink 2:1/4 shrink
//Bit 5:4 reg_rot_y_hshrk_ratio //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:no shrink 1:1/2 shrink 2:1/4 shrink
//Bit 3:2 reg_rot_uv422_drop_mode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , 0:average 1:left 2:right
//Bit 1 reg_rot_uv422_omode //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , when rot input fmt422, 0:output_uv422 1:output_uv420
//Bit 0 reg_rot_enable //unsigned, RW, default = 0 , rotation enable
#define AFBCDM_ROT_SCOPE ((0x5461 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:20 reg_rot_debug_probe //unsigned, RW , default = 0, y:[2:0] uv:[5:3]; 0:iblk_size 1:oblk_size 2:iblk_cnt 3:oblk_cnt 4:hsize_in 5:vsize_in 6:vstep
//Bit 19 reg_rot_dout_ds_mode_sw //unsigned, RW , default = 0, 0:use hardware mode 1:use software mode
//Bit 18:17 reg_rot_dout_ds_mode //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot output fmt_down mode: [0]:h_downscale [1]:v_downscale
//Bit 16 reg_rot_ifmt_force444 //unsigned, RW , default = 1, 1: rot input fmt force as 444
//Bit 15:14 reg_rot_ofmt_mode //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot output fmt mode
//Bit 13:12 reg_rot_compbits_out_y //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot output compbit y
//Bit 11:10 reg_rot_compbits_out_uv //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot output compbit uv
//Bit 9:8 reg_rot_wrbgn_v //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot pic vert size window begin pixel
//Bit 7:5 reserved
//Bit 4:0 reg_rot_wrbgn_h //unsigned, RW , default = 0, rot pic hori size window begin pixel
#define AFBCDM_RPLC_CTRL ((0x5462 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_rplc_inter_corr_en //unsigned, RW , default = 0 , //pip replace inte-frame edge correct enable
//Bit 30 reg_rplc_dummy_corr_en //unsigned, RW , default = 0 , //pip replace outsize of real-pipframe edge correct enable
//Bit 29 reg_rplc_byps //unsigned, RW , default = 1 , //pip replace module bypass
//Bit 28:16 reg_rplc_vsize_in //unsigned, RW , default = 1080, //
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_rplc_hsize_in //unsigned, RW , default = 1920,
#define AFBCDM_RPLC_PICEN ((0x5463 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:28 reserved
//Bit 27:16 reg_rplc_def_color_y //unsigned, RW , default =0 , //pip replace def_color_y
//Bit 15:0 reg_rplc_pic_enable //unsigned, RW , default =16'hffff , //pip replace pip_picure enbale
#define AFBCDM_RPLC_DEFCOL ((0x5464 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:12 reg_rplc_def_color_v //unsigned, RW , default =0 , //pip replace def_color_v
//Bit 11:0 reg_rplc_def_color_u //unsigned, RW , default =0 , //pip replace def_color_u
#define AFBCDM_RPLC_SCPXN_ADDR ((0x5465 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:5 reserved
//Bit 4:0 reg_rplc_scpxn_addr //unsigned, RW , default =0 , //pip replace scopx16 addr
#define AFBCDM_RPLC_SCPXN_DATA ((0x5466 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:0 reg_rplc_scpxn_data //unsigned, RW , default =0 , //pip replace scopx16 data
#define AFBCDM_ROT_RO_STAT ((0x5467 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 ro_rot_debug //unsigned, RO , default = 0, rot some status
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_CTRL ((0x5470 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:24 reg_sync_ctrl // unsigned , RW, default = 0
//Bit 23 reserved
//Bit 22 reg_dma_st_clr // unsigned , RW, default = 0 clear DMA error status
//Bit 21 reg_hold4dma_scale // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to wait DMA scale data ready before accept input data default = 0
//Bit 20 reg_hold4dma_tbl // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to wait DMA grain table data ready before accept input data default = 0
//Bit 19 reg_cin_uv_swap // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to swap U/V input
//Bit 18 reg_cin_rev // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to reverse the U/V input order
//Bit 17 reg_yin_rev // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to reverse the Y input order
//Bit 16 reg_fgrain_ext_imode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 0 to indicate the input data is *4 in 8bit mode
//Bit 15 reg_use_par_apply_fgrain // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to use apply_fgrain from DMA table
//Bit 14 reg_fgrain_last_ln_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to keep fgrain noise generator though the input is finished for rdmif.
//Bit 13 reg_fgrain_use_sat4bp // unsigned , RW, default = 0 1 to use fgain_max/min for sat not {DW{1'b1}}/0
//Bit 12 reg_apply_c_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 0 to following C
//Bit 11 reg_fgrain_tbl_sign_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 0 to indicate signed bit is not extended in 8bit mode
//Bit 10 reg_fgrain_tbl_ext_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1 0 to indicate the grain table is *4 in 8bit mode
//Bit 9: 8 reg_fmt_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 2 0:444; 1:422; 2:420; 3:reserved
//Bit 7: 6 reg_comp_bits // unsigned , RW, default = 1 0:8bits; 1:10bits, else 12 bits
//Bit 5: 4 reg_rev_mode // unsigned . RW, default = 0 0:h_rev; 1:v_rev;
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2 reg_block_mode // unsigned , RW, default = 1
//Bit 1 reg_fgrain_loc_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 frame-based fgrain enable
//Bit 0 reg_fgrain_glb_en // unsigned , RW, default = 0 global-based fgrain enable
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_WIN_H ((0x5471 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_win_end_h .unsigned , default = 3812
//Bit 15: 0 reg_win_bgn_h .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_WIN_V ((0x5472 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16 reg_win_end_v .unsigned , default = 2156
//Bit 15: 0 reg_win_bgn_v .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_SW_Y_RANNGE ((0x5473 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_fgrain_sw_yrange .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 30:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_fgrain_ymax .unsigned , default = 1023
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_fgrain_ymin .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_SW_C_RANNGE ((0x5474 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31 reg_fgrain_sw_crange .unsigned , default = 0
//Bit 30:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_fgrain_cmax .unsigned , default = 1023
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_fgrain_cmin .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_GCLK_CTRL_0 ((0x5475 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_fgrain_gclk_ctrl0 .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_GCLK_CTRL_1 ((0x5476 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_fgrain_gclk_ctrl1 .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_GCLK_CTRL_2 ((0x5477 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:0 reg_fgrain_gclk_ctrl2 .unsigned , default = 0
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_PARAM_ADDR ((0x5478 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define AFBCDM_FGRAIN_PARAM_DATA ((0x5479 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: afbcd_mult_regs.h
//afbcd_multx6 use 3 reg_pages
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "afbcd_mult_regs.h"
//afbcd_multx6 use 3 reg_pages
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "afbcd_mult_regs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// Reading file: vd3_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_CTRL ((0x5850 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28 reg_alph_gen_dbg unsigned,default = 0 1 bit dbg_mode: output pic with alph_256 to check function
//Bit 27:12 reg_pic_en unsigned,default = 16'h0 16bits decide which pics are enable
//Bit 11:3 reg_alph0 unsigned,default = 0 9 bits alph0: alph value of those points which are out of the windows range
//Bit 2:1 reg_alph_gen_mode unsigned, default = 0 2 bits out of window/border/inside of window: 0:original, 1: 0/0.5/1 alpha 2: 0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 alph
//Bit 0 reg_alph_gen_byps unsigned, default = 1 1 bit bypass mode
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_0 ((0x5851 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_1 ((0x5852 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_2 ((0x5853 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_3 ((0x5854 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_4 ((0x5855 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_5 ((0x5856 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_6 ((0x5857 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_7 ((0x5858 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_8 ((0x5859 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_9 ((0x585a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_10 ((0x585b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_11 ((0x585c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_12 ((0x585d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_13 ((0x585e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_14 ((0x585f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_15 ((0x5860 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal begi
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_0 ((0x5861 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_1 ((0x5862 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_2 ((0x5863 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_3 ((0x5864 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_4 ((0x5865 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_5 ((0x5866 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_6 ((0x5867 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_7 ((0x5868 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_8 ((0x5869 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_9 ((0x586a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_10 ((0x586b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_11 ((0x586c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_12 ((0x586d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_13 ((0x586e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_14 ((0x586f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical begin
#define VD3_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_15 ((0x5870 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical begin
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vd3_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// Reading file: vd1_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_CTRL ((0x5880 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28 reg_alph_gen_dbg unsigned,default = 0 1 bit dbg_mode: output pic with alph_256 to check function
//Bit 27:12 reg_pic_en unsigned,default = 16'h0 16bits decide which pics are enable
//Bit 11:3 reg_alph0 unsigned,default = 0 9 bits alph0: alph value of those points which are out of the windows range
//Bit 2:1 reg_alph_gen_mode unsigned, default = 0 2 bits out of window/border/inside of window: 0:original, 1: 0/0.5/1 alpha 2: 0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 alph
//Bit 0 reg_alph_gen_byps unsigned, default = 1 1 bit bypass mode
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_0 ((0x5881 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_1 ((0x5882 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_2 ((0x5883 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_3 ((0x5884 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_4 ((0x5885 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_5 ((0x5886 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_6 ((0x5887 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_7 ((0x5888 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_8 ((0x5889 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_9 ((0x588a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_10 ((0x588b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_11 ((0x588c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_12 ((0x588d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_13 ((0x588e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_14 ((0x588f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_15 ((0x5890 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_0 ((0x5891 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_1 ((0x5892 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_2 ((0x5893 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_3 ((0x5894 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_4 ((0x5895 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_5 ((0x5896 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_6 ((0x5897 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_7 ((0x5898 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_8 ((0x5899 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_9 ((0x589a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_10 ((0x589b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_11 ((0x589c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_12 ((0x589d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_13 ((0x589e << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_14 ((0x589f << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical begin
#define VD1_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_15 ((0x58a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical begin
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vd1_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// Reading file: vd2_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_CTRL ((0x58b0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28 reg_alph_gen_dbg unsigned,default = 0 1 bit dbg_mode: output pic with alph_256 to check function
//Bit 27:12 reg_pic_en unsigned,default = 16'h0 16bits decide which pics are enable
//Bit 11:3 reg_alph0 unsigned,default = 0 9 bits alph0: alph value of those points which are out of the windows range
//Bit 2:1 reg_alph_gen_mode unsigned, default = 0 2 bits out of window/border/inside of window: 0:original, 1: 0/0.5/1 alpha 2: 0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 alph
//Bit 0 reg_alph_gen_byps unsigned, default = 1 1 bit bypass mode
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_0 ((0x58b1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_1 ((0x58b2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_2 ((0x58b3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_3 ((0x58b4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_4 ((0x58b5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_5 ((0x58b6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_6 ((0x58b7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_7 ((0x58b8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_8 ((0x58b9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_9 ((0x58ba << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window horizontal begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_10 ((0x58bb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_11 ((0x58bc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_12 ((0x58bd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_13 ((0x58be << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_14 ((0x58bf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_H_15 ((0x58c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_h15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window horizontal begi
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_0 ((0x58c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v0 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_0 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_1 ((0x58c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v1 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_1 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_2 ((0x58c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v2 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_2 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_3 ((0x58c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v3 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_3 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_4 ((0x58c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v4 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_4 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_5 ((0x58c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v5 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_5 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_6 ((0x58c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v6 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_6 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_7 ((0x58c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v7 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_7 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_8 ((0x58c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v8 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_8 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_9 ((0x58ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v9 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_9 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_10 ((0x58cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v10 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_10 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_11 ((0x58cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v11 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_11 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_12 ((0x58cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v12 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_12 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_13 ((0x58ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v13 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_13 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_14 ((0x58cf << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v14 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_14 window vertical begin
#define VD2_PIP_ALPH_SCP_V_15 ((0x58d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:29 reserved
//Bit 28:16 reg_scpxn_end_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical end
//Bit 15:13 reserved
//Bit 12:0 reg_scpxn_bgn_v15 unsigned,default = 0 13bits pic_15 window vertical begin
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vd2_pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// Closing file: pip_alph_gen_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vppj_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp_vd3_scale_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VD3_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x5903 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_SCALE_COEF ((0x5904 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x5905 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x5906 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x5907 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x5908 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x5909 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x590a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x590b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x590c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x590d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x590e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION12_STARTP ((0x590f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION34_STARTP ((0x5910 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION4_ENDP ((0x5911 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x5912 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION0_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x5913 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION1_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x5914 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION3_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x5915 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_REGION4_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x5916 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_PHASE_CTRL ((0x5917 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_SC_MISC ((0x5918 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_SCO_FIFO_CTRL ((0x5919 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_PHASE_CTRL1 ((0x591a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x591b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_SC_GCLK_CTRL ((0x591c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_PREHSC_COEF ((0x591d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_PRE_SCALE_CTRL ((0x591e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_PREVSC_COEF ((0x591f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_PREHSC_COEF1 ((0x5920 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp_vd3_scale_regs.h
// Reading file: vd3_hdr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//`include "hdr2_top_reg.h"
//VD3 0x00 - -x35
#define VD3_HDR2_CTRL ((0x5930 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x5931 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x5932 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x5933 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x5934 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x5935 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x5936 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x5937 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x5938 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x5939 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x593a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x593b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x593c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x593d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x593e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x593f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x5940 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x5941 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x5942 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x5943 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x5944 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x5945 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5946 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x5947 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5948 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5949 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x594a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x594b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x594c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x594d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x594e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x594f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5950 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5951 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5952 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5953 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x5954 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x5955 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5956 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5957 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x5958 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x5959 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x595a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x595b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x595c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x595d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x595e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x595f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x5960 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x5961 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x5962 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x5963 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x5964 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x5965 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x5966 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x5967 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x5968 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x5969 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x596a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x596b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x596c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x596d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x596e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VD3_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x596f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vd3_hdr2_regs.h
// Reading file: vpp1_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP1_TOP_CTRL ((0x5980 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_WRBAK_CTRL ((0x5981 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_LFIFO_CTRL ((0x5982 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_CRC_RO ((0x5983 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_RO_STATUS ((0x5984 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_CTRL ((0x5985 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_OUT_SIZE ((0x5986 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN0_HSCOPE ((0x5987 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN0_VSCOPE ((0x5988 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN1_HSCOPE ((0x5989 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN1_VSCOPE ((0x598a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN2_HSCOPE ((0x598b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLD_DIN2_VSCOPE ((0x598c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MISC ((0x598d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_URGENT_CTRL ((0x598e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x5990 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x5991 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x5992 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x5993 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x5994 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x5995 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x5996 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x5997 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x5998 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5999 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x599a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x599b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x599c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x599d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_GCLK_CTRL ((0x59a0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_CTRL0 ((0x59a1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_CTRL1 ((0x59a2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_CTRL2 ((0x59a3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_CTRL3 ((0x59a4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_GAINOFF_CTRL4 ((0x59a5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLEND_CTRL ((0x59a8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLEND_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA ((0x59a9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA ((0x59aa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP1_BLEND2_RO_CURRENT_XY ((0x59ab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_TOP_CTRL ((0x59c0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_WRBAK_CTRL ((0x59c1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_LFIFO_CTRL ((0x59c2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_CRC_RO ((0x59c3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_RO_STATUS ((0x59c4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_CTRL ((0x59c5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_OUT_SIZE ((0x59c6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN0_HSCOPE ((0x59c7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN0_VSCOPE ((0x59c8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN1_HSCOPE ((0x59c9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN1_VSCOPE ((0x59ca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN2_HSCOPE ((0x59cb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLD_DIN2_VSCOPE ((0x59cc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MISC ((0x59cd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_URGENT_CTRL ((0x59ce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x59d0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x59d1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x59d2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x59d3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF22 ((0x59d4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF13_14 ((0x59d5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF23_24 ((0x59d6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_COEF15_25 ((0x59d7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_CLIP ((0x59d8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_OFFSET0_1 ((0x59d9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_OFFSET2 ((0x59da << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x59db << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x59dc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_MATRIX_EN_CTRL ((0x59dd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_GCLK_CTRL ((0x59e0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_CTRL0 ((0x59e1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_CTRL1 ((0x59e2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_CTRL2 ((0x59e3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_CTRL3 ((0x59e4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_GAINOFF_CTRL4 ((0x59e5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLEND_CTRL ((0x59e8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLEND_BLEND_DUMMY_DATA ((0x59e9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLEND_DUMMY_ALPHA ((0x59ea << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define VPP2_BLEND2_RO_CURRENT_XY ((0x59eb << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpp1_regs.h
// Closing file: vppj_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vppk_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd1_scale.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define VPP_OSD_VSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define VPP_OSD_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, botttom vertical scaler initial phase
//Bit 15:0, top vertical scaler initial phase
#define VPP_OSD_VSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24 osd vertical Scaler enable
//Bit 23 osd_prog_interlace 0: current field is progressive, 1: current field is interlace
//Bit 22:21 osd_vsc_double_line_mode, bit1, double input width and half input height, bit0, change line buffer becomes 2 lines
//Bit 20 osd_vsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_vsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_vsc_bot_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 14:11 osd_vsc_bot_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 9:8 osd_vsc_top_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 6:3 osd_vsc_top_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 2:0 osd_vsc_bank_length
#define VPP_OSD_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define VPP_OSD_HSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, horizontal scaler initial phase1
//Bit 15:0, horizontal scaler initial phase0
#define VPP_OSD_HSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22 osd horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 21 osd_hsc_double_pix_mode
//Bit 20 osd_hsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_hsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num1
//Bit 14:11 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num1
//Bit 9:8 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num0
//Bit 6:3 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num0
//Bit 2:0 osd_hsc_bank_length
#define VPP_OSD_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x5a06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling
//bit 15:8 pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//bit 6:4 pattern start
//bit 2:0 pattern end
#define VPP_OSD_SC_DUMMY_DATA ((0x5a07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, componet 0
//bit 23:16, component 1
//bit 15:8, component 2
//bit 7:0 component 3, alpha
#define VPP_OSD_SC_CTRL0 ((0x5a08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 14 osc_sc_din_osd1_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 13 osc_sc_din_osd2_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_dout_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 11:4 default alpha for vd1 or vd2 if they are selected as the source
//Bit 3 osd scaler path enable
//Bit 1:0 osd_sc_sel, 00: select osd1 input, 01: select osd2 input, 10: select vd1 input, 11: select vd2 input after matrix
#define VPP_OSD_SCI_WH_M1 ((0x5a09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler input width minus 1
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler input height minus 1
#define VPP_OSD_SCO_H_START_END ((0x5a0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output horizontal start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output horizontal end
#define VPP_OSD_SCO_V_START_END ((0x5a0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output vertical start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output vertical end
#define VPP_OSD_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x5a0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8 type of index, 0: vertical coef, 1: horizontal coef
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define VPP_OSD_SCALE_COEF ((0x5a0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd1_scale.h
// Reading file: osdsc_deband_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x5a20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload chrm seed 1: reload chrm seed
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload luma seed 1: reload luma seed
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 , 0 : yuv 1: RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 , options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 , mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define OSD_DB_FLT_CTRL1 ((0x5a21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nrdeband_noise_rs // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_randgain // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nrdeband_bandrand5 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nrdeband_bandrand4 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_bandrand3 // unsigned , default = 6
#define OSD_DB_FLT_LUMA_THRD ((0x5a22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
#define OSD_DB_FLT_CHRM_THRD ((0x5a23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define OSD_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x5a24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdeband_randslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut7
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdeband_randslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut6
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdeband_randslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut5
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdeband_randslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut4
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_randslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut3
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdeband_randslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut2
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdeband_randslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut1
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_randslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut0
#define OSD_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x5a25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x5a26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 ,debanding noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x5a27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 ,debanding noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x5a28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED3 ((0x5a29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed3 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED4 ((0x5a2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed4 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD_DB_FLT_SEED5 ((0x5a2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed5 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osdsc_deband_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd2_scale.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD2_VSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a40 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD2_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a41 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, botttom vertical scaler initial phase
//Bit 15:0, top vertical scaler initial phase
#define OSD2_VSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a42 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24 osd vertical Scaler enable
//Bit 23 osd_prog_interlace 0: current field is progressive, 1: current field is interlace
//Bit 22:21 osd_vsc_double_line_mode, bit1, double input width and half input height, bit0, change line buffer becomes 2 lines
//Bit 20 osd_vsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_vsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_vsc_bot_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 14:11 osd_vsc_bot_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 9:8 osd_vsc_top_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 6:3 osd_vsc_top_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 2:0 osd_vsc_bank_length
#define OSD2_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a43 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD2_HSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a44 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, horizontal scaler initial phase1
//Bit 15:0, horizontal scaler initial phase0
#define OSD2_HSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a45 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22 osd horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 21 osd_hsc_double_pix_mode
//Bit 20 osd_hsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_hsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num1
//Bit 14:11 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num1
//Bit 9:8 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num0
//Bit 6:3 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num0
//Bit 2:0 osd_hsc_bank_length
#define OSD2_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x5a46 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling
//bit 15:8 pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//bit 6:4 pattern start
//bit 2:0 pattern end
#define OSD2_SC_DUMMY_DATA ((0x5a47 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, componet 0
//bit 23:16, component 1
//bit 15:8, component 2
//bit 7:0 component 3, alpha
#define OSD2_SC_CTRL0 ((0x5a48 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 14 osc_sc_din_osd1_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 13 osc_sc_din_osd2_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_dout_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 11:4 default alpha for vd1 or vd2 if they are selected as the source
//Bit 3 osd scaler path enable
//Bit 1:0 osd_sc_sel, 00: select osd1 input, 01: select osd2 input, 10: select vd1 input, 11: select vd2 input after matrix
#define OSD2_SCI_WH_M1 ((0x5a49 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler input width minus 1
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler input height minus 1
#define OSD2_SCO_H_START_END ((0x5a4a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output horizontal start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output horizontal end
#define OSD2_SCO_V_START_END ((0x5a4b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output vertical start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output vertical end
#define OSD2_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x5a4c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8 type of index, 0: vertical coef, 1: horizontal coef
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define OSD2_SCALE_COEF ((0x5a4d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd2_scale.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd2_deband_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x5a60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload chrm seed 1: reload chrm seed
