blob: 61fb7e0c882c4cf3bb7a5030f764779a3e9829ed [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# -*-perl-*-
# Copyright © 1996 Andy Guy <>
# Copyright © 1998 Martin Schulze <>
# Copyright © 1999, 2009 Raphaël Hertzog <>
# This program has been distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%config);
#use diagnostics;
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/Debian';
use lib '/usr/share/perl5/Debian';
eval 'use Net::FTP;';
if ($@) {
print STDERR "Please install the 'perl' package if you want to use the\n" .
"FTP access method of dselect.\n\n";
exit 1;
use Dselect::Ftp;
# deal with arguments
my $vardir = $ARGV[0];
my $method = $ARGV[1];
my $option = $ARGV[2];
if ($option eq "manual") {
print "Manual package installation.\n";
exit 0;
#print "vardir: $vardir, method: $method, option: $option\n";
my $arch=`dpkg --print-architecture`;
$arch='i386' if $?;
chomp $arch;
my $logname = `whoami`;
chomp $logname;
my $host = `cat /etc/mailname || dnsdomainname`;
chomp $host;
$config{'dldir'} = "debian";
$config{'use_auth_proxy'} = 0;
$config{'proxyhost'} = "";
$config{'proxylogname'} = $logname;
$config{'proxypassword'} = "";
my $methdir = "$vardir/methods/ftp";
my $exit = 0;
my $problem = 0;
if (-f "$methdir/vars") {
chdir "$methdir";
if (! -d "debian") {
mkdir "debian", 0755;
# get info from user
$| = 1;
print <<EOM;
You must supply an ftp site, use of passive mode, username, password,
path to the debian directory,list of distributions you are interested
in and place to download the binary package files to (relative to
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp). You can add as much sites as you like. Later
entries will always override older ones.
Supply "?" as a password to be asked each time you connect.
Eg: ftp site:
passive: y
username: anonymous
password: $logname\@$host
ftp dir: /debian
distributions: dists/stable/main dists/stable/contrib
download dir: debian
If you want to install package from non-US consider adding a second ftp site
with "debian-non-US" as debian directory and "dists/stable/non-US" as
You may have to use an authenticated FTP proxy in order to reach the
FTP site:
Eg: use auth proxy: y
proxy account: $config{'proxylogname'}
proxy password: ?
if (! $config{'done'}) {
view_mirrors() if (yesno("y", "Would you like to see a list of ftp mirrors"));
my $ftp;
sub download() {
foreach (@{$config{'site'}}) {
$ftp = do_connect ($_->[0], # Ftp server
$_->[4], # username
$_->[5], # password
$_->[1], # ftp dir
$_->[3], # passive
my @dists = @{$_->[2]};
my $dist;
foreach $dist (@dists) {
my $dir = "$dist/binary-$arch";
print "Checking $dir...\n";
# if(!$ftp->pasv()) { print $ftp->message . "\n"; die "error"; }
my @dirlst = $ftp->ls("$dir/");
my $got_pkgfile = 0;
my $line = "";
foreach $line (@dirlst) {
if($line =~ /Packages/) {
if( !$got_pkgfile) {
print "Warning: Could not find a Packages file in $dir\n",
"This may not be a problem if the directory is a symbolic link\n";
print "Closing ftp connection...\n";
# download stuff (protect from ^C)
print "\nUsing FTP to check directories...(stop with ^C)\n\n";
eval {
local $SIG{INT} = sub {
die "Interrupted!\n";
if($@) {
print "FTP ERROR - ";
if ($@ eq "connect") {
print "config was untested\n";
} else {
print "$@\n";
$exit = 1;
# output new vars file
$config{'done'} = 1;
chmod 0600, "$methdir/vars";
if($exit || $problem) {
print "Press return to continue\n";
exit $exit;