blob: 2251f372145b11e40ef7b948944cf8530cfc62cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Support for Intel Camera Imaging ISP subsystem.
* Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
#ifndef __ISP_OP1W_H_INCLUDED__
#define __ISP_OP1W_H_INCLUDED__
* This file is part of the Multi-precision vector operations exstension package.
* Single-precision vector operations
* Prerequisites:
#include "storage_class.h"
#else /* INLINE_ISP_OP1W */
#endif /* INLINE_ISP_OP1W */
* Single-precision data type specification
#include "isp_op1w_types.h"
#include "isp_op2w_types.h" // for doubling operations.
* Single-precision prototype specification
/* Arithmetic */
/** @brief bitwise AND
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return bitwise and of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the bitwise and.
* result = _a & _b
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_and(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief bitwise OR
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return bitwise or of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the bitwise or.
* result = _a | _b
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief bitwise XOR
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return bitwise xor of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the bitwise xor.
* result = _a ^ _b
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_xor(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief bitwise inverse
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @return bitwise inverse of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the bitwise inverse.
* result = ~_a
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_inv(
const tvector1w _a);
/* Additive */
/** @brief addition
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return sum of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the sum of the input arguments.
* in case of overflow it will wrap around.
* result = _a + _b
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_add(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief subtraction
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _b subtracted from _a.
* This function will subtract _b from _a.
* in case of overflow it will wrap around.
* result = _a - _b
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_sub(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief saturated addition
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return saturated sum of both input arguments
* This function will calculate the sum of the input arguments.
* in case of overflow it will saturate.
* result = CLIP(_a + _b, MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE);
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_addsat(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief saturated subtraction
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return saturated subtraction of both input arguments
* This function will subtract _b from _a.
* in case of overflow it will saturate.
* result = CLIP(_a - _b, MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE);
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_subsat(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
#ifdef ISP2401
/** @brief Unsigned saturated subtraction
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return saturated subtraction of both input arguments
* This function will subtract _b from _a.
* in case of overflow it will saturate.
* result = CLIP(_a - _b, 0, MAX_RANGE);
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w_unsigned OP_1w_subsat_u(
const tvector1w_unsigned _a,
const tvector1w_unsigned _b);
/** @brief subtraction with shift right and rounding
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return (a - b) >> 1
* This function subtracts _b from _a and right shifts
* the result by 1 bit with rounding.
* No overflow can occur.
* result = (_a - _b) >> 1
* Note: This function will be deprecated due to
* the naming confusion and it will be replaced
* by "OP_1w_subhalfrnd".
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_subasr1(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Subtraction with shift right and rounding
* @param[in] _a first operand
* @param[in] _b second operand
* @return (_a - _b) >> 1
* This function subtracts _b from _a and right shifts
* the result by 1 bit with rounding.
* No overflow can occur.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_subhalfrnd(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Subtraction with shift right and no rounding
* @param[in] _a first operand
* @param[in] _b second operand
* @return (_a - _b) >> 1
* This function subtracts _b from _a and right shifts
* the result by 1 bit without rounding (i.e. truncation).
* No overflow can occur.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_subhalf(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief saturated absolute value
* @param[in] _a input
* @return saturated absolute value of the input
* This function will calculate the saturated absolute value of the input.
* in case of overflow it will saturate.
* if (_a > 0) return _a;<br>
* else return CLIP(-_a, MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE);<br>
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_abs(
const tvector1w _a);
/** @brief saturated absolute difference
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return sat(abs(a-b));
* This function will calculate the saturated absolute value
* of the saturated difference of both inputs.
* result = sat(abs(sat(_a - _b)));
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_subabssat(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/* Multiplicative */
/** @brief doubling multiply
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return product of _a and _b
* This function will calculate the product
* of the input arguments and returns a double
* precision result.
* No overflow can occur.
* result = _a * _b;
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector2w OP_1w_muld(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief integer multiply
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return product of _a and _b
* This function will calculate the product
* of the input arguments and returns the LSB
* aligned single precision result.