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload luma seed 1: reload luma seed
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 , 0 : yuv 1: RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 , options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 , mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_CTRL1 ((0x5a61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nrdeband_noise_rs // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_randgain // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nrdeband_bandrand5 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nrdeband_bandrand4 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_bandrand3 // unsigned , default = 6
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_LUMA_THRD ((0x5a62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_CHRM_THRD ((0x5a63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x5a64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdeband_randslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut7
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdeband_randslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut6
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdeband_randslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut5
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdeband_randslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut4
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_randslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut3
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdeband_randslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut2
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdeband_randslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut1
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_randslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut0
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x5a65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x5a66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 ,debanding noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x5a67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 ,debanding noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x5a68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED3 ((0x5a69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed3 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED4 ((0x5a6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed4 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD2_DB_FLT_SEED5 ((0x5a6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed5 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd2_deband_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd3_scale.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD34_VSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD34_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, botttom vertical scaler initial phase
//Bit 15:0, top vertical scaler initial phase
#define OSD34_VSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24 osd vertical Scaler enable
//Bit 23 osd_prog_interlace 0: current field is progressive, 1: current field is interlace
//Bit 22:21 osd_vsc_double_line_mode, bit1, double input width and half input height, bit0, change line buffer becomes 2 lines
//Bit 20 osd_vsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_vsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_vsc_bot_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 14:11 osd_vsc_bot_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 9:8 osd_vsc_top_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 6:3 osd_vsc_top_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 2:0 osd_vsc_bank_length
#define OSD34_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5a83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD34_HSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5a84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, horizontal scaler initial phase1
//Bit 15:0, horizontal scaler initial phase0
#define OSD34_HSC_CTRL0 ((0x5a85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22 osd horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 21 osd_hsc_double_pix_mode
//Bit 20 osd_hsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_hsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num1
//Bit 14:11 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num1
//Bit 9:8 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num0
//Bit 6:3 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num0
//Bit 2:0 osd_hsc_bank_length
#define OSD34_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x5a86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling
//bit 15:8 pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//bit 6:4 pattern start
//bit 2:0 pattern end
#define OSD34_SC_DUMMY_DATA ((0x5a87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, componet 0
//bit 23:16, component 1
//bit 15:8, component 2
//bit 7:0 component 3, alpha
#define OSD34_SC_CTRL0 ((0x5a88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 14 osc_sc_din_osd1_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 13 osc_sc_din_osd2_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_dout_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 11:4 default alpha for vd1 or vd2 if they are selected as the source
//Bit 3 osd scaler path enable
//Bit 1:0 osd_sc_sel, 00: select osd1 input, 01: select osd2 input, 10: select vd1 input, 11: select vd2 input after matrix
#define OSD34_SCI_WH_M1 ((0x5a89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler input width minus 1
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler input height minus 1
#define OSD34_SCO_H_START_END ((0x5a8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output horizontal start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output horizontal end
#define OSD34_SCO_V_START_END ((0x5a8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output vertical start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output vertical end
#define OSD34_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x5a8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8 type of index, 0: vertical coef, 1: horizontal coef
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define OSD34_SCALE_COEF ((0x5a8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd3_scale.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd3_deband_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x5aa0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload chrm seed 1: reload chrm seed
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload luma seed 1: reload luma seed
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 , 0 : yuv 1: RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 , options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 , mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_CTRL1 ((0x5aa1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nrdeband_noise_rs // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_randgain // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nrdeband_bandrand5 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nrdeband_bandrand4 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_bandrand3 // unsigned , default = 6
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_LUMA_THRD ((0x5aa2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_CHRM_THRD ((0x5aa3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x5aa4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdeband_randslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut7
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdeband_randslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut6
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdeband_randslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut5
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdeband_randslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut4
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_randslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut3
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdeband_randslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut2
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdeband_randslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut1
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_randslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut0
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x5aa5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x5aa6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 ,debanding noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x5aa7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 ,debanding noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x5aa8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED3 ((0x5aa9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed3 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED4 ((0x5aaa << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed4 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD34_DB_FLT_SEED5 ((0x5aab << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed5 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd3_deband_regs.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd4_scale.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD4_VSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5ac0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//vertical scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD4_VSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5ac1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, botttom vertical scaler initial phase
//Bit 15:0, top vertical scaler initial phase
#define OSD4_VSC_CTRL0 ((0x5ac2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 24 osd vertical Scaler enable
//Bit 23 osd_prog_interlace 0: current field is progressive, 1: current field is interlace
//Bit 22:21 osd_vsc_double_line_mode, bit1, double input width and half input height, bit0, change line buffer becomes 2 lines
//Bit 20 osd_vsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_vsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_vsc_bot_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 14:11 osd_vsc_bot_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 9:8 osd_vsc_top_rpt_l0_num
//Bit 6:3 osd_vsc_top_ini_rcv_num
//Bit 2:0 osd_vsc_bank_length
#define OSD4_HSC_PHASE_STEP ((0x5ac3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//horizontal scaler phase step
//Bit 27:0, 4.24 format
#define OSD4_HSC_INI_PHASE ((0x5ac4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:16, horizontal scaler initial phase1
//Bit 15:0, horizontal scaler initial phase0
#define OSD4_HSC_CTRL0 ((0x5ac5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 22 osd horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 21 osd_hsc_double_pix_mode
//Bit 20 osd_hsc_phase0_always_en
//Bit 19 osd_hsc_nearest_en
//Bit 17:16 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num1
//Bit 14:11 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num1
//Bit 9:8 osd_hsc_rpt_p0_num0
//Bit 6:3 osd_hsc_ini_rcv_num0
//Bit 2:0 osd_hsc_bank_length
#define OSD4_HSC_INI_PAT_CTRL ((0x5ac6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//for 3D quincunx sub-sampling
//bit 15:8 pattern, each patten 1 bit, from lsb -> msb
//bit 6:4 pattern start
//bit 2:0 pattern end
#define OSD4_SC_DUMMY_DATA ((0x5ac7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//bit 31:24, componet 0
//bit 23:16, component 1
//bit 15:8, component 2
//bit 7:0 component 3, alpha
#define OSD4_SC_CTRL0 ((0x5ac8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 14 osc_sc_din_osd1_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 13 osc_sc_din_osd2_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha -1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha - 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_dout_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 12 osc_sc_alpha_mode, 1: (alpha >= 128) ? alpha + 1: alpha, 0: (alpha >=1) ? alpha + 1: alpha.
//Bit 11:4 default alpha for vd1 or vd2 if they are selected as the source
//Bit 3 osd scaler path enable
//Bit 1:0 osd_sc_sel, 00: select osd1 input, 01: select osd2 input, 10: select vd1 input, 11: select vd2 input after matrix
#define OSD4_SCI_WH_M1 ((0x5ac9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler input width minus 1
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler input height minus 1
#define OSD4_SCO_H_START_END ((0x5aca << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output horizontal start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output horizontal end
#define OSD4_SCO_V_START_END ((0x5acb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 28:16 OSD scaler output vertical start
//Bit 12:0 OSD scaler output vertical end
#define OSD4_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x5acc << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8 type of index, 0: vertical coef, 1: horizontal coef
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define OSD4_SCALE_COEF ((0x5acd << 2) + 0xff000000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd4_scale.h
// Reading file: vpu_osd4_deband_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_CTRL ((0x5ae0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:27 reserved
//Bit 26 reg_nrdeband_reset1 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload chrm seed 1: reload chrm seed
//Bit 25 reg_nrdeband_reset0 // unsigned , default = 1 , 0 : no reload luma seed 1: reload luma seed
//Bit 24 reg_nrdeband_rgb // unsigned , default = 0 , 0 : yuv 1: RGB
//Bit 23 reg_nrdeband_en11 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [0] for luma, same for below
//Bit 22 reg_nrdeband_en10 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers of side lines, [1] for chroma, same for below
//Bit 21 reg_nrdeband_siderand // unsigned , default = 1 , options to use side two lines use the rand, instead of use for the YUV three component of middle line, 0: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for middle line yuv; 1: seed[3]/bandrand[3] for nearby three lines Y;
//Bit 20 reg_nrdeband_randmode // unsigned , default = 0 , mode of rand noise adding, 0: same noise strength for all difs; else: strenght of noise will not exceed the difs, MIN((pPKReg->reg_nrdeband_bandrand[m]), noise[m])
//Bit 19:17 reg_nrdeband_bandrand2 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 16 reserved
//Bit 15:13 reg_nrdeband_bandrand1 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 12 reserved
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_bandrand0 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 8 reserved
//Bit 7 reg_nrdeband_hpxor1 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [0] for luma
//Bit 6 reg_nrdeband_hpxor0 // unsigned , default = 1 , debanding random hp portion xor, [1] for chroma
//Bit 5 reg_nrdeband_en1 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for luma
//Bit 4 reg_nrdeband_en0 // unsigned , default = 0 , debanding registers, for chroma
//Bit 3: 2 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode1 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
//Bit 1: 0 reg_nrdeband_lpf_mode0 // unsigned , default = 2 , lpf mode, 0: 3x3, 1:3x5; 2: 5x5; 3:5x7
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_CTRL1 ((0x5ae1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:18 reserved
//Bit 17:16 reg_nrdeband_noise_rs // unsigned , default = 2
//Bit 15:12 reg_nrdeband_randgain // unsigned , default = 8
//Bit 11 reserved
//Bit 10: 8 reg_nrdeband_bandrand5 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 7 reserved
//Bit 6: 4 reg_nrdeband_bandrand4 // unsigned , default = 6
//Bit 3 reserved
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_bandrand3 // unsigned , default = 6
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_LUMA_THRD ((0x5ae2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_luma_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_luma_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_luma_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_luma_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif <th[3] (lpf*1 + 3*y)/4; else
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_CHRM_THRD ((0x5ae3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:30 reserved
//Bit 29:24 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th3 // unsigned , default = 36 , threshold to |Y-Ylpf|, if < th[0] use lpf
//Bit 23:22 reserved
//Bit 21:16 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th2 // unsigned , default = 28 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4
//Bit 15:14 reserved
//Bit 13: 8 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th1 // unsigned , default = 24 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif <th[2] (lpf*1 + y)/2
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 0 reg_nrdeband_chrm_th0 // unsigned , default = 20 , elseif <th[1] use (lpf*3 + y)/4elseif elseif
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_RANDLUT ((0x5ae4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:24 reserved
//Bit 23:21 reg_nrdeband_randslut7 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut7
//Bit 20:18 reg_nrdeband_randslut6 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut6
//Bit 17:15 reg_nrdeband_randslut5 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut5
//Bit 14:12 reg_nrdeband_randslut4 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut4
//Bit 11: 9 reg_nrdeband_randslut3 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut3
//Bit 8: 6 reg_nrdeband_randslut2 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut2
//Bit 5: 3 reg_nrdeband_randslut1 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut1
//Bit 2: 0 reg_nrdeband_randslut0 // unsigned , default = 1 rand lut0
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_PXI_THRD ((0x5ae5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31:26 reserved
//Bit 25:16 reg_nrdeband_yc_th1 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
//Bit 15:10 reserved
//Bit 9: 0 reg_nrdeband_yc_th0 // unsigned , default = 0 ,threshold to luma/|u/v| for using the denoise
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED_Y ((0x5ae6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed0 // unsigned , default = 1621438240 ,debanding noise adding seed for Y. seed[0]= 0x60a52f20; as default
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED_U ((0x5ae7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed1 // unsigned , default = 1621438247 ,debanding noise adding seed for U. seed[0]= 0x60a52f27; as default
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED_V ((0x5ae8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed2 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED3 ((0x5ae9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed3 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED4 ((0x5aea << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed4 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
#define OSD4_DB_FLT_SEED5 ((0x5aeb << 2) + 0xff000000)
//Bit 31: 0 reg_nrdeband_seed5 // unsigned , default = 1621438242 ,debanding noise adding seed for V. seed[0]= 0x60a52f22; as default
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: vpu_osd4_deband_regs.h
// Closing file: vppk_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: vppl_regs.h
// Reading file: osd2_hdr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//osd1 0x40 - 0x7f
