blob: 53784f59cf42fb184705f008721c5885c6089154 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "../optimus_sdc_burn_i.h"
#include "sdc_bootPart_license.h"
#define _KEYS_PRV_DBG(fmt...) //DWN_MSG(fmt)
static struct {
char* keyBuf;
unsigned keySize;
}_currentKey = {0};
//Note: keys which read only is not need to update license, and so not need stored in boot partition
//Typedef for keys structs in sdcard boot partition
#if 1
//struct for the keys head which stored in boot partition
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct {
__u32 crc;
__s32 version;
__u32 imgSz;
__u32 imgItemNum;
__u32 alignSz;//512
__u8 resrv[AML_BOOT_PART_KEY_IMG_HEAD_SZ - 8 * 3 - 4];
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct {
__u32 itemIndex;
__u32 itemSz; //equl to sizeof of each key
__u32 itemBodyOffset;
__u32 itemHasConf;//this item name is configured in keys.conf
__u8 resrv[32];
#pragma pack(pop)
#define MAX_KEY_INF_NUM 5 //the max key numbers supported at the same time
typedef struct {
AmlBootPartKeysHead_t bootPartKeyHead;
KeyInfo_t keysInf[MAX_KEY_INF_NUM];
#endif//image for keys END #if 1
#define debugP(fmt...) //printf("L%d:", __LINE__),printf(fmt)
#define errorP(fmt...) printf("Err[keyspr]L%d:", __LINE__),printf(fmt)
#define wrnP(fmt...) printf("Wrn[keyspr]L%d:", __LINE__),printf(fmt)
#define MsgP(fmt...) printf("Msg[keyspr]L%d:", __LINE__),printf(fmt)
#define KEY_MAP_MAGIC 0xeeffaa00
enum {
KEY_FMT__MAC = 0XBB, //string format like 00:01:02:03:04:05
KEY_FMT__ONLEYONE , //only one format means read the total license file as key value
//Different keyNames can have the same key format
typedef int (*pFunc_getKeyValByLic)(const char* licensePath, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName);
typedef int (*pFunc_updateLic)(const char* keyName, const char* licensePath);//update the licnese file when burn succeed
typedef struct _keyFmtMapping{
unsigned magic;
const char* const keyName;
const char* const licenseFile;
const unsigned keyFmt;
pFunc_getKeyValByLic get_key_val;
pFunc_updateLic update_license;
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_mac(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName);
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName);
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp2rx(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName);
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_onlyone(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName);
static int update_lic_for_fmt_mac(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName);
static int update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName);
static int update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp2rx(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName);
static const KeyFmtMap_t _keysFmtMapping[] = {
/* magic, keyname license file name keyFmt*/
[0] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "mac", "license/mac_ether.ini" , KEY_FMT__MAC , get_key_val_for_fmt_mac , update_lic_for_fmt_mac },
[1] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "mac_bt", "license/mac_bt.ini" , KEY_FMT__MAC , get_key_val_for_fmt_mac , update_lic_for_fmt_mac },
[2] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "mac_wifi", "license/mac_wifi.ini" , KEY_FMT__MAC , get_key_val_for_fmt_mac , update_lic_for_fmt_mac },
