blob: 637d5f5d8a6ae0b7d363ee4d7a005732f15a8ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
# dpkg-gencontrol
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
use Dpkg;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::Arch qw(get_host_arch debarch_eq debarch_is);
use Dpkg::Deps;
use Dpkg::Control;
use Dpkg::Control::Info;
use Dpkg::Control::Fields;
use Dpkg::Substvars;
use Dpkg::Vars;
use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
my $controlfile = 'debian/control';
my $changelogfile = 'debian/changelog';
my $changelogformat;
my $fileslistfile = 'debian/files';
my $packagebuilddir = 'debian/tmp';
my $sourceversion;
my $forceversion;
my $forcefilename;
my $stdout;
my %remove;
my %override;
my $oppackage;
my $substvars = Dpkg::Substvars->new();
my $substvars_loaded = 0;
sub version {
printf _g("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $progname, $version;
printf _g("
Copyright (C) 1996 Ian Jackson.
Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Wichert Akkerman.");
printf _g("
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
sub usage {
printf _g(
"Usage: %s [<option> ...]
-p<package> print control file for package.
-c<controlfile> get control info from this file.
-l<changelogfile> get per-version info from this file.
-F<changelogformat> force change log format.
-v<forceversion> set version of binary package.
-f<fileslistfile> write files here instead of debian/files.
-P<packagebuilddir> temporary build dir instead of debian/tmp.
-n<filename> assume the package filename will be <filename>.
-O write to stdout, not .../DEBIAN/control.
-is, -ip, -isp, -ips deprecated, ignored for compatibility.
-D<field>=<value> override or add a field and value.
-U<field> remove a field.
-V<name>=<value> set a substitution variable.
-T<varlistfile> read variables here, not debian/substvars.
-h, --help show this help message.
--version show the version.
"), $progname;
while (@ARGV) {
if (m/^-p([-+0-9a-z.]+)$/) {
$oppackage= $1;
} elsif (m/^-p(.*)/) {
error(_g("Illegal package name \`%s'"), $1);
} elsif (m/^-c/) {
$controlfile= $';
} elsif (m/^-l/) {
$changelogfile= $';
} elsif (m/^-P/) {
$packagebuilddir= $';
} elsif (m/^-f/) {
$fileslistfile= $';
} elsif (m/^-v(.+)$/) {
$forceversion= $1;
} elsif (m/^-O$/) {
$stdout= 1;
} elsif (m/^-i[sp][sp]?$/) {
# ignored for backwards compatibility
} elsif (m/^-F([0-9a-z]+)$/) {
} elsif (m/^-D([^\=:]+)[=:]/) {
$override{$1}= $';
} elsif (m/^-U([^\=:]+)$/) {
$remove{$1}= 1;
} elsif (m/^-V(\w[-:0-9A-Za-z]*)[=:]/) {
$substvars->set($1, $');
} elsif (m/^-T(.*)$/) {
$substvars->load($1) if -e $1;
$substvars_loaded = 1;
} elsif (m/^-n/) {
$forcefilename= $';
} elsif (m/^-(h|-help)$/) {
} elsif (m/^--version$/) {
} else {
usageerr(_g("unknown option \`%s'"), $_);
umask 0022; # ensure sane default permissions for created files
my %options = (file => $changelogfile);
$options{"changelogformat"} = $changelogformat if $changelogformat;
my $changelog = changelog_parse(%options);
$substvars->load("debian/substvars") if -e "debian/substvars" and not $substvars_loaded;
$substvars->set("binary:Version", $forceversion) if defined $forceversion;
my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new($controlfile);
my $fields = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_PKG_DEB);
my $pkg;
if (defined($oppackage)) {
$pkg = $control->get_pkg_by_name($oppackage);
defined($pkg) || error(_g("package %s not in control info"), $oppackage);
} else {
my @packages = map { $_->{'Package'} } $control->get_packages();
@packages==1 ||
error(_g("must specify package since control info has many (%s)"),
$pkg = $control->get_pkg_by_idx(1);
$substvars->set_msg_prefix(sprintf(_g("package %s: "), $pkg->{Package}));
# Scan source package
my $src_fields = $control->get_source();
foreach $_ (keys %{$src_fields}) {
if (m/^Source$/) {
} else {
field_transfer_single($src_fields, $fields);
# Scan binary package
foreach $_ (keys %{$pkg}) {
my $v = $pkg->{$_};
if (field_get_dep_type($_)) {
# Delay the parsing until later
} elsif (m/^Architecture$/) {
my $host_arch = get_host_arch();
if (debarch_eq('all', $v)) {
$fields->{$_} = $v;
} else {
my @archlist = split(/\s+/, $v);
my @invalid_archs = grep m/[^\w-]/, @archlist;
warning(ngettext("`%s' is not a legal architecture string.",
"`%s' are not legal architecture strings.",
join("' `", @invalid_archs))
if @invalid_archs >= 1;
grep(debarch_is($host_arch, $_), @archlist) ||
error(_g("current host architecture '%s' does not " .