#define OSD2_HDR2_CTRL ((0x5b00 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x5b01 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x5b02 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x5b03 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x5b04 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x5b05 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x5b06 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x5b07 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x5b08 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x5b09 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b0a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x5b0b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b0c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5b0d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x5b0e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x5b0f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x5b10 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x5b11 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x5b12 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x5b13 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x5b14 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x5b15 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b16 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x5b17 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b18 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5b19 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x5b1a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x5b1b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x5b1c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x5b1d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b1e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b1f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b20 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b21 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b22 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b23 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x5b24 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x5b25 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b26 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b27 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x5b28 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x5b29 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x5b2a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x5b2b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x5b2c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x5b2d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x5b2e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x5b2f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x5b30 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x5b31 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x5b32 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x5b33 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x5b34 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x5b35 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x5b36 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x5b37 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x5b38 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x5b39 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x5b3a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x5b3b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x5b3c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x5b3d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x5b3e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD2_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x5b3f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osd2_hdr2_regs.h
// Reading file: osd3_hdr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//osd1 0x40 - 0x7f
#define OSD3_HDR2_CTRL ((0x5b50 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x5b51 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x5b52 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x5b53 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x5b54 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x5b55 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x5b56 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x5b57 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x5b58 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x5b59 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b5a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x5b5b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b5c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5b5d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x5b5e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x5b5f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x5b60 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x5b61 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x5b62 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x5b63 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x5b64 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x5b65 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b66 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x5b67 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5b68 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5b69 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x5b6a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x5b6b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x5b6c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x5b6d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b6e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b6f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b70 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b71 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b72 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b73 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x5b74 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x5b75 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5b76 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5b77 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x5b78 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x5b79 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x5b7a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x5b7b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x5b7c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x5b7d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x5b7e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x5b7f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x5b80 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x5b81 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x5b82 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x5b83 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x5b84 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x5b85 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x5b86 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x5b87 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x5b88 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x5b89 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x5b8a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x5b8b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x5b8c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x5b8d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x5b8e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD3_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x5b8f << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osd3_hdr2_regs.h
// Reading file: osd4_hdr2_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
//osd1 0x40 - 0x7f
#define OSD4_HDR2_CTRL ((0x5ba0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_CLK_GATE ((0x5ba1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF00_01 ((0x5ba2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF02_10 ((0x5ba3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF11_12 ((0x5ba4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF20_21 ((0x5ba5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF22 ((0x5ba6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF30_31 ((0x5ba7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF32_40 ((0x5ba8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_COEF41_42 ((0x5ba9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5baa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_OFFSET2 ((0x5bab << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5bac << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5bad << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF00_01 ((0x5bae << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF02_10 ((0x5baf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF11_12 ((0x5bb0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF20_21 ((0x5bb1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF22 ((0x5bb2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF30_31 ((0x5bb3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF32_40 ((0x5bb4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_COEF41_42 ((0x5bb5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5bb6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_OFFSET2 ((0x5bb7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET0_1 ((0x5bb8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_PRE_OFFSET2 ((0x5bb9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_CLIP ((0x5bba << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_CLIP ((0x5bbb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_CGAIN_OFFT ((0x5bbc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_HIST_RD ((0x5bbd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_EOTF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5bbe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_EOTF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5bbf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_OETF_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5bc0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_OETF_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5bc1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_CGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5bc2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_CGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5bc3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF0 ((0x5bc4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_CGAIN_COEF1 ((0x5bc5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_OGAIN_LUT_ADDR_PORT ((0x5bc6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_OGAIN_LUT_DATA_PORT ((0x5bc7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_CTRL ((0x5bc8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA0 ((0x5bc9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_ALPHA1 ((0x5bca << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_BETA0 ((0x5bcb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_BETA1 ((0x5bcc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_BETA2 ((0x5bcd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_COEF0 ((0x5bce << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_ADPS_COEF1 ((0x5bcf << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_CTRL ((0x5bd0 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_COEF0 ((0x5bd1 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_COEF1 ((0x5bd2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_COEF2 ((0x5bd3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_COEF3 ((0x5bd4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_GMUT_COEF4 ((0x5bd5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL1 ((0x5bd6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL2 ((0x5bd7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_PIPE_CTRL3 ((0x5bd8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_PROC_WIN1 ((0x5bd9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_PROC_WIN2 ((0x5bda << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXI_EN_CTRL ((0x5bdb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_MATRIXO_EN_CTRL ((0x5bdc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_HIST_CTRL ((0x5bdd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_HIST_H_START_END ((0x5bde << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define OSD4_HDR2_HIST_V_START_END ((0x5bdf << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: osd4_hdr2_regs.h
// Closing file: vppl_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby1c_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_REG_START ((0x6000 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x60f2 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x60f3 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x60f4 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x60f5 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x60f6 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x60f7 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x60f8 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_CTRL ((0x60f9 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_STATUS ((0x60fa << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS0 ((0x60fb << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS1 ((0x60fc << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS2 ((0x60fd << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_STATUS3 ((0x60fe << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE1C_DMA_PORT ((0x60ff << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby1c_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Reading file: dolby2c_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_REG_START ((0x6100 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_CLKGATE_CTRL ((0x6132 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL0 ((0x6133 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL1 ((0x6134 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL2 ((0x6135 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL3 ((0x6136 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL4 ((0x6137 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_SWAP_CTRL5 ((0x6138 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_DMA_CTRL ((0x6139 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_DMA_STATUS ((0x613a << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_STATUS0 ((0x613b << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_STATUS1 ((0x613c << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_STATUS2 ((0x613d << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_STATUS3 ((0x613e << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_DMA_PORT ((0x613f << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_AXI2DMA_CTRL0 ((0x6140 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_AXI2DMA_CTRL1 ((0x6141 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_AXI2DMA_CTRL2 ((0x6142 << 2) + 0xff000000)
#define DOLBY_CORE2C_AXI2DMA_CTRL3 ((0x6143 << 2) + 0xff000000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: dolby2c_regs.h
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//`include "v2regs.h"
//`include "viu2_regs.h"
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: ./vcbus_regs.h
// Reading file: ./ge2d_regs.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
////// GE2D Registers 0x8a0 - 0x8ff
//address is 0xd016_0000 - 0xd0160000 - 0xd01603ff
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
//Bit 31, destination bytemask only if destination bitmask is enable
//Bit 30, destination bitmask enable
//Bit 29, source2 key enable
//Bit 28, source2 key mode, 0: mask data when match, 1: mask data when unmatch
//Bit 27, source1 key enable
//Bit 26, source1 key mode, 0: mask data when match, 1: mask data when unmatch
//Bit 25:24, dst1 8bit mode component selection,
// 00: select Y(R), 01: Cb(G), 10: Cr(B), 11: Alpha
//Bit 23 dst clip mode, 0: write inside clip window, 1: write outside clip window
//Bit 22:17, reserved
//Bit 16:15, src2 8bit mode component selection,
// 00: select Y(R), 01: Cb(G), 10: Cr(B), 11: Alpha
//Bit 14 src2 fill mode, 0: repeat data, 1: fill default color
//Bit 13:12 src2 picture struct, 00: frame, 10: even, 11: odd
//Bit 11 src1 x direction yc ration, 0: 1:1, 1: 2:1
//Bit 10 src1 y direction yc ration, 0: 1:1, 1: 2:1
//Bit 9:7 reserved
//Bit 6:5, src1 8bit mode component selection,
// 00: select Y(R), 01: Cb(G), 10: Cr(B), 11: Alpha
//Bit 4 src1 fill mode, 0: repeat data, 1: fill default color
//Bit 3 src1 lookup table enable
//Bit 2:1 src1 picture struct, 00: frame, 10: even, 11: odd
//Bit 0 src1 separate buffer enable
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL0 ((0x00a0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31, soft rst
//Bit 30, dst write response counter reset
//Bit 29, disable adding dst write response count to busy bit
//Bit 28:26, reserved
//bit 25:24, interrupt control, if bit[0] true, generate interrupt when one command done,
// if bit[1] true, generate interrupt when ge2d change from busy to not busy
//Bit 23:22 src2 burst size control
//Bit 21:16 src1 burst size control, 5:4, yfifo, 3:2, cbfifo, 1:0, crfifo
// each 2bit, 00: 24 64bitword, 01: 32 64bitword, 10: 48 64bitwords, 11: 64 64bitwords
//Bit 15:14, dst1 picture struct, 00: frame, 10:top, 11: bottom
//Bit 13:12, bit 13 if true, force read src1, bit 12 if true, force read src2
//Bit 11, dst2 request urgent enable
//Bit 10, src1 request urgent enable
//Bit 9, src2 request urgent enable
//Bit 8, dst1 request urgent enable
//Bit 7:0 src1 global alpha
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL1 ((0x00a1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit31 alpha conversion mode in alu, 0: alpha_out = (alpha !=0) ? alpha +1 : 0;
// otherwise, alpha_out = (alpha < 128) ? alpha: alpha + 1;
//Bit30 color conversion mode in alu, 0: color_out = (color != 0) ? color +1: 0;
// otherwise, color_out = (color < 128) ? color: color + 1;
//Bit29 src1_gb_alpha_en, As = src1_gb_alpha_en ? Asr * Ag: Asr
//Bit28 dst1_color_round_mode, 0: truncate, 1: + 0.5 rounding
//Bit27 src2_color_expand_mode, 0: add 0, 1: add MSBs
//Bit26 src2_alpha_expand_mode, 0: add 0, 1: add MSBs
//Bit25 src1_color_expand_mode, 0: add 0, 1: add MSBs
//Bit24 src1_alpha_expand_mode, 0: add 0, 1: add MSBs
//Bit 23 if true, dst little endian, otherwise big endian
//Bit 22:19 dst1 color_map
// dst1_format=0 : output 8-bit;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=1: output 16-bit YCbCr 655;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=2: output 16-bit YCbCr 844;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=3: output 16-bit YCbCrA 6442;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=4: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4444;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=5: output 16-bit YCbCr 565;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=6: output 16-bit AYCbCr 4444;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=7: output 16-bit AYCbCr 1555;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=8: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4642;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=9: output 16-bit CbCr 88;
// dst1_format=1, dst1_color_map=10:output 16-bit CrCb 88;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=0: output 24-bit YCbCr 888;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=1: output 24-bit YCbCrA 5658;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=2: output 24-bit AYCbCr 8565;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=3: output 24-bit YCbCrA 6666;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=4: output 24-bit AYCbCr 6666;
// dst1_format=2, dst1_color_map=5: output 24-bit CrCbY 888;
// dst1_format=3, dst1_color_map=0: output 32-bit YCbCrA 8888;
// dst1_format=3, dst1_color_map=1: output 32-bit AYCbCr 8888;
// dst1_format=3, dst1_color_map=2: output 32-bit ACrCbY 8888;
// dst1_format=3, dst1_color_map=3: output 32-bit CrCbYA 8888.
//Bit 17:16 dst1_format, 00: 8bit, 01:16bit, 10:24bit, 11: 32bit
//Bit 15 if true, src2 little endian, otherwise big endian
//Bit 14:11 src2 color_map
// src2_format=0 : output 8-bit;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=1: output 16-bit YCbCr 655;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=2: output 16-bit YCbCr 844;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=3: output 16-bit YCbCrA 6442;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=4: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4444;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=5: output 16-bit YCbCr 565;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=6: output 16-bit AYCbCr 4444;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=7: output 16-bit AYCbCr 1555;
// src2_format=1, src2_color_map=8: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4642;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=0: output 24-bit YCbCr 888;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=1: output 24-bit YCbCrA 5658;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=2: output 24-bit AYCbCr 8565;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=3: output 24-bit YCbCrA 6666;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=4: output 24-bit AYCbCr 6666;
// src2_format=2, src2_color_map=5: output 24-bit CrCbY 888;
// src2_format=3, src2_color_map=0: output 32-bit YCbCrA 8888;
// src2_format=3, src2_color_map=1: output 32-bit AYCbCr 8888;
// src2_format=3, src2_color_map=2: output 32-bit ACrCbY 8888;
// src2_format=3, src2_color_map=3: output 32-bit CrCbYA 8888.
