blob: f29fe8fcc206cb770adfb1d29dc58b6ce8685c1d [file] [log] [blame]
# see issue
# These examples refer to the Malay braille system so should probably
# be moved to a "ms-g2.yaml" file in the future. Some more targeted
# regression tests for repword should then be added to this file.
display: tables/unicode.dis
table: |
include tables/spaces.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
repword - 123456
always an 12456
always ang 1-346
always ber 23
always jalan 245-123-1345
always ng 346
always ny 246
always se 1456
contraction jln
# 1. Repeated word
# When encountering a repeated word that is separated by a dash
# without any spaces in between them, replace the dash with a repeat
# sign (dots 123456) and eliminate the following repeated word.
- - tasik-tasik
- ⠞⠁⠎⠊⠅⠿
- - barang-barang
- ⠃⠁⠗⠁⠬⠿
# 2. Repeated word with prefix
# When encountering a repeated word that is separated by a dash
# without any spaces in between them which has a prefix, replace the
# dash with repeat sign (dots 123456) and eliminate the following
# repeated word, but retaining the prefix (for this example "ber")
# separated by dots 25 from the word ("jalan") without any spaces in
# between.
- - berjalan-jalan
- ⠆⠒⠚⠇⠝⠿
- xfail: "repword does not work with prefix (and dots 25 is missing)"
# 3. Repeated word with suffix
# When encountering a repeated word that is separated by a dash
# without any spaces in between them which has a suffix, replace the
# dash with a repeat sign (dots 123456) and eliminate the following
# repeated word, but retaining the suffix (for this example is an)
# without any spaces after the repeat sign.
- - besar-besaran
- ⠃⠑⠎⠁⠗⠿⠻
# 4. Repeated word with prefix and suffix
# When encountering a repeated word that is separated by a dash
# without any spaces in between them which has a prefix and a
# suffix, replace the dash with a repeat sign (dots 123456) and
# eliminate the following repeated word, but retaining the prefix
# and the suffix (for this example "se" and "nya"). Dots 25 has to
# be placed between the prefix ("se") and the word ("kurang"). The
# suffix "nya" will come immediately after the repeat sign.
- - sekurang-kurangnya
- ⠹⠒⠅⠥⠗⠁⠬⠿⠪⠁
- xfail: "repword does not work with prefix (and dots 25 is missing)"