blob: 8d729819687ccf4f010719f6db1383478b08dca2 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "../include/v3_tool_def.h"
#include <fdtdec.h>
#include <asm/arch/cpu_config.h>
#include <u-boot/sha256.h>
#define DWN_ERR FB_ERR
#define BOOTLOADER_MAX_SZ (0x2<<20)
#define DTB_MAX_SZ (256<<10)
#define DWN_DBG FB_DBG
#define DWN_ERR FB_ERR
#define DWN_MSG FB_MSG
#define DWN_WRN FB_WRN
//make sure logic part sz == dtb configured sz
static int _assert_logic_partition_cap(const char* thePartName, const uint64_t nandPartCap)
extern struct partitions * part_table;
int partIndex = 0;
struct partitions * thePart = NULL;
if (NULL == part_table)
return 0;
for (thePart = part_table; partIndex < MAX_PART_NUM; ++thePart, ++partIndex)
const uint64_t partSzInBytes = thePart->size;
if (memcmp(thePartName, thePart->name, strlen(thePartName))) continue;
FB_DBG("cfg partSzInBytes %llx for part(%s)\n", partSzInBytes, thePartName);
if (NAND_PART_SIZE_FULL == partSzInBytes) {return 0;}
if (partSzInBytes > nandPartCap) {
FB_EXIT("partSz of logic part(%s): sz dts %llx > Sz flash %llx\n",
thePartName, partSzInBytes, nandPartCap);
return 0;
FB_EXIT("Can't find your download part(%s)\n", thePartName);
#if 1//storage wrapper
static int is_bootloader_discrte(bool* discreteMode)
struct storage_info_t storeInfo;
if (store_get_device_info(&storeInfo)) {
FB_ERR("Fail get store dev info\n");
return __LINE__;
*discreteMode = (DISCRETE_BOOTLOADER == storeInfo.mode);
return 0;
static int bootloader_copy_sz(void)
bool discreteMode = false;
if (is_bootloader_discrte(&discreteMode)) {
return 0;
return store_boot_copy_size("bootloader");
static int _bootloader_write(u8* dataBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz, const char* bootName)
int iCopy = 0;
const int bootCpyNum = store_boot_copy_num(bootName);
const int bootCpySz = (int)store_boot_copy_size(bootName);
FB_MSG("[%s] CpyNum %d, bootCpySz 0x%x\n", bootName, bootCpyNum, bootCpySz);
if (binSz + off > bootCpySz) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "bootloader sz(0x%x) + off(0x%x) > bootCpySz 0x%x\n", binSz, off, bootCpySz);
if (off) {
FBS_ERR(_ACK, "current only 0 suuported!\n");
return -__LINE__;
for (; iCopy < bootCpyNum; ++iCopy) {
int ret = store_boot_write(bootName, iCopy, binSz, dataBuf);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "FAil in program[%s] at copy[%d]\n", bootName, iCopy);
return 0;
static p_payload_info_t _bl2x_mode_detect(u8* dataBuf)
p_payload_info_t pInfo = (p_payload_info_t)(dataBuf + BL2_SIZE);
if (AML_MAGIC_HDR_L == pInfo->hdr.nMagicL && AML_MAGIC_HDR_R == pInfo->hdr.nMagicR) {
FB_MSG("aml log : bootloader blxx mode!\n");
return pInfo;
return NULL;
#ifdef CONFIG_SHA256
static int _bl2x_mode_check_header(p_payload_info_t pInfo)
p_payload_info_hdr_t hdr = &pInfo->hdr;
uint8_t gensum[SHA256_SUM_LEN];
const int nItemNum = hdr->byItemNum;
printf("\naml log : info parse...\n");
printf("\tsztimes : %s\n",hdr->szTimeStamp);
printf("\tversion : %d\n",hdr->byVersion);
printf("\tItemNum : %d\n",nItemNum);
printf("\tSize : %d(0x%x)\n", hdr->nSize, hdr->nSize);
if (nItemNum > 8 || nItemNum < 3) { FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "illegal nitem num %d\n", nItemNum); }
const int nsz = sizeof(payload_info_hdr_t) + nItemNum * sizeof(payload_info_item_t) - SHA256_SUM_LEN;
FB_MSG("nsz 0x%x\n", nsz);
sha256_context ctx;
sha256_update(&ctx, (u8*)&(hdr->nMagicL), nsz);
sha256_finish(&ctx, gensum);
int ret = memcmp(gensum, hdr->szSHA2, SHA256_SUM_LEN);
if (ret) { FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "hdr info sha256sum not matched\n"); }
FB_MSG("hdr info sha256sum DO matched\n");
return 0;
#define _bl2x_mode_check_header(...) 0
#endif// #ifdef CONFIG_SHA256
static const char* _flashPayload[] = {"bl2", "bl2e", "bl2x", "ddrfip", "devfip"};
static p_payload_info_t _blxPayloadInf = NULL;
static int _payloadInfoSz = 0;