//Bit 9:8 src2 format, 00: 8bit, 01:16bit, 10:24bit 11: 32bit
//Bit 7 if true, src1 little endian, otherwise big endian
//Bit 6:3 src1 color_map
// src1_format=0 : output 8-bit;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=0: output 4:2:2 (Y0Cb0Y1Cr0);
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=1: output 16-bit YCbCr 655;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=2: output 16-bit YCbCr 844;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=3: output 16-bit YCbCrA 6442;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=4: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4444;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=5: output 16-bit YCbCr 565;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=6: output 16-bit AYCbCr 4444;
// src1_format=1, src1_color_map=7: output 16-bit AYCbCr 1555;
// src1_format=1, src2_color_map=8: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4642;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=0: output 24-bit YCbCr 888;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=1: output 24-bit YCbCrA 5658;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=2: output 24-bit AYCbCr 8565;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=3: output 24-bit YCbCrA 6666;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=4: output 24-bit AYCbCr 6666;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=5: output 24-bit CrCbY 888;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=14:output 8-bit Y and 16-bit CbCr;
// src1_format=2, src1_color_map=15:output 8-bit Y and 16-bit CrCb;
// src1_format=3, src1_color_map=0: output 32-bit YCbCrA 8888;
// src1_format=3, src1_color_map=1: output 32-bit AYCbCr 8888;
// src1_format=3, src1_color_map=2: output 32-bit ACrCbY 8888;
// src1_format=3, src1_color_map=3: output 32-bit CrCbYA 8888.
//Bit 1:0 src1 format, 00: 8bit, 01:16bit/4:2:2, 10:24bit 11: 32bit
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL2 ((0x00a2 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 9 if true, all src2 data use default color
//Bit 8 if true, all src1 data use default color
//Bit 7 if true, dst x/y swap
//Bit 6 if true, dst x direction reversely read
//Bit 5 if true, dst y direction reversely read
//Bit 4 if true, src2 x direction reversely read
//Bit 3 if true, src2 y direction reversely read
//Bit 2 if true, src1 x direction reversely read
//Bit 1 if true, src1 y direction reversely read
//Bit 0 cmd write
#define GE2D_CMD_CTRL ((0x00a3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
//Bit 28:17 dst write response counter, for debug only
//Bit 16:7 ge2d_dp status, for debug only
//Bit 6 read src1 cmd ready
//Bit 5 read src2 cmd ready
//Bit 4 pre dpcmd ready
//Bit 3 ge2d dpcmd ready
//Bit 2 ge2d buffer command valid
//Bit 1 ge2d current command valid
//Bit 0 ge2d busy
#define GE2D_STATUS0 ((0x00a4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
// Bit 29:16 ge2d_dst1_status, for debug only
// Bit 15 ge2d_rd_src2 core.fifo_empty
// Bit 14 ge2d_rd_src2 core.fifo_overflow
// Bit 13:12 ge2d_rd_src2 core.req_st
// Bit 11 ge2d_rd_src2 cmd_if.cmd_err, true if cmd_format=1
// Bit 10 ge2d_rd_src2 cmd_if.cmd_st, 0=IDLE state, 1=BUSY state
// Bit 9 ge2d_rd_src1 luma_core(chroma_core).fifo_empty
// Bit 8 ge2d_rd_src1 luma_core(chroma_core).fifo_overflow
// Bit 7: 6 ge2d_rd_src1 chroma_core.req_st_cr
// Bit 5: 4 ge2d_rd_src1 chroma_core.req_st_cb
// Bit 3: 2 ge2d_rd_src1 luma_core.req_st_y
// Bit 1 ge2d_rd_src1 cmd_if.stat_read_window_err, 1=reading/clipping window setting exceed limit
// Bit 0 ge2d_rd_src1 cmd_if.cmd_st, 0=IDLE state, 1=BUSY state
#define GE2D_STATUS1 ((0x00a5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC1 default clolor
#define GE2D_SRC1_DEF_COLOR ((0x00a6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31, SRC1 clip x start extra, if true, one more data is read for chroma
//Bit 28:16, SRC1 clip x start
//Bit 15, SRC1 clip x end extra, if true, one more data is read for chroma
//Bit 12:0, SRC1 clip x end
#define GE2D_SRC1_CLIPX_START_END ((0x00a7 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31, SRC1 clip y start extra, if true, one more data is read for chroma
//Bit 28:16, SRC1 clip y start
//Bit 15, SRC1 clip y end extra, if true, one more data is read for chroma
//Bit 12:0, SRC1 clip y end
#define GE2D_SRC1_CLIPY_START_END ((0x00a8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, SRC1 canvas address0
//Bit 23:16, SRC1 canvas address1
//Bit 15:8, SRC1 canvas address2
#define GE2D_SRC1_CANVAS ((0x00a9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31, SRC1 x start extra bit1, if true, one more chroma data is read for x even start chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
// or x even/odd start chroma extra data when y/c ratio = 1
//Bit 30, SRC1 x start extra bit0, if true, one more chroma data is read for x odd start chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
//Bit 29:16, SRC1 x start, signed data
//Bit 15, SRC1 x end extra bit1, if true, one more chroma data is read for x odd end chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
// or x even/odd end chroma extra data when y/c ratio = 1
//Bit 14, SRC1 x end extra bit0, if true, one more chroma data is read for x even end chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
//Bit 13:0, SRC1 x end, signed data
#define GE2D_SRC1_X_START_END ((0x00aa << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31, SRC1 y start extra, if true, one more chroma data is read for y even start chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
// or y even/odd start chroma extra data when y/c ratio = 1
//Bit 30, SRC1 y start extra, if true, one more chroma data is read for x odd start chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
//Bit 28:16, SRC1 y start
//Bit 15, SRC1 y end extra bit1, if true, one more chroma data is read for y odd end chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
// or y even/odd end chroma extra data when y/c ratio = 1
//Bit 14, SRC1 y end extra bit0, if true, one more chroma data is read for y even end chroma data when y/c ratio = 2
//Bit 12:0, SRC1 y end
#define GE2D_SRC1_Y_START_END ((0x00ab << 2) + 0xff040000)
// Bit 31: 9 Reserved
// Bit 8 RW, 0 = Write LUT, 1 = Read LUT
// Bit 7: 0 RW, lut_addr
#define GE2D_SRC1_LUT_ADDR ((0x00ac << 2) + 0xff040000)
// Bit 31:24 RW, Y or R
// Bit 23:16 RW, Cb or G
// Bit 15: 8 RW, Cr or B
// Bit 7: 0 RW, Alpha
#define GE2D_SRC1_LUT_DAT ((0x00ad << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19, if true, horizontal formatter using repeat to get the pixel, otherwise using interpolation
//Bit 18, horizontal formatter en
//Bit 17, if true, vertical formatter using repeat to get the pixel, otherwise using interpolation
//Bit 16, vertical formatter en
//Bit 15:8 X direction chroma phase,
// [7:4] for x direction even start/end chroma phase when y/c ratio = 2
// or start/end even/odd chroma phase when y/c ratio = 1
// [3:0] for x direction odd start/end chroma phase only when y/c ration = 2
//Bit 7:0 Y direction chroma phase,
// [7:4] for y direction even start/end chroma phase when y/c ratio = 2
// or start/end even/odd chroma phase when y/c ratio = 1
// [3:0] for y direction odd start/end chroma phase only when y/c ration = 2
#define GE2D_SRC1_FMT_CTRL ((0x00ae << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC2 default clolor
#define GE2D_SRC2_DEF_COLOR ((0x00af << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, SRC2 clip x start
//Bit 12:0, SRC2 clip x end
#define GE2D_SRC2_CLIPX_START_END ((0x00b0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, SRC2 clip y start
//Bit 12:0, SRC2 clip y end
#define GE2D_SRC2_CLIPY_START_END ((0x00b1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, SRC2 x start
//Bit 12:0, SRC2 x end
#define GE2D_SRC2_X_START_END ((0x00b2 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, SRC2 y start
//Bit 12:0, SRC2 y end
#define GE2D_SRC2_Y_START_END ((0x00b3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, DST clip x start
//Bit 12:0, DST clip x end
#define GE2D_DST_CLIPX_START_END ((0x00b4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, DST clip y start
//Bit 12:0, DST clip y end
#define GE2D_DST_CLIPY_START_END ((0x00b5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, DST x start
//Bit 12:0, DST x end
#define GE2D_DST_X_START_END ((0x00b6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16, DST x start
//Bit 12:0, DST x end
#define GE2D_DST_Y_START_END ((0x00b7 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 23:16 DST2 canvas address
//Bit 15:8 SRC2 canvas address
//Bit 7:0 DST1 canvas address
#define GE2D_SRC2_DST_CANVAS ((0x00b8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//vertical scaler phase step
//Bit 28:0, 5.24 format
#define GE2D_VSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x00b9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//phase slope
//Bit 24:0, bit 24 signed bit
#define GE2D_VSC_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x00ba << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 30:29, vertical repeat line0 number
//Bit 23:0, vertical scaler initial phase
#define GE2D_VSC_INI_CTRL ((0x00bb << 2) + 0xff040000)
//horizontal scaler phase step
//Bit 28:0, 5.24 format
#define GE2D_HSC_START_PHASE_STEP ((0x00bc << 2) + 0xff040000)
//phase slope
//Bit 24:0, bit 24 signed bit
#define GE2D_HSC_PHASE_SLOPE ((0x00bd << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 30:29, horizontal repeat line0 number
//Bit 23:0, horizontal scaler initial phase
#define GE2D_HSC_INI_CTRL ((0x00be << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, advance number in this round, if horizontal scaler is working on dividing mode
//Bit 23:0, horizontal scaler advance phase in this round, if horizontal scaler is working on dividing mode
#define GE2D_HSC_ADV_CTRL ((0x00bf << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 30, vertical nearest mode enable, must set vt_bank_length = 4
//Bit 29, horizontal nearest mode enable, must set hz_bank_length = 4
//Bit 28, horizontal scaler dividing mode enable
//Bit 27:15, horizontal dividing length, if bit 28 is enable
//Bit 14, pre horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 13, pre vertical scale enable
//Bit 12, vertical scale enable
//Bit 11, horizontal scaler enable
//Bit 9, if true, treat horizontal repeat line number(GE2D_HSC_INI_CTRL bit 30:29) as repeating line,
// otherwise using treat horizontal repeat line number as minus line number.
//Bit 8, if true, treat vertical repeat line number(GE2D_VSC_INI_CTRL bit 30:29) as repeating line,
// otherwise using treat vertical repeat line number as minus line number.
//Bit 7, if true, always use phase0 in vertical scaler
//Bit 6:4, vertical scaler bank length
//Bit 3, if true, always use phase0 in horizontal scaler
//Bit 2:0, horizontal scaler bank length
#define GE2D_SC_MISC_CTRL ((0x00c0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
//vertical scaler next round integer pixel pointer, signed data
//Bit 13:0
#define GE2D_VSC_NRND_POINT ((0x00c1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
//vertical scaler next round phase
//bit 23:0
#define GE2D_VSC_NRND_PHASE ((0x00c2 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
//horizontal scaler next round integer pixel pointer, signed data
//Bit 13:0
#define GE2D_HSC_NRND_POINT ((0x00c3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
//horizontal scaler next round phase
//bit 23:0
#define GE2D_HSC_NRND_PHASE ((0x00c4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:20, pre_offset0
//Bit 18:10, pre_offset1
//Bit 8:0, pre_offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX_PRE_OFFSET ((0x00c5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define GE2D_MATRIX_COEF00_01 ((0x00c6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define GE2D_MATRIX_COEF02_10 ((0x00c7 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define GE2D_MATRIX_COEF11_12 ((0x00c8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define GE2D_MATRIX_COEF20_21 ((0x00c9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 7 input y/cb/cr saturation enable
//Bit 0 conversion matrix enable
#define GE2D_MATRIX_COEF22_CTRL ((0x00ca << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:20, offset0
//Bit 18:10, offset1
//Bit 8:0, offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX_OFFSET ((0x00cb << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 26:25, SRC1 color multiplier alpha selection
// if 00, Cs = Csr
// if 01, Cs = Csr * Asr * Ag (if source is not premultiplied)
// if 10, Cs = Csr * Ag (if source is premultipied)
//Bit 24 SRC2 color multiplier alpha selection
// if 0, no multiplier, Cd = Cdr, otherwise, Cd = Cdr * Ad.
