blob: 5360a19c875a6af00748e4c7fa5aa18302209ff8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Marvell GPL License Option
* If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or
* modify this File in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General
* Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the "GPL License"), a copy of which is
* available along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or
* on the worldwide web at
* DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty
* disclaimer.
#ifndef _TZ_CLIENT_API_H_
#define _TZ_CLIENT_API_H_
#include "tz_comm.h"
#include "tz_nw_comm_protocol.h"
/** allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory
* @param size size of memory to be allocated
* @retval NULL fail to allocate memory or size is 0
* @retval !=NULL memory pointer
void *tzc_malloc(uint32_t size);
/** frees the memory space pointed to by ptr
* @param ptr pointer to memory space previously allocated by tzc_malloc
void tzc_free(void *ptr);
/** convert the string to unsigned long
* @param nptr, the string will be converted
* @param endptr the last converted character
* @param base the converted base
* @retval value the unsigned long value
unsigned long tzc_strtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
/** string dup the source str1
* @param str1, the source string to be dupped
* @retval NULL failed to dup
* @retval !NULL memory pointer with the dupped string
char *tzc_strdup(const char *str1);
/** open tz client device
* @param dev device name. NULL for default device.
* @retval -1 fail to open the device.
* @retval !=-1 device handle.
int tzc_open(const char *dev);
/** close tz device
* @param tzc tz client handle.
void tzc_close(int tzc);
/** allocate shared memory.
* the shared memory is used for communication between nw<->sw.
* its physical address is continous.
* @param fd file return by open().
* @param size size to allocate.
* @param pa buffer to save the physical address.
* it's used for nw<->sw communication.
* @retval NULL fail to allocate shared memory
* @retval !NULL virtual address of the allocated shared memory.
* @sa tzc_free_shm()
void *tzc_alloc_shm(int tzc, size_t size, void **pa);
/** free shared memory allocated by tzc_alloc_shm().
* @param va virtual address of the allocated shm.
* @param pa physical address of the allocated shm.
* @param size size to free.
* @sa tzc_alloc_shm()
void tzc_free_shm(int tzc, void *va, void *pa, size_t size);
int tzc_invoke_command(int tzc, int task_id, uint32_t cmd_id,
uint32_t param, uint32_t *origin,
tz_cmd_handler callback, void *userdata);
void *tzc_get_mem_info(int tzc, void *va, uint32_t *attr);
* mutex utils.
* one session may be used by multiple threads, but the session
* context can't be accessed concurrently.
/** create mutex.
* @retval NULL fail to create mutex.
* @retval !NULL mutex handle.
void *tzc_mutex_create(void);
/** destroy mutex.
* @param lock mutex handle.
* @retval TZ_SUCCESS success to destroy the lock.
* @retval TZ_ERROR_GENERIC system error.
int tzc_mutex_destroy(void *lock);
/** lock mutex.
* @param lock mutex handle.
* @retval TZ_SUCCESS success to destroy the lock.
* @retval TZ_ERROR_GENERIC system error.
int tzc_mutex_lock(void *lock);
/** try to lock mutex.
* @param lock mutex handle.
* @retval TZ_SUCCESS success to destroy the lock.
* @retval TZ_ERROR_BAD_STATE lock is owned by others.
* @retval TZ_ERROR_GENERIC system error.
int tzc_mutex_trylock(void *lock);
/** unlock mutex.
* @param lock mutex handle.
* @retval TZ_SUCCESS success to destroy the lock.
* @retval TZ_ERROR_GENERIC system error.
int tzc_mutex_unlock(void *lock);
#include "tee_comm.h"
struct tee_comm *tzc_acquire_tee_comm_channel(int tzc);
void tzc_release_tee_comm_channel(int tzc, struct tee_comm *tc);
/** invoke command on a specified task.
* below fields must be filled in cmd.
* - task_id: task to issue command.
* - cmd_id: command to issue.
* - param_types: param type of params, see TEE_PARAM_TYPE_*
* - params[4]: 4 parameters. for memref.buffer, the address must be
* physical address.
* - param_ext_size: size of extend parameters, if 4 params are not enough.
* - shm: extend parameter buffer. (param_ext)
* format is user defined. must sync with TZ service.
* when return, below items would be updated.
* - params[4]: value.a, value.b and memref.size may be updated.
* - shm: for extend parameters
* - rsp.result: result code
* - rsp.origin: the origin to return rsp.return.
* @retval >=0 success to invoke command, check rsp.result and rsp.origin
* for returns.
* @retval <0 fail to invoke command.
/* for all tee communication channel, we don't need to care the page fault
* issue, for this page won't swap out from DDR. But we need to care whether
* user space pass a bad pointer.
static inline int tzc_invoke_tee_user_command(int tzc, int task_id,
struct tee_comm *tc, uint32_t *origin,
tz_cmd_handler callback, void *userdata)
uint32_t param = (uint32_t)((unsigned long)tc->pa) +
offsetof(struct tee_comm, call_param);
return tzc_invoke_command(tzc, task_id, TZ_CMD_TEE_USER,
param, origin, callback, userdata);
static inline int tzc_invoke_tee_sys_command(int tzc, int task_id,
struct tee_comm *tc, uint32_t *origin,
tz_cmd_handler callback, void *userdata)
uint32_t param = (uint32_t)((unsigned long)tc->pa) +
offsetof(struct tee_comm, call_param);
return tzc_invoke_command(tzc, task_id, TZ_CMD_TEE_SYS,
param, origin, callback, userdata);
#endif /* CONFIG_TEE */
* Fast Calls
int tzc_fast_memmove(int tzc, void *dst_phy_addr, void *src_phy_addr, size_t size);
int tzc_fast_secure_cache_clean(int tzc, void *phy_addr, size_t size);
int tzc_fast_secure_cache_invalidate(int tzc, void *phy_addr, size_t size);
int tzc_fast_secure_cache_flush(int tzc, void *phy_addr, size_t size);
int tzc_open_session(int tzc, unsigned long param, uint32_t taskId,
uint32_t *origin);
int tzc_close_session(int tzc, unsigned long param, uint32_t taskId,
uint32_t *origin);
int tzc_create_instance(int tzc, unsigned long param, uint32_t *origin);
int tzc_destroy_instance(int tzc, unsigned long param, uint32_t *origin);
#endif /* _TZ_CLIENT_API_H_ */