blob: 20407a5aafc892f1e68a513fd17f64ad0fe4d0cc [file] [log] [blame]
#include "bcm283x.dtsi"
/ {
compatible = "brcm,bcm2837";
soc {
ranges = <0x7e000000 0x3f000000 0x1000000>,
<0x40000000 0x40000000 0x00001000>;
dma-ranges = <0xc0000000 0x00000000 0x3f000000>;
local_intc: local_intc@40000000 {
compatible = "brcm,bcm2836-l1-intc";
reg = <0x40000000 0x100>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&local_intc>;
timer {
compatible = "arm,armv7-timer";
interrupt-parent = <&local_intc>;
interrupts = <0>, // PHYS_SECURE_PPI
<3>, // VIRT_PPI
<2>; // HYP_PPI
cpus: cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
enable-method = "brcm,bcm2836-smp"; // for ARM 32-bit
/* Source for d/i-cache-line-size and d/i-cache-sets
* /about-the-l1-memory-system?lang=en
* Source for d/i-cache-size
cpu0: cpu@0 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
reg = <0>;
enable-method = "spin-table";
cpu-release-addr = <0x0 0x000000d8>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
d-cache-line-size = <64>;
d-cache-sets = <128>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/4-way set
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
i-cache-line-size = <64>;
i-cache-sets = <256>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/2-way set
next-level-cache = <&l2>;
cpu1: cpu@1 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
reg = <1>;
enable-method = "spin-table";
cpu-release-addr = <0x0 0x000000e0>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
d-cache-line-size = <64>;
d-cache-sets = <128>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/4-way set
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
i-cache-line-size = <64>;
i-cache-sets = <256>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/2-way set
next-level-cache = <&l2>;
cpu2: cpu@2 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
reg = <2>;
enable-method = "spin-table";
cpu-release-addr = <0x0 0x000000e8>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
d-cache-line-size = <64>;
d-cache-sets = <128>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/4-way set
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
i-cache-line-size = <64>;
i-cache-sets = <256>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/2-way set
next-level-cache = <&l2>;
cpu3: cpu@3 {
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
reg = <3>;
enable-method = "spin-table";
cpu-release-addr = <0x0 0x000000f0>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
d-cache-line-size = <64>;
d-cache-sets = <128>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/4-way set
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
i-cache-line-size = <64>;
i-cache-sets = <256>; // 32KiB(size)/64(line-size)=512ways/2-way set
next-level-cache = <&l2>;
/* Source for cache-line-size + cache-sets
* /e/level-2-memory-system/about-the-l2-memory-system?lang=en
* Source for cache-size
l2: l2-cache0 {
compatible = "cache";
cache-size = <0x80000>;
cache-line-size = <64>;
cache-sets = <512>; // 512KiB(size)/64(line-size)=8192ways/16-way set
cache-level = <2>;
/* Make the BCM2835-style global interrupt controller be a child of the
* CPU-local interrupt controller.
&intc {
compatible = "brcm,bcm2836-armctrl-ic";
reg = <0x7e00b200 0x200>;
interrupt-parent = <&local_intc>;
interrupts = <8>;
&cpu_thermal {
coefficients = <(-538) 412000>;
/* enable thermal sensor with the correct compatible property set */
&thermal {
compatible = "brcm,bcm2837-thermal";
status = "okay";