//Bit 22:12 ALU color operation
// bit10:8 Blending Mode Parameter
// 3'b000: ADD Cs*Fs + Cd*Fd
// 3'b001: SUBTRACT Cs*Fs - Cd*Fd
// 3'b010: REVERSE SUBTRACT Cd*Fd - Cs*Fs
// 3'b011: MIN min(Cs*Fs, Cd*Fd)
// 3'b100: MAX max(Cs*Fs, Cd*Fd)
// 3'b101: LOGIC OP Cs op Cd
// bit7:4 Source Color Blending Factor CFs
// 4'b0000: ZERO 0
// 4'b0001: ONE 1
// 4'b0010: SRC_COLOR Cs(RGBs)
// 4'b0011: ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1 - Cs(RGBs)
// 4'b0100: DST_COLOR Cd(RGBd)
// 4'b0101: ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR 1 - Cd(RGBd)
// 4'b0110: SRC_ALPHA As
// 4'b0111: ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1 - As
// 4'b1000: DST_ALPHA Ad
// 4'b1001: ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 1 - Ad
// 4'b1010: CONST_COLOR Cc(RGBc)
// 4'b1011: ONE_MINUS_CONST_COLOR 1 - Cc(RGBc)
// 4'b1100: CONST_ALPHA Ac
// 4'b1101: ONE_MINUS_CONST_ALPHA 1 - Ac
// 4'b1110: SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE min(As,1-Ad)
// bit3:0 dest Color Blending Factor CFd, when bit10:8 != LOGIC OP
// 4'b0000: ZERO 0
// 4'b0001: ONE 1
// 4'b0010: SRC_COLOR Cs(RGBs)
// 4'b0011: ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1 - Cs(RGBs)
// 4'b0100: DST_COLOR Cd(RGBd)
// 4'b0101: ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR 1 - Cd(RGBd)
// 4'b0110: SRC_ALPHA As
// 4'b0111: ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1 - As
// 4'b1000: DST_ALPHA Ad
// 4'b1001: ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 1 - Ad
// 4'b1010: CONST_COLOR Cc(RGBc)
// 4'b1011: ONE_MINUS_CONST_COLOR 1 - Cc(RGBc)
// 4'b1100: CONST_ALPHA Ac
// 4'b1101: ONE_MINUS_CONST_ALPHA 1 - Ac
// 4'b1110: SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE min(As,1-Ad)
// bit3:0 logic operations, when bit10:8 == LOGIC OP
// 4'b0000: CLEAR 0
// 4'b0001: COPY s
// 4'b0010: NOOP d
// 4'b0011: SET 1
// 4'b0100: COPY_INVERT ~s
// 4'b0101: INVERT ~d
// 4'b0110: AND_REVERSE s & ~d
// 4'b0111: OR_REVERSE s | ~d
// 4'b1000: AND s & d
// 4'b1001: OR s | d
// 4'b1010: NAND ~(s & d)
// 4'b1011: NOR ~(s | d)
// 4'b1100: XOR s ^ d
// 4'b1101: EQUIV ~(s ^ d)
// 4'b1110: AND_INVERTED ~s & d
// 4'b1111: OR_INVERTED ~s | d
//Bit 10:0 ALU alpha operation
// bit10:8 Blending Equation Math Operation
// 3'b000: ADD As*Fs + Ad*Fd
// 3'b001: SUBTRACT As*Fs - Ad*Fd
// 3'b010: REVERSE SUBTRACT Ad*Fd - As*Fs
// 3'b011: MIN min(As*Fs, Ad*Fd)
// 3'b100: MAX max(As*Fs, Ad*Fd)
// 3'b101: LOGIC OP As op Ad
// bit7:4 Source alpha Blending Factor AFs
// 4'b0000 0
// 4'b0001 1
// 4'b0010 As
// 4'b0011 1 - As
// 4'b0100 Ad
// 4'b0101 1 - Ad
// 4'b0110 Ac
// 4'b0111 1 - Ac
// .... reserved
// bit3:0 Destination alpha Blending Factor AFd, when bit10:8 != LOGIC OP
// 4'b0000 0
// 4'b0001 1
// 4'b0010 As
// 4'b0011 1 - As
// 4'b0100 Ad
// 4'b0101 1 - Ad
// 4'b0110 Ac
// 4'b0111 1 - Ac
// .... reserved
// bit3:0 logic operations, when bit10:8 == LOGIC OP
// 4'b0000: CLEAR 0
// 4'b0001: COPY s
// 4'b0010: NOOP d
// 4'b0011: SET 1
// 4'b0100: COPY_INVERT ~s
// 4'b0101: INVERT ~d
// 4'b0110: AND_REVERSE s & ~d
// 4'b0111: OR_REVERSE s | ~d
// 4'b1000: AND s & d
// 4'b1001: OR s | d
// 4'b1010: NAND ~(s & d)
// 4'b1011: NOR ~(s | d)
// 4'b1100: XOR s ^ d
// 4'b1101: EQUIV ~(s ^ d)
// 4'b1110: AND_INVERTED ~s & d
// 4'b1111: OR_INVERTED ~s | d
#define GE2D_ALU_OP_CTRL ((0x00cc << 2) + 0xff040000)
//bit 31:0 (RGBA,YCBCRA)
#define GE2D_ALU_CONST_COLOR ((0x00cd << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC1 Key
#define GE2D_SRC1_KEY ((0x00ce << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC1 Key Mask
#define GE2D_SRC1_KEY_MASK ((0x00cf << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC2 Key
#define GE2D_SRC2_KEY ((0x00d0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//SRC2 Key Mask
#define GE2D_SRC2_KEY_MASK ((0x00d1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Destination Bit Mask
#define GE2D_DST_BITMASK ((0x00d2 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31 DP onoff mode, 0: on_counter means how many pixels will output before ge2d turns off
// 1: on_counter means how many clocks will ge2d turn on before ge2d turns off
//Bit 30:16 DP on counter
//Bit 15 0: vd_format doesnt have onoff mode, 1: vd format has onoff mode
//Bit 14:0 DP off counter
#define GE2D_DP_ONOFF_CTRL ((0x00d3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Because there are many coefficients used in the vertical filter and horizontal filters,
//indirect access the coefficients of vertical filter and horizontal filter is used.
//For vertical filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//For horizontal filter, there are 33x4 coefficients
//Bit 15 index increment, if bit9 == 1 then (0: index increase 1, 1: index increase 2) else (index increase 2)
//Bit 14 1: read coef through cbus enable, just for debug purpose in case when we wanna check the coef in ram in correct or not
//Bit 9 if true, use 9bit resolution coef, other use 8bit resolution coef
//Bit 8 type of index, 0: vertical coef
// 1: horizontal coef
//Bit 6:0 coef index
#define GE2D_SCALE_COEF_IDX ((0x00d4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//coefficients for vertical filter and horizontal filter
#define GE2D_SCALE_COEF ((0x00d5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 24 src2 alpha fill mode: together with GE2D_GEN_CTRL0[4](fill_mode), define what alpha values are used
// for the area outside the clipping window. As below:
// fill_mode=0, alpha_fill_mode=0 : use inner alpha, (or default_alpha if src data have no alpha values);
// fill_mode=0, alpha_fill_mode=1 : use outside_alpha;
// fill_mode=1, alpha_fill_mode=0 : use default_alpha;
// fill_mode=1, alpha_fill_mode=1 : use outside_alpha.
//Bit 23:16 src2 outside alpha
//Bit 8 src1 alpha fill mode, refer to src2 alpha fill mode above.
//Bit 7:0 src1 outside alpha
#define GE2D_SRC_OUTSIDE_ALPHA ((0x00d6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31 antiflick enable
//Bit 24 1: alpha value for the first line use repeated alpha, 0: use bit 23:16 as the first line alpha
//Bit 23:16 register value for the first line alpha when bit 24 is 1
//Bit 8 1: alpha value for the last line use repeated alpha, 0: use bit 7:0 as the last line alpha
//Bit 7:0 register value for the last line alpha when bit 8 is 1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_CTRL0 ((0x00d8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 25, rgb_sel, 1: antiflick RGBA, 0: antiflick YCbCrA
//Bit 24, cbcr_en, 1: also filter cbcr in case of antiflicking YCbCrA, 0: no filter on cbcr in case of antiflicking YCbCrA
//Bit 23:16, R mult coef for converting RGB to Y
//Bit 15:8, G mult coef for converting RGB to Y
//Bit 7:0, B mult coef for converting RGB to Y
//Y = (R * y_r + G * y_g + B * y_b) / 256
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_CTRL1 ((0x00d9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Y threhold1, when 0<Y<=th1, use filter0;
//Bit 23:16, color antiflick filter0 n3
//Bit 15:8, color antiflick filter0 n2
//Bit 7:0, color antiflick filter0 n1
//Y = (line_up * n1 + line_center * n2 + line_dn * n3) / 128
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_COLOR_FILT0 ((0x00da << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Y threhold2, when th1<Y<=th2, use filter1;
//Bit 23:16, color antiflick filter1 n3
//Bit 15:8, color antiflick filter1 n2
//Bit 7:0, color antiflick filter1 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_COLOR_FILT1 ((0x00db << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Y threhold3, when th2<Y<=th3, use filter2; Y>th3, use filter3
//Bit 23:16, color antiflick filter2 n3
//Bit 15:8, color antiflick filter2 n2
//Bit 7:0, color antiflick filter2 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_COLOR_FILT2 ((0x00dc << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 23:16, color antiflick filter3 n3
//Bit 15:8, color antiflick filter3 n2
//Bit 7:0, color antiflick filter3 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_COLOR_FILT3 ((0x00dd << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Alpha threhold1, when 0<Alpha<=th1, use filter0;
//Bit 23:16, Alpha antiflick filter0 n3
//Bit 15:8, Alpha antiflick filter0 n2
//Bit 7:0, Alpha antiflick filter0 n1
//Alpha = (line_up * n1 + line_center * n2 + line_dn * n3) / 128
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_ALPHA_FILT0 ((0x00de << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Alpha threhold2, when th1<Alpha<=th2, use filter1;
//Bit 23:16, Alpha antiflick filter1 n3
//Bit 15:8, Alpha antiflick filter1 n2
//Bit 7:0, Alpha antiflick filter1 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_ALPHA_FILT1 ((0x00df << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:24, Alpha threhold3, when th2<Alpha<=th3, use filter2; Alpha>th3, use filter3
//Bit 23:16, Alpha antiflick filter2 n3
//Bit 15:8, Alpha antiflick filter2 n2
//Bit 7:0, Alpha antiflick filter2 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_ALPHA_FILT2 ((0x00e0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 23:16, Alpha antiflick filter3 n3
//Bit 15:8, Alpha antiflick filter3 n2
//Bit 7:0, Alpha antiflick filter3 n1
#define GE2D_ANTIFLICK_ALPHA_FILT3 ((0x00e1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//dout = clipto_0_255(((din + din_offset) * map_coef + ((1 << (map_sr - 1))) >> map_sr + dout_offset)
//Bit 30:22 din_offset (signed data)
//Bit 21:14 map_coef (unsigned data)
//Bit 13:10 map_sr (unsigned data)
//Bit 9:1 dout_offset (signed data)
//Bit 0 enable
#define GE2D_SRC1_RANGE_MAP_Y_CTRL ((0x00e3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//dout = clipto_0_255(((din + din_offset) * map_coef + ((1 << (map_sr - 1))) >> map_sr + dout_offset)
//Bit 30:22 din_offset (signed data)
//Bit 21:14 map_coef (unsigned data)
//Bit 13:10 map_sr (unsigned data)
//Bit 9:1 dout_offset (signed data)
//Bit 0 enable
#define GE2D_SRC1_RANGE_MAP_CB_CTRL ((0x00e4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//dout = clipto_0_255(((din + din_offset) * map_coef + ((1 << (map_sr - 1))) >> map_sr + dout_offset)
//Bit 30:22 din_offset (signed data)
//Bit 21:14 map_coef (unsigned data)
//Bit 13:10 map_sr (unsigned data)
//Bit 9:1 dout_offset (signed data)
//Bit 0 enable
#define GE2D_SRC1_RANGE_MAP_CR_CTRL ((0x00e5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 21:16 src1 prearbitor burst number
//Bit 13:8 src2 prearbitor burst number
//Bit 5:0 dst prearbitor burst number
#define GE2D_ARB_BURST_NUM ((0x00e6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//each 6bit ID, high 4bit are thread ID, low 2bits are the token
//Bit 21:16 src1 ID
//Bit 13:8 src2 ID
//Bit 5:0 dst ID
#define GE2D_TID_TOKEN ((0x00e7 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:28 dst2_bytemask_val. 1-bit mask for each byte (8-bit). Applicable only if both dst_bitmask_en=1 and dst_bytemask_only=1.