* In case of overflow it will wrap around.
* result = _a * _b;
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_mul(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief fractional saturating multiply
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return saturated product of _a and _b
* This function will calculate the fixed point
* product of the input arguments
* and returns a single precision result.
* In case of overflow it will saturate.
* result = CLIP(_a * _b >> (NUM_BITS-1), MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE);
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_qmul(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief fractional saturating multiply with rounding
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return product of _a and _b
* This function will calculate the fixed point
* product of the input arguments
* and returns a single precision result.
* Depending on the rounding mode of the core
* it will round to nearest or to nearest even.
* result = CLIP(_a * _b >> (NUM_BITS-1), MIN_RANGE, MAX_RANGE);
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_qrmul(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/* Comparative */
/** @brief equal
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a == _b
* This function will return true if both inputs
* are equal, and false if not equal.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief not equal
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a != _b
* This function will return false if both inputs
* are equal, and true if not equal.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief less or equal
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a <= _b
* This function will return true if _a is smaller
* or equal than _b.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief less then
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a < _b
* This function will return true if _a is smaller
* than _b.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief greater or equal
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a >= _b
* This function will return true if _a is greater
* or equal than _b.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief greater than
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a > _b
* This function will return true if _a is greater
* than _b.
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/* Shift */
/** @brief aritmetic shift right
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a >> _b
* This function will shift _a with _b bits to the right,
* preserving the sign bit.
* It asserts 0 <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_asr(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief aritmetic shift right with rounding
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a >> _b
* If _b < NUM_BITS, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the right,
* preserving the sign bit, and depending on the rounding mode of the core
* it will round to nearest or to nearest even.
* If _b >= NUM_BITS, this function will return 0.
* It asserts 0 <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_asrrnd(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief saturating arithmetic shift left
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << _b
* If _b < MAX_BITDEPTH, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the left,
* saturating at MIN_RANGE/MAX_RANGE in case of overflow.
* If _b >= MAX_BITDEPTH, this function will return MIN_RANGE if _a < 0,
* MAX_RANGE if _a > 0, 0 if _a == 0.
* (with MAX_BITDEPTH=64)
* It asserts 0 <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_asl(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief saturating aritmetic shift left
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << _b
* This function is identical to OP_1w_asl( )
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_aslsat(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief logical shift left
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << _b
* This function will shift _a with _b bits to the left.
* It will insert zeroes on the right.
* It asserts 0 <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_lsl(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief logical shift right
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a >> _b
* This function will shift _a with _b bits to the right.
* It will insert zeroes on the left.
* It asserts 0 <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_lsr(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
#ifdef ISP2401
/** @brief bidirectional saturating arithmetic shift
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << |_b| if _b is positive
* _a >> |_b| if _b is negative
* If _b > 0, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the left,
* saturating at MIN_RANGE/MAX_RANGE in case of overflow.
* if _b < 0, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the right.
* It asserts -MAX_SHIFT_1W <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* If _b = 0, it returns _a.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_ashift_sat(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief bidirectional non-saturating arithmetic shift
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << |_b| if _b is positive
* _a >> |_b| if _b is negative
* If _b > 0, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the left,
* no saturation is performed in case of overflow.
* if _b < 0, this function will shift _a with _b bits to the right.
* It asserts -MAX_SHIFT_1W <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* If _b = 0, it returns _a.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_ashift(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief bidirectional logical shift
* @param[in] _a input
* @param[in] _b shift amount
* @return _a << |_b| if _b is positive
* _a >> |_b| if _b is negative
* This function will shift _a with _b bits to the left if _b is positive.
* This function will shift _a with _b bits to the right if _b is negative.
* It asserts -MAX_SHIFT_1W <= _b <= MAX_SHIFT_1W.
* It inserts zeros on the left or right depending on the shift direction:
* right or left.