"appear in package's architecture list (%s)"),
$host_arch, "@archlist");
$fields->{$_} = $host_arch;
} else {
field_transfer_single($pkg, $fields);
# Scan fields of dpkg-parsechangelog
foreach $_ (keys %{$changelog}) {
my $v = $changelog->{$_};
if (m/^Source$/) {
} elsif (m/^Version$/) {
$sourceversion = $v;
$fields->{$_} = $v unless defined($forceversion);
} elsif (m/^Maintainer$/) {
# That field must not be copied from changelog even if it's
# allowed in the binary package control information
} else {
field_transfer_single($changelog, $fields);
$fields->{'Version'} = $forceversion if defined($forceversion);
# Process dependency fields in a second pass, now that substvars have been
# initialized.
my $facts = Dpkg::Deps::KnownFacts->new();
$facts->add_installed_package($fields->{'Package'}, $fields->{'Version'});
if (exists $pkg->{"Provides"}) {
my $provides = deps_parse($substvars->substvars($pkg->{"Provides"}, no_warn => 1),
reduce_arch => 1, union => 1);
if (defined $provides) {
foreach my $subdep ($provides->get_deps()) {
if ($subdep->isa('Dpkg::Deps::Simple')) {
$subdep->{relation}, $subdep->{version},
my (@seen_deps);
foreach my $field (field_list_pkg_dep()) {
# Arch: all can't be simplified as the host architecture is not known
my $reduce_arch = debarch_eq('all', $pkg->{Architecture} || "all") ? 0 : 1;
if (exists $pkg->{$field}) {
my $dep;
my $field_value = $substvars->substvars($pkg->{$field},
msg_prefix => sprintf(_g("%s field of package %s: "), $field, $pkg->{Package}));
if (field_get_dep_type($field) eq 'normal') {
$dep = deps_parse($field_value, use_arch => 1,
reduce_arch => $reduce_arch);
error(_g("error occurred while parsing %s field: %s"), $field,
$field_value) unless defined $dep;
$dep->simplify_deps($facts, @seen_deps);
# Remember normal deps to simplify even further weaker deps
push @seen_deps, $dep;
} else {
$dep = deps_parse($field_value, use_arch => 1,
reduce_arch => $reduce_arch, union => 1);
error(_g("error occurred while parsing %s field: %s"), $field,
$field_value) unless defined $dep;
error(_g("the %s field contains an arch-specific dependency but the " .