[3] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "hdcp", "license/HDCP_LIENCE" , KEY_FMT__HDCP , get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp , update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp },
[4] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "hdcp2", "license/HDCP2_LIENCE" , KEY_FMT__HDCP2 , get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp2rx, update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp2rx},
[5] = {KEY_MAP_MAGIC, "secure_boot_set", "license/SECURE_BOOT_SET", KEY_FMT__ONLEYONE, get_key_val_for_fmt_onlyone, NULL},
#define _SupportKeysNum (sizeof(_keysFmtMapping)/sizeof(KeyFmtMap_t))
#if 1 //mac begin
static int optimus_sdc_burn_check_mac_ini_set_is_valid(const char* setName)
const char* macSets[] = {"Group1", "Group2", "Group3"};
const int nSet = sizeof(macSets)/sizeof(char*);
int index = 0;
int rc = 0;
for (; index < nSet && !rc; ++index)
rc = !strcmp(setName, macSets[index]);
return rc;
typedef struct {
char startMac[17 + 3]; //+2 to align 4
char endMac[17 + 3]; //+2 to align 4
unsigned total;
unsigned used;
typedef struct {
unsigned actualGroup;
MacGroup_t groups[3];//max group is 3
typedef struct {
const char* start;
const char* end;
unsigned used;
unsigned total;//total = end + 1 - start
/*static KeyInf_mac_t _bootPart_keyInf_Mac;//Mac key info stored in boot partition*/
static int optimus_update_mac_str_current_val(char* startVal, unsigned used)
int i = 0;
if (17 != strlen(startVal)) {
DWN_ERR("start(%s) fmt error.\n", startVal);
return __LINE__;
MsgP("start[%s], used=%d\n", startVal, used);
for (i = 5; i >= 0 && used; --i, (used >>= 8))
char* grp2 = startVal + i * 3;
unsigned grp2Val = simple_strtoul(grp2, NULL, 16);
DWN_DBG("gpp2(%s)grep2=%d, used=%d\n", grp2, grp2Val, used);
grp2Val += used & 0xff;
if (grp2Val > 0xff)
used += 0x100;
grp2Val &= 0xff;
sprintf(grp2, "%02x", grp2Val);
DWN_DBG("grp[%d]%s\n", i, grp2);
DWN_MSG("Update mac [%s]\n", startVal);
return 0;
static int _optimus_get_mac_diff(MacCfg_t* macCfg)
const char* start = macCfg->start;
const char* end = macCfg->end;
__u64 startVal = 0;
__u64 endVal = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i, start += 3, end += 3)
startVal += simple_strtoul(start, NULL, 16);
endVal += simple_strtoul(end, NULL, 16);
startVal <<= 8;
endVal <<= 8;
startVal >>= 8;
endVal >>= 8;
DWN_MSG("mac range[%04x%08x, %04x%08x]\n",
(unsigned)(startVal>>32), (unsigned)(startVal),
(unsigned)(endVal>>32), (unsigned)endVal );
macCfg->total = (unsigned)(endVal + 1 - startVal);
return 0;
//update the mac value extracted from mac.ini
//To simplest the case, currently one group is supported
static int optimus_sdc_burn_parse_mac_ini_key_value(const char* setName, const char* keyName, const char* usrKeyVal)
int rc = 0;
int grpN = 0;
MacCfg_t* currentMacCfg = (MacCfg_t*)_KEYS_PRV_ITEM_INF_ADDR_MISC;
char* keyBuf = (char*)_KEY_VAL_TMP_BUF;
KeyInf_mac_t* pKeyInf4Consist = (KeyInf_mac_t*)_KEYS_PRV_ITEM_INF_ADDR_4_CONSIST;
rc = strncmp("Group", setName, 5) || ( 6 != strlen(setName) );
if (rc) {//mac.ini only care Groupn
return 0;
grpN = setName[5] - '1'; //'1' not '0'
if (grpN > 3) {
DWN_ERR("Can only support grp1 ~ grp3 now!, grp[%s] not ok\n", setName);
return __LINE__;
pKeyInf4Consist->actualGroup = grpN + 1;
MacGroup_t* pKeyConsist = pKeyInf4Consist->groups + grpN;
_KEYS_PRV_DBG("grp[%d]key=[%s], val=[%s]\n", grpN, keyName, usrKeyVal);
//the mac cfg must be in the order: start + end (+used)
if (!strcmp("start", keyName))
currentMacCfg->start = usrKeyVal;//value in memory