static int _discrete_bootloader_write(u8* dataBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz)
int bl2CopySz = BL2_SIZE/*(int)store_boot_copy_size("bl2")*/;
FB_MSG("bl2CopySz 0x%x, binSz 0x%x\n", bl2CopySz, binSz);
int ret = 0;
if (binSz > bl2CopySz)
_blxPayloadInf = NULL;
p_payload_info_t pInfo = _bl2x_mode_detect(dataBuf);
if (!pInfo) {
ret = _bootloader_write(dataBuf + bl2CopySz, 0, binSz - bl2CopySz, "tpl");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in burn tpl\n");
} else
if (_bl2x_mode_check_header(pInfo)) {
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in check bl2x info\n");
char name[8];
int nIndex = 0;
p_payload_info_hdr_t hdr = &pInfo->hdr;
p_payload_info_item_t pItem = pInfo->arrItems;
int offPayload = 0, szPayload = 0;
memset(name, 0, 8);
for (nIndex = 1, pItem += 1; nIndex < hdr->byItemNum; ++nIndex, ++pItem)
memcpy(name, &pItem->nMagic, sizeof(unsigned int));
offPayload = pItem->nOffset;
szPayload = pItem->nPayLoadSize;
FB_MSG("Item[%d]%4s offset 0x%08x sz 0x%x\n", nIndex, name, offPayload, szPayload);
if (!szPayload) continue;
ret = _bootloader_write(dataBuf + offPayload, 0, szPayload, _flashPayload[nIndex]);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in flash payload %s\n", name);
_blxPayloadInf = (p_payload_info_t)V3_DOWNLOAD_VERIFY_INFO;
_payloadInfoSz = sizeof(payload_info_hdr_t) + pInfo->hdr.byItemNum * sizeof(payload_info_item_t);
memcpy(_blxPayloadInf, pInfo, _payloadInfoSz);
ret = _bootloader_write(dataBuf, 0, bl2CopySz, "bl2");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in program bl2\n");
return 0;
int bootloader_write(u8* dataBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz)
bool discreteMode = false;
if (is_bootloader_discrte(&discreteMode)) {
return -__LINE__;
if (!discreteMode) {
return _bootloader_write(dataBuf, off, binSz, "bootloader");
} else {
return _discrete_bootloader_write(dataBuf, off, binSz);
return -__LINE__;
static int _bootloader_read(u8* pBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz, const char* bootName)
int iCopy = 0;
const int bootCpyNum = store_boot_copy_num(bootName);
const int bootCpySz = (int)store_boot_copy_size(bootName);
if (binSz + off > bootCpySz) {
FBS_ERR(_ACK, "bootloader sz(0x%x) + off(0x%x) > bootCpySz 0x%x\n", binSz, off, bootCpySz);
return -__LINE__;
if (off) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "current only 0 suuported!\n");
for (iCopy = 0; iCopy < bootCpyNum; ++iCopy) {
void* dataBuf = iCopy ? pBuf + binSz : pBuf;
int ret = store_boot_read(bootName, iCopy, binSz, dataBuf);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT("Fail to read boot[%s] at copy[%d]\n", bootName, iCopy);
if (iCopy) {
if (memcmp(pBuf, dataBuf, binSz))
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "[%s] copy[%d] content NOT the same as copy[0]\n", bootName, iCopy);
return 0;
static int _discrete_bootloader_read(u8* dataBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz)
int bl2CopySz = BL2_SIZE/*(int)store_boot_copy_size("bl2")*/;
FB_MSG("bl2CopySz 0x%x, binSz 0x%x\n", bl2CopySz, binSz);
int ret = _bootloader_read(dataBuf, 0, bl2CopySz, "bl2");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in read bl2\n");
if (binSz <= bl2CopySz) return 0;
memset(dataBuf + bl2CopySz, 0, bl2CopySz);//clear 2k after bl2_size
if (!_blxPayloadInf) {
ret = _bootloader_read(dataBuf + bl2CopySz, 0, binSz - bl2CopySz, "tpl");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in read tpl\n");
} else {
char name[8];
int nIndex = 0;
if (!_blxPayloadInf) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "exception, _blxPayloadInf null\n");
p_payload_info_t pInfo = _blxPayloadInf;
p_payload_info_hdr_t hdr = &pInfo->hdr;
p_payload_info_item_t pItem = pInfo->arrItems;
int offPayload = 0, szPayload = 0;
memset(name, 0, 8);
for (nIndex = 1, pItem +=1; nIndex < hdr->byItemNum; ++nIndex, ++pItem)
memcpy(name, &pItem->nMagic, sizeof(unsigned int));
offPayload = pItem->nOffset;
szPayload = pItem->nPayLoadSize;