"package is architecture all"), $field)
if $dep->has_arch_restriction();
$fields->{$field} = $dep->output();
delete $fields->{$field} unless $fields->{$field}; # Delete empty field
for my $f (qw(Package Version)) {
defined($fields->{$f}) || error(_g("missing information for output field %s"), $f);
for my $f (qw(Maintainer Description Architecture)) {
defined($fields->{$f}) || warning(_g("missing information for output field %s"), $f);
$oppackage = $fields->{'Package'};
my $pkg_type = $pkg->{'Package-Type'} ||
$pkg->get_custom_field('Package-Type') || 'deb';
if ($pkg_type eq 'udeb') {
delete $fields->{'Package-Type'};
delete $fields->{'Homepage'};
} else {
for my $f (qw(Subarchitecture Kernel-Version Installer-Menu-Item)) {
warning(_g("%s package with udeb specific field %s"), $pkg_type, $f)
if defined($fields->{$f});
my $verdiff = $fields->{'Version'} ne $substvars->get('source:Version') ||
$fields->{'Version'} ne $sourceversion;
if ($oppackage ne $sourcepackage || $verdiff) {
$fields->{'Source'} = $sourcepackage;
$fields->{'Source'} .= " (" . $substvars->get('source:Version') . ")" if $verdiff;
if (!defined($substvars->get('Installed-Size'))) {
defined(my $c = open(DU, "-|")) || syserr(_g("cannot fork for %s"), "du");
if (!$c) {
chdir("$packagebuilddir") ||
syserr(_g("chdir for du to \`%s'"), $packagebuilddir);
exec("du", "-k", "-s", "--apparent-size", ".") or
syserr(_g("unable to execute %s"), "du");
my $duo = '';
while (<DU>) {
$duo .= $_;
$? && subprocerr(_g("du in \`%s'"), $packagebuilddir);
$duo =~ m/^(\d+)\s+\.$/ ||
error(_g("du gave unexpected output \`%s'"), $duo);
$substvars->set('Installed-Size', $1);
if (defined($substvars->get('Extra-Size'))) {
my $size = $substvars->get('Extra-Size') + $substvars->get('Installed-Size');
$substvars->set('Installed-Size', $size);
if (defined($substvars->get('Installed-Size'))) {
$fields->{'Installed-Size'} = $substvars->get('Installed-Size');
for my $f (keys %override) {
$fields->{$f} = $override{$f};
for my $f (keys %remove) {
delete $fields->{$f};
$fileslistfile="./$fileslistfile" if $fileslistfile =~ m/^\s/;
open(Y, ">", "$") || syserr(_g("open new files list file"));
if (open(X, "<", $fileslistfile)) {
while (<X>) {
next if m/^([-+0-9a-z.]+)_[^_]+_([\w-]+)\.(a-z+) /
&& ($1 eq $oppackage)
&& ($3 eq $pkg_type)
&& (debarch_eq($2, $fields->{'Architecture'} || "")
|| debarch_eq($2, 'all'));
print(Y "$_\n") || syserr(_g("copy old entry to new files list file"));
close(X) || syserr(_g("close old files list file"));
} elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
syserr(_g("read old files list file"));
my $sversion = $fields->{'Version'};
$sversion =~ s/^\d+://;
$forcefilename = sprintf("%s_%s_%s.%s", $oppackage, $sversion,
$fields->{'Architecture'} || "", $pkg_type)
unless ($forcefilename);
print(Y $substvars->substvars(sprintf("%s %s %s\n", $forcefilename,
$fields->{'Section'} || '-',
$fields->{'Priority'} || '-')))
|| syserr(_g("write new entry to new files list file"));
close(Y) || syserr(_g("close new files list file"));
rename("$", $fileslistfile) || syserr(_g("install new files list file"));
my $cf;
my $fh_output;
if (!$stdout) {
$cf= "$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN/control";
$cf= "./$cf" if $cf =~ m/^\s/;
open($fh_output, ">", "$") ||
syserr(_g("cannot open new output control file \`%s'"), "$");
} else {
$fh_output = \*STDOUT;
if (!$stdout) {
close($fh_output) || syserr(_g("cannot close %s"), "$");
rename("$", "$cf") ||
syserr(_g("cannot install output control file \`%s'"), $cf);