blob: 6955863d0ffd8c16dd485215c561eba98d5be8fd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Use this table to test various combinations of emphasis opcodes.
# Uncomment groups of opcodes and run with ../yaml/new_emph.yaml.
include tables/spaces.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
include tables/digits6Dots.uti
include tables/braille-patterns.cti
punctuation . 256
punctuation - 36
emphclass italic
#emphword italic 456
#emphwordstop italic 6
#firstletteremph italic 3456
#lastletteremph italic 123456
#singleletteremph italic 45
#lenemphphrase italic 400
#firstwordemph italic 56
#lastwordemphbefore italic 12346
#lastwordemphafter italic 2356