FB_MSG("Item[%d]%4s offset 0x%08x sz 0x%x\n", nIndex, name, offPayload, szPayload);
if (!szPayload) continue;
ret = _bootloader_read(dataBuf + offPayload, 0, szPayload, _flashPayload[nIndex]);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in read payload %s\n", name);
memcpy(dataBuf + BL2_SIZE, _blxPayloadInf, _payloadInfoSz);
return 0;
int bootloader_read(u8* pBuf, unsigned off, unsigned binSz)
bool discreteMode = false;
if (is_bootloader_discrte(&discreteMode)) {
return -__LINE__;
if (discreteMode)
return _discrete_bootloader_read(pBuf, off, binSz);
return _bootloader_read(pBuf, off, binSz, "bootloader");
//@rwFlag: 0---read, 1---write, 2---iread
int store_dtb_rw(void* buf, unsigned dtbSz, int rwFlag)
int ret = 0;
const unsigned dtbCap = store_rsv_size("dtb");
if (dtbCap <= dtbSz)
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "dtb sz 0x%x > cap 0x%x\t", dtbSz, dtbCap);
switch (rwFlag) {
case 2: {//iread
ret = store_rsv_read("dtb", dtbSz, buf);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "err(%d) in read dtb\t", ret);
case 0: {//read
if ( 2 == rwFlag ) return 0;
//TODO: add dtb parser
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "dtb parser not implemented yet\t");
case 1: {//write
ret = store_rsv_erase("dtb");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail erase dtb, ret %d\n", ret);
ret = store_rsv_write("dtb", dtbSz, buf);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in dtb write, ret %d\t", ret);
default: FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "err dtb rwFlag %d\n", rwFlag);
return 0;
#endif// #if 1//storage wrapper
int v3tool_media_check_image_size(int64_t imgSz, const char* partName)
int ret = 0;
u64 partCap = 0;
if (!strcmp("bootloader", partName)) {
const unsigned bootSz = bootloader_copy_sz();
if (imgSz > bootSz)
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "imgsz 0x%llx > copy sz 0x%x !\t", imgSz, bootSz);
return 0;
if (!strcmp("_aml_dtb", partName)) {
const unsigned dtbCap = store_rsv_size("dtb");
if (imgSz >= dtbCap)
FB_EXIT("imgsz 0x%llx >= max sz 0x%x\n", imgSz, dtbCap);
return 0;
if (!strcmp("gpt", partName)) {
if (imgSz >= 0x100000) {
FB_EXIT("imgsz 0x%llx >= max sz 1M\n", imgSz);
return 0;
partCap = store_part_size(partName);
if (!partCap) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get size for part %s\n", partName);
return __LINE__;
DWN_MSG("flash LOGIC partCap 0x%llxB\n", partCap);
if (imgSz > partCap) {
DWN_ERR("imgSz 0x%llx out of cap 0x%llx\n", imgSz, partCap);
return __LINE__;
ret = _assert_logic_partition_cap(partName, partCap);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in _assert_logic_partition_cap\n");
return __LINE__;
return 0;
static int _optimusWorkMode = V3TOOL_WORK_MODE_NONE;
int v3tool_work_mode_get(void)
return _optimusWorkMode;
int v3tool_work_mode_set(int workmode)
_optimusWorkMode = workmode;
return 0;
static int _disk_intialed_ok = 0;
int v3tool_is_flash_erased(void)
return _disk_intialed_ok>>16;
static int should_load_env(void)
return fdtdec_get_config_int(gd->fdt_blob, "load-environment", 1);
return 0;
return 1;
static int initr_env(void)
/* initialize environment */
if (should_load_env()) {
DWN_MSG("usb producing env_relocate\n");
return 0;
struct mtd_partition* __attribute__((weak)) get_partition_table(int *partitions)
{ FB_WRN("get_partition_table undefined\n"); return NULL;}
int __attribute__((weak)) sheader_need(void) { FB_WRN("sheader_need undefined\n"); return 0;}
void __attribute__((weak)) sheader_load(void *addr) { FB_WRN("sheader_load undefined\n"); return;}
const char* BackupPart = (const char*)(CONFIG_BACKUP_PART_NORMAL_ERASE);
char* BackupPartAddr = (char*)(V3_DOWNLOAD_MEM_BASE);
int v3tool_storage_init(const int eraseFlash, unsigned dtbImgSz, unsigned gptImgSz)
int ret = 0;
unsigned char* dtbLoadedAddr = (unsigned char*)V3_DTB_LOAD_ADDR;
if (V3TOOL_WORK_MODE_USB_PRODUCE != v3tool_work_mode_get()) {//Already inited in other work mode