_currentKey.keySize = strlen(usrKeyVal);
strcpy(keyBuf, currentMacCfg->start);
keyBuf[_currentKey.keySize] = 0;
_currentKey.keyBuf = keyBuf;
DWN_DBG("keybuf[%s]\n", keyBuf);
memcpy(pKeyConsist->startMac, usrKeyVal, strlen(usrKeyVal));
else if (!strcmp("end", keyName))
currentMacCfg->end = usrKeyVal;
_currentKey.keySize = strlen(usrKeyVal);
memcpy(pKeyConsist->endMac, usrKeyVal, strlen(usrKeyVal));
pKeyConsist->total = currentMacCfg->total;
else if(!strcmp("used", keyName))
currentMacCfg->used = simple_strtoul(usrKeyVal, NULL, 0);
if (currentMacCfg->used >= currentMacCfg->total) {
DWN_ERR("mac used(%d) >= total(%d)\n", currentMacCfg->used , currentMacCfg->total);
return __LINE__;
pKeyConsist->used = currentMacCfg->used;
if (17 != _currentKey.keySize) {
errorP("key size %d of mac(%s) is error, must be 17\n", _currentKey.keySize, usrKeyVal);
return __LINE__;
return 0;
static int _update_mac_with_cfg_and_bootpart(KeyInf_mac_t* pKeyInf4Consist, KeyInf_mac_t* pKeyInfInBootPart,
u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen)
const int grpNum = pKeyInf4Consist->actualGroup;
MacGroup_t* theMacGrpCfg = NULL;
MacGroup_t* theMacGrpInBootPart = NULL;
unsigned currentUsed = 0;
int i = 0;
theMacGrpCfg = pKeyInf4Consist->groups;
currentUsed = theMacGrpCfg->used;
for (; i < grpNum; ++i, ++theMacGrpCfg)
const unsigned leftInCfg = theMacGrpCfg->total - theMacGrpCfg->used;
unsigned leftCnt = leftInCfg;
if (pKeyInfInBootPart)
theMacGrpInBootPart = pKeyInfInBootPart->groups + i;
const unsigned leftInBoot = theMacGrpInBootPart->total - theMacGrpInBootPart->used;
DWN_MSG("leftInCfg=%u, leftInBoot=%u, used=%u\n", leftCnt, leftInBoot, theMacGrpInBootPart->used);
if (leftCnt < leftInBoot) {
DWN_ERR("Excp:leftInCfg[%u] < leftInBoot[%u]\n", leftCnt, leftInBoot);
return __LINE__;
if (theMacGrpInBootPart->total != theMacGrpCfg->total) {
DWN_ERR("Excp:cfg total[%u] != boot total[%u]\n",
theMacGrpCfg->total, theMacGrpInBootPart->total);
return __LINE__;
currentUsed = ++theMacGrpInBootPart->used;//used is saved by prev burned
if (currentUsed < theMacGrpCfg->total) {//Find it
DWN_MSG("Found available at grp[%d], total=%u, used=%u\n",
i, theMacGrpCfg->total, currentUsed);
if (i == grpNum) {
DWN_ERR("Can't find available grp,i=%d\n", i);
return __LINE__;
*keyValLen = strlen(theMacGrpCfg->startMac);
memcpy(keyVal, theMacGrpCfg->startMac, *keyValLen);
i = optimus_update_mac_str_current_val((char*)keyVal, currentUsed);
return i;
//step 1: parsing license/mac.ini to get 'start' and 'used'
//step 2: search the key info in the boot key, if not existed , then append the keyinfo and update total count
//step 3: check the 'start' and 'used' is same as which in the boot partition if existed
//step 3: get the count recorded in the uboot partition
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_mac(const char* licPath, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName)
const int MaxLines = 256;//
char* lines[MaxLines];
int rc = __LINE__;
int validLineNum = 0;
KeyInf_mac_t* pKeyInfInBootPart = NULL;
KeyInf_mac_t* pKeyInf4Consist = (KeyInf_mac_t*)_KEYS_PRV_ITEM_INF_ADDR_4_CONSIST;
memset(pKeyInf4Consist, 0, sizeof(KeyInf_mac_t));
validLineNum = parse_ini_file_2_valid_lines(licPath, (char*)keyVal, *keyValLen, lines);
if (!validLineNum) {
DWN_ERR("error in parse ini file\n");
return __LINE__;
rc = optimus_ini_trans_lines_2_usr_params((const char* *)lines, validLineNum,
