blob: 31112f3822f124965de85ad554a1d39bed454c89 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
table: |
include tables/spaces.uti
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct $d "d" # digit
noback correct $m "m" # math
noback correct $p "p" # punctuation
noback correct $s "s" # space
noback correct $S "S" # sign
noback correct $u "u" # lowercase
noback correct $U "U" # uppercase
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # specific attributes
- '5+: _xY'
- ⠙⠍⠏⠎⡎⠥⡥
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-ueb-g1.ctb
noback correct $D "D" # literary digit
noback correct $l "l" # letter
noback correct $a "a" # any
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # general attributes
- '5x-Y'
- ⠠⠙⠇⠁⠇
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback context $p @1234 # punctuation
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # context attributes
- =.+
- ⠿⠏⠬
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
class one abcde
class two fghij
class three klmno
class four pqrst
class five uvwxyz
noback correct $w. "w"
noback correct $x. "x"
noback correct $y. "y"
noback correct $z. "z"
noback correct %five. "5"
swapcc nestcc ([{< )]}>
noback correct %nestcc. %nestcc
swapcd nestcd )]}> 1234-1,234-12345,14-136,1-1345
noback context %nestcd %nestcd
grouping brackets \x0001\x0002 123478,145678
noback correct {brackets}brackets }brackets{brackets
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # classes
- letters wxyz equate to the 1st four user classes
- ⠽⠺⠵⠺⠵ ⠢ ⠺⠵⠢⠺⠵⠺ ⠵⠽ ⠵⠭⠺ ⠂⠵ ⠭⠽⠢⠵ ⠢⠵⠺⠵ ⠺⠽⠺⠵⠺⠵
- # swap
- '[(<{'
- ⠎⠟⠏⠁⠁⠝⠉⠥
- # grouping
- \x0001\x0002
- ⣹⣏
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct $l4-5 "z"
noback correct $l2 "y"
noback correct $l "x"
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # one letter
- a
- # two letters
- ab
- # three letters
- abc
- ⠽⠭
- # four letters
- abcd
- # five letters
- abcde
- # six letters
- abcdef
- ⠵⠭
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct [$d5]_6 "f" # fail
noback correct [$d5]_5 "s" # succeed
noback correct `$d "f" # first
noback correct $d~ "l" # last
noback correct $d "m" # middle
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # lookback count
- 12345
- # first/last
- 123
- ⠋⠍⠇
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct `$l9~ *
noback correct `$l3[$d.]$l3~ *
noback correct `$l2[$d.]$l2~ "("*"|"*")"
noback correct `$d3[$l.]$d3~ ?
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # copy no brackets
- abcdefghi
- ⠁⠃⠉⠙⠑⠋⠛⠓⠊
- # copy once
- abc456ghi
- ⠲⠢⠖
- # copy twice
- ab34567hi
- ⠷⠒⠲⠢⠖⠶⠳⠒⠲⠢⠖⠶⠾
- # omit
- 123def789
- ⠂⠆⠒⠶⠦⠔
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct #1=0"0" *
noback correct "+" #1+?
noback correct "-" #1-?
noback correct #1=3"e" *
noback correct !#1=3"E" *
noback correct #1<3"l" *
noback correct !#1<3"L" *
noback correct #1>3"g" *
noback correct !#1>3"G" *
noback correct #1<=3"x" *
noback correct !#1<=3"X" *
noback correct #1>=3"y" *
noback correct !#1>=3"Y" *
noback correct "=" #1=15?
noback correct #1=15"z" *
noback correct $a ?
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # variables
- 0-+++++--eElLgGxXyY-eElLgGxXyY++eElLgGxXyY=z
- ⠴⠑⡇⡛⠭⠽⡑⠇⡛⠭⡽⡑⡇⠛⡭⠽⠵
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct #1=0"0" #1=1"1"
noback context #1=0"1" #1=2@23
noback pass2 #1=0@23 #1=3@25
noback pass3 #1=0@25 #1=4@256
noback pass4 #1=0@256 #1=5@26
flags: {testmode: forward}
- # pass order
- 0
# Multipass rules should not go in endless loop when startMatch == endReplace
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/en-us-comp8.ctb
noback correct []"bar0" "foo"
noback context `[]"bar1" @124-135-135
noback pass2 []@12-1-1235-23 @124-135-135
- - bar0
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗⠴
- - bar1
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗⠂
- - bar2
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗⠆
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/loweredDigits6Dots.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback context `[]$l @124-135-135
- - bar1
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗⠂
table: |
include tables/unicode.dis
include tables/loweredDigits6Dots.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback pass2 `[]$l @124-135-135
- - bar2
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗⠆