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WiFi P2P Functionality [experimental]
Note: Nothing about WiFi P2P Services is exposed, this is yet to be specified.
WiFi P2P is supported as follows:
- if hardware and wpa_supplicant supports it, a "p2p" technology will appear
in the technology list
- "p2p" technology, as for "wifi" technology, supports a Scan() method. Such
method will trigger a P2P find process. The results will be available
through the Manager interface, comparable to services being available
through this same interface after a Scan() on "wifi" technology.
- the result of a "p2p" Scan() consists into a list of "peer" objects
- it is then possible to access peer information, connecting and disconnecting
it via the Peer API.
API Usage
The UI willing to access to WiFi P2P technology should proceed this way:
- Request Manager.GetTechnologies() and figure out from the result if "p2p"
technology is provided. What comes next implies this successful case.
- Add a listener to signal Manager.PeersChanged(): this signal will provide
the results of a "p2p" technology Scan().
- From the "p2p" technology object, request a Technology.Scan() method. This
will run for a while a P2P find process.
- If P2P peers are found, it will be signaled through Manager.PeersChanged().
Objects are "Peer" objects. UI might use Manager.GetPeers() instead, if
listening to a signal is not the preferred way.
- Once selected the proper Peer object, request a Peer.Connect() method on it
so it will connect to it. Peer.Disconnect() will disconnect.
Through such API, everything is made to hide irrelevant informations for the
applications, which are:
- Everything related to the P2P group and the Group Owner (GO)
- All low level peer settings
- All Service Request Discovery mechanism
Hiding this mean ConnMan will handle it properly behind.
For instance, if you connect to a Peer which happens to be a persistent GO
ConnMan will notice it and store the Group information for a later connection
to speed up such connection.
For Service Discovery (SD), this will be handled the same way: silently
behind, by ConnMan.