blob: bd8faa01bfb997f78c2e9bce55eb8f490c32f74c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates.
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* International Ltd. and/or its affiliates ("Marvell") under the following
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* Marvell Commercial License Option
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* File is licensed to you under the terms of the applicable Commercial
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.arch_extension sec
/** SMC Calling Conversion - Argument passing
* Document number: ARM DEN 0028A
* [SMC32 Argument passing]
* When the SMC32 convention is used, the SMC intructions take up to seven
* 32-bit arguments in register and can return up to four 32-bit values in
* registers.
* When an SMC32 call is made from AArch32:
* o Arguments are passed in register R0-R6
* o Results are returned in R0-R3
* o Registers R4-R14 are callee-saved and must be preserved over the SMC call
* When an SMC32 call is made from AArch64:
* o Arguments are passed in register X0-X6
* o Results are returned in X0-X3
* o Registers X18-X30 and stack pointers SP_EL0 and SP_ELx are callee-saved and
* must be preserved over the SMC call
* [SMC64 Argument passing]
* When the SMC64 convention is used, the SMC instructions take up to seven 64-bit
* arguments in registers and can return up to four 64-bit values in register
* When an SMC64 call is made from AArch64:
* o Arguments are passed in register X0-X6
* o Results are returned in X0-X3
* o Registers X18-X30 and stack pointers SP_EL0 and SP_ELx are callee-saved and
* must ber preserved over the SMC call
* Then calling convention cannot be used by code executing AArch32 state
/** SMC call command with 2 parameters
* unsigned long __smc_cmd2(unsigned long func_id,
* unsigned long param0,
* unsigned long param1,
* unsigned long result[2])
* @param func_id function ID in r0
* @param param0 parameters 0 in r1
* @param param1 parameters 1 in r2
* @param result pointer to returned results (r1-r2) in r3 if not NULL
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate function ID
* @retval others status
.globl __smc_cmd2
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* r0 = function ID, r1 = param0, r2 = param1
* r3 contains the pointer to returned value, preserve it
* on the stack
* ----------------------------------------------------------
push {r3}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* make smc call now
* ----------------------------------------------------------
smc #0
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* retrieve the pointer of returned value previously saved
* on the stack
* ---------------------------------------------------------
pop {ip}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* r0-r3 contains the returned value
* If the pointer is not NULL saved r1-r2 to result[2]
* ---------------------------------------------------------
cmp ip, #0
stmne ip!, {r1-r2}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
bx lr
/** SMC call command with 3 parameters.
* unsigned long __smc_cmd3(unsigned long func_id,
* unsigned long param0,
* unsigned long param1,
* unsigned long param2,
* unsigned long result[3]);
* unsigned long __smc3(unsigned long func_id,
* unsigned long param0,
* unsigned long param1,
* unsigned long param2,
* unsigned long result[3]);
* @param func_id function ID in r0
* @param param0 parameter 0 in r1
* @param param1 parameter 1 in r2
* @param param2 parameter 2 in r3
* @param result pointer to return results (r1-r3) in r4 if not NULL
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate Function ID.
* @retval others status
.globl __smc_cmd3
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* r0 = function ID, r1 = param0, r2 = param1, r3 = param2
* r4 is preserved on the stack by caller
* ----------------------------------------------------------
smc #0
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* retrieve the pointer to returned value preserved on the
* stack by the caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
ldr ip, [sp]
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* r0-r3 contains the returned value
* If the pointer is not NULL saved r1-r3 to result[3]
* ---------------------------------------------------------
cmp ip, #0
stmne ip!, {r1-r3}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
bx lr
/** SMC call without results.
* unsigned long __smc(unsigned long func_id, ...);
* @note it can be used as bellow:
* status = smc_nores(func_id);
* status = smc_nores(func_id, param0);
* status = smc_nores(func_id, param0, param1);
* status = smc_nores(func_id, param0, param1, param2);
* @param func_id function ID.
* @param param0 parameter 0.
* @param param1 parameter 1.
* @param param2 parameter 2.
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate Function ID.
* @retval others status
.globl __smc
smc #0
bx lr
/** SMC call command with 3 parameters.
* unsigned long __smc3(unsigned long func_id,
* unsigned long param0,
* unsigned long param1,
* unsigned long param2,
* unsigned long result[4]);
* @param func_id function ID in r0
* @param param0 parameter 0 in r1
* @param param1 parameter 1 in r2
* @param param2 parameter 2 in r3
* @param result pointer to return results (r0-r3) in r4 if not NULL
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate Function ID.
* @retval others status
.globl __smc3
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* r0 = function ID, r1 = param0, r2 = param1, r3 = param2
* r4 is preserved on the stack by caller
* ----------------------------------------------------------
smc #0
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* retrieve the pointer to returned value preserved on the
* stack by the caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
ldr ip, [sp]
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* r0-r3 contains the returned value
* If the pointer is not NULL saved r1-r3 to result[3]
* ---------------------------------------------------------
cmp ip, #0
stmne ip!, {r0-r3}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
bx lr
/** SMC call command with 4 parameters without results
* unsigned long __smc4(unsigned long func_id,
* unsigned long param0,
* unsigned long param1,
* unsigned long param2,
* unsigned long param3)
* @param func_id function ID in r0
* @param param parameter 0 in r1
* @param param parameter 1 in r2
* @param param parameter 2 in r3
* @param param parameter 3 in r4
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate Function ID.
* @retval others status
.globl __smc4
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* r0 = function ID
* r1 = parameter 0
* r2 = parameter 1
* r3 = parameter 2
* r4 = parameter 3, callee-saved register
* ----------------------------------------------------------
ldr ip, [sp]
push {r4}
mov r4, ip
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* make smc call now
* ----------------------------------------------------------
smc #0
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* restore r4 from stack
* ----------------------------------------------------------
pop {r4}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
bx lr
/** SMC call with 6 parameters.
* unsigned long __smc6(unsigned long func_id,
* const unsigned long param[6],
* unsigned long result[4]);
* @param func_id function ID in r0
* @param param buffer to store 6 parmeters in r1
* @param result buffer to return results (r0-r3) in r2 if not NULL
* result[0] is returned by function too
* @retval 0xffffffff invalidate Function ID.
* @retval others status
.globl __smc6
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* r0 = function ID
* r1 = pointer to 6 parameters
* r2 = pointer to return results (r0-r3)
* preserve callee-saved r4-r6, and save r2 on the stack
* ----------------------------------------------------------
mov ip, r2
push {r4-r6, ip}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* Load 6 parameters into r1-r6, will panic if r1=NULL
* ----------------------------------------------------------
mov ip, r1
ldm ip!, {r1-r6}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* make smc call now
* ----------------------------------------------------------
smc #0
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* restore r4-r6 from stack and retrieve the pointer to return
* results in ip
* ----------------------------------------------------------
pop {r4-r6, ip}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* r0-r3 contains the returned value
* If the pointer is not NULL saved r1-r3 to result[4]
* ---------------------------------------------------------
cmp ip, #0
stmne ip!, {r0-r3}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* back to caller
* ---------------------------------------------------------
bx lr