//Bit 27:26, dst2 picture struct, 00: frame, 10:top, 11: bottom
//Bit 25:24, dst2 8bit mode component selection,
// 00: select Y(R), 01: Cb(G), 10: Cr(B), 11: Alpha
//Bit 22:19 dst2 color_map
// dst2_format=0 : output 8-bit;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=1: output 16-bit YCbCr 655;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=2: output 16-bit YCbCr 844;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=3: output 16-bit YCbCrA 6442;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=4: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4444;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=5: output 16-bit YCbCr 565;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=6: output 16-bit AYCbCr 4444;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=7: output 16-bit AYCbCr 1555;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=8: output 16-bit YCbCrA 4642;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=9: output 16-bit CbCr 88;
// dst2_format=1, dst2_color_map=10:output 16-bit CrCb 88;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=0: output 24-bit YCbCr 888;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=1: output 24-bit YCbCrA 5658;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=2: output 24-bit AYCbCr 8565;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=3: output 24-bit YCbCrA 6666;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=4: output 24-bit AYCbCr 6666;
// dst2_format=2, dst2_color_map=5: output 24-bit CrCbY 888;
// dst2_format=3, dst2_color_map=0: output 32-bit YCbCrA 8888;
// dst2_format=3, dst2_color_map=1: output 32-bit AYCbCr 8888;
// dst2_format=3, dst2_color_map=2: output 32-bit ACrCbY 8888;
// dst2_format=3, dst2_color_map=3: output 32-bit CrCbYA 8888.
//Bit 17:16 dst2_format, 00: 8bit, 01:16bit, 10:24bit, 11: 32bit
//Bit 15 reserved
//Bit 14 dst2_color_round_mode, 0: truncate, 1: + 0.5 rounding
//Bit 13:12, dst2_x_discard_mode. 00: no discard; 10=discard even x; 11=discard odd x. Note: x is post reverse/rotation.
//Bit 11:10, dst2_y_discard_mode. 00: no discard; 10=discard even y; 11=discard odd y. Note: y is post reverse/rotation.
//Bit 9 reserved
//Bit 8, dst2_enable. 0: disable dst2 (default); 1=enable dst2.
//Bit 7: 6 reserved
//Bit 5: 4, dst1_x_discard_mode. 00: no discard; 10=discard even x; 11=discard odd x. Note: x is post reverse/rotation.
//Bit 3: 2, dst1_y_discard_mode. 00: no discard; 10=discard even y; 11=discard odd y. Note: y is post reverse/rotation.
//Bit 1 reserved
//Bit 0, dst1_enable. 0: disable dst1; 1=enable dst1 (default).
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL3 ((0x00e8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Read only
// Bit 13:0 ge2d_dst2_status, for debug only
#define GE2D_STATUS2 ((0x00e9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 27:26 src1 Y fifo size control, 00: 512, 01: 256, 10: 128 11: 96
//Bit 25:24 src2 fifo size control, 00: 512, 01: 256, 10: 128 11: 96
//Bit 23:22 dst1 fifo size control, 00: 512, 01: 256, 10: 128 11: 64
//Bit 21:20 dst2 fifo size control, 00: 512, 01: 256, 10: 128 11: 64
//Bit 19:18, dst1 fifo burst control, 00: 24x64, 01: 32x64, 10: 48x64, 11:64x64
//Bit 17:16, dst2 fifo burst control, 00: 24x64, 01: 32x64, 10: 48x64, 11:64x64
//Bit 15:1, top_wrap_ctrl
//bit 0, if true, disable bug fix about the dp_out_done/scale_out_done(test1823) hang issue when scaling down ratio is high.
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL4 ((0x00ea << 2) + 0xff040000)
#define GE2D_GCLK_CTRL0 ((0x00ef << 2) + 0xff040000)
#define GE2D_GCLK_CTRL1 ((0x00f0 << 2) + 0xff040000)
#define GE2D_GEN_CTRL5 ((0x00f1 << 2) + 0xff040000)
#define GE2D_DST1_BADDR_CTRL ((0x00f2 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, dst1 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_DST1_STRIDE_CTRL ((0x00f3 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, dst1 stride size in 64bits
#define GE2D_DST2_BADDR_CTRL ((0x00f4 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, dst1 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_DST2_STRIDE_CTRL ((0x00f5 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, dst1 stride size in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_BADDR_CTRL_Y ((0x00f6 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, src1 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_STRIDE_CTRL_Y ((0x00f7 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, src1 stride size in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_BADDR_CTRL_CB ((0x00f8 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, src1 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_STRIDE_CTRL_CB ((0x00f9 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, src1 stride size in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_BADDR_CTRL_CR ((0x00fa << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, src1 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC1_STRIDE_CTRL_CR ((0x00fb << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, src1 stride size in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC2_BADDR_CTRL ((0x00fc << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 31:0, src2 base address in 64bits
#define GE2D_SRC2_STRIDE_CTRL ((0x00fd << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, src2 stride size in 64bits
//Bit 28:20, pre_offset0
//Bit 18:10, pre_offset1
//Bit 8:0, pre_offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_PRE_OFFSET ((0x0090 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_COEF00_01 ((0x0091 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_COEF02_10 ((0x0092 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_COEF11_12 ((0x0093 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_COEF20_21 ((0x0094 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 7 input y/cb/cr saturation enable
//Bit 0 conversion matrix enable
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_COEF22_CTRL ((0x0095 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:20, offset0
//Bit 18:10, offset1
//Bit 8:0, offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX2_OFFSET ((0x0096 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 19:0, src2 stride size in 64bits
//Bit 28:20, pre_offset0
//Bit 18:10, pre_offset1
//Bit 8:0, pre_offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_PRE_OFFSET ((0x0097 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef00
//Bit 12:0 coef01
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_COEF00_01 ((0x0098 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef02
//Bit 12:0 coef10
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_COEF02_10 ((0x0099 << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef11
//Bit 12:0 coef12
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_COEF11_12 ((0x009a << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef20
//Bit 12:0 coef21
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_COEF20_21 ((0x009b << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:16 coef22
//Bit 7 input y/cb/cr saturation enable
//Bit 0 conversion matrix enable
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_COEF22_CTRL ((0x009c << 2) + 0xff040000)
//Bit 28:20, offset0
//Bit 18:10, offset1
//Bit 8:0, offset2
#define GE2D_MATRIX3_OFFSET ((0x009d << 2) + 0xff040000)
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Closing file: ./ge2d_regs.h
// Reading file: ./parser_regs.h
// Title: parser.h
// Author:
// Created: 17:15:11 06/08/2019
// Description:
// Note:
// History:
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// bit 31:8 -- es_pack_size
// bit 7:6 -- es_type 00-Video, 01-Audio, 10-Subtitle
// bit 5 -- es_write
// bit 4 -- es_passthrough
// bit 3 -- insert_before_es_write
// bit 2 -- discard_cmd
// bit 1 -- search_cmd
// bit 0 -- Parser Busy
#define PARSER_CONTROL ((0x3860 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Write
// bit 31:0 begin address for parser fetch
// Read
// 32 bit current fetch address
#define PARSER_FETCH_ADDR ((0x3861 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Write
// bit 31 circle buffer indicator
// bit 30 check_buffer_stop_addr
// bit 29:27 fetch endian
// bit 26:0 buffer size ( Bytes )
// Special command:
// when bit 26:0 == 27'h0
// then bit 29 -- stream_passthrough_enable
// bit 28:27 -- stream_passthrough_type
// Read
// 6:5 cmd_rd_ptr
// 4:3 cmd_wr_ptr
// 2:0 cmd_number
#define PARSER_FETCH_CMD ((0x3862 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 31:0 stop_fetch_addr
#define PARSER_FETCH_STOP_ADDR ((0x3863 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 31:0 stop_fetch_addr - current_write_addr // read only
#define PARSER_FETCH_LEVEL ((0x3864 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31 - fetch_dma_urgent
// bit 30 - stream_dma_urgent
// bit 29 - force_pfifo_ren
// bit 28 - pfifo_peak_enable
// bit 27 - enable_free_clk_parser_reg
// bit 26 -
// bit 25:24 - parser_src_sel (00 - fetch, 01 - aux1, 10 - aux2 11 - aux3)
// bit 23:16 - pfifo_empty_count
// bit 15:12 - max_es_write_cycle (x16x64bits)
// 11:10 - start code width ( 00-8bits, 01-16bits, 10-24bits, 11-32bits )
// 9:8 - pfifo data access width ( 00-8bits, 01-16bits, 10-24bits, 11-32bits )
// 7:0 - empty room for fetch data ( max_fetch_cycle ) x64 bits
#define PARSER_CONFIG ((0x3865 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 24:16 -- pfifo_level
// bit 9:0 -- point to byte address
#define PFIFO_WR_PTR ((0x3866 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 9:0 -- point to byte address
#define PFIFO_RD_PTR ((0x3867 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- 8/16/24/32 bits data acording to pfifo_data_width
#define PFIFO_DATA ((0x3868 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- parser search pattern
#define PARSER_SEARCH_PATTERN ((0x3869 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- parser search mask ( 0 - disable bit match test )
#define PARSER_SEARCH_MASK ((0x386a << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:16 -- parser_int_disable_count
// bit 15:8 -- Parser interrupt enable for host cpu
// bit 7:0 -- Parser interrupt enable for Amrisc
#define PARSER_INT_ENABLE ((0x386b << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 7 -- fetch_cmd_finished
// Bit 6:5 -- reserved
// Bit 4 -- parse finished
// Bit 3 -- discard finished
// Bit 2 -- insert zero finished
// Bit 1 -- Action Finished Except Search Start Code
// Bit 0 -- Search match interrupt (StartCode found)
// Read 7:0 int status
// Write will clear (bit based)
#define PARSER_INT_STATUS ((0x386c << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 15 - SCR_32_READ_OUT (Read Only)
// 14 - SCR_32_data_valid
// 13 - SCR_32_data
// 12 - SCR_count_en
// 11:0 - SCR90K_DIV
#define PARSER_SCR_CTL ((0x386d << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 SCR value
#define PARSER_SCR ((0x386e << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:24 -- insert_loop_number
// bit 23:21 --
// bit 20:16 -- insert_byte_number
// bit 15:0 -- discard number
#define PARSER_PARAMETER ((0x386f << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- insert data // write only
// write to PARSER_CONTROL will reset the write position
// continous write to this address can write upto 16 bytes
#define PARSER_INSERT_DATA ((0x3870 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:24 -- Reserved Stream_ID
// Bit 23:16 -- Sub Stream_ID
// Bit 15:8 -- Audio Stream_ID
// Bit 7:0 -- Video Stream_ID
#define VAS_STREAM_ID ((0x3871 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_DTS
#define VIDEO_DTS ((0x3872 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_PTS
#define VIDEO_PTS ((0x3873 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_PTS_DTS_WR_PTR
#define VIDEO_PTS_DTS_WR_PTR ((0x3874 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- AUDIO_PTS
#define AUDIO_PTS ((0x3875 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- AUDIO_PTS_WR_PTR
#define AUDIO_PTS_WR_PTR ((0x3876 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:20 -- stream_es_count ( Read Only)
// bit 19 -- req_pending ( parser ddr_A_fifo ) (Read Only)
// bit 18 -- stream_es_passthrough_enable
// bit 17:16 -- stream_es_passthrough_type
// bit 15:13 -- VIDEO2 Ees_write Endian
// bit 12 -- VIDEO2 using manual read point
// bit 11:9 -- SUB Ees_write Endian
// bit 8 -- SUB using manual read point
// bit 7:5 -- AUDIO Ees_write Endian
// bit 4 -- AUDIO using manual read point
// bit 3:1 -- VIDEO Ees_write Endian
// bit 0 -- VIDEO using manual read point
#define PARSER_ES_CONTROL ((0x3877 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PFIFO_MONITOR ((0x3878 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_VIDEO start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_VIDEO_START_PTR ((0x3880 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO_END_PTR ((0x3881 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_VIDEO_WP ((0x3882 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO_RP ((0x3883 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO_HOLE ((0x3884 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_AUDIO start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_AUDIO_START_PTR ((0x3885 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_AUDIO_END_PTR ((0x3886 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_AUDIO Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_AUDIO_WP ((0x3887 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_AUDIO_RP ((0x3888 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_AUDIO_HOLE ((0x3889 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_SUB DDR Interface
