blob: a247448fc0755ced651db7efc0fc534d2ee4a95d [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT) */
* Copyright (c) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __AMLIMAGE_IF_H__
#define __AMLIMAGE_IF_H__
#define IMAGE_MAGIC 0x27b51956 /* Image Magic Number */
#define AML_FRMWRM_VER_V1 0X01
#define AML_FRMWRM_VER_V2 0X02
#define ITEM_NAME_LEN_V1 0X20
#define ITEM_NAME_LEN_V2 0X100
typedef void* __hdle;
#pragma pack(push,4)
typedef struct _AmlFirmwareItem_s
__u32 itemId;
__u32 fileType; //image file type, sparse and normal
__u64 curoffsetInItem; //current offset in the item
const __u64 offsetInImage; //item offset in the image
const __u64 itemSz; //item size in the image
char itemMainType[ITEM_NAME_LEN_V1]; //item main type and sub type used to index the item
char itemSubType[ITEM_NAME_LEN_V1]; //item main type and sub type used to index the item
char reserve[32];//don't care fields
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,4)
typedef struct _AmlFirmwareItem2_s
__u32 itemId;
__u32 fileType; //image file type, sparse and normal
__u64 curoffsetInItem; //current offset in the item
const __u64 offsetInImage; //item offset in the image
const __u64 itemSz; //item size in the image
char itemMainType[ITEM_NAME_LEN_V2]; //item main type and sub type used to index the item
char itemSubType[ITEM_NAME_LEN_V2]; //item main type and sub type used to index the item
char reserve[32];//don't care fields
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,4)
typedef struct _AmlFirmwareImg_s
__u32 crc; //check sum of the image
__u32 version; //firmware version
__u32 magic; //magic No. to say it is Amlogic firmware image
__u64 imageSz; //total size of this image file
__u32 itemAlginSize; //align size for each item
__u32 itemNum; //item number in the image, each item a file
char reserve[36];
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef void* HIMAGE;
typedef void* HIMAGEITEM;
enum {
IMAGE_IF_TYPE_MMC = 0XEE, //read amlogic burning package from 'mmc 0/1'
IMAGE_IF_TYPE_USB , //read amlogic burning package from 'usb 0'
IMAGE_IF_TYPE_STORE , //read amlogic burning package using store interface
//open a Amlogic firmware image
//return value is a handle
HIMAGE image_open(const char* interface, const char* device, const char* part, const char* imgPath);
//check the image's crc32
//return 0 when check ok,otherwise return -1
int image_check(HIMAGE hImg);
//close a Amlogic firmware image
int image_close(HIMAGE hImg);
//get item count of specify main type
int image_get_item_count(HIMAGE hImg, const char* mainType);
//open a item in the image
//@hImage: image handle;
//@mainType, @subType: main type and subtype to index the item, such as ["IMAGE", "SYSTEM"]
HIMAGEITEM image_item_open(HIMAGE hImg, const char* mainType, const char* subType);
//close a item
int image_item_close(HIMAGEITEM hItem);
__u64 image_item_get_size(HIMAGEITEM hItem);
//get image item type, current used type is normal or sparse
int image_item_get_type(HIMAGEITEM hItem);
//read item data, like standard fread
int image_item_read(HIMAGE hImg, HIMAGEITEM hItem, void* pBuf, const __u32 wantSz);
//relocate the read pointer to read the item data, like standard fseek
int image_item_seek(HIMAGE , HIMAGEITEM , __s64 , __u32 );
unsigned image_item_get_first_cluster_size(HIMAGE hImg, HIMAGEITEM hItem);
unsigned image_get_cluster_size(HIMAGEITEM hImg);//Assert read offset and read size is multiple size of thsi unit
int get_item_name(HIMAGE hImg, int itemId, const char** main_type, const char** sub_type);
int get_total_itemnr(HIMAGE hImg);
u64 optimus_img_decoder_get_data_parts_size(HIMAGE hImg, int* hasBootloader);
unsigned image_get_crc(HIMAGE hImg);
int optimus_img_item2buf(HIMAGE hImg, const char* main, const char* sub, char* buf, int* bufsz);
int get_subtype_nr(HIMAGE hImg, const char* main_type);
int get_subtype_nm_by_index(HIMAGE hImg, const char* main_type, const char** sub_type, const int itemIndex);
#endif//ifndef __AMLIMAGE_IF_H__