if (rc) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in get cfg from %s\n", licPath);
return __LINE__;
*keyValLen = _currentKey.keySize;
memcpy(keyVal, _currentKey.keyBuf, _currentKey.keySize);
keyVal[_currentKey.keySize] = 0;
#if 1
rc = optimus_sdc_bootPart_lic_get_key_infdata(keyName, (void**)&pKeyInfInBootPart);
if (rc) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in get key inf from boot part\n");
return __LINE__;
rc = _update_mac_with_cfg_and_bootpart(pKeyInf4Consist, pKeyInfInBootPart, keyVal, keyValLen);
return rc;
static int update_lic_for_fmt_mac(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName)
int rc = 0;
rc = optimus_sdc_bootPart_lic_update_key_inf(keyName, (u8*)_KEYS_PRV_ITEM_INF_ADDR_4_CONSIST, sizeof(KeyInf_mac_t));
return rc;
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName)
int rc = __LINE__;
return rc;
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_hdcp2rx(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName)
int rc = __LINE__;
return rc;
static int get_key_val_for_fmt_onlyone(const char* licenseName, u8* keyVal, unsigned* keyValLen, const char* keyName)
int rc = 0;
char _cmd[96];
if (strcmp("1", getenv("usb_update")))
sprintf(_cmd, "fatload mmc 0:1 0x%p %s", keyVal, licenseName);
sprintf(_cmd, "fatload usb 0:1 0x%p %s", keyVal, licenseName);
rc = run_command(_cmd, 0);
if (rc) {
errorP("failed in cmd[%s]\n", _cmd);
return __LINE__;
*keyValLen = simple_strtoul(getenv("filesize"), NULL, 16);
return rc;
static int update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName)
int rc = 0;
return rc;
static int update_lic_for_fmt_hdcp2rx(const char* keyName, const char* licenseName)
int rc = 0;
return rc;
int optimus_sdc_keysprovider_init(void)
/*return optimus_sdc_bootPart_lic_download();*/
return 0;
int optimus_sdc_keysprovider_exit(void)
/*return optimus_sdc_bootPart_lic_upload();*/
return 0;
//check whether the key license is existed and supported
//keyName is getted from keys.conf in package like PC burning tool
int optimus_sdc_keysprovider_open(const char* keyName, const void** pHdle)
int i = 0;
int rc = __LINE__;
const KeyFmtMap_t* pMappedKey = &_keysFmtMapping[0];
for (i=0; i < _SupportKeysNum; ++i, ++pMappedKey) {
rc = strcmp(keyName, pMappedKey->keyName);
if (rc) continue;//keyName not mapped
*pHdle = pMappedKey;
return 0;
return rc;
int optimus_sdc_keysprovider_get_keyval(const void* pHdle, u8* pBuf, unsigned* keySz)
const KeyFmtMap_t* pMappedKey = (const KeyFmtMap_t*)pHdle;
const char* const keyName = pMappedKey->keyName;
const char* licPath = pMappedKey->licenseFile;
int rc = 0;
if (KEY_MAP_MAGIC != pMappedKey->magic) {
errorP("magic should be %x, but %x\n", KEY_MAP_MAGIC, pMappedKey->magic);
return __LINE__;
rc = pMappedKey->get_key_val(licPath, pBuf, keySz, keyName);
if (rc) {
errorP("Fail in getKeyVal for key[%s] at lic path[%s]\n", keyName, licPath);
return __LINE__;
return rc;
int optimus_sdc_keysprovider_update_license(const void* pHdle)
const KeyFmtMap_t* pMappedKey = (const KeyFmtMap_t*)pHdle;
const char* const keyName = pMappedKey->keyName;
const char* licPath = pMappedKey->licenseFile;
int rc = 0;
if (KEY_MAP_MAGIC != pMappedKey->magic) {
errorP("magic should be %x, but %x\n", KEY_MAP_MAGIC, pMappedKey->magic);
return __LINE__;
if (!pMappedKey->update_license) return 0;
rc = pMappedKey->update_license(keyName, licPath);
if (rc) {
errorP("Fail in getKeyVal for key[%s] at lic path[%s]\n", keyName, licPath);
return __LINE__;
return 0;