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_SUB start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_SUB_START_PTR ((0x388a << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_SUB_END_PTR ((0x388b << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_SUB Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_SUB_WP ((0x388c << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_SUB_RP ((0x388d << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_SUB_HOLE ((0x388e << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit[31] dma_busy
// Bit[30] cur_fetch_or_es_write
// Bit[29:28] reserved
// Bit[27:24] fetch_status
// Bit[23:0] buffer_cycles_left
#define PARSER_FETCH_INFO ((0x388f << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit[31:28] ctl_status
// Bit[27:24] insert_byte_offset
// Bit[23:0] es_pack_left_cycle
#define PARSER_STATUS ((0x3890 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit [31:16] AUDIO_wrap_count
// Bit [15:0] VIDEO_wrap_count
#define PARSER_AV_WRAP_COUNT ((0x3891 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit[29:24] A_brst_num_parser
// bit[21:16] A_id_parser
// bit[11:0] wrrsp_count_parser
#define WRRSP_PARSER ((0x3892 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// `define CSS_cmd 12'h200 // address of css command and indirect register
// `define CSS_cntl 12'h201 // css control register
// `define CSS_data 12'h202 // indirect register
// `define CSS_id1_data 12'h203 // ID data for the first and second bytes
// `define CSS_id2_data 12'h204 // ID data for the third and fourth bytes
//CPPM registers
// `define CPPM_IFIFO_CTRL 12'h210 //CPPM input FIFO control
// `define CPPM_C2BC_KEY 12'h211 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher Key register
// `define CPPM_C2BC_DIN 12'h212 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher data input register
// `define CPPM_C2BC_DOUT 12'h213 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher data result register
// `define CPPM_CMD 12'h214 //CPPM command and control register
// `define CPPM_CTRL_STATUS 12'h215 //CPPM control status, mainly for debug
// `define CPPM_IFIFO_DATA 12'h216 //CPPM input FIFO data pop port, just for debug
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO2 DDR Interface
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_VIDEO2 start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_VIDEO2_START_PTR ((0x3893 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO2_END_PTR ((0x3894 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO2 Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_VIDEO2_WP ((0x3895 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO2_RP ((0x3896 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_VIDEO2_HOLE ((0x3897 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit [31:16] AUDIO_wrap_count
// Bit [15:0] VIDEO2_wrap_count
#define PARSER_AV2_WRAP_COUNT ((0x3898 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_CONTROL ((0x1160 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Write
// bit 31:0 begin address for parser fetch
// Read
// 32 bit current fetch address
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_FETCH_ADDR ((0x1161 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Write
// bit 31 circle buffer indicator
// bit 30 check_buffer_stop_addr
// bit 29:27 fetch endian
// bit 26:0 buffer size ( Bytes )
// Special command:
// when bit 26:0 == 27'h0
// then bit 29 -- stream_passthrough_enable
// bit 28:27 -- stream_passthrough_type
// Read
// 6:5 cmd_rd_ptr
// 4:3 cmd_wr_ptr
// 2:0 cmd_number
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_FETCH_CMD ((0x1162 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 31:0 stop_fetch_addr
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_FETCH_STOP_ADDR ((0x1163 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 31:0 stop_fetch_addr - current_write_addr // read only
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_FETCH_LEVEL ((0x1164 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31 - fetch_dma_urgent
// bit 30 - stream_dma_urgent
// bit 29 - force_pfifo_ren
// bit 28 - pfifo_peak_enable
// bit 27 - enable_free_clk_parser_reg
// bit 26 -
// bit 25:24 - parser_src_sel (00 - fetch, 01 - aux1, 10 - aux2 11 - aux3)
// bit 23:16 - pfifo_empty_count
// bit 15:12 - max_es_write_cycle (x16x64bits)
// 11:10 - start code width ( 00-8bits, 01-16bits, 10-24bits, 11-32bits )
// 9:8 - pfifo data access width ( 00-8bits, 01-16bits, 10-24bits, 11-32bits )
// 7:0 - empty room for fetch data ( max_fetch_cycle ) x64 bits
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_CONFIG ((0x1165 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 24:16 -- pfifo_level
// bit 9:0 -- point to byte address
#define PARSER_B_PFIFO_WR_PTR ((0x1166 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 9:0 -- point to byte address
#define PARSER_B_PFIFO_RD_PTR ((0x1167 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- 8/16/24/32 bits data acording to pfifo_data_width
#define PARSER_B_PFIFO_DATA ((0x1168 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- parser search pattern
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SEARCH_PATTERN ((0x1169 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- parser search mask ( 0 - disable bit match test )
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SEARCH_MASK ((0x116a << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:16 -- parser_int_disable_count
// bit 15:8 -- Parser interrupt enable for host cpu
// bit 7:0 -- Parser interrupt enable for Amrisc
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_INT_ENABLE ((0x116b << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 7 -- fetch_cmd_finished
// Bit 6:5 -- reserved
// Bit 4 -- parse finished
// Bit 3 -- discard finished
// Bit 2 -- insert zero finished
// Bit 1 -- Action Finished Except Search Start Code
// Bit 0 -- Search match interrupt (StartCode found)
// Read 7:0 int status
// Write will clear (bit based)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_INT_STATUS ((0x116c << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// 15 - SCR_32_READ_OUT (Read Only)
// 14 - SCR_32_data_valid
// 13 - SCR_32_data
// 12 - SCR_count_en
// 11:0 - SCR90K_DIV
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SCR_CTL ((0x116d << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 SCR value
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SCR ((0x116e << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:24 -- insert_loop_number
// bit 23:21 --
// bit 20:16 -- insert_byte_number
// bit 15:0 -- discard number
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_PARAMETER ((0x116f << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:0 -- insert data // write only
// write to PARSER_CONTROL will reset the write position
// continous write to this address can write upto 16 bytes
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_INSERT_DATA ((0x1170 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:24 -- Reserved Stream_ID
// Bit 23:16 -- Sub Stream_ID
// Bit 15:8 -- Audio Stream_ID
// Bit 7:0 -- Video Stream_ID
#define PARSER_B_VAS_STREAM_ID ((0x1171 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_DTS
#define PARSER_B_VIDEO_DTS ((0x1172 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_PTS
#define PARSER_B_VIDEO_PTS ((0x1173 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- VIDEO_PTS_DTS_WR_PTR
#define PARSER_B_VIDEO_PTS_DTS_WR_PTR ((0x1174 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- AUDIO_PTS
#define PARSER_B_AUDIO_PTS ((0x1175 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit 31:0 -- AUDIO_PTS_WR_PTR
#define PARSER_B_AUDIO_PTS_WR_PTR ((0x1176 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit 31:20 -- stream_es_count ( Read Only)
// bit 19 -- req_pending ( parser ddr_A_fifo ) (Read Only)
// bit 18 -- stream_es_passthrough_enable
// bit 17:16 -- stream_es_passthrough_type
// bit 15:13 -- VIDEO2 Ees_write Endian
// bit 12 -- VIDEO2 using manual read point
// bit 11:9 -- SUB Ees_write Endian
// bit 8 -- SUB using manual read point
// bit 7:5 -- AUDIO Ees_write Endian
// bit 4 -- AUDIO using manual read point
// bit 3:1 -- VIDEO Ees_write Endian
// bit 0 -- VIDEO using manual read point
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_ES_CONTROL ((0x1177 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PFIFO_MONITOR ((0x1178 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_VIDEO start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO_START_PTR ((0x1180 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO_END_PTR ((0x1181 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO_WP ((0x1182 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO_RP ((0x1183 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO_HOLE ((0x1184 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_AUDIO start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AUDIO_START_PTR ((0x1185 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AUDIO_END_PTR ((0x1186 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_AUDIO Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AUDIO_WP ((0x1187 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AUDIO_RP ((0x1188 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AUDIO_HOLE ((0x1189 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_SUB DDR Interface
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_SUB start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SUB_START_PTR ((0x118a << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SUB_END_PTR ((0x118b << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_SUB Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SUB_WP ((0x118c << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SUB_RP ((0x118d << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_SUB_HOLE ((0x118e << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit[31] dma_busy
// Bit[30] cur_fetch_or_es_write
// Bit[29:28] reserved
// Bit[27:24] fetch_status
// Bit[23:0] buffer_cycles_left
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_FETCH_INFO ((0x118f << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit[31:28] ctl_status
// Bit[27:24] insert_byte_offset
// Bit[23:0] es_pack_left_cycle
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_STATUS ((0x1190 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit [31:16] AUDIO_wrap_count
// Bit [15:0] VIDEO_wrap_count
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AV_WRAP_COUNT ((0x1191 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// bit[29:24] A_brst_num_parser
// bit[21:16] A_id_parser
// bit[11:0] wrrsp_count_parser
#define PARSER_B_WRRSP_PARSER ((0x1192 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// `define CSS_cmd 12'h200 // address of css command and indirect register
// `define CSS_cntl 12'h201 // css control register
// `define CSS_data 12'h202 // indirect register
// `define CSS_id1_data 12'h203 // ID data for the first and second bytes
// `define CSS_id2_data 12'h204 // ID data for the third and fourth bytes
//CPPM registers
// `define CPPM_IFIFO_CTRL 12'h210 //CPPM input FIFO control
// `define CPPM_C2BC_KEY 12'h211 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher Key register
// `define CPPM_C2BC_DIN 12'h212 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher data input register
// `define CPPM_C2BC_DOUT 12'h213 //CPPM C2 Block Cipher data result register
// `define CPPM_CMD 12'h214 //CPPM command and control register
// `define CPPM_CTRL_STATUS 12'h215 //CPPM control status, mainly for debug
// `define CPPM_IFIFO_DATA 12'h216 //CPPM input FIFO data pop port, just for debug
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO2 DDR Interface
// --------------------------------------------
// The PARSER_VIDEO2 start pointer into DDR memory is a 32-bit number
// The Start pointer will automatically be truncated to land on
// an 8-byte boundary. That is, bits [2:0] = 0;
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO2_START_PTR ((0x1193 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO2_END_PTR ((0x1194 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// --------------------------------------------
// PARSER_VIDEO2 Buffer Level Manager
// --------------------------------------------
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO2_WP ((0x1195 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO2_RP ((0x1196 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_VIDEO2_HOLE ((0x1197 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Bit [31:16] AUDIO_wrap_count
// Bit [15:0] VIDEO2_wrap_count
#define PARSER_B_PARSER_AV2_WRAP_COUNT ((0x1198 << 2) + 0xfdf00000)
// Closing file: ./parser_regs.h
#define REG_BASE_VCBUS (0xff000000)
#include "soc_def.h"
#endif // REGISTER_H