* The operation count for this function assumes that
* the shift amount is a cloned scalar input.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_lshift(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/* Cast */
/** @brief Cast from int to 1w
* @param[in] _a input
* @return _a
* This function casts the input from integer type to
* single precision. It asserts there is no overflow.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_int_cast_to_1w(
const int _a);
/** @brief Cast from 1w to int
* @param[in] _a input
* @return _a
* This function casts the input from single precision type to
* integer, preserving value and sign.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H int OP_1w_cast_to_int(
const tvector1w _a);
/** @brief Cast from 1w to 2w
* @param[in] _a input
* @return _a
* This function casts the input from single precision type to
* double precision, preserving value and sign.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector2w OP_1w_cast_to_2w(
const tvector1w _a);
/** @brief Cast from 2w to 1w
* @param[in] _a input
* @return _a
* This function casts the input from double precision type to
* single precision. In case of overflow it will wrap around.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_2w_cast_to_1w(
const tvector2w _a);
/** @brief Cast from 2w to 1w with saturation
* @param[in] _a input
* @return _a
* This function casts the input from double precision type to
* single precision after saturating it to the range of single
* precision.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_2w_sat_cast_to_1w(
const tvector2w _a);
/* clipping */
/** @brief Clip asymmetrical
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a clipped between ~_b and b
* This function will clip the first argument between
* (-_b - 1) and _b.
* It asserts _b >= 0.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_clip_asym(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Clip zero
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a clipped beteween 0 and _b
* This function will clip the first argument between
* zero and _b.
* It asserts _b >= 0.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_clipz(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/* division */
/** @brief Truncated division
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return trunc( _a / _b )
* This function will divide the first argument by
* the second argument, with rounding toward 0.
* If _b == 0 and _a < 0, the function will return MIN_RANGE.
* If _b == 0 and _a == 0, the function will return 0.
* If _b == 0 and _a > 0, the function will return MAX_RANGE.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_div(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Fractional saturating divide
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a / _b
* This function will perform fixed point division of
* the first argument by the second argument, with rounding toward 0.
* In case of overflow it will saturate.
* If _b == 0 and _a < 0, the function will return MIN_RANGE.
* If _b == 0 and _a == 0, the function will return 0.
* If _b == 0 and _a > 0, the function will return MAX_RANGE.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_qdiv(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Modulo
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return _a % _b
* This function will return the remainder r = _a - _b * trunc( _a / _b ),
* Note that the sign of the remainder is always equal to the sign of _a.
* If _b == 0 the function will return _a.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_mod(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Unsigned integer Square root
* @param[in] _a input
* @return Integer square root of _a
* This function will calculate the Integer square root of _a
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w_unsigned OP_1w_sqrt_u(
const tvector1w_unsigned _a);
/* Miscellaneous */
/** @brief Multiplexer
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @param[in] _c condition
* @return _c ? _a : _b
* This function will return _a if the condition _c
* is true and _b otherwise.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_mux(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b,
const tflags _c);
/** @brief Average without rounding
* @param[in] _a first operand
* @param[in] _b second operand
* @return (_a + _b) >> 1
* This function will add _a and _b, and right shift
* the result by one without rounding. No overflow
* will occur because addition is performed in the
* proper precision.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_avg(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Average with rounding
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return (_a + _b) >> 1
* This function will add _a and _b at full precision,
* and right shift with rounding the result with 1 bit.
* Depending on the rounding mode of the core
* it will round to nearest or to nearest even.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_avgrnd(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Minimum
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return (_a < _b) ? _a : _b;
* This function will return the smallest of both
* input arguments.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_min(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
/** @brief Maximum
* @param[in] _a first argument
* @param[in] _b second argument
* @return (_a > _b) ? _a : _b;
* This function will return the largest of both
* input arguments.
STORAGE_CLASS_ISP_OP1W_FUNC_H tvector1w OP_1w_max(
const tvector1w _a,
const tvector1w _b);
#else /* INLINE_ISP_OP1W */
#include "isp_op1w.c"
#endif /* INLINE_ISP_OP1W */
#endif /* __ISP_OP1W_H_INCLUDED__ */