/*DWN_MSG("Exit before re-init\n");*/
if (dtbImgSz && !gptImgSz) {
#if defined(CONFIG_MTD) && defined(CONFIG_AML_MTDPART)
extern int get_meson_mtd_partition_table(struct mtd_partition **partitions);
int mtdParts = -1;
struct mtd_partition *partitions;
mtdParts = get_meson_mtd_partition_table(&partitions);
if (partitions && (mtdParts > 0)) {//
extern int check_valid_dts(unsigned char *buffer);
ret = check_valid_dts(dtbLoadedAddr);
} else
#endif // #if defined(CONFIG_MTD) && defined(CONFIG_AML_MTDPART)
ret = get_partition_from_dts(dtbLoadedAddr);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Failed at check dts\n");
} else if (gptImgSz) {
if (get_partition_from_dts((unsigned char*)V3_GPT_LOAD_ADDR)) {
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail at check gpt\n");
} else FB_MSG("Parse partition table from GPT\n");
if (sheader_need()) sheader_load((void*)V3_PAYLOAD_LOAD_ADDR);
ret = store_init(1);
if (ret <= 0)
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in store init %d, ret %d\n", 1, ret);
u32 backupPartSz = 0;
int initFlag = 0;
switch (eraseFlash) {
case 0://NO erase
case 5://NO erase
initFlag = 1;
case 3://erase all(with key)
case 1://normal erase, store init 3
initFlag = 3;
if (3 == eraseFlash) {
if (store_rsv_protect("key", false))
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in disprotect key\n");
} else {
//backup env to memory
backupPartSz = (u32)store_part_size(BackupPart);
FB_MSG("BackupPart %s sz 0x%x\n", BackupPart, backupPartSz);
if (!backupPartSz) { FBS_EXIT(_ACK, " FAil in find BackupPart %s\n", BackupPart);}
ret = store_read(BackupPart, 0, backupPartSz, BackupPartAddr);
if (ret) { FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "FAil in backup important part %s to mem\n", BackupPart);}
case 4: {//force erase all
if (store_rsv_protect(NULL, false))
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in disprotect all rsv\n");
case 2:
initFlag = 4;
FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Unsupported erase flag %d\n", eraseFlash);
FB_MSG("eraseFlash %d, initFlag %d\n", eraseFlash, initFlag);
if (5 == eraseFlash) {//erase key only
ret = store_rsv_erase("key");
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "disk_initial 5, Fail in erase key\n");
} else if (initFlag > 1) {
if (store_get_type() == BOOT_EMMC) {
FB_MSG("to erase gpt for compatible\n");
ret = store_erase(NULL, 0, 0, 0);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in erase flash, ret[%d]\n", ret);
if (backupPartSz) {
FB_MSG("restore BackupPart %s from mem\n", BackupPart);
store_write(BackupPart, 0, backupPartSz, BackupPartAddr);
if (V3TOOL_WORK_MODE_USB_PRODUCE == v3tool_work_mode_get()) {
if (!_disk_intialed_ok) {//last disk_initial also okay
initr_env();//can only be called once
_disk_intialed_ok = 1;
if (eraseFlash && eraseFlash < 5) _disk_intialed_ok += (1 <<16);
if (dtbImgSz)//for key init, or fail when get /unifykey
unsigned long fdtAddr = (unsigned long)dtbLoadedAddr;
fdtAddr = get_multi_dt_entry(fdtAddr);
#endif// #ifdef CONFIG_MULTI_DTB
ret = fdt_check_header((char*)fdtAddr);
if (ret) FBS_EXIT(_ACK, "Fail in fdt check header\n");
unsigned fdtsz = fdt_totalsize((char*)fdtAddr);
if (fdtAddr != (unsigned long)dtbLoadedAddr)
memmove((char*)dtbLoadedAddr, (char*)fdtAddr, fdtsz);
return 0;
static int _v3tool_is_busy = 0;
static char* _v3tool_media_busy_info = "";
void v3tool_media_set_busy(const char* busyInfo)
_v3tool_is_busy = 1;
_v3tool_media_busy_info = fb_response_str - 4;
strncpy(_v3tool_media_busy_info, "INFO", 4 + 1);//add terminated 0
if (busyInfo)
strncpy(_v3tool_media_busy_info + 4, busyInfo, 64);
void v3tool_media_set_free(const char* info)
_v3tool_is_busy = 0;
_v3tool_media_busy_info = fb_response_str - 4;
strncpy(_v3tool_media_busy_info, "OKAY", 4 + 1);
if (info)
strncpy(_v3tool_media_busy_info + 4, info, 64);
int v3tool_media_is_busy(void)
return _v3tool_is_busy;