blob: c5fe37de20a2eac38c0684ce014b3f5d8c37f231 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# parsechangelog/debian
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt auto_help);
use POSIX;
use Dpkg;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::Changelog::Debian;
$progname = "parsechangelog/$progname";
sub version {
printf _g("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $progname, $version;
printf _g("
Copyright (C) 1996 Ian Jackson.
Copyright (C) 2005,2007 Frank Lichtenheld.");
printf _g("
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
sub usage {
printf _g(
"Usage: %s [<option>...] [<changelogfile>]
--help, -h print usage information
--version, -V print version information
--label, -l <file> name of the changelog file to
use in error messages
--file <file> changelog file to parse, defaults
to '-' (standard input)
--format <outputformat> see man page for list of available
output formats, defaults to 'dpkg'
for compatibility with dpkg-dev
--since, -s, -v <version> include all changes later than version
--until, -u <version> include all changes earlier than version
--from, -f <version> include all changes equal or later
than version
--to, -t <version> include all changes up to or equal
than version
--count, -c, -n <number> include <number> entries from the top
(or the tail if <number> is lower than 0)
--offset, -o <number> change the starting point for --count,
counted from the top (or the tail if
<number> is lower than 0)
--all include all changes
"), $progname;
my ( $since, $until, $from, $to, $all, $count, $offset, $file, $label );
my $default_file = '-';
my $format = 'dpkg';
my %allowed_formats = (
dpkg => 1,
rfc822 => 1,
sub set_format {
my ($opt, $val) = @_;
unless ($allowed_formats{$val}) {
usageerr(_g('output format %s not supported'), $val );
$format = $val;
GetOptions( "file=s" => \$file,
"label|l=s" => \$label,
"since|v=s" => \$since,
"until|u=s" => \$until,
"from|f=s" => \$from,
"to|t=s" => \$to,
"count|c|n=i" => \$count,
"offset|o=i" => \$offset,
"help|h" => sub{usage();exit(0)},
"version|V" => sub{version();exit(0)},
"format=s" => \&set_format,
"all|a" => \$all,
or do { usage(); exit(2) };
usageerr('too many arguments') if @ARGV > 1;
if (@ARGV) {
if ($file && ($file ne $ARGV[0])) {
usageerr(_g('more than one file specified (%s and %s)'),
$file, $ARGV[0] );
$file = $ARGV[0];
$file ||= $default_file;
$label ||= $file;
unless (defined($since) or defined($until) or defined($from) or
defined($to) or defined($offset) or defined($count) or
$count = 1;
my %all = $all ? ( all => $all ) : ();
my $range = {
since => $since, until => $until, from => $from, to => $to,
count => $count, offset => $offset,
my $changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(reportfile => $label, range => $range);
if ($file eq '-') {
$changes->parse(\*STDIN, _g("<standard input>"))
or error(_g('fatal error occurred while parsing input'));
} else {
or error(_g('fatal error occurred while parsing %s'), $file);
eval qq{
my \$output = \$changes->$format(\$range);
print \$output if defined \$output;
if ($@) {
error